
AlanBellnight all o/00:06
ubuntuuk-planet[Jono Bacon] Ubuntu Accomplishments Updates - http://www.jonobacon.org/2012/03/14/ubuntu-accomplishments-updates-2/07:20
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j0nrello folks09:09
TheOpenSourcererWhat an amazing image: https://twitter.com/#!/innocentdrinks/status/179849354767638529/photo/109:10
j0nrI currently have my website on a VPS. The people that run the VPS also manage my domain for me... I just pay them once a year a fee and they ensure my domain stays in my name and they point it at my VPS IP.... how can I go about managing this myself?09:10
TheOpenSourcererj0nr: Move your domain to a different registrar.09:11
TheOpenSourcererOne that is independent of you hosting compnay09:11
j0nrTheOpenSourcerer: So my domain needs a registrar to look after it?09:12
j0nrand then I use their services/website to tell it what IP address to go to?09:13
TheOpenSourcererIt's a lot easier than managing your own. Yes to Q2.09:13
TheOpenSourcererWe have domains with GoDaddy and Easyspace, but any will do - some are better (quicker) at propagating changes or allowing more cnames per A etc. But they all offer a similar service.09:14
j0nrSo I would have to tell my VPS supplier that I don't need them to manage it anymore, and register with a new registrar..09:14
TheOpenSourcererThere is a process you must go through to move the domain registration. Bit like moving your gas or phone provider but keeping the same number.09:15
diploMorning all09:15
TheOpenSourcererThe one you would like to manage your dns should be able to help you.09:15
TheOpenSourcererMorning all btw.09:15
j0nrTheOpenSourcerer: So if I chose say Easyspace would they do the move for me?09:15
TheOpenSourcererj0nr: I have no idea. Ask them.09:15
diploI'll try my question this  morning again09:15
j0nrOK, cheers09:16
diploAnyone got *ANY* idea why I can't ping localhost/ ?09:16
AlanBellTheOpenSourcerer: but you should have seen the size of the one that got away09:16
diploWeb is not helping at all atm09:16
TheOpenSourcererJust in case anyone missed this. It's a totally amazing image: https://twitter.com/#!/innocentdrinks/status/179849354767638529/photo/1/large09:16
TheOpenSourcererAlanBell: Yeah.09:16
TheOpenSourcererdiplo: Is your localhost responding to pings? Can you ping it's physical port's IP?09:17
diploSo this is a VPS, I am ssh'd in and when trying to ping localhost or it fails, but ping6 ::1 works09:18
diploSo the lo interface is up09:18
diploShows that there has been traffic to lo09:19
diplo1.5mb, but traffic all the same09:19
TheOpenSourcererHow about: cat /proc/sys/net/ipv4/icmp_echo_ignore_all ?09:20
diploSet to 109:20
TheOpenSourcererecho 0 >/proc/sys/net/ipv4/icmp_echo_ignore_all09:21
TheOpenSourcererThat should fix it.09:21
* diplo smooches TheOpenSourcerer !!!! Or maybe just a beer 09:21
MartijnVdSwhy would they set it to 1 though09:21
diploI tried that last night09:21
diploBut typed something wrong I guess09:21
diploSo could have been me MartijnVdS09:21
TheOpenSourcererCheck /etc/sysctl.conf09:21
TheOpenSourcererWhat OS is the VPS?09:22
diploI was in a state of extremem tiredness last night09:22
diplo#net.ipv4.icmp_echo_ignore_broadcasts = 109:22
diplo#net.ipv4.icmp_ignore_bogus_error_responses = 109:23
diploignore_all isn't in there ?09:23
TheOpenSourcererIn sysctl.d/ somewhere?09:23
diplokk, looking09:23
MartijnVdSgrep around _all_ of /etc.. it might be a VPS-hoster custom init script09:24
TheOpenSourcererOr maybe you have some other rule somewhere?09:24
diploNope for sysctl, trying /etc now09:24
TheOpenSourcererwhat MartijnVdS says09:24
diploClean install pretty much but will do09:24
diploI reckon it may be me guys, It wasn't working ( maybe iptables ) and i tried some icmp echo stuff and it didn't fix it, maybe i added the wrong entry.09:25
diploI knew I should have quit earlier09:25
diploignore_all isn't to be found in any files in /etc09:25
diploSo I'd say i foobared it before fixing another issue09:26
MartijnVdSkernel boot parameter ( /proc/cmdline )09:26
* diplo takes the blame09:26
TheOpenSourcererYou haven't got Plesk or CPanel on it at all have you?09:26
diploroot=LABEL=root ro console=hvc009:26
diplonah, plain old vps09:26
diploBitfolk one09:26
JamesTaitHappy Pi Day! :D09:27
TheOpenSourcererSounds like it was you then. My Bitfolk VPS is set to 009:27
TheOpenSourcererUbuntu 10.04.4 LTS09:27
MartijnVdSJamesTait: π09:28
JamesTaitMartijnVdS: Since we don't format dates that way in the UK, I considered calling it American Pi Day....09:29
* TheOpenSourcerer goes for moar coffee.09:29
MartijnVdSJamesTait: Too bad April only has 30 days.. 31-4 would work09:29
diploTheOpenSourcerer, are you  looking at upgrading to 12.04 ?09:30
AlanBellnah, it is just me that upgrades customer production machines to 12.0409:30
MartijnVdS\m/ AlanBell  :)09:31
JamesTaitMartijnVdS: Yeah.  I think 22/7 worked out pretty close....09:31
MartijnVdSJamesTait: Not-quite-pi-day09:32
JamesTaitMartijnVdS: Something like that, yes. :D09:32
TheOpenSourcererdiplo: Not yet. That box will eol in May anyway I think.09:33
MartijnVdSTheOpenSourcerer: ah, getting one of the new Intel Ivy Bridge chips :)09:34
TheOpenSourcererMartijnVdS: Not really - we bought that VPS on a 2yr deal for a customer. It is no longer needed. We are using h/w from Hetzner now that we virtualise ourselves.09:35
diploThis is really an experiment for  me / work I guess09:39
DJonesAlanBell: Do you mind a pm to pick your brains?09:41
AlanBellDJones: that sounds more exciting than scanning bank statements, so sure09:41
hoovergood morning09:41
jpdsAlanBell: Surely, you can just print them to PDF from online banking?09:42
TheOpenSourcererInteresting graph.. http://www.markshuttleworth.com/archives/107209:45
diploheh I just read that09:46
diploTrying to talk my company into using Ubuntu server09:46
TheOpenSourcererRPM does suck.09:47
diploBeen RH/CentOS for years09:47
diploIt really really does!09:47
diploBoss doesn't mind the change, not so sure on the others09:47
hooverI've found rpm no worse than apt... hey, look, a package war ;-)10:07
hooverEsp. with the existence of yum.10:07
diploYum sucks so badly though10:07
diploIt really does10:07
hooverrestating your opinion doesn't make it more true though ;-)10:07
* hoover thinks both suck10:07
diploAlso having to use third party repos for basic packages is hard work as well10:08
hooverapt and yum, that is.10:08
hooverdiplo: I guess it depends on your needs10:08
diploDidn't restate, I said RPM's sucked before10:08
diployum sucked after :)10:08
hooverNothing beats pkg-config ;-)10:08
diploMy biggest issue is that other people state what they want to use but I end up being the one maintaining / fixing it.10:09
hooverYep, that's always quite a difficult situation to be in.10:10
christelgood morning -uk10:10
hooverMornin christel10:10
hooverdiplo: maybe you should tell them to... go away ;-)10:10
diploI'm being diplomatic, close to swapping them over10:11
diplomorning christel10:11
gordi'm pretty sure that everything that is not what i use is the worst thing in the world10:13
DJonesCan anybody identify what make this "e-reader" is http://www.mightydeals.co.uk/deals/national/Gadgets/7-Inch-E-Book-Reader-with-16GB-memory-49/471?ldid=471&a=2 My wife was looking at it (I know the deal says its ended) but I can't find anything to say what make it is10:25
DJonesI'm guessing its a far east copy/clone/own brand10:25
gordDJones, "Video formats: WMV, RM, AVI, RMVB, 3GP, FLV, MP4, DAT, VOB, MPEG, MKV" - almost certainly some nameless chinese hardware10:28
DJonesMy wife was looking at it as an ebook reader, but I think I would rather get a kobo where I know the name & brand for a little bit extra10:30
gordthat ebook reader is probably not even eink tbh10:30
gordso about an hour battery life10:30
DJonesI was looking at that, I would rather she gets the basic kobo, that says 10 days battery life, at her reading speed, that'll last about 6 months10:33
gordwell, ten days ;) it'll still drain power in its standby state10:33
gordi get a month or so out of my kindle before i have to charge it when i'm not actively using it10:34
gordbut boasting large battery life if you don't use it isn't really a good selling point, that just means you aren't using it ;)10:34
DJonesI read about 1-2 hours a day with my kobo, since christmas I've had to charge it 3 times10:34
DJonesAbout once a month10:35
brobostigongood morning everyone.10:58
oimonguys, is there a fix released for the MS RDP issue or we hae to wait till tuesday?11:20
davmor2morning all11:23
davmor2czajkowski: PROD!11:23
czajkowskidavmor2: HUGS11:25
davmor2czajkowski: thanks I could do with that this week :)11:33
AlanBelloff to London again11:51
diploWhat a life!11:53
gordi wonder what kind of boat he will be on this time!11:55
gordits like rosie and jim, but with alan and alan11:56
MartijnVdSShip of the line?11:56
MartijnVdSdear launchpad.. FASTER PLEASE11:56
popeyoimon: bug number?11:58
oimonpopey CVE-2012-000211:58
oimonmajor RDP issue with MS terminal server affecting all windows versions11:59
popeyoh, thought you meant it was an ubuntu issue11:59
MartijnVdSAnyone seeing this? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/totem/+bug/95495211:59
lubotu3Launchpad bug 954952 in totem (Ubuntu) "Scrolling through the playlist with the mouse wheel also skips ahead/back in the current track" [Undecided,New]11:59
gordMartijnVdS, scrolling seems broken everywhere atm12:00
MartijnVdSgord: scrolling works fine.. but it _also_ does something else12:00
oimonpopey, ubuntu do patch tuesday ? :P12:01
popeywe do patch *day12:01
popeywhich matches tuesday ☺12:01
oimonit annoys me that there's an epic fail waiting to happen but no patch seems available until tuesday12:02
oimoneven though it's probably ready12:02
popeygoogle says there's a fix12:02
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davmor2AlanBell: Do you know which is the best medium to contact the A11y team on?14:12
oimonis there an equivalent to the sleep  command for DOS?14:24
popeyyeah, i used to use one14:26
popey"back in the day"14:26
popeyi probably got it from the windows sdk tho14:26
directhexusually people use pause, which is "press any key"14:26
directhexusual method is to abuse ping.14:26
directhex'PING -n 1 -w 1000 >NUL' adds a 1 second delay, assumign doesn't route14:27
shaunoapparently the 'windows 2003 resource kit' contains a sleep command.  which is possibly even more awkward than just abusing a workaround14:29
directhexhaha, even better14:29
directhexREM | CHOICE /C:AB /T:A,1 > NUL14:29
directhexwill silently do a multi-select menu, with 1 second timeout14:29
oimonit seems that the commands are performed sequentially (i.e. the scp doesn't happen until the net stop is completed), so i'll b e OK14:30
oimonusing pause at the end  though14:30
kvarleyHow can I enable Ctrl + F4 to close tabs in XUbuntu?14:32
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AlanBelldavmor2: via the mailing list to reach a bunch of users, or find themuso in #ubuntu-accessibility15:48
davmor2AlanBell: ta15:51
oimonsmall packet of maryland cookies is about £1.50 in sainsburys..2 large packets for 99p in the 99p shop :D15:58
JGJonesAfternoon - quick question...what's the name of the time/date applet that goes in the upper right corner and how could I reenable it in Unity as it have disappeared.16:01
gordJGJones, apt-get install indicator-datetime16:01
JGJonesAh that's it, thanks gord16:03
MartijnVdSmy panel-services keep crashing16:05
MartijnVdSso no applets for me :(16:05
MartijnVdS[53520.399133] unity-panel-ser[10459]: segfault at 20 ip 00007f43deeadb92 sp 00007fff05346228 error 4 in libglib-2.0.so.0.3120.0[7f43dee33000+f2000]16:05
davmor2MartijnVdS: they hate you, hate them back it works for me16:38
MartijnVdSdavmor2: but I love the clock in the top corner16:38
davmor2MartijnVdS: and that's why it gets to walk all over you ;)16:39
MartijnVdSdavmor2: so you say I still use Ubuntu/Unity because of Stockholm syndrome?16:40
davmor2MartijnVdS: No you use Ubuntu cause you can't live without it honest gov'nor :D16:40
MartijnVdSdavmor2: the alternatives are worse, you mean ;)16:41
davmor2MartijnVdS: I was being polite :)16:41
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MartijnVdSWoo, windmills: http://www.flickr.com/photos/treenaks/6832490192/sizes/o/in/photostream/17:13
davmor2MartijnVdS: New and old ones together neat17:15
meetany delay function for c++ in ubuntu? or how to include dos.h?17:33
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MartijnVdSmeet: It's just standard C++, and you have the GNU libc17:34
meetmartijnvds so can i directly use like delay(100) etc?17:35
MartijnVdSmeet: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4184468/sleep-for-milliseconds17:35
gordwhy are so many people asking about sleep today...17:43
gordsleep and dos...17:43
meetgord btw i am getting some xinitthread error. trying a simple moving circle project. what could be  the problem?17:44
davmor2gord: sleep is obvious, they are tired and as for dos they want to play the original Dune game17:45
gordyou are calling xinitthread after an xlib call17:45
gordor your platform does not support threads17:45
meetgord what can i do?17:45
gordcall xinitthread before your other xlib calls?17:46
meetcould you please elaborate? i am new to this whole thing a learning c at present.. do i have to include the function in the program?17:47
gordsomething you are calling is calling xinitthread later than it should be, what that call is, i have no idea, i suggest you read the documentation on the methods/functions you are calling to see if any of them state that you should call them early17:48
meetbtw whta is xinitthread required for?17:49
gordlots of things, something you are using i would assume17:49
* czajkowski hugs davmor2 how ya doing?17:52
meetgord how can i do find that out which function is using xinitthread17:54
gordmeet, read the documentation of the functions you are using17:54
meetgord, i think everytime i use the for loop in c, i am getting that error17:55
gordthen it will be some method you call in the for loop17:56
meetgord, there is only one circle function17:57
gordubuntu really needs a shutdown, but wait for this song to finish first, mode17:58
meetgord, i think its the usleep function17:58
gordit isn't17:59
meetok it ran properly now :) but if at all the problem persists, where should i call the xinitthread function?18:01
MartijnVdSmeet: read its documentation, it will tell you18:01
meetok thanks :)18:02
* gord afks18:03
popeychoo choo19:39
MartijnVdSpopey: you're not a train.19:40
popeyi am :)_19:40
popey19:39 from waterloo ☺19:40
MartijnVdSpopey: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3A_ccea_hJs19:41
MartijnVdSTrains from Gatwick to London end up in Victoria right?19:42
davmor2popey: == sl19:46
MartijnVdSdavmor2: sl -l19:48
davmor2MartijnVdS: sl -al if popey is the train I think you'll find19:49
MartijnVdSdavmor2: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=de.hms.xconstruction19:50
davmor2MartijnVdS: https://apps.ubuntu.com/cat/applications/oneiric/bcs/19:52
MartijnVdSdavmor2: same thing really :)19:53
christelsorry about that, toddler attack19:53
Pendulumchristel: is that like a kitten attack, but without the claws?19:54
davmor2christel: No excuses at that tender age toddler should be programming ;)19:54
christelPendulum: indeed!19:54
christeldavmor2: hehe19:54
davmor2Pendulum: I don't know kids finger nails can be lethal :)19:55
czajkowskipeeka boo20:09
* davmor2 hugs czajkowski whether she likes it or not20:11
czajkowskisuch a softie20:12
davmor2sometimes I feel like sl -a other time I feel like sl -al but on the whole I feel like sl20:41
MartijnVdShellos popey21:15
Myrttihm, what tool could I use to try to map some wireless problems? On my Android phone the connection drops every two minutes or so, and my laptop seems to have some connection lag, not quite as bad as my phone where for example the SSH connection goes altogether, but bad enough to make using irssi via ssh painful.21:28
MyrttiI suspect the connection drops on the Ubuntu laptop as well, the ssh just recovers better than connectbot does on android21:29
MartijnVdSMyrtti: really low-level: wi-spy21:30
dwatkinsMyrtti: I assume you've made certain there's no IP address conflict mentioned in the system logs etc.21:30
MartijnVdSMyrtti: higher level: check /var/log/syslog21:31
HazRPGMyrtti: could also try WiFi Analyse on the android21:31
dwatkinsOn Android, I use this: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.farproc.wifi.analyzer&hl=en21:31
MartijnVdSdwatkins++ -- that's a great tool21:31
HazRPGdwatkins: jink ^_^21:31
dwatkinsHazRPG: hehe21:31
Myrttiyeah I use that too but so far I've used it mainly to choose a non-used channel21:31
HazRPGs/jink/jynx/* even21:32
MyrttiI'll have a look, thanks for suggestions21:32
MartijnVdSHazRPG: \o21:32
Myrttithis is a bit annoying and it's  been annoying me since fiancé got a new router21:32
HazRPGMartijnVdS: \o hey-yo!21:32
dwatkinsMyrtti: do you have the problem only via wifi?21:33
MartijnVdSMyrtti: the router could be a DOA / almost-DOA / pining for the fjords21:33
HazRPGMyrtti: What router did he get?21:33
dwatkinsA friend of mine lives in an apartment building where someone has 1024 SSIDs being transmitted from their router.21:34
MartijnVdSdwatkins: annoying21:34
dwatkinsMartijnVdS: I imagine so, yes21:34
MyrttiHazRPG: Belkin Gigabit something, Belkin play max21:35
MyrttiI have to say my experience with Belkin Wireless devices has made an addition to the makes of network gear I will not purchase again.21:37
dsampleBelkin wasn't my preference, it was just one of the only ones with gigabit21:37
Myrttiand wohey, the devil appears when he's spoken about21:37
HazRPGMyrtti: bah, hate belkins21:38
Myrttiyeah, so do I, now.21:38
dwatkinsMyrtti: do you have another router you could swap-out to make certain the router is at fault?21:39
dsampleI've always considered Belkin as a cheap quality brand, but nowadays they're not cheap priced21:39
HazRPGdsample: agreed21:40
dsampleWe have another router, a Linksys one, but the crap wifi on that was the reason we got the new one21:40
HazRPGdsample: best way that I do it for gigabit ... think of it this way, your internet isn't going to be a gigabit, so why have a router do that job when a switch can do that for you...21:41
dsampleI know it's not, I suggested multiple boxes21:42
HazRPGso I tend to do the whole "good router, don't care much for specs as long as its configs is nice and varied so I can sit and tweak to my hearts content" and then a gigabit switch21:42
MyrttiI'm not taking the blame for this21:42
dwatkinsI have a gigabit switch between my media devices, the internet isn't anywhere near that fast, so I don't plug anything fast into the router directly.21:43
* MartijnVdS 's whole house is gbit21:43
MartijnVdSin preparation of the 500/500 fibre that's coming (in july!!)21:44
dsampleThe annoying thing with doing that though is it was pretty hard to find an AP, seemed near impossible to find an N+ AP with gigabit (although it would be stupid for an N+ AP not to have gigabit)21:44
dwatkinsMartijnVdS: whatever the speed of your connectm, NASA will still probably be one of the few sites which might come close to taking full advantage ;)21:44
dsamplethe option seemed to be to get a 'cable' router to connect to the modem, but they're as bad as the ADSL routers21:45
MartijnVdSdwatkins: Uploading to youtube/flickr will be my main use of the upstream bit21:45
dsample500/500 fibre... WTF do you live... I want to move?21:45
MartijnVdSdwatkins: maybe backups of my NAS (to an identical system at my parents)21:45
MartijnVdSdsample: Netherlands :)21:45
dwatkinsMartijnVdS: ah, that is a good reason to have a fast pipe, if your backup is on the same network segment :)21:46
dsamplewell that's a bit far, was hoping within 100 miles21:46
MartijnVdSdwatkins: it's better than the 1mbit up I have now anyway21:46
HazRPGdwatkins: that's what I do ^_^21:46
dwatkinsHazRPG: sorry, what do you do?21:47
MartijnVdS500/500 kilobit/second :P21:47
dwatkinsmeh, I have a T1 at work ;)21:48
MartijnVdSdwatkins: I have.. the internet.. at work21:48
MartijnVdSdwatkins: (working at an ISP)21:48
HazRPGMartijnVdS: 500/500 o.O!21:48
MartijnVdSHazRPG: yes, I know!21:48
HazRPGMartijnVdS: Dude... I seriously gotta move to the NL.21:48
dwatkinshmm, perhaps it's a T3, it's whatever gives us about 50 MBit21:49
MartijnVdSMaybe 100/100 at first, but there's an upgrade to 500/500 "before the end of 2012"21:49
MartijnVdStoo bad the routers we sell/give to customers don't cope with 500/500 :)21:50
dsampleJust brought up the thinkbroadband 'quality monitor' graph for our connection21:53
dsampleyou can see when we got home this evening21:53
dsamplenow to see if the Belkin tools give anything similar for connected machines... doubt it21:55
dwatkinshttp://hobbes.dyndns.org/vnstat/ is handy22:03
popeyit is!22:07
dwatkinsnifty, popey - what are the stats gathered with?22:12
dwatkinsi.e. does it just grab the tx/rx from the ifconfig output?22:13
dwatkinsoh right, it's got vnstat on the back-end, handy22:13
popeywhats yours done with?22:17
dwatkinspopey: vnstat generates three PNG files each time it updates, I just put them onto a HTML page, as inspired by someone on #ubuntu-offtopic, iirc22:20
dwatkinsat least I think that's what it does, I can never find the relevant part of the config22:21
HazRPGpopey: yeah, I think its just a standard output from vnstat22:22
HazRPG(or one of)22:22
HazRPGpopey: http://humdi.net/vnstat/coloredit/22:23
Myrttihttp://www.flickr.com/photos/myrtti/6983139433/ :-| me pinging
popeyleft my thinkpad charger at millbank22:29
dwatkinsMyrtti: some friends of mine discovered that a faulty powersupply (on a scanner) was causing EMF interference and messing up their router, have you considered turning everything non-essential off and powering things up one-by-one?22:29
gordonjcpdwatkins: I've come across that22:31
gordonjcpcertain cheap crappy switched-mode PSUs that have RFI extending well out beyond the GHz range22:32
dwatkinsthat might explain the cyclical nature of Myrtti's problem, if it's a combination of frequencies building up and reducing down again over several seconds22:33
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dsampledwatkins: oh eck, that sounds a bit hard to do... there's about a dozen plugs around the back of the TV22:36
dsamplealthough I think only the router and printer are turned on22:36
dwatkinsdsample: I know the feeling, if I had to do it, I'd just power off everything after cleanly shutting down the linux box22:36
Myrttithe only linux box is my Viglen, the res is collection of gaming consoles and a fruit box.22:37
dwatkinsi.e. pull the plug on the lot22:37
dwatkinsI hear Forrest Gump invested in some fruit company.22:38
Myrttiyeah, that one.22:41
MyrttiI might just do that tomorrow on a particularly dark moment. Pull the plugs, that is.22:41
dwatkinsI can't guarantee it will allow you to fix the problem, but at least you'll be able to say whether the other devices are interfering (one way or another)22:42
gordonjcpdwatkins: I still have some recordings of interference I was logging from a neighbour's house22:51
gordonjcpnever did find out what it was, they moved out22:51
gordonjcpbut it was a pulsing interference, about 1 second on, 1 second off, for most of the day, and absolutely flat from about 500kHz to 250MHz22:51
dwatkinsgordonjcp: I hear plasma TVs can kill an ADSL connection23:01
gordonjcpdwatkins: wouldn't be surprised23:02
dwatkinsgordonjcp: was this interference on 24 hours a day?23:02
gordonjcpthose ethernet-over-mains adaptors are a bit horrible too23:02
gordonjcpdwatkins: no, strangely enough it wasn't but it only seemed to stop between about 2am and 6am23:03
dwatkinsyeah, I must admit to having a pair of those, although I should probably have gotten a wifi extender instead.23:03
gordonjcpsome are okay, but many of them interfere quite badly with radio23:03
gordonjcpI did discover that a neighbour of mine had a pair that seemed to have big significant peaks in their noise right in the middle of all the HF amateur bands23:03
gordonjcpfunny thing though23:04
dwatkinswhat do you use to measure this interference?23:04
gordonjcpspectrum analyser and a couple of test receivers23:04
gordonjcpif I fired up on 7.039MHz for some PSK31 for a while, the interference went away23:04
gordonjcpalmost like they'd given up trying to get the bastards to work and turned them off... ;-)23:04
dwatkinswow, they televised Dirk Gently :D23:06
dwatkinsI wonder if you actually overloaded a circuit in something that just happened to resonate at that frequency, like my friend's power supply23:06
dwatkinsanyhoo, it's bedtime here in deepest Edinburgh, later folks :)23:07
gordonjcpdwatkins: well I figure if their mains wiring was working as a good enough aerial to transmit (illegally), it would receive just as well too23:08
gordonjcpbut rather than a piddly little transformer the size of a tangerine and some mismatched mains cable, I can chuck 100W out into a properly resonant aerial23:08

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