
RAOFThat's not what I expected.00:03
RAOFI may need to revise my hypothesis.00:04
brycehSarvatt, this look at all familiar?  https://launchpadlibrarian.net/93758841/white_window-all_screens2.png00:10
brycehoccurs with chromium intermittently apparently00:11
Sarvattbryceh: nope only seen one white screen when everything in the background was fine00:11
Sarvattbryceh: intel?00:11
brycehof course ;-)00:12
brycehit's lp #93563000:12
ubottuLaunchpad bug 935630 in mesa (Ubuntu) "White rectangular" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/93563000:12
brycehactually wait, this has a radeon card in it too00:13
brycehbut yeah, -intel00:13
brycehsomeone else seeing it, is on -radeon00:15
brycehbet it's a compiz bug00:19
Sarvattbryceh: the mesa bug i'm thinking that ended up with all white windows like that crashed in mesa every time not long after, you upstreamed it, i dont see anything standing out in that bug00:21
Sarvattlooks like i closed the bug, the guy gave really good debug info on it so i was keeping track of it :(00:22
cndit's raining releases :)00:23
cndRAOF, there's a new xorg-macros00:24
Sarvatti already updated macros in debian twice and it hasn't been released, a third!?00:24
brycehkatamari coming00:24
cndSarvatt, it's my fault :)00:25
cndI added some testing and c++ related stuff to macros00:25
cndit's now 1.1700:25
Sarvatti saw the leadup but havent seen the release, its late here :)00:25
cndI just got the email00:25
Sarvattpushing it to git00:25
Sarvattafter a build test00:27
Sarvattmight as well 0ubuntu1 xutils-macros unless you plan on pushing more :P00:28
Sarvatterr xutils-dev00:28
eruditehermitwhen using synaptics, my mouse doesn't highlight menu items00:32
eruditehermitis this something you guys have seen?00:32
RAOFI believe that's either a compiz bug or a gtk bug.00:35
eruditehermitit works with psmouse proto=exps00:35
eruditehermitRAOF, so it is a known problem?00:36
RAOFeruditehermit: Yeah, I'm pretty sure it is.00:36
eruditehermitthanks RAOF00:40
RAOFcnd: Huh.  I presume you actually built your xorg-gtest patches; why am I having so much trouble?00:48
RAOFcnd: BAH!  It's because you lied.  Your source branch does not contain all the commits on the list (specifically, it doesn't have 3/9 - hide evemu under #ifdef)!00:57
Sarvatttjaalton: so wayland-demos needs to be removed now right?04:59
Sarvattbryceh: do you have any desire to have wstart and your background in wayland-demos anymore? weston was synced, aka the wayland-demos rename and lost all customizations05:00
tjaaltonSarvatt: I guess so05:03
Sarvatttjaalton: ok filing the bug05:05
cndRAOF, it doesn't?05:06
cndI pushed exactly what sent to the list05:06
RAOFHuh.  My pulls don't see that commit, and it causes build failures.05:07
cndRAOF, you have commit f12dbf8526643c2a0c88b5c52ed9f82a7cb232cf?05:07
RAOFAnd f12dbf8~1 is f46d862b2 - Install xorg-gtest source code in $(prefix)/src/xorg-gtest in my pull.05:09
RAOFcnd: http://cgit.freedesktop.org/~cndougla/xorg-gtest/log/?h=source doesn't seem to list it, either.05:09
Sarvatttjaalton: hmm should weston provide wayland-demos maybe? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/wayland-demos/+bug/95472205:09
ubottuLaunchpad bug 954722 in wayland-demos (Ubuntu) "Please remove wayland-demos from the archive for precise" [Undecided,New]05:09
cndRAOF, http://cgit.freedesktop.org/~cndougla/xorg-gtest/commit/?h=source&id=f12dbf8526643c2a0c88b5c52ed9f82a7cb232cf05:10
cndit's the 6th commit from top05:11
cnd"Add a meta-header xorg-gtest.h"05:11
RAOFOh, right.05:12
RAOFI'm looking at a different thing - src/xorg-gtest-all.cpp05:12
RAOFWhich unconditionally includes device.cpp05:12
cndahh, yes05:12
cndI forgot to check when evemu isn't installed05:14
cndI'm testing that right now05:14
RAOFHow do you get around the double build of device.cpp?05:14
cnddouble build?05:14
cndRAOF, I just pushed a fix to xorg-gtest-all.cpp05:16
cndpull again from the source branch05:16
cndit should build without evemu05:16
RAOFI get http://paste2.org/p/1939451 when I build *with* evemu.05:16
tjaaltonSarvatt: maybe so, if if ships same binaries05:18
cndargh, let me double check05:18
RAOFIncidentally, it'd be a good idea to build the xorg-gtest library during build, but not install it.05:18
Sarvatttjaalton: well we'll see if the archive admins complain :)05:19
cndRAOF, that's what make check is for05:19
RAOFAh, so it is.05:19
cndRAOF, I can build it with and without evemu05:19
cndwith the very latest in my source branch05:19
RAOFSo can I.05:20
cndit looks like you are trying to build device.cpp separately from xorg-gtest-all.cpp in the output you pastebined05:20
RAOFThat's not tip; that's with all patches up to 8/9 installed.05:20
cndare you sure?05:20
cndI have 9/9 here05:21
* RAOF tends to test-build with each patch when reviewing. People like it if all intermediate steps build, for some reason.05:21
cndoh, you mean you've built up to 8/905:21
Sarvattfor good reason, it is git after all :)05:21
cndif every git commit builds in my series I'll be pleasantly surprised05:22
RAOFSarvatt: Indeed.  And since git has a stupid merge model… :{05:22
cndI tried to do things in a sane way05:22
Sarvattstupid, ha! :)05:22
cndbut overhauling the build system is not an easy task over multiple commits05:22
Sarvatti like seeing history instead of merged foo branch with 40 commits as one commit thanks :)05:22
cndSarvatt, I tend to think git merge --no-ff is helpful05:23
cndhaving had to backport all of the input stack from 1.12 into 1.11 :)05:23
RAOFSarvatt: It's a matter of opinion; I find treating the merge as a single unit is most often the most useful way to think about it.05:23
cndI agree05:24
cndbut I don't bother with --no-ff for git branches05:24
cndbecause no one else does05:24
RAOFSince your merge is generally *conceptually* one unit of work, broken up into a bunch of smaller parts - the individual commits.05:24
Sarvatti just hate going through something like http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-branches/ubuntu/precise/unity-greeter/precise/changes05:31
* Sarvatt picked the first bzr branch that popped up in his browser05:32
Sarvattyes i know rXXX broke it, but it did 30 things at once05:32
RAOFThat's not a terribly good example, because it's a packaging branch :)05:34
RAOFSo the unit of measure there is the "release" :)05:35
RAOFHuh.  I'm a bit surprised that it doesn't have the upstream history, though.05:36
Prf_Jakobhttps://bugs.freedesktop.org/show_bug.cgi?id=44697 <-- is this something you guys have seen?05:45
ubottuFreedesktop bug 44697 in Mesa core "Update from 7.12 to 8 (git) breaks compiz/unity" [Normal,New: ]05:45
SarvattPrf_Jakob: thanks, replied05:53
Sarvattmost likely wont still be a problem, price you pay for following git master :P05:53
brycehSarvatt, no I don't really care anymore05:54
cndRAOF, I just updated my source branch a bit more06:40
cndI'm done for the day though06:40
cndplease let me know if there are any issues06:40
cndI'll work on them tomorrow06:41
RAOFI'll check.06:49
tjaaltonoh geez, the weston sync made it in phoronix..07:36
dupondjeCould somebody give https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xorg-server/+bug/931397 a look?12:25
ubottuLaunchpad bug 931397 in xorg-server (Ubuntu Precise) "Xorg crashes with AutoAddDevices "false"" [High,Confirmed]12:25
brycehdupondje, yeah I looked at it, and can reproduce it myself.  Next step is probably some intimate git-bisection work to find the failure, just haven't had time yet.15:35
dupondjeIt seems fixed already in a newer version15:59
dupondjei'll see if I can do some bisect15:59
brycehthat'd be great16:12
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
LLStarksis multitouch for touchpads or touchscreens?17:41
brycehLLStarks, both17:46
LLStarksbryceh, how do i make use of it? all that new xinput code seems to have done is eliminate skipping when multiple points of contact are made on the touchpad.20:10
brycehLLStarks, cnd has posted some emails and stuff to ubuntu-devel@ and ubuntu-x@, with some of the commands that turn things on and customize them.20:11
brycehsome of it depends a lot on your hardware.20:11
cndLLStarks, are you asking how to develop applications with multitouch support?20:12
cndsorry to message and run, I need to get some lunch20:13
FernandoMiguelwhat's that white bar over HUD?20:35
brycehFernandoMiguel, it's even shadowed!21:41
FernandoMiguelI know21:42
brycehFernandoMiguel, compiz bug probably; there've been other such white box bugs reported, dig through the compiz bug pile21:42
brycehI bumped one over there the other day21:42
LLStarkscnd, just use multitouch for cool things like gestures or multi pointer22:27
cndLLStarks, what is your definition of "use"?22:27
cnddo you want to use multitouch to develop applications using gestures?22:27
cndor do you want to play with multitouch applications?22:27
LLStarkssynaptic gesture is fedora-only22:28
cndwe have the same synaptics for trackpads22:28
cndbut those aren't really multitouch22:28
cndLLStarks, unity has gestures22:29
cndbut we don't have many applications with gestures yet22:29
cndwe're still developing easy-to-use gesture APIs22:29
LLStarksonly unity? what about gnome-shell?22:30
cndif you have a touchscreen, you can test out some gesture support in eog and evince22:30
jcristauLLStarks: canonical works on unity not gnome shell..22:31
cndLLStarks, nothing is preventing gnome-shell from using utouch for gestures like unity does, but no one has attempted to yet22:32
cndRAOF, I hope xorg-gtest is all ready for your usage today :)23:52
RAOFcnd: I'm just sending a mail to xorg-devel saying that the source branch now builds fine for me, and throwing a reviewed-by at it.23:52
cndRAOF, what about the interface for other projects?23:52
cndi.e. the xorg-gtest.m4 script and Makefile-xorg-gtest.am23:53
RAOFThat looks like a reasonable solution to me.23:53
RAOFI guess you could write a custom Makefile, rather than use an autotools generated one, and that might be nicer.  I'm not entirely sure how that would look, though.23:54
cndI'm worried about trying to support such an approach long term23:54
RAOFThe "include a makefile" approach?23:55
cndand making it work properly with all the permutations of configurations23:55
cndlike silent build options23:55
RAOFOh, right.23:55
RAOFSilent build isn't *terribly* hard to implement manually, but it's more annoying, yeah.23:56
RAOFI don't think the build permutations would be terribly hard to support, though?23:56
cndI don't really know23:57
cndand I don't have time to try to think about it :)23:57
cndI've already devoted too much time to autotools this past week...23:59

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