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alo21hi all17:21
alo21could someone help me on triaging bug?18:29
alo21htorque: can you help me?18:30
alo21JackyAlcine_: can you help me?18:35
JackyAlcine_Depends, what's up?18:35
alo21JackyAlcine_: I am a new triaging, and I am a little bit unsecure18:40
alo21JackyAlcine_: so... I would ask you if I am doing the right things18:40
alo21JackyAlcine_: could follow me for two easy bugs?18:41
JackyAlcine_Well, I haven't really triaged a bug before, so I'd most definitely you astray.18:42
JackyAlcine_I hang out here to see if there's a bug that someone reports that I could fix.18:43
Laibschalo21: the first mistake you are making is asking if it's OK to ask intead of simply laying out the problem/question you have.18:44
alo21Laibsch: ok...18:44
JackyAlcine_Yeah, that's the way of IRC.18:44
JackyAlcine_Don't ask to ask, just ASK :)18:44
alo21Laibsch: as I sad I am little unsecure if I am doing the right things18:45
alo21JackyAlcine_: ok :)18:45
JackyAlcine_Only can be sure of yourself if you take that jump.18:46
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alo21JackyAlcine_: If I will make a mistake?18:50
JackyAlcine_It isn't a problem if you do.18:50
JackyAlcine_If you think of all of the bugs on Launchpad as a bug, we've made hundred of thousands of them.18:51
JackyAlcine_Be open about it, you'll not only learn from it, but be able to tell others that might have the same question how to go about solving that problem.18:51
JackyAlcine_Sharing the wealth :)18:51
alo21JackyAlcine_: the problem is... I haven't got the wealth18:54
JackyAlcine_We'd be able to give it to you if you tell us your problem.18:54
alo21JackyAlcine_: my problem is: be not secure if is right what I am doing18:56
JackyAlcine_I don't understand.18:58
JackyAlcine_But what I'm trying to say, if you don't tell us, we can't help you.18:58
JackyAlcine_Gotta give to get.18:58
alo21JackyAlcine_: ok...19:01
alo21JackyAlcine_: I think bug 954519 should put as wishlist19:02
ubot2`Launchpad bug 954519 in overlay-scrollbar "Wishlist: Enable resizing with the thumb in nautilus 'Extra Pane' mode" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/95451919:02
alo21JackyAlcine_: right?19:02
JackyAlcine_It's already marked as a wishlist, though.19:03
tsimpsonit's [Undecided,New]19:06
Laibschthe wishlist is in the title, not the actual priority setting19:07
Laibschalo21: I'd say that generally you shouldn't worry too much about setting priorities.19:08
alo21Laibsch: ok..19:08
Laibschpriorities are up to the developers, unless they are on a paid contract nobody can force anybody to do anything19:08
Laibschalo21: how come you picked that bug?19:09
yofelLaibsch: the bug importance should be set as soon as possible using the criteria on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bugs/Importance19:09
yofelalo21: ^19:09
yofelbut you don't usually set it by itself, except when it's the only thing to do for a bug (like needs-packaging bugs, etc...)19:10
alo21yofel: so my work is only check if bugs are well written?19:11
Laibschwell, I guess I'm known no to always go d'accord with whatever is the latest fashion in the wiki.  I still think that importance is not so important ;-)19:11
Laibschalo21: not only that19:12
Laibschbut also19:12
Laibscha) can you reproduce the bug19:12
yofelalo21: it's to make sure that the bug has all information on it to be fixed and the people that know how to fix it know about the bug19:12
Laibschb) is the bug assigned to the right package19:12
Laibschc) should the bug be dealt with upstream19:12
Laibschd) does the bug have all the information, in a concise and easy to digest manner19:13
Laibschthe whole reason for triaging is to leverage the time of the devs better19:13
yofeloverlay-scrollbar is what provides that modified scrollbar for unity, right?19:13
Laibschto make sure they can dive right in and fix the problem19:13
=== JackyAlcine_ is now known as jalcine
alo21Laibsch: yofel how did you triage your fist bug19:18
Laibschit's been so long, I don't remember19:19
yofelme neither, that was like 3 years ago ^^19:19
LaibschI think maybe you should stop thinking of "I am triaging" and simply think of what you can do to improve the status of the bug19:19
LaibschI've given a number of examples up above19:19
yofelIIRC I looked for duplicates back then19:19
yofelyeah, as Laibsch said19:20
Laibschyes, get yourself an angle and then attack from that vector19:20
Laibschalo21: one thing you could do is to start with one package that is not so widely used but that you like19:21
Laibschgo through all the bug, merge dupes and either confirm or reject (after discusion with the reporter)19:21
Laibschthen the bugs for that package are in picture perfect shape19:21
LaibschI quite often do that when I am playing around with a new software package19:22
Laibschgives me a good feeling about well-maintained the software is, too19:22
jalcineSee how productive that was, alo21? :) Don't be afraid to speak up next time.19:34
jalcineI was wrong here, but I learned a bit here too.19:34
=== bladernr_ is now known as bladernr_afk
alo21lifeless: an easy package?19:59
alo21can someone suggest me an esy package to triage?20:03
alo21mythos: hi20:08
=== bladernr_afk is now known as bladernr_
hggdhalo21: when you start triaging, everything will be overwhelming. This is normal. The best way to start is to look at packages you yourself also use. Then you browse the bugs list for this package, and20:41
hggdhalo21: try to find one you understand (or do not completely fail to understand)20:41
hggdhthen you follow Laibsch's, yofel's and other's suggestions. And ask for help :-)20:42
alo21hggdh: most of thunderbird's bugs are commented yet20:43
hggdhare, or are not?20:43
hggdhI would strongly suggest to keep clear of complex packages -- Thunderbird, firefox, Chromium-browser, Java, GCC, linux (the kernel itself), sound issues, display (X) issues, etc20:44
hggdhthese usually require a more detailed knowledge of package internals (or even hardware)20:45
alo21hggdh: do you know an easy package?20:47
hggdhhum. Easy is in the eyes of the beholder. What applications you usually run on your machine?20:48
hggdhalo21: also (if you do not mind saying it) what is your background? Sciences, programming, whatever20:50
alo21hggdh: usaully is use firefox, thunderbird, skype and sometimes gcc20:53
alo21hggdh: my background is sciences and a little bit of programming20:53
hggdhskype is closed-source, so there is nothing we can do about it20:54
hggdhGCC, and other languages' bugs are usually extremely complex if you do not have a background on languages, parsing, optimisation, etc20:55
alo21you right20:56
* hggdh did a bit of it a looong time ago, and found the theory of parsing, translation and compiling to be a PITA20:56
alo21hggdh: with what package did you start?20:57
hggdhalo21: I do not quite remember, but I was very involved on Evolution (the previous default email client for Ubuntu)20:59
hggdhbut what I actually did was what I suggested -- started browsing thru the bugs, looking for something that I could understand20:59
hggdhalo21: gotta go, back in ~ 2 hours20:59
lifelessalo21: ?21:18
alo21lifeless: yes?21:18
=== JackyAlcine is now known as jalcine
lifelessalo21: you said '08:59 < alo21> lifeless: an easy package?'21:19
lifelessalo21: what did you mean ?21:19
alo21lifeless: I asked if you know an easy package21:19
alo21in this way I can practice triaging21:20
lifelessas hggdh says21:20
alo21lifeless: is very hard21:23
alo21lifeless: could you give me link where to look for new bug?21:27
lifelesssorry, I'm in the middle of a bunch of other things21:28
lifelessfollow hggdh's suggestions21:28
lifelessor Laibsch's whom you were talking to before21:28
alo21lifeless: ok thanks21:28
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