
tgm4883bkerensa, have you reviewed any of the asus tablets yet?01:47
bkerensatgm4883: I have not02:07
bkerensaI want to connect with some people at asus though02:07
cweber10bkerensa: Yea its was Lacey's bug so she took care of it. I have to say people got insanely active these past two weeks. Now I just need see what I can do to keep them going now that class is basicly over.02:26
=== Odenthaa is now known as Odysimus
bkerensaHi jPiroshky18:53
bkerensacweber10: invite them to the release party next month :D18:54
jPiroshkyHey Ben ^_^18:54
jPiroshkyI'll be there- I had a lot of fun at FreeGeek!18:57
jPiroshkyI heard people talking about ubuntu on tablets yesterday;  I'd be really interested to talk with people who can tell about how poplular tablets boot, and what it's like to install linux on one.  Also, I'd like to know more about what kind of functionality needs to be added to a linux distro to get the multi-touch features.  If anyone would chat or point me to some resources, I'd really appreciate it ^_^19:05
bkerensawell I better get ready to head out to the Dreamhost Party23:13
* bkerensa will be unavailable all night :)23:13
cweber10bkerensa: Yep, release party has been mentioned a few times and will remind everyone monday (Final) along with mentioning it when I see people around next month.23:45

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