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haz3lnut<klimnan> You find your answer yet?03:29
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mr_gees100_peasgreetings all. I'm having a sound related problem. I can't hear sound on my computer. Using the sound setting under the volume control I can see the sound card install. I can also test the speakers and they work fine. However, if I try playing a youtube video or playing an mp3 file in vlc player I don't hear anything. I do occasionally here the ubuntu sound when I log in. I tried the alsamixer but nothing was affected. When i04:19
JoseeAntonioRmr_gees100_peas: We only read until When i04:20
JoseeAntonioRmr_gees100_peas: here the ubuntu sound when I log in. I tried the alsamixer but nothing was affected. When i04:21
JoseeAntonioRWe got until that I04:21
mr_gees100_peasthe rest was -->When i logged into this IRC I did hear some druming sound. What do I do. I've been at this for 3 days now.04:22
mr_gees100_peasI also disabled the integrated soundcard in the bios04:23
bodhi_zazenno idea04:37
bodhi_zazenmake sure the volume is truned up in your mixer and applications04:37
mr_gees100_peasI searched for this utility (gstreamer-properties) using alt-F2 and ran the test. The sound works there04:48
mr_gees100_peasHi, When I run the following command on the terminal i get an error (aplay /usr/share/sounds/alsa/Front_Center.wav    ERROR--> aplay: pcm_write:1682: write error: Input/output error05:33
philipballewmr_gees100_peas, whats your provlem?06:02
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benonsoftwareHi iczesmv07:44
iczesmvshould i partion my hardrive using the wnidows partion editor or from the disc07:46
forestpiskieI'd use the windows editor - there have been reports on the forum of people having issues - don't though format it - just create some empty space07:48
iczesmvthank you07:48
forestpiskieunless you already have 4 primaries07:49
mehrnazHi all11:03
mehrnazI have a problem connecting to a usb modem11:03
mehrnazCan anyone help me out?11:03
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asterismohi people15:02
asterismoi need help with something15:02
asterismoremember the LOAD_CYCLE_COUNT thing in the harddrives?15:03
asterismodoes somebody knows how to disable hard drive power management in a laptop?15:07
asterismoeven when it is running on battery?15:07
asterismobecause all tutorials i can find, are for intrepid and hardy versions15:08
asterismoand settings are not there anymore...15:09
asterismothe power scripts and stuff15:09
holsteinasterismo: likely been moved15:10
holsteinprobably something you can just add back.. whats the issue though?15:11
holsteinbattery life?15:11
holsteinrunning an earlier kernel will likely be more benifical to battery life15:11
holsteinhard drive life span is not something i would worry about15:11
asterismothe hard drives parks every 6 seconds when running on battery power15:11
asterismoholstein > given the fact that hard drives just can handle like 600,000 head parks... unce every 6 seconds... you do the math15:13
asterismoi do not care about battery15:13
asterismothe hard drive is the problem15:13
holsteinasterismo: doesnt matter what math i do... i dont worry about it15:14
asterismoi can put a line in the init.d startup to turn hdparm to 25515:14
holsteinbut, you can likely put those files in place and get what you need15:14
asterismobut every time my wifes unplugg the netbook for using with battery15:14
asterismothe hdparm changes to other value other than 25515:14
asterismoand it starts clicking again15:15
asterismoevery 6 seconds15:15
holsteinclicking usually means failure15:15
asterismoholstein > you should unless you have a nice computer that is not affected by this bug15:16
asterismothe netbook has less than a year15:16
asterismoand the hard drive did once15:16
asterismothe warranty replaced for a new one15:16
holsteinasterismo: i have several with years on them15:16
holsteinno issues yet15:16
asterismoclicking can mean parking heads for power saving15:17
holsteinim not saying you shouldnt worry, or that you cant change those settings... im just saying, i dont worry15:17
asterismoyou only hear the click in very silence moment15:17
holsteinwhen i hear clicking, that has meant failure15:17
holsteinits a certain type of clicking15:17
holsteinanyways.. testing the hard drive wont hurt15:17
holsteinand changing those values and testing wont hurt either15:18
asterismoi need to edit this in oneiric15:18
asterismoi need to find the script that tells the PC to change it's hdparm setting15:19
escott_asterismo, just add your desired hdparm to rc.local15:39
asterismoi already tried that15:49
asterismobut when i unplugg the setting is overrided15:49
asterismonow i tried installing laptop-mode-tools15:50
asterismoand edited that script15:50
MartinLebanyone around?15:52
nothingspecialwasup MartinLeb15:53
MartinLebahh hey man, so im trying to install ubuntu and failing at the first hurdle hehe15:54
nothingspecialwhat's the problem?15:54
MartinLebim trying to install 11.10 alongside windows XP on my netbook (eeePC 1000HE)15:55
nothingspecialyep, and what's the problem you are having?15:55
MartinLebive booted it onto a USB key like the website said, and when i boot ubuntu onto that, i go to install it and rather having the option than saying "install alongside windows" like it does on the website, the installation menu says "install inside windows xp"15:56
WilsonBradleyI wouldnt recommend installing inside Windows15:57
nothingspecialno other options?15:57
WilsonBradleyI did that and couldn't hibernate15:57
MartinLebwhen you choose that, it restarts into XP, and runs the installation dialogue, and then when you click the option for the full instalation alonside windows, it just boots up your USB key15:57
MartinLebso you end up running full circle haha15:58
MartinLebthe other options are to delete windows and install ubuntu instead, which i dont wanna do, or use install inside windows15:58
MartinLeband not be able to hibernate like wilsonbradley says15:59
nothingspecialDoes it give you the something else option15:59
nothingspecialYou should defrag XP then shrink the xp partition, then install Ubuntu in the free space, having backed up all your data first16:00
MartinLebohh right16:00
MartinLebyeh i do have the something else option16:00
MartinLebso partition my c drive and install it into that?16:01
nothingspecialbut dfrag first and definitly backup ..... just incase16:01
MartinLebonly thing is, i didnt set up windows on this machine, it came out of the box, and there is a strange D drive partition which i have no idea what it does, think that will matter?16:02
nothingspecialThat is probably a recovery partition16:02
MartinLebyeh..i was wondering that, when i open it it just has a folder called "test report" but the thing is about 60 gigs16:03
WilsonBradleyYes, I like backin time.. Will that restore back before a system update?16:03
* nothingspecial has no idea16:03
nothingspecialis that a windows program16:04
MartinLebhaha no its a folder, with a pdf file inside that has some stuff that looks like coding16:04
MartinLeboh and a couple of hidden folders too it seems16:05
lukjadHey, anyone here have some knowledge of kdenlive/video encoding in Ubuntu? I'm having some issues encoding, the red colour is not rendering16:07
lukjadKdenlive Version 0.8.3 Using KDE Development Platform 4.7.4 (4.7.4)16:07
nothingspecialWell like I said, resi16:07
WilsonBradleyYes, I like backin time.. Will that restore back before a system update?16:07
nothingspecialMartinLeb, like I said, shrink your c drive and make a new partition for ubuntu, then install it on that with the something else option16:08
MartinLebok cool16:08
MartinLebim running a defrag now16:08
MartinLeband the d drive thing wont be an issue?16:09
nothingspecialhang on, long reply coming up16:09
MartinLebhaha ok16:09
nothingspecialYou want to make 2 partitions, One twice the size of your Ram and one of at least 12-15 gigs for Ubuntu. When you get to the something else bit, chhose the partition that you made for ubuntu.  Give it a mountpoint of / use it as an ext4 journaling file system. Use the small one as a swap area16:11
nothingspecialit will make sense when you get to that bit16:11
nothingspecialJust make sure you don't select any options for your c and d drive16:12
nothingspecialand it will be fine16:12
MartinLebok i think i follow16:13
nothingspecialgot to go MartinLeb, hope you get it sorted16:13
MartinLebok i will give it a go, thanks a lot for your time16:13
lukjadCan anyone help with this: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=11767744#post1176774416:15
holsteinlukjad: whats the issue? i would try going one way or the other with kden (version wise).. i would try using something else to isolate if it is a kden issue, or a system wide backend issue16:16
lukjadholstein I can play videos just fine.16:17
lukjadAnd the preview I see shows the video perfectly16:17
holsteini would still try using another application to encode or export or whatever you are doing to help get an idea where the issue is16:18
lukjadholstein Hmmm...I don't have any. Let me see what other programs are out there.16:19
holsteinopenshot... avidmeux... kino16:20
WilsonBradleyI love OpenShot16:20
holsteinassuming you are having an export to a certain file type issue... try exporting to another filetype16:20
WilsonBradleyinstalled and used it yesterday16:20
WilsonBradleyWorked easier than Photoshop CS16:20
holsteinWilsonBradley: seems like its the one being actively developed right now too16:20
holsteinkden is the one i was using though16:21
WilsonBradleyluv it16:21
lukjadholstein I tried two different formats16:21
holsteinlukjad: 2?... lets talk after you try 10 ;)16:21
WilsonBradleyeven on my Netbook it runs faster than others16:21
holsteinbut you can skip to trying openshot... that'll tell you something lukjad16:21
lukjadholstein I don't have access to all 10, they aren't supported formats16:22
holsteindifferent quality settings per though16:22
holsteinanyways... i think tryint openshot will tell you something in a troubleshooting sense16:22
lukjadholstein No colour issues16:27
holsteinlukjad: you might want to think about elaborating on what the issues actually are... maybe someone will have seen them16:30
lukjadholstein Well, the issue is that the colour of the video has all the colours except for the colour red16:31
lukjadPreview shows no problems then16:31
holsteinyeah, that sounds like it could be on the backend16:31
holsteineasy to confirm that though...16:32
lukjadShould I just remove the .kdenlive folder?16:32
holsteinlukjad: i would literally open something up in openshot, and try exporting16:32
lukjadholstein That's what I did16:33
holsteinyou can try removing that from your /home though, or make a temorary user acccount and open the project16:33
holsteinlukjad: and?16:33
holsteinstill no red from openshot?16:33
lukjadNo, the red works fine16:33
lukjadThere were no colour issues when using Openshot16:33
holsteinOK.. thats progress16:33
holsteinthen, yeah.. try renaming the config16:33
holsteintry going forward or back with the versions16:34
holsteinstop using ubuntu tweak ;)16:34
lukjadholstein Well, that didn't work16:37
lukjadThe renaming16:37
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holsteinlukjad: ok.. so its not your config then16:38
lukjadI'll try renaming all my .kde folder16:38
holsteinor at least, thats the way i interpret that troubleshooting step16:38
lukjadMaybe it's something within kde16:38
holsteinnow you can switch versions16:38
holsteinlukjad: i would try going to an earlier version16:38
holsteinthe last kdenlive16:38
lukjadHow exactly do you do so?16:40
holsteinlukjad: i would do that in synaptic myself... but you can do that where ever you feel comfortable managing packages16:40
lukjadHm, somehow I got .4, a new version16:42
lukjadBut it's not in the repos...16:42
holsteinlukjad: you might have a PPA16:42
holsteinyou might have built it.. who knows.. i would try *several* versions... i would go for the last one in the default repos16:42
holsteinlike i said before... lets talk when you've tried like 4 versions ;)16:43
edlikI have to restart x manually after changing from unity to gnome3 using these instructions http://pastebin.com/Ec6Pc7an  how do I make it so x starts by itself?16:56
edlikim using 11.0416:56
holsteinedlik: you should be able to have gnome3 and unity running in 11.1016:57
holsteinin 11.04 too for that matter... you should be able to select between them at login16:57
edlikI log in without going through my log in screen, so I wrecked my system for nothing? :'(16:59
escott_holstein, iirc the 11.04 gnome3 ppa was not compatible with unity17:00
holsteinmaybe thats the issue17:00
holsteinstill, i say the latest versions of unity are worth upgrading for17:01
escott_edlik, i cant remember what version the switch was, but i think it was 11.04. but the 11.04 gnome3 ppa is incompatible with unity and there were some stern warnings about this that you must have blown through. your best bet is probably a fresh install of 11.1017:02
holsteini would probably, instead of hacking that version so hard, i would just upgrade to 11.10 or 12.0417:02
escott_edlik, alternately you could remove the ppa with ppa-purge at which point you will probably only be able to boot to text and then try a text mode upgrade17:02
edlikis 12.04 stable now that it close to the release?17:06
escott_edlik, its still beta but you can hop into the !precise channel. you can get a decent idea by listening to traffic for a while17:08
edlikthat sounds like a plan, thanks17:09
edlikshould I do the ppa-purge before I upgrade to 11.10 or will the upgrade take care of that?17:15
holsteinedlik: i would want to purge personally, and escott_ suggests that as well17:16
escott_edlik, you would have to do it before. honestly a reinstall is probably a better idea17:16
holsteinyeah... i find reinstallling takes so much less time actually17:16
WilsonBradleyEdlik.. I thought 12.04 was / is very stable.. but just now after updating/reboot it hangs at Speech dispatcher17:16
escott_edlik, that is a really intrusive ppa. its not like a single application that you can easily test for proper functioning after removal17:17
WilsonBradleynot sure whats going on.. looking at log file now ;-( Not even sure where to start.. :-(17:17
holsteinWilsonBradley: are you in #ubuntu+1 ?17:18
holsteinthats the best place to "keep a finger on the pulse"17:18
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edlikbefore I do this do I just type in ppa-purge?  And before I started x manually, I tried to upgrade to 11.10 from the command line but it said my system was upgraded. Now that I have the gui I checked my update manager and it says I can update to 11.10.17:30
holsteinedlik: yeah, however you are comfortable upgrading to 11.1017:31
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WilsonBradley_  It's giving me errors and ubuntu wont boot now :-(19:12
FyodorovnaWilsonBradley, you have a mbr setup?19:13
WilsonBradleymaster boot record?19:13
WilsonBradleyWhats mbr?19:14
escottWilsonBradley, what are the errors19:14
WilsonBradleyIts' at startup. What log file do I check?19:15
ubot2`GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10)19:15
WilsonBradleyI cant find it in xorg log19:15
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WilsonBradleythink Grub is my problem?19:16
philipballew_WilsonBradley, when you say boot up, what do you mean?19:16
jalcineGood chance it might.19:17
WilsonBradleyBooting into Ubuntu19:21
WilsonBradleyan anyone help me remove speech_dispatch from Ubuntu? It has speakup & speakup_soft dependancies..19:23
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Unit193!afk | bladernr_afk20:00
ubot2`bladernr_afk: Please do not use noisy away messages and nicks in Ubuntu channels. It is annoying and unnecessary. Use the command "/away <reason>" to set your client away silently. See also «/msg ubottu Guidelines»20:00
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Kostas110hello everyone I have problems with samba I tried to install it from synaptic pakage manager (SAMBA4)( I use lubuntu)22:31
Kostas110and I had errors with smb.conf file I tried to solve them but no hope.. so I tryed to install samba 3 stable from www.samba.org22:31
Kostas110I removed the previous installation using "sudo apt-get remove samba --purge" and compiled the packet following the directions in the site.. now I type samba in the terminal and it sayes thats not installed and I should install samba 422:31
bodhi_zazenKostas110: samba is a server, not a program22:34
bodhi_zazenwhen you compiled it, did it install an init script in /etc/init.d ?22:34
Kostas110so how should I call it to start?22:34
bodhi_zazen sudo /etc/init.d/samba start22:34
Kostas110ok I will try it now22:35
bodhi_zazenIf the source code did not include an init script, you have to write one22:35
bodhi_zazenIn that case, probably better to remove it, re-install from apt-get and debug your config problem22:35
bodhi_zazeninstalling from source is unlikely to solve a config problem22:35
Kostas110hmm it seems it didnt istalled it22:37
bodhi_zazendid the tar ball have a README ?22:37
bodhi_zazenDoes the README discuss a boot script ?22:38
bodhi_zazenor configuration ?22:38
Kostas110I am just checking it now ( it has lots of read me files ) thats why the delay22:40
Kostas110ehh ok thats weard it said how to install samba4 ... and I am reading the how to!!22:44
Kostas110in the tar samba3.15....22:44
bodhi_zazenWell, samba 4 is probably better then 3 =22:47
Kostas110yes but I have this issue https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/samba4/+bug/85739422:48
ubot2`Launchpad bug 857394 in samba4 "Samba 4 failed to update with ProvisioningError: guess_names: 'realm =' was not specified in supplied /etc/samba/smb.conf. Please remove the smb.conf file and let provision generate it (dup-of: 832465)" [Undecided,Confirmed]22:48
ubot2`Launchpad bug 832465 in samba4 "upgradeprovision: guess_names: 'realm =' was not specified in supplied /etc/samba/smb.conf. Please remove the smb.conf file and let provision generate it" [High,Triaged]22:48
bodhi_zazenKostas110: there is a solution / work around posted in that bug report22:50
Kostas110I have seen that.. but nothing works for me22:51
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