
aicasnknome, draconicus:  ping00:11
aicasnfor whomever....i figured out what borked my system yesterday. the updates that were being applied crash part-way through, forced a halt and reboot, and left the system unusable00:13
aicasnif anyone else has that problem, boot off a live cd (or whatever), fsck your partitions, mount your drive tree under /mnt, chroot, and do updates under cli with "apt-get update"00:14
aicasnonce the updates went through i was good-to-go00:14
f1assistance1Any idea why I can't install LibreOffice? Tried several times using the Ubuntu Software Center but it displays a message: Failed to download package files, check your Internet connection? :-(00:20
Louis11what signal does a restart send?00:41
corvusAny idea what would cause desktop icons to appear slowly after closing a program?04:10
holsteinlow memory... bad graphics driver.. slow hard drive... old machine04:11
corvusIt is an older P4 - 2.6 ghz, 1 gb ram, 64 mb NVidia agp card, but...04:12
corvusThis is the second time I've installed Xubuntu on the same machine. Didn't have that problem before.04:12
holsteinmy $$ is on the nvidia driver..04:12
corvusEverything else seems responsive.04:12
corvusThink I should go with Nouveau?04:12
holsteindepends on the hardware04:13
corvusIsn't Nouveau supposed to perform better on older cards?04:13
holsteinnot sure.. i usually just see for myself04:14
corvusFigured it out...I think. I had disabled the compositor. Just enabled it and it seems to have done the trick.04:16
corvusI hope.04:16
BlakJakok... found an annoyance with 12.04b1 ... raft of dependency issues trying to install google earth...04:19
BlakJakia32-libs depending on ia32-libs-multiarch depending on a metric buttload of other stuff which is held back or somesuch04:19
beata1I'm looking for why different sets of icons in my panel are different sizes. Icons directly in the panel (launchers, menu, places) are one size, icons in the window buttons applet are a different size, &c notification area and indicator. What I've been able to find so far by keyword search has been about themes and blurred icons.04:36
holsteinbeata1: what would you like to have happen?04:49
holsteini mean, icons are different sizes... maybe try working on applying an theme, or changing the size04:50
JMCan anyone answer me some questions related to RAID5 installations?07:14
mrdoctorwhoHello. I have a problem. When i login xubuntu return me to login screen. What should i do?09:44
mrdoctorwhoI can login from tty* (not tty7) by type command "startxfce4", but it's not normally, because i have no permission for mount devices in thunar and add new network connection by networkmanager09:47
mrdoctorwhoi can login in tty* (not tty7) and start xfce manually*09:56
well_laid_lawnmrdoctorwho: if you make a file called ~/.xinitrc you can have stuff in there to have mounting work when you startx10:04
mrdoctorwhowell_laid_lawn: i need normal login10:05
well_laid_lawnmrdoctorwho: anything in .xsession-errors ?10:06
mrdoctorwhowell_laid_lawn: it does not exists in ~10:07
well_laid_lawnmrdoctorwho: you can check the lightdm.log in /var/log10:09
mrdoctorwhowell_laid_lawn: it's null10:11
well_laid_lawnwhat does null mean? - is it empty or doesn't exist?10:14
ubottuYou can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.10:14
mrdoctorwhowell_laid_lawn: empty10:15
mrdoctorwhoand in Xorg.0.log no errors10:16
well_laid_lawnI dunno then, I just startx. ask again in a bit when some more ppl wake up :)10:20
mrdoctorwhoi fix it.11:05
encrypt_hi, i've installed jupiter on xubuntu and am having issues when changing the resolution to 1024x76811:14
kvarleyI went to Menu>Accessories>Terminal Emulator and it asked me for the default application but listed none so I typed the command for xfce4-terminal but I mis-spelt it and now I get an error everytime I try and launch it. How can I reset or set a new default application for the terminal shortcut in the menu?11:58
well_laid_lawnkvarley: afaik there'll be a desktop file for it in /usr/share/applications12:04
kvarleywell_laid_lawn: It does Exec=exo-open --TerminalEmulator12:07
well_laid_lawncheck exo-preferred-applications then - you run that from a terminal12:08
kvarleywell_laid_lawn: FIxed it12:08
well_laid_lawnwell done12:09
kvarleywell_laid_lawn: Went to Menu>Settings>Settings Manager>Preferred Applications then on the Utilities tab I set it back to xfce4-terminal12:09
kvarleywell_laid_lawn: ty12:09
n2diyI helping a friend, he lost his panel, when he types "xorg-panel" it returns "command not found"? Help.12:34
bzrkn2diy: apt-get install xfce4-panel12:39
n2diybzrk, ok, it's installed, just needs to be restarted, so xfce4-panel should do the trick, thanks.12:40
well_laid_lawn!panel | for future reference12:41
ubottufor future reference: Did your panels disappear? Press alt+f2 and run: xfce4-panel | See also: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/XubuntuPanels | Want to theme your panels? See http://xubuntu.wordpress.com/2007/10/12/howto-set-a-background-image-for-your-panel/12:41
n2diywell_laid_lawn, he's a newbie, I'm not sure he's ready for that, thanks.12:42
well_laid_lawnnot ready for hitting Alt+F2 ?12:43
n2diyand then alt-f7 to get back to X12:44
well_laid_lawnalt+f2 is the run dialog12:44
well_laid_lawnctrl+alt+f2 is the tty12:44
well_laid_lawnthen alt+f7 to get back12:45
Sysirm -rf ~/.cache/sessions and unchecking save session in logout window to get panel on next login12:50
craigbass1976I can't log in.  I click a name, type a password, see a bit of a black screen, and then get bounced back into the login.  Another user can log in fine.13:25
TheSheepcraigbass1976: check your .xsessionerrors in your home13:25
craigbass1976Thanks.  Rot owned it for some reason.13:26
kvarleyHow can I enable Ctrl + F4 to close tabs in XUbuntu?13:49
jadoekvarley: if you find out, please tell me14:31
=== forestpiskie is now known as hobgoblin
diarmuidIs there any word processor for XUbuntu that will open in MS word as I need to do some college assignments at home but be able to print them and college which uses MS Word 2007?15:52
holsteindiarmuid: i would try openoffice15:53
holsteinlibreoffice actually15:53
holsteinits in the repos... you can install it however you install software...15:54
holsteinsoftware center.. synaptic, the terminal15:54
Sysiabiword by default should work, just use .doc15:54
Sysiinstalled by default I mean15:54
diarmuidOkay well I will give it a try and see if they are compatible for just text no formatting other than bolding and font size, maybe images. Thanks for the help15:55
Sysiif you need exact formatting, get MS office or a printer, though it should work okay15:55
diarmuidDoes MS office work on Xubuntu??15:56
Sysinot easily if at all, but most printers do I think :P15:57
holsteintheres nothing ubuntu/linux does to prevent microsoft from creating a version for linux15:57
holsteinhttp://www.codeweavers.com/ works15:58
Sysibut see if abiword or libreoffice fills your need, LO even supports .docx16:00
holsteinyeah... maybe even google docs if you arent opposed to that16:00
=== recon69_lap is now known as recon_lap
p0sixin the first live boot my function keys worked16:41
p0sixbut on the later ones they aren't working anymore16:41
p0sixI mean the fn key16:42
p0sixI could increase/decrease the brightness sound etc16:42
p0sixbut it ins't working after the first boot16:42
holsteini would want to try some other known good live CD and confirm its not the keyboard/hardware16:43
p0sixI only have one xubuntu iso burned into my usb16:43
p0sixyes the fn keys are working fine in windows16:43
p0sixthey worked the first time16:44
p0sixbut after a reboot they aren't anymore16:45
p0sixI do have a persistent space setup16:45
p0sixthink some settings sticked in and disabled them?16:45
p0sixhello again!16:57
p0sixso should I rewrite the iso to usb?16:57
recon_lapp0six: are you booting from the usb all the time?17:06
recon_lapp0six: probably best to try fix the problem then as it likely to come back17:09
recon_lapp0six: this might be helpfull http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=90319017:10
n2diyI had the option to encrypt /home home during install, and now i wish i did, is there a way to do it now?17:23
holsteinn2diy: check out https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EncryptedHome17:23
n2diyholstein, ok, thanks.17:35
cybroDoes anyone uses deluge ?17:55
Unit193Don't ask to about, just ask and wait for someone to respond (can take a bit)17:55
p0sixhello again!17:57
p0sixsorry for that,had a power outage17:57
recon_lapthough working conditions p0six17:57
recon_laptough !!17:57
p0sixI didn't understand what you mean :]17:58
recon_lapno power, tough/hard to work with computer , just spelled tough wrong first time17:59
=== freaky[t]_ is now known as freaky[t]
p0sixis there some nice way other than vm to install xubuntu into my system without actually hurting me windows?18:00
baizonyes, install it side by side18:00
baizonon a seperate partition18:00
p0sixerm no18:01
p0sixI am not talking about duel boot18:01
holsteintheres VM, wubi and dualboot p0six18:01
holsteinwubi is not all that great, but try it if you like18:02
p0sixwubi from xubuntu iso isn't helping18:02
p0sixit has two options "Demo & Full install"18:02
p0sixand "Learn more about xubuntu"18:02
holsteinif you have USB boo, you can install to a USB stick, or external USB hard drive, put the grub bootloader out on that device and the windows install is unchanged18:03
p0six"Demo & Full install" tells me to boot from cd18:03
p0sixholstein: yes I was thinking of that sort18:03
p0sixI only know how to write a iso into usb18:03
p0sixinstalling it on usb is beyond my knowledge18:03
holsteinp0six: wubi just installs 'inside' windows18:03
p0sixis that possible?18:03
holsteinp0six: this is all open.. literally anything is possible, including you totally breaking your install of windows18:04
holsteini say, decide *exactly* what you want to do, and go from there18:04
Sysiif you can unplug your HDD and maybe even if you can't18:04
holsteinyeah, i used to do that... just pul the cable on the hard drive, install to USB18:04
Sysiusb can be as slow as VM18:05
holsteinlike Sysi suggests ^^18:05
p0sixnah,am trying to learn this thing,before am totally familiar with it I don't want to commit it to my hdd18:05
holsteinp0six: then do VM.. or wubi18:05
p0sixusb install seems quite tempting in such case18:05
Sysiholstein: I'm not sure if you can make installer to see usb drive if you have sata/ide plugged in18:05
holsteinSysi: i have18:06
p0sixbtw I can't pull the hdd plug,its a laptop fyi18:06
holsteinp0six: yeah.. i did that on my EEE netbooks18:06
holsteinp0six: you *can* if you want18:06
holsteinyou dont have to though... just try wubi i say... thats easily reversable and doesnt hurt anything18:06
p0sixlet me find this dirty wubi first18:07
p0sixerm what happens when I install via wubi?18:09
p0sixcan I uninstall it later if I want to?18:09
holsteinp0six: it installs inside windows pretty much18:09
holsteindoesnt change the boot loader18:09
Sysiit's like an application in windows (AFAIK)18:10
holsteindoesnt partition or format... you can remove it like a windows application18:10
p0six0.0 oh no! that sounds too perfect18:10
p0sixwhaats the catch?18:10
holsteinp0six: correct.. theres literally not reason not to try it18:10
holsteinp0six: is sucks a little sometimes... it can be slower... and if you want to move it into a normal install, its a drag18:11
p0sixbut how do I boot it then if there's no particular boot loader pointing at it?18:11
holsteinp0six: for you.. no catch18:11
holsteinp0six: the windows one boots it18:11
holsteinthats it man.. the windows one boot its up18:11
holsteinyou get booted into it... you use it18:11
holsteinif you remove it, the entry goes away... thats it18:11
holsteinp0six: the entry in the windows bootloader that is made to boot the wubi installation of linux you are discussing18:12
holsteinthat will be removed if you remove the wubi install18:12
p0sixsounds all fine with me18:13
holsteinbut, dual booting is the way to go... if you *dont* have your data backed up, and you have no plan for recovering windows.. this would be a great time to do that18:13
holsteinthat hard drive *will* fail18:13
p0sixer why will that harddrive fail?18:13
holsteinp0six: they all do18:13
p0sixits a new laptop18:13
Sysibecause you don't have backup :p18:14
holsteinyeah.. doesnt matter they all fail18:14
SysiI'm not very big fan of dualbooting, but neither fan of wubi18:14
Sysisee if latter suits your needs18:14
holsteini think its better than wubi.. but its so easy to undo...18:15
p0sixI believe one os system is better18:15
holsteinthe os's dont care... and the hard drive doesnt either.. do what you feel comfortable with18:16
p0sixwhen am well versed and my isp modems start rolling out linux cm I'll switch maybe18:16
p0sixtill then I think I'll wubi put xubuntu here18:16
holsteinwhatever you do... just get your backup scenario in order... no matter what OS you are running, the hard drive is going to fail18:17
recon_lapp0six: ask your isp for a router18:17
p0sixheh,holstein is good at frightening ppl18:17
p0sixrecon_lap: its a wimax isp18:18
p0six4g thingy18:18
p0sixyou plug in lame ax326 and voila!18:18
holsteinp0six: im not frightened.. my data is backed up... i speak not of fear.. only truth18:18
p0sixso howmuch installation size is recommended?18:21
p0sixits selected to 18GB18:21
Sysiminimum of 5GB, better to have at least 1018:21
p0sixI have 4 108GB empty drives18:23
holsteinwubi lets you point to where ever you like18:24
holsteinas long as you realize the speed effect running from USB18:24
holsteinp0six: USB will be slower18:24
p0sixerm am installing in hdd18:24
holsteinp0six: cool18:24
p0sixtho usb boot wasn't as slow as you make it sound18:25
p0sixthat was fast enough18:25
holsteinif you point wubi to an external USB drive, which is what im assuming you are talking about since this is a laptop18:25
holsteinthe speed would be slower... from USB18:25
p0sixI am pointing at my internal hdd,as you said I can uninstall it anytime18:25
p0sixI have a live bootable usb already18:25
Sysiusb sticks are slower than hdd trough usb, but I like SSD fast18:26
holsteinright.. and thats USB... so it'll be slower than the internal hard drive would be18:26
holsteinp0six: yeah.. me too.. enjoy!18:27
p0sixthat was fast18:29
p0sixasking me to reboot now18:29
p0sixhello again!19:47
beata1I'm attempting to learn how to adjust the icon sizes in the applets on my panel and am admittedly lost. I've been able to discover that I need gtkrc settings, but I'm unsure of which settings or which configuration file. Each applet appears to have a different icon size, as does the panel itself.20:30
Starnwassup everyone22:02
Starnopps wrong chang22:02
=== meth is now known as methodx
willijs3Does anyone know if I can modify the "indicator plugin" in the panel. I want to get rid of the envelope.23:51
willijs3I can't seem to find it though23:52
willijs3Hate to be annoying, but Does anyone know if I can modify the "indicator plugin" in the panel. I want to get rid of the envelope.23:57
robin_Hi, newbie just arrived, doing chat for the first time!  Courageously - or foolishly - testing Xubu 12.04!23:58

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