
=== jalcine is now known as webjadmin_
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=== jalcine is now known as webjadmin_
=== webjadmin_ is now known as jalcine
benonsoftwareHi noor200:28
noor2Hi benonsoftware00:28
philipballewhi noor2 !!!00:28
noor2How it s going there00:29
noor2need to go bye00:35
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ashickur-noorhow it is going there everybody?00:42
ubot2`Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience03:05
WilsonBradleyOK, im using Pidgin, seems to crash when I try to enable google account. Also IRC Channel window  Like this one, I can't read what I type. the bottom bar is to thin to read.03:07
WilsonBradleyPidgin 2.10.1 (libpurple 2.10.1)03:07
WilsonBradleyWhen I do a direct chat, the bottom place to type is visable03:08
jalcinePidgin was the first client I've used on Windows and Linux.03:11
jalcineThere's a preference of chat window size in the Preferences window.03:11
Unit193You should be able to drag the bar that seperates the input text with incoming text.03:11
M0hiDidi you install it from the software centre?03:13
=== jalcine is now known as JackyAlcine
=== JackyAlcine is now known as jalcine
WilsonBradleyOK, im using Pidgin, seems to crash when I try to enable google account. Also IRC Channel window  Like this one, I can't read what I type. the bottom bar is to thin to read.03:42
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=== forestpiskie is now known as hobgoblin
bkpatraguys.. I have oneiric .15:51
bkpatraterminal looks ugly..15:52
bkpatraany way to have it look like chrome/firefox tab15:52
holsteinwhat terminal? whats ugly? what attributes of the "tab" would you like to emulate?15:53
ashickur-noorTerminal ugly??15:53
bkpatrawhen you open new tab.. in terminal15:58
bkpatranew tab opens from middle of screen15:58
holsteini would just try different terminal emulators til you get one that is more like what you want by default15:59
geirhamiddle of screen?16:01
hobgoblinis there not a setting for where apps open - used to be I am sure and I know I can do it in xfce16:04
chorgoxhi, im using a Virtual machine and Im tryng to access the "virtual cdrom " but i cant using the command line16:23
chorgoxanyone can help ?16:23
chorgoxi understand that i need to create a folder and after that use a command like mount bla bla bla16:24
holsteinchorgox: i have not done that, but you should be able to find the "disk" and mount it16:25
ubot2`mount is used to attach devices to directories. See also https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Mount16:25
holsteini would refer to that... you mkae a directory.. /home/you/mycd or whatever.. then you can sudo mount /path/to/cd /home/you/mycd16:25
holsteinthough its likely easier than that if you just take a bit to get familiar with the workflow16:26
chorgoxthanks guys , i check that16:28
holsteinchorgox: in vbox, i go in the GUI and mount the virtual CD, and it shows on the desktop16:28
holsteinor, it does in 10.04 i should say16:28
chorgoxthe only think is difficult for me to "see wich one is the path to the cdrom16:29
holsteinchorgox: i would literally just have the guest "use" it, then you should just see it in the file manger, not needing to konw the path, or mount via CLI16:29
holsteini have not used VMware though, and you have not said what the host or the guest is, nor what virualization you are using16:30
chorgoxis done many thanks16:35
chorgoxthat link was really good16:35
holsteinchorgox: enjoy!16:37
bkpatrahow do I mount external hard drive16:52
ashickur-noorJust plug it16:52
ashickur-noorAnd enjoy16:52
bkpatrait doesn't detect16:53
pleia2Arizona: you can find it in the task manager or on the command line by looking for the program name16:56
pleia2so if you want to find the pid for firefox, you'll do something like: ps aux | grep firefox16:56
pleia2on my system I see: 1000      3997 16.6  0.8 626100 69268 ?        Sl   09:56   0:00 /usr/lib/firefox-10.0.2/firefox16:56
pleia23997 is the pid16:57
M0hiArizona, also, have a look at http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/precise/man8/pidof.8.html16:57
ArizonaThank you a lot pleia216:58
Arizonaand mohi16:58
pleia2with pidof you need to know the exact name of the program (which is easy with firefox, but isn't always :))16:58
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=== M0hi is now known as IAmNotThatGuy
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klimnanHey, does anyone here know how i can create sftp server on my ubuntu desktop version. I want to be able to upload data/download data from anywhere using a ftp client22:13
WilsonBradleyCan anyone tell me how to enable the Hibernate option in Ubuntu? I resized swap file bigger than ram. But not seeing the option22:54
=== JackyAlcine is now known as webjadmin_

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