
broderhmm. i seem to be triggering the HUD by accident a lot. my terminal use style appears to involve a lot of accidental alt presses01:10
broderwhoa...the alt tab behavior is completely different01:49
broderoh, no. the super-tab behavior is new. huh01:49
pleia2I crashed HUD a bunch of times01:51
pleia2"thanks, this has already been reported" it tells me01:51
broderdid you turn on the new crash reporting stuff?01:51
pleia2didn't turn anything on, but I think it's enabled in the daily builds01:52
broderah, possibly. i upgraded01:52
pleia2is it wrong to get delivery for a place on 2nd and market? It's raining out01:52
akkIf they offer it (and presumably charge for it?) then it's not wrong.01:53
pleia2I usually walk to pick it up :)01:53
broderscrew walking in the rain. i'd order01:53
akkYou're helping the economy, keeping delivery people employed.01:54
pleia2less about me getting wet, food coming home would, I don't have an umbrella (it was EOL in the wind several months ago)01:54
pleia2that's right!01:54
broderhmm, trying out a second monitor to play with some of the new multimonitor stuff02:04
broderthe pointer barriers feel a bit off, but i can't figure out why02:04
=== jbermudes_ is now known as jbermudes
jbermudesso... whats the standard diagnostic procedure if a live cd doesnt seem to want to go into the installer or the live cd trial mode05:43
pleia2"use the alternate CD"05:43
pleia2all it is is an ncurses-based installer, but works on systems that have trouble loading the regular livecd05:44
jbermudesthe person who is using the livecd wanted to see if ubuntu would work with their system... so I guess at this point the only way to tell is to just install it via the alt?05:45
pleia2ah, yeah :\05:46
jbermudeswell, at least if it doesnt work gparted can just remove the partition and resize it and everything should be back to normal05:47
philipballewhey iheartubuntu !07:18
iheartubuntui just gave out a 10.10 disc on facebook07:18
iheartubuntuwithin like 2 seconds someone replied to my post07:19
philipballewnice! that was a good version07:19
iheartubuntuhow you doing07:19
iheartubuntustraight A's right?07:20
philipballewcant really complain. Schools kinda easy. work is a pain, but i have a good amount of free time. Id sae b's :)07:20
iheartubuntuare we the only people awake here07:28
iheartubuntusad i missed the sunday meeting. look like lyz was talking to akk and that was it!07:28
iheartubuntuwife comp has another virus07:30
iheartubuntuembedded in some pdf files she got from a schoolmate07:30
philipballeweffin windows I tell you07:33
philipballewiheartubuntu, you gotta wonder why ms lets it happen07:34
iheartubuntuOh my! you said effin!07:34
philipballewor sorry, my bad07:35
iheartubuntuwhen she needs me to fix her comp of viruses she loves ubuntu. when she doesnt need me, she hates ubuntu. haha07:35
philipballewwonder why that is07:35
iheartubuntulittle quirks here and there07:37
iheartubuntuskype doesnt work well on her netbook in ubuntu (11.10)07:37
iheartubuntui havent had time to check it.07:38
iheartubuntuit works, but doing mic is messed up and you have to manually adjust stuff in the sound settings to get it to work. its not out of the box working.07:38
iheartubuntuat work we have ubuntu and she has an HP webcam with built in mic and everything works fine in skype07:39
philipballewmaybe if skype needs the volume adjusted you can have a script do it when skype closes, and re adjust it when it closes07:39
iheartubuntuactually, someone made such a script07:41
iheartubuntuto fix this problem on netbooks07:41
iheartubuntubut after upgrading from 10.10 to 11.10 i think it wiped the script07:41
iheartubuntui have to go chase it down again07:41
iheartubuntuman do i ever love thunderbird for email07:42
=== jbermudes_ is now known as jbermudes
=== Faqtotum is now known as DonkeyHotei

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