
snap-lrick_h: WHo is having trouble with a Windows key?00:25
rick_hsnap-l: just wife was confused what 'meta/windows' was00:26
jcastroyeah so you do a git clone02:17
jcastrobut you didn't install git02:17
jcastroalso you try to run something called install_subway02:18
jcastrowhich doesn't appear to exist02:18
snap-lalternatively, you can apt-get install potbelly02:29
_stink_looks like most quiznos around here have been apt-get removed02:46
snap-lGood morning11:23
mydogsnameisrudymorning snap-l11:24
snap-lHow goes the day?11:26
mydogsnameisrudylooks like a good day coming11:26
snap-lWelcome back my friends to the show that never ends13:02
snap-lWe're so glad you could attend, come inside, come inside13:03
snap-lThere behind a glass stands a real blade of grass13:03
snap-lBe careful as you pass,.move along, move along13:03
snap-lCome inside, the show's about to start13:04
snap-lGuaranteed to blow your head apart13:04
snap-lRest assured you'll get your money's worth13:04
snap-lGreatest show in Heaven, Hell or Earth13:04
snap-l~Emerson Lake And Palmer13:04
brouschbotbrew has python2.7, vim, and git. pip is easy to install. if i can get virtualenv working i could develop on my tablet13:06
jrwreni need python help.13:13
jrwreni have inherited a codebase.13:13
jrwrenIm not happy with some things in it.13:13
jrwrenso... first nit pick.13:13
jrwrenthere is  alot of pickle.load(open(filename)) and pickle.dump(something,open(filename))13:14
jrwrenin it.13:14
jrwrenshouldn't those open file handles be closed?13:14
snap-ljrwren: WEll, they'll be closed on garbage collection13:20
jrwrenok, so single functions with pickle.load(open(file)) and later pickle.dump(open(file))13:20
jrwrenand... WHAT?!?!13:21
jrwrensince when does any garbage collector collect file handles???13:21
jrwrenGC's collect memory, not filehandles.13:21
jrwrenat least in java and .net13:21
snap-ljrwren: On exit they will be closed13:21
jrwrenis python's filehandle not as low level ?13:21
jrwrenright... on exit.13:21
jrwrenwhich is NEVER in the case of a django app :)13:21
snap-lbut I believe the pickle code will do the open / close13:21
snap-lit's not working on a file handle13:22
jrwrensnap-l: you are not the first to mention t his, but can you please find me documentation on this?13:22
jrwrenno shit.13:22
jrwrenno mention of is there.13:22
jrwreni can google too :p13:23
snap-ljrwren: Cranky cranky13:23
snap-lAh, you have better google fu than I13:27
snap-ljrwren: Does that answer your question, though?13:30
brouschjrwren: wow, so they just tossed you right in django eh?13:32
jrwrenthere are no more referencs to that file handle, so it is released immediately13:32
jrwrenVERY foreign coming from .net and java13:32
jrwrenbrousch: yup. django is damned simple13:32
jrwreni wonder if someday I'll make rick_h the uber pythonista proud of my python skirra.13:42
jrwrenprobably not13:42
brouschnot by using django ;)13:43
brouschjrwren: i know you just got a new job, but i think you would really fit in here http://detroit.atomicobject.com/13:43
brouscha lot of ruby, .net, and java13:44
jrwrendjango is not going to hold someone back from being awesome at python.13:46
jrwrenbrousch: yeah, atomic object is awesome.13:46
jrwrenbut i don't want to commute that13:47
jrwrenor move.13:47
jrwrenand they wouldn't pay me enough :p13:47
brouschi honestly don't know what they pay13:47
snap-ljrwren: but other than that, how does it sound?13:47
snap-lOh noes! I just got a note to my home account! Apparently my mailbox administrator says I'm over my quota!13:49
snap-lYour mailbox has exceeded one or more size limits set by the administrator.13:49
snap-lYou can not send or receive new mail until size of your mail box is reduced.13:49
snap-lFor more space, Please click the link below and fill in the details of correct account.13:49
snap-lMaybe I should just contact my mail administrator. Hello, self? Yeah, apparently I'm over some quota.13:49
brouschsnap-l: oh crap, i just forwarded an opportunity to make a million dollars to you. i hope it doesn't bounce13:50
snap-lbrousch: Not to worry; I run my own mail server. :)13:50
snap-lIt'll get here just fine, my little nigerian prince. :)13:50
jcastrosnap-l, he doesn't have better google-fu14:12
jcastrohe's just smart enough to always add a site:stackoverflow.com to any programming question14:12
jcastroa fine plan14:12
snap-ljcastro: Yeah, that is a plan14:19
jcastroalways through google, the built in search is kind of meh14:21
jcastroI wish they would just use google or something as their built in search14:21
rick_hjrwren: yea, but these days the with context manager is the way to go16:56
rick_hjrwren: and I'm always proud of good python devs, hell awesome that you're doing python. You'll pass by me soon16:57
rick_hughhh, barely alive today16:57
rick_hI have a feeling I'm in for a rough day16:58
Blazeixhow many hours of sleep have you averaged this week?16:58
Blazeixjudging by your tweets, 2 hours a night16:58
rick_hhah, well started out 'ugh, tired at 8pm...bed at 10pm'16:59
rick_hended up 'ooh, tired at 3am, bed around 4:30am'16:59
snap-lrick_h: so I should call you tomorrow morning at 6:30? :)17:06
jrwrenrick_h: yeah, context manager looks cool... maybe a bit too VB like :p :)17:20
greg-gw00t! my project was mentioned, positively, in the WSJ! http://blogs.wsj.com/digits/2012/03/14/what-googles-search-changes-might-mean-for-you/19:06
greg-gsearch for LRMI19:06
snap-lgreg-g: Very cool19:17
greg-gsnap-l: that bandcamp album you linked to yesterday was good (solid drums/instrumentals + no vocals)... got any more recommendations my dear music recommendation AI?19:54
snap-lTheir self-titled album is what I'm thinking of, greg-g20:06
greg-gthank you, you good sir20:08
greg-glemme just finish watching this, because he is hilarious http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3WwfYrW4oJo&feature=related20:08
greg-galright, back to XML/RDF hacking :) thanks snap-l :)20:11
snap-lnp. :)20:12
greg-gspiral mountain is starting out great20:12
snap-lYeah, it's very similar20:12
jrwreni think i found a bug in pep311020:22
jrwrenhttp://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-3110/#semantic-changes it is deleting None, which makes no sense.20:23
snap-lI'm totally doing this the next time someone wants a doc formatted file21:12
greg-gI just started to download the Encircle album you linked to snap-l, and I said, outloud to my dismay, "I'm a FLAC-tard"21:18
snap-lYep, I loves me some flac21:18
snap-lgreg-g: Want a Squeezebox coupon to buy some flac-capable streaming hardware? :)21:19
brouschi use mp3. does that make me FLACid?21:19
snap-lNah, you're just lossy21:20
greg-gI can always count on brousch to one up my jokes.21:20
greg-gsnap-l: does this coupon cost you anything?21:20
snap-lgreg-g: Not at all.21:20
snap-lI'll send you a scan when I get home21:20
greg-gthanks, may or may not, but options are awesome, and something like this would be nice21:21
snap-lYeah, I'm really digging my Squeezeboxen.21:21
jrwreni finally used squeezebox syncronization. totally sweet.23:02
jrwrenlol... or pep3110 is fine and I need to learn python :)23:04
snap-ljrwren: Isn't it awesome?23:06
snap-ljrwren: Yeah, I think that pep is OK, but I couldn't vocalize what was right about it23:06
snap-lI <3 the public domain and old recordings23:08
snap-llistening to Rachmaninov's piano concertos played by Sergei Rachmaninov himself23:08
snap-lNaxos did a hell of a job remastering these recordings23:09
snap-lI wish there were more things in the PD23:13
greg-g"just wait"? ohrite23:23
snap-lgreg-g: Yeah, I love that the 1920s is in the PD, but the 1930s is somewhat in the PD23:24
snap-land the 1940s, 50s, and 60s start tapering off23:24
snap-lmodtly because of fuck ups and non-renewals23:25
snap-lBut, since we're heading back to Victorian times in prudishness, maybe the PD will welcome us with open arms23:25
snap-lwith it's old shit and fuck-ups. :)23:26
* greg-g can't wait until he is an old shit and fuck up23:28
greg-gHALF WAY THERE!23:28
brouschjrwren: Did you get flattened? http://blogs.woodtv.com/2012/03/15/confirmed-tornado-near-dexter-near-ann-arbor/23:57

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