
jonogood thanks, you?00:00
ScottLdoing well, getting kids dinner then i'm working on some studio stuff00:00
astraljavaochosi: If you have a little time sometime soon, please have a look at bug #952462, Colin mentions Xfce session handling in https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntustudio/+bug/952462/comments/411:32
ubottuLaunchpad bug 952462 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) "Ubuntustudio 12.04 installer has unreadable text" [Medium,Confirmed]11:32
mr_pouitastraljava: you need to do like mythbuntu-live-autostart/xubuntu-live-settings11:54
mr_pouitmicahg: thanks, I hope it'll be ok for the next beta.13:16
astraljavamr_pouit: Thanks, I also learnt this from a later comment on the bug. I'll look into this tonight, hopefully.14:07
astraljavaAnyone in here using thunderbird as an email app and keeping Indicator plugin in use as well? I find the indicator fails to keep syncronized with the unread mail information from t-bird, thus erratically showing the envelope as blue even when all mail has been marked as read.15:01
micahgmr_pouit: yeah, next beta should be doable15:13
ochosiastraljava: i guess lionel's reply is what you want/ed :)15:23
astraljavaochosi: Sure is, thanks. :)15:23
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
* knome fires up the desktop pc and we're good to go18:59
Unit193Ready, just not identified.19:02
knomeokay, so who's here for the meeting?19:02
Unit193I am.19:02
mr_pouito hai19:03
knome#startmeeting Xubuntu Community Meeting19:04
meetingologyMeeting started Wed Mar 14 19:04:05 2012 UTC.  The chair is knome. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology.19:04
meetingologyAvailable commands: #accept #accepted #action #agree #agreed #chair #commands #endmeeting #endvote #halp #help #idea #info #link #lurk #meetingname #meetingtopic #nick #progress #rejected #replay #restrictlogs #save #startmeeting #subtopic #topic #unchair #undo #unlurk #vote #voters #votesrequired19:04
knome#topic Team Updates19:04
knome#subtopic Package and Development19:04
knomemeetingology, 19:04
knomemr_pouit, 19:04
mr_pouitnothing much apart from bugfixes: xfdesktop4, xfce4-cellmodem-plugin, shimmer-themes, xfce4-settings and xfce4-xkb-plugin19:05
knomemr_pouit, can you repost with #info? thanks :P19:05
mr_pouitmicahg working on lightdm-gtk-greeter and blueman, should hopefully be ok for beta 219:05
mr_pouitI hate you :p19:06
knomeit's mutual19:06
knomei hate myself too19:06
mr_pouit#info nothing much apart from bugfixes: xfdesktop4, xfce4-cellmodem-plugin, shimmer-themes, xfce4-settings and xfce4-xkb-plugin19:06
mr_pouit#info micahg working on lightdm-gtk-greeter and blueman, should hopefully be ok for beta 219:06
mr_pouitvoila :)19:06
knomeanything else?19:06
knome#info PAE kernel is requested for xubuntu precise i38619:07
mr_pouityeah, that too19:07
knome#info NON-PAE kernel is requested for xubuntu precise i38619:07
* knome 's brain is a bit numb19:07
knome#subtopic Bugs, Testing, Docs19:07
micahghow many users do we expect to need that?19:07
knomemicahg, no idea, but it's easier to install PAE19:08
Unit193You should be able to go from a mini and install xubuntu-desktop.19:08
knomeUnit193, yes... but in that case, we're offering alternate too19:08
knomeUnit193, so those who need alternate, could go via mini too19:08
knomethere's an item for this on other business, we can continue this later in the meeting :)19:09
knomeanything on bugs, testing, docs?19:09
pleia2ah, yes19:09
pleia2#info I'm in the process of improving the testing docs, hopefully a blog post too so we can have more testers for beta219:09
knomesomething else?19:11
pleia2that's all from me19:11
knome#subtopic Marketing, Art, Web19:11
knomei suppose there's not yet anything new from the marketing stuff?19:12
pleia2#info Submitted web form request to confirm we can make Xubuntu products, no response19:12
pleia2it's been over 2 weeks now19:12
pleia2so nothing new :(19:12
knomeyeah, let's hope we get forward before precise release19:12
pleia2I'll try again, maybe it just got lost19:13
knomebtw, if we change our logo, we need new stickers19:13
knomeor at least new sticker sources :)19:13
knome#subtopic General updates19:14
knomeanything else?19:14
pleia2I think that's it19:15
knomeme too, it should be quiet after all the freezes...19:15
knome#topic Other Business19:15
knome#subtopic Seeding GThumb19:15
knomeokay, so now that ristretto is working again, do we feel like we still should seed gthumb?19:16
mr_pouityeah, for importing photos from cameras?19:17
knomebut most of the cameras work as uh, filesystems19:17
knomethere was a term for this19:17
mr_pouitmass storage?19:18
knomeso does most of the cameras support that or not?19:20
mr_pouitI think we still need gthumb for other cameras that use ptp19:20
mr_pouit(but I'm not really into that sort of things, so I can be wrong ;-)19:20
knomeokay, it's not too large, is it?19:21
knomeand btw, what's the current iso size status?19:21
mr_pouitwe're not oversized anyway19:21
mr_pouitamd64: 694M, i386: 679M19:22
knomemmh, so not too tight19:22
knome(thinking about P+1 too)19:22
knomeso let's still seed gthumb19:22
knomeor does somebody disagree?19:22
knomeno? okay...19:23
knome#subtopic New logo19:23
knomeso, there's a proposal for a new logo19:23
knomereasoning is:19:23
knomeit's easier to drop in to various places graphically19:23
knomeit works better on small sizes19:23
knomeit's brighter and more saturated19:24
knomeand it looks good too.19:24
knomecomparisons can be found at: http://temp.knome.fi/xubuntu/precise_logo/19:24
pleia2it's good :)19:25
knomeyes, i personally prefer the closed shape very much19:26
knomeis anybody disagreeing? i wanted to bring this to the meeting to raise discussion and to hear if somebody disagrees19:28
* knome just confirmed with skaet that we are okay to do the logo changes after UIFe19:29
mr_pouitso no exception needed?19:29
knomemr_pouit, i'm checking with skaet19:30
knome#action knome, ochosi and mr_pouit to work on getting the new logo everywhere19:31
meetingologyACTION: knome, ochosi and mr_pouit to work on getting the new logo everywhere19:31
* micahg prefers the old logo19:31
micahgthe new one makes it hard to tell what it is19:32
knomemmh. i wonder if that's true for those too who doesn't already know the xfce logo19:33
mr_pouit(I like it on the plymouth theme)19:33
knomemr_pouit, "probably best to submit a UIFe"19:33
knomemr_pouit, if you need help with that, just ask me19:34
knomemr_pouit, or, if you want me to do that :P19:34
micahgand the whiskers look like a bunny is hiding in the background19:35
knomemr_pouit, the new or old?19:35
knomemicahg, in the old logo, the whiskers are barely visible19:36
micahgright :)19:36
knomeexcept in BIG sizes19:36
mr_pouitknome: the new one (and yes, please file the UIFe please :P)19:36
knomebut that's not really a problem with the new logo either... there *is* a gap :)19:37
knomemr_pouit, yeah, skaet ACK'd, now just need to send email to docs team19:37
knomemr_pouit, okay, we need to upload *this week* :)19:38
micahgknome: I think the gap makes it look funny19:38
knomemicahg, yeah, but the gap existed on the old logo too19:39
micahgdoesn't look like it19:39
knomein http://temp.knome.fi/xubuntu/precise_logo/logo_comparison.png ? :)19:39
micahgoh, yeah, on that one you can see it 19:40
knomeyeah, it's a small one on both, but there is one on both19:40
micahgwas looking at the website logo19:40
knomeah :)19:40
knomeyeah, the website logo is actually the reason why we decided to change19:40
knomemicahg, so, do you still think there new logo is weird?19:44
knomei mean, there's some drawbacks on both ones..19:44
micahgbut I've been using Xubuntu for 4 years and am very familiar with the old look19:44
knomeis it about the whiskers, or the mousehead-shape?19:44
knomeany suggestions how could we make it less weird?19:45
knomefor the mousehead, i don't think there's much to do except small changes to the shape, since the idea is to have a closed-shape logo19:46
micahgthinner whiskers, add back legs?19:46
knomewould make the shape inside the circle smaller19:46
knomealso, i suppose it would look weird to have legs but almost no body at all :)19:47
knomeanyhow, do we think we're ready to vote?19:48
knomesmall changes are doable before uploading, i'll be working on this tomorrow anyway19:48
* micahg seems to be alone in this view though19:48
Unit193micahg: I wasn't fond of it either.19:48
knomei could look about making the gap for whiskers bigger19:49
knomeUnit193, and this is exactly why i asked you to say this earlier19:49
micahgI don't think the gap should be bigger, rather the whiskers thinned out19:49
knomei can look what i can do without making them disappear again on small sizes :)19:50
knomeor, then we could just have two versions, but that's in a way suboptimal19:50
knomeUnit193, do you want to express what *you* think is not right with the new logo?19:51
Unit193Not really, that's why I held my fingers, so to say.19:51
knomemicahg, are you completely dissatisfied with the new look?19:51
micahgknome: idk, I'd probably get used to it over time, I just prefer something closer to the old one19:53
knomemicahg, yeah. it's not that i don't like the old one, it's just a near-nightmare graphically to drop in to various places :)19:53
micahgknome: can we go the other way and pull the full mouse in?19:54
knomemicahg, that makes it completely unrexognisable on small sizes19:55
knomemicahg, which is why we didn't do that at 10.04, when we changed the logo the last time19:55
micahgwhat does upstream do about this?19:55
knomei suppose xfce uses the X from the logo19:55
knomeand mouse only on bigger sizes19:55
knomemicahg, do you think the whiskers are too fat in the website comparison already?19:58
knomewhat about plymouth?19:59
knomeimo they are quite right there...19:59
knomebut maybe that's because it's inverted :)20:00
knomethe actual sizes are pretty much the smae20:01
knome#action knome to look the whisker-size20:01
meetingologyACTION: knome to look the whisker-size20:01
pleia2that's my favorite action item ever20:01
knomeif there is nothing new to add to the discussion, let's vote yay/nay20:02
knome#vote New Xubuntu logo (+1) or the old one, please! (-1)20:02
meetingologyPlease vote on: New Xubuntu logo (+1) or the old one, please! (-1)20:02
meetingologyPublic votes can be registered by saying +1, +0 or -1 in channel, (private votes don't work yet, but when they do it will be by messaging the channel followed by +1/-1/+0 to me)20:02
meetingology+1 received from knome20:02
meetingology+1 received from pleia220:02
knomemr_pouit, micahg, Unit193 20:03
meetingology-1 received from micahg20:03
knomeUnit193, i suppose -0 isn't +0 :D20:04
knomebut mmh...20:04
meetingology+0 received from Unit19320:04
knomemr_pouit, you still lurking around or should we proceed?20:05
meetingologyVoting ended on: New Xubuntu logo (+1) or the old one, please! (-1)20:05
meetingologyVotes for:2 Votes against:1 Abstentions:120:05
meetingologyMotion carried20:05
pleia2not exactly overwhelming support :) maybe a discussion for the list?20:06
knomepleia2, we need to push the changes this week, according to skaet, who's now on the chan20:06
* pleia2 nods20:06
knomemr_pouit said earlier that he likes the new logo on plymouth20:06
knomealso, ochosi would have given +1, if he was attending20:07
pleia2good enough20:07
knome(that's said at #shimmer though, but it's recorded)20:07
knomewhat ochosi also said is probably true; if we're changing the logo, we probably should do that with 12.0420:08
knomeand i have to agree with that. pushing a new logo for LTS+1 is quite bland :)20:08
knome#info knome promises to work on any suggestions to make the new logo better tomorrow20:09
knome#subtopic PAE kernel20:09
knomeokay, so non-PAE kernel is requested for xubuntu precise i38620:09
knomewas there some discussion people wanted to have about this?20:09
knomeapparently not anymore... :)20:10
* micahg wonders if Windows 8 supports non-PAE20:11
knome#subtopic Open action items from previous meeting20:11
knomeubuntu desktop doesn't20:11
knomeand i agree it makes sense to have a derivative that does20:11
micahgwell, no ubuntu-desktop supports it, just not in the installer :)20:11
knomemmh, right20:12
knomebut yeah, how do you install the system if the installer is PAE-only20:12
micahgas do we20:12
micahginstall 11.10 or a netboot install20:12
knomeyeah, but let's say 13.04 is out20:12
knomeyou don't want to install 11.1020:12
knomeor even when 12.10 is out20:13
knomeit doesn't make much sense20:13
micahg13.04 probably will not have a non-PAE kernell, 12.10 might not either20:13
knomehaving non-PAE kernel doesn't do any harm, right?20:13
micahgknome: you install 11.10 and upgrade to 12.0420:13
knomei mean, you can always switch to PAE kernel after installation20:13
micahg12.04 will probably be end of the line for non-PAE kernels20:14
knomethat's a smaller bad than having to install+upgrade20:14
knomeyeah, but otoh, 12.04 is LTS, so it makes sense to support non-PAE there20:14
knomeif 12.10 is PAE-only, then it is, and we have to live with it20:14
pleia2it would be nice to have the same support as regular ubuntu in this regard20:14
pleia2so keep non-pae with lts, then drop it after20:15
micahgknome: well, if the installer work happens anyways and it won't break anything, I wouldn't mind shipping the non-PAE kernel20:15
micahgpleia2: the Ubuntu ISOs for 12.04 will ship the PAE kernel for i38620:15
knomemicahg, we've filed a bug today and cjwatson is the assignee, and will work it out20:15
pleia2micahg: oh, oops20:15
pleia2maybe we should too :\20:15
micahgso, if it's not too much work and won't break anything, I don't mind either way20:16
knomepleia2, except in that case, those users with processors that do not support PAE will need to install 11.0 and upgrade to 12.0420:16
micahgknome: which is either a 10+ year old desktop or a 5+ year old laptop/netbook20:16
knomeif it's too much work or breaks things, i'm sure we'll hear about this and can rethink20:16
pleia2knome: as I understand it, the number of users this impacts is on the low side (and it's not like we'll have a fleet of people installing xubuntu servers)20:16
micahgpleia2: right, that's why I'm ambivalent about the whole thing20:17
knomemicahg, yes, but we say on our website that xubuntu works on older hardware too20:17
knomepleia2, the number of users who need alternate is on the low side too20:17
micahgknome: it will work :), just depends what you define as old, you can't run Xubuntu on a P120:18
pleia2my p3 laptop won't run pae, but my p3 laptop also kernel panics when I look at it wrong20:18
knomemicahg, but you do agree with me that we can use non-PAE if it just works? :)20:18
knomemr_pouit +1'd non-PAE20:18
knomehe's going to love me for highlighting him so many times...20:19
micahgknome: yes, as those installinig 32 bit xubuntu vs 64 bit will probably have less than 3GB RAM20:19
knomeokay, good20:19
knome#info cjwatson will look at using non-PAE kernel with xubuntu precise i386, knome to follow-up with him if problems arises20:20
knomeso, now the old action items20:21
knome#action pleia2 and knome to work on t-shirt designs and come up with a proposal on the design and the webstore to plug in 20:21
meetingologyACTION: pleia2 and knome to work on t-shirt designs and come up with a proposal on the design and the webstore to plug in20:21
knomecarried on20:21
knome#action knome to design flyers20:21
meetingologyACTION: knome to design flyers20:21
knomecarried on20:21
knomewallpaper is finalized20:21
knomemadnick provided code20:21
knomeshortcuts are in20:21
knomewallpaper is in the repo20:21
knomexfce package revs ok20:22
knome#action pleia2 to raise publicity on triaging, testing and docs 20:22
meetingologyACTION: pleia2 to raise publicity on triaging, testing and docs20:22
knome#action pleia2 to gather content for flyers 20:22
meetingologyACTION: pleia2 to gather content for flyers20:22
knomeand wikipage is set20:22
meetingologyMeeting ended Wed Mar 14 20:22:38 2012 UTC.  20:22
meetingologyMinutes (wiki):        http://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/xubuntu-devel/2012/xubuntu-devel.2012-03-14-19.04.moin.txt20:22
meetingologyMinutes (html):        http://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/xubuntu-devel/2012/xubuntu-devel.2012-03-14-19.04.html20:22
knomethanks everybody for attending20:22
* knome needs to lay on the sofa for a while20:23
knomei'll update the minutes after that20:24
pleia2thanks knome :)20:25
Unit193Great, thanks knome.20:25
mr_pouit(yeah, sorry, that was dinner time, a bit complicated to skip :P)20:31
Unit193Why would you?20:31
mr_pouitto vote during the meeting ;D20:32
* mr_pouit hides20:32
knomeminutes are up21:10

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