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shadeslayer"Error in file "/usr/share/applications/kde4/ktp-send-file.desktop": "all/allfiles" is an invalid MIME type ("all" is an unregistered media type)"08:20
shadeslayerWouldn't that be a upstream issue?08:20
shadeslayerand digikam failed at 96%08:20
Riddellshadeslayer: I expect it's an issue with shared-mime-info08:23
Riddelland whatever we have that valides that08:23
Riddellerror: no matching function for call to 'Digikam::SearchXmlWriter::writeValue(QList<float>&)'08:31
Riddellwhat is there a matching function for?08:31
RiddellwriteValue(QList<double>) ?08:31
shadeslayersec, Iooking at the file08:32
shadeslayer    void writeValue(const QList<double>& valueList, int precision = 8);08:34
shadeslayershould be qreal08:34
shadeslayerthey actually supply qreal to writeValue, but the signature accepts double :P08:45
Riddellaye, and qreal is float on arm so they are passing float to double08:47
shadeslayeryep, I also see a couple of other functions that return double .... but then the function is called fooTodouble() ...08:48
Riddelltsk, programmers making assumptions08:49
shadeslayeras expected08:54
Riddellshadeslayer: slap some qreal()s in there?08:54
Riddell"Subject: [Owncloud] Packaging help needed for syncing Client"  little (well not that little) todo there08:57
Sifrazooyhi every body , i will go to my question directly , i want to implement new panels like the ones already on KDE but with adding some functionality on them does any one knows where i can start09:00
Sifrazooyknowing that this panels will have some sort of icons that will change their state continuly09:00
RiddellSifrazooy: that's a question for Plasma folks, in #plasma or plasma-devel mailing list09:04
SifrazooyRiddell: thnx again :D09:06
timhi, after the recent upgrade to kde 4.8, bitmap some bitmap fonts are a bit corrupted: http://static.inky.ws/image/1498/image.jpg09:10
timi'm usually using anonymous pro for coding and below 10.2 pt, the rendering has some artifacts. above that i suppose the font is not bitmapped anymore and it looks good again09:11
timit happens on a kde desktop, but also with qt applications (this is from qtcreator)09:12
Riddellpeople still use bitmapped fonts?  didn't they go out with the 20th century?09:12
Riddellwhat version of qt do you have?09:12
timRiddell: for small sizes, bitmapped fonts are actually more precise to read (imo) as they are less blurry09:13
timlet me see09:14
Riddellmm so it might be an issue with qt 4.809:15
Riddelltim: well there's no paticular font expertese on this channel I'm afriad, I'd recommending checking with sladen who's the font guy for ubuntu09:15
timi just tried gedit ... that displays these fonts correctly09:17
Riddellhe needs to get qt working for fonts as well as gtk, all of ubuntu uses qt09:17
timwhere is the right place to write a bug report for kubuntu backports09:17
Riddellwe don't really take feature bugs in backports, you'd need to test in precise (KDE bugs can go to KDE and Qt bugs to Qt of course)09:18
timunfortunately i am quite busy these days, so testing precise is not really an option for me at the moment09:19
Riddellit is the case for us all alas09:20
Riddelltim: but do point sladen towards your font and ask him if he can recreate in qt in precise09:20
Riddellfregl: any timetable for 4.8.1?  tsdgeos is keen to get in thai fixes so he can write without using spaces09:26
freglRiddell: I think there was a mail on the qt-devel list... let me check. but as usual no explicit time table. that is supposed to change with 5... but for 4 I have no clue.09:27
freglQt 4.8.1 release during week 11/201209:28
freglhm, is that digia and commercial?09:28
RiddellI don't think I have a calendar which can convert weeks into numbers09:30
freglRiddell: you're not using plasma?09:30
Riddelloh yes there is it09:30
freglit's such a required tool, once you're stuck in corporate machinery :p09:31
Riddellfregl: well 11/2012 is this week so will it appear in the next day?09:31
freglso that sounds like next week09:31
Riddellok that sounds good09:31
fregloh, this week09:31
freglwell, check the mailing list... from tagging to final it always takes a while, but I guess it means soon09:32
fregldevelopment@qt-project.org is your friend09:32
Riddellsounds safe to assume it's before ubuntu is released which is lovely09:32
Mamarokdear Kubuntu devs: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kde-workspace/+bug/95582609:35
ubottuLaunchpad bug 955826 in kde-workspace (Ubuntu) "plasma-desktop crashed with SIGSEGV" [Undecided,New]09:35
Mamarokreproducible every time09:35
Mamarokcrashes immediately after login09:35
tsdgeosMamarok: works here09:36
tsdgeosi get kactivitymanagerd crashes though09:36
tsdgeosor something like that09:36
RiddellI think Mamarok's crash is do with something not installed09:37
Mamaroktsdgeos: you use precise?09:37
Riddellsomething around activity manager09:37
tsdgeosMamarok: yes09:37
MamarokRiddell: I didn't remove anything AFAIK09:37
Riddellno it probably needs a dependency added09:38
Riddellbug milestoned09:38
fregltsdgeos: I've seen that kactivitymanagerd crash quite a few time as well09:50
Riddellagateau: how do I set autolog in lightdm?10:18
agateauRiddell: you use the kcm?10:18
agateauRiddell: or rather, you wait for me to update the package to contain the latest kcm10:19
agateauthe one which works10:19
Riddellagateau: remind me again where the kcm is?10:19
Riddellagateau: easiest way is if you just give me the values needed in /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf so I can put them on the CD10:19
agateauRiddell: ah, can do10:20
agateauRiddell: are you switching the CD to use lightdm???10:20
Riddellagateau: kubuntu active10:20
agateauoooh, nice10:20
agateauso you need to create a [SeatDefaults] section10:21
agateauand add autologin-user=true to it10:21
agateaummm no10:21
agateauautologin-user=<insert name of user here>10:22
Riddellagateau: that's it?10:23
agateauRiddell: should be, yes10:23
Riddellok let me try10:24
Riddellagateau: this works on my installed system http://starsky.19inch.net/~jr/tmp/lightdm.conf10:41
Riddellagateau: but this doesn't work on the ISO http://starsky.19inch.net/~jr/tmp/lightdm.conf-kubuntu-active10:41
agateauRiddell: I take it you checked the user name twice10:43
Riddellagateau: I can log in fine as "kubuntu-active" manually10:43
agateauRiddell: anything interesting in /var/log/lightdm?10:44
Riddellagateau: let me reboot and see10:44
Riddellagateau: starsky.19inch.net/~jr/tmp/lightdm.log10:50
Riddellfailed to load session ubuntu.desktop   is that it?10:50
agateauit's trying to start ubuntu, not kubuntu-active10:51
Riddellyes if I copy the active .desktop file to ubuntu.desktop it logs in10:51
Riddellnow why would that be I wonder10:52
agateauyou could try to set autologin-session=active, but iirc support for this key is not implemented yet10:52
* agateau checks10:52
Riddellit's currently autologin-session=lightdm-autologin10:54
Riddellwhat will that run?10:54
agateauI have no idea. where did you get that from?10:54
agateautry "user-session=active"10:54
Riddellcasper is the live CD script that sets up lightdm.conf10:55
agateau(assuming there is a /usr/share/xsessions/active.desktop file)10:55
Riddellthere is plasma-active.desktop10:55
Riddellso I set =plasma-active10:55
agateauI confirm the "autologin-session" key is not implemented anyway10:55
Riddellbut it does not log in10:55
agateaudid you set autologin-session or user-session?10:56
Riddelland it still tried to load ubuntu.desktop10:56
Riddellso something is making it load ubuntu.desktop and I don't know what10:56
agateauautologin-session is not implemented, try user-session10:57
agateauRiddell: probably that line: dh_auto_configure -- --with-greeter-user=lightdm --with-user-session=ubuntu10:57
agateauin lightdm debian/rules10:57
Riddellagateau: no change with user-session=plasma-active10:58
Riddellagateau: ok so it's compiled into the thing, that's a bit crazy10:58
Riddellwhy does it work for my installed system then?10:58
RiddellI can change casper to cp plasma-active.desktop ubuntu.desktop  so it's easy to workaround10:59
Riddellbut not very elegant10:59
agateauRiddell: I think the ./configure option is just a default settings10:59
agateauI would have expected user-session=plasma-active to override it :/10:59
Riddellno change11:00
Riddellwell I can work around that11:01
Riddellthe next problem is why plasma-device doesn't start11:01
agateauRiddell: you should ask Robert Ancell about this user-session settings11:02
agateaulunch time, bbiab11:02
shadeslayeroh man, digikam is such a PITA on ARM11:23
Riddellit doesn't beat calligra I'm sure11:24
shadeslayerHaven't tried out calligra, so can't really say :P11:24
shadeslayerdigikam uses double all over the place11:24
Riddelltook me about 10 uploads to get it working11:24
Riddellgraphics programmes are the worst, krita is the pain in calligra11:24
shadeslayerI've been refactoring stuff ...11:24
Riddelldon't be afraid to just disable stuff if that's easiest11:25
shadeslayerMostly replacing double with qreal11:25
shadeslayermethods having double as the return value11:25
Riddellthat's very common indeed11:25
Riddellhmm usually it should cast that magically11:26
shadeslayerwhy can't they just typedeft double to float in gcc/g++ ?11:26
shadeslayerdunno, everything keeps failing11:26
Riddellit mostly does cast it magically as I say, but qmax(X, Y) can't be done because X and Y can both be either double or real so it doesn't know which to use11:26
Riddelland i think there are more issues gcc has added recently11:27
shadeslayeratleast I figured out how to get a armel pbuilder setup11:28
shadeslayerdon't have to bug ScottK every 2-3 hours :P11:28
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Riddellshadeslayer: surely you just log into his machines and it's the same as any pbuilder?11:31
shadeslayerRiddell: uh, nope, I don't have access to the arm boxes yet11:31
shadeslayerMaybe after tomorrow I'll get the required access11:32
Riddelloh I see11:32
shadeslayerAltho, I don't think it'll be any faster than building on my machine11:33
Riddellshadeslayer: what machine do you have?11:33
shadeslayerRiddell: 2.1 GHz dual core x86_6411:33
shadeslayeruses qemu-arm-static to do magical stuff11:33
Riddelloh I didn't know about that11:34
Riddellshadeslayer: able to test our arm images on it? :)11:34
shadeslayeruh, don't know it doesn't have X11:35
shadeslayerI can try and setup a VM on my machine11:35
Riddellwell add that to your todo list after fixing all the compile failures :)11:35
shadeslayerRiddell: if you have a powerful machine : pbuilder-dist precise armel create  11:39
shadeslayerworks on sid, haven't tried it out on ubuntu yet11:40
shadeslayerthen : pbuilder-dist precise armel build foo.dsc11:40
Riddellon sid?  what is this non ubuntu distro thing?11:43
shadeslayerheh, for some reason all my endavors on getting a armel pbuilder up on ubuntu failed11:44
shadeslayerI think because of D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2, but I'm not sure11:44
Riddellpesky ubuntu, real men use debian11:45
Riddell(appologies for the sexism ladies)11:45
Tm_TRiddell: you meant to say that real men respect women? (=11:49
shadeslayerRiddell: do we have ARM plasma active images?11:52
shadeslayerI wonder if vbox will boot img.gz files11:54
Riddellshadeslayer: no, not until we know we have working images in i386 and something to test them on11:55
RiddellTm_T: actualy I did just have a phone call offering me £6000 if I respect women, so it pays off :)11:56
shadeslayerbulldog98 has a WeTab I believe11:56
Riddellcasper 1.311 and kubuntu-active-meta 1.3 uploaded, one those arrive I can rebuild images and it'll all just work!11:59
Tm_TRiddell: nice12:01
BluesKaj'Morning all12:08
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shadeslayerhi BluesKaj12:28
shadeslayerw00t digikam at 97%12:28
BluesKajhey shadeslayer12:30
shadeslayergtg cya later everyone12:33
BluesKajlater shadeslayer12:41
Mamarokwho is this ensane94 person on the Kubuntu mailing list? His mails are more than puzzling12:53
Tm_TMamarok: ahha, that's where Insanity have gone from IRC12:54
bulldog98_shadeslayer: what should I test12:54
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MamarokI put that guy on moderation, his mails are total nonesense12:57
Tm_Tultimate version?12:57
Mamarokclaydoh, Riddell: I put ensane94@gmail.com on moderation FYI13:04
shadeslayerbulldog98: plasma active on x8613:09
bulldog98shadeslayer: iso link?13:09
* shadeslayer needs to figure out how to install certain files only on one arch13:09
shadeslayerbulldog98: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/kubuntu-active/daily-live/current/13:10
shadeslayerBut Riddell said that he's going to respin the images today13:10
shadeslayerso I guess wait for him to give the OK13:10
bulldog98Riddell: ping me if  you have the new images up13:12
Tm_TMamarok: urrh, kubuntu-users mailinglist is strange place13:14
* shadeslayer scratches his head a bit13:17
* BluesKaj stays away from mailing lists , probly verbotten for me anyway ...don't think I'm a member ...seems to have to 15 different groups to see what is really going on :)13:19
BluesKajbe a member of 13:20
MamarokBluesKaj: why would that be forbidden? It's a Kubuntu users support list, no need to be member13:22
koolhead17Riddell: around13:23
BluesKajI'm really quite surprised at the hierarchy set up in the ubuntu organization ...doesn't seem to reflect the open source philosophy , iMO13:23
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MamarokBluesKaj: well, Ubuntu is a "meriotcracy"13:34
BluesKajMamarok,  yeah , sure  :) 13:34
shadeslayerRiddell: poke13:35
shadeslayerif we have a arch all package that is not building on armel, will the build fail on the buildd? 13:39
shadeslayereg: kipi-plugins-common fails on armel, but is a arch all package13:40
shadeslayerfails because it can't find ogl.png which is in the install file13:40
Tm_TBluesKaj: for what I can see, Ubuntu's hierarchy is kind of meritocracy with added democracy, so I don't see it being far (if at all) from "open source philosophy" (:13:45
BluesKajof course , you have to defend the the position Tm_T , I understand that  ...it was merely an observation o9n my part 13:46
Tm_TI don't defend13:49
Tm_Tjust sharing my observation13:49
Tm_TKDE is interesting, being quite a large project and still lacking official structure13:50
BluesKajI hope the problems caused by 3 different audio processes are looked at by the devs soon ...audio in kde is becoming a real hit and miss problem , mostly for laptop users 14:03
Riddellthanks for the moderation Mamarok 14:05
Riddellkoolhead17: hi14:05
Riddellshadeslayer: you poked?14:05
Riddellhmm, this ubuntu install doesn't seem to have worked14:06
Tm_TBluesKaj: three different audio processes?14:07
BluesKajalsa, kmix, pulseaudio14:07
Tm_TBluesKaj: kmix is only part from those three that is KDE14:08
Tm_Tand I'm unsure how the first two would cause any problems14:08
Tm_Tespecially alsa14:09
shadeslayerRiddell: yes14:10
shadeslayerRiddell: kipi-plugins-common is arch all and fails on armel14:11
BluesKajwell, there are default output problems , it used to be solved in als a, now kmix and pulse are becoming difficult to configure together to get audio to route thru the processes to the output14:11
shadeslayerbecause one of the files in the install files is missing ( Probably because armel builds have opengl disabled now )14:11
shadeslayerbut since it's a arch all package, and it'll only build on x86, will it fail on the buildd's ?14:12
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shadeslayerI'm not sure how to proceed here ...14:13
shadeslayerRiddell: ideas?14:15
MamarokBluesKaj: normally there shouldn't be anything to configure in alsa to start with, if that is not working somebody screwed up big time14:18
Mamarokthen KMix also should now just provide the default output that Phonon finds, no bazillion channels anymore to configure14:19
Mamarokand the main problem actually is only with peopple who use more than one soundcard, as that needs some tweaking from the user14:19
Mamarokif you have more problems please report the bugs , else we can't fix what we don't know about14:20
BluesKajI'm talking about the changes that take place in an OS upgrade without any changes by the user .I've encountered a lot of these problems in upgrades to 11.10 , especially with laptop audio settings/hardware14:22
MamarokBluesKaj: well, I haven't seen any with the upgrade to 12.04 so far, so please do report what you find14:22
Mamarokwithout reports there is not much we can do14:23
Peace-Mamarok: you are woman you! see this http://kde-look.org/CONTENT/content-pre1/149552-1.jpeg14:23
Peace-what do you think14:23
Peace-i mean the wallpaper14:24
BluesKajMamarok,  I'm sure we'll see some when the adventurous users start upgrading to 12.0414:24
Mamarokwhat am I supposed to think besides the very old fashioned icons?14:24
Peace-ah so it's bad14:24
MamarokPeace-: I don't like the icons, sorry, those look so... what we had 8 years ago?14:25
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Mamarokit lacks the shininess of the Oxygen and Nuvola icons14:26
Peace-Mamarok: well :D i did the wallpaper not the icons 14:26
BluesKajPeace-,  you're a gnome-look  lover :)14:26
Peace-BluesKaj: hehe it's not that 14:27
Peace-it's that a gnome look could increase kde users 14:27
Mamarokthe wallpaper is not my style either, I like pretty pictures :)14:27
BluesKajPeace-,  why change kde for cartooney icons 14:27
Peace-kde lacks of style 14:28
Mamarokyeah, why not keeping the beautiful icons we already have?14:28
Peace-oxygen *is not* nice14:28
Peace-i have seen one thing here 14:29
Peace-if i change some stuff like icons and style  users just want try kde 14:29
BluesKajwell Peace- , it's your pc , do what you want , just don't expect me to go "gnome'14:29
Mamarokwell, even the Gnome icons look better than those14:30
Peace- i have never said that BluesKaj...14:30
Peace-Mamarok: i didn't the icons...14:30
Mamarokwell, try it again with other icons then, we might change our opinion :)14:30
Peace-that is called kfaenza14:30
BluesKajPeace-,  it's ok , just kidding , but I like the kde icons themes etc , they're simple and less distarcting to my eye14:31
MamarokPeace-: what icons are that?14:32
Peace-kfaenza theme 14:32
Peace-Mamarok: BluesKaj for example i was just tryin to do a unity wallpaper http://kde-look.org/CONTENT/content-pre1/149527-1.jpeg14:33
BluesKajoxygen suits my taste 14:33
Mamarokyep, Oxygen or Crystal or Nuvola14:34
Peace-i will try that14:34
BluesKajhttp://imagebin.org/203619 , you'll have to use ctl - to bring the size down to a regular monitor 14:36
MamarokPeace-: Nuvola is what we had in KDE 3.x14:36
Peace-ah 14:37
Mamaroktry a Crystal variation then14:38
Riddellshadeslayer: sounds like it will fail yes, make it arch any14:39
Riddelland have separare .install.armel and .install.armhf files14:40
shadeslayerhmm ... ok14:40
shadeslayerRiddell: but why will it fail?14:40
Riddellshadeslayer: " because one of the files in the install files is missing" ?14:40
shadeslayeruh yeah, but why would the kipi-plugins-common package even build?14:41
shadeslayer+on armel14:41
Riddellmm, it shouldn't right enough14:41
Riddellbut debhelpers works in mysterious ways14:41
jalcine_They do14:43
shadeslayerI wonder if that's a bug :P14:44
shadeslayerRiddell: pbuilder builds arch all packages by default15:04
Riddellah yes15:05
Riddellwell then you learnt its not suitable for arch all15:05
shadeslayerdigikam all done15:20
shadeslayerOne more test build to make sure everything works and I'm done15:26
Riddellshadeslayer: I'm holding my breath :)15:55
shadeslayerRiddell: don't hold it for too long, arm builds take up alot of time :P15:56
shadeslayerRiddell: I'm setting up Plasma Active armhf for testing now 15:57
Riddellshadeslayer: sweet15:57
bulldog98Riddell: btw should I test the x64 images now?16:01
Riddellbulldog98: um you can but I did just get a failed install on ubuntu desktop amd64 so I wouldn't expect it to work16:08
Riddellbulldog98: you can review the oversize status16:21
Riddellif you're looking for things to do16:21
bulldog98Riddell: someone broke network-manager16:32
bulldog98every time I login I get a enable networkManger -> manual restart fixes16:33
ScottKThere was a new upload yesterday.  Go talk to cyphermox.16:34
ScottKbulldog98: ^^^16:34
cyphermoxbulldog98:  everytime you get a enable NetworkManager ?16:35
* cyphermox logs into Kubuntu on another computer16:36
bulldog98cyphermox: yes the networkmanager-plasmoids tells me to enable NetworkManager16:36
bulldog98then I need to restart it to get it working (on two different computers)16:36
cyphermoxbulldog98: ok... but is it running when that happens?16:36
bulldog98cyphermox: yes16:37
cyphermoxfwiw, I don't see this here16:37
cyphermoxbulldog98: ok, in this case, please file a bug, and make sure that syslog is attached, there ought to be something in there16:37
cyphermoxperhaps it's busy trying to do stuff16:37
bulldog98cyphermox: that could be the case16:38
cyphermoxI've noticed a bit of lag with adhoc and some other tasks, but that predates yesterday's update16:39
Riddellstick a fork in it, it's done http://starsky.19inch.net/~jr/tmp/kubuntu-active.png16:42
Riddellrbelem: awooga ^^16:42
=== Riddell changed the topic of #kubuntu-devel to: Kubuntu: Friendly Computing | 4.8.1 http://ur1.ca/8kalp | Precise: Feature Freeze -> Bug hunting: http://ur1.ca/8kam4| http://ur1.ca/8kamo TODOs! | http://www.kubuntu.org/news/12.04-lts-announce | wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/UDSQSeries | Next Meeting: 16th March 3.30 PM UTC | activate! http://starsky.19inch.net/~jr/tmp/kubuntu-active.png
bulldog98cyphermox: I haven’t been updating yesterday16:44
cyphermoxbulldog98: or today; I uploaded a new n-m yesterday.16:44
* bulldog98 hugs Riddell for doing awesome things :)16:44
cyphermoxit's fixing issues with the ipw2200 driver that's already broken, to avoid its brokenness crashing nm-applet16:45
bulldog98cyphermox: I use ad-hoc networks, so that may cause the issues16:45
cyphermoxI don't know how that driver might affect p-w-networkmanagement16:45
cyphermoxbulldog98: yes, as I said, please file a bug against network-manager and I'll review it, I have a couple of ideas16:45
cyphermoxI didn't change adhoc at all though (not for lack of trying). my patch introduces too much uncertainty. switching from wpa to wpa2 makes the applet run in circles16:46
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Mamarokwho does package k3b for Kubuntu? We have a rather interesting thread right now in the KDE forum about differences in builds apparently: http://forum.kde.org/viewtopic.php?f=19&t=10071016:59
RiddellMamarok: k3b stopped having frequent releases so it hasn't been packaged for a while17:01
Riddelllamarque: have you met cyphermox, the ubuntu NM maintainer?17:01
Mamarokthen maybe it would be worth repackaging it...17:02
lamarqueRiddell: I do not think so :) Hi, cyphermox.17:02
Riddellcyphermox: lamarque is the star of plasma network management17:04
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Riddelllet me dist upgrade and see if I get a problem like bulldog98 17:04
bulldog98it’s very annoying, cause I cannot send mail, because kmail thinks I’m offline, but as you see I’m not17:06
lamarquebulldog98: is it kmail2? I closed a bug about that same problem a couple of days ago.17:07
bulldog98lamarque: yes17:07
Riddellbulldog98: does the icon change on the plasma widget?17:08
ubottuKDE bug 294441 in general "kmail stays in offline mode, unable to send emails" [Normal,Resolved: downstream]17:08
bulldog98Riddell: no it stays at the configureing interface state17:08
Riddellrbelem: first bug reports! https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kubuntu-active-meta17:09
Riddellbulldog98: so it shows configuring interface but it is connected?17:09
bulldog98Riddell: yes it shows that Icon, but it says networkManager not running17:10
* bulldog98 is going to get meal17:11
bulldog98also it shows the connections17:11
RiddellMamarok: that seems like an upstream feature request, send him to bugs.kde.org17:12
RiddellMamarok: but I don't know if k3b is currently maintained17:12
Mamaroknot at all, read again17:13
RiddellMamarok: he wants to be able to configure encoding bitrate?17:13
Mamarokits not a feature request, bcooksley has it from KDE trunk17:13
Mamarokthere are differences though in the way things are displayed, so that must be a packaging difference17:14
lamarqueRiddell: which plugin Kubuntu configures in NM to store data? Is the default "keyfile" plugin or is it something else?17:14
Mamarokhe wants to see the lame entry like all other plugins17:14
RiddellMamarok: oh hmm, needs a bit of investigation then17:15
RiddellMamarok: is there a bug on launchpad ?17:15
MamarokRiddell: I dind't make one yet, but I will tell him to do so17:15
Riddelllamarque: I don't know, that's the backend right?  so cyphermox will know17:15
RiddellMamarok: tell him to do so and ping me or you so we can set a milestone and tag17:15
lamarqueyes, the backend. NM call them "plugins"17:15
MamarokRiddell: OK, told him to ping me so I can ping you :)17:17
cyphermoxlamarque: Riddell: I've been able to fubar my system just now to a similar state, I'm trying to find out what could cause this17:18
Riddelllamarque: http://paste.kde.org/440630/17:18
Riddellhmm, should I cancel this dist-upgrade I wonder17:18
cyphermoxI really don't think it's keyring or keyfile related, more something broken in dbus or glib async stuff deep in NM's bowels17:19
Riddelldist-upgraded and rebooted and it works fine17:25
Riddellcyphermox: did you have to do something to break your kubuntu install's network widget?17:26
cyphermoxRiddell: yes, muck around with adhoc17:27
cyphermoxI think I may have just found what breaks :)17:27
Riddelloh I've never used adhoc17:27
Riddellbulldog98: is that what you had to do?17:27
Riddellhttp://blogs.kde.org/node/4544  kubuntu active blog17:32
bulldog98Riddell: yes17:33
cyphermoxbulldog98: if you can reproduce NM being stuck, next time can you gdb into it and get a backtrace, just to confirm that we're seeing the same thing?17:37
cyphermoxis what I got here.17:38
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Riddellhttp://blogs.kde.org/node/4544 blog with scrappy logo idea :)17:45
bulldog98Riddell: hm maybe do the active a with the kubuntu icon17:52
bulldog98cyphermox: http://paste.kde.org/44065417:54
cyphermoxbulldog98: cool, thanks, so it's the same17:54
cyphermoxcan you just tell me what is your wifi device?17:54
bulldog98cyphermox: how can I find that out?17:54
cyphermoxlspci -vnvn17:55
cyphermoxlook for the Kernel module: line below Network controller17:55
bulldog98cyphermox: kinfocenter told me: WL-345 Wireless USB adapter 300N X317:56
bulldog98cyphermox: I also have that problem with an other computer, I’ll look for it’s wifi device17:58
cyphermoxbulldog98: I don't think it's relevant17:58
bulldog98cyphermox: ok17:59
cyphermoxI already could reproduce it on two systems different enough, it looks like some issue in wifi code to look for events; and the upstream developers are looking into it right now17:59
rbelemRiddell, hum... i think i know what is that bug18:01
rbelemRiddell, we just have to add the plasma-active-default-settings in the KDEDIRS18:02
rbelemRiddell, nice logo :-D18:03
debfxMamarok: we can't build the k3b lame plugin because lame is universe. however starting with precise+1 we will be able to.18:04
Mamarokdebfx: oh, interesting18:06
rbelemRiddell, we have kwin_gles, but it was not working very well on virtualbox18:08
Riddelldebfx: that'll be it18:08
rbelemthat's why i switched it to kwin18:08
Riddellapachelogger: got sheytan's e-mail address for kubuntu active?18:09
MountainXwhere should I discuss Firefox-related KDE integration issues? The package firefox-kde-support appears to be broken for 12.04. https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kmozillahelper/+bug/94994918:13
ubottuLaunchpad bug 949949 in kmozillahelper (Ubuntu) "KDE support for firefox doesn't work" [Undecided,Confirmed]18:13
RiddellMountainX: debfx knows his stuff on that18:13
MountainXRiddell: what do you suggest as my next step? Or will debfx read this and look into it?18:15
Riddelljust the dude18:18
sheytanyo :D18:18
Riddellsheytan: fancy doing a logo for kubuntu active?18:18
Riddellsomething like this http://people.canonical.com/~jriddell/kubuntu-active-logo-idea.png18:18
Riddellwhich is modeled after http://plasma-active.org/ and the SVG from https://wiki.kubuntu.org/KubuntuArtwork with ubuntu font18:19
sheytankinda busy toda, still need to show changes in color-kcm for dantti, bu sure :)18:19
Riddellno rush :)18:19
Riddellit needs the semi-circle tidied up somehow to make it more pleasant to look at18:19
danttisheytan: hey you here :D18:19
danttisheytan: no wories take you time :)18:20
debfxMountainX: kde support has been dropped in the firefox package so we'll remove firefox-kde-support from precise.18:21
MountainXdebfx: wow, that's very bad news for Kubuntu :(18:24
MountainXdebfx: do you have a link or reference for the backstory on this decision? What or who brought this about?18:25
debfxMountainX: the ubuntu firefox maintainer is no longer willing to maintain the patch (it has no chance of being accepted upstream)18:27
MountainXam I over reacting or is there a trend developing recently that looks bad for Kubuntu? 18:29
micahgdebfx: I assume that you or someone else have tried to figure out what it would take to upstream this support?18:30
debfxmicahg: the kde integration was not written with the intention to upstream it18:39
debfxMountainX: the real problem is that mozilla doesn't care much about kde and no one from the community stepped up to write the necessary code for a proper kde integration.18:40
RiddellMountainX: you're over reacting18:45
Riddelldebfx: do you know what suse do now for firefox kde integration?18:45
debfxRiddell: they still maintain the patch in their package18:46
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MountainXRiddell: Yes, maybe I'm over reacting. But I'm in the midst of making a decision between opensuse and Kubuntu, and I just decided to go with Kubuntu. So this news (and Canonical's recent news) seemingly has a significant impact on me.18:54
MountainXI plan to invest the time to get deeply familiar with one distro, so I'm making a long term commitment. Really good  distro GTK intregration is an important feature of a KDE distro to me.18:54
MountainXsorry for the typo (extra "distro"). And for the long comment.18:56
tsimpsonthe news from Canonical has no real effect on you, unless you wanted to buy commercial support18:57
tsimpsonas for FF, the KDE support was always really just a hack, and that's just not good in production systems18:57
tsimpsonthere's nothing really wrong with just running the stock firefox if you want to use it, or any of the other browsers in the repositories18:58
MountainXyes, I do pay for a support contract and it is up for renewal in a couple weeks18:58
MountainXtsimpson: nothing wrong with it in Kubuntu unless you've used opensuse and gotten spoiled by the beautiful integration. ;)18:59
debfxtsimpson: the kde integration is a hack but that doesn't mean it's unstable, only that it's difficult to maintain.19:00
tsimpsonif the patch is unmaintained, then it's not really justifiable to include it though19:00
MountainX(of course opensuse has its own problems -- I'm not in here to bash Kubuntu because I already decided it was the better of the two for me.)19:00
tsimpsondebfx: I didn't mean it was unstable, just not a chance it was ever going to be integrated19:00
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cyphermoxbulldog98: I'm filing the bug on LP so I can close it with the fix (which I'm testing right now). do you want me to subscribe you to the bug? if so I'll need your LP id19:35
cyphermoxbulldog98: bug 95634919:40
ubottuLaunchpad bug 956349 in network-manager (Ubuntu) "adhoc (and some other wifi actions) freezes NetworkManager in pthread/recvmsg (via nl_recvmsgs())" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/95634919:40
Ezimhi guys/girls.19:43
yofelhi Ezim :)19:49
Ezimyofel, it was not yesterday :).19:51
Ezimhow are you my friend19:51
yofelEzim: really busy this week with offline life :/19:56
Ezimyofel, like here. I have only today "off" from real life.19:57
yofelsome ninja around that could look at bug 954804? I won't have time before tomorrow evening19:57
ubottuLaunchpad bug 954804 in Kubuntu PPA "KMail2 4.8.1 crashes frequently (upstream bug)" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/95480419:57
cyphermoxbulldog98: https://launchpad.net/~mathieu-tl/+archive/nm/+sourcepub/2308105/+listing-archive-extra; though the packages aren't build yet19:57
apacheloggersheytan: ping20:09
sheytanapachelogger: pong20:09
apacheloggersheytan: about the boot splash you showed me... I do not think the blue dotties work well with the grey20:10
sheytanapachelogger: i think they do, but you always can change it :)20:10
apacheloggersheytan: also I'd appreciate if you could try to get the logo of the last grey-drop-shaddow-engraved version we had20:11
apacheloggeri.e. just the logo20:11
apacheloggerI have almost all the tech ready to drop that version into the archive as feedback was good20:11
apacheloggersheytan: also a solid color version is needed for low-color systems20:12
apacheloggerthat is the color we use for the background there20:13
apacheloggerdot color is the same as with regular theme20:13
sheytanapachelogger: you mean a version without the engaved logo?20:14
apacheloggera simplified version mainly20:15
apacheloggerit has a solid color background and should have a solid color logo20:16
sheytanwell, just use the background only :)20:16
apacheloggerso simply the logo in grey20:16
apacheloggersheytan: I don't understand20:16
sheytanif you want a version without the engaved one, than just use the background image20:17
sheytanor now i don't understand :)20:17
apacheloggerI need logos only20:17
apacheloggerI need the logo of the last fancy version we had (http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~kubuntu-packagers/kubuntu-default-settings/kubuntu-default-settings/download/head:/kubuntu_logo.png-20100328033223-zatfq1ojngr84q9k-4/kubuntu_logo.png)20:18
apacheloggerand I need a logo that is exactly the same except it only uses one solid grey (no drop shadow etc.)20:19
apacheloggeralso an xcf for the fancy one would be good20:19
sheytanthe engaved could be a little hard cause i made it a liitle tricky way20:20
sheytanbut i'll try20:20
apacheloggerwell, I just need something that is somewhat good looking the version from that link I just ripped from the jpg you sent me20:22
apacheloggerhence the terrible border20:22
apachelogger(though fortunately enough with the background you barely notice as it's grain effect nicely covers up my failure in graphics ^^)20:23
apacheloggerdid anyone try the experimental packages btw?20:23
sheytanapachelogger: can you put a solid color behind the background?20:25
sheytanis this possible/20:25
apacheloggerthe background picture?20:25
apacheloggerthere is a solid color behind it20:25
apacheloggerplymouth only knows of background colors and spirtes, so there is a grey background and on top of that is a spirte with the actual background picture20:26
apachelogger(in the low color version there is simply no sprite ;))20:26
sheytanapachelogger: good news21:11
sheytanmaster Nuno just gave me a lesson21:12
sheytanwe will have a good quality logo with engravement ;D21:12
BluesKajhow do I get my esata external drive to mount , so far it isn't recognized , but "dmesg | grep sdb' does see it .The partition manager doesn't however21:17
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EzimBluesKaj, any information when running lsusb?21:19
BluesKajEzim,  it's not connected by usb any longer , using esata to sata21:23
BluesKajit was working with the usb connection , but usb 2 is slow as molasses in january21:24
sheytanapachelogger: can you link me again to the 1280x1024 version of the background?21:25
EzimBluesKaj, maybe kernel related?21:25
BluesKajEzim,  you mean I need a driver ?21:25
BluesKajodd , because the internal drive is sata 21:26
EzimBluesKaj, thats what I think.21:26
Ezimnot sure 21:26
EzimBluesKaj, http://forum.xbmc.org/showthread.php?tid=8046421:27
BluesKajI have all drive connections enabled in the BIOS as well21:27
apacheloggersheytan: http://websvn.kde.org/trunk/KDE/kde-base-artwork/ksplashx-themes/default/21:30
BluesKajEzim,  sudo blkid , doesn't show the external drive , only the internal drive partitions21:31
EzimBluesKaj, thats wierd.21:34
EzimBluesKaj, have you looked everything is connected?21:34
BluesKajEzim,  yes , it's all connected properly21:36
EzimBluesKaj, then I have no idea right now.21:38
BluesKajEzim,  ok , thanks for trying 21:41
EzimBluesKaj, does fstab/fdisk21:42
Ezimgive any information?21:42
BluesKajEzim,  no fdisk -l  doesn't see it 21:44
EzimBluesKaj, okey. bios see it?21:46
yofeldoes (g)parted see it? partitionmanager has some issues with not seeing drives. (It doesn't see my notebooks SD card reader either)21:46
EzimBluesKaj, kan you test if any older kernel version works? it can be kernel bug.21:46
Ezimalso yofel suggestion is good.21:47
schnellefabo: are you going to backport qt patches for ghost taskbar entries bug soon? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/qt4-x11/+bug/91173321:49
ubottuLaunchpad bug 911733 in qt4-x11 (Ubuntu) "Patch Qt to fix annoying KDE bug 275469 (ghost taskbar entries)" [Undecided,Confirmed]21:49
BluesKajyofel,  the partition manager recognized it with the USB connection , but it's not seeing the sata connection21:50
yofelstill, does parted see it?21:50
Ezimschnelle, I noticed your suggestion with ppa does not work anymore.21:50
yofelwhich would probably be weird, but anyway21:50
yofelschnelle: there was some talk earlier about qt 4.8.1, if we go with that we'll get those too21:51
BluesKajyofel,  do you mean gparted live cd or gparted install21:51
schnelleEzim: because patched qt from ppa is qt 4.7.4. No we have qt 4.8 from backport which is not patched so taskbar bugs are here again21:51
Ezimyofel, kde 4.8.1 and the ppa schnelle posted back does not work any more.21:51
yofelBluesKaj: well, at least parted (cli)21:51
yofelEzim: I know21:52
Ezimschnelle, it worked with kde 4.8.021:52
yofelEzim: it didn't21:52
schnelleEzim: it is bug in qt not in kde21:52
schnelleEzim: i gave you ppa with patched qt21:52
Ezimschnelle, okey. I have not used this laptop for weeeks.21:52
Ezimso my first update was kde 4.8.1 and many others.21:52
Ezimyofel, :) it worked for me for some weeks ago.21:53
BluesKajpatrted just sees sda , not sdb , yofel21:53
EzimBluesKaj, sdb is generally for things running from usb ports21:54
yofelhm, odd, here at least parted sees my drive, so was wondering if it would help21:54
yofelEzim: no, it's general for 2nd SCSI/SATA/... drive these days21:54
EzimBluesKaj, external driver works with usb port but not from sata?21:54
schnelleyofel: I hope that patches are included in qt 4.8.1. I cannot live with these bugs anymore.21:54
Ezimschnelle, yeah anoying bug.21:55
schnelleyofel: btw i still cannot logout in precise without terminateserver:true 21:55
yofelI never saw those with the nvidia driver interestingly, after I switched to nouveau I also switched to icon-tasks21:55
yofelschnelle: well, blame driver devs, I'll make that option the default for beta221:56
Ezimschnelle, hmm still problem?21:56
BluesKajEzim,  yes , USB works fine , as i said earlier 21:56
apacheloggersounds like support talk to me21:57
Ezimppa:hrvojes/qt  <<<--- does not work anymore :( damn panel bug.21:57
BluesKajheh, gparted won't load 21:58
Ezimschnelle, its this kdesudo kate /etc/kde4/kdm/kdmrc you mean?21:58
yofelmeh, but I'm not sure what to do if parted doesn't see it either21:58
yofelEzim: for the logout thing, yes21:59
BluesKajyofel,  gparted doesn't see it . I oaded it from the cli22:00
BluesKajwell < i guess that was a waste of 16 bucks , on cable that doesn't work22:01
yofelyou could go with fdisk if that works at least22:01
BluesKajfdisk doesn't see it either22:02
yofelfile a bug against the kernel then22:03
yofelor udev, but the kernel folks will know that22:03
BluesKajyofel,  a driver problem maybe ?22:03
yofelcould be, I don't know how the device subsystem works there22:04
sheytanapachelogger: http://img708.imageshack.us/img708/8383/plytest1.jpg22:06
sheytanlet me send that logo22:06
sheytanit looks better as full size one22:06
sheytancan i have your email?22:06
faboschnelle: tomorrow morning22:11
apacheloggersheytan: png please22:15
apacheloggersheytan: apachelogger@ubuntu.com22:15
sheytanapachelogger: done22:19
sheytanbye :)22:21
schnellefabo: will this be precise only or patches will be available for qt 4.8 from oneiric backports too?22:22
schnellefabo: anyway, thank you very much for backporting patches :)22:24
* Ezim going to bed. bye all of you.22:26
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shadeslayerDigikam is done23:31
shadeslayerScottK: https://launchpad.net/~rohangarg/+archive/experimental/+files/digikam_2.5.0-1ubuntu2~ppa2.dsc << If the ARM boxes are free ...23:31
shadeslayershould work as expected23:32
shadeslayeryofel: you haven't sync'd the akonadi packaging in bzr23:35
CIA-42[akonadi] Rohan Garg * 42 * debian/ (changelog control rules) * Add build-dep on dh-apparmor (LP: #948481) * New upstream release * Remove x11_not_required.diff, file no longer shipped * Disable test suite in debian/rules, it requires dbus23:37
=== lamarque_away is now known as lamarque

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