jono | nigelb, hey | 00:09 |
jono | nigelb, you have some experience with launchpadlib, right? | 00:09 |
Pendulum | nigelb: watch out, jono's going to try to recruit you now :P | 00:10 |
jono | me? | 00:10 |
* jono rubs hands together | 00:10 | |
jono | :-) | 00:10 |
cjohnston | lol | 00:11 |
jono | cjohnston, would you be able to help with ? | 00:13 |
nigelb | jono: More of launchpad experience than launchpadlib :) | 00:13 |
jono | nigelb, would you mind taking a look at and adding any notes that could be useful for how we can write these accomplishments? | 00:13 |
jono | I want to start expanding the library of accomplishments | 00:14 |
cjohnston | jono: I don't want to agree to anything.. I start new job next week | 00:14 |
cjohnston | :-) | 00:14 |
nigelb | sure, looking | 00:14 |
jono | cjohnston, aha, gotcha | 00:14 |
jcastro | cjohnston, You check out bootstrap yet? You know you love it | 00:14 |
nigelb | cjohnston: slacker | 00:14 |
jono | thanks nigelb | 00:14 |
cjohnston | jcastro: no.. been home long enough to have 1.5 beers | 00:14 |
jono | my launchpadlib is a little lacking, so I don't really know just how much of LP is exposed | 00:14 |
cjohnston | nigelb: then you do it | 00:15 |
jono | mhall119, yo | 00:15 |
jono | mhall119, can you help write accomplishments? | 00:15 |
cjohnston | lol | 00:15 |
jono | I think it will need someone to be able to talk to | 00:15 |
jono | :-) | 00:15 |
cjohnston | should all be available through the API.. do you have someone who could write the scripts if we showed where in the appi | 00:16 |
jono | cjohnston, yeah, basically if you can send me a code fragment that can return True if someone has done of those things, I will create the accomplishments | 00:17 |
jono | the problem I have right now is that I don't know how to talk to the API of l.u.c | 00:17 |
jcastro | man, the ccsm drama is still continuing | 00:17 |
cjohnston | jono: all I know is the scripts that we import live data | 00:19 |
jono | cjohnston, what do you mean? | 00:19 |
cjohnston | jono: we have a script that imports the data from loco.u.c to my local db | 00:20 |
jono | cjohnston, I see, and then your local DB exposes an API? | 00:21 |
cjohnston | jono: | 00:22 |
jono | thanks cjohnston | 00:26 |
jono | I am going to have to hop on a call now, but will check into it later | 00:26 |
cjohnston | ok | 00:27 |
akgraner | mhall119, and nigelb :-P | 01:13 |
=== webjadmin_ is now known as JackyAlcine | ||
jcastro | hi bkerensa | 02:08 |
jcastro | I am in subway! | 02:08 |
cjohnston | 5 dollar foot long! | 02:09 |
jcastro | cjohnston: can you pm me? | 02:13 |
jcastro | I want to see what happens | 02:13 |
cjohnston | mhall119: Hope wants to know what the place we went to Quinn's birthday party is called | 02:14 |
bkerensa | jcastro: | 02:17 |
bkerensa | jcastro: hello... is this using the charm? | 02:17 |
jcastro | bkerensa: ok, this is cool | 02:17 |
mhall119 | cjohnston: Dinosaur World | 02:17 |
jcastro | no, I had to rearrange the order of commands in your charm | 02:17 |
jcastro | this is working by hand | 02:17 |
jcastro | I put the comments in the bug report though | 02:17 |
bkerensa | jcastro: Hmm? | 02:17 |
cjohnston | thats what I thought mhall119.. she thought that sounded too simple | 02:17 |
bkerensa | ok | 02:17 |
nigelb | jcwhat client? | 02:17 |
cjohnston | subway | 02:17 |
bkerensa | jcastro: I will improve the charm based on your comments in the bug report | 02:17 |
bkerensa | D; | 02:18 |
bkerensa | well I have to go eat meat loaf and watch movies... have a IRL life | 02:19 |
jcastro | apparently also eats some of my chats | 02:19 |
jcastro | :) | 02:19 |
nigelb | heh | 02:20 |
jcastro | it's off to a good start though | 02:21 |
jcastro1 | nigelb:my irc client is now mongodb powered | 02:26 |
jcastro1 | take that! | 02:26 |
nigelb | jcastro1: node.js powered! Can't beat that! | 02:31 |
mhall119 | cjohnston: it's Plant City, they don't do complicated | 02:46 |
cjohnston | lol | 02:46 |
cjohnston | jcastro: jcastro1, whichever identity you may be... awesome setup | 02:53 |
bkerensa | lol | 05:58 |
bkerensa | jcastro, jcastro1: going to make improvements now | 05:58 |
czajkowski | *yawns* | 06:07 |
czajkowski | morning | 06:07 |
jono | btw | 06:07 |
jono | for anyone who is interested.... | 06:07 |
jono | #ubuntu-accomplishments | 06:07 |
jono | just a small convenience channel for contributors, but everyone is welcome | 06:08 |
czajkowski | cool | 06:08 |
bkerensa | jcastro: ok Bug #944246 is Fix Committed | 06:40 |
ubot2` | Launchpad bug 944246 in charms "Charm Needed: Subway IRC client/server" [Undecided,Fix committed] | 06:40 |
bkerensa | Good night folks | 07:10 |
=== tsimpson_ is now known as tsimpson | ||
=== dvestal is now known as dvestal|away | ||
dholbach | good morning | 07:58 |
dpm | morning dholbach! | 09:07 |
dpm | I've got a quick question for you | 09:07 |
dpm | I'm working with translation templates in LP | 09:07 |
dpm | and I need to know which source packages are in universe (so that they are disabled in LP) and which ones in main | 09:08 |
dpm | I'm looking at this one: | 09:08 |
dpm | the question is, why is there output for a universe line and a main line? | 09:08 |
dholbach | dpm, it seems like the source was moved to main, so stuff in main can depend and build-depend on it, but it wasn't actually pulled in by anything yet? | 09:35 |
dholbach | not sure | 09:35 |
dholbach | it looks like a glitch in the matrix | 09:35 |
dholbach | somebody in #u-devel might be able to help figure it out | 09:35 |
dpm | ok, thanks dholbach! | 09:39 |
czajkowski | anyone else find the stumpleUpon logo similar to anything else we know | 10:06 |
popey | | 10:24 |
czajkowski | aye but as maco pointed out stumbleupon has alwasy had that deisng just blue and green | 10:25 |
czajkowski | and tbh I didnt know there was a way we had to write JuJu Juju juju | 10:26 |
czajkowski | the logo looks like J is uppercase | 10:27 |
czajkowski | although I do wonder did anyone google the name before it was decided on :) | 10:28 |
czajkowski | images nsfw | 10:28 |
popey | the SU logo has never looked like the juju logo | 10:45 |
popey | previously | 10:45 |
popey | | 10:45 |
popey | looks nothing like it | 10:45 |
Daviey | czajkowski: There was massive discussion | 10:45 |
dholbach | can somebody please read and see if it's clear? | 11:39 |
cprofitt | reading now | 11:40 |
Daviey | dholbach: makes sense to me, but i might suggest a more formal email address. | 11:41 |
cprofitt | yeah.. looks good to me | 11:42 |
dholbach | Daviey, what are you thinking of? | 11:42 |
cprofitt | I do agree with Daviey... I might use an email alias like | 11:42 |
dholbach | I thought about it, but wasn't sure how long it'd take IS to set it up | 11:43 |
dholbach | so for this first test run I think this email address will do | 11:43 |
dholbach | it was easy enough for me to set it up :) | 11:43 |
cprofitt | interesting you had the same thoughts as I did Daviey... was just writing my thoughts when you suggested it | 11:43 |
dholbach | thanks a lot for the feedback | 11:44 |
dholbach | I wasn't quite sure if the post in general was clear enough | 11:44 |
czajkowski | crystal clear | 11:47 |
Daviey | dholbach: I'd try IS first, if it were me.. If they can't do it today, then go with your plan. | 11:49 |
dholbach | Daviey, next time ;-) | 11:49 |
Daviey | dholbach: ok | 11:49 |
* dholbach hugs Daviey, cprofitt and czajkowski | 11:49 | |
Daviey | group hug *\o/* | 11:50 |
* cprofitt smiles | 11:51 | |
AlanBell | interesting article dholbach, I think it is massively too hard to do a simple package | 11:55 |
dholbach | yes, it could definitely be easier and I'm looking forward to seeing the work that is being put into pkgme into action | 11:56 |
dholbach | but for new contributors I wouldn't recommend by starting to package something new (unless that's what they really want) | 11:56 |
dholbach | but to work on existing packages first | 11:56 |
AlanBell | what I wanted to do was package one single solitary python script | 11:56 |
AlanBell | and have it run on login | 11:57 |
AlanBell | I managed to get this kind of functional mostly by reverse engineering other packages to find out what should be in them | 11:57 |
dholbach | yeah, I quite often looked at similar packages beforehand myself when packaging something new | 11:58 |
AlanBell | all the packaging guides seem to assume that the thing is installed with configure;make; make install | 11:59 |
AlanBell | then you build source packages and binary packages, but when the thing is just a script that just runs it kind of doesn't fit that model and I couldn't work out where the right place to start wasw | 12:00 |
AlanBell | anyhow, I should put this in an email really :) | 12:00 |
dholbach | this rules file /usr/share/doc/debhelper/examples/rules.tiny should work for a lot other cases nicely as well | 12:01 |
dholbach | sure, if you don't have any kind of "build system" (such as a for instance), you will need to use dh_install to put files into the right place | 12:02 |
dholbach | and maybe an init script to start the script on login | 12:02 |
AlanBell | I was putting a desktop file in /etc/xdg/autostart/unity-window-quicklists.desktop | 12:03 |
AlanBell | dunno if that is the right thing to do or not | 12:03 |
dholbach | ah ok | 12:03 |
dholbach | so on session start | 12:03 |
dholbach | gotcha | 12:03 |
dholbach | yes, that makes sense then | 12:03 |
AlanBell | it needs to run after unity is somewhat existing | 12:04 |
AlanBell | well actually probably will hang about waiting for unity to pop up on dbus if it starts first | 12:04 |
dholbach | I just filed | 12:05 |
ubot2` | Launchpad bug 955932 in ubuntu-packaging-guide "[New] Simple package which ships files (no build system)" [Undecided,New] | 12:05 |
dholbach | you might want to subscribe to it | 12:05 |
AlanBell | done, thanks | 12:05 |
dholbach | rock and roll | 12:06 |
* dholbach goes back to email madness | 12:06 | |
jcastro | Daviey, ping a ling kind sir | 13:14 |
Daviey | jcastro: pong a dong unkind lady. :) | 13:18 |
jcastro | Daviey, hey did we ever decide to merge -cloud and -server? | 13:19 |
jcastro | or should I be on cloud still? | 13:19 |
Daviey | jcastro: I was thinking about that.. lets do it | 13:19 |
jcastro | ok how do we do this? | 13:20 |
Daviey | jcastro: so.. who 'owns' the channel | 13:21 |
jcastro | I dunno man, aren't you like the tech lead or something? | 13:21 |
jcastro | don't you own things? | 13:21 |
Daviey | jcastro: No, i'm not longer a tech lead, jackass. | 13:22 |
Daviey | I forgot everything technical | 13:23 |
Daviey | jcastro: Founder : kim0 | 13:23 |
jcastro | Daviey, wait huh? what's your title? | 13:50 |
Daviey | jcastro: Mr. | 13:50 |
cjohnston | lol | 13:51 |
jcastro1 | test | 14:05 |
jcastro1 | I am not sure I like this yet or not | 14:05 |
jcastro1 | nigelb:it "feels" like it needs just a bit more work | 14:06 |
nigelb | jcastro1: a little bit of polish? | 14:06 |
jcastro | yeah | 14:06 |
jcastro | it looks pretty | 14:07 |
jcastro | but like, there's no multi server support | 14:07 |
jcastro | and the input box has been glitchy for me | 14:07 |
nigelb | Daviey: have we lost you to the dark side? | 14:07 |
Daviey | nigelb: I was never light! :) | 14:07 |
nigelb | Daviey: hahahaha | 14:07 |
mhall119 | nigelb: you've seen summit code, you should know that | 14:09 |
nigelb | lolololol | 14:09 |
=== dvestal|away is now known as dvestal | ||
Daviey | mhall119: low blow! | 14:28 |
mhall119 | :P | 14:28 |
czajkowski | the link to balloons on the track lead is a bit messed up on | 14:37 |
mhall119 | they all are | 14:39 |
nigelb | who messed up with __unicode__ again? | 14:39 |
mhall119 | cjohnston: ^^ | 14:39 |
cjohnston | theres a bug | 14:39 |
czajkowski | ahh it was working last week as I used that page to get the email addresses o | 14:40 |
mhall119 | it'll work until summit gets their real name | 14:41 |
mhall119 | cjohnston: make it use lead.lead.user.username in the link | 14:42 |
akgraner | jcastro - I'll be at UDS all week, and I'd like to pass the video interview torch, any thoughts on who I can prep and hand that off to? | 14:50 |
jcastro | hmm, not sure | 14:51 |
jcastro | let me think | 14:51 |
akgraner | k | 14:51 |
cjohnston | I have thoughts but I dont know who is going | 14:51 |
akgraner | just let me know, I want to hand them all the things I learned the last 3 years - and do email introductions to everyone and introduce them to the video guys etc | 14:52 |
jcastro | that's just what you say now | 14:52 |
jcastro | but I know you'll start working on a spreadsheet or welcome packet or something | 14:52 |
akgraner | no - I mean that :-) *sniffle* *sniffle* | 14:52 |
jcastro | so we might just shoot from the hip just to avoid you writing for 5 days | 14:53 |
akgraner | it's time :-) | 14:53 |
akgraner | I'm concise now - I don't have 5 days to write anything these days | 14:53 |
jcastro | I kind of don't believe you | 14:54 |
akgraner | :-P | 14:54 |
jcastro | hey are you going to posscon? | 14:54 |
czajkowski | why not ask different people so it doesnt land on one person that way different people could give different types of interviews | 14:54 |
jcastro | \o/ | 14:55 |
jcastro | I have thought in the past of just signing out the cameras | 14:55 |
czajkowski | jcastro: +1 | 14:55 |
jcastro | and letting people just go film things in a more "haphazard" manner | 14:55 |
akgraner | that's fine too - you all go for | 14:55 |
akgraner | for it | 14:55 |
akgraner | I'll step out of it then :-) | 14:55 |
jcastro | as kind of a style thing | 14:55 |
akgraner | have fun! | 14:55 |
* akgraner mentions it no more :-) | 14:55 | |
jcastro | like, taping randoom conversations | 14:55 |
jcastro | people talking about stuff in the hallways, etc. | 14:55 |
cjohnston | not everyone wants to be filmed | 14:57 |
cjohnston | someone will get there feelings hurt when one of those people says go away | 14:57 |
jcastro | waivers! | 14:59 |
jcastro | the only person who doesn't sign the video waiver has been doko | 14:59 |
jcastro | also I don't mean just shoving a camera in people's faces. | 14:59 |
jcastro | like, more loose, "Oh hey so I was hanging out here and Joe smith walked by, wotcha working on?" | 15:00 |
cjohnston | I think there are two different things going on here... Amber is talking about the Mark and Jane, Pete and Rick interviews, your talking about the Joe Smith interviews.. I think both are great, but can't be mixed | 15:01 |
cjohnston | I think there is still a place for what she was doing | 15:01 |
jcastro | true dat | 15:01 |
cjohnston | but your idea is a cool one that I think would be good as well | 15:01 |
cjohnston | In the end edit all of the "informal" interviews into one video | 15:01 |
mhall119 | blair-witch meets UDS? | 15:01 |
cjohnston | would be really awesome | 15:01 |
jcastro | hah yeah | 15:01 |
jcastro | maybe just one or two cameras | 15:01 |
cjohnston | Kinda like the video from Brussels, just with audio | 15:02 |
jcastro | and give them to select people | 15:02 |
jcastro | right! | 15:02 |
jcastro | people we know will be clever and crazy | 15:02 |
jcastro | and see what happens | 15:02 |
jcastro | but not overcommit, in case it ends up being dumb | 15:02 |
mhall119 | I wonder if novacut will be usable for editing them after UDS | 15:03 |
mhall119 | that'd be pretty, I mean..incredible | 15:03 |
akgraner | Will novacut be at UDS? | 15:03 |
jcastro | I thought they were LDSers these days | 15:03 |
jcastro | mhall119, we outsource all the editing | 15:03 |
mhall119 | they're mormons? | 15:04 |
cjohnston | wow | 15:04 |
jcastro | no, linaro dude | 15:04 |
cjohnston | jcastro: that's LCers | 15:04 |
mhall119 | ^^ | 15:04 |
jcastro | oh | 15:04 |
cjohnston | they have a cool name | 15:04 |
jcastro | well, you know what would be awesome if we had the bandwidth and stuff | 15:05 |
jcastro | is just have each room be a google on air thing. | 15:05 |
cjohnston | uh oh | 15:05 |
jcastro | if they really worked though | 15:05 |
cjohnston | jcastro: LC did it.. | 15:05 |
cjohnston | not the on air part i dont think | 15:05 |
cjohnston | but hangouts | 15:05 |
cjohnston | inssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssstead of irc | 15:05 |
jcastro | I wanted to try it at last UDS with Sean to figure out how nice it could be | 15:05 |
jcastro | but ran out of time | 15:05 |
cjohnston | remove a couple "s"'s | 15:06 |
jcastro | new keyboard time? | 15:06 |
cjohnston | no. its synergy.. | 15:06 |
jcastro | ok, I've procastinated on this alice charm long enough, I'm going to finish it | 15:06 |
cjohnston | when I'm using a bunch of BW it does that | 15:06 |
jcastro | Daviey, I'm just going to push the charm with whatever is in the distro | 15:06 |
jcastro | you upgrading it won't affect the charm anyway | 15:07 |
jcastro | unless your planning on renaming the package? Which I don't think you'd do | 15:07 |
Daviey | nope | 15:07 |
popey | "You have been unsubscribed from ubuntu users mailing list" | 15:13 |
popey | Aaaand.. relax. | 15:13 |
cjohnston | popey: just delete it | 15:14 |
jcastro | cjohnston, I'm around, I don't think mim's is up yet | 15:15 |
cjohnston | gotcha | 15:15 |
jcastro | popey, more drama? | 15:15 |
popey | nope | 15:15 |
popey | just quit | 15:15 |
cjohnston | jcastro: LP is wanting to know the status of summit | 15:15 |
akgraner | jcastro - we use hangouts for Connect :-) | 15:16 |
cjohnston | $$ is outside of my world, so I have no idea how to reply, but I think that's kinda the current hold | 15:16 |
jcastro | I was under the impression that this was in process of being handed over to you already? | 15:16 |
jcastro | oh I see the mail now | 15:17 |
jcastro | cjohnston, ok let's ambush mims as soon as he's around | 15:17 |
cjohnston | like I said, I think the hold isn't him, I think its where to put it | 15:17 |
jcastro | no we solved that | 15:17 |
jcastro | we have an account and everything | 15:17 |
cjohnston | hhhhhoh | 15:17 |
cjohnston | well, no one has told me that | 15:17 |
jcastro | just need to fire it up and ssh-id-import or whatever | 15:18 |
jcastro | hmm ok let's catch up as soon as he's around then | 15:18 |
cjohnston | well, fire it up, install it and we will go | 15:18 |
cjohnston | :-P | 15:18 |
jcastro | Daviey, any insight? I knew you were talking about this the other day with mark. ^ | 15:18 |
jcastro | popey, so I opened the archive link | 15:19 |
jcastro | and then scanned the topics | 15:19 |
jcastro | and then closed the tab | 15:19 |
jcastro | popey, I think this post summarizes it wonderfully | 15:20 |
jcastro | | 15:20 |
popey | ☺ | 15:20 |
jcastro | | 15:24 |
cjohnston | jcastro: so mims is going to set it all up, ssh-import-id me and then everythings golden, no? | 15:24 |
jcastro | right | 15:24 |
cjohnston | sweet | 15:24 |
jcastro | I thought that's what he was doing the other day | 15:24 |
jcastro | no worries | 15:24 |
cjohnston | so EOD should be doable | 15:24 |
jcastro | he's a physics guy, perfectionist. | 15:24 |
jcastro | yeah but don't tell them EOD until we talk to him | 15:25 |
cjohnston | lol | 15:25 |
cjohnston | I don't plan on replying | 15:25 |
cjohnston | curious for my own planning | 15:25 |
jcastro | popey, I seriously don't understand why we let usenetism's trample all over our resources. | 15:25 |
jcastro | when we know the real answer is that using a mailing list for user support is dumb. | 15:25 |
popey | feel free to propose shutting it down :D | 15:26 |
jcastro | after my ccsm dogpile is complete. | 15:26 |
cjohnston | popey saying shutt down a mailing list is the same as jcastro saying delete the wiki | 15:27 |
jcastro | yeah I can imagine you hooking someone up with ubuntu | 15:27 |
jcastro | and then asking for help | 15:27 |
jcastro | and then getting yelled at because their mail isn't set properly | 15:27 |
jcastro | and somehow, that's their fault. | 15:27 |
jcastro | whatever "set properly" is | 15:28 |
jcastro | which is awesome, because the guy is using gmail, which automatically hides all the bottom posted stuff anyway | 15:28 |
jcastro | anyway I am preaching to the choir | 15:28 |
czajkowski | I like bottom posting :/ | 15:30 |
czajkowski | It is kinda annoying following a thread to have people top post tbh when you're trying to track things, but given we got hammered into it at uni it just makes sense to me | 15:31 |
jcastro | right but for devel lists people know how to do that already | 15:31 |
jcastro | I'm talking about end user things | 15:32 |
czajkowski | jcastro: oss ml etiquette :) | 15:33 |
cjohnston | yp | 15:34 |
jcastro | so ... don't send users to the mailing list. | 15:34 |
czajkowski | I've even on a list atm wiht popey and others and 2 big FOSS heads top post it's just gah! at times | 15:34 |
cjohnston | yo | 15:34 |
czajkowski | jcastro: nope not saying that at all, but once it's pointed out to someone or it's somewhere to read | 15:34 |
czajkowski | ml are a great tool to get help from | 15:34 |
czajkowski | or have good discussions | 15:34 |
Daviey | jcastro: sorry, talking about what now? | 15:34 |
jcastro | Daviey, summit for LF | 15:35 |
cjohnston | LP | 15:35 |
czajkowski | LC | 15:35 |
czajkowski | TB | 15:35 |
czajkowski | CC | 15:35 |
czajkowski | :) | 15:35 |
Daviey | jcastro: Oh.. i don't know.. best speak to m_3 about it | 15:35 |
* cjohnston is going to take czajkowski's throttling power | 15:35 | |
jcastro | Daviey, you always conveniently disappear | 15:35 |
jcastro | m_3, ok so the LF person sent us a mail | 15:35 |
jcastro | asking how we're doing | 15:36 |
czajkowski | cjohnston: no idea what you're talking about :) I thought it was throw out 2 letters :) | 15:36 |
cjohnston | jcastro: Daviey is soon to be the leeeeeead deeeeeeeeeeeeveloperrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr of Summit | 15:36 |
jcastro | m_3, and I was thinking maybe we can give this thing to chris soon | 15:36 |
Pendulum | czajkowski: I think the problem is that especially people who aren't already technical have been trained to top post. It's only on tech related ML that I see top posting frowned upon and if you're non-technical and every other list you're on uses top posting, then how are you going to remember to bottom post on that one list? | 15:36 |
cjohnston | not that i can type | 15:36 |
jcastro | and let him go nuts on it | 15:36 |
m_3 | jcastro: yup, we got the account set up... jsut need to walk Chris through setup and running it from juju | 15:36 |
jcastro | woo | 15:37 |
Daviey | jcastro: I am the mysterious monkey | 15:37 |
jcastro | so should we just do this? | 15:37 |
m_3 | jcastro: high latency atm (conference) | 15:37 |
jcastro | k | 15:38 |
m_3 | cjohnston: what's your timezone? | 15:38 |
cjohnston | est | 15:38 |
cjohnston | 3 hour drive from jcastro | 15:38 |
czajkowski | Pendulum: aye I had to explain to the sister why stuff was on the bottom as it was just habit now I switch to top for family and close mates but thats it. | 15:38 |
jcastro | cjohnston, ok so let's set up a handoff session with you and mims | 15:41 |
m_3 | cjohnston: ok, I'll hit you before eod today eastern time | 15:41 |
cjohnston | ok | 15:42 |
m_3 | need maybe half hour to go over managing the env (?) | 15:42 |
cjohnston | ok | 15:42 |
cjohnston | I need to be able to be free by 1700 today, so anytime in the next 5 hours should be good.. 20 minutes notice if possible please :-) | 15:42 |
jcastro | cjohnston, hey how did we backup the data in summit before? | 15:47 |
cjohnston | mhall119: ^ | 15:48 |
mhall119 | lol, backup, you're funny jcastro | 15:49 |
jcastro | hey alright, so even if we added rudimentary backups it'd be way better than what we had before? | 15:49 |
m_3 | cjohnston mhall119 that's more of an issue with running it in ec2 now | 15:49 |
mhall119 | yeah | 15:50 |
jcastro | yeah, like east had a hiccup this morning | 15:50 |
mhall119 | m_3: a pgdump should do | 15:50 |
jcastro | just what I wanted to hear | 15:50 |
m_3 | I'll add cjohnston and mhall119 to the environment... then we can walk through spinning it up/down... ssh pgdumps... etc | 15:50 |
m_3 | we could do some fancier snapshots and stuf if it makes sense | 15:51 |
m_3 | but we definitely need to go through the main failure modes once you guys can manage the site and get it themed | 15:53 |
m_3 | cjohnston: what's your lp id? | 15:55 |
jono | mhall119, going to be a few mins late, stuck on a call | 15:56 |
cjohnston | chrisjohnston | 15:56 |
mhall119 | jono: np | 15:56 |
jono | creating hangout | 16:15 |
dpm | jcastro, so I've been reluctant to use trello because I don't want to keep track actions in two different places - LP and somewhere else, but I showed it to some translations guys and they were happy to give it a go, so I'd like to try it. So how does this work for community teams? Do we create an Ubuntu Translations Trello or something, or do we just join the general community one? | 16:38 |
jcastro | hey so I created an organization called "ubuntu" | 16:39 |
jcastro | you would just make whatever boards you want under that | 16:39 |
jcastro | however you want | 16:39 |
m_3 | mhall119: launchpad id? | 16:41 |
* mhall119 <--- | 16:42 | |
m_3 | doh, nevermind | 16:42 |
m_3 | :) | 16:42 |
mhall119 | :) | 16:42 |
jcastro | dpm, there's no real right way to use it as far as I can tell, but probably making a translations board is a good start | 16:44 |
jcastro | I try to keep mine organized by overarching specs | 16:44 |
jcastro | dpm, ok I added you to "ubuntu" you should be able to just create a board in it | 16:49 |
dpm | jcastro, cool, thanks :) | 16:50 |
jcastro | I did try to make one huge board once | 16:50 |
jcastro | that would track all of our stuff | 16:50 |
jcastro | but it got crazy | 16:50 |
dpm | :) | 16:52 |
dpm | jcastro, does the user profile uses gravatar or something, or do I need to upload a pic? | 16:58 |
dpm | *use | 16:58 |
jcastro | gravatar afaict | 17:01 |
jcastro | or actually, it might be google | 17:01 |
dpm | weird, it doesn't seem to get my picture. I logged in with my google account | 17:01 |
jcastro | oh | 17:01 |
jcastro | if you go on "account" | 17:01 |
jcastro | and hover over your pic | 17:01 |
jcastro | there's a "change avatar" | 17:02 |
dpm | yeah, I was there, but other than allowing me to upload a picture, I don't see any other options | 17:03 |
popey | jcastro: we started using trello for our "OggCamp" event coming up ☺ | 17:12 |
jcastro | cool! | 17:12 |
jcastro | popey, did you see strapello? | 17:12 |
jcastro | marcoceppi made it | 17:12 |
jcastro | | 17:13 |
dpm | jcastro, is there any way to mark something as "blocked", or should it just be put under Doing? | 17:13 |
jcastro | well you can assign colors to cards | 17:14 |
jcastro | or you could make a column called "blocked" | 17:14 |
popey | no | 17:14 |
jcastro | dpm, if you hover over a card hit the number keys | 17:14 |
jcastro | 1, 2, etc. | 17:14 |
jcastro | it lets you assign colors to cards, you could then say "if you're doing something and it's block, mark it red" or whatever | 17:15 |
dholbach | you can name those colours too so it becomes clearer what they mean | 17:15 |
jcastro | 111right | 17:15 |
dpm | ah, cool | 17:15 |
* dpm reads the help | 17:15 | |
jcastro | | 17:17 |
jcastro | it's like unity, it's all about the shortcuts! | 17:17 |
jcastro | dpm, what I am hoping for once lp work items land is to be able to just sync them | 17:19 |
jcastro | so I can have my cake and eat it too | 17:19 |
dpm | jcastro, yeah, what you showed us on demo day was awesome, and it was what made me think of actually using it. | 17:19 |
dpm | btw, can you add me to the community team board, or is there any way I can add myself? | 17:20 |
jcastro | I think there's a way to add yourself | 17:24 |
jcastro | but I just added you since I have it open | 17:25 |
dpm | cool, thanks :) | 17:25 |
jcastro | dpm, I keep the board I am working on open on my tablet so it's in my face all the time | 17:25 |
dpm | jcastro, yeah, any trello 101 tips you want to share, I'm all ears :) | 17:26 |
jcastro | I need to finish this charm but perhaps tomorrow we can swap tips? | 17:26 |
jcastro | maybe get dholbach all up in there, I know he has awesome tips | 17:26 |
jcastro | marcoceppi perhaps as well? | 17:26 |
dholbach | sorry, I'm in the middle of 5 things right now - what are we talking about? | 17:27 |
jcastro | dholbach, hang out tomorrow, swap some trello tips? | 17:28 |
dholbach | I'm not sure I have many | 17:29 |
dholbach | I didn't even figure out the shortcuts :) | 17:29 |
dpm | jcastro, I'm off tomorrow and it's bank holiday on monday here, perhaps tuesday or some other day next week? | 17:31 |
* jcastro nods | 17:32 | |
dholbach | cool | 17:33 |
dholbach | I'd love to hear YOUR tips though | 17:33 |
jcastro | and we'll put on some deadmau5 | 17:34 |
jcastro | and rock it | 17:34 |
jcastro | dholbach, I got his DVD, I have it on repeat basically | 17:34 |
dholbach | I'll never forgive him his comments about DJs | 17:34 |
jcastro | it's ok, it's about the head | 17:35 |
jcastro | and the music | 17:35 |
* dholbach rolls eyes | 17:35 | |
dholbach | :-P | 17:35 |
jcastro | this guy is a gateway drug | 17:36 |
jcastro | I totally want to get more into this | 17:36 |
czajkowski | dpm: do you get paddys day on MOnday | 17:36 |
jono | dholbach, so in terms of the sponsorship | 17:36 |
jono | I think we should put a a page on that shows the sponsorship queue graph, maybe lists the items, and explains how people can get involved and help | 17:37 |
jono | I think it should also list the people who did sponsorship work each month | 17:37 |
dholbach | jono, that might be a bit trickier to get it on there as I don't have access to that machine - qa.u.c I can do right now | 17:37 |
jono | dholbach, right, maybe if we can get it up on the qa machine first and then move it to status later? | 17:37 |
jono | dholbach, but I think it only needs that one graph on there | 17:37 |
* dholbach nods | 17:38 | |
jono | but then we can corral the community around that one graph | 17:38 |
jono | and provide a sense of shared ownership | 17:38 |
jono | make sense? | 17:38 |
dholbach | sure | 17:38 |
dpm | czajkowski, it's rather this -> | 17:39 |
dpm | it's called the Falles festival, but it's actually just an excuse to set things on fire | 17:39 |
dpm | a crazy bunch, the people from Valencia | 17:39 |
czajkowski | dpm: sweeet you ge tthe setting things on fire ,we get the going for drinks :D win win as long as the two are not done on the same day | 17:39 |
jono | dpm, looks like a typical Friday night | 17:39 |
jono | :-) | 17:39 |
dpm | yeah, that's just the warm up, literally speaking | 17:40 |
czajkowski | it's really warm in london today | 17:40 |
czajkowski | first day not wearing uggs | 17:40 |
czajkowski | and no jumper or jacket | 17:40 |
jono | czajkowski, does the new work item feature allow assignments? I don't see it on | 17:46 |
czajkowski | jono: | 17:47 |
czajkowski | let me just ask | 17:47 |
jono | czajkowski, I read that and it doesnt say anything about assignments | 17:48 |
czajkowski | jono: mrevell says its the same as before he just left it outta the help file by accident, and is not fixing it | 17:51 |
czajkowski | jono: format is same as before | 17:51 |
jono | czajkowski, cool | 17:51 |
jono | you may want to fix this in the docs, I think a lot of people will ask the same | 17:51 |
jono | thanks! | 17:51 |
czajkowski | jono: he;s fixing it now | 17:52 |
czajkowski | you were the only one otta all the mails I sent to comment :) clearly you read my emails | 17:53 |
jono | :-) | 17:53 |
dholbach | brb, taking the dog for a walk | 17:59 |
jcastro | bkerensa, ok I've updated my Alice IRC charm as well. | 18:00 |
jcastro | bkerensa, we'll suffer through the reviews together! | 18:01 |
=== scott-work_ is now known as scott-work | ||
marcoceppi | dholbach jcastro just let me know if you want some tips :) | 18:11 |
dpm | marcoceppi, I think they (and you) are the pros, it's rather me who might need the tips :) | 18:12 |
jono | czajkowski, so does this WI feature on LP show reporting or summaries of work items? | 18:18 |
jono | czajkowski, do you have an example BP with work items using the system? | 18:18 |
cjohnston | I dont think its used yet | 18:18 |
czajkowski | jono: no as we had to hold off till 12.04 release | 18:19 |
czajkowski | salgado may have a sample one for linaro | 18:19 |
jono | czajkowski, ok, so it basically only provides a different text box today for work items | 18:19 |
cjohnston | jono: AFAIK its just going to be another text box, just like the current whiteboard... but it checks to see if they are valid on save | 18:20 |
jono | cjohnston, ahh | 18:20 |
jono | cjohnston, btw, can I ask you to work with dholbach as I want to get Daniel's sponsorship queue graph on | 18:21 |
cjohnston | so kind-of a mix of the current whiteboard plus the greasemonkey script | 18:21 |
jono | cjohnston, cool | 18:21 |
jono | cjohnston, dholbach will be in touch about it | 18:21 |
cjohnston | jono: I don't know when I'll be able to do any work on it.. if he just needs guidance then probably | 18:21 |
cjohnston | I'm maxed out for the time being | 18:22 |
jono | cjohnston, np | 18:24 |
jono | dholbach should be able to do it | 18:24 |
=== marcoceppi_ is now known as marcoceppi | ||
dholbach | jono, I'm working right now on simplifying the scripts to just show that one graph and just show the people who worked on sponsorship last month | 18:47 |
dholbach | jono, it'll be a bit of work, but I'm on it and blog about it later on | 18:47 |
=== dvestal is now known as dvestal|away | ||
jono | thanks dholbach | 19:03 |
=== JackyAlcine_ is now known as jalcine | ||
cjohnston | jcastro: my plenary idea, improving | 20:41 |
* mhall119 recommens keeping cjohnston offstage at all plenaries | 20:46 | |
cjohnston | jcastro: I see | 20:46 |
cjohnston | in our future | 20:46 |
jcastro | hah | 20:46 |
jcastro | stupid question | 20:49 |
jcastro | this upcoming UDS | 20:49 |
jcastro | Q right? | 20:49 |
cjohnston | uh huh | 20:49 |
cjohnston | still waiting to hear what Q means | 20:49 |
jcastro | jono, do you want to set a deadline for submissions? | 20:51 |
jono | jcastro feel free to choose something | 20:52 |
jcastro | I was thinking something like, the week prior to UDS | 20:52 |
jcastro | ok | 20:52 |
cjohnston | jcastro: a cool thing that we did at Connect was training sessions...they took place in the plenary room, on whatever topic someone wanted to train on.. they were scheduled in summit, so they had to be approved | 20:52 |
jcastro | I am sending a mail to -devel on an idea to do something cool in the plenary room | 20:52 |
jcastro | wait about 5 minutes! | 20:53 |
jono | jcastro I want to confirm plenaries early | 20:54 |
jono | like two or three weeks before | 20:54 |
cjohnston | i not on devel | 20:54 |
cjohnston | and i dont want to subscribe :-P | 20:54 |
jcastro | april 25 is 2 weeks priot | 20:55 |
jcastro | err, prior, how's that? | 20:55 |
jono | cjohnston, read the archives | 20:55 |
jono | jcastrofine with me | 20:55 |
jcastro | rock | 20:55 |
jono | brb | 20:55 |
cjohnston | jono: shush | 20:55 |
cjohnston | :-P | 20:55 |
jono | :-) | 20:57 |
jono | I also want to run a leadership event at UDS again | 20:57 |
jono | brb phone | 20:57 |
cjohnston | O | 21:03 |
cjohnston | uggh | 21:03 |
cjohnston | I'd like to see the leadership summit be leaders throught both Ubuntu and Canonical speaking about things that they have done and what works for them, etc.. less roundtable like it was last time | 21:03 |
cjohnston | motivation, leadership skills, tools for leaders, stuff like that | 21:07 |
JanC | my "leadership style" is based on chaos theory (I think) :P | 21:08 |
=== JackyAlcine is now known as jalcine | ||
jo-erlend | we need politics in Ubuntu. Some of us are passionate about it. We should have an area where we can argue. | 21:38 |
jalcine | Oh boy. | 21:40 |
jo-erlend | I know. But we can't be a real community without it. | 21:41 |
czajkowski | yes we can perfectly well | 21:41 |
jo-erlend | I don't think we can. From a purely pragmatical standpoint, it will allow us to show the differences. But from a purely communal standpoint, we allow contributors to be human as well as members of a technical society. | 21:43 |
czajkowski | it's far too controversal and ends up upsetting many people which isnt productive or welcoming | 21:44 |
jalcine | Well, the only kind of political disagreement I can see would be the DE war. | 21:44 |
czajkowski | hmm | 21:45 |
czajkowski | good night :) | 21:45 |
JanC | well, it should be "out of band" for shure | 21:45 |
JanC | for sure | 21:45 |
jalcine | Unity vs. GNOME Shell vs. OpenBox vs. KDE vs. XFCE vs. etc.. | 21:45 |
jalcine | Heh, that starts up a flame. | 21:45 |
jo-erlend | consider Ryan. I consider his views to be perfectly compatible with Ubuntus views, except for the fact that he wants me to die because I don't believe in his ideas. But that's fine. I have no doubt that he is passionate about Ubuntu. | 21:47 |
jalcine | Don't get me wrong, I like the idea, | 21:48 |
jalcine | but i iz too scared of it. | 21:48 |
jo-erlend | again, from a purely pragmatic perspective; do you understand the benefit of letting people like that feeling that Ubuntu is their new church, even if we're a secular meritocracy? | 21:49 |
jo-erlend | we can't do that if they have no outlet. | 21:49 |
AlanBell | not sure I like the software/religion comparison really | 21:53 |
jo-erlend | it wasn't a comparison. It was an ackknowledgement of the fact that we're all humans. We share a passion for Ubuntu, but that doesn't mean we're all anachists, communists or anything else. | 21:54 |
jo-erlend | AlanBell, how would you go about selling the concept of humanity without acknowledging the concept of faith? I consider "faith" to be an illness. You don't know why Ubuntu is so important to me. We should allow people to say why they are fighting for Ubuntu. We are strong enough to handle the differences. But we must separate community from development. | 22:04 |
AlanBell | hmm, I just think they are different things. It is a bit rude to preach on a software mailing list, and it is probably bad form to think in a church | 22:07 |
AlanBell | doesn't mean people can't be enthusiastic about software | 22:07 |
jo-erlend | We need to take everything to the next level now, because we're going to need it. We need to take community to the next level, as well as the quality of software we create. | 22:07 |
mhall119 | that isn't the next level | 22:07 |
mhall119 | that's like, 5 levels down, it would be a regression | 22:08 |
jo-erlend | that's a highly interesting thing to say, I think. Can you elaborate? | 22:08 |
mhall119 | politics isn't about argument, it's about building, and that's what we're currently doing | 22:09 |
mhall119 | going back to arguing over stuff that doesn't improve anything is going backwards | 22:09 |
jo-erlend | exacrly. What we should be doing, is allow all those new contributors to build _on_ Ubuntu and not just _in_ it. | 22:09 |
mhall119 | we want them to build Ubuntu, not argue over it | 22:10 |
jo-erlend | no. If we do that, then we loose. | 22:10 |
jo-erlend | we want people to argue over Ubuntu, because that makes people curious about what we are. And we want people to build _on_ Ubuntu because not everyone shares our ideals. But we should never reject maps to success. And that's what people provide, whether they're fundamentalistic christian or just simple anachists like I am. | 22:12 |
mhall119 | I've never seen two guys arguing and thought "Hey, I want to join in and be a part of that" | 22:13 |
mhall119 | no arguments, jfdi and let your work live or die by it's own merit, not yours | 22:14 |
jo-erlend | are you serious, or is this just an academic joke I haven't heard? | 22:14 |
mhall119 | I'm saying I'm not drawn towards negative attitudes | 22:14 |
mhall119 | are you? | 22:14 |
jo-erlend | no. Do you think you can prevent them? | 22:15 |
mhall119 | not all of them, no | 22:15 |
jo-erlend | I don't believe in obfuscation. | 22:15 |
mhall119 | I have a fire extinguisher in my house for a reason :) doesn't mean I want to encourage house fires | 22:15 |
jo-erlend | what prevents us from enforcing the CoC in the community contexts? | 22:16 |
mhall119 | the point of the CoC isn't enforcement, that's the last resort | 22:16 |
mhall119 | the CoC is for guidance | 22:17 |
jo-erlend | to me, it is in all contexts, regardless of any oaths or legally binding signatures. | 22:17 |
mhall119 | If you want to engage people, privately or in a dedicated group, that's fine, but I don't think we should be encouraging political debate as part of our core culture | 22:17 |
jo-erlend | yes, but why do you want them to be held outside of the Ubuntu context? | 22:18 |
mhall119 | we should encourage initiative, passion, helpfulness and respect, not disagreement | 22:18 |
mhall119 | The same reason I want discussions of cooking to be held outside of Ubuntu, and discussions of muscle cars, or anything else that takes the focus away from what we're building here | 22:19 |
jo-erlend | but you do acknowledge the fact that some people write from right to left? | 22:19 |
jo-erlend | isn't that the biggest cultural difference in the world? | 22:20 |
mhall119 | not even close | 22:20 |
mhall119 | but we can write code to allow left to right, and right to left | 22:20 |
mhall119 | we can't write code to solve political or religious problems | 22:20 |
jo-erlend | do you think two people can really bond without knowing who the other is? | 22:21 |
mhall119 | I think two people can know who the other is without arguing or debating their respective beliefs | 22:21 |
mhall119 | in fact, I *know* they can | 22:21 |
jo-erlend | if we limit Ubuntu to a technical issue, I agree. But I think Ubuntu is much more. If it was just another name of a group of GNU geeks, I would never have been enthused to begin with. | 22:22 |
mhall119 | if you want to know people's political or religious beliefs and you want to talk to them about it, that's fine, I do it kind of a lot | 22:23 |
jo-erlend | we are not without belief. None of us. Let's face it. It is that simple. We believe in something. | 22:23 |
mhall119 | right, we all believe in Ubuntu and open software and free culture, so let's focus on that, because that's a much better thing to bring to the world than more political debate | 22:24 |
jo-erlend | some of us believe more in Ubuntu than we believe in free software. And some of us believe more in free software than we do in Ubuntu. And that definitely splits it in two. Is it interesting to know which part I belong to? | 22:25 |
mhall119 | I don't see how you can split the two | 22:25 |
jo-erlend | the reason for that is that noone has explained it to you. And the reason noone has, is the simple fact that we don't talk about it. | 22:26 |
mhall119 | if you want to talk about it, I'm game, PM me | 22:26 |
mhall119 | but let's not institutionalize it | 22:27 |
jo-erlend | happy to discuss it in private, but this is a discussion about whether or not people should discuss them at all. If they should; why does it have to be in private? | 22:27 |
mhall119 | because it doesn't help Ubuntu | 22:28 |
greg-g | jo-erlend: Focusing on the differences in people is an interesting academic exercise, butnot something that has been shown to actually improve how a group of individuals work. | 22:28 |
jo-erlend | that is a claim that must be proven if it should have any value. | 22:28 |
jo-erlend | greg-g, I know it's an interesting challenge. I live in Norway. But I would expect Ubuntu to be even more interesting. | 22:29 |
greg-g | not really a response, but ok | 22:29 |
greg-g | look, it is this simple: Having a group of diverse people produces better results than a homogenous group. HOWEVER, that is only true when you don't focus on the things which make the individuals different. That makes many feel uncomfortable/singled out (no matter how you do it, no matter how indirectly). | 22:30 |
jono | I believe we should keep politics out of Ubuntu | 22:57 |
jono | if people want to discuss politics, fine, but lets not make a formal part of the community | 22:57 |
jcastro | Making everyone join the KISS Army though ... | 23:21 |
jcastro | I'm for that. | 23:21 |
bkerensa | jono: But I enjoy your opinions on Santorum | 23:25 |
bkerensa | :D | 23:25 |
* bkerensa wanders off | 23:26 | |
jono | :-) | 23:26 |
jcastro | oh wait hey ben | 23:26 |
jcastro | I'm getting you a review asap. | 23:26 |
jcastro | bkerensa, it's looking real good now | 23:26 |
bkerensa | jcastro: I have to go.... or I will miss free sushi and booze courtesy of Dreamhost? | 23:26 |
bkerensa | :D | 23:26 |
jcastro | I would be surprised if you're not in the charm store by tomorrow | 23:26 |
jcastro | no worries, just wanted to update you | 23:26 |
bkerensa | kk | 23:26 |
bkerensa | :D | 23:27 |
jcastro | jono, rush documentary status? | 23:35 |
jono | jcastro still not seen it yet | 23:36 |
jcastro | it | 23:37 |
jcastro | it's ok if you skipped it to watch Bonn Scott. | 23:37 |
jcastro | you watched that at least? | 23:40 |
jcastro | jono, | 23:41 |
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