
mimcpherdscassel: We're out :P00:00
dscasselI got a few left.  I suppose that's a good way to get rid of them.00:00
dscasselThere'll be more in about 6 weeks. :)00:00
mimcpherdscassel: I mean, we can just burn a stack, but the branded ones are so very shiny00:01
mimcpherIf you've got some you want to be rid of, I'd take 'em00:01
BobJonkman1I have a few left.  Will be handing out at Ubuntu Hour in Waterloo next week, if there's folks to take 'em00:02
dscasselOkay.  I'll drop off the last of what I have this week or next.00:02
mimcpherWhere is Ubuntu Hour happening?00:02
BobJonkman1Say, is this official meeting talk>00:02
mimcpherdscassel: if it's easier, I can grab 'em at Kwartzlab too.00:02
dscasselUh, right.00:02
BobJonkman1mimcpher: At the Duke of Wellington: http://loco.ubuntu.com/events/ubuntu-ca/1555/detail/00:03
dscasselMass call! cyphermox jlamothe kurtul KombuchaKip pangolin wylde bilal DarwinSurvivor Jeruvy Kulag sipherdee jlamothe kurtul StepNjump egerlach johanbr txwikinger FiReSTaRT kenjy bregma jaguar-00:04
bregmawoo hoo!00:04
KombuchaKipdscassel: Yo00:04
dscasselMeeting time!00:04
dscasselPlease introduce yourself! Who are you? Where are you from? what do you do with/for/on Ubuntu?00:05
dscasselYeah, pretty much. :D00:05
dscasselmimcpher: You're involved in CSC?00:05
* BobJonkman1 is Bob Jonkman from Elmira, who occasionally hangs out at the Duke of Wellington and hands out Ubuntu CDs00:05
dscasselmimcpher: How can I get you guys to do Ubuntu stuff? :D00:06
mimcpherdscassel: Uh, fairly trivially.  We used to do Linux (which means ubuntu) install parties.00:06
KombuchaKipMy name's Kip. I am the project lead behind Avaneya. Avaneya's a free, commercial, sci-fi game for Ubuntu still in the works (www.avaneya.com). I live just outside of Vancouver. Also check out our Viking Lander Remastered archive at the aforementioned.00:07
wylde'llo, James PLate from Welland, recently getting involved with bug triage and harassing family and friends to get on Ubuntu ;)00:07
JeruvySomeone page?  Oh meeting night :)00:07
* khoover is Ken Hoover from Markham, who...well, he'll add in the what he does later.00:07
* mimcpher is Matthew McPherrin in Waterloo. Exec of CSC, who is a Ubuntu Mirror. And we hand out ubuntu CDs to students.00:07
* bregma lives in the back woods of Lanark County, Ontario, and woks on Ubuntu and Debian00:07
johanbrI'm Johan, pretty recent transplant to Montreal, use Ubuntu for most of my computing needs. I also help people on IRC, report bugs and occasionally patch them00:07
kurtuli'm from halifax, ns. i use ubuntu in all my computers as first os. and install ubuntu on friends computers00:07
dscasselmimcpher: Woo! I should drop by for one of those.00:08
dscasselI subscribe to the CSC calendar, but I haven't seen one in a while.00:08
mimcpherdscassel: Yeah, they haven't really happened in a while.00:08
* Jeruvy hails from Calgary and is a big Ubuntu server admin, and a desktop enthusiast.00:10
BobJonkman1If we're wondering what to chat about, there's an agenda at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CanadianTeam/Meetings/2012-03-1300:11
dscasselHi, I'm Darcy, I'm in Waterloo and I'm co-contact for Ubuntu Canada.00:11
dscasselThanks, BobJonkman1 :)00:11
BobJonkman1Thought you might be distracted by shiny lasers and bots and things00:12
dscasselFaroud's not around. Shame, I'm intested in how the Global Jam in St Johns's went down.00:13
dscasselAnybody go?00:13
dscasselBobJonkman1: Sorta, yeah. ^^;00:13
dscasselOur global jam was pretty awesome! Happy to finally meet bilal and mars :D00:14
dscasselNot great attendance, mind you.  A lot of people were busy that weekend.00:14
* mimcpher is always busy for #ubuntu-ca events00:15
dscasselmimcpher: Are you going to be around the CSC office around lunch time any day this week?00:15
dscassel(I'd stop by for pi day tomorrow, but sadly I can't partake. Doctor's orders' :/ )00:16
mimcpherdscassel: With probability > 0.5 I'll be in CSC after 12:30 tomorrow00:17
BobJonkman1Pi day!  Forgot about that.00:17
dscasselPie! :D00:17
dscasselAnyway, next big event is the release party.00:19
dscasselUnless I can convince anyone to host an Ubuntu Hour. :D00:20
dscasselWe're hosting one at Kwartzlab on the Saturday00:20
BobJonkman1(Ubuntu Release Party at Kwartzlab, not an Ubuntu Hour)00:21
BobJonkman1Although, why not?00:21
dscasselwell, we don't serve food, which is kind of a downer.00:21
dscassel(Normally, I mean, the release party will have pizza, cake, devilled eggs, etc. :D)00:22
khoover:( no food? and jez, i gotta upgrade my ubuntu at some point...00:22
BobJonkman1Kwartzlab may not serve food, but the URP participants usually bring some00:22
bregmais everybody running the 12.04 beta by now??00:23
dscasselbregma: Me! :D00:23
BobJonkman1No, not yet.  Corrupted my USB drive image...  :(00:23
wyldeI am00:23
khooveri'm still on natty, can't bear to go to ocelot and it's gnome 300:23
bregma11.10 runs Unity00:25
khoover...shoot, got em backwards00:26
khoovermeant unity00:26
bregmaas of yesterday's upgrade most of my problems with the beta have been worked out, it seems very stable and fully functional00:27
bregmaI would recommend upgrading now to give things a good testing before final release00:27
dscasselYeah. There's a (slim) chance you can get your problem fixed if you run into something.00:28
khooverexactly what's the likelihood of something breaking/getting wiped in the natty => ocelot upgrade?00:30
BobJonkman1Kernel freeze on 5 April: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PrecisePangolin/ReleaseSchedule00:30
khoovercause then I might just do it and try a different windowing system than gnome00:30
BobJonkman1I've always had good results in upgrading, even to a beta release00:30
bregmaI upgraded from natty to oneiric without trouble00:30
bregmaand then to precise, with minor video driver trouble (nVidia, fixed upstream by nVidia)00:31
khooveralrigh. suppose kde would be the closest thing to gnome that isn't gnome, right?00:32
dscasselkhoover: There's cinnamon, but not sure how well it's supported.00:32
bregmaKDE is the closest thing to Win XP that isn't Gnome200:32
khooverbregma, oh thank god00:32
dscasselkhoover: There's also XFCE. xubuntu is decent.00:32
khooverdscassel, had a bad experience with it on my first ubuntu install00:33
khooverso, how would i update to ocelot, anywho?00:33
dscasselkhoover: update-manager -d00:34
khoovercan't use apt(itude)?00:34
dscasselkhoover: If you want to hand-edit your sources.list, sure! :D00:34
dscasselAnybody running a release party?00:35
BobJonkman1I would really love to hear about a Toronto release party (hint hint)00:36
khooversupposing the upgrade will require a reboot00:39
bregmait will probably install a new kernel, you will want to reboot to pick it up00:39
BobJonkman1That was a (hint hint) to encourage some Torontonian to set up a URP...00:39
* khoover quits00:40
khooversorry, hang on, got that wrong.00:40
* khoover has quit (Remote host has run away like hell)00:40
BobJonkman1khoover: Thought I'd offended you...00:40
dscasselOkay, well...00:42
dscasselI'd love if someone was able to take over doing Team Reports00:42
bregmabut we're so satisfied with the work you're already doing00:43
dscasselAll you have to do, really, is pull events from the loco portal.00:43
dscassel(Which can be scripted... I almost did it, but then got lazy and lost the code)00:44
dscasselThanks, bregma 9_900:44
dscassel'Cuz we're likely up for renewal in a few months. And they're gonna ask about team reports.00:49
dscasselOtherwise, we're probably cool. Except for the whole province teams things.00:49
BobJonkman1How might the province teams thing affect LoCo renewal?00:50
dscasselUbuntu Canada may not be renewed. Unless we decide to be Ubuntu Ontario.00:51
dscasselIt's up to the LoCo Council, really.00:51
dscasselNot that anyone's ever talked to me about it...00:51
dscasselSo I'm just speculating.00:51
BobJonkman1Would other provinces automatically get LoCo status then, too?00:52
dscasselAgain, I'm speculating. Ubuntu ontario may not be automatic.00:53
BobJonkman1f'rinstance, Faroud in Newfoundland...   kurtul from Nova Scotia... There was someone from Saskatchewan a few meetings ago...00:54
BobJonkman1Oh, and Jeruvy (sorry 'bout that omission!)00:55
dscasselThey'd probably need to organize and get separate approval.00:55
dscasselAgain, speculating.00:55
JeruvyBobJonkman, no harm done. :)00:56
BobJonkman1Well, best we get ourselves geared up to do Team Reports then.00:56
dscasselYup. I'll see if I can dig up that script to automate them.00:58
dscasselAnyway, it's 9. Anything else?00:58
dscasselmimcpher: I'll drop by tomorrow. :D00:59
mimcpherdscassel: awesome01:00
dscasselThanks folks!01:01
BobJonkman1dscassel: I'll work on minutes and logs in a bit.01:02
BobJonkman1dscassel: Also, there seem to be two release parties in KW.  Conveniently, they're both at Kwartzlab so I don't have to miss either one :) http://loco.ubuntu.com/teams/ubuntu-ca01:03
bregmathanks for running the meeting, guys01:04
* Jeruvy is off to the game01:06
dscasselThanks, BobJonkman1 :)01:11
dscasselYeah, I didn't look for the existing one when the global event went up.01:12
BobJonkman1OK, I'll remove the one that's not registered to the global event01:17
BobJonkman1Hmm... Seems I can add events, but can't remove them: "You can not remove this team event. You are not an admin/owner of the Launchpad team or on the LoCo Council."01:21
wmatanyone know of an Ubuntu loco chapter in Edmonton?16:35
bregmaI believe there is only the national loco, the Quebec loco, and the Vancouver loco16:37
wmatbregma: thx16:46
wmatthere's one in Kitchener/Waterloo as well, but that may be the national one16:47
mimcpherKW people are nationals, yee.17:07
BobJonkmanwmat, bregma, mimcpher: :P  KW is just another local chapter.  Happens to have the two ubuntu-ca national contacts here, but otherwise just the same as the Edmonton Chapter (which wmat is setting up, right?)19:04
mimcpherBobJonkman: Ah, well then I wasn't clear on the seperation19:05
bregmais a "chapter" an official designation of a subgroup within a loco, or is it just a handy word being bandied about?19:07
wmatBobJonkman: I actually live in Waterloo ;)20:30
wmatBobJonkman: however, I was contacted today by someone inquiring about starting a chapter in Edmonton20:30
=== bregma is now known as bregma|afk
mimcpherMan, I really hate unity.  And xmonad has stopped working since I upgraded to oneric this morning :(21:21
=== bregma|afk is now known as bregma

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