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vibhavThe Americas board meeting is tomorrow , right?10:06
vibhavjust wait10:06
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Gwaihir#startmeeting Community Council meeting, agenda available at: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommunityCouncilAgenda17:01
meetingologyMeeting started Thu Mar 15 17:01:01 2012 UTC.  The chair is Gwaihir. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology.17:01
meetingologyAvailable commands: #accept #accepted #action #agree #agreed #chair #commands #endmeeting #endvote #halp #help #idea #info #link #lurk #meetingname #meetingtopic #nick #progress #rejected #replay #restrictlogs #save #startmeeting #subtopic #topic #unchair #undo #unlurk #vote #voters #votesrequired17:01
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Ubuntu Meeting Grounds | Calendar/Scheduled meetings: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/calendar | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs | Meetingology documentation: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology | Community Council meeting, agenda available at: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommunityCouncilAgenda Meeting | Current topic:
* pleia2 waves17:01
Gwaihir#topic Community Council meeting, Agenda available here:  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommunityCouncilAgenda17:01
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Ubuntu Meeting Grounds | Calendar/Scheduled meetings: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/calendar | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs | Meetingology documentation: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology | Community Council meeting, agenda available at: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommunityCouncilAgenda Meeting | Current topic: Community Council meeting, Agenda available here: https://wiki.ubun
Gwaihirhello everyone!17:01
pleia2welcome to your first meeting as a CC member, cprofitt!17:01
cprofittthanks pleia217:01
Gwaihirthanks all for being here17:01
Gwaihirso, today we have on the agenda the Americas Regional Board meet-up17:02
Gwaihirwho do we have here from the RMB?17:02
Gwaihirok, nobody else?17:03
czajkowskiPendulum: ??17:03
pleia2greg-g also said he'd make it, but may be a few minutes late17:04
Gwaihirwell, pleia2, floor is yours, do you have something in particular you would like to say?17:04
YokoZarWell, greetings pleia2 ;)17:04
Gwaihir#subtopic America Regional Membership Board meet-up17:04
pleia2in general I think things are going well, terms of severl of our board members expire in May so I think we're seeing some of the fatigue related to that17:05
greg-ghi there17:05
YokoZarHas the rate of apps changed during your tour?17:05
pleia2we now have a channel where members from all boards hang out, which has been super helpful in improving cohesion between the boards and recruiting volunteers from other boards as needed17:05
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YokoZarIt'd be interesting if we were getting more or fewer membership applications, for instance17:06
PendulumSorry, I'm here.17:06
cprofitt+1 YokoZar17:06
greg-gthe rate of new member apps seems about consistent, during my term17:06
pleia2I've been on the board since they were created 4 years ago, if anything it's gone down some, but I think part of that is we've moved off some approvals to IRC and Forums in that time17:07
pleia2and developer membership board17:07
cyphermoxI'm there, sorry, had wifi issues17:07
PendulumI've only been on for just under a year, but I'd say they've generally been consistant in that time.17:07
cprofittHave you have had any issues with verifying potential members work in certain areas of the community such as askubuntu17:08
pleia2cprofitt: we rely heavily upon testimonials for sections of the community or work that we may have trouble personally verifying17:08
Gwaihiris the IRC process for membership approval an issue, or is it easy to reach quorum?17:09
pleia2so we do sometimes have to ask people to come back with testimonials17:09
pleia2Gwaihir: it works fine for us17:09
czajkowskipleia2: does your board ever not meet quorum or do ye have enough members?17:09
pleia2last meeting we borrowed someone from the Asia/Oceania board17:09
pleia2but that's pretty rare17:09
cyphermoxGwaihir: quorum does not appear to be an issue, especially now that we notify across boards via the mailing list17:09
cprofittWhat is the biggest challenge facing the RMB in the next cycle?17:09
pleia2again, with a bunch of terms expiring in May I think a couple people have kind of checked out early17:10
pleia2cprofitt: I don't really see any17:10
cyphermoxmaking sure it remains clear what the expectations are for membership? but that's hardly a problem right now17:11
PendulumFor the board itself, the only thing I can think of is transition with the new members, but I don't see that being a problem either.17:11
Gwaihircool to hear17:11
dholbachwas missing testimonials the only problem which led to asking people to reapply?17:11
pleia2with my CC hat on, the Americas board is never wanting for applicants to be on the board, unlike the other two boards, so I think Americas is fortunate there17:11
cprofittgoog to hear pleia217:11
pleia2(I think we had something like 10 applicants for the free spots last time!)17:12
czajkowskipleia2: nice to hear17:13
greg-g(sorry, had to  hold a fussy baby for s econd) re: verifying: I think the separate boards for IRC/Forum helps with that but for AskUbuntu, given the highly badge-centric model, it works OK, as long as there is evidence of good interaction with the wider community as well17:13
PendulumI'd say missing testimonials is the most common reason for asking people to reapply, but we have also asked people to do more work or spend more time in the community, among other things.17:13
greg-g+1 to what Pendulum said17:14
PendulumAnd then there are people that we suggest should apply through a different board17:14
pleia2g/ 5117:14
cyphermoxPendulum: +117:14
dholbachwhat about people who just focus on one task and are less interest in joining LoCo teams for example? is that a concern?17:14
YokoZarI'd like to minimize instances of "wrong board" sorry...just makes us seem a bit bureaucratic17:14
czajkowskiPendulum: on those cases when they came back have they done the extra stuff that was needed or shown great collaboration with teams and gotten testimonals ?17:14
cprofittHow flexible has the RMB been in evaluating contributions in new areas of the community? Is there anything you can think of that can be done better in regards to incorporating new areas of community contribution?17:15
pleia2dholbach: not really, we tend to recommend joining locos when they are having trouble finding a community ("I can't get testimonials because I work by myself on $thing" for instance)17:15
* dholbach nods17:15
GwaihirYokoZar, might be an idea to have just one "board" visible to the users, but internally structured in a different way, by timezones17:15
pleia2well, we always *recommend* joining locos because they are fun :) but we only recommend it as a way to help membership in the above case17:15
greg-gcprofitt: we've been pretty flixible, I'd say, but I'm biased, of course :)17:15
czajkowskiYokoZar: in what case would you have a wrong board?17:16
dholbachI personally agree - LoCos *are* great :)17:16
* cprofitt nods to greg-g 17:16
cyphermoxcprofitt: we've granted membership on one or two cases based largely on AskUbuntu contributions, IIRC17:16
Pendulumpleia2: +117:16
YokoZarczajkowski: Pendulum: And then there are people that we suggest should apply through a different board17:16
pleia2I think more generally the only major hurdle in the past year regarding "new areas" is our uncertainty over whether Unity is Ubuntu, or upstream17:17
pleia2but I think that was resolved in a satisfactory manner (and Unity does count)17:17
greg-gYokoZar: well, we don't want to make a determination on a person who does development only, that is better taken up by the dev board17:17
pleia2Upstart, Launchpad and others also fell in to the "upstream or not?" category17:17
pleia2but it's not hugely about "upstream or not" it's about "ubuntu community interaction or not"17:18
cprofittcyphermox: good to hear17:18
Pendulumczajkowski: Generally they either come back the next month with testimonials and/or cheerleaders or take a few more months to do more work. We do get the occasional person who doesn't understand and reapplies without doing anything more, but it's not common.17:18
cprofittpleia2: I think upstream or not may be an issue for new people coming in to the community too... it is not often easy for new folks to know that difference17:19
YokoZarEspecially in the developer case, the question of what's Ubuntu vs what's upstream sounds like it could get quite dicey17:19
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* greg-g nods17:20
Gwaihirwell, everything seems to work pretty nicely here :)17:21
Gwaihirdoes anybody have other questions?17:21
dholbachI'm all set - I'm quite happy with what I've heard17:21
czajkowskinope am good thanks17:21
cprofittI am good as well17:21
cprofittIt sounds as though things are running smoothly17:22
greg-gthanks all!17:22
pleia2thanks :)17:22
cprofittthanks to everyone taking on the RMB role!!17:22
Gwaihirpleia2, greg-g Pendulum, thanks for being here today!17:22
YokoZarIndeed, membership is a fantastic part of Ubuntu17:22
Gwaihirlovely chat :)17:22
Gwaihirmoving one, our agenda is quite empty, do we have any outstanding issue to discuss?17:23
czajkowskiGwaihir: we need to reply to the LC17:23
dholbachyes, we need to review the CoC changes17:23
czajkowskidholbach: did you reply to the membership mail?17:23
cprofitt+1 czajkowski17:23
Gwaihirok, start with the reply to the LC17:23
dholbachczajkowski, erm which?17:23
Gwaihir#subtopic Reply to the Loco Council17:23
Gwaihirmail is about the rewrite of the LoCo approval page17:24
Gwaihirnow, only cprofitt replied internally to the CC17:24
Gwaihirwe need to review the edited page, and provide an answer17:24
czajkowskiI'm also good with it helped to write it and am happy with the edits in it17:25
dholbach(ahhh ok, now - no, czajkowski, I didn't)17:25
pleia2the only real change from the CC perspective is the recommendation being changed from 4 months to 8 months17:25
* cprofitt nods17:26
pleia2I think this is fine, when this was written 4 months was a much greater percentage of the life of Ubuntu17:26
czajkowskinods and locoteams were rather new then17:26
* pleia2 nods17:26
czajkowskiand we have more activities17:26
* Gwaihir nods17:26
cprofitteverything else is a clean up -- and two pages will be replaced with one to avoid confusion17:26
Gwaihir#action CC needs to review the the LoCo approval wiki page and provide an answer to the LC17:26
meetingologyACTION: CC needs to review the the LoCo approval wiki page and provide an answer to the LC17:26
Gwaihircan we do it by tomorrow?17:27
pleia2I'll give my +1 now17:27
czajkowskiI'm +1 also17:27
cprofittI am also a +117:27
YokoZarWe have 3 members mia17:28
YokoZarwe might want to wait a day17:28
GwaihirI will read it tonight and reply to the mailing list17:28
* cprofitt nods17:28
cprofittthat is fair17:28
dholbachif possible I'd like to read it first - I'm not quite sure what exactly changed and for which reason17:28
Gwaihirbut from a fast view at the page, looks good17:28
dholbachI'll also do it tonight17:29
dholbachand reply to the mail czajkowski mentioned17:29
pleia2thanks guys17:29
Gwaihircan we move to the next topic?17:29
Gwaihir#subtopic Review merge proposal to the CoC17:30
Gwaihirhas anybody had the chance to look at it?17:30
Gwaihirunfortunately, I hadn't yet17:30
cprofittI did... it looked good to me.17:30
dholbachAmber's revision had a change missing which Matt Z put in some time ago, so I added that in my own branch17:30
czajkowskilooks fine, although it's a bit long.17:30
czajkowskiahh shall review that17:31
czajkowskididnt see it missing thanks dholbach17:31
Gwaihirczajkowski, yeah, it is a bit long now17:31
dholbachin the merge proposal I added links to wdiffs, so you can see which words changed as opposed to seeing line changes (if that's helpful)17:31
Gwaihirwondering if people will really read it all...17:31
czajkowskiI do think that's a bit of an issue as for starters the CoC isn't translated and I for one would love to see this happen somewhere17:31
czajkowskieven on a wiki page so people could reference it17:31
Gwaihirdholbach, has a branch for that I think17:32
* czajkowski hugs dholbach 17:32
dholbachbut on the other hand many won't have to read the LCoC in their first days yet, but now that it exists17:32
Gwaihirat one UDS we were talking with david about that17:32
dholbachGwaihir, yes, but dpm and I never finished it I think17:32
dholbachI can't remember what exactly the issue was with it though17:32
YokoZarHonestly I feel like I might still be able to cull it for wordiness17:32
Gwaihirdholbach, do not remember either17:32
dholbachmaybe we should first concern ourselves with getting 2.0 out, then do the i18n bits :)17:32
Gwaihirmight take a look for this UDS17:33
YokoZarwhen I write essays I come back to them 4 or 5 times over the course of many weeks and still find things to shorten them17:33
Gwaihiryeah, better17:33
dholbachYokoZar, if you could add a few ideas to the merge proposal that'd be nice17:33
czajkowskidholbach: aye my only conern with 2.0 is it's a tad long17:33
YokoZarYeah, agreed17:33
YokoZarWill do dholbach17:33
cprofittso I am clear this is in relation to this bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-community/+bug/39297617:33
ubottuLaunchpad bug 392976 in ubuntu-community "Launchpad only supports one CoC - the Ubuntu Leadership CoC is not supported." [Medium,In progress]17:33
dholbachso it'd be good if we could all have a look over it again17:34
dholbach(myself included :-))17:35
* cprofitt nods17:35
* Gwaihir nods17:35
* pleia2 nods17:35
dholbachthat I think is all I had to discuss17:35
Gwaihir#action CC review merge proposal of the new CoC → https://code.launchpad.net/~akgraner/ubuntu-codeofconduct/proposedv2coc/+merge/9713917:35
meetingologyACTION: CC review merge proposal of the new CoC → https://code.launchpad.net/~akgraner/ubuntu-codeofconduct/proposedv2coc/+merge/9713917:35
Gwaihirhmmm... was there something else we need to discuss?17:36
pleia2from me, just a quick additional thanks to akgraner for serving on the council, wrapping up her outstanding tasks and setting a good example by stepping down when she realized she didn't have the time for it17:36
czajkowskireply to RMB candiate17:36
cprofittgreat example of following the LCoC!17:37
Gwaihir+1 for akgraner17:37
dholbachyes, thanks alot for your work on akgraner!17:37
Gwaihirczajkowski, yep17:37
pleia2czajkowski: good catch, we discussed that all privately17:37
czajkowskiGwaihir: think that's it all tbh17:37
Gwaihir#subtopic Reply to RMB candidate17:37
pleia2I think the mailing list thread summed up our expectations well, we just need to draft a reply17:38
cprofitt+1 pleia217:39
* Gwaihir nods17:39
Gwaihirwho would like to write the reply?17:39
Gwaihirat least draft it17:39
pleia2I'd rather it come from a CC member who is not also a membership board member (not me :))17:40
cprofittI can take that on17:40
Gwaihirawesome cprofitt17:40
czajkowskipleia2: :)17:40
Gwaihir#action cprofitt to reply to the RMB email17:41
meetingologyACTION: cprofitt to reply to the RMB email17:41
Gwaihirif this is the last topic, and nobody would like to discuss about something else17:42
czajkowskiall good thanks17:42
cprofittI am set; thanks.17:42
czajkowskiexcellent chairing Gwaihir :)17:42
Gwaihirwe just need to take care of the bureaucratic stuff17:42
Gwaihirthanks czajkowski17:42
Gwaihirwho is going to chair next meeting?17:43
czajkowskiar we gonna try this rotation again this time properly :)17:43
Gwaihirwhy not :)17:43
czajkowskiso who's next after you17:43
Gwaihirmaybe better set up a wiki page with the rotation thing17:43
Gwaihirby nick name, should be pleia217:44
czajkowskisounds good, but with the exception of sabdfl as at uds he said he wouldn't be able to do it due to work17:44
czajkowskiwhich is fine17:44
Gwaihiryeah, np17:44
pleia2Gwaihir: I can't chair17:44
pleia2(this meeting is during work for me, I can get pulled away at any time)17:44
Gwaihirpleia2, no worries17:45
Gwaihirwe get back to this one later...17:45
Gwaihirwho can update the wiki pages then?17:45
pleia2I can do it17:46
Gwaihirthanks pleia17:46
Gwaihir#action pleia2 to update wiki pages and reference links17:47
meetingologyACTION: pleia2 to update wiki pages and reference links17:47
Gwaihirfor the chair, I might to it again as well17:47
Gwaihirs/to it/do it17:47
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Gwaihirif somebody else would like to do it at the last minute, I wouldn't block him/her :)17:48
Gwaihirso, be it17:48
Gwaihir#action Gwaihir to chair next time17:48
meetingologyACTION: Gwaihir to chair next time17:48
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Gwaihirok, that should be all folks17:48
cprofittthanks everyone!17:49
Gwaihirnext meeting will be on 29th March, same time, same place as the last one :)17:49
pleia2thanks all17:49
Gwaihirthanks all!17:49
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Ubuntu Meeting Grounds | Calendar/Scheduled meetings: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/calendar | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs | Meetingology documentation: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology
meetingologyMeeting ended Thu Mar 15 17:49:33 2012 UTC.17:49
meetingologyMinutes (wiki):        http://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/ubuntu-meeting/2012/ubuntu-meeting.2012-03-15-17.01.moin.txt17:49
meetingologyMinutes (html):        http://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/ubuntu-meeting/2012/ubuntu-meeting.2012-03-15-17.01.html17:49
dholbachthanks everyone17:49
pleia2Gwaihir: we only have IRC meetings 1st and 3rd Thursdays17:49
pleia2no meeting on the 29th17:49
Gwaihiroh... right17:49
GwaihirI have to updated my calendar then17:49
pleia2we get a day off on 5 Thursday months :D17:50
Gwaihirsweet :)17:50
Gwaihirsee you all in April then :)17:50
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* vibhav waits23:42
* skellat waits23:42
jrgiffordskellat: howdy23:44
jrgiffordwhat, four minutes until it starts?23:44
skellatjrgifford: Howdy23:44
skellatjrgifford: NTP claims 11 minutes on my end23:44
* vibhav pokes meetingology 23:49
vibhav6 minutes left23:53
* utlemming waits23:55
vibhavIt is 5:29 here23:59

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