
nigelbhehehe, StevenK++00:30
nigelbIf you get jono to write a patch for LP, I will buy ou a drink :D00:31
StevenKI was tempted to reply, "You can bribe yourself, if you wish ... not sure if it will have the desired effect ..."00:31
StevenKnigelb: Like you're old enough to buy alcohol. :-P00:32
nigelbStevenK: Hey, I'm not wgrant :P00:32
nigelbWait, what's the age limit in Australia again?00:32
nigelbHA. *Well* past.00:33
StevenKI thought you were younger than wgrant, TBH.00:33
lifelesswait, what?00:33
StevenKI'm allowed to be wrong. It happens often enough.00:33
nigelbI'm 23 :)00:34
bigjoolsus married people do feel a lot older than we are00:38
nigelbbigjools: settled down in australia? :)00:41
bigjoolsyes, thank you00:41
wallyworldbigjools: you have it wrong. you're only as you as who you feel00:50
wallyworldas young as00:50
wgrantwin 300:53
bigjoolswallyworld: in that case.... :)00:54
lifelessdid something in bug search change recently?   2457 /  120  MaloneApplication:+bugs02:00
lifeless   210 /    1  Distribution:+search02:00
lifeless     204 /   28  Distribution:EntryResource:searchTasks02:00
lifeless     181 /    6  Person:+commentedbugs02:00
lifeless     154 /    0  Person:EntryResource:searchTasks02:00
lifeless-> is suspicious02:00
wgrantlifeless: Huh?02:01
wgrantIt's been like that for months.02:01
wgrantMaloneApplication:+bugs has been bouncing around between 700 and 3000 for months.02:02
lifelessI could swear for a whole week last week it was lower02:02
lifelesslots lower02:02
lifelesshaha! found the culprit. finally.02:25
lifelessbug 95565702:25
_mup_Bug #955657: checkwatches reports oopses with no page-id <oops-infrastructure> <Launchpad itself:Triaged> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/955657 >02:25
wallyworldStevenK: can haz small review? https://code.launchpad.net/~wallyworld/lazr.restful/dict-marshalling-default-key-value-types/+merge/9756403:16
StevenKwallyworld: Sorry, looking now.03:23
wallyworldi hate doc test failures. especially ones involving webservices03:24
StevenKwallyworld: One small comment in return.03:27
wallyworldStevenK: fair point. i'll simplify before landing getMultiAdapter(field.key_type or Field(), request), IFieldMarshaller)03:29
* StevenK ponders a deployment03:49
* thumper misread that as "StevenK ponders employment"03:50
StevenKthumper: Don't you have bugs to write?03:50
thumperno, I'm a manager now remember03:50
thumperI have minions to write bugs for me03:50
nigelbStevenK: "Don't you have bugs to write" *snicker*04:01
wgrantwallyworld: How do I run just a single YUI test?05:06
wallyworldwgrant: you can't :-(05:06
wallyworldit sorta sucks05:07
wgrantHow do I debug a YUI test? :)05:07
wgrantMaybe break on error will be useful05:08
wallyworldi debug in firebug05:09
wallyworldor my ide05:09
rick_hwgrant: debugger;05:09
rick_hput that into the test where you want to debug05:09
rick_hthen use the dev tools or firebug to debug05:09
wallyworldaarrrrggghhh - why do we want to add such things to source code05:09
wgrantI as hoping to convince the testrunner to give me a traceback rather than just the text of the error.05:09
wallyworldthere's no need05:09
rick_hwgrant: yea, not really atm. I hate it as well05:09
wgrantAh, break on error worked that time.05:11
* StevenK stabs the team renewal mail05:17
wgrantYou could just renew your membership :)05:18
StevenKs/If your membership does expire, we'll send you one more message to let05:18
StevenKyou know it's happened.05:18
StevenK /We will keep spamming you until you get annoyed enough to follow the link in this mail./05:18
nigelbStevenK: Didn't I complain about this a while back? And you pullec my leg? ;)05:19
StevenKI get annoyed by the mail everytime a membership is up for renew, and then I click renew and forget about it.05:22
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wgrantI disagree05:59
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wgrantI guess soon enough we'll have ETODDLER06:07
wgrantStevenK: Are you QAing your information_type stuff?06:09
StevenKwgrant: Waiting for garbo06:11
wgrantIs it running, or are you waiting for it to run?06:11
wgrantThe latter is not a valid situation.06:11
StevenKWhy not, it starts in 2 minutes?06:11
lifelesswgrant: I was thinking bug 13230006:13
_mup_Bug #132300: mail for new bugs inconsistent with other bug mail (ignores mail-on-my-actions disabled, missing footers, duplicate mail vs structural subscriptions) <email> <lp-bugs> <notifications> <Launchpad itself:Triaged> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/132300 >06:13
wgrantlifeless: Bug #66760-406:15
_mup_Bug #66760: palette indexes in eft-theme.c should not be prefixed with 0x <usplash (Ubuntu):Invalid> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/66760 >06:15
wgrantlifeless: Bug #66760-406:15
wgrantlifeless: Bug #66760406:15
_mup_Bug #66760: palette indexes in eft-theme.c should not be prefixed with 0x <usplash (Ubuntu):Invalid> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/66760 >06:15
_mup_Bug #667604: new bug reports with attachments added generate blank email instead of including links to attachments <lp-bugs> <regression> <Launchpad itself:Triaged> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/667604 >06:15
wgrantTher we go06:15
lifelesswgrant: bug 45748906:23
_mup_Bug #457489: Bug importer ignores the product.private_bugs flag <bugs> <easy> <lp-bugs> <privacy> <Launchpad itself:Triaged> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/457489 >06:23
wgrant_mup_: bug 457489 tags +disclosure06:23
_mup_Bug #457489: Bug importer ignores the product.private_bugs flag <bugs> <easy> <lp-bugs> <privacy> <Launchpad itself:Triaged> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/457489 >06:23
wgrantIf only that worked.06:23
StevenKwgrant: Fixored06:24
wgrantActually, since it wouldn't be a regression, not disclosure :)06:24
wgrantWill see what the Curtis thinks.06:24
StevenKI've tagged it, it can stay that way until tomorrow morning.06:25
czajkowskiI do love the tag lifeless added easy06:25
wgrantIt is easy.06:25
lifeless\o/ heat 49806:28
lifelessbug 597706:28
_mup_Bug #5977: Person's related bugs pages do not show closed bug reports <affectsmetoo> <lp-bugs> <Launchpad itself:Triaged> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/5977 >06:28
poolieis it a known bug that branch link suggestions seem to be silently timing out?06:30
lifelessit may be06:31
wgrantBranch search is terribly slow06:32
wgrantBecause lol what is context06:32
wgrantSo it's doing string matching on several fields across the entire table.06:32
wgrantIt's pretty cool, innovative stuff.06:32
wgrantUnindexed too.06:32
lifelessit may be bug06:32
lifelessbug 74291606:32
_mup_Bug #742916: BranchMergeProposal:+index timeouts - slow query plan <timeout> <Launchpad itself:Triaged> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/742916 >06:32
StevenKwgrant: For 1979?06:32
wgrantVery similar.06:32
pooliethere's something else really strange06:38
pooliebug 865977, when cinerama looks at it, has a linked branch06:38
_mup_Bug #865977: UserPreferences does not work <Launchpad Development Wiki Moin theme:Triaged by stephaneeee> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/865977 >06:38
pooliewhen i do, it does not06:38
lifelessyou can't see the branch06:38
wgrantYay for branch visibility policies06:38
poolieoh course06:38
wgrantLuckily they are scheduled for demolition.06:39
pooliewbn if the link to the branch had a privacy icon06:39
lifelessif it doesn't, it should06:39
lifelessplease file a bug if appropriate06:39
lifelessstub: yo06:40
lifelessweekly thingy time?06:40
* stub finishes some typing06:41
stublifeless: oh - my skype capable box is currently upgrading to Precise06:41
lifelessstub: nifty06:41
lifelessstub: be sure to install pavucontrol so that you can get your mic working again06:42
stubahh... should be right. Still have 5 hours of downloading packages06:42
poolieok, https://bugs.launchpad.net/launchpad/+bug/95574506:42
_mup_Bug #955745: link to private branch doesn't indicate it's private <bug-branch-links> <confusing-ui> <privacy> <ui> <Launchpad itself:Triaged> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/955745 >06:42
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adeuringgood morning08:40
huwshimirvba: Do you have some time to talk about testing the YUI custom events and the js packing stuff at some stage?09:50
rvbahuwshimi: sure.09:52
jelmer'morning launchpadders10:02
StevenKmabac: So you sent an e-mail, but you didn't mark your bugs as qa-ok? I'm confused.10:31
mabacStevenK, we where waiting for your opinion (or someone in your team I guess). From our point of view none of them are blockers and I've fixed the most annoying bug.10:32
StevenKI thought we had guidelines for this sort of thing.10:33
StevenKmabac: It doesn't have to be perfect (but that would be nice), it just has to not blow up or cause regressions.10:33
StevenKIf it works, even better10:34
StevenKIf it looks ugly, deploy it, and you can iterate.10:34
mabacStevenK, I'll read up on the docs... then I'd like to get this in https://code.launchpad.net/~linaro-infrastructure/launchpad/fix-work-item-brackets/+merge/97584 and we're pretty close to beautiful ;)10:34
StevenKmabac: It's 9:30pm, if that needs a review, you're out of luck with me, if it's approved I'll toss it at ec2.10:35
mabacStevenK, ok thanks. I'll get someone to review it.10:36
StevenKmabac: In the meantime, I'd suggest marking your two bugs as qa-ok so we can deploy.10:36
StevenKBlocking the deployment pipeline == bad.10:36
mabacStevenK, oh I didn't realise we where blocking you. I'll have to learn more about what happens behind the scenes. will fix10:38
StevenKmabac: http://lpqateam.canonical.com/qa-reports/deployment-stable.html10:39
mabacStevenK,  thank you10:41
mabacStevenK, I've changed the tags on our bugs10:41
mabacso, anyone feel like picking up a one-line review? :) https://code.launchpad.net/~linaro-infrastructure/launchpad/fix-work-item-brackets/+merge/9758410:42
StevenKmabac: https://dev.launchpad.net/QA/QAProcessContinuousRollouts10:44
mabacStevenK, thank you for the links.10:46
stubmabac: r=stub10:56
wgranthttps://lpstats.canonical.com/graphs/PPR/ is slightly concerning.10:58
wgrantxmlrpc-private is slowly getting faster.10:58
wgrantWithout us doing anything...10:58
wgrantBut it's like 60% faster than it was after my last optimisation a few weeks ago.10:59
mabacstub, thank you!10:59
stubwgrant: What systems use that API again?11:00
wgrantstub: The dominant view has been MailingListAPIView for quite some time.11:01
stubMight have sped things up by accident, eg. indexes changed to fix a different problem11:01
wgrantIt seems to now be 4x faster than it was.11:01
wgrantRight, but I'm pretty sure we haven't changed these indices...11:02
stubMailman archives where having trouble. Side effect of that with a changed usage pattern or something?11:02
wgrantAh, now that is interesting.11:03
wgrantThere's 4x as many mailman requests as there were a month ago.11:04
wgrantBut it's not just additional requests.11:08
wgrantEither we've lost 80% of the old ones, or they're all <0.6s now..11:08
wgrantSo the extra volume is probably just because everything's fast now.11:08
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mabacStevenK, so when is the next window for deploying, now that I'm not blocking the queue anymore? :)12:25
wgrantmabac: I've just requested a deployment.12:37
wgrantWill hopefully be out in the next couple of hours.12:37
mabacwgrant, oh very nice. thanks!12:39
deryckMorning, everyone.13:01
abentleyderyck: morning.13:06
wgrantsinzui: amazing13:18
wgrantsinzui: You approved that 30 seconds after it passed ec2test13:19
sinzuibut I wrote cide instead of code. Maybe my fingers were combining code and suicide13:19
wgrantsinzui: Ah, so that's why lp-land is complaining. Can you fix, or shall I pqm-submit?13:21
sinzuiI will fix it13:22
sinzuitry it again13:22
wgrantsinzui: Much better, thanks.13:24
czajkowskisinzui: morning13:25
czajkowskiwgrant: how are you still awake!13:25
wgrantIt's only 00:2513:25
czajkowskiloonatic :)13:26
wgrantMany would agree :)13:27
czajkowskisinzui: I can across a project today on licience review where it is named Bazar translating it it's bazaar. yay or nay ?13:27
czajkowskiwgrant: indeed :) am feeling a little tired from being up so early and a swim13:28
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sinzuiczajkowski, you are judging them. They are creating a b2b site13:31
czajkowskisinzui: not juding just asking for clarification.13:31
sinzuiSince the branch is empty I expect that the project will fail to thrive, but I think we should let them prove me wrong13:32
czajkowskithank you13:32
czajkowskithats all I was asking wondering if there was any issue wth a name similar to bazaar13:32
sinzuiThey use bazar to mean marketplace, which is a good name for a b2b site13:33
=== jcsackett changed the topic of #launchpad-dev to: https://dev.launchpad.net/ | On call reviewer: jcsackett | Firefighting: - | Critical bugtasks: 4*10
sinzuidanhg, do you have time to review my change that splits the generic licensing email into three emails that are specific to the licensing cases: https://code.launchpad.net/~sinzui/launchpad/entitlement-3/+merge/9730013:48
danhgHey sinzui, I can look at this Monday - I have a full day planned in Millbank tomorrow, and I'm finishing off tests/writing up of tests today before I leave for the airport in 2 hours. Is Monday OK? If not, I may be able to look at it tomorrow when I'm in Millbank.13:51
sinzuidanhg, we do not permit reviews to block landings. I will land the branch later, I will send you the text three emails and will land that separately.13:55
danhgOK, sure13:56
danhgI'll talk to Matthew about re-arranging stuff.13:56
sinzuidanhg, are we switching to British English. The original email was in American English13:57
sinzuiLp was officially American English from 2008 to 201013:57
danhgsinzui, can you send me just the text that you'd like me to look at and I'll do a quick read-through/edit now?14:03
danhgthank you14:03
czajkowskisalgado: you about ?14:07
salgadoczajkowski, yep14:08
czajkowskisalgado: ello, thebugs you've submitted and marked confirmed and tagged but no status has been marked against them, are they for you to keep an eye on for future work, if so cna I mark them low14:08
czajkowskiI'd rather have the bug queue I watch  up to date so I know what bugs I am to look after14:09
salgadoczajkowski, I didn't change their priority because I'm not allowed to14:10
_mup_Bug #954970: Should list valid milestones when user enters an invalid one in a work item <work-item-tracker> <Launchpad itself:Confirmed> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/954970 >14:11
_mup_Bug #954980: Incorrect error message when a work item without status is entered <work-item-tracker> <Launchpad itself:Confirmed> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/954980 >14:11
_mup_Bug #954975: When there are errors on your work items it's not clear on which line the error is <work-item-tracker> <Launchpad itself:Confirmed> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/954975 >14:11
salgadoczajkowski, those 3 can be high as we'll get to them soon14:12
salgadohttps://bugs.launchpad.net/launchpad/+bug/954996 is high as well14:12
_mup_Bug #954996: Explicitly assigned work items cannot contain an ending square bracket <work-item-tracker> <Launchpad itself:In Progress by mabac> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/954996 >14:12
salgadoso, all high, it seems :)14:12
abentleyadeuring: In lazr.jobrunner, a bunch of the methods are implemented just to pass.  Should they raise NotImplementedError instead?14:25
adeuringabentley: yes, makes sense.14:25
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abentleyadeuring: At one point, you say "This job is dommed", where I think you mean "doomed".14:28
adeuringabentley: right ;)14:28
abentleyadeuring: In jobrunner.py, you import oops, but never use it.14:32
adeuringabentley: ah, ok, forgot to remove it.14:32
abentleyadeuring: I think max_retries in BaseJob should default to 0.  This matches the Launchpad default.14:33
danhgsinzui - those are done, email on its way14:35
sinzuidanhg, you rock!14:36
danhgI try :)14:36
abentleyadeuring: In test_jobrunner.py you import DateDirRepo, but don't use it.14:37
adeuringabentley: removed14:38
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abentleyadeuring: Other than that, I think lazr.jobrunner is ready for initial release.14:41
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barrysinzui: ping21:44
barrysinzui: could you take a look at https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad/+question/178930 ?21:47
sinzuibarry, I have given my answer more than a dozen times.22:02
sinzuiThere is nothign for me to do22:02
sinzuiI have advised two maintenance teams about how to delete data or re-invent the broken distro pages22:02
sinzuino one want to do it22:02
barrysinzui: toshio now has a bruise on his forehead ;)22:04
barryhe feels your pain :)22:05
barrysinzui: thanks22:05
sinzuibarry, I recommend delete because it was added under the assumption that Lp would support other distros to the same level projects are22:05
sinzuibarry, the issue is assigned to Matthew. Maybe he wants to authorise a change to at leas hide the majority of distros...because they do not use lp for anything, no one can use them, and they configure users22:06
barrysinzui: are you a registry admin?22:06
sinzuibarry, I like to think of myself as the registry admin22:07
barrysinzui: toshio says "jfdi".  can you just delete that page?22:07
sinzuibut distros cannot be adminsitered...no way to deactivate, or delete, or to make useful22:07
sinzuibarry, someone has to deliver the patch to undo the damage from 200522:08
* barry looks for but cannot find the launchpad time machine keys22:09
sinzuiit is not lost in the sands of time by the way. only the great plans to mirror everything on the net are lost in the sands of time22:09
barrysinzui: i have achieved enlightenment22:09
barrysinzui: and it is not a happy place22:09
sinzuino, the lose of innocence is always filled with regret22:10
sinzuiexcept for the loss of virginity. That was very satisfactory22:10
sinzuibarry, we really need a deactivation switch in the db, then model changes to hide things.22:11
barrysinzui: yes, that is a very high on the fedora project leader's todo list22:12
barry(learning how to hack lp)22:12
lifelessgood, it should be22:13
barrylifeless, sinzui thanks for being available to help him get lp running on fedora! :)22:14
sinzuibarry, I can make you a terrible bargain. I completed my backlog of other projects for Friday and weekends. I was going to work 3 days on grackle. I could post pone that work again to land a schema + model + view change to make it go away22:14
lifelesssure, debtaker && wget http://bazaar.launchpad.net.... -O- | sh22:15
barrysinzui: NOOO!!!!! grackle please :)22:15
barrysinzui: btw, you might want to post grackle info on mailman-developers@python.org and archiver-dev@python.org.  the latter might make a good place to discuss grackle22:20
sinzuinoted, thank you very much22:20
barrysinzui: thank!22:21
barrythanks even22:21
StevenKsinzui: https://bugs.launchpad.net/launchpad/+bug/45748922:47
_mup_Bug #457489: Bug importer ignores the product.private_bugs flag <bugs> <disclosure> <easy> <lp-bugs> <privacy> <Launchpad itself:Triaged> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/457489 >22:47
sinzuiStevenK, read this https://dev.launchpad.net/PolicyAndProcess/BugImportHowto22:51
lifelessbigjools: hey there23:13
lifelessbigjools: so this bug about oopsing - the bug seemed to say that a feature flag was needed to stop it crashing on prod23:14
lifelessbigjools: your follow suggests that the code has been fixed; would it be reasonable to reframe the bug as 'async copying is not enabled for PPA copies yet' ?23:14
lifeless(by fixed, I mean the code refuses to try async on ppas)23:14
bigjoolslifeless: yes23:15
lifelessgreat, so I will do so and put it back to high which it will clearly belong in at that point :)23:15
=== wallyworld___ changed the topic of #launchpad-dev to: https://dev.launchpad.net/ | On call reviewer: wallyworld | Firefighting: - | Critical bugtasks: 4*10

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