
ubuntuuk-planet[Ubuntu UK Podcast] S05E02  Raspberry Jam - http://podcast.ubuntu-uk.org/2012/03/14/s05e02-raspberry-jam/00:31
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imexilMorning, am I the only one experiencing compiz to crash everytime I do right-click in 12.04 ?07:46
christeldiplo \o/08:47
christelfor some reason i always read your nick as duplo and then i want to play with you :s08:47
christeloh gosh, that came out sounding a tad corny, sorry08:48
diplo\o/ Playing with me :)08:48
diploMy skype is duplo :)08:48
diploAnd a few other things where diplo was taken08:48
diploFavourite choccie bars are duplos to, hmm nick change time  :)08:49
diploOr not, seems someone else likes it :(08:49
christelaww :(08:49
christelah but they havent identified for a year!08:50
christelso if whomever currently uses it disconnects ...08:50
diploWell had diplo for the last 15 years, might take some remembering to get change08:50
diploBeen rather quiet in here lately08:52
christelit is a tad quiet :(08:53
MartijnVdSSo.. "unsettings".. use or not?08:55
diploGood morning AlanBell08:55
* diplo is not sure what MartijnVdS is asking :)08:58
* diplo glad not got a hangover this morning with all this shouting!08:58
MartijnVdSdiplo: http://www.webupd8.org/2012/03/unsettings-tool-to-disable-global-menu.html08:59
diploHmm, I may give up typing today08:59
christelit's really cold today08:59
hoovermorning all08:59
diploRadiator on 5 @ work :)08:59
hoovernice and sunny here08:59
hooverbut only 3degs08:59
christelwe've thick, cold fog09:00
christelthough if it lifts i guess it could still turn out to be a nice day09:00
diplotbh MartijnVdS I've starting getting used to most of the options now09:04
diploI like the global menu sort of, prefer win7 style though, smaller icons/size etc09:04
MartijnVdS\o/ found the bug09:06
MartijnVdSDisable global menus = forever crashing unity-panel-service09:06
MartijnVdSin a loop09:06
hooverit's already rather warm in the sun... spring is coming fast09:06
diploSun hoover ? What sun :)09:07
MartijnVdS♫ But there's one thing that makes spring complete for me09:07
MartijnVdS♫ And makes ev'ry Sunday a treat for me09:07
MartijnVdShttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QNA9rQcMq00 :)09:07
hooverThat large, yellow ball of fire in the sky ;-)09:10
* hoover declares spring has started when the first song thrush arrives09:11
hooverI've already heard a few sing this week09:11
MartijnVdShoover: "Thrush is a yeast infection of the mucus membrane lining the mouth and tongue.", according to le google09:16
MartijnVdShoover: I heard (and saw) a woodpecker pecking at a metal pole a few days ago :)09:19
bigcalmGood morning peeps :)09:25
MartijnVdS\o bigcalm09:25
bigcalmWhat's happening?09:28
czajkowskimust stop doing fn f4 instead of fn 4 as thats volume and the otherone shuts machine down09:29
MartijnVdSczajkowski: :D09:29
JamesTaitMorning all! :D09:35
christelmorning JamesTait :)09:38
JamesTaitchristel: o/09:38
Myrttiho hum. http://www.flickr.com/photos/myrtti/698424952509:43
AlanBellthat is a lot of miliseconds09:45
gordstarted to realise that i can actually just suspend my desktop machine at the end of the day, not shut down. old fears of linux not working are silly09:46
MyrttiI am getting tired09:47
bigcalmI can't suspend mine. If I tell the machine to do anything like that, it reboots09:48
bigcalmIf I tell it to shutdown, it reboots as well09:49
bigcalmRebooting does as required though09:49
JamesTaitMine will suspend if I tell it to, now I've added acpi_sleep=nonvs to the boot options; but it currently won't suspend when I close the laptop lid.09:50
JamesTaitActually, the laptop indicated that it suspended even without that boot option, but when it came to resume, it did a full boot instead.09:51
popeygord: thats what I do too09:56
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zleapon http://podcast.ubuntu-uk.org/2012/03/14/s05e02-raspberry-jam-ogg/  where is the download link ?10:29
AlanBellright click and save as10:30
AlanBellzleap: ah, right, in the broken grey fuzzy bar thing10:30
zleapok got it10:31
zleapunder subscribe10:31
zleapas opposed to download10:31
zleapits downloading10:31
AlanBellpopey: there is something broken there10:31
zleapi need to set up rhytmbox again for auto download10:32
AlanBellzleap: http://podcast.ubuntu-uk.org/ boxes work find on the home page10:32
AlanBelland they now work fine on the article :)10:32
zleapdo i add that url to rhythmbox:?10:33
AlanBellyou can add http://feeds.feedburner.com/UbuntuUkPodcastOgg-high?format=xml to rhythmbox10:34
zleapi just need to find where rhythmbox has hidden itsselfd now10:34
AlanBellin unity3d has resizing windows just got massively hard again?10:35
AlanBellsingle pixel target rather than the whole shadow?10:35
zleapok think i have it10:35
popeyzleap: you're on the wrong page10:36
popeyhttp://podcast.ubuntu-uk.org/2012/03/14/s05e02-raspberry-jam-ogg/ is not a link you should end up at10:36
zleapi get there from the link i get in firefox10:37
popeywhat link?10:37
popeyhow exactly did you arrive at that page?10:37
zleapfirefox has podcast on a tab, click on that i get a link to the page of what ever episode is listed10:37
zleapso it lists load of em, its auto updated10:37
popeywhat do you mean by "podcast on a tab"?10:38
popeytake me (with links) from how you woke up this morning to how you got to that page please10:38
MartijnVdSAlanBell: there are lots of regressions in Unity10:38
AlanBellif it is a button in the bookmarks toolbar can you right click it, go to properties and say what the feed location is10:39
brobostigongood morning everyone.10:39
popeyzleap: I want to fix this but I dont know how people end up at that page, so dont know how to10:39
zleapin firefox I have buttons at the top on is for latest headlines, withj some sort of orange and white symbol next to it,  i have a similar one for ubuntu podcasrts10:39
zleapdon't know how i got itl, or what its called,  rss feed perhaps10:40
AlanBellit is the bookmarks toolbar10:40
popeycan you modify the link?10:40
popeyhttp://podcast.ubuntu-uk.org/ is the best page to go to10:40
zleapfeedlocation is http://feeds.feedburner.com/UbuntuUkPodcastOgg-high?format=xml10:41
popeyright, thats why10:41
zleapso that is some sort of bug then10:41
popeyjust bookmark http://podcast.ubuntu-uk.org/ or http://podcast.ubuntu-uk.org/feed/10:41
popeyI just dont know how you got that url in your bookmark bar10:41
zleapwell i added the feedburner10:42
zleapit was on there,  it updates each release10:42
zleapbut clearly not in the way it should10:42
davmor2Morning all you funky funky people11:06
bigcalmHiya Dave211:06
bigcalmAnd hello davmor211:06
davmor2bigcalm: Hey dude how's life?11:08
bigcalmVery busy and relaxing inbetween11:08
bigcalmOnly working Monday and Thursday this week11:08
bigcalmHow do?11:08
christelso unfair!11:09
bigcalmchristel: I know, I wanted the whole week off11:09
gordalways enjoyable when i get windows viruses sent to my @canonical.com address11:10
bigcalmDo you load them in wine?11:10
gordthey never work :(11:11
gordwine isn't compatible enough with windows exploits11:11
jpdsSounds like a feature.11:12
directhexyou can guarantee if there's a virus needing a windows feature, there's a legit windows app using the same feature11:30
directhexno matter how sick & wrong11:30
oimontomboy notes not syncing with u1 from my laptop...any ideas?11:43
jpdsoimon: tail -f .cache/ubuntuone/log/syncdaemon.log11:46
oimonjpds, nothing in there - is the tomboy web service something different?11:46
jpdsoimon: → #ubuntuone11:47
popeytomboy doesnt use that sync though does it?11:48
popey .config/tomboy/tomboy.log11:48
popeyalso close tomboy and then open it with "tomboy --debug" and see what it says11:49
oimonthanks, i'll try11:53
oimonpopey, it's a bug (in progress)12:10
popeybug number?12:10
popeyoh that one12:10
popeyyes, I have that12:10
oimonunfortunately cannot file on the server side now that notes are removed from u1 now12:11
popeyI dont understand? "file on the server side"?12:14
czajkowskioimon: do you mean you cant access them via the web any more ?12:18
oimonczajkowski, they disabled that feature afaik12:18
popeyyou can workaround the bug12:19
popeyi have had to numerous times12:19
popeyi have never done a workaround on the website, always locally12:20
oimoni get the issue that comment 12 has.12:23
oimoncannot proceed forward12:23
czajkowskioimon: have you asked in ubuntuone12:28
* popey points czajkowski to the scrollback in #ubuntuone12:29
popeyoimon: I'd just edit the file manually12:29
czajkowskipopey: ah sorry small scroll back12:35
* daubers waits for the train to take him home12:53
popey\o/ Jabber12:59
MattJJabber \o/12:59
daubersJabber \o/13:01
diploJabber \o/ ?13:04
MattJJabber \o/13:04
AlanBellone day I will work out how to use jabber13:07
MattJAs a user? or run a server?13:07
daubersAlanBell: Do you use google talk?13:08
MattJWith the kind of people I help out there, I'm quite sure you're capable of using it :)13:08
AlanBellI did get facebook working on it http://www.theopensourcerer.com/2010/02/11/using-facebook-xmpp-chat-on-ubuntu/13:08
MattJWell if you can get Facebook's bizarre flavour working, nothing else could be harder really13:09
AlanBellI use google plus, which I think includes google talk13:09
MattJYou can just put your Gmail address and password into any XMPP client13:09
AlanBellok, then what?13:10
MattJThen? It's an IM client - you see who is online, and send and receive messages :)13:10
AlanBellyeah, but where is the cross-server stuff?13:11
AlanBelland rooms and things?13:11
MattJYou can add people with their gmail address, or any XMPP service (except Facebook who like to remain closed off)13:11
AlanBellso how do I add people from a server that isn't google?13:12
MattJSame as you add someone who is on Google, with their address13:12
MattJMine is me@matthewwild.co.uk13:12
MattJYou don't really have to care where it's hosted13:14
MattJIt's like asking how to email someone who isn't on Gmail13:14
MattJWhich just serves to highlight the absurdity of closed IM networks (which are thankfully becoming fewer)13:14
AlanBelldoesn't appear to have worked13:15
MattJWhat did you do?13:16
AlanBelladd contact13:16
AlanBellput me@matthewwild.co.uk in the identifier and mattj in the alias13:16
AlanBellI see no contact in the list13:17
MattJYou're logged into a gmail.com account? what client are you using?13:17
AlanBellthe identifiers for other people are big long strings @public.talk.google.com13:18
MartijnVdSthose are mostly G+ people I think?13:18
MartijnVdSSince G+ my GTalk list has increased a lot13:19
MattJYeah, Google added a hack to get people using G+ onto XMPP without using their real address13:20
AlanBellI don't think I have ever added anyone, they just turned up through g+ or gmail that I used for a few weeks13:20
diployeah google turned it on a few months ago13:20
diploWasn't on at default13:20
AlanBellhttp://people.ubuntu.com/~alanbell/empathy.png does it look like that when you hover over someone normally?13:22
MattJLooks normal13:23
AlanBellwhite on light grey with a big fat border isn't very pretty13:23
MattJOh, the styling13:23
MattJI can't speak for Empathy as a client, as much as I love the developers :)13:24
MattJI haven't used it for a long time13:24
directhexnah, the empathy developers are clearly evil people13:24
diploAlanBell, I'd say that empathy isn't using your theme correctly13:25
diploMine is all dark13:25
AlanBellI will set it up on another computer13:25
popeythats what it looks like here13:26
AlanBellum, hover over your empathy client13:26
popeyyou're on 2d?13:26
popeyi was13:26
AlanBelloh, sorry13:27
diploMine looks the same as popey's13:27
AlanBellI had my empathy on top of your screenshot :)13:27
popeyI'm on unity, you on unity 2d?13:27
AlanBellunity 3d13:27
AlanBellok, works fine on another computer13:30
AlanBellstill can't add contacts13:30
diploSee I have you and TheOpenSourcerer in G+13:32
diploand popey13:32
diploBut.. I only see popey and TheOpenSourcerer on chat13:32
diploI thought it added everyone ?13:33
popeyAlanBell: http://ubuntuone.com/4mwlF1D66T4ahfoIQt1bU613:35
MartijnVdSI have the same content in GMail, G+, and GTalk on my phone and tablet13:36
MartijnVdSWorks great.. except sometimes my phone beeps when I'm talking to someone on the PC13:36
diployeah i had that last night :)13:40
AlanBellI miss being able to resize windows :(13:43
MattJHeh, I've not been able to resize windows since long before unity - I use a tiling window manager13:44
christelpfft i cant find anyone called diplo on g+!13:44
christel(well, i can -- but unlikely candidates)13:45
AlanBellhttp://people.ubuntu.com/~alanbell/empathy1.png http://people.ubuntu.com/~alanbell/empathy2.png on two different machines popey13:47
diploandy partington christel :)13:49
* christel stalks13:50
popeyAlanBell: different versions?13:51
diploAnd I see why I dont see you now AlanBell, you have to be in each others circles for it to be listed.. quite understandable now i think about it :)13:51
AlanBellpopey: no, both 12.04, the cleaner install didn't pick up the ubuntu theme or something, so didn't have the bubbly text13:52
christelAlanBell: i think we need to pub, very soon13:58
christelthis sun lark is making me dream of pub gardens13:58
diploWe still have fog13:58
diploAlbeit a trip to the pub sounds fun / enjoyable13:58
diploMay not come back to work though :)13:58
christelaw! the fog lifted and made way for the sun here! :D14:01
diploSend some up this way14:01
christelyou can come here and share it!14:04
bigcalmThat makes no sense if you miss-read that as frog14:05
diploIf you live near the Alans it's a bit of a trip :)14:07
christeli do! when we go out i go by the name Alan Fake14:12
christelto fit in with the Alan fourlettersurname thing14:12
jpdschristel: The four Alans with four letter surnames.14:15
popeyfour letters and one syllable14:20
gordthe bringers of Armageddon14:20
jpdspopey: One syllable for all letters ?14:22
bigcalmPope, Bell, Lord14:26
AlanBellpub lunch sounds like a good plan14:28
popey\o/ pub14:33
* diplo asks the four letter surname people to find another channel to talk about pubs :(14:40
MartijnVdSdiplo: you mean the Alans? :)14:41
diplooh yes christel was in with a Alan the fake aswell so both :)14:42
christelAlanBell: have you eaten? or are you up for PUB LUNCH NOW? :) (we should also do our pub crawl so popey can come play!)14:43
bigcalmWrite off the rest of the day ;)14:44
popeyhah, i can't14:44
davmor2bigcalm: don't you do that most mornings? ;)14:44
popeywork then I'm off to Aldershot to see a comedy thing14:44
christelcomedy.. in aldershot?!14:44
davmor2popey: is a thing like a show?14:44
christeli thought the place was dead14:45
bigcalmdavmor2: oh meow!14:45
christelpopey: ok! we shall have to pick another pubcrawl day!14:45
christelbigcalm: i'd be delighted to write off the rest of the day, i am working on a dreadful project14:45
davmor2bigcalm: I meant that you were so good at your job you'd completed your days work in the morning :P  Honest Gov'nor14:46
popeygoing there, to see him14:48
AlanBellchristel: I have eaten today14:52
AlanBellchristel: tomorrow might be a possibility14:52
christeli am all for that!14:53
gorddoes anyone know what the point of marking mail as junk in thunderbird is?14:53
gordi mean it adds a little icon, but that seems to be it14:53
dwatkinsI suspect it trains it.14:55
davmor2gord: have a look at the rules for it,  I don't think it is setup to auto move it to bin/spam14:55
gordtrains it to do what? add more icons to more mails?14:55
dwatkinshttp://kb.mozillazine.org/Junk_Mail_Controls#Training_the_Junk_Mail_Controls this I guess14:55
dwatkinsI don't know how it helps, but I imagine it makes it more likely to treat similar messages as spam.14:56
dwatkinsunfortunately the one link on that page I wanted to bollow is broken.14:57
popeycheap 1080p monitor suggestions?15:04
dauberspopey: TV :)15:04
popeyyou just reminded me I have an old TV!15:05
MartijnVdSOld enough to have HDMI? :)15:05
gordanything that is 1080p is likely to just be a repackaged monitor anyway ;)15:07
popeyits a goodmans tv15:07
popeyreally crap15:07
gorduh repackaged tv even15:07
popeyit'll do15:07
gordi'm not good words today15:07
gordkeep trying to skip the track on this internet radio station, not working15:08
bigcalmWatch out for that "over-scan" :)15:08
* daubers waits for OSX to reinstall over the intertubes15:08
MartijnVdSEVIL EVIL TV manufacturers15:08
MartijnVdSperpetuating "overscan" in a digital age15:09
gordto watch the sweedish eurovision finals with some friends on the weekend i had to use my tv as a second monitor for my laptop, everything just worked :) was a quite nice experience15:10
gordapart from flash, had to use firebug to delete all the elements of the streaming website apart from the flash player, then resize the flash player to make it close to fullscreen =\15:11
popeyhmm, 1440x90015:12
popeythat'll do15:12
bigcalmThe scooter that just buzzed past really fitted in with the dub-step I'm listening to15:20
bigcalmNeeds moar scooter15:20
popeyput a donk on it15:20
oimonseen the "anonymous OS" story? http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/technology-1738121415:29
oimonjust noticed the ubuntu twitter feed thing in the 12.04 installer.15:31
MartijnVdSoimon: AnonymOS15:37
davmor2MartijnVdS: No, I'm not your Daddy either :P15:39
oimonanyone experience an issue when installing 12.04 and it appears to no be doing anything?15:40
oimonbeen installing for half hr15:40
oimonno activity since something ending in cron.hourly (can't rsize the window)15:41
oimontempted to press skip15:41
MartijnVdSTime to filet some bugs!15:43
oimonso many ubuntu bugs experienced today i dunno where to start15:44
MartijnVdSon launchpad :P15:45
oimonnot sure if slow USB stick or something else15:45
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Adriannomlo.  which firewall do most ubuntu users use in xp? ;)15:55
dwatkinsAdriannom: If I'm running Ubuntu, I'm not running XP.15:57
dwatkinsI tend to use the XP firewall (XP sp 2 onwards) though15:58
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Adriannomthanks dwatkins, was looking16:16
Adriannomoops.  was looking for something a bit more secure16:16
Adriannomi got erroneous answers from asking in windows channels, so please forgive the offtopic :|16:17
oimonapparently the huge length of time during the install of the beta realtes to removal of language packs :S16:17
dwatkinsAdriannom: I don't know of there being any particular security holes in the Windows built-in firewall.16:18
dwatkinsAsking questions in the windows channels is like walking down the street shouting them, in my experience ;)16:18
Adriannomdwatkins, it doesn't protect from outbound connections16:18
dwatkinsAdriannom: I don't believe that's true16:18
Adriannomdwatkins, it didn't stop a single outbound connection for me, sp316:19
oimoni thought it was inbound only too16:19
Adriannomalso, offending software is not listed in the firewall16:19
dwatkinsperhaps you have to turn that on, I don't know, Adriannom16:19
oimonor did they add that functionality in another sp?16:19
Adriannomi already looked16:19
Adriannomit's not there16:19
Adriannomanyway, xp also lets any software add itself to the firewall, heh.  unless you are not running as admin, which is hard with xp16:20
dwatkinsoh you're using XP, Adriannom16:20
dwatkinswhat do you want to block/control?16:21
oimonanyone know if canonical will split the software centre up into magazines/apps/etc? fed up getting matches on ubuntu user magazine for software searches16:21
Adriannomfound comodo anyway, supposed to be good16:21
Adriannomdwatkins, anything i want to run in xp i generally don't trust16:22
AlanBelloimon: ask davmor216:22
dwatkinsAdriannom: there's zonealarm, but I don't know if it's still developed16:22
Adriannomdwatkins, if comodo fails i'll try zonealarm16:23
Adriannomthanks :)16:23
davmor2oimon: already is in 12.04 but it will still show up under a general search16:23
dwatkinsif I run something in XP, I kinda feel I have to trust it.16:23
Adriannomif only we didn't need it at all16:23
* bigcalm tickles popey16:24
oimondavmor2, i'm on 12.04 here, can i tune the general search results at all?16:24
davmor2popey: that is the worst impression of scrooge I've ever seen it's bah, Humbug!16:24
davmor2oimon: nope16:25
davmor2oimon: if you go into a section it will only search that section that's about as refined as it gets16:25
davmor2oimon: the other way is to use the applications lens to find apps maybe16:26
oimonhmm :-\16:27
oimoni could disable "for purchase" i suppose16:27
diploZonealarm NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!116:27
popeyoimon: you'd still see full circle magazine16:28
popeyone moment16:28
oimonthey seem to have huge amount of meta dta for matching16:28
Adriannomdiplo, point taken16:30
diploI was hoping so :)16:30
diploYou got stuff you're worried about outbound ?16:31
diploCould monitor it with wireshark or something for a while16:31
diploI've never really been that worried about out bound16:31
Adriannomi think comodo is working16:31
diploFrom memory comodo was quite good in the past16:31
Adriannommaybe i am being overly paranoid16:32
Adriannomeither way, it's done now so i don't have to worry :P16:32
oimoni always worry with windows16:32
diploI don't16:34
diploBut then again I don't install much16:34
popeywhat are we worrying about?16:40
bigcalmWindows, I think16:42
oimoni generally worry about typing any of my passwords into a windows machine16:42
oimonespecially after seeing what the latest password stealing trojans do with banking websites16:43
davmor2czajkowski: prod!16:50
czajkowskidavmor2: ello ello16:50
davmor2czajkowski: how's life?16:51
DJonesbigcalm: If you don't mind me asking, how much did you pay for your Xoom? Just noticed them on sale for £27917:15
popeybug 95620817:15
lubotu3Launchpad bug 956208 in unity (Ubuntu) "Screen corruption on AMD with Radeon driver" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/95620817:15
bigcalmDJones: 249 from the carphone warehouse17:16
bigcalm279 is also a good price17:16
bigcalmDJones: where have you seen them for 279?17:16
DJoneswould you believe currys17:17
DJonesSame price as the samsung tablet17:17
DJonesGalaxy 8.9HD 16Gb is priced the same17:18
bigcalmI <3 my Xoom17:19
DJonesHow well does it work with Ubuntu (connectivity etc), something I read about the xoom 2 said they wouldn't connect to anything except Windows17:19
bigcalmI haven't bothered to connect my tablet to anything17:20
bigcalmHaven't felt the need17:20
bigcalmJust pinged that URL over to my Dad. He appears to be asleep again though17:22
ubuntuuk-planet[Jonathan Riddell] Kubuntu Active is Activated - http://blogs.kde.org/node/454418:31
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=== michael is now known as Guest5630
Guest5630Hello all - Quick question, I seem to have lost all sound on my toshiba satelite laptop which is running ubuntu 11.10.  Ive checked that nothing is muted and all the volume levels are high and there are no headphones or anything like that plugged in.  Can anyone help?21:12
dwatkinsGuest5630: does it do this from a clean start?21:16
Guest5630dwatkins - I noticed it last night and ive booted from cold today and yes, its the same21:16
Guest5630I dont usually have volume on so ive not noticed it before21:17
dwatkinsGuest5630: did it work before okay? What's changed since then?21:17
Guest5630It worked last time I used sound - used it a few weeks ago to watch a dvd in VLC, though wanted to watch youtube last night and there was no sound at all - volume levels were all up, nothing muted etc, so put it down to a random odd glitch though same again tonight from cold.  Nothing in youtube, VLC or anything else I can think of which would use sound21:18
dwatkinsYou might have to see what's grabbing the device from start, this could help: http://askubuntu.com/questions/25622/my-sound-stopped-working-today-how-can-i-fix-it21:19
Guest5630Ok thanks - I will have a look!21:20
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=== Lcawte is now known as Lcawte|Away
popeyAlanBell: what day are you going to Alcatraz?22:45
zleapi wanna go to redmond, WA and take a photo of tux out side the microsoft HQ :D22:55
bigcalmIt's been done: http://tctechcrunch2011.files.wordpress.com/2011/08/linux-world-domination.jpg22:57
bigcalmOf sorts22:57
zleapok why can't ubuntu find my printer, when i know its connected22:57
zleapit has a printer driver installed and now says printer may not be connected,22:58
zleapto confuse matters more, it also says no ink, which is odd if it says printer isn't connected how can it also say printer has no ink left22:58
andylockranhowdy all23:17
AlanBellpopey: sunday morning23:42
AlanBell9 am23:42

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