
cndbregma, I've got a pristine checkout of lp:utouch-geis here00:07
cndmake check is failing for GeisSubscriptionTests.duplicate_window_subscription00:07
cndgtest_subscriptions.cpp:91: Failure00:07
cndExpected: (GEIS_STATUS_SUCCESS) != (geis_subscription_activate(sub2)), actual: 0 vs 000:07
cndmistakenly activated subscription 200:07
cndwe'll need to get that fixed before releasing anything00:08
bregmaso how does your utouch stack differ from my utouch stack (I've had a few pristine checkouts since that test went in and it continues to pass on every rebuild)00:21
cndI don't know00:25
cndI'll have to investigate00:25
cndin the meantime, I'm finding a geis bug where the number of touches in a geis gesture is not being set properly00:25
cndI'm tracking it down00:25
cndwell, I think it's a geis bug :)00:25
cndoh right, it's a grail bug that I wrote a fix for but hadn't gotten around to writing a testcase for01:30
bregmais there a bug for it?01:31
cndnot yet, though I think it's a separate issue again01:37
=== MacSlow is now known as MacSlow|lunch
=== MacSlow|lunch is now known as MacSlow
* bregma stands up, looking around.....15:16
tvossWorking on #950974, deployed BuildService server to staging jenkins, updated documentation on builder setup15:17
* tvoss stands up as well15:17
cndI'm working on a utouch bugs that are resulting in issues in unity15:17
tvosscnd, dandrader, ping15:17
dandradertvoss, pong15:18
cndI may have a fix for bug 94030815:18
dandraderI'm working on making that 3-touches gesture to move windows around work again (in unity code)15:18
tvossdandrader, just ping'd for standup :)15:19
cndtvoss, does the merge proposal script work now?15:19
tvossyeah, I'm preparing a follow-up mail on the call for testing and send out instructions15:20
tvossyou do not need to interact with script any more15:20
dandradertvoss, a web ui now?15:20
tvossdandrader, yeah, a very simple one, but a web ui ;)15:20
tvossor curl, if you like that better15:21
bregmaI'm beating my pulpy head against the wall trying to figure out why the basic compile checks segfault when utouch-geis is buitl in a PPA (and not in a pbuilder)15:21
dandraderi've now problems with a web ui15:21
tvossbregma, is it always failing or only on some builds?15:23
bregmaalways fails, only in PPA15:23
=== dandrader is now known as dandrader|afk
tvossbregma, I remember a thread on some mailing-list about "corrupt" ppa builders15:41
tvossbregma, for that I asked15:41
=== dandrader|afk is now known as dandrader
bregmaI don;t think that's the problem here, more liekely something to do with PPA kernels disallowing pipes to be opened from built apps or something15:48
bregmaI beleive I can force a stacktrace but the build backlog is on the order of hours, so turnaround is slow15:49
bregmait feels like software development in the 1980s again15:49
* tvoss sighs15:59
=== dandrader is now known as dandrader|lunch
cndbregma, got an issue with geis that we can resolve in a couple ways17:41
cndwhen a "system" geis v1 tap subscription is created17:41
cndthe min touches is set to 1 instead of matching the start touches17:41
cndwhat ends up happening is a tap gesture is recognized by grail, but it continues to send events all the way down to when only 1 touch is left on the device17:42
cndso if you do a two-touch tap you might get from grail:17:42
cndgesture begin: 1 touch, no gesture17:42
cndgesture update: 2 touches, no gesture17:43
cndgesture update: 1 touch, no gesture17:43
cndgesture end: 1 touch, tap recognized17:43
cndbecause geis v1 does not allow for tentative events, we transform that into one geis v1 event:17:43
cndgeis gesture update: 1 touch, tap recognized17:44
cndwhen it should have been:17:44
cndgeis gesture update: 2 touch, tap recognized17:44
cndI'm thinking the best way to resolve this is to only set minimum touches to 1 for non-tap system gestures17:44
cndwhat do you think?17:45
bregmadid it not give the 2-tap gesture event?17:45
cndgrail is giving a "gesture", which in the end slice is a 1-touch tap17:46
cndbut in the middle of the gesture there was a slice with 2-touches17:46
cndbut only the end slice is transformed into the geis v1 gesture event17:46
cndwhich is why it says only 1 touch17:46
bregmaI mean the original grail, you;re saying it never gave the 2-tap gesture?17:47
cndthe original grail probably did not honor the system flag for tap events17:47
cndan alternative would be to keep the max touch count of a gesture in the geis gesture state17:48
cndand when emitting a tap gesture, emit it with the max number of touches17:48
cndbut then we have to keep around more state, such as each touch position17:48
cndI think that would be a hairy solution17:49
bregmathat would effectively be moving gesture recognition out of the recognizer and into geis17:49
bregmaa tap event is already a special case, what with not haveing a begin and an end17:50
bregmaI see nothing wrong with treating it special in other ways17:50
cndbregma, is not setting the min touches to 1 for a system tap gesture alright with you?17:50
cndI can whip up a patch for it fairly quickly I think17:51
bregmayes, I'm fine wit hthat17:51
bregma... it looks like the build failures I see in the PPA are _bash_ segfaulting, not the test program17:52
bregmacuriouser and curiouser17:52
cndbregma, it looks like bash segfaults when the program executed at make check segfaults17:53
cndthat's been my experience17:53
cndbregma, do you have the build log url?17:53
cndI can see if it matches what I've seen before17:53
bregmain this run, I run the test program in valgrind to catch and display a traceback of the segfault17:54
cndyeah, this is the test segfaulting17:55
cndnot bash17:55
bregmabash still appears to segfault17:55
bregmayou mean, the test segfaults and valgrin is not catching it?17:55
cndbregma, are you referring to this line: /bin/bash: line 5: 30068 Segmentation fault      valgrind ${dir}$tst17:55
cndyeah, I've seen that exact message before17:55
cndit's not bash segfaulting, it's valgrind17:56
cndI thought the same thing when I first saw it17:56
cndand RAOF told me what's really going on :)17:57
cndI have no idea why those tests would segfault though...17:57
bregmaI have always assumed it's the app segfaulting, but it makes no sense valgrind would be degfaulting here17:57
cndbregma, maybe remove valgrind and add a signal handler to the testcases to get a backtrace?17:58
cndit's a pretty heavy-handed approach, but it might work17:58
bregmaI added valgrind to get the backtrace -- valgrind will give a backtrace if the app it's running segfaults17:58
bregmawithout valgrind you get the same message, except without the valgrind17:58
bregmaas you can see, valgrind is not catching any errors with the app17:59
cndwhat if it's segfaulting at program exit/cleanup time?17:59
bregmathe package builds cleanly using sbuild and pbuilder on my machine17:59
cndmaybe the code would be run at valgrind exit/cleanup time too18:00
cndwhich would be why it appears that valgrind finishes running the test18:00
bregmaso what's in the PPA that selective segfaults any program run in several nested bash shells (like the automake CHECK targets here) that does not occur without the nested shells and does not occur in an sbuild elsewhere?18:01
bregmait has to be something ni the buildd's custom sbuild environment18:01
cndbugs could be dormant on some systems and not others18:02
cndI don't know we can be sure that the environment is different in a systematic way18:02
bregmawell, it's the same up-to-date precise distro, it's both x86 and amd64 architectures, and it consistently fails in various PPAs and consistently passes in clean sbuild and pbuilder images18:03
bregmait wouldn't be so bad except for the build delays in PPAs18:04
cndbregma, maybe add geis_delete() and see if it fixes things?18:06
cndbregma, I assume your valgrind run would output any stack or heap corruption?18:07
bregmavalgrind has always been useful to find errors like that, it's kinda the point18:08
bregmaI will crank up the volume of valgrin messages and see what obtains18:09
cndyeah, I just wanted to make sure you weren't somehow disabling that18:11
=== dandrader|lunch is now known as dandrader
dandradercnd, in Geis, what's the difference between the centroid and the position of a gesture?18:45
cnddandrader, there isn't, it's a bit of a snafu18:45
cndthere was a big issue of how to handle two ways of defining gesture motion18:46
cndcentroid + full affine transformation18:46
cndor center of rotation + rotation + multiplication18:46
cndin the mix of the discussion, we added a centroid parameter, but it should be the same as the position parameter18:47
cndwe needed to add a center of rotation parameter instead18:47
cndwhich we never did...18:47
cndno one has asked for it, so...18:48
dandraderok, thanks for explanation18:48
* bregma slaps forehead with dead fish and mumbles something unintelligible about libtool18:50
cndbregma, did you figure it out?18:52
cndbregma, wow, geisv1 has a badly broken api :(19:06
cndthe xcb window info takes a uint32_t window id19:06
cndbut X Window is typedef'd to a long19:06
cndso on 64-bit, the geis v1 window id only holds the lower 32-bits19:07
cndit probably won't matter too much, but it's quite an oversight19:07
cndburli, hi19:08
=== tvoss is now known as tvoss|dinner
burlihi cnd. The guy I want to see ;)19:09
burliCurrently I'm trying Kubuntu-Active.19:09
burliSame problems like with Unity-3D19:09
burliadd a comment to the bug report https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xorg-server/+bug/94979119:09
cndburli, I've seen a few reports about it19:10
cndI can't seem to reproduce it here19:10
cndbut I may have a commit that would fix it19:10
cndburli, are you capable of compiling a branch of utouch-grail to see if it's fixed?19:11
burlicnd, I can try19:12
cndburli, to make sure you have all the dependencies you need, run "apt-get build-dep utouch-grail"19:12
burlijust a second19:13
cndthen, check out the branch: bzr branch lp:~chasedouglas/utouch-grail/tap-accept-v219:14
cndcd into it19:14
cndrun: ./autogen.sh && ./configure --prefix=/usr --libdir=/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu --with-xi19:14
cndsudo make install19:14
cndlog out and back into unity 3d and see if it fixes things19:15
burlihang on. let me first install all updates19:15
cndI've got all day, so don't worry about time :)19:17
burlineed to install bzr first ;)19:20
burlicnd, x86_64?19:24
cndburli, are you on i386?19:24
cnduse --libdir=/usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu19:24
burlicnd, 64 Bit on an Atom CPU with 1GB RAM is not a good idea ;)19:26
cndsuit yourself :)19:27
burliok, compiling19:27
burliok, no errors19:27
cndgood :)19:28
burliwell, lets see19:28
burlino, sorry. nothing changed19:29
burlilet me reboot19:29
burlihm, strange. let me test something19:31
burlicnd, ok. Same problem. I can do something for a few seconds.19:38
cndburli, ok19:39
cndburli, I need you to try to figure out the simplest way to always trigger the bug19:39
burlifor example move the hover icon from onboard or drag a select box on the desktop19:39
cndthat may be tapping over one window19:39
cndburli, dragging a select box once will trigger the bug?19:40
burlilet me try again something19:40
burliit's confusing19:42
burliok. first, I can't use the panel all the time, doesn't matter what I do. Not even F10 works.19:49
burliwait, got a bug19:49
burliIts the second time that nautilus crashed19:50
burlinautilus crashed with SIGABRT in raise()19:51
dandradercnd, got the 3-finger drag working again! (with hit test method)19:51
cnddandrader, sweet!19:51
cndI'll be able to test it on my touchscreen here too19:52
cnddandrader, did you get rid of the XQueryTree call too?19:52
burliok, next: I can open the launcher with the Super key directly after login and drag the launcher icons for a few seconds.19:52
dandradercnd, yes19:53
cnddandrader, \o/19:54
cndburli, do you mean you drag one launcher icon to reorder it in the dock?19:55
cndand then your touch is broken?19:55
burlicnd, not reorder. just scroll all icons up and down19:56
burliI copied a file to my desktop folder and relogin19:56
burliI can drag this file twice, than touch is broken19:56
burlilet me try something different19:57
cndburli, I worry that this may be exacerbated by the slowness of your system19:57
cndbut I'll try those19:57
cndmy unity 3d touch screen system is a quad core i719:58
burlicnd, I try to drag the file for a longer time. than I dropped it and drag it again for a while. Works fine so far. If I try to drag it again it doesn't work20:00
burliok, now I can drag it only once20:01
cndburli, btw, I'm tracking this issue in bug 949791: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xorg-server/+bug/94979120:02
burlithis is my report ^^20:02
cndahh, ok20:03
cndI was thinking of another bug20:03
burliare you shure this is a performance issue? Unity-3D runs fine on my netbook20:04
cndI think I started commenting on the other bug instead of your bug by mistake20:04
cndburli, it's not that unity 3d shouldn't be able to run on your machine20:04
cndjust that the bug may only manifest on a slower machine20:05
cndwhich would explain why I haven't seen the bug yet20:05
burliah, ok20:05
burliIf you are in germany I can send you my tablet for testing ;)20:05
burlicnd, where do you live?20:06
cndburli, portland, OR20:08
burliouch. thats to complicated20:08
cndburli, I'm sure we'll be able to fix it20:09
cndI am working on all the bugs I can find involving utouch20:09
burliI'm wondering that nautilus crashed twice20:10
burlidid not crash on unty 2d20:10
cndooo... it's already 1:1220:11
cndI need to get some lunch20:11
cndbregma, when you ran the tests under valgrind, did you run valgrind ./test?21:06
cndif so, that won't work since ./<progname> is a script to run the progname under .libs21:07
cndmaybe that's what you meant when you cursed at libtool earlier?21:07
bregmavalgrind needs --follow-children or something like that21:10
bregmaor else libtool execute valgrind, but that would miss the shell21:10
bregmalooks like the problem is that the kernel used in the PPA does not support epoll21:10
bregmain an unpleasant sort of way21:11
cndbregma, does that break all geis tests?21:11
cndor is there a workaround for when epoll isn't available?21:11
bregmait will break geis21:12
bregmaI have another build pending that will reveal more details of why epoll_create() is failing21:12
cndI guess we might have to disable tests when building in the archive21:12
cnddo  you think it's ppa only?21:13
bregmaI believe PPAs use the exact same buildd used by the distro21:14
cndgenerally they don't21:14
cndit's a separate system21:14
bregmaare you sure/21:14
cndI don't know all the details, but I think the setups are very different in implementation21:15
cndwhether that makes a difference in the build environment, I don't know21:15
cndwhen I asked for arm builders for some dx-touch ppas21:15
cndthey seemed to need to flip a switch to make them build on a different set of buildds21:15
cndI remember something about virtual builders vs regular builders21:16
bregmado you know weher to ask for more information on all this stuff?21:16
cndI think #soyuz21:16
bregmahot spit, I mean _where_21:16
cndsoyuz is the project21:17
cndI think #launchpad is the irc channel21:17
dandradercnd, you can try this one lp:~dandrader/unity/geisv2/21:49
dandraderit has the 3-touches drag fix21:49
cnddandrader, I will in a bit21:49
cndI'm knee deep fixing other issues21:49
dandrader4-touches drag and 4-touches tap behave way better as well21:49
cndI'm currently fixing timeout calculation now that atomic gestures must wait for the composition time :)21:50
cndhopefully with some stuff I'm working on they will be perfect21:50
dandraderI bet it must be because of the kinds of subscriptions done21:50
cndI have around 3 fixes I'm currently working on21:50
dandraderhopefully it fixes the craziness I get when I just apply the 3-touches fix on top of unity trunk (without all the geisv1 -> geisv2 refactoring)21:52
cndone of the particular bugs I'm working on is geisv1 only21:53
cndso it might21:53
cndthe number of touches in a tap gesture are reported incorrectly in geisv1 right now21:53
bregmaI was thinking we might want to spin a grail release early next week21:54
cndbregma, yeah, after a couple fixes I have in the queue21:55
cndthe next freeze is next thursday anyways21:55
cndso we need to get stuff out by then21:55
bregmaif you all could all the fixes you want in to the next milestone, we'll know when we're ready because they're all committed21:56
cndyeah, I should do that21:58
cndthe problem is that I'm trying to solve one bug, and I'm already up to 3 necessary fixes21:58
cndand I think I need to fix a fourth21:58
cnd2 in geis, 2 in grail21:59
cndbregma, have you filed the FFe for the geis accept/reject?22:15
bregmanot until I have it building in a PPA22:31
bregmaPPAs run kernel 2.6.24, I need 2.6.27 but I think I can maybe fall back to an older epoll_create() if the first try fails22:32
bregmaeither way the code path for handling epoll_create() failure needs fixing22:33
cndbregma, we need to file the FFe today22:33
cndI think they've started approving FFes at the release team meeting on friday mornings22:33
cndis that going to be possible?22:33
bregmaOK, I don't need the build working to file the FFe, especially now I know why it was failing22:34
cndbregma, a tap event in geis v1 should come across as one update event23:01
cndno begin or end events23:01
bregma"should" is a strong word:  yes, that's the way it did come across23:17

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