
ybit#kde-usa <- join if you're in the US :)00:16
Grief_Umbrellahey guys, can anyone tell me off the top of their heads how 3 button mouse emulation is activated now that there's no more xorg.conf? googling seems not to reveal much.00:20
amasonGrief_Umbrella: usually it's enabled by default, at least it is on my machine, but you can still afaik create an xorg.conf and put the changes in there00:33
Grief_Umbrellayeah, I thought it was odd that it's not on by default. if I create a xorg.conf, won't that override all the fancy mouse hotplugging stuff?00:34
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Grief_Umbrellanevermind, finally found the xinput option for it.00:59
Num83rGuyWhere are the settings for Dolphin's "file sharing" (SAMBA) kept?01:01
Num83rGuyAnd by that I mean the text files that the settings are recorded in.01:03
kadoban_hello.  I have installed kubuntu on a laptop which has an Fn modifier key (for the F1-F12 keys to have an extra functionality).  When I'm /not/ pressing the Fn key, it does the extra functions, not F1-F12...the logic is reversed.  any hints on how i can fix that?01:22
kadoban_it's annoying to say the least to have to hold an extra key to press F2 or any of those01:22
Grief_Umbrellakadoban_: on mine it was a setting hidden away in the BIOS01:27
kadoban_Grief_Umbrella: hmm, really? that would be easy fix, ill check.  thanks in advance (hopefully)01:32
amasonkadoban_: yeh same on my slaptop01:32
Grief_Umbrellayeah, I don't think the OS would have any idea about the Fn keys, that's usually a hardware-level thing.01:32
amasonyou _can_ remap them in OS, but that's a PITA01:33
amasonbut if your BIOS is decent / well behaved then it's better to do it there01:33
kadoban_cool, ya you were right, found the option.  did seem a bit bizarre that it'd be an OS thing, but i've never had a laptop set up like that before01:34
nutcase_I am new to ubuntu and am using version 11.10.  I am trying to get the software to reconize my Parallel I/O PCI-E card  (IOCREST SY-PEX10007) any suggestions01:37
naught101Sometimes after I sleep and wake my laptop, my usb wireless mouse (logitech) becomes very slow and jerky. My touchpad still works fine01:43
naught101I've tried rmmod/modprobe both usbhid and psmouse, but that didn't change anything01:44
naught101any ideas?01:44
amasonit's possible that the wake isn't handled properly by either the device, the bus or the kernel. You could try and capture the number of interrupts on the bus01:46
amasonthere are probably a few other explainations01:46
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artaook. for the first time now since installing linux, I want to xfer files from a Win XP machine over my network to my linux machine01:53
artaowhat do i use to do this?01:53
artaoI've got a VNC app installed, but can't copy files that way as I'd hoped I might01:54
amasonif you have cifs enabled on your windowsXP box that's probably the easiest way01:54
amasonit will show up under dolphin01:55
amasonotherwise you can use something like the shared folders option in rdesktop if you have rdp enabled on your windowsXP machine01:55
amasonsorry, wrong direction01:56
amasonscp or cifs/samba going the otherway01:56
amasonfrom windowsXP to linux01:57
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amasonyou will need something like WinSCP or an sftp client ( filezilla i think will work too )01:58
amasonand openssh-server installed and running on your linux box01:58
artaoamason, cifs?02:02
artaowow. that all sounds ... rather complex02:02
amasonartao: cifs = windows file sharing02:03
amasonand it's pretty easy, especially scp02:03
artaoi c02:03
amasonfor scp the steps would be 1) install openssh-server on your linux box 2) install either winscp or filezilla on your windows box02:04
artaosooooo .... i share the folder on the xp machine and navigate to it from linux how exactly then?02:04
amasonwell you can do that too02:04
amasonto get to the windows machine from linux , share the folder on windows as you mentioned02:05
amasonthen use dolphin02:05
amasonjust go to the network places02:05
amasonsamba shares02:06
amasonand whatever your network  is called02:06
amasonand then find the machine / share02:06
amasonsame as you would with windows explorer02:06
artaoOH!! there's my other computers! thx02:06
artaoi usually use Thunnar and didn't see any network options there02:07
amasoni don't know if thunnar has a samba vfs installed by default02:07
amasonbut given this a kubuntu channel then dolphin is the default file manager02:07
artaome either02:08
amasonbut i think thunar should be able to do it02:08
amasonbut you would find better help in a xubuntu channel or xfce02:08
artaoi spose. i'm using thunnar 'cause i was using xfce before i switched to kde heh02:12
artaothx tho. files xfering now =D02:12
amasonwell if thunar is what your familiar with it might be worth spending the time workign out how to enable it. it's probably just a plugin or something02:13
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naught101amason: were you talking to me about interrupts on the bus?02:36
naught101(I tried pluggin the mouse into different usb port, and it stays on the same bus, but the device number increases02:37
naught101is there a way I can reset the bus or something, perhaps?02:37
amasonwhat do you mean by reset the bus ?02:39
amasonand usually usb ports will share the same bus02:39
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artaoRIGHT! that's the primary reason I've been using Thunnar instead of Dolphin!!!03:03
Kalidarnartao: what reason?03:03
artaoI've got a 4 button mouse, and like to use the thumb-button as 'go back'03:03
artaocan I set Dolphin to have that behaviour?03:04
artaoother than that, i actually DO really like Dolphin. it's nice it's got a built in console03:05
amasonartao: should be able to set that in the gestures either for dolphin specifically or for kde globally. system settings is where you will find that sort of stuff03:09
amasoni don't use them myself so i'm of limited help03:09
amasoni'm more of a keyboard shortcut person03:09
artaokul thx again amason =D03:12
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naftilos76has anybody got any clue what is going on with Kmail? Since upgrading to 4.8.1, i get random Kontact-shut-downs without any obvious reason. After any update new bugs appear out of nowhere. This is a nighmare...As seen on the internet even if it is a new issue there are several similar references...08:16
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Num83rGuyWhere are the settings for Dolphin's "file sharing" (SAMBA) kept?08:18
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szalNum83rGuy: Dolphin doesn't share files, the Samba server does08:34
Num83rGuyI am aware but, I can't find where the settings are stored samba.conf doesn't have them.08:36
szalwhat settings?08:36
Num83rGuyThe folders and users.08:36
ktwowhere is the option to connect to bluetooth PAN with Kubuntu? i dont find anything like that after pairing :| in gnome its there08:38
Num83rGuyHere is the problem.  I share some folders through Dolphins share tab in the properties popup. go to my wifes Win7 laptop and my computer is there but when I put in my user name and pass word it says user name or pass are wrong.08:39
szalpans have bluetooth now? to measure the oil temperature? :D08:39
Num83rGuyAh, never mind you seem to be trolling.08:40
Num83rGuySorry to have taken up my time.08:40
szalnever used that way of sharing, I used to set up Samba the old-fashioned way08:41
ktwowhat way of sharing?08:42
ktwooh ok it was for Num83 x)08:42
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Sifrazooy_hi does anyone know what is the development channel08:49
RiddellSifrazooy_: of kubuntu? #kubuntu-devel  of kde is #kde-devel08:58
Sifrazooy_Riddell: thnx man :D08:58
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excognacuntil now, I've never had problems with AMAROK. Now update collection and nothing happens10:01
excognacgot it, nevermind10:02
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Sifrazooy_does any one knows that is the plasmoid development channel ?10:10
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JannePgood afternoon all11:02
JannePi ran into problems with my kubuntu 11.10 automatic updates..11:02
JannePbasically, it's stuck in the middle of the update process.. is there anything to do without breaking the system?11:03
JanneP(already re-installed once, because it did the same thing on the previous attempt, which resulted in a broke system after i was forced to rest the computer)11:03
howlymowlyJanneP: i think the problem lies in the fact that sometimes packages need user input from the commandline during installation (for example proprietary java installations)  for some reason muon can not do this. To repair your system you should update from the commandline11:13
howlymowly(At least that's what helped me after I encountered the same problems, you did)11:13
JannePhowlymowly: thanks... i found some information that muon should be avoided, and terminal used instead11:14
howlymowlyJanneP:  yepp.. that's right...  the reason for this is what I said above :)11:14
JannePok managed to kill muon... fingers crossed it's fixable without yet another re-install =)11:15
JannePit's pretty daft releasing a "stable" release with broken update manager.. what a piece of crap11:19
JannePbut i'd rather try to make this work than install something with unity =)11:20
JannePokey.. manual update worked.. no re-install needed :D <-- happy camper11:33
Peace-JanneP: i use always console11:34
Peace-just because with alias to upgrade i type11:34
Peace-u ; g11:34
Peace-and it's faster than gui11:35
Peace-even add a repository is better from shell11:35
JannePyeah i might have done that too, but i didn't know before what commands to use for update from command line =)11:35
Peace-sudo add-apt-repository stuff11:35
Peace-JanneP: ok wait a second11:36
JannePPeace-: no need i already figured that out11:36
Peace-JanneP: http://nowardev.wordpress.com/2012/02/05/alias-apt-with-auto-complete-kde-4-kubuntu/11:36
Peace-JanneP: yes but this has the autocomplete stuff11:36
JannePahaa neat11:37
JannePfor finding out package names i've ususally used "aptitude search"11:37
JannePthanks, i'll hack that to work with aptitude :D for some reason i like it more than apt-get11:39
Peace-JanneP: yes you can when you have finisched please post your solution11:40
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delightis there others suffering from this kde-proxy-settings problem in precise 12.04 ? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=1163655112:07
delightis there a ticket to it ?12:07
BluesKaj'Morning all12:08
reisihi everyone! again i managed to get dbus_daemon to use all avail CPU, any ideas on how to check which process is causing this?12:18
Peace-reisi: mmm yes12:18
reisitried dbus-monitor, but it of course cannot join the dbus daemon as it's so busy12:19
Peace-reisi: try to sse this http://wstaw.org/m/2012/03/15/plasma-desktopTE4096.png12:20
reisiPeace-: no other process than dbus-daemon is taking up considerable amount of cpu12:21
Peace-reisi: have you seeen if command says soemthing ?12:22
Peace-you have seen the coloumn command?12:22
reisiPeace-: yes of course, have been watching this using htop previously; it's the /bin/dbus-daemon12:23
Peace-reisi: nepomuck is active?12:24
Peace-reisi: version of kde and kubutnu12:24
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noaXesshey all12:30
noaXesshm.. strange... since a while, if i listen sound in amarok and want increase the sound master level.. nothing happends.. i only can increase/descrease the level of the outputstream from amarok.. any idea?12:30
noaXessBluesKaj: here tooo ;)12:31
MamaroknoaXess: works fine here12:31
noaXessMamarok: don't know why..12:31
noaXessalso in alsamixer..12:31
Mamarokcheck your pulseaudio settings and KMix settings12:32
BluesKajnoaXess,  how high is the vol in alsamixer ?12:32
noaXesshttp://i.imgur.com/MEddp.png BluesKaj12:33
BluesKajnoaXess,  your master vol is too low , make it 90% at least12:34
noaXessBluesKaj: why?12:34
Mamarokbecause else you will not have enough output12:34
noaXessso you mean.. master to 90% and then controll the output streams?12:34
BluesKajhaving it that high gives more dnamic rabge to the other ctrls including the amarok12:35
Mamarokyou should have 100% in alsamixer, then you fiorget about that and only change settings in the applications12:35
BluesKajnoaXess,  listen to Mamarok :)12:36
noaXessBluesKaj: ok.. but.. amarok is on 100%.. and if master in alsamixer is on 100% nothing changes..12:36
BluesKajdynamic range ,. noaXess ..check that out on google12:36
MamaroknoaXess: and what are your KMix settings?12:36
BluesKajamarok depends on alsmixer's setings12:37
Mamaroknot only12:37
noaXessMamarok: what you want to know from kmix settings?12:37
MamaroknoaXess: well, which is your master channel and how are the settings there?12:37
noaXessMamarok: master channel for playback is internal audio analog stereo12:38
MamarokOK, and that is set to how much?12:38
noaXessMamarok: internal audio: 100% now.. but amarok still normal loud12:39
noaXessah.. wait...12:39
noaXessstop.. back.. revert..12:39
noaXessok.. problem..12:39
MamaroknoaXess: you can still modfiy the volume in Amarok, no?12:39
BluesKajkmix needs tombe at 100% as well , altho I don't know why we need it12:39
noaXessif no headset is plugged in.. all is fine.. can increase/descrease master and amarok.. to get more sound..12:39
MamarokBluesKaj: it's just a matter of level, alsa is very low lewel, KMix is desktop level, and Pulseaudio is application level12:40
BluesKajnoaXess,  just do it , you'll see or hear :)12:40
noaXessbut if headset is pluged in, nothing changes.. hm... also if i change volume in alsamixer for Headphone..12:40
BluesKajtoo many cooks imo , Mamarok12:40
MamaroknoaXess: you should never have to change anything in alsamixer to start with12:41
MamarokBluesKaj: we didn't choose it like that, it was forced down our throats with PA12:41
Mamarokbut KMix sucks, I agree12:41
noaXessok.. in kmix i have no control over headphone12:41
Mamarokit starts getting better, but still not as it should be12:41
Mamarokand I don't use it anymore, I use pavucontrol or the veromix widget12:42
BluesKajI still have a love hate relationship with pulse :P12:42
MamaroknoaXess: use pavucontrol or the veromix widget, sound output and input should be handled in pulseaudio12:42
MamarokBluesKaj: when did you last use it?12:42
MamarokSince Colin took over it got a lot, lot, lot better12:42
noaXessMamarok: ok.. trying..12:43
BluesKajI am using pulse , no webaudio with my m-audio card without pulse12:43
BluesKajpavucontrol as well , it helps firm up the DD and DTS pass thru settings...which used to get changed on reboots etc without pavu12:44
BluesKajMamarok,  how do i prevent playlist from being saved or even started in amarok , I don't use playlists12:46
MamarokBluesKaj: erase it before you close Amarok12:46
Mamarokelse it will be saved on close12:46
Mamarokand you can't play anything without putting it into the playlist12:47
BluesKajis that the only method, gawd I despise the default save options12:47
Mamarokwhich is actually the play-queue12:47
BluesKajI just want a player not a jukebox12:47
Mamarokyes, it is the only method12:47
MamarokBluesKaj: use xmms then12:48
BluesKajxmms is too small graphically for my monitor12:48
MamarokBluesKaj: make your mind up :)12:48
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noaXesshm.. i have two headphone jacks.. or better.. one normal and another spdif.. if i plugin the jack int spdif a little bit i hear sound and can control headphone volume.. in the other headphone jack, i plugin the jack 100% i can't control headphone volume.. then i can only control over amarok12:50
BluesKajwhy can't one just play audio tracks without the olayer trying to be everything it doesn't need to be ...it's apita ..I used to be a DJ and I never ever wished for a playlist option12:50
BluesKajspdif plays analog ?, are you sure?12:51
noaXessis it possible, that those two jacks are reversed?12:51
noaXessBluesKaj: no ;).. just information.. think they are reversed... normally on spdif you can't plugin a normal analog headphone12:52
BluesKajnoaXess,  exactly, spdif is digital12:52
noaXessBluesKaj: or digital is working woth volume control and analog not.. is also possible.. hm..12:53
BluesKajor supposed to be12:53
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reisiPeace-: hmm not sure of nepomuk, just closed eclipse and dbus free'd12:57
reisiPeace-: and when i shut down a message box of virtualbox even more pending dbus stuff started moving (apps i wanted to start earlier, kmail imap finished)12:58
reisiPeace-: and when i killed the spawned kmail my screensaver turned on and locked the screen ... "this is very usable"12:59
noaXessok Mamarok since veromix installed/enabled.. pulseaudio is using 10-15% cpu.. hm..13:05
Mamarokthat should not ahppen, which KDE version do you use?13:05
* BluesKaj settles for audacious13:05
noaXessBluesKaj: audacios ??13:06
noaXesswas that?13:06
noaXessa widget, app, ?13:07
BluesKajhmm, odd it's in the repos13:07
noaXessaudio player?13:07
noaXessBluesKaj: is it as powerfull as amarok?13:08
BluesKajit's a player by audacity , I think ...justplays your music , doesn't try to do anything else afaik13:08
bazhang!info audacity13:08
ubottuaudacity (source: audacity): fast, cross-platform audio editor. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.3.13-5 (oneiric), package size 2441 kB, installed size 6436 kB13:08
noaXessBluesKaj: i use audacity to cut, mix sound too..13:09
bazhangBluesKaj, you mean audacious, the replacement for xmms presumably not audacity13:09
noaXessBluesKaj: is there a ppa with current version 3.2.1?13:09
bazhangnoaXess, its very minimal13:09
BluesKajdunno , bazhang i just looked around for a player that will play music without default playlists that have to be erased etc13:10
BluesKajnoaXess, ppa for ?13:11
bazhangBluesKaj, yep audacious will do that13:11
bazhangnoaXess, why do you needed the very latest13:11
noaXessbazhang: why not ;(13:11
bazhangnoaXess, ppa are unsupported for one13:12
noaXessbazhang: i know. but i have a lot of them.. :)..13:12
bazhangnoaXess, then try the launchpad ppa search page13:13
BluesKajnoaXess,  not sure but make sure you have kubuntu-restricted-extras installe if you're into media at all.13:13
noaXesstried ..13:13
BluesKajtried what?13:13
noaXesssearching ppa.. ;)..13:14
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bazhangwith what worm_13:22
worm_anyone can tell me how to use Quassel IRC to join in the server at Wikipedia?13:22
worm_like this: irc://irc.freenode.net/wikipedia-zh-help13:22
Tm_Tworm_: server at wikipedia?13:22
Tm_Tworm_: that's #wikipedia-zh-help in this network13:23
worm_I couldn't open the link by clicking on it.13:23
worm_It told me to use a software like Quassel.13:23
Tm_TI don't know if Quassel do support such links13:23
Tm_Tworm_: and?13:24
noeccFresh 11.10 install, Kmix > Playback Devices tab lists only 'Internal Audio Analog stereo'.  All audio is output t HDMI how can I set it to the internal laptop speakers?  system settings > multilmedia > phonon > device preference, all audio playback set to  Internal Audio Analog Stereo other option Internal Audio Digital Stereo (HDMI) is greyed out.13:25
worm_That is all the informations the website gave me. Most people needing live help editing Wikipedia can access IRC easily using this freenode webchat link: http://webchat.freenode.net/?channels=wikipedia-en-help (for example). Web-based IRC is a good choice for first-time IRC users, for portable use, and for those who cannot, or prefer not to, install separate software: ......13:25
worm_but I don't want to use the website entrance of those IRCs, I want to use Quassel, but how?13:26
Tm_Tworm_: shame I don't know how those links would work with Quassel (and I don't use neither myself) but you can manually go to the channel by entering "/join <channelname>" .. without quotes, ofcourse13:28
worm_... All right...13:29
BluesKajnoecc,  check phonon, Audio Hardware Setup  tab, try to set the hdmi outputs there , also install pavucontrol , that will give even more output settings13:31
noeccBluesKaj: Audio Hardware Setup tab Sound Card & Sound Device set as Internal Audio.  With HDMI cable connected sound is output HDMI, with HDMI cable disconnected sound is output laptop speakers as desired.13:40
BluesKajnoecc,  ?? I'm not sure what you mean , so is it working with those settings or ?13:42
noeccOn Kubuntu 10.04 audio was output to laptop speakers, on 11.10 with no hardware changes audio is output to HDMI which I do not want.13:43
jordan4ibanezuse pavucontrol13:45
BluesKajnoecc,  you gave me the impression that you wnated the hdmi to work , because it was greyed out13:45
noeccBluesKaj:   [09:25:29]  ....... All audio is output t HDMI how can I set it to the internal laptop speakers? ........13:46
noeccpavucontrol Internal audio set to analog stereo output same as  system settings > multilmedia > phonon > device preference13:47
BluesKajnoecc,  that's a lot more clear, go for the analog settings in phonon/pulseaudio Audio Hardware Setup13:48
noeccBluesKaj: Those are my settings yet all audio is output HDMI.13:49
BluesKajnoecc, pastebin the phonon settings pls for both audio device preference and hardware13:50
BluesKajimagebin, noecc13:51
noeccBluesKaj: http://imagebin.org/203614  http://imagebin.org/20361513:56
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BluesKajnoecc, did you just set those settings ? if so reboot13:57
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noeccBluesKaj:  No, installed 11.10 on Monday, several reboots since13:58
BluesKajnoecc, make sure you vols in alsamixer and kmix are all maxed13:58
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noeccBluesKaj: alsamixer PCM set at 64 otherwise HDMI audio is too loud.14:00
BluesKajnoecc,  what other options do you have in the soundcard hardware setting ?14:04
noeccBluesKaj: just an USB camera14:05
BluesKajnoecc, ok ,  aplay -l in the terminal14:06
noeccBluesKaj: http://pastebin.com/HvqKabuB14:08
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BluesKajnoecc,  , now paste your /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base.conf file pls14:13
noeccBluesKaj: http://pastebin.com/MucX6wwz   I added the line options snd-hda-intel model=ALC272 several days ago.  It did not change/fix the problem.14:15
BluesKajnoecc,  change that line 'options snd-hda-intel model=ALC272' to , 'options snd-hda-intel index=0', without the the quotes. 0 or card0, indicates the default soundcard14:19
noeccBluesKaj: Does that require a reboot?  If not, no change after sudo alsa force-reload.  FWIW http://pastebin.com/hF20wdEW14:24
BluesKajnoecc,  force-reload doesn't always work , you'll ahve to back and check your phonon settings now as well14:25
noeccBluesKaj: Going to reboot.  rbr14:28
noeccBluesKaj: : no change following reboot14:35
BluesKajdid you make the changes in phonon yet?14:36
noeccBluesKaj: There was nothing to change.14:39
noeccsame as previous imagebin14:40
BluesKajnoecc,  have you installed pavucontrol14:40
BluesKajdi you try setting the audio route up there yet ?14:41
BluesKajbbiab ...stuff to do for a few mins14:42
noeccBluesKaj: http://imagebin.org/203620  http://imagebin.org/20362114:44
BluesKajnoecc,  that doesn't tell me anything , are there other options on those tabs ?14:48
noeccBluesKaj: Output Devies tab options Analog speakers & Analog  Headphones, Conf tab same options for analog and digital output as on phonon tab.14:52
BluesKajnoecc,  sorry , dunno how else to help , unless there's a mute turned on in alsamixer on the internal output or some such14:59
noeccBluesKaj: yes, strange.  If I disconnect HDMI cable with no other changes the audio plays through the laptop.15:00
noeccThanks for your help15:00
BluesKajnoecc,  well, I guess the hdmi is set to take precedence in the pulseaudio config file ..that might be worth looking into15:02
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chilubrinahh it's a wonderful day15:53
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jonocongrats, folks, on the Kubuntu Tablet edition19:20
ybiti made a KDE promo video and uploaded a bit ago if anyone wants to check it out: http://youtu.be/H0xIfSyio_c19:33
Ezimybit, nice.19:36
ybitthanks Ezim19:37
Peace-ybit: slow19:39
Peace-ybit: recorder software?19:39
ybitPeace-: it was recorded @14fps in kazam and rendered at 23fps in kdenlive19:42
ybitwhich affected the quality19:42
Peace-ybit: kazam?19:46
Peace-ybit: just use ffmpeg19:46
ybitPeace-: i'll look into it19:53
ybiti think there may be some benefits had in using blender for video editing as well19:54
Peace-ybit: ffmpeg -f  alsa  -ac 2 -ar 48000  -i hw:0,0   -s $(xrandr  | awk '/, current /{print $8}')x$(xrandr  | awk '/, current /{gsub(/\,/,"");print $10}') -f x11grab -r 15  -i :0.0 -acodec pcm_s16le -vcodec  ljpeg output.avi19:54
Peace-ybit: i have made an alias19:54
Peace-so on my terminal i type vrec19:54
ybitPeace-: mind sharing it?19:56
Peace-ybit: http://nowardev.wordpress.com/2011/05/23/how-to-screencast/20:00
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eegoreHi y'all20:50
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LinkmasterIm setting up Kubuntu 11.10 on my moms computer, to show her about linux(shes interested, just never has time), but  when I logged her account off, it is simply given a black screen with the mouse. It is running 4.7.*, and I was wondering if this is an issue others have, and if so, a way to fix it22:04
EzimLinkmaster, when you log out/in?22:04
LinkmasterEzim: just when I log out, its the first time its happened, I can update the system and see if that resolves it first22:05
EzimLinkmaster, nvidia card?22:05
Ezimrun kdesudo kate /etc/kde4/kdm/kdmrc and paste: TerminateServer=true under: [X-:*-Core]22:06
LinkmasterEzim: it might actually, the entire computer worked right out of the box(yay linux), so I didn't hunt for drivers or anything else22:06
Ezimrestart and it should work22:06
LinkmasterEzim: let me try that. Should I ensure drivers are installed before doing that? (what does that do anyways?)22:07
EzimLinkmaster, http://paste.kde.org/440864/22:09
EzimLinkmaster, lspci -nn | grep VGA22:10
Ezimcopy/paste the answer22:10
Linkmasterhere, let me get on IRC on her computer, 1 min22:11
LinkmasterEzim: back, you want lspci about what?22:12
EzimLinkmaster, lspci -nn | grep VGA22:13
Linkmaster01:00.0 VGA compatible controller [0300]: ATI Technologies Inc RV710 [Radeon HD 4350] [1002:954f]22:13
EzimLinkmaster, then you have the answer.22:15
LinkmasterEzim: ^22:15
Ezimati card :)22:15
EzimLinkmaster, have you tried the thing I did write before?22:15
LinkmasterYeah, I see that =P didn't even think to check, off to jockey I go22:15
LinkmasterI just put it in, lemme try it22:15
Linkmasterbe right back22:16
EzimLinkmaster, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/nvidia-graphics-drivers/+bug/93061422:18
ubottuLaunchpad bug 930614 in nvidia-graphics-drivers (Ubuntu) "Application rendering broken after logging out in KDE" [Undecided,Confirmed]22:18
EzimLinkmaster, wb. working?22:19
EzimLinkmaster, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/nvidia-graphics-drivers/+bug/93061422:19
LinkmasterLet me try jockey, put a proper driver on it22:19
EzimLinkmaster, maybe same problem.22:19
Linkmasterquite possibly22:19
Ezimokey try jockey22:19
LinkmasterITs an HD4350, so I don't see why it would happen...and the comment didn't seem to work, despite the workaround status :/22:21
* Ezim going to bed. bye all of you.22:26
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eric__hi, should I enable/install something in order to show the contacts when i write and email and/or in the krunner field (the contacts option is enabled)? because at the moment it shows just the recent addresses, not the contacts (i've both local and owncload contacts), under kubuntu 11.1022:53
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