
ryhawthoerne, i hate when that kind of thing happens00:00
luisrhello everybody i have a quick ? how can i add a notification sound when i connect my laptop to a network00:00
markus280any experts on gnome terminal  ?00:00
FyodorovnaGuest78476, here is a MS repair of ntfs.sys http://support.microsoft.com/kb/82280000:00
rylike 730mb iso's when cds are 700mb !!00:00
hawthoernewindows is too darn big lol00:00
nitinabmarkus280: u can set that up using window matching plugin in ccsm00:00
WilsonBradleyHello world...00:00
ubntury I'm trying to install the proprietary drivers i need but it wont work00:01
WilsonBradleyIM very happy with Ubuntu 12,04 these days00:01
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rywhich drivers?00:01
alien2050weird problem I'm having... in unity (and gnome-shell), evince PDF files contain invisible fonts... I have looked through google, but can't find why... it was fine until I played with ccsm settings, or maybe something else, not sure00:01
hawthoernei think i'm gonna use a virtual machine for ubuntu00:01
Guest78476thanks fyodorovna!00:01
ubntuthe ati/amd proptietary graphics driver00:01
veigahello lads, does anyone know how to fix a issue with the update manager? it doesn't open when I click on it00:01
Tunix2Where can I locate the netinstall image? I just want a barebones install for openbox00:01
szal!ati | ubntu00:01
ubottuubntu: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VideoDriverHowto00:01
alien2050any pdf has the issue, I can copy/paste the text (eve though invisible) fine... anyone has seen this before ?00:02
ubntuit keeps telling me to look at the log file00:02
WilsonBradleyI think you can apt-get for update manager00:02
Tunix2 I only see alternative, netbook, server, and desktop00:02
nitinabveiga: open the terminal and run update-manager00:02
alien2050okluar, xpdf, evince, all have the same issue.... it's really weird....00:02
szalubntu: then look at the log file00:03
Mike9863I'm trying to run gnome-panel but when I do I get this error: The program 'gnome-panel' is currently not installed.  You can install it by typing: sudo apt-get install gnome-panel" Though when I try to run the apt-get install command it tells me its at its latest version already.00:03
ubntui dont even know what the hell a log file is00:03
ubntuim a total linux noob00:03
hawthoernea log file is when the system logs information in a text file00:04
nitinabMike9863: try removing it completely by "sudo apt-get purge gnome-panel" and then installing it00:04
CFHowlettMike9863   might want to try purging/reinstalling: sudo apt-get remove purge gnome-panel && apt-get install gnome-panel00:05
relateableI had my semi transparent terminal maximized and my screen dimmed out in gnome.. the background was lighter and it looked really cool.00:05
veigahello lads, does anyone know how to fix a issue with the update manager? it doesn't open when I click on it00:07
nitinabveiga: did you try running it from the command prompt ?00:07
Mike9863nitinab: That worked. Thanks.00:07
veiganitinab how can I do that?00:08
ryubntu, the proprietary amd/ati drivers should work pretty well00:08
ubntui cant find my video card in this page https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsVideoCardsAti00:09
ubntudoes that mean im screwed?00:09
ryif you paste the error messages and possibly the logs it mentions on www.pastebin.com or something one of us can take a look00:09
rywhich card do you have?00:09
ubntuati amd 6600 HD00:09
veiganitinab: how can I do that?00:09
nitinabveiga: open the terminal and type update-manager00:09
motherbraindoes anybody know what supported arch's grub can run on? Basically I am wondering if it can be used as a bootloader for mips , arm, blackfin, microblaze ,...etc archs or is it just for x86/6400:09
rywhat version of ubuntu?00:09
ubntuamd radeon hd 6600m seties00:09
ryis this a laptop?00:09
ryi guess so00:09
ubntuyes a laptop running ubuntu 10.1000:10
azmodeushi everybody...00:10
CFHowlettazmodeus   greetings00:10
Mike9863I'm trying to right click the gnome-panel but it's not working. I tried alt + right click too and that didn't work either.00:10
ryi've gotten a ton of random ati cards working easily under different flavors of linux, infact i've never had one that didnt work one way or another00:10
ryso dont worry, it's just a matter of getting the right combo00:10
ryyour card will work00:10
azmodeuscan somebody try to explain me how is that ... trying to install drivers the system says me that I haven't the permissions???00:11
veiganitinab: it says: The application Compiz has closed unexpectedly00:11
ryshow us the errors you are getting00:11
trismMike9863: try alt+super+right click00:11
ryazend, sudo su00:11
ubntuglad to here00:11
Mike9863trism: That's it. Thanks.00:11
CFHowlettazmodeus   sudo -i00:11
ryazmodeus, **  sudo00:11
luisrhello everybody i have a quick ? how can i add a notification sound when i connect my laptop to a network00:12
azmodeushmmm... it doesn't work... well, the problem is that I don't know how to install drivers from terminal! =(00:12
veiganitinab: I've got the Ubuntu Precise 12.04 version00:12
nitinabveiga: try restarting the x00:13
CFHowlettveiga   ask in #ubuntu-+1 for precise support00:13
astro5ok, i've been reading wifi documentation for like 45 minutes and i cant figure out my problem...00:13
nitinabveiga: or you could just reboot and see if the problem persists00:13
ubntury how do i show you a screen shot?00:14
veigaI am afraid to say but I have restarted my laptop a few times...00:14
rycopy/paste to pastebin.com00:14
azmodeusI think the problem is that jockey is started by the normal user... so, how can I launch it from terminal?00:14
ryor upload a screenshot to dropbox or imageshack or something00:14
astro5i get an error message during the boot splash screen "ath9k device not initialized"....does this have to do with my WiFi problem?00:14
CFHowlettastro5   almost certainly00:14
nitinabveiga: start compiz again by opening a new tab and entering 'compiz' in it00:15
ubntudoesnt work00:15
CFHowlettdvanstone   greetings00:15
nitinabveiga: and then start update-manager00:15
veiganitinab: I did that but I got the same issue...00:16
dvanstonewhen i use software center it does work properly when trying to pay for software ?00:16
astro5my Acer Netbook wifi light is not on, i tried hitting Fn-F3 but the light wont come on....i type iwconfig and it just says "lo no wireless extensions eth0 no wireless extensions"00:16
veiganitinab: would you mind if I ping you private?00:16
nitinabveiga: sure00:17
CFHowlettastro5   you seem to have an atheros wifi?00:17
astro5CFHowlett:  it appears so, do i need to download a driver?00:17
CFHowlettastro5 open a terminal and lspci00:17
dvanstone; any suggestion ?00:17
CFHowlettdvanstone   never actually bought software via SC but it SHOULD work...00:18
astro5CFHowlett:  lspci says a lot, one line says "Network controller: Atheros Communications, Inc AR9485 Wireless Network Adapter(rev ff)00:18
Ampix0hey guys im trying to install the server version and when i try to boot i get a tty1 and no shell after that.... can any one help?00:18
dvanstoneconnection terminated00:18
CFHowlettastro5  bingo ... wait 100:18
dvanstoneunexpectedly is the  notice it is like the link within launchpad isn't working00:20
CFHowlettastro5   has wifi EVER worked?00:20
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astro5CFHowlett:  i just bought the Acer Aspire One Netbook, the wifi works on Windows 7 partition, but not since i installed Ubuntu yesterday00:20
dvanstonewhen attempting to use the paypal link00:21
CFHowlettastro5   please see   http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=185780800:21
astro5CFHowlett: the wifi still works on Windows 7, but not on ubuntu00:21
sputnickI've just installed a fresh ubuntu 11.10, + activate medibuntu + "apt-get install gnome-session-fallback vim vlc mplayer bash-completion flash-plugin-installer",but after logout/login, it's not possible to open another session (gnome or unity). I can only go to tty to run startx or gnome-session : that runs unity :/ What's wrong ?00:21
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game16What's a rotate left arithmetic instruction good for?00:22
dvanstonewell ill file it on launchpad but it is well nm i dont want tp troll00:22
ubntu1ry http://www.uploadscreenshot.com/image/828818/86892500:23
sputnickI'm in VMware if it's important00:24
sputnickubuntu guest on archlinux host00:24
sputnicka)pt-get remove lightdm will be better. it's a shame for a distro like ubuntu :/00:27
sputnickI thought that's ubuntu "just works", but no00:27
linxehsputnick: nothing "just works"00:28
linxehbut that doesnt help, so I'll back out :)00:28
willijs3In Xubuntu, does anyone know if I can modify the "indicator plugin" in the panel. I want to get rid of the envelope.00:28
sputnickmême pas ubuntu ?00:29
sputnicknot even ubuntu ? :/00:29
adelhardyHello i need help00:30
trismwillijs3: just uninstall indicator-messages-gtk200:30
adelhardysomebody help me00:30
nitinabask you question adelhardy00:30
willijs3trism awesome. thanks. I'll try it right now00:30
adelhardyi got a problem with my ubuntu00:30
ubottuadelhardy: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience00:31
adelhardyi installed ubuntu from windows00:31
adelhardybut i installed it on another partition not c: that windows installed on it00:31
ubntu1can someone help me? i keep getting this error http://www.uploadscreenshot.com/image/828818/86892500:31
adelhardyso when i work on ubuntu i can't see except c00:32
adelhardyD : the other partition is hidden00:32
adelhardymy hard disk is 2 partition C:/ and D:/00:33
nitinabadelhardy: the partition was not hidden , it's being used by ubuntu, and you can't see that partition from windows00:33
adelhardyi installed ubuntu on D:/00:33
adelhardyi can see it on windows00:33
adelhardybut i can't see it on ubuntu00:33
Jeruvynitinab, you should be able to see it from windows but it won't detect it as any viable filesystem.00:33
adelhardythis is the problem00:34
CFHowlettadelhardy(1) you installed ubuntu via wubi.  Per the wubi site, wubi is for *trying out* ubuntu.  It shouldn't be considered a long-term solution.  (2) Seriously consider dual booting.00:34
adelhardyplease sombody help me00:34
Fyodorovnaadelhardy, you have a wubi install put on D?00:34
adelhardyi wanna try ubuntu00:34
CFHowlettadelhardy   does ubuntu boot up?00:35
Jeruvyadelhardy, ah Wubi installs to a file on your hdd, so windows won't see it as a 'disk'.00:35
Fyodorovnaadelhardy, ubuntu is a file in windows not a partition.00:36
adelhardyno it took a folder00:36
cgfreeHi everyone, hope someone could help. I need to find the location of my iPhone mount point. Particularly because I am receiving an error upon pairing:: [Unable to mount]DBus error org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.InvalidArgs: Mountpoint Already registered00:36
adelhardyyes you are right fyodorovna00:36
adelhardyi can see this partition from windows its ok00:37
nitinabwait a sec everyone , the thing is ... the file on which his ubuntu is installed is on D: but he can't see the other files on that drive from inside ubuntu00:37
Jeruvyadelhardy, no difference.00:37
adelhardybut the problem on ubuntu00:37
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adelhardyi swear this is happening00:37
Jeruvyadelhardy, if you cannot boot you should check grub to see if its got the right info.00:37
adelhardyit appears on ubuntu disk called system00:37
adelhardyand partition C:/ only00:38
sputnickhttp://sputnick-area.net/ftp/downloads/out_20120315013525.mkv this is my problem :/ no login allowed00:38
adelhardyand my files not appearing on the partition that i installed on it ubuntu00:38
curiousxsalut a tout le monde00:39
ubottucuriousx: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.00:40
curiousxCFHowlett: merci00:40
cgfreeHi everyone, hope someone could help. I need to find the location of my iPhone mount point. Particularly because I am receiving an error upon pairing:: [Unable to mount]DBus error org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.InvalidArgs: Mountpoint Already registered -- and i beleive there are duplicate mount points00:40
adelhardyNO ONE WILL HELP ME00:41
ubottuadelhardy: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/00:41
ubottuadelhardy: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.00:42
cgfreeadelhardy, paitience my friend, we all need help :D00:43
Fyodorovnaadelhardy, hardly anybody here uses wubi, nor advises it. It is for trying out ubuntu in lieu of a dualboot install, help is sparse. :)00:43
i5noc_Fyodorovna, plz kindly shut your mouth on that type of talk00:44
willijs3trism Thanks! Removing indicator-messages-gtk2 worked like a charm00:44
i5noc_plenty of us use it, and I DO recommend it00:44
i5noc_It's a GREAT way for a windows user to 'try' linux00:44
CharminTheMooseIs it possible for me to redirect Upstart output to console when not running dbus.conf+plymouth*.conf jobs?00:44
CharminTheMooseRunning 11.0400:44
cgfree<3 i5noc_00:45
Fyodorovnai5noc_, then help the user and read the designers opinion  http://howsoftwareisbuilt.com/2009/03/12/interview-with-agostino-russo-wubi-ubuntu/00:45
ouyeshi, everyone I get a real complicated situation, I have two wireless cards in one laptop, one is usb wireless card and one is internal wireless card, the usb wireless card connects to a router, and I shared the wireless on the internal wireless card, and my another computer connected to this shared connection, I do can get access to internet but the security policy supported by this shared connection is only wep40, which is not safe, so do I have a way to mak00:47
ouyese this shared connection safe? like mac filter? thanks??00:47
adelhardyI FOUND THE ANSWER00:47
cgfreeHi everyone, hope someone could help. I need to find the location of my iPhone mount point. Particularly because I am receiving an error upon pairing:: [Unable to mount]DBus error org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.InvalidArgs: Mountpoint Already registered -- and i beleive there are duplicate mount points00:48
adelhardyI WILL UNISTALL IT :D00:48
ubottuadelhardy: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.00:48
adelhardyno one can help me00:48
adelhardyok im sorry00:49
soreaucgfree: Does it work after reboot?00:49
DulakIs the precise kernel the one with the power regression or is it supposed to be fixed?00:49
adelhardybut please i want someone cares for me \00:49
cgfreesoreau, it hasnt.00:49
adelhardyand help me in this problem00:49
Fyodorovna!precise | Dulak00:49
ubottuDulak: Ubuntu 12.04 LTS (Precise Pangolin) is the 16th release of Ubuntu and is in Beta testing from 2nd March, Discussion and support until final release in #ubuntu+100:49
curiousxCharminTheMoose: maybe this can help ya: http://jaist.dl.sourceforge.net/project/bootinfoscript/bootinfoscript/0.60/boot_info_script060.zip00:50
MonkeyDustadelhardy  wubi is not a real installation, it is 'pseudo' and not advisable, better use a live cd if you want to try ubuntu00:50
soreaucgfree: Look at the output of 'mount' or after you plug it in, 'dmesg|tail'00:50
CFHowletti5noc_   adelhardy is experiencing wubi problems.  Might you be able to render assistance?00:50
adelhardywhat is render assistance ?00:50
curiousxaloha! soreau you look familiar for me =P00:51
willijs3it mean help you00:51
CFHowlettadelhardy   "render assistance" = help00:51
soreaucuriousx: Shouldn't surprise you00:52
curiousxxD sry i has been living in to a cavern =P for a long time00:53
adelhardywhere can i find rener assistance this ?00:54
Jeremy3Dis there a way to change the ALT button to something else (like windows button)? i use a program which uses ALT a lot and ubuntu is always stopping me from using it00:54
cgfreesoreau, im sorry... i do not know what im looking for00:54
CharminTheMoosecuriousx, thanks for the link, though it was not what I was looking for. :)00:54
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.00:54
CFHowlettjeremy see keybindings00:54
Jeremy3DCFHowlett, ty i'll look it up00:55
ubntu1cgfree what does the ! mean?00:55
curiousxok =)00:55
soreauJeremy3D: Check the keybindings in ccsm>Advanced Search after clicking on the Keyboard icon in the Filter box, if you're using unity or compiz00:55
curiousxi dont know other think like that =(00:56
cgfreeubntu1, im not sure? lol00:56
cgfree!pastebinit [ 2034.361813] ath5k phy0: noise floor calibration failed (2422MHz)00:56
cgfree[ 2094.246765] ath5k phy0: noise floor calibration failed (2417MHz)00:56
cgfree[ 2094.345925] ath5k phy0: noise floor calibration failed (2422MHz)00:56
cgfree[ 2154.246012] ath5k phy0: noise floor calibration failed (2417MHz)00:56
cgfree[ 2154.345362] ath5k phy0: noise floor calibration failed (2422MHz)00:56
ubottucgfree: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)00:56
cgfree[ 2194.628591] usb 1-1.2: USB disconnect, address 500:56
FloodBot1cgfree: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.00:56
Jeruvy!pastebin | cgfree00:56
ubottucgfree: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.00:56
jake__ /join #bodhilinux00:56
speddieHey all00:57
_Neytiri_i screwed up my gui by installingtalling? SRSS how do i repare it without reins00:57
cgfreeVery sorry to all.00:57
cgfreesoreau, http://paste.ubuntu.com/884166/00:57
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ssiiewhat app can be used to run windows software ? will theere be risk or virus if running windows software ?00:59
Jeremy3Dsoreau, i dont see anything in key bindings00:59
CFHowlettssiie   see !wine #wine00:59
i5noc_oh well adelhardy left.. i'm at work so part part timin it00:59
curiousxssiie: wine, POL (Play On Linux), Cross over, there is not risk01:00
soreauJeremy3D: You go to ccsm>Advanced Search and click on the little keyboard icon in the filter box there01:00
Jeremy3Dok i found keybindings in the General settings01:00
soreauJeremy3D: Then hit the keybinding and it will tell you if it's bound to a plugin01:00
curiousxone time i just broke wine installing a crack =P01:00
curiousxbut i solved ir reinstalling wine =)01:00
Jeremy3Dsordina, the Commands filter icon?01:00
Jeremy3DKey Bindings show Run Command 0 Disabled, run Command 1 Disabled, etc01:01
Jeremy3Dbut under General Settings there is a Key bindings tab. Close Window ALT F4, Minimize Window ALT F9, etc01:02
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Guest55800Hello guys im having problems installing WINE01:03
Guest55800anyone can help_01:03
curiousx!ask | Guest5580001:04
ubottuGuest55800: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience01:04
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience01:06
i5noc_actually 1s01:07
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience01:07
i5noc_1s more01:07
FloodBot1i5noc_: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.01:07
i5noc_shush FloodBot101:07
i5noc_http://www.catb.org/~esr/faqs/smart-questions.html is a good guide on how to ask a question01:07
i5noc_but in general at least have replication steps and a keystroke guide to reproducing the issue?01:08
DulakJeremy3D: I think you want the options on the keyboard layout, not the key bindings, if you are trying to remap alt01:08
i5noc_so: sudo apt-get install wine01:08
DulakJeremy3D: there are settings on the keyboard layout for remapping system keys, I don't think you can do that as a keybinding01:08
ubntu1can someone help the Gconf-editor wont open01:10
Jeremy3Di'm not sure what i need. what i want to do is make ubuntu use the windows button instead of the alt button for any type of shortcut. so that alt will work in blender01:10
skplhi i just installed a new kernel, and i need to know what to do to my grub.cfg to make it bootable01:11
skplcan someone help?01:11
curiousxskpl: sudo update-grub01:12
curiousxsudo update-grub201:13
CFHowlettskpl   as has been said sudo update-grub should handle it.01:13
_skploh, thank you01:13
CFHowlettJeremy3D   see "keybindings" in ubuntu01:13
Jeremy3DCFHowlett, you said that but i'm not really sure what to do without changing every single shortcut. and someone else said i dont want keybindings01:14
CFHowlettJeremy3D   hmm.  I don't use blender often, but you might be looking at changing each one.  I would think you find/replace in open office ...01:15
CFHowlettthe *config* file01:15
=== Sazpaimon_ is now known as Sazpaimon
[]tsukasa[]anyone using subversion that could shed some light on a permissions issue? ubuntu 11.1001:22
defunctorhello, theres a feature ubuntu has that debian doesnt, i was wondering what ubuntu does to its terminal to tell you 'The program 'foo' can be found in the following packages:' when you type a non-existant cmd on the shell01:22
thereindarknesshey guys, I am using wordpress on ubunto server, when I connect with ftp it always put me in /root, but I installed my wordpress stuff in /var/www is this ok?01:23
Jeremy3Ddang this is aggravating01:23
thereindarknessis it supposed to be root/var/www or something?01:23
nibbler_thereindarkness, you should not login as root, via ftp. you should not log into ftp at all01:24
nibbler_thereindarkness, besides that, its fine. ftp (and lots of other services including ftps, sftp, ssh) put you in your homedirectory01:25
trismdefunctor: command-not-found, it is in the debian repos01:25
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ubntu1can someone help me with installing drivers01:26
ubntu1i keep getting an error01:26
ubntu1http://paste.ubuntu.com/884159/ is my log01:26
defunctorok thx01:26
defunctorits just not install by default in deb, i didnt know what it was that ubuntu did01:26
defunctorit beats goign to packages.debian.org and searching packages manually01:26
nibbler_ubntu1, this is output of what?01:28
ubntu1when i try to install the video card drivers it says to check out the log file of it01:28
ubntu1so i copied them01:29
nibbler_ubntu1, give more detail, how do you try to install those drivers, which logfile is that, what drivers are you installing.01:29
ubntu1sorry, im trying to install ati/amd proprietary FGLRX graphics driver01:30
nibbler_ubntu1, the ones that ship with ubuntu?01:30
nibbler_ubntu1, and: how?01:30
ubntu1when i click activate i get "Please have a look at the log file for details: /var/log/jockey.log"01:31
ubntu1through the additional drivers in system settings01:31
ubntu1it searches for the ones i need and i get those01:31
ubntu1i need them so i dont have to keep running nomodeset at boot01:31
zizooI'm trying to fix a friend's USB drive. He did something to it that has convinced it that it only has 1.2 GB, even after reformatting. It is definitely an 8 GB drive.01:31
ubntu1(or so ive heard)01:31
zizooHe did something with mkfs01:32
nibbler_zizoo, check it with fdisk, check it with tune2fs01:32
Fyodorovnazizoo, look at the thumb with gparted.01:33
ubntu1got any suggestions nibbler_?01:33
nibbler_ubntu1, 2012-03-14 13:40:16,136 ERROR: Package fetching failed: Failed to lock /var/cache/apt/archives/lock  <-- this might be heavily connected, so maybe you have another packet manager running?01:34
hawthoerneomg, i'm on the newest version of ubuntu and can't find ANYTHING01:34
hawthoernewhere did synaptic go01:34
ubntu1how would i know if i am?01:34
Fyodorovnahawthoerne, you have to install it.01:34
nibbler_ubntu1, other open windows, synaptic maybe?01:34
hawthoernei have to install the package manager?01:35
nibbler_ubntu1, close all this, open a terminal, and run: sudo apt-get install fglrx, and paste full output please01:35
Fyodorovnahawthoerne, there is the ubuntu software center.01:36
hawthoernethey changed it?01:36
hawthoernei haven't used ubuntu in a year so...01:36
Ocnod2shame on you01:36
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zizooYeah, fdisk says "this doesn't look like a partition table," and it includes 4 so-called partitions, 3 unknowns and "novell netware 386".01:37
zizooDo I have to use gparted to fix it?01:37
nibbler_zizoo, gparted or fdisk, one as good as the other: delete all partitions, make a new one over all space, use mkfs.vfat on the device. ***MAKE SURE you edit the right device ;-)01:38
Fyodorovnazizoo, remove eveything you can and make a partition table and format it to what ever partition you want.01:38
nibbler_zizoo, and make sure to only use one primary partition with the number 1 - not for linux, but for windows usage01:39
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arubinWhere might one start to troubleshoot various UI issues?01:44
arubinFor example right now Firefox does not appear in the dock/launcher.01:44
arubinAnd a weather application that was running in the menu bar disappeared.01:44
arubinFirefox also does not appear in the alt-tab menu.01:44
arubinAnd it is running.01:44
thereindarknesshey where do I find the error logs??01:46
jodesj777Hi there, I am quite new to Ubuntu but figured out already many things to work but I'm definitely needing help on configuring ifuse/libimobiledevice/libgpod for my iphone3g to work with banshee.  It is not jailbroken ! Can someone help me on that ?01:46
lewis1711I am using ubuntu on a very old computer :) 'cat /proc/cpuinfo' tells me it's 1000mhz, but a quick wiki suggests it should be 1800mhz. Can anyone explain this discrepency?01:47
Iviswhere is theme folder located on gnoome ?01:47
Daekdroomlewis1711, your cpu might have some sort of powermanagement.01:47
Daekdroomand only use 1800MHz when it's necessary.01:47
lewis1711oh, so, /proc/cpuinfo tells me the *current* clockspeed?01:48
lewis1711I'll stress the machine out and see what it says01:48
lewis1711Daekdroom: right you are, with a bit of prodding it turns into a monstorous 1.8ghz processing machine01:49
hopstafarianhi all...01:50
Shojohi hoppyite01:50
Shojohi hopstafarian *01:50
hopstafariananyone here got their hands on raspberry pi?01:50
Guest9387hello, new user here i sign in as root and it still won't let me send new mouse pointer folder to usr\share\icons ?01:50
hopstafarianShojo, hey, what's the haps?01:51
Shojoall good, t'sgood :)01:51
hopstafariancool....nothing new and exciting?01:51
hopstafarianGuest9387, how are you sending?01:52
lewis1711Guest9387: your slashes are the wrong way. /usr/share/icons01:52
Guest9387cut n paste all i know01:52
jodesj777lweis1711, could you help me with my config/troubleshoot ? on iphone 3G ?01:53
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jodesj777lewis1711 *01:53
ShojoGuest41660: what do you receiver, any message, when it refuses it to be copyed?01:53
lewis1711no, I'm utterly useless and just stopped by to ask a question myself01:53
jodesj777haha ok !01:53
hopstafarianGuest9387, try cli (command line)...man the 'cp' command01:53
* hopstafarian is also utterly useless..01:54
jodesj777it there a power user willing to show his knowledge to a fast learning noob ?01:54
lewis1711what's your specific problem? between all of us you might get a fraction of a solution01:55
[]tsukasa[]anyone using subversion that can give me a hand with proper setup can't get past permission issues01:55
Shojohaha lewis171101:55
jodesj777I used to be able to open Banshee and see my iphone there but It wouldn't sync because of missing converter.  I've googled about it and became to the solution I had to update ifuse, libimobiledevice and libgpod01:56
jodesj777wich have all been updated01:56
jodesj777now the iphone mount on ubuntu and iphone documents as a separate disk01:56
jodesj777but banshee crashes when it mounts01:56
jodesj777after banshee crashes, the iphone disappear bud iphone documents stays there....01:57
FastPuttyis there a way to increase RX adn TX descriptor in ubuntu?01:58
lewis1711jodesj777: have yous started banshee in the terminal? it may give you some useful error messages01:58
jodesj777ok lets try that01:58
CFHowlettjodesj777   see http://www.makeuseof.com/tag/transfer-music-media-ipod-ios-device-linux/01:59
maheanuuI am having keybd recognition problems since I upgraded 10.04 upgraded.  My keyboard is a HP Windows French Canadian and the keys are not all correctly being recognized my Alt-Gr + 3 does not give me a front slash it gives me ³ (the cube symbol) but the front slash is on the key01:59
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jodesj777wow, iphone mounted in banshee this time02:00
jodesj777but got [Info  21:58:52.191] AppleDeviceSource is ignoring unmounted volume windows02:00
hydrox24maheanuu: have you set your keyboard settings correctly in system settings? (access via top right meny u=in ubuntu >11.402:00
maheanuuNo the keyboard is NOT listed anylonger02:00
maheanuuhydrox24, sorry for not posting your name02:01
hydrox24maheanuu: that's fine02:01
hydrox24maheanuu: sorry, not confient in this area beyond what I told you. What ubuntu did you upgrade to?02:02
maheanuuI had a notebook die on me and then between a hospital run and coming home to no machine and rebuilding an old E machine which I am using now02:02
maheanuuhydrox, I installed an old version of 9.10 I believe then had to upgrade and then the problem started now I cannot find the front slash on this keyboard and I have tried all the Canadian options the old one was a French Canadian Legacy I believe02:04
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hydrox24maheanuu: so you upgraded FROM 9.10 TO 10.04?02:05
maheanuuhydrox24, yes as I had to find drivers and stuff for this old NEC Machine02:06
hydrox24maheanuu: Unfortunately, your issue is quite obscure and so the best advice, without delving into too deeply is to do a clean 1102:07
hydrox24*11.10* install or wait for 12.0402:07
hydrox24maheanuu: sorry that I couldn't be more helpful, I understand that answer is likely insufficient.02:08
lewis1711I'm getting a new machine soon. I might go straight to 12.04. I assume it can update itself once the stable release is out?02:08
kingsizebaHey there, using ubuntu 10.10, im having an issue with flash player. On somewebsites Jw flash players gives me a black screen, no play/pause button, just a black box where the video should be. Im using flash 10.3. Anyone experienced this or have an idea?02:09
burflhey folks!  anyone have time to assist in configuring multi-monitor support?  i think i'm part way there.  i am using the NVidia X Server Settings, but when I save it asks me to "restart the X server".  so I log out and back in and I just have a white screen on one monitor02:09
hydrox24kingsizeba: flash can be a pain on linux... does refreshing the page help?02:09
StevenXHi. How do I open an epub file in Ubuntu?02:10
hydrox24burfl: I would recommend not using multiple X servers and going with the twinview option. That way it restarts things for you when you hit 'apply'02:10
kingsizebahydrox24, refreshing does nothing, ive tried a few simple things and had no luck. also, it was out of random the player stopped working for it used to work02:10
hydrox24StevenX: use the program 'calibre'02:10
burfli tried that "TwinView" thing and it didn't work very well :(02:10
StevenXhydrox24, thanks.02:10
hydrox24kingsizeba: what browser are you using?02:11
tanathcan anyone help me troubleshoot wine sound? stopped working after upgrading from 11.04 to 11.1002:11
hydrox24burfl: It works pretty well for me, what issue do you have specifically?02:11
kingsizebahydrox24,  firefox 3.602:11
kingsizebatried epiphany also02:11
hydrox24kingsizeba: can I recommend the latest firefox? It is more likely to work well. Chrome works excellently with flash on linux for most people too.02:12
tanathwhy is #wine invite only?02:12
burflhydrox24: gimme one sec, I'll fire it up again and tell you what the problem is.. if i remember correctly it had to do with the fact that my monitors are two different sizes and it treats them as one giant screen so there are parts not visible02:12
hydrox24tanath: I think it's only for devs and those debugging WINE itself. wine problems are usually solved by distro support, e.g US!02:12
waxstonetanath, try #winehq02:13
burflhydrox24 actually, still white screen... odd02:13
burfleven in TwinView02:13
tanathwaxstone, ty02:13
kingsizebahydrox24, ill try that, hydrox thx.02:13
hydrox24burfl: whole thing or just one of the monitors?02:13
hydrox24kingsizeba: no prob!02:13
kingsizebahydrox24, is there an apt get command for it? i dont thinkso02:14
burflhydrox24 only one monitor is all white, also the other monitor was stretched off screen in that direction like it was trying to be all one panoramic view, i just let it timeout and revert02:14
kingsizebahydrox24, sorry im forevernoob with this thing. ;) downloading tar02:14
tanathanyone else have wine sound stop working on moving to 11.10?02:17
kingsizebaburfl, may or may not help, i am using ARandR Screen Layout Editor 0.1.3, using a laptop with monitor as the main. might want to check it otu02:17
tanathand/or wine 1.402:17
burfldoes the separate screen option just not work?02:17
kingsizebaburfl, not sure barf, im sure it does, works with my laptop. the program identifies monitors and you can adjust setting for each02:18
ur2d2r:) all02:19
ur2d2rQuick question. Will 10.10 install a grub2 during install?02:20
CFHowlettur2d2r   yes.02:20
burflwell, i downloaded drivers from NVidia's website, but i'm not sure how to use them.. it's a "*.run" file02:20
CFHowlettur2d2r   grub2 is the default bootloader02:20
tanatharch wiki says "If winecfg fails to detect the audio driver (Selected driver: (none)), configure it via the registry." but it's already set to alsa, and used to work before02:21
ur2d2rI am trying to completely wipe my Sda to install puppylinux and im not sure if installing ubuntu will help or hurt. Any ideas?02:22
ur2d2rCan I completely wipe the drive in ubuntu?02:22
ur2d2rGrub2 and all?02:22
Fyodorovnaur2d2r, just install puppy and install grub in it.02:22
CFHowlettur2d2r   you don't need to wipe ubuntu, just format your partitions ...02:23
cowslammerusing 10.04 how do I turn off password checking when the screen saver kicks in?02:23
Fyodorovnaur2d2r, puppy has several choices grub 2 is one of them.02:23
ur2d2rI've been trying to install lucid puppy for 3 days and it won't allow sda3 to unmount.02:23
ur2d2r10.10 is just to much for my system02:24
Fyodorovnaur2d2r, have you tried unmounting in gparted?02:24
CFHowlettcowslammer   Preferences>Screensaver>"lock screen ..."02:24
Fyodorovnaur2d2r, what is sda3?02:24
ur2d2rIt says the drive is busy and won't allow unmount02:24
ur2d2rHad partitions sda2 and02:25
hammommahcan someone tell me how to setup xchat so i dont have to enter password and identify everytime i log onto irc?02:25
hydrox24ur2d2r: run "fuser -m /dev/sda3"02:25
Fyodorovnaur2d2r, just boot a gprted or ubuntu disc and remove what you want hopefully.02:25
hydrox24that will give you the pid of the offending process02:25
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hydrox24hammommah: sorry but this is support for ubuntu, try the xchat channel.02:26
ur2d2rI've been in IRc puppy for 3 days and no one has been02:26
hammommahok worth a try :)02:26
ur2d2rAble to figure out how to fix it02:27
hydrox24ur2d2r: then, run "ps auxw|grep XXX" replacing XXX with the PID no. you just got02:27
hydrox24ur2d2r: a process ID02:27
tanathand solved. dll was disabled somehow: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/wine1.4/+bug/94630502:27
ubottuLaunchpad bug 946305 in wine1.4 (Ubuntu) "No sound at all from wine1.4" [Undecided,Confirmed]02:27
hydrox24it's like a name for a process, but intended for the computer to use not the human, anyway, want to get this thing fixed?02:28
cdbhello i just installed ubuntu to the same hard disk that i have windows 7 on and cannot seem to access the drive that it's installed on when i open the home folder. it isn't in there at all. does anyone know what the problem might be?02:28
CFHowlettcdb   did you install ubuntu via "wubi" i.e. through windows?02:29
cdbyes i did02:29
ur2d2rhydrox24: The help in puppy IRC said if Ubuntu installs a Grub2 on the drive, pup won't install...02:29
hydrox24cdb: do you mean, access the windows from ubuntu or vice versa?02:29
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cdbaccess the windows hard disk from ubuntu02:29
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hydrox24ur2d2r: sorry, I thought your problem was unmounting sda3?02:30
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cdbi have windows 7 and ubuntu installed on the same hard disk and i can see all of my other drives except for the one that it's installed on02:30
hydrox24cdb: if you open your file manager, and look at the top of the left bar, you should see yourr win7 drive there02:30
ur2d2rhydrox24: Pup won't install without sda3 being unmounted I guess02:30
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cdbi also keep getting a "try hd(0,0): ntfs5: no wubildr" error when booting into ubuntu02:30
hydrox24cdb: oh, thats' strange.02:30
CFHowletthydrox24   wubi install ...02:30
hydrox24ur2d2r: then unmount sda302:31
hydrox24CFHowlett: OH.02:31
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cdbyes i have that open but it doesn't list the windows 7 / ubuntu drive for some reason. everything else is there.02:31
ur2d2rWon't unmount with any program. Error says the drive is busy even when its empty.02:31
CFHowlettcdb   Not sure is this a safety feature, an element of the weird configuration wubi requires or what, but by default, wubi ubuntu won't see win7.02:31
hydrox24ur2d2r: run "fuser -m /dev/sda3"02:32
CFHowlettcdb   further, wubi is for *testing out* ubuntu, not a long-term solution.  so says the developer.02:32
hydrox24ur2d2r: then, run "ps auxw|grep XXX" replacing XXX with the PID no. you just got02:32
hydrox24ur2d2r: that will tell you the name of the process tying up the drive02:32
CFHowlettcdb   alternative/upgrade to wubi would be the dual boot option.02:32
hydrox24then just run "kill XXXX" replacing XXXX with the pid number.02:32
hydrox24then umount the drive02:33
ur2d2rhydrox24: Okay just finished installing 10.10 loading now. Chatting from mobile02:33
FloodBot1hydrox24: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.02:33
cdbwell i had installed it through wubi last year and it seemed to work fine. today i did a clean install of it and i've been having problems with it since then.02:33
qweqweqweHi, has anyone here recently repaired a grub bootloader trashed by a windows install?02:33
CFHowlettqweqweqwe   yes we ALL have I suspect ...02:33
cdbi've reinstalled it a few times today and i kept getting the grub prompt02:33
ur2d2rhydrox24: Would you walk me through it in about 5 min.?02:34
CFHowlettcdb   does windows still boot?02:34
qweqweqweCFHowlett: what tool did you use? - I want to put windows on a machine with linux on it, and want to prepare for the inevitable microsoft present at the end02:34
cdbyes windows works fine and hasn't had any problems. it's just ubuntu that i haven't been able to get to work like when i installed it last year.02:34
CFHowlettqweqweqwe   just fired up my trust 1gig ubuntu 10.04 usb, sudo install grub /dev/sda02:35
cdbi had it installed to a different hard disk previously and when i tried to that again today i just kept getting sent to the grub prompt. i've been looking up forum posts and stuff about people having the same problem as well but i haven't had any luck trying any of their solutions.02:35
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CFHowlettcdb   multihard drive installations can be tricky - same with wubi is almost a guaranteed heartache...02:36
cdbso my last resort was to come here and bug people for help hehe02:36
CFHowlettcdb   sorry, I don't do multi HDD or grub.  Seriously advise you look into dual boot.02:37
cdbah i didn't know. it worked flawlessly when i first installed it so i wasn't expecting this to happen today.02:37
ur2d2rhydrox24: Okay. Could you walk me through Terminal? Not much experience.02:37
cdbthat's what i'm trying now. i have ubuntu installed to the same hd as windows 7.02:37
CFHowlettcdb   ... so it's NOT a multi HDD installation?02:37
cdbthis time it isn't02:37
gdea73hey, I'd appreciate it if someone would help me troubleshoot the wireless on my new laptop. The laptop's a Lenovo IdeaPad Z575, and the chipset is a Ralink RT309002:37
cdblast time it was02:38
gdea73I'm running Maverick - 10.10 x86_64.02:38
cdbbefore, i'd turn on my pc and it would go to the windows loader menu, then i'd choose ubuntu and another menu would come up asking me which kernel i wanted to load, and then it would load ubuntu02:38
kingsizeba Hey there, using ubuntu 10.10, x86 32bit, im having an issue with flash player. On somewebsites Jw flash players gives me a black screen, no play/pause button, just a black box where the video should be. Im using flash 10.3. Anyone experienced this or have an idea?02:39
gdea73what commands should I run first to do Wi-Fi diagnostics?02:39
cdbnow it just gives me an error about wubi after choosing ubuntu and then boots into it02:39
CFHowlettcdb on a single HDD system, you'd want to boot your windows and "repair" windows.  That WILL kill the wubi boot.  Then boot windows and delete wubi.  Finally, boot ubuntu usb/cdrom and install ubuntu.02:39
CFHowlettgdea73   does wifi boot?02:39
CFHowlettcdb   boot windows DVD/USB and repair02:40
cdball right i'll try that02:40
gdea73"does wifi boot"? I'm not sure I understand.02:40
gdea73Wi-Fi isn't functional. Network Manager reports that it's disabled. The LED on the front of the laptop reports that it's on.02:40
CFHowlettgdea73   poor language, sorry..  Does your wifi WORK?  Can you get on the internet?02:40
gdea73I'm using an ethernet cable at the moment, connected to my router/wireless bridge.02:41
gdea73but the built-in Wi-Fi on the laptop itself doesn't appear to be working.02:41
gdea73It's on, though, on a hardware level.02:41
CFHowlettgdea73   first ID the chipset of yoru wifi; in a terminal type lspci02:41
gdea73RT3090 is the chipset02:42
gdea73I'll type the command though too02:42
jodesj777@ CFHowlett thanks for advice on libimobiledevice2 and lewiss1711 thanks for advice on running innterminal !02:42
CFHowlettjodesj777   no worries.  have fun / be safe02:42
gdea73RaLink RT3090 Wireless 802.11n 1T/1R PCIe02:42
gdea73is exactly what lspci outputs, the last line.02:42
jodesj777I now know it's a mount problem...02:42
kingsizebaHaving issues with video streams, jwplayer. only seeing a black block instead of video, though it used to work, any idears? thx02:43
jodesj777it seems to Not mount in /media/iPhone and not mount in /mnt/ipod/02:43
gdea73I'd tried a few specific drivers and couldn't get them to work, perhaps you know which package I should install?02:43
CFHowlettgdea73   here's how one guy solved it ... http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=184960202:43
gdea73oh cool haven't seen that thread yet, I'll give it a look.02:43
gdea73okay well the rt3090-dkms package apparently "doesn't have an installation candidate02:45
gdea73 " so I'll use the package I downloaded (sorry for "Enter" space, getting used to this new keyboard.)02:45
sulphur16Folks, Can anyone tell me how to disable avahi-daemon service from running at startup?02:48
Jeremy3Dcan anyone tell me why when i switch to metacity i lose all my taskbars and whatnot?02:50
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kingsizebaHaving issues with video streams, jwplayer. only seeing a black block instead of video, though it used to work. using ubuntu mav, mozilla 11.02:53
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sacarlsonsulphur16: it apears you can remove avahi-daemon from within synaptic  or apt-get remove avahi-daemon02:56
rahailHI every one how are you02:58
rahailI am having little problem to figer out something i never had issue till today02:58
rahailI reboot the ubunto desktop However there was some usb devices connected02:58
rahailfor some reason if those usb connect my ubunto dont start02:58
rahailwhat can I do so desktop will start with usb when we restart insted of unpluging it02:59
sacarlsonrahail: maybe it's a bootable usb device and you have bios configured to boot usb first?02:59
rahailunder bios I check i have only Hard drive and Cd-rom02:59
gdea73Still having problems with the RT3090...02:59
gdea73I installed the package from the repository for the drivers, but I still can't find any wireless networks. It appears to sort of recognize WiFi now, but no networks show up in the list, and there should be at least 4.03:00
sacarlsonrahail: and after ubuntu boots will that usb device mount ok?03:00
cgfreehi there, I would like some assistance with an issue involving iphone mounting - although the iphone is mounting with access to files/folders, but it returns an error [Unable to mount iPhone]DBus error org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.InvalidArgs: Mountpoint Already registered --- dmesg | tail @  http://paste.ubuntu.com/884257/03:00
rahailIf unplug it03:00
rahailubunto boot ok then i can plug back those usb devices03:01
gdea73I also blacklisted the acer_wmi module. Can someone please help?03:01
CFHowlettcgfree   !patience is a virtue... what do you mean "sort of recognize" wifi?03:01
gdea73sorry, you're right... i'm just a bit tired03:01
gdea73well Network Manager acts as if Wi-Fi is enabled, but there are no networks in range.03:02
CFHowlettgdea73   no worries ...03:02
gdea73it has the option to create its own network03:02
gdea73It says03:02
gdea73"Wireless Networks - Disconnected" (again sorry for unnecessary line break, new keyboard)03:02
vnif I install Pengolin beta now, will I be able to use it as LTS stable when its released?03:02
vnmy box doesn't boot on linux if it's lucid..03:03
sacarlsonrahail: sounds like maybe a bug then if it mounts ok when pluged in after succesful ubuntu boot.  maybe find a method to disable auto mounts of usb devices03:03
CFHowlettgdea73  have you rebooted since you fixed the wifi?03:03
gdea73Yes I just rebooted.03:03
gdea73Additional Drivers shows no proprietary wifi driver listed, though I believe it did last time I tried (a differently compiled driver)03:03
vnrahail: try disabling USB boot options in BIOS03:04
CFHowlettgdea73  grrr.  Well, obviously you're close(r).  I have to bail as all my experience has been fighting with broadcom ...03:04
gdea73oh okay..03:04
gdea73also, my battery life has been somewhat terrible.03:04
rahailsacarlson thank you for the info from your knowledge do you know any other method03:04
rahailI went to setup03:04
gdea73it was estimated at about 2 hours when fully charged, and it's now down to 30 minutes.03:04
rahailbios setup03:04
gdea73The supposed life of this laptop was over 4 hours...03:04
rahailwhen bios screen come i hit f203:04
gdea73I did try the acpi force deal in grub's configuration file, under cmdline_linux_default03:05
rahailit toke me to bios set up but i do not see the boot from usb or anything03:05
CFHowlettgdea73   old battery/new battery?03:05
gdea73new battery, I got this laptop today.03:05
gdea73Maybe it needs to be charged further/fully, before 100% is truly 100%...03:05
CFHowlettgdea73 oem battery or "replacement" battery/03:05
sacarlsonrahail:  since I've never seen this problem before, my guess is try runing the older version of ubuntu or try another kernel version03:05
gdea73OEM battery, it came with the laptop which I got new today. :)03:05
CFHowlettoh so a REALLY new battery?  yeah you need to fully charge that bad boy03:06
Jeremy3Dhow do i use metacity instead of compiz?03:06
hydrox24ur2d2r: you still there?03:06
sacarlsonrahail: or disable auto mount as a work around with http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=124815803:06
FyodorovnaJeremy3D, what desktop are you running?03:07
Jeremy3Dubuntu 11.10 compiz i believe. i'm pretty new to ubuntu03:07
gdea73can anyone else help troubleshoot wireless drivers? I had a feeling I was somewhat close... :P03:07
vnif I install Ubuntu 12.04 beta now, will I be able to use it as LTS stable when its released?03:07
Jeremy3DFyodorovna, i did metacity --replace command but i lost all taskbars, panels, toolbars, etc03:07
ur2d2rhydrox24: Yes. Wiped drive and loaded lucid live. Now in pup chat trying to install lucid from live. Could you help with this? No one really to help...03:07
cgfreewhen someone becomes available I would greatly appreciate some assistance with an issue involving iphone mounting - although the iphone is mounting with access to files/folders, but it returns an error [Unable to mount iPhone]DBus error org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.InvalidArgs: Mountpoint Already registered --- dmesg | tail @  http://paste.ubuntu.com/884257/ -[- using Lucid 10.04 -]-03:07
FyodorovnaJeremy3D, you have a panel on the left if so that is unity and it is a compiz plugin the window manager is compiz03:08
KI7MT!final | vn03:08
ubottuvn: If you install a development version of Ubuntu Precise and keep up with package updates, then you will be upgraded to the official release of 12.04 when it comes out. To make sure, type « sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade » in a terminal. Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1.03:08
rahailsacarlson it stuck at bios03:08
rahailif usb connect03:08
Jeremy3DFyodorovna, yea i have a panel on the left03:08
rahailsorry if i remove the usb then it work03:08
rahailso maby i confused you03:08
FyodorovnaJeremy3D, you did. :) you need to run compiz03:08
rahailso i do not want remove the usb devices everytime i restart03:08
vnthank you very much03:08
rahailif all usb devices connected and if we hit restart then it hang on bios screen03:09
Jeremy3DFyodorovna, basically i'm using Blender for 3d but my Alt keys are being overrun by ubuntu (or compiz?). i read changing the metacity keybindings in gconfig will fix it but it didnt do anything for me03:09
ur2d2rhydrox24: Are you there?03:09
hydrox24ur2d2r: look in private messages03:09
sacarlsonrahail: oh if it never gets as far as grub then it's out of our hands,  if no settings in bios to fix it,  maybe flash the bios (last resort)03:09
FyodorovnaJeremy3D, there are keybindings in compiz but I have never messed around there.03:09
Jeremy3DFyodorovna, someone mentioned using metacity --replace so to use blender, both for the key bindings and because compiz wont be eating up my graphics processing power03:10
FyodorovnaJeremy3D, not sure really I only tweak my setup a little really.03:10
Jeremy3DFyodorovna, i've searched all over the net and nothing seems to be working. unless i remap everything and i was hoping i could just change ALT keys to SUPER keys like you can with metacity03:10
Jeremy3DFyodorovna, but i cant figure out why when i run metacity i lose all my panels and whatnot03:11
FyodorovnaJeremy3D, because all that runs with a compiz plugin, you replaced compiz with metacity03:11
Jeremy3DFyodorovna, is there anyway to run metacity with metacity plugins?03:12
w32stuxnethi guys! I have a weird situation where I can ssh into my box, but I cannot ping or apt-get anything from inside it03:12
FyodorovnaJeremy3D, not sure really.03:12
w32stuxnetI've heard that it is an issue with my dns settings, but what confuses me is that when I google "ubuntu dns" I just get information on how to set up BIND03:12
gantryAll my pop-up windows appear as a roll-down from the window bar.  Is there a way to make them appear just as normal pop-up windows?03:13
Fyodorovnagantry, gnome 3?03:13
=== _h4ckm3 is now known as h4ckm3
gantryFyodorovna, yes03:14
sacarlsonw32stuxnet: so I guess it has local lan network access just no internet.  can you ping the box you came in on?  I guess check route and dns03:14
taglassw32stuxnet, can you ping ip addresses like say
Fyodorovnagantry, I have not seen any tweaks.03:14
_Neytiri_how do i get the 10.4 desktop in 11.1003:14
Fyodorovna_Neytiri_, only thing close is the fallback not exactly the same, install the gnome-shell to get it.03:15
w32stuxnettaglass: yep03:15
sacarlsonw32stuxnet: ya try ping as taglass suggested that will rule out dns if it fails03:15
kalimojowhy am i banned from #defocus03:15
w32stuxnettaglass: I'm receiving pingg reponses around 19ms when I do that03:16
taglass8.8.8.8 happens to be one of googles dns servers.  On most systems you could sudo echo "nameserver" > /etc/resolv.conf, but apparently ubuntu is different.03:16
sacarlsonw32stuxnet: so must be dns probem then,  you can look at /etc/resolv.conf  and see what values it contains03:16
w32stuxnetShould I change that to the google DNS perhaps?03:17
w32stuxnetand thanks for your help, by the way.03:17
sacarlsonw32stuxnet: ya you could try that change your  top to;  I think it will be deleted at the next dhcp but it should work long enuf to try03:18
_Neytiri_Fyodorovna,  thanks03:18
Fyodorovna_Neytiri_, np problem.03:19
cgfreewhen someone becomes available I would greatly appreciate some assistance with an issue involving iphone mounting - although the iphone is mounting with access to files/folders, but it returns an error [Unable to mount iPhone]DBus error org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.InvalidArgs: Mountpoint Already registered --- dmesg | tail @  http://paste.ubuntu.com/884257/ -[- using Lucid 10.04 -]-03:19
w32stuxnetreplace the first one with
sacarlsonw32stuxnet: ya worth a try03:21
w32stuxnetsacarlson, that worked perfectly03:21
sacarlsonw32stuxnet: ok so I guess both your dns servers are down today,  so if access is available you can edit your dhcpd server and add to the list so that it will work after a dhcp lease expires or other03:22
brianp1992dose anyone know what its called when you drag a window to the side of the desktop and then it resizes to half the desktop is called03:23
brianp1992dose anyone know what its called when you drag a window to the side of the desktop and then it resizes to half the desktop03:23
DJbrianp1992, compiz??03:23
taglassw32stuxnet, You should be able to make it permanent by clicking the network indicator, edit connections, select your connection, edit, change Method: Automatic to Method: Addresses only and entering in DNS servers03:24
brianp1992dj, and when you drag a window to the top it automaticly maxemizes it03:24
kalimojowhy am i banned from #defocus03:24
sacarlsonw32stuxnet: ya taglass is correct you could manualy edit in network-manager also03:25
DJbrianp1992, yeah look in youtube for ubuntu + compiz03:25
w32stuxneti'm going to try to figure out hwo to do it03:25
DJ!tell brianp1992 about compiz03:25
ubottubrianp1992, please see my private message03:25
brianp1992dj, wow thanks :)03:26
sacarlsonw32stuxnet: oh but your ssh into the box so not sure how to gui that from ssh03:26
kalimojowhy am i banned from #defocus03:28
bazhang!ot | kalimojo03:28
ubottukalimojo: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!03:28
kalimojobazhang can u reinstate me ?03:30
bazhangkalimojo, that has nothing to do with ubuntu support. dont ask here, try in #freenode03:30
CacheMoneydoes any use Chrome on Ubuntu 11.10?03:34
taglassCacheMoney, Better to just ask your question.03:34
CacheMoneyWhere do I download Chrome for 11.10?03:35
CacheMoneytaglass: I thought on Linux you were supposed to use PPA or dpkg ??  I'm new..03:36
taglassCacheMoney, When you install the deb you download from google, it will setup a repository for you.03:36
* CacheMoney is downloading Chrome03:37
=== Guest41660 is now known as Dorito
sacarlsonCacheMoney: I also see it in standard repository  so sudo apt-get install google-chrome-stable  is an option03:38
taglassapt-cache policy google-chrome-stable03:39
taglassN: Unable to locate package google-chrome-stable03:39
taglassDo you maybe have google's repository active sacarlson?03:39
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sacarlsontaglass: oh that could be I might of added it from ppa03:40
sacarlsontaglass: ya I see the dl.google..... added in my repository list, I just forgot I added it03:41
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sulphur16sacarlson: Is there any way to disable the avahi-daemon from starting at boot without removing it from system?03:56
sacarlsonsulphur16: I'm sure there is03:56
satyanashHi, how to write 8086 assembly program in ubuntu ?03:57
AcidRainhow do i determine which audio interface is in use?03:59
AcidRainusing rhythmbox03:59
sulphur16sacarlson: Okay, I have tried using chkconfig, and 'chkconfig --list' shows avahi-daemon turned off for all runlevel. Yet, 'service avahi-daemon status' returns a pid03:59
sulphur16sacarlson: Do you know of other ways to turn off a service ?04:00
Ian3Does anyone know how to install flash player in firefox04:02
DJsulphur16, /etc/rc.d/services restart;04:02
sacarlsonsulphur16: I see this but it looks old http://en.kioskea.net/faq/739-disabling-the-avahi-daemon04:03
cowslammeri hve just   reinstalled 10.04 and forgotten where to get sun  java04:04
ryaoIs there a way to set MAKEOPTS for DKMS packages?04:05
footvillahow can i clone a ubuntu fake RAID 0 array to a single disk.04:05
Jeremy3Dubuntu is kicking my ass tonight. i switched over to ubuntu 2d but when i came back to ubuntu i can no longer see my extra hard drive in the home folder04:06
Scott_Sfootvilla: You can't directly copy a RAID array to a single disk, however you can copy the contents of the array to another disk.04:06
Jeremy3Dthere used to be a list on the side. File System, Hard Drive, CD/DVD Rom,  but its gone now04:06
sacarlsonsulphur16: I also don't see this file on my system /etc/default/avahi-daemon  do you?04:06
Jeremy3Danyway to bring it back? i don't know how to get into that hard drive04:06
taglasssatyanash, You could run MASM or TASM under dosbox, or use something like as86.  16 bit assembly isn't that well supported on linux.04:07
cowslammeri hve just   reinstalled 10.04 and forgotten where to get sun  java04:07
stone_Jeremy, can you see your HD in other ways using the CLI?04:07
sacarlsonfootvilla:  I guess just cp -a /source/path /destination/path ;  still need to install mbr and maybe some changes in fstab to match where you want to put them04:07
Jeremy3Dstone_, not sure how, i'm pretty new to ubuntu and everytime i try to fix somethign i screw something else up. lol04:07
stone_jeremy, is it a usb drive?04:08
Jeremy3Dstone_, no hard drive. don't know the drive letter though wtihout restarting in windows04:08
Jeremy3Dbut i think it's named Hard Drive04:08
sulphur16sacarlson: Yes it is there in my filesystem. Ubuntu 11.1004:09
Jeremy3Di think it's /dev/sda604:09
stone_cat /etc/fstab  or mount  -- both are your friends04:09
Jeremy3Dcat ?04:09
sacarlsonsulphur16: oh then maybe you could try this method http://www.hitxp.com/ask-guru/2012/01/22/how-to-disable-avahi-daemon-in-ubuntu/04:09
=== Afteraffekt is now known as Afterraff`
Scott_Scat simply outputs the contents of the file to the terminal.04:09
DJJeremy3D, cat vs Dog, you decide.04:10
Jeremy3Dok # / was on /dev/sda6 during installaing   ext4   errors=remount04:10
mr_gees100_peasgreetings all. I'm having a sound related problem. I can't hear sound on my computer. Using the sound setting under the volume control I can see the sound card install. I can also test the speakers and they work fine. However, if I try playing a youtube video or playing an mp3 file in vlc player I don't hear anything. I do occasionally here the ubuntu sound when I log in. I tried the alsamixer but nothing was affected. When i logged in04:10
stone_jeremy, are you comfortable with the terminal?  ctrl-alt-t opens it for you04:10
stone_dj-- lol04:11
Jeremy3D# swap was on /dev/sda5 during installation   swap   sw04:11
taglassJeremy3D, blkid will show your drives04:11
Jeremy3D# swap was on /dev/sda7 during installation   swap   sw04:11
Jeremy3Dstone_, those are the three from the cat04:11
Jeremy3Dso can  i "mount /dev/sda6" ?04:11
taglasssda6 is probably already mounted at /04:13
Jordan_U!pastebin | Jeremy3D04:13
sulphur16sacarlson: looks like it will work. I will check it next time i restart my system04:13
ubottuJeremy3D: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.04:13
stone_taglass-- blkid is new to me...04:13
Jeremy3Djordan, what do you want a paste of?04:14
taglassstone_, Learn something new every day :)04:14
stone_taglass-- indeed.  doesnt hurt that it shows up in the fstab.  Hitting the man page now04:14
Jeremy3Dok stone what next?04:15
MiggsHey guys, I'm using pulseaudio with a network sink. When I play any youtube video or a video file in totem it plays very briefly and then sound and video stutter or stop completely. This isn't a problem with a local sink. Any idea how to fix this?04:16
Jordan_UJeremy3D: I am saying that in the future if you have more than one line of output you should use http://pastebin.ubuntu.com rather than copying and pasting it into the channel.04:16
cowslammeri hve just   reinstalled 10.04 and forgotten where to get sun  java04:16
sulphur16sacarlson: Thanks for the help.04:16
Jeremy3DJordan_U, gotcha ty04:16
orionsonofneptunok folks im very angry everytime i read the scroll gets a mind of its own it moves up and down anywhere but where i want to be how do i insure scroll does what i want its ubuntu 11.1004:17
stone_hi jeremy -- one sec04:17
Jeremy3Dstone_, ok04:17
mr_gees100_peassound problem help?04:18
cowslammercan someone tell me where to get sun java for 10.04?04:18
orionsonofneptuni cant get your ansers04:19
orionsonofneptunplease say agian04:19
Jeremy3Dstone_, ok i found the correct partition with disk utility and remounted the drive. it's in media now so i can get to it04:19
kmcsatyanash, taglass, nasm is a good assembler for 16-bit x86 and should be in Ubuntu repos04:20
klimnanhey after i set up vsftpd, how do I get it so I can access my ftps server from filezilla on my other pc?04:20
taglasskmc, so it does.  Certainly better than as86 :)04:21
Jeremy3Dok so Ubuntu2d in the login screen is basically ubuntu without compiz effects (like using ctrl+alt+right to switch views)?04:22
Jeremy3Derr unity*04:22
stone_@jeremy, excellent.04:23
taglasscowslammer, http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javase/downloads/index.html04:23
satyanashkmc, could you point me to a good tutorial on getting started using NASM for 16 bit ?04:23
taglasscowslammer, Sun java is no longer supported by Ubuntu, and the PPAs that used to exist are all out of date from what I can tell.04:24
kmcsatyanash, not exactly, but here's a PC boot sector graphics demo written in NASM assembly: https://github.com/kmcallister/phosphene/blob/master/phosphene.asm04:25
kmcthere are nasm docs here: http://www.nasm.us/docs.php04:26
kmcit's also quite similar to Microsoft's MASM (see http://www.nasm.us/doc/nasmdoc2.html#section-2.2)04:26
klimnanAfter I install and set up vsftpd, how can I access my FTP server from filezilla?04:26
kmcMASM is one of the main assemblers used on DOS, so there's plenty of docs and code for it04:27
kalimojocan someone unquiet me on #defocus04:27
bazhangkalimojo, stop asking here. it has nothing to do with ubuntu support04:28
satyanashkmc, I have no assembly background whatsoever.. So I wanted to know whether every assembler has a different syntax ?04:28
kmcsatyanash, yes.  every processor and also every assembler program for a given processor has different syntax04:30
kmcfor x86 there are two main varieties of syntax, Intel and AT&T04:30
kmcintel syntax looks like:  mov eax, [ecx]04:31
kmcat&t looks like:  mov (%ecx), %eax04:31
satyanashkmc, So if I learn NASM, then I will know how to write assembly only in NASM ?04:31
kmcyes, but the differences to another assembler for x86 are not that big04:31
mr_gees100_peasgreetings all. I'm having a sound related problem. I can't hear sound on my computer (Ubuntu 11.10). Using the sound setting under the volume control I can see the sound card install. I can also test the speakers and they work fine. However, if I try playing a youtube video or playing an mp3 file in vlc player I don't hear anything. I do occasionally here the ubuntu sound when I log in. I tried the alsamixer but nothing was affected. W04:32
kmcif you know one assembly syntax variant well, you can learn another for the same processor without much trouble04:32
satyanashkmc, okay, so how about assembly without calling anything externally from libs or something ?04:33
kmcwhat about it?04:33
MiggsAnybody around who knows about pulseaudio?04:33
satyanashkmc, how does that work ?04:33
bazhangsatyanash, does this have some connection to ubuntu?04:33
AcidRainis there anyone in here at all that can tell me which audio interface my sound is currently coming from?04:33
satyanashbazhang, aahh.. sorry.04:33
mr_gees100_peasMiggs: I also have a sound problem.04:33
taglasssatyanash, http://asm.sourceforge.net/04:34
dj_segfaultMiggs: What do you want to know about pulseaudio?  I know a little04:34
MiggsI'm using pulseaudio with a network sink. When I play any youtube video or a video file in totem it plays very briefly and then sound and video stutter or stop completely. This isn't a problem with a local sink. Any idea how to fix this?04:34
BillyIsBackWhat's up everyone! I am a newbie at ubuntu (I mean not really) /me lol04:35
Miggsmr_gees100_peas, what's your problem? I've had to fix a few to get to this point so maybe I've encountered yours. :)04:36
dj_segfaultMiggs: Are the videos also flv, or are they other formats?04:36
* BillyIsBack this is a test04:36
MiggsOther formats also.04:36
* BillyIsBack looks around...04:36
dj_segfaultMiggs: That's the wrong answer ;)04:36
AcidRainis there anyone in here at all that can tell me which audio interface my sound is currently coming from?04:37
MiggsYeah, can't just blame it on Flash04:37
navneethi jonbo04:37
mr_gees100_peasMiggs, I have no sound coming out of my speakers. Well, If I use the test button under the sound settings I do hear sound. When I log iinto ubuntu I do hear sound. Other than that nothing works.04:37
MiggsAcidRain, click on the volume control, sound properties and hardware. That should tell you.04:37
dj_segfaultMiggs: It's easy to suspect the flash player, but past that I don't know.  Sorry.  Have you tried restarting pulseaudio?04:37
mr_gees100_peasI tried playing an mp3 file with vlc player and watching youtube videos. No sound. I tried the alsamixer but I had no luck with that.04:38
navneetcan u help now04:38
AcidRainMiggs: i am under ubuntu 11.11, it doesnt tell me04:38
AcidRainMiggs: it just says internal audio.04:38
navneethi any one there for help me04:38
Miggsdj_segfault, this is a problem I've had since at least November. It's survived several reinstalls. Restarting pulse isn't the answer. :(04:38
navneetany one there04:39
BillyIsBackHey guys! I am trying to access the folder where I installed warzone2100. Unfortunately I do not know where that is. Can someone enlighten on where the installation folders are in ubuntu (or how to reveal them). thanks!04:39
stone_acidrain, im heading offline, but this may be helpful:  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting04:39
AcidRainMiggs: my issue is that darkice cannot stream encoding because it does not know where to read sound from04:39
navneetreply me plz04:39
CFHowlettnavneet   greetings04:39
dj_segfaultI remember a log time ago there was a common problem in Ubuntu where there was some mixer control that was shipped as set to zero, and for anyone to get sound you had to use the text-mode mixer (ALSA) to find those controls and bump them up.  But mr_gees100_peas you say you've tried that?04:39
BillyIsBacknavneet: state your problem and we will try to help you ou04:39
Miggsmr_gees100_peas, alt-f2 and run gstreamer-properties. Try a few of the different options in there.04:39
navneethi billy04:39
zykotick9BillyIsBack: if the package was called warzone2100, try "dpkg -L warzone2100" to see where it installed files04:40
MiggsAcidRain, sorry man, I don't know about that one.04:40
navneethow to uninstall .exe software04:40
abhisinghalhow to install new browser in ubuntu 12.0404:41
CFHowlettabhisinghal   please ask in #ubuntu+1 for 12.0404:41
AcidRainMiggs: well its going to look like /dev/dsp or something of the sort04:41
satyanashkmc, taglass, since the processor is same, why should the assembly code be any different for different OS ?04:41
mr_gees100_peasMiggs:  Hmm. Under the Default Output the pluggin is set to auto detect. The Device however says Unsupported.04:42
AcidRaini think an application called audacity can tell me what the proper interface for sound is04:42
BillyIsBacknavneet: could you please give me more info about this .exe software? Did you install it through "wine"?04:42
kmcsatyanash, same instruction but there are different conventions on how to write it, e.g.  "mov eax, [ecx]" vs "mov (%ecx), %eax"04:42
navneetyes billy04:42
taglasssatyanash, different syscall interfaces for one.  If I recall you can actually call the kernel two ways under linux, by pushing arguments on the stack like traditional unix, or through registers.04:43
MiggsUnsupported in there is fine. It just means the drop-down isn't supported when you have default selected.04:43
kmci think each of these syntaxes is based on the standard assembly for some different older chips04:43
navneeti want to uninstall nokia pc siute from my ubuntu 11.1004:43
satyanashkmc, so AT&T is for *nix and Intel for Windows/DOS ?04:43
kmcno, you can use either on either if you have the right assembler04:43
kmcand there are variations too... NASM and MASM both use Intel syntax, but have other differences as described in the manual04:43
kmcbesides instructions there are all kinds of directives, macros, etc. which each assembler can do differently04:44
navneetreply me fast plz04:44
Miggsmr_gees100_peas, I would say you had a pulse problem as well but that you get system sounds puts paid to that.04:44
MiggsI'm out of ideas already.04:44
kmcand as taglass said, code which interfaces with the kernel, or hardware directly, will depend on the details of that kernel and hardware04:44
mr_gees100_peasMiggs: Ok, of the items in the menu the ALSA option was the only one that work. It may had blown one of my eardrums off to timbactuk but it worked. What's next04:44
satyanashkmc, taglass.. aah. okay. Thank you.04:44
BillyIsBacknavneet: ok, when you open the dash home, and you type "wine" do you see an option "uninstall wine application" ?04:44
MiggsHah, in which case it probably is a pulse problem if output directly through ALSA works.04:45
BillyIsBacknavneet: the dash home is right on top of the sidebar04:45
navneetok let me check04:45
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kmcthere are two ways to make a syscall on 32-bit x86 linux04:46
MiggsMy laptop is about to shut down but you'll have to get on the google looking for pulse audio and alsa issues.04:46
kmcone is to load arguments into registers and invoke interrupt 0x8004:46
kmcthe other is an ordinary userspace function call to a special page of code initialized by the kernel04:46
mr_gees100_peasok. at least thats a clue. Thanks for the help04:46
kmcthe former is far easier in hand-written assembly04:47
MiggsGood luck04:47
navneethi billy04:48
navneetits working04:49
navneetthanks a lot04:49
BillyIsBackDid you find your software listed there??04:49
BillyIsBackanyone living on the east coast? :)04:50
navneethi billy04:52
=== Guest19478 is now known as eddie_
BillyIsBacknavneet: hey04:53
navneetnokia pc suite is there04:53
navneetthere is no unistallation take place04:53
navneetplease look into the matter04:53
BillyIsBacknavneet: ok. You will have to check into wine itself. Search in the dash home "wine" but this time choose "configure wine"04:54
BillyIsBacknavneet: when configure wine opens up, look for the tab "applications"04:56
BillyIsBacknavneet: there should be a list of .exe applications installed. Please let me know if you see your application listed there.04:57
navneetno there is no list of .exe file04:58
BillyIsBacknavneet: there is no applications listed under the tab applications?05:00
navneetbut the nokia pc suite is still appear  on desktop and also working05:00
Jeremy3Doh i will find the answer to this keybinding question tonight05:01
=== brittnee_ is now known as brittnee
navneethey billy do some thing05:02
navneethow to over come this problem05:02
astrobilli'm trying to get some help05:02
ubottuastrobill: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience05:02
bazhangCFHowlett, a | is needed there05:03
astrobillhere's the thing05:03
CFHowlettbazhang   fat finger's get you everytime :)05:03
navneetany one help me how to completely remove nokia pc suite .exe software from my ubuntu 11.1005:03
astrobillI got a new modem/router today05:03
astrobillafter I got it, I was unable to connect to any undernet server05:03
astrobillI have tweaked as much as possible05:04
astrobillI mostly use konversation to connect05:04
CFHowlettnavneet   go into your /home.  Display hidden files.  delete wine - that'll wipe out ALL your .exe files05:04
astrobillwhen I connect to a random undernet server, it will connect, but it won't autojoin any chanels05:04
astrobillwhen I try to join a channel, it doesn nothing for a minute or so, then the progam crashes.05:05
BillyIsBackCFHowlett: how to you display hidden files? (I have been looking for that)05:05
astrobillthis only happens with undernet05:05
CFHowlettBillyIsBack   ctrl-h does it for me but I'm on 10.0405:05
taglassBillyIsBack, CTRL+H05:05
BillyIsBackThanks a lot guys. #hastag:thethingsyouhavetolearnwithubuntulol05:06
navneethey billy r therer05:07
BillyIsBacknavneet: please follow what CFHowlett said earlier (go to your home folder, press ctrl+H, look for the folder .wine and delete it.)05:08
BillyIsBackif that does not fix your problem, then I will not be able to help you further.05:09
BillyIsBackGuys, it took me 2h to figure out how to find these folders loooool. Thanks a lot. Power of the freedom of knowledge!05:10
CFHowlettBillyIsBack   it's ALWAYS the little things.  Be safe / have fun05:10
navneethey i delete it05:10
navneetbut there is still icon of nokia pc suite on desktop05:11
CFHowlettnavneet   delete the icon05:11
navneeti think this is not way to uninstall the software05:12
CFHowlettnavneet   a wine installation is NOT  a windows installation.  Different rules/methods and outcomes apply.05:13
BillyIsBack^ i was just about to write that05:13
navneethi tohtori05:14
BillyIsBackI am kind of wondering. How did you install the Nokia PC suite at the first place? Because if you used wine, it should have been listed there, right guys?05:14
CFHowlettBillyIsBack   wine doesn't always set up the icons properly.  UNinstalling is also an inexact functio at the best of times.05:15
astrobillif the windows program installs an icon on the desktop, it may not work05:16
astrobillyou need to use a wine link instead05:16
silv3r_m00nwhen software is installed from synaptic , where are the deb files downloaded from ?05:17
CFHowlettsilv3r_m00n   the appropriate repository or mirror05:17
silv3r_m00nwhere can I find the links ? I need to download few debs manually05:18
bazhang!repos | silv3r_m00n05:18
ubottusilv3r_m00n: The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/project/about-ubuntu/components - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories05:18
bazhangsilv3r_m00n, packages.ubuntu.com05:18
silv3r_m00ncan I add a 11.04 repo in 11.10 and install some software ?05:19
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lilVaratepCan I make Ubuntu look and sound exactly like OS X?05:20
bazhangsilv3r_m00n, no05:20
BillyIsBackhmmm... interesting. I hope that never happens to me. So far steam and google sketchup works flawlessly05:20
CFHowlettsilv3r_m00n nope.  if you need it that bad, look at compiling.05:20
bazhanglilVaratep, steer clear of the macbuntu theme. it is unrecoverable and requires reinstallation05:20
jakesanyone know how to install BT5 menu on ubuntu?05:20
bazhangjakes, what is bt5 menu05:21
lilVaratepbazhang, Is there an alternative, then?05:21
BillyIsBackOh, any cool themes for ubuntu ?05:21
bazhang!themes | BillyIsBack05:21
ubottuBillyIsBack: Find your themes at: http://www.gnome-look.org - http://art.gnome.org - http://www.kde-look.org - http://kubuntu-art.org - http://themes.freshmeat.net/browse/58/ - http://www.guistyles.com - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ - Also see !changethemes and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy05:21
silv3r_m00nCFHowlett: I need quanta plus web development tool , which was there in 11.04 but when I upgraded to 11.10 yesterday it went away , and I must absolutely get it back , and I think the deb from 11.04 will work on 11.1005:21
bazhanglilVaratep, no05:21
silv3r_m00nits this thing , http://packages.ubuntu.com/natty/quanta05:21
=== Princess_Lun is now known as shadowh511
bazhang!info quanta05:22
ubottuPackage quanta does not exist in oneiric05:22
CFHowlettlilVaratep   there are some 3rd party themes available but they seem to be way more trouble than they're worth.  That said, look around.  The official Lion wallpapers are online, AWN/docky will give you you dock and very mac like icons are also out there.05:22
silv3r_m00nso I was wondering if I add the repo of 11.04 in 11.10 and try to pull back it may come back05:22
CFHowlettsilv3r_m00n   tyr it.  At worst, it won't work and you05:22
scottjis there a way to send the same signal with kill that a window manager would send with the close button?05:22
BillyIsBacksweeeeet. Thanks05:22
CFHowlettwill have to purge.  I'd still say compile for safetwy05:22
=== shadowh511 is now known as Princess_Luna
bazhangsilv3r_m00n, no dont mix repos05:23
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silv3r_m00nI would then need to compile kde305:23
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CFHowlettbazhang   manually inject .debs vs. compiling was my thought ...05:23
jakesbacktrack 5 menu!!!!!!!!11105:24
bazhangCFHowlett, compile of find a PPA at best05:24
silv3r_m00nwhere is the download deb link on this page http://packages.ubuntu.com/source/natty/kdewebdev-kde305:24
bazhangjakes, this is not bt support05:24
silv3r_m00nis it the tar.gz at the bottom ?05:24
bazhang!backtrack | jakes05:24
ubottujakes: There are some Ubuntu derivatives that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes. Please consult their websites for more information. Examples: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mint), LinuxMCE (support in #linuxmce), CrunchBang (support in #crunchbang), BackTrack (support in #backtrack-linux), Ultimate Edition05:24
bazhangjakes, /join #backtrack-linux05:24
navneetis there any body to help me05:25
bazhangnavneet, ask a question first05:25
ubottunavneet: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience05:25
navneethi bazhang05:25
silv3r_m00nnavneet: see to your right , there are 1449 people in this room05:25
bazhangnavneet, whats the issue05:25
navneeti want to unistall my nokia pc suite from my ubuntu 11.1005:26
bazhangnavneet, if someone knows they will answer05:26
bazhangnavneet, how did you install it05:26
navneetthrough wine05:26
bazhangnavneet, then look for the uninstaller script05:26
CFHowlettsilv3r_m00n  have you looked for a ppa or developer's page?05:27
navneetplz gide me step by step05:27
silv3r_m00nCFHowlett: the project was dead 4 years ago05:27
silv3r_m00nbut the software is too irresistible05:27
CFHowlettsilv3r_m00n   ooookay05:27
bazhangnavneet, doing what? look for the uninstaller script as I said, then run it05:27
* CFHowlett CFH resists urge to comment on moribund software for development05:27
=== Lupinedk is now known as lupinedk
silv3r_m00nI got the deb of quanta from 11.04 page , it asks for kdelibs4c2a , I can't see it in synaptic , what is its current replacement ?05:30
anushI have a filesystem sorting problem. See paste http://paste.ubuntu.com/884339/ . In the first `ls` output, dashboard.js should appear as the first item, but appears last. Any ideas? Was perfectly fine until yesterday.05:31
CFHowlettsilv3r_m00n   from 10.04 apt shows: http://paste.ubuntu.com/884341/05:33
mr_gees100_peasHi, When I run the following command on the terminal i get an error (aplay /usr/share/sounds/alsa/Front_Center.wav    ERROR--> aplay: pcm_write:1682: write error: Input/output error05:33
BillyIsBackbazhang: you may or may not know that we tried to help navneet and he could not find the software in wine. However, it seems that we did not think about trying to find the "uninstall file". As of now, we told him to delete the .wine folder so that all trace of software would be gone and delete the desktop icon that he was referring to. I believe that now the software should be unable to work whatsoever. But apparently navneet05:35
BillyIsBack claim that it is still installed.05:35
CFHowlettbazhang   I suspect the icon is visible but the program is gone...05:37
bazhangCFHowlett, yeah05:37
BillyIsBackthis leaves me with 2 options: either there is another windows application installer and the said application is installed through the other application or the software is gone and the user is unable to figure out that it is gone.05:38
guest-CfwNuehow to password login anonymous-IOS05:39
CFHowlettguest-CfwNue   ios?05:39
guest-CfwNueanonymous -IOS05:39
silv3r_m00nCFHowlett , bazhang thanks  I got the debs from 11.04 page and installed and it works perfect05:40
CFHowlettsilv3r_m00n   congrats!05:41
mr_gees100_peasI'm having a no sound problem. Anybody would like to take a shot at it.05:44
BillyIsBackyou see, if you were on windows , I would just have said "format your hard drive and reinstall windows"05:46
mr_gees100_peasBillyIsBack:  it did cross my mind on switching to SUSE05:47
=== MoMo is now known as JC_SoCal
mr_gees100_peaswhatever makes the sound works05:48
unsecur3dno sound ?05:48
BillyIsBackI learn new things everyday...05:48
unsecur3dwhat drivers r u using05:49
unsecur3du know ur sound card chip model ?05:49
BillyIsBackok peace guys05:50
mr_gees100_peasunsecur3d: SB LIVE VALUE EMU!)!X05:51
ehmshift/caps key stuck?05:52
ehmtry in another app, like a text editor05:53
CFHowlettmr_gees100_peas   We *told* you - no mountain dew around the computers@!05:53
mr_gees100_peasI have no idea. it works now05:53
mr_gees100_peasunsecur3d: ok the sound card "again" under the sound setting says SB Live Value EMU10k1X05:55
mr_gees100_peasunsecur3d: How do I get the driver?05:55
mr_gees100_peasunsecur3d:When I try to test the speaker under the sound settings MOST of the time they work fine. Sometimes the application closes when I hot the TEST button05:58
KnamilHey, I want my FTP server on ubuntu accessible from anywhere. Right now I can only acess it on my local LAN network through 192.168.1.... How do I access it through my static ip?05:58
mr_gees100_peasThere is sound when I log into ubuntu but never when I go to youtube or try playing an mp3 file05:58
CFHowlettmr_gees100_peas   have you installed the restricted codecs?05:59
Hanslandahello guys...anyone can help me solve this problem (when i run the Urban Terror game i got this? http://paste.ubuntu.com/884358/ )05:59
mr_gees100_peasAlso I ran the 'aplay some.wav' I get an error05:59
Jeremy3Dwhich uses less graphic/processor resources (for blender 3d software): unity or gnome?05:59
CFHowlettmr_gees100_peas   have you installed the restricted codecs?05:59
CFHowlettwhat error??05:59
mr_gees100_peasCFHowlett: When I installed ubuntu I selected the restricted software option06:00
CFHowlettJeremy3D   gnome - I think06:00
mr_gees100_peasCFHowlett: aplay: pcm_write:1682: write error: Input/output error06:00
CFHowlettmr_gees100_peas   indulge me: sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras06:01
Hanslandahello guys...anyone can help me solve this problem (when i run the Urban Terror game i got this? http://paste.ubuntu.com/884358/ )06:01
mr_gees100_peasCFHowlett: Will do. Just a sec to try it.06:01
ubottuHanslanda: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/06:01
Hanslandasorry CFHowlett06:01
CFHowlettHanslanda   no worries06:01
Jeremy3Dwhich do most people like better: Unity or Gnome ?06:02
mr_gees100_peasCFHowlett: ubuntu-restricted-extras is already the newest version.06:02
mr_gees100_peas0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.06:02
ehmHanslanda, also see if there's an UrbanTerror channel06:02
anushI have a filesystem sorting problem. See paste http://paste.ubuntu.com/884339/ . In the first `ls` output, dashboard.js should appear as the first item, but appears last. Any ideas?06:03
CFHowlettmr_gees100_peas   do you have .mp3 files saved?06:03
mr_gees100_peasCFHowlett: yes I do. I try playing it with VLC player. It looks like is playing but no sound comes out06:04
CFHowlettmr_gees100_peas   mplayer yourfile.mp306:04
mr_gees100_peasCFHowlett: I'll have to install it. Just a sec06:05
mr_gees100_peasCFHowlett Which one should I install mplayer or mplayer2?06:05
CFHowlettmr_gees100_peas   mplayer06:05
navneethow to uninstall nokia pc suite from ubuntu 11.1006:07
navneethi onixs06:07
mr_gees100_peasCFHowlett: I get Starting playback... A:   0.3 (00.3) of 75.0 (01:15.0) ??,?%06:07
=== pcpower is now known as bparker
navneethi pcpower06:08
CFHowlettmr_gees100_peas   and no sound?06:08
mr_gees100_peasCFHowlett: correct no sound06:08
navneethow to uninstall nokia pc suite from ubuntu 11.10 ?06:08
CFHowlettmr_gees100_peas   can you play non-mp3 music?06:10
mokilokCan anyone tell me the correct way to access ntfs network shares on ubuntu. I was going to mount it in fstab but a work mate told me that mounting works differently and that I would either be damaging the file system or locking it so that others wouldn't be able to use it.06:10
CFHowlettmr_gees100_peas   see your /documents/examples folder06:10
CFHowlettmr_gees100_peas   */home/examples* sorry06:11
mr_gees100_peasI don't think I have a /home/examples folder06:11
CFHowlettmr_gees100_peas   try http://www.vorbis.com/music/    download a tune06:12
mr_gees100_peassorry. I do have a home examples but no sample music files06:13
CFHowlettmr_gees100_peas   grab one of the files for vorbis.com06:13
navneetany one help me06:14
CFHowlettnavneet   do the nokia utilities still boot?06:15
CFHowlettcan you run them?06:15
mr_gees100_peasCFHowlett: ok. I tried a .wav file found in /usr/share/sounds/alsa. It play part of it06:15
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CFHowlettmr_gees100_peas   try .ogg files.  pretty sure .wav is propietary....06:16
edwinkcwI have a problem. I don't know why I can't find wunderlist in my ubuntu software centre. Can anyone help?06:16
CFHowlettnavneet   did you delete your hidden .wine folder?06:16
navneetstill there is icon on desktop and also working06:16
CFHowlettedwinkcw   wunderlist is not in the ubuntu repositories...06:17
edwinkcwCFHowlett: http://blog.wunderlist.com/post/11311813247/wunderlist-now-available-in-ubuntu-software-center06:17
edwinkcwCFHowlett: I know that from wunderlist website..06:17
hexacodewhat does the "L" in lrwxrwxrwx   mean ?06:18
CFHowlettedwinkcw   maybe it was retracted.  Option #2: go to the site, find the .deb and install.  Option #3: install from source.06:18
edwinkcwCFHowlett: I don't find any .deb...06:19
mr_gees100_peasCFHowlett: I tried an .ogg file in the examples folder (I don't know what type of file this is) with the mplayer. I receive a bunch of errors. Then something opened but still no sound06:19
CFHowlettedwinkcw   http://www.6wunderkinder.com/downloads/wunderlist-1.2.4-linux-64.tgz06:19
=== eddie is now known as Guest39357
=== Guest39357 is now known as eddie_
ehmhexacode, It is either "d" if the item is a directory, or "l" if it is a link, or "-" if the item is a regular file.06:20
hexacodeoh thanks06:20
edwinkcwCFHowlett: yes, I know, but I just wonder if there is any better option..06:20
CFHowlettmr_gees100_peas   .ogg is an open source format that should run in just about every linux flavor available.  Your's doesn't.  Don't know if you're on a desktop or laptop, but could this be a soundcard issue?06:21
mr_gees100_peasCFHowlett: The sound card works fine in (hold on to your hat now) windows. I have a dual boot06:22
rodayoWhen I try to turn down the brightness for my laptop the screen "refreshes" like it does when you change the resolution. Turning up the brightness is no problem. Does anyone know what could be casuing this? Right now I'm just the brightness-program which doesn't have this effect.06:22
CFHowlettmr_gees100_peas  grrr...   hey, install medibuntu as well.  http://paste.ubuntu.com/884370/06:22
rodayoJust to be clear, the brightness does turn down but the screen flikers before hand06:23
mr_gees100_peasCFHowlett: Is there a way to uninstall and reinstall the sound card and maybe ubuntu will magically reinstall the correct drivers06:23
CFHowlettmr_gees100_peas   yes.  sorry, but IDK exactly how.  Could be a simple matter of driver matching to your card...06:23
rodayoWhat's 12.04's release date?06:24
CFHowlettrodayo   04/2606:24
rodayoIs it in beta atm?06:24
rodayoor alpha still?06:25
CFHowlettrodayo   beta 1 for more see #ubuntu-+106:25
rodayoAlright, thanks. I was just curious06:25
rodayoI never do an update I always go for a clean install...so I wanna have a heads up to backup all my stuff before hand =P06:26
katronixI had to move the data directory for mysql, I updated the my.cnf to point to the new directory, and it tells me its running, but when I try to connect, I get a socket error, can anyone here offer any suggestions?06:26
CFHowlettrodayo   don't feel like you MUST upgrade the DAY it comes out ...06:26
rodayoCFHowlett, I understand...but school will be out by that time so it's probably best to do it around that time.06:27
CFHowlettmr_gees100_peas   sorry, but I gtg.  starbucks is closing ...06:27
CFHowlettrodayo   alright then.  good luck good night.06:27
mr_gees100_peasCFHowlett: ok but what do I do once I do the medibuntu stuff?06:27
zu_munirHI ALL....06:29
zu_muniri`m new comer06:29
derpellaHello. My xfce tries to get sound controls for it's notification applet from gnome-volume-control-applet, but this isn't here... How should I replace this line to get sound controls working?06:30
=== webDEViL` is now known as testing_123
katronixanyone have any clues?06:31
horseatingweedsI just installed samba, but when I try running system-config-samba it tells me, "system-config-samba requires a currently running X server" I'm using Kubuntu. Is there something different here from Ubuntu?06:33
jbl^derpella: you're probably missing the gnome packages06:33
jbl^derpella: install them06:34
derpellajbl^: I have Gnome installed, I checked and I have gnome-media, gnome-media-common, gnome-applets-data and gnome-applets...06:35
derpellaOn Gnome I have no problems with this control06:36
=== max is now known as Guest28083
jbl^oh hrm06:37
jbl^i dunno06:37
derpellahorseatingweeds: do you use lgdm?06:37
derpellahorseatingweeds: no idea if it is it, but if you run ck-list-session, is your X session marked as active?06:39
alFReD-NSHI'm trying to filter something from wget by regex,06:40
alFReD-NSHhow am I supposed to do this?06:41
alFReD-NSHwget --quiet -O <url> | <magical command> <regex>06:41
alFReD-NSHWhat is that magical command?06:41
llutz_alFReD-NSH: grep06:41
alFReD-NSHno, grep is for having new lines06:42
alFReD-NSHthe output doesn't have anything06:42
horseatingweedsderpella: Yes, it has session=TRUE.06:43
GhrimIn Xubuntu, how do I change from using xflock4 / xscreensaver / whatever it is, to something else like slock or preferably something less horrifyingly ugly?06:43
horseatingweedsI'm not using lgdm that I know of. I'm just trying to set up samba as I did on Ubuntu06:43
sluckxzhorseatingweeds: are you using kubuntu?06:45
horseatingweedssluckxz: Yes06:45
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horseatingweedsAlso, under 'system' there is an link labeled Samba, but it does nothing when I click it.06:47
sluckxzhttp://maketecheasier.com/easy-samba-sharing-setup-with-kde/2010/11/17  ??06:48
ubottuLaunchpad bug 851668 in kde-baseapps (Ubuntu) "Can't install samba from dolphin : kubuntu 11.10 (Oneiric Ocelot)" [Undecided,Confirmed]06:49
horseatingweedssluckxz: That's what I thought. It's talking about kdenetwork-filesharing. Maybe that's what I'm missing.06:53
sluckxzyea i guess install that manually cause the slick wizard is maybe broken06:53
shadesthis new version of buntu seems to bring up my wireless card as wlan0 instead of rausb0 as the previous version did. How do I load the module for this linksys wusb54gV4 to come up as rausb0 instead of wlan0? It has the rt2500 chipset06:56
Jordan_Ushades: Why do you care about the device name?06:59
shadesJordan_U: I have two live cds one isolder than the other the older one loads it up as rausb0 and with kismet I was able to get signal and noise data.. with this newer live cd I cannot get this information.. i think it might deal with the driver verion or something07:02
Jordan_Ushades: Try asking in #kismet to see what they think is wrong.07:03
horseatingweedssluckxz: Does that bug report mean the bug is still there?07:04
sluckxzi agree its a driver issue shades07:04
shadeshow do I change that?07:04
=== Mike_ is now known as Guest50052
orionsonofneptunok why is my pc when booting ubuntu 11.10 install cd stuck on splash screen for 30 minutes whats the deal son07:05
sluckxzyes.  but i read the bug as saying the wizard doesnt launch the installer.  so install the apps and go back and see if you can set it up in kde cpanel07:05
sluckxzim assuming a lot ;)07:05
shadessluckxz.. any idea?07:06
orionsonofneptundoes anyone see me here???07:06
Jordan_U!patience | orionsonofneptun07:06
ubottuorionsonofneptun: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/07:06
orionsonofneptunam i invisible or what07:06
sluckxzshades look at backtrack if you want hardcore wireless drivers07:07
orionsonofneptunok why is my pc when booting ubuntu 11.10 install cd stuck on splash screen for 30 minutes whats the deal son07:07
hanslandaanyone can help me configuring my keyboard07:07
ubottuorionsonofneptun: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/07:07
Justasicubottu's Website Title[1]: Official Ubuntu Documentation07:07
ubottuJustasic: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)07:07
Justasicubottu's Website Title[2]: Ubuntu Forums07:07
ubottuJustasic: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)07:07
Justasicubottu's Website Title[3]: Ask Ubuntu - Stack Exchange07:07
ubottuJustasic: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)07:07
JustasicI was testing a script07:07
sluckxznot that you have to install them but they will tell you more about tweaking your wireless drivers and i think tthey are ubuntu based now.07:07
Justasicdidn't think it worked that way :|07:07
FloodBot1Justasic: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.07:07
CFHowlettJustasic   please use #test07:08
orionsonofneptunubottu bott leave me alone07:08
ubottuorionsonofneptun: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)07:08
Jordan_UJustasic: Please make sure that none of your scripts talk in this channel in the future.07:08
orionsonofneptuntrust me ubottu i dont07:08
JustasicCFHowlett, Jordan_U it was an internetwork script :|07:08
orionsonofneptunubottu what is the name of test to see if you are bott or human07:09
ubottuI am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)07:09
Jordan_Uorionsonofneptun: Please stop.07:09
hanslandaanyone can help me configuring my keyboard07:09
dracnoc#join ubuntu+107:09
orionsonofneptunok why is my pc when booting ubuntu 11.10 install cd stuck on splash screen for 30 minutes whats the deal son07:09
orionsonofneptunim still looking at splash07:10
orionsonofneptunwhat the heck07:10
CFHowlettorionsonofneptun   *friendly word in your ear; drop the "son" please*07:11
orionsonofneptunwhats wrong with son?????07:11
orionsonofneptunubottu is son exeptable07:12
ubottuorionsonofneptun: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)07:12
rymate1234ubottu, hai07:12
sluckxzorionsonofneptun: http://blog.js-development.com/2012/01/help-ubuntu-1110-wont-boot.html07:13
waheedhi, I'm using ubuntu 11.10 and the places, system, and applications menus have disappeared without any customization I done..how to display it again??07:13
sluckxzboot options07:13
sluckxztryem out07:13
cooldman224ubottu: why u nub07:13
ubottucooldman224: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)07:13
rymate1234ubottu, y so srs>?07:13
ubotturymate1234: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)07:13
hanslandaanyone can help me configuring my keyboard07:13
=== shaf is now known as erkk
waheedhi, I'm using ubuntu 11.10 and the places, system, and applications menus have disappeared without any customization I done..how to display it again?07:14
monserhello all07:15
CFHowlettmonser greetings07:15
monseri want to block this driver from being loaded every time at boot time ohci_hdc07:15
monsermy machine hangs because of this driver07:15
hanslandaanyone can help me configuring my keyboard?07:16
=== tsimpson_ is now known as tsimpson
monserI can not see files created under windows and named with Cyrillic alphabet.I see only  ??? , no cyrillic  characters .How to fix it?07:18
* Descriptioned goodmorning07:19
Zeusking19Morning :)07:19
waheedhi, I'm using ubuntu 11.10 and the places, system, and applications menus have disappeared without any customization I done..how to display it again???07:20
DescriptionedUBUNTU FTW all ubuntu users are lucky... fu winblows :P07:21
ubottunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit07:21
=== _Masduqe|Off is now known as Masduqe|Off
Zeusking19Descriptioned: I use both, but Ubuntu is better.07:22
DescriptionedZeusking19: i use dual boot also, and i got  3 laptops, with diff OS07:23
Zeusking19Descriptioned: That is ok then :D07:23
DescriptionedStill Ubuntu are the best u can do it all as on other os07:23
Descriptionedjust need to have a little knowlege07:23
kapz using ubuntu 11.10 32 bit on desktop. Gcalctool won't display currency exchange rates in financial mode...however other pc having 64 bit ubuntu does show currency rate...07:24
hanslandaanyone can help me configuring my keyboard?07:24
Zeusking19 Sure07:24
orionsonofneptunim stuck on ubuntu splash07:24
CFHowlettorionsonofneptun   from cdrom or from hard drvie07:25
sluckxzhanslanda: what language?07:26
anushVery bizzare filesystem issue. The sort order of a period (.) seems to be between the alphabets J and K. See paste: http://paste.ubuntu.com/884429/07:27
orionsonofneptunim trying to boot install cd07:27
anushReproduced on 11.10 and 10.1007:27
orionsonofneptunin optical drive07:27
Jordan_Uanush: What localization?07:28
CFHowlettorionsonofneptun   did you md5sum check your .iso?07:28
=== Guest57717 is now known as Termana
Jordan_U!md5 | orionsonofneptun07:28
ubottuorionsonofneptun: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows07:28
CFHowlett!md5sum|orionsonofneptun   always so that you ensure you've got a clean iso07:28
ubottuorionsonofneptun   always so that you ensure you've got a clean iso: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows07:28
orionsonofneptunits a good cd07:28
anushJordan_U: it should be en_US, but how to I verify?07:29
Jordan_Uanush: Try reproducing the problem with "LC_ALL=C ll"07:29
CFHowlettorionsonofneptun   do you *know* that the iso you downloaded is good?  do you *know* that the cd burn was good?  No?  Do your checks.07:29
orionsonofneptunyes i use it all the time07:29
anushwow, that command shows the correct order07:30
anushwhat's the issue?07:30
orionsonofneptunits good unless some one steals it everytime i try to use it07:30
CFHowlettorionsonofneptun   you've got a mysterious error.  The process of trouble shooting means eliminating possible causes.  Do the checks.07:30
Jordan_Uanush: Order depends on your localisation, not all languages / regions have the same alphabet.07:30
orionsonofneptunive verified cd a hundered times07:30
orionsonofneptunwhat else to check07:31
anushJordan_U: got it, let me check what I have07:31
anushfor my reference, what does LC_ALL=C do?07:31
orionsonofneptunit works fine in all other computers07:31
Jordan_Uanush: It sets all localization preferences to the default of 'C' (which basically means English).07:32
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orionsonofneptunits my eyes or monitor or bois or some other hardware im shure07:32
horseatingweedsI've installed samba and kdenetwork-filesharing on kubuntu, but when I try to run the modules to configure, like "kdesudo kcmshell4 fileshare" it says it could not find the module.07:32
Jordan_Uanush: Using it on the same line as a command sets it only for that one command.07:32
anushJordan_U: how do i permanently set it?07:34
hanslandasluckxz, can u help me? keyboard language is portuguese Brazil07:34
theadminhanslanda: Which do you want it to be?07:34
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Jordan_Uanush: I don't actually know.07:34
anushJordan_U: Alright, I'll poke around, but this was really helpful. Thanks so much for pointing me in the right direction.07:35
Jordan_Uorionsonofneptun: Try different kernel parameters at boot, especially try adding "nomodeset" and removing "splash" https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions07:35
hanslandatheadmin, portuguese brazil  abnt2 .... there are some keys that arent right like the ”?” and others07:35
Jordan_Uanush: You're welcome.07:36
sluckxzsorry no idea. i speak only us english and never had to worry about that stuff.07:37
theadminhanslanda: setxkbmap br -model abnt2 # That work?07:37
hanslandasluckxz, theadmin  ive connected a keyboard and a monitor to my notebook...and the keyboard is giving me a headache07:37
sluckxzweres ubot07:37
hanslandatheadmin, YOU ARE THE GUY!!! MANY THANKS MAN07:38
sluckxzthanks hanslanda !07:38
theadminhanslanda: No problem, now add that to your startup apps so you don't have to do it every time07:38
sluckxzhaha oops good job theadmin07:39
hanslandatheadmin, sluckxz how can i add it to my startup apps?, im a beginner..sorry07:39
theadminhanslanda: Which Ubuntu version are you running?07:39
hanslandatheadmin, youll be angry with me...but there in #xubuntu nobody helped me...im running xubuntu07:40
theadminhanslanda: That's no problem, uh, go to the menu, settings, settings manager, session and startup, you'll find it somewhere there07:40
orionsonofneptunhow do i remove splash07:41
ServerSageWith a towel?  :)07:41
ServerSageorionsonofneptun: Are you talking the splash at boot?07:41
orionsonofneptunand you know what is wierd i see different welcome screen on toshba then on my dell why is that it should be the same cd07:42
theadminorionsonofneptun: Uh, your BIOS boot splash?...07:42
anushJordan_U: I found out that my locale is in fact en_US.UTF-8. see http://paste.ubuntu.com/884437/07:42
orionsonofneptunyup trying to boot install cd07:42
anushso, not sure why it's a problem07:43
theadminorionsonofneptun: Well the BIOS splash is different and that's more of a hardware thing07:43
orionsonofneptunthe try ubuntu screen is totally different on toshiba then dell07:43
hanslandatheadmin, sorry if im boring u...but one last question.. do you know how to remove mouse acceleration? i tried this, but without success07:44
sluckxzthese are the questions you will ponder for the rest of your life...07:44
theadminorionsonofneptun: Ah, that, I dunno -- it does that sometimes, the graphical menu doesn't always start, grub thing07:44
orionsonofneptunim getting when i hit f1 stopping modem connection fail07:44
theadminhanslanda: "mouse acceleration"?07:44
MongooseDon't have a screesaver on but when I am going to be away from my computer for 6 hours I turn my monitor off but when I come back and turn it on the monitor light goes on but the monitor screen stays black. I then have to reboot the computer for the monitor to come back on. Any ideas what is happening?07:45
hanslandatheadmin, yes...im a gamer...and work a lot with graphic editors...07:45
orionsonofneptunstarting cpu interupts balancing daemon fail07:45
theadminhanslanda: So... what exactly is that thing?... I'm not so sure what you mean.07:46
orionsonofneptunstarting lightdm display manager fail07:46
theadminorionsonofneptun: Meh, unsupported graphics card likely, try nomodeset07:46
orionsonofneptunstarting cups printing spooler/server fail07:47
CFHowlettMongoose   Preferences>power management settings07:47
theadminorionsonofneptun: Or... If that much stuff fails, you sure your system meets the minimum requirements (512 MB RAM, i686 compatible CPU, etc)07:47
orionsonofneptunwhat is nomodeset and how do i do it07:47
orionsonofneptunits x86 1.7ghz and 1.5 ram07:47
tMHhello everybody.07:48
theadminorionsonofneptun: Hm okay.07:48
orionsonofneptunit should hold this 32 bit 11.1007:48
CFHowletttMH   greetings07:48
tMHdoes someone knows how to get ping results like these on ubuntu (or freebsd, even):07:48
tMH2012/03/15 11:46:43.644 : Reply[1] from ya.ru: bytes=32 time=3.5 ms TTL=5607:48
tMH2012/03/15 11:46:53.859 : 77.246.*.* request timed out07:48
FloodBot1tMH: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.07:48
triscuit#join xchat07:48
tMHtime stamped ones, telling when site is down too.07:48
CFHowletttMH   not sure what you mean?  ping www.google.com07:48
orionsonofneptunwhat is nomodeset and how do i do it07:49
tMHCFHowlett - I need to put some far site to test with ping results written to the file and take a look day after if there were ping reply faults.07:49
anushJordan_U: So I changed my locale from en_US.UTF-8 to C (/etc/default/locale) and all is well now. Still not quite sure why the en_US locale is causing weirdness with sort or, but it's clearly a locale thing.07:49
theadmin!nomodeset | orionsonofneptun07:49
ubottuorionsonofneptun: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter07:49
BuisSseI have installed C-ICAP07:50
BuisSsealthough i cannot find the ldap_module.so07:50
tMHCFHowlett - so I need the ping the can put timestamp - 2012/03/15 11:46:53.859 on each ping reply _AND_ tell me when the site is not pinging: 2012/03/15 11:46:53.859 : 77.246.*.* request timed out07:50
tMHCFHowlett - fping for win32 is the best ping console utility, but it's a win32 one ;(07:50
tMHcannot find the same for unix console..07:50
hanslandahello there...anyone can help me? how can i remove mouse acceleration (xubuntu)?07:50
CFHowletttMH   understood.  sorry, the only ping test I ever do is google - which has ALWAYS answered.07:51
tMHCFHowlett - heh...07:51
tMHI wonder if fping/win32 will run on reaktor os...07:52
tMHor should I install wine..07:53
Jordan_Uanush: I'm not sure that's actually a good idea. I can't think of any right now, but that might have unintended consequences.07:53
CFHowletttMH   sorry, responding to spam - more the your point, what you're doing is over my head.  Very sorry, IDK.  Please ask in channel.  check 2 winehq.org07:53
CFHowlett*check @ winehq.org*07:53
Jordan_Uanush: And if you're writing scripts you should always take locale into account (usually by *temporarily* setting LC_ALL=c) when sorting.07:54
anushJordan_U: Hmm, ok, the reason why it was a problem in the first place was because scripts were getting one order and java was getting another (causing naming mismatches). I suppose we can start using LC_ALL=C going forward, but what's bizzare is that this sort order thing is relatively new. Used to be fine before.07:55
Jordan_Uanush: It's a common thing which programmers miss, but in any language you need to consider locale when sorting.07:56
Jordan_Uanush: Any programming language that is :)07:56
anushGot it. Thanks again.07:56
Jordan_Uanush: You're welcome.07:57
orionsonofneptunok so press enter on nomodeset07:57
orionsonofneptunthen what07:57
cookie1980tMH: date & ping something maybe07:57
orionsonofneptuntheadman you there07:59
orionsonofneptunok im at nomodeset and pressed enter to x it so now what to do to try ubuntu without installing08:01
DogearsWhich version of wine should be installed  I currently have 1.008:02
theadmintMH: Still here? Try this: http://sprunge.us/TbAI (wrote for you, run it like "./scriptname google.com" for instance, gives the output in a style like you want)08:05
agilmanIm trying to restore apache2 configuration to the defaults as they are indicated in the package.08:05
agilmandpkg-reconfigure doesn't seem to do anything08:06
cookie1980what´s wrong with ping -D hostname -C 108:06
orionsonofneptunok im at nomodeset and pressed enter to x it so now what to do to try ubuntu without installing08:10
shadeshttp://www.ubuntu.com/wiki/Rt2500WirelessCardsHowTo 404 8 C08:10
agilmanagh, so I installed apache, and I think I messed up the conf file08:11
agilmanhow do I restore all the /etc/apache files to the default files that come with the package?08:11
theadminagilman: sudo apt-get --purge remove apache2 && sudo apt-get install apache208:12
tMHtheadmin - lemme try:)08:14
antonio_for some reason skype keeps on crashing...I open it...and it closes after a few seconds08:14
orionsonofneptunok im at nomodeset and pressed enter to x it so now what to do to try ubuntu without installing08:15
tMHcookie1980 - the problem #2 is that default ping doesn't show when the host is down...08:15
tMHunlinke windows' one08:15
tMHunlike even08:15
tMHok, I decided to run that win32 fping on wine. is it possible to run wine in portable mode, from one folder, without installation ?08:16
theadmintMH: No08:17
tMHtheadmin - too bad..08:17
orionsonofneptuntheadmin hey can you anser me08:17
tMH2nd one - is wine runnable on freebsd? (I understand this is not freebsd channel, but anyway?;)08:17
subhojit777how to install patch file?08:18
theadmintMH: Yes, look at their site08:18
tMHtheadmin - aha, I see. thanks)08:18
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orionsonofneptunok im at nomodeset and pressed enter to x it so now what to do to try ubuntu without installing08:20
antonio_for some reason skype keeps on crashing...I open it...and it closes after a few seconds08:21
orionsonofneptunam i invisible???08:22
orionsonofneptunsome verification please of my existince08:23
chris_abyiorionsonofneptun, you're clearly visible08:24
orionsonofneptungood to hear08:24
orionsonofneptuni guess no one knows08:24
orionsonofneptuntheadmin wont anser thou08:24
orionsonofneptunhow to pm him08:25
Stokeddouble click on the name08:25
orionsonofneptuni suspecct some one is talking for me or theadmin would anser what we were working on ok im at nomodeset and pressed enter to x it so now what to do to try ubuntu without installing08:26
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orionsonofneptunok i pressed escape and enter on try ubuntu without installing im at a blank screen with cursor flashing its been thier a whie08:29
cookie1980tMH if you set option -C 1 you only send one packet, if 100% are transmitted -> host is up and 0% -> host is down08:30
zykes-anyone here got clues on upstart ? http://pastebin.com/MsNvH3n1 how does it get the status of the process ?08:31
orionsonofneptunnow its at a different splash screen what to do its sitting thier08:31
cookie1980tMH: or give nmap (portscanner a try)08:32
orionsonofneptunits been a few minutes08:32
p1mp_how do i set my computer to startup to terminal instead of x?08:33
orionsonofneptunok now it says kernel panic    ncing:attemted to kill init !08:33
theadmin!text | p1mp_08:34
ubottup1mp_: To start your system in text-only mode append 'text' (without the quotes) to the kernel line in the grub menu. You can access the grub menu by pressing Esc (Grub legacy) or Shift (Grub2) during boot. For more info see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions#Text%20Mode08:34
orionsonofneptunnot syncing08:34
orionsonofneptunany ideas08:34
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p1mp_what does append mean08:36
Squall5668add it next to whatever is written there08:37
BuisSse^awAnyone using ICAP?08:40
p1mp_im running linux mint. im unsure of how to get into editing the grub like you were saying08:44
p1mp_shift was not working08:44
crizzy!mint | p1mp_08:44
ubottup1mp_: Linux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org08:44
p1mp_its not the same grub file?08:44
szaldoesn't matter, *buntu != Mint08:45
wadieI need help please!08:46
wadieI've just installed Ubuntu 11.04 and it's kinda slow08:47
wadiedual booting with Windows 708:47
Sifrazooywhat is the development channel08:50
dwatkinsthere's a development channel?09:04
FirartixHey, was wondering, how exactly do you add packages to the ubuntu repos ? Is there some form & rules list somewhere for that ?09:04
FirartixI just noticed that world's most awesome game is missing :p09:05
dwatkinswhich game, Firartix?09:05
dwatkinsWhat are you looking for Sifrazooy?09:06
dwatkinsI'm not familiar with that game, Firartix09:07
Firartixthe original game data still got license troubles09:07
Firartixbut the engine & total conversions would be complete free09:07
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dwatkins'FreeSpace 2 is a 1999 space combat simulation computer game developed by Volition, Inc. as the sequel to Descent: FreeSpace – The Great War.'09:08
FirartixIt got fanupgraded since09:08
dwatkinsYeah, I can't see them releasing the source and letting go of the license for that.09:08
FirartixLooks more like a 2008 Commercial game09:08
FirartixThe source is abandonware09:08
FirartixI dunno what it actually is, but it's some kind of attribution / share-alike / non-commercial09:08
dwatkinsYou could ask Volition, Inc.09:09
FirartixThat's not waht i mean09:09
FirartixYou can redistribute the game engine and it's source code09:09
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Guest79092Any body out there who can help me out09:09
FirartixThe license permits that09:09
dwatkins!ask | Guest7909209:09
ubottuGuest79092: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience09:09
Firartixso it could really be added to the officials repos09:10
dwatkinsFirartix: perhaps, if it ran on something other than Windows ;)09:10
Braden`I cannot connect to anything on localhost09:10
Braden`It just hangs forever09:10
Firartixdwatkins: the SCP upgrade is multi-platform09:11
Firartixruns on win32, osx and *nix09:11
dwatkinsBraden`: is the interface up at-all? can you ping localhost?09:11
Guest79092Hey can anyone help me out with dsniff tool09:12
Braden`ifconfig --> venet0    Link encap:UNSPEC  HWaddr 00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00 inet addr:  P-t-P:  Bcast:  Mask: UP BROADCAST POINTOPOINT RUNNING NOARP  MTU:1500  Metric:1 RX packets:6751904 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0 TX packets:6946996 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0 collisions:0 txqueuelen:0 RX bytes:761646938 (761.609:12
Braden`MB)  TX bytes:1253586716 (1.2 GB)09:12
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!09:12
dwatkins!pastebin | Braden`09:12
ubottuBraden`: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.09:12
BuisSse^awanyone here using ICAP09:12
Braden`It was a single line...09:12
Firartixactually, no, twos :P09:12
Braden`Odd, on my screen I see only one.  Possible the ircd broke it into two09:13
Braden`root@explansuite:/etc/postfix# ping localhost -- PING localhost ( 56(84) bytes of data.09:13
Ztanesudo: unable to change to sudoers gid @11.1009:13
Braden`hangs there09:13
FirartixSo hey - i looked at the games list in the software center thingy - and...09:13
Ztanewhat could be the reason?09:13
usuarioi love you09:13
tdnI have encrypted rootfs with lvm/luks as chosen during install. How do I change the keys? I am aware that I can normally change luks keys with cryptsetup luksAddKey /dev/sdX, however, I am not sure whereto change the key, when using luks with LVM?09:13
FirartixWhen i think there's such a good looking, free, open source, awesome, multi-platform game and it's not in it it's really a shame09:14
Ztaneanyone know why sudo would complain about "unable to change to sudoers gid" in gnome terminal in an install with only the initial user account, using the initial user account09:15
Braden`Anyone know why localhost wouldn't be responding?09:15
locsmifBraden`: firewall09:16
waheedhi, I'm using ubuntu 11.10 and the places, system, and applications menus have disappeared without any customization I done..how to display it again?09:16
locsmifBraden`: look for "lo" in iptables output09:16
Braden`its not there09:17
locsmifBraden`: if you're filtering ICMP irrespective of interface, you have a problem too09:17
locsmifBraden`: so wipe the firewall clean to test it09:17
Braden`iptables is emtpy09:17
Firartixbah, just going to post on the forums09:17
locsmifProbably not09:17
waheedhi, I'm using ubuntu 11.10 and the places, system, and applications menus have disappeared without any customization I done..how to display it again??09:18
locsmifBraden`: policies could be set to DROP while the tables are empty, many things could be going on09:18
Braden`Fixed it.  ifconfig lo up09:19
Braden`Thanks for the assistance :)09:19
locsmifIf you have lo in ifconfig output and you get no ping reply, netfilter is the most likely culprit save for a kernel bug09:19
locsmifWell, okay, no lo in ifconfig output then ;-)09:19
shadesfor some reason with this new version of buntu i can't seem to find out signal/noise in kismet and iwconfig doesn't tell me signal strength09:19
locsmifFirartix: you could install it without the repo, why not?09:20
FirartixWhat do you mean?09:20
locsmifFirartix: what do you mean? :)09:21
FirartixI'd like to put a FS package on the repo to make it available to more people :P09:21
FirartixI just had a look at the "top games" section of the Software Center thingy.... Obviously stuff like freedroidRPG and OpenTTD are really good but i still feel like FSO is one step ahead of this - yet it's missing09:22
Ztanesudo: unable to change to sudoers gid - what could be the reason?!09:23
FirartixThe FSO community has been running for 10 years, the amount of work that has gone into this is just colossal, and i feel really sad there's so few people knowing about it09:24
Ztaneand why does the unable to change to sudoers gid now occur??09:24
sacarlsonZtane: what is it your tring to install?09:24
Jordan_Ushades: I still recommend asking in #kismet09:25
FirartixThe only other linux platform spacesim i've seen is vegastrike and it's really getting old09:25
Ztanemy gf 7000km away is trying to run sudo, not install anything :D09:25
colorfasthello ,everyone09:25
shadesJordan_U: I already did09:26
shadesit isn't specific to kismet it seems09:26
vladimirhow mount share folder ?09:26
sacarlsonZtane: what is the full line your attempting in sudo09:26
Ztanesudo apt-get install openssh-server09:26
vladimirhow mount share folder ?09:26
Jordan_Ushades: What did they say?09:27
shadesnobody responded yet09:27
sacarlsonZtane: what about sudo ls;09:27
Ztanei cant try anymore09:28
Ztanebut is apt-get limited or something09:28
Ztaneon fresh  11.10 install09:28
Ztaneor whaat09:28
sacarlsonZtane: it would be limiting if that user is not in the sudoers list09:29
Ztanethe only user09:29
Ztanei need to remind in 10 years i have never seen that message on any computer of mine09:30
Ztaneit says "ztane is not in sudoers"09:30
KrissedZtane try in terminal: sudo visudoers09:31
Krissedand see if your account is in there09:31
Jordan_UZtane: What is the output of "groups"?09:31
shadeswhy wouldn't iwlist wlan0 scan tell me signal strength?09:31
ZtaneKrissed: and how do i sudo visudoers if the sudo does not work09:32
KrissedZtane you boot up on a livedisc and create a new user i suppose.09:32
MeirDHey, I am running a PS1 git command prompt to show me the current branch I am at.. It works fine, however, when I run "screen" , I get "-bash: __git_ps1: command not found".. What can be the reason for this?09:32
ZtaneJordan_U: ok will check that, but ... is sudoers group now needed on pristine oneiric09:33
ZtaneJordan_U: the problme is the user is not at the computer anymore :?09:33
Jordan_UZtane: No, but "admin" is (and is the default for the default user created).09:33
Ztaneah ok, so sudoers gid == admin.09:33
Ztaneis there something like a "safe session" or something like that that now drops the admin gid from the gidlist09:34
parapan_hello everyone ...is there any way to re-install evolution under ubuntu 10.04 LTS ???09:34
theadminparapan_: sudo apt-get --reinstall install evolution09:34
Jordan_UZtane: No, there is a guest session but that would have the username of "guest".09:34
parapan_theadmin: that will delete / rewrite all files, including config and so ???09:35
theadminparapan_: No, your configs are stored in your home directory, APT won't touch them09:35
d1vadhi all09:35
ZtaneJordan_U: my gf said she saw her username in terminal, I still dont know if that is to be trusted though :D09:35
theadminparapan_: Just delete them if they're broken and let evolution recreate them09:35
MeirDany ideas?09:36
parapan_theadmin: k, that's what I want ....cause i'm having troubles importing a pst file ...09:36
d1vadI need some help. I hope some1 can help to me about virtual memory allocation for wine. :>09:36
parapan_and I think reinstall may solve this .....hopefully ....09:36
theadminparapan_: Probably not09:37
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wadieHelp please!!09:43
zabomberhey guys. i have ubuntu 11.10 connected now to an 46" led tv. i can see the picture but the unity launcher on the left is half there... its like the resolution is too big? i've tried lowering the resolution but that doesnt help? any ideas?09:43
parapan_theadmin: what is tricky ...every 2 reinstallation of ubuntu evolution works without any problem ....09:44
ksbalajiHelp! My 10.4 fails to boot beyond login. It complained that gnome-power-manager configuration files were incorrect and I removed gpm . Still no progress.09:48
ksbalajiI am on live cd now.09:48
parapan_theadmin: it did not change a single thing ......09:49
parapan_theadmin: i want to completely purge evolution from Gnome, then reboot, and after that install ...is that possible ???09:50
theadminparapan_: Well sure, but09:50
Krissedzabomber its perhaps expanding the desktop instead of duplicating it ?09:50
theadminparapan_: It won't fix anything -_- Reinstalls never fix anything, unless there is some missing file09:51
parapan_theadmin: Ok, but how come 3 months ago I've imported pst with no problem and now I cannt ?09:51
theadminparapan_: I dunno, some upgrade introduced a bug likely09:52
zabomberKrissed: theres no second screen. its a "tv" computer now...09:52
nhelkeHi all09:53
nhelkeDoes anyone know where I can ask a Unity question?09:53
parapan_theadmin: is there any other way to convert pst into something else and import into evolution ??? from my research it seems there is no other mail client for ubuntu which deals with .pst files ...09:53
theadminparapan_: Dunno, sorry09:54
Krissedzabomber ah ok. hmm the resolution could be wrong yes. i dont know what would fix it though09:54
theadminnhelke: Right here, unless you mean the "Unity Linux" project.09:54
parapan_theadmin: k thanks man ...09:54
Krissedanyone know which mail clients which would work with exchange ?09:54
nhelkeOk. I'm trying to find a document documenting the decision to move the menu bar to the top of the screen. I think it was to save pixels but I need a citable source.09:54
AI|loopwadddup ubuntu lovers!09:57
GOMIi want to extract a .img file(backup usb stick) , can someone tell me what command to use for it ?09:59
AI|loopsudo rm -f *.img10:00
MrHanjrahGOMI: sudo mount -o loop /path/to/*.img /folder/to/mount/on10:01
locsmifGOMI: what kind of file system inside the img?10:01
locsmifGOMI: single partition, multiple partition, etc. etc.10:01
GOMIlocsmif, single partition , i made the backup because it crached ...it gave me a partition called "raw" (weird)?!?10:03
GOMIMrHanjrah,  thanks i will try that.10:03
riktkingmy desktop has a hdd that will boot but has bad sector issues when trying to clone using clonezilla , will using dd sort my problem? thanks10:04
AI|loopI doubt it will be able to recover the one bad sector, but you should be able to backup all other sectors of the drive10:05
Sifrazooydwatkins:  i want plasmoids development channel10:08
ksbalajiwhat is (while booting) error 28.1542321 end_request: i/o error, dev, sr0, sector 4096 ? please?10:09
dwatkinsSifrazooy: I have no idea how that relates to Ubuntu support ;)10:09
speddieHard drive controller error it sounds like10:10
Sifrazooydwatkins: thnx :D10:10
speddieOr something to do with the drive and controller10:10
MrHanjrahksbalaji: sr0 is basically your cd/dvd rom, some bad cd/dvd in the rom might be the problem10:10
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ksbalajispeddie, MrHanjrah, how to solve it please10:10
speddieMaybe try installing from a USB drive or to a usbdrive or both10:11
speddieTo rule our whrethe error is10:11
ksbalajiMrHanjrah, ok. it is solved. I removed the erring dvd. Now, about my HDD not booting beyond login. I need help.10:12
riktkingAI|loop, im not bothered about whats on the bad sectors, i just want to clone the drive on to a new one10:12
speddieDoes it wen get o Ubuntu?10:12
aQutedo i need to register a domian name to genrate a ssl cert can t i do it with IP10:12
speddieDownload hirens boot CD and use arronia to clone the drive10:14
MrHanjrahksbalaji: any errors?10:14
speddieAcronis sorry10:14
MrHanjrahhiren's boot cd <3 :)10:14
AI|loopaQute: http://www.akadia.com/services/ssh_test_certificate.html10:14
speddieStupid tablet autopredict10:14
speddieTo clone HDD10:14
riktkingspecious, is that better than dd?10:15
speddieThe loop, try installing to a USB to rule it controller error10:15
speddieHirens boot CD ftw. Tech's best friend10:17
riktkingimon that now10:18
triscuitI've been trying to install an nvidia driver for 12 hours ...10:18
speddieWhat model video card and version of Ubuntu?10:19
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triscuitgeforce and not ubuntu, was just complaining :)10:20
riktkingright im being a n00b and cant find where to get hirens boot CD10:20
riktkinghttp://www.hiren.info/pages/bootcd is where im goin but cant find a downloadlink10:20
triscuitIt just keeps getting corrupted10:20
bgs1hi. updates yesterday to lightdm seem to have wrecked some elements of my theme and I wondered if anyone could help me undo or rollback the changes made yesterday10:21
bgs1for instance, I have disabled global menu by removing appmenu-gtk3, gtk, -qt10:21
riktkingno bother i have found it10:22
bgs1and windows seem to be drawing version of that menu which is nonfunctional anyway10:22
speddieTrisvuit o think because of some legal reason you can't download direct. Try a third party mirror. Don't need a torrent just search for a mirror or download site10:23
MrHanjrahHiren's boot cd, direct link for those who cant find it: http://www.hirensbootcd.org/files/Hirens.BootCD.15.1.zip10:23
speddieOh cool10:23
riktkingMrHanjrah, thanks i have found it!10:23
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speddieThanks was just bout to go searching. Also looks like my ISO of hirens is out of date10:24
MrHanjrahspeddie: lol after looking at this link, mine's out of date for sure10:24
MrHanjrahi've got ver 9 or similar...10:25
triscuitI'm doing it from the nvidia website, not sure if it's the right way (I am using gnome10:25
bgs1anybody got any help for removing updates installed by the Update Manager..?10:27
riktkingso what tool should i use on hirens?10:28
MrHanjrahriktking: depends what you want to do10:28
speddieHirens is an ISO so burn that ISO to a CD like you did Ubuntu10:28
riktkingMrHanjrah, i need to clone my HDD as it has bad sectors, have tried clonezilla but it stops due to the errors as does DD and DD_rescue10:28
speddieBoot to hirens CD10:29
riktkingyeh i get that i need to boot10:29
riktkingi have never cloned a hdd before!10:29
speddieSelect backup tools10:29
riktkingahh ok10:29
speddieOnce you do you think wow why diddnt I know this before10:29
riktkingit looks like it is a dream CD10:29
speddieIts awesome I swear by it10:30
riktkingso what would u use to clone a HDD?10:30
MrHanjrahuse wisely :)10:30
riktkinghaha like a jedi!10:30
speddieYou can also make images of hard drive like that ISO file10:31
x_clonezilla, riktking10:31
speddieBatery dead bye10:31
riktkingx_ i tried clonezilla and it b0rked cos of he bad sectors10:31
locsmifHow do I check for Firefox addon updates?10:36
riktkingis there a way to get round the bad sectors problem??10:37
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locsmifHas this feature been disabled by the Ubuntu team? I don't mean automatic updating, I mean checking right now10:37
locsmifriktking: dd-rescue10:37
riktkinglocsmif, tried that, b0rked10:37
riktkinggot to 44% and failed :(10:38
bgs1dunno if anyone noticed my question, but I figured it out10:38
icerootriktking: yes, buy a new hdd10:39
icerootriktking: and put your backup on the new hdd10:39
riktkingyeh i have a new hdd, want to clone my system onto it, any idea on how to do this with the bad sectors10:40
alexbligh1Dumb question: assume I really do know what I am doing. How do I use apt-get / aptitude to update one single package (preferably without pinning everything else in the system).10:40
icerootriktking: not possible10:40
icerootriktking: you cant restore corrupt data10:40
bgs1to roll back the software updates, I viewed the history in Ubuntu Software Center and used Synaptic to Force Version on the previous version of each updated package (nautilus and lightdm were each updated yesterday).  It was probably the nautilus updates that wrecked my desktop theme, I guess.10:40
riktkingi know, but the drive in the system is working, just too damn small10:40
locsmifriktking: here's what I do10:40
riktking(60 gig) so i have brought a new drive (160gig) and want to clone onto it10:40
ikoniariktking: clonezilla10:41
riktkingclonezilla said no10:41
riktkingit failed10:41
icerootriktking: you CAN NOT restore corrupt data10:41
riktkingi know10:41
ikoniawhat do you mean, "said no"10:41
ikoniaooh, it's corrupt10:41
ikoniaI missed that part10:41
icerootriktking: if your hdd is broken you CAN NOT get the corrupt data from that10:42
riktkingsoi cant clone a drive with the bad sectors, even tho the drive is working fine10:42
bgs1alexbligh1, I would use synaptic to do that.  I know you explicitly mentioned the other package managers, but I don't know how to do that with those, so I would use synaptic.  Any reason why you don't want to use it?  (I'm pretty new at this)10:42
alexbligh1bgs1, because I am working on a command line system10:42
locsmifriktking: put the harddrive in the fridge for a while (yes, really), then after getting it out and making sure it's dry, hook it up inside an USB enclosure and run dd conv=noerror10:42
locsmifThat's about it.10:42
icerootriktking: you can say dd to ignore corrupt data (man dd) but corrupt data is always bad10:42
riktkingoh ok10:42
bgs1alexbligh1, that's a good reason!  sorry, I can't help :/10:42
locsmifriktking: screw clonezilla10:42
dr_willis ddrescue can try to revover the bad data10:42
alexbligh1riktking, use dd with the noerror flag10:43
riktkingthanks guys10:43
alexbligh1riktking, obviously you will copy the corrupt sectors as corrupt data10:43
alexbligh1but you will get the whole thing off, and then might well be able to restore using a file based method10:43
riktkingbut then will i be able to fix um on the new hdd?10:43
alexbligh1My preferred method would be:10:43
alexbligh1dd with noerror, which will give you an image with your bad sectors with bad data in but will not error10:44
alexbligh1then try and mount it. You might need fsck10:44
bgs1alexbligh1, according to http://askubuntu.com/questions/44122/upgrade-a-single-package-with-apt-get, it says just use apt-get install <packagename>; did this not work?10:44
alexbligh1then rsync -a to a freshly formatted filesystem10:44
alexbligh1you will need to reinstall grub etc10:44
alexbligh1you might well have files with corrupted content, but your metadata (directory structure etc.) will then be ok.10:45
bgs1alexbligh1 sorry, I shouldn't ask "did this not work" as you may not have tried it yet!10:45
NoTITo__has anyone ran Ubuntu on Sun blade 6000? or have references?10:45
alexbligh1riktking, I thought there was a dd that retried after resetting the HD, but I can't find it now10:45
riktkingalexbligh1, thanks for the advice10:45
NoTITo__Sun 6000 blade chassis that is10:46
riktkingcan i ddrescue from drive to drive direct?10:46
dr_willisriktking:  check out ddrescue10:46
sbtr__# cat /etc/issue10:46
sbtr__Ubuntu 8.04.1 \n \l10:46
sbtr__recommended upgrade path?10:46
alexbligh1bgs1, I don't think so - it is saying "already the newest version" - but I think I might need to do the update first. Ideally I wanted to just update that, but let me try...10:46
ikonia!upgrade > sbtr__10:46
ubottusbtr__, please see my private message10:46
icerootNoTITo__: x86 or sparc version?10:46
sbtr__to Ubuntu 8.04.4 LTS first?10:46
ikoniasbtr__: the bot sent you a pm with a link that shows the upgrade options10:46
sbtr__ikonia: ok thx10:47
ikoniasbtr__: I suggest reading that document and deciding where you want to go10:47
dr_willisnormally you make a image of the drive or partion you are rescueing into a file10:47
sbtr__ikonia: all LTS releases show LTS in /etc/issue right?10:47
ikoniasbtr__: /etc/issue is just a file, don't trust it10:47
icerootsbtr__: now10:47
ikoniasbtr__: lsb_release -a10:47
icerootsbtr__: no10:47
sbtr__iceroot: since when? :)10:48
sbtr__ikonia: ok thx10:48
icerootsbtr__: 12.0410:48
d1vad___1hi all10:48
icerootsbtr__: my 12.04 does not show LTS in /etc/issue10:48
bgs1alexbligh1, you're right, I think if you run update you'll update all the dependencies too.   Sorry I can't be of more help.  From your advice I can clearly see you're several levels ahead of me in knowledge anyway!  I'm just googling the question.10:49
NoTITo__iceroot: i86pc  | 64-bit amd64 kernel modules10:49
icerootNoTITo__: then ubuntu should be running fine on it10:51
icerootNoTITo__: only with the sparc version of that blade you will get problems10:51
zabomberhi guys. anyone know how to enable remote desktop in ubuntu via the terminal?10:52
phpN00bhow to install lamp in ubuntu in one command?10:52
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NoTITo__iceroot: thanks! any references?10:53
zabomberphpN00b: you would want to do it one by one... that way, you know every setting about every part of LAMP.. which you will require further down the track of learning php10:53
ubottuLAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)10:54
phpN00bzabomber, I don't need to learn the settings. I am already familiar with them10:54
zabomberphpN00b: http://www.linuxcandy.com/2011/11/how-to-install-lamp-in-ubuntu-1110.html10:54
BenkinoobyphpN00b, http://www.unixmen.com/install-lamp-with-1-command-in-ubuntu-1010-maverick-meerkat/10:55
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riktkingneed a bitmore help, what flag do i put on ddrescue to force it to ignore errors?10:55
zabomberhi guys. anyone know how to enable remote desktop in ubuntu via the terminal?10:55
dr_willisriktking:  i normally let it try to recover everything. theres some tutirials on using it online.10:56
moedneed help confuguring a tv card on ubuntu 11.1010:56
MtvIRC_usrHello world10:56
dr_williszabomber:  for the currect x session or yiu just need a desktoo. like vnc does10:57
moedit has a saa7130 chipset10:57
ubottuVNC is a protocol for remote desktop. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VNCOverSSH describes how to use it securely.  It works best over fast connections, otherwise look at !FreeNX10:58
MtvIRC_usrI haz a problem10:58
zabomberdr_willis: so how do i enable vnc on the ubuntu box via ssh? im helping a friend?10:58
dr_williszabomber:  if you are doing remote help. yiu may want to use teamviewer10:59
zabomberdr_willis: ok. thanks10:59
dr_willisvnc is very flexiable. teamviewer more focused fir helping others11:00
dr_willisand more secure11:00
zabomberdr_willis: i know. but vnc was my first option... at the box, they can enable it, i just wanted to know if there was a quick command to enable "remote desktop sharing" on ubuntu so that i could access it remotly...11:00
AdvoWorkim trying to copy files from a server (via naut...) to a folder on my desktop, but it keeps saying: No Data available, or permission denied etc etc, any ideas why please? i can do it on another client machine11:01
dr_williszabomber:  thats maiinly for local lan access11:01
riktkingdoes dd resce have a gui?11:01
zabomberdr_willis: i know. but i am vpn'ed in... and its pretty fast. teamviewer is not the most stable on ubuntu especially when connecting from a newer client11:02
dr_williszabomber: gnomes vino is there. but teamviewer is mist likely a better tool11:02
dr_williszabomber: you cant enable vino. he would have to.11:02
zabomberdr_willis: thanks so much! just came across vino on google11:02
zabomberdr_willis: http://askubuntu.com/questions/71309/how-do-i-enable-remote-desktop-connection-on-xubuntu-11-1011:02
dr_willisvino is very very flakey last i tried it11:03
zabomberdr_willis: i see you need to have a screen session :(11:03
dr_willisno idea what that guide says. :)11:04
dr_willisi tend to use teamviewer over internet11:04
dr_willisor vnc for local lan11:04
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moedplease anybody, need help setting up my tv card, chipset saa7130 tunner tnf983511:06
mi3how can I backup my updates?11:08
ubottuThere are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning11:08
locsmifToo bad partimage is dead11:08
moedplease anybody, need help setting up my tv card, chipset saa7130 tunner tnf983511:09
locsmifI liked it11:09
mi3MonkeyDust, I would like to backup the updates that have been downloaded by the update-manager, I dont want to backup my system..11:09
newerI install another linux os, but now  i want to remove then, how to do that?11:09
locsmifmoed: why, no driver loaded?11:09
locsmifmi3: you want an apt-mirror?11:09
mi3sort of.. dont know what that is locsmif11:10
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neweranyone help me?11:10
moedno, actually am a newbye and don't know too well my way around11:10
locsmifmi3: do you want you updates to be available to several computers without having to reget them on each?11:10
locsmifmi3: you can cache them11:10
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mi3I just want to backup them thats all locsmif, incase my sys crashes, i want to restore them11:11
newerI need help...11:11
locsmifmi3: /var/cache/apt11:11
locsmifnewer: why?11:11
locsmifnewer: you can just install something else over it11:12
mi3locsmif i even know the directory in which they are kept11:12
mi3locsmif can I pm you?11:12
locsmifmi3: keep it in channel11:12
locsmifnewer: keep it in channel too11:12
locsmifI can't deal with multiple pms anyway11:12
mi3suggest me some methods that are easier according to you locsmif11:13
locsmifmi3: imaging11:13
moed<locsmif> mind helping me steeing it up?11:13
locsmifput your /home on a different partition and create compressed images of your root filesystem, with dates in the filename11:13
newercan you help me?11:14
locsmifmoed: I don't know that much about tv cards11:14
locsmifnewer: with what?11:14
newernow i use ubuntu11:14
moedwas with the tv, thank you anyway11:15
mi3locsmif, here is the scenario, i have a pc in office that has ubuntu and is connected to the internet 24x7 and i have another one at home and thats not connected, but i want to keep it updated, what would you suggest locsmif?11:15
locsmifHmmm, seem like partimage is back11:15
locsmifmi3: see about partimage and partclone11:15
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locsmifmi3: aha, I see11:15
locsmifmi3: interesting setup11:15
locsmifI think I would install an apt mirror on the work PC, saving to an external harddrive11:16
dr_willisnewer:  delete or reformat or resize the other distros partions. with gparted if yiu want11:16
locsmifThen point your local Ubuntu PC to that as file://11:16
MagePsychoguys how to find the latest modified files recursively?11:18
dr_willisMagePsycho:  find has date and time options11:19
encrypt_hi any way to get network manager back to work?? have tried with iwconfig, NetworkManager, nm-applet which doesnt show any network.11:19
MagePsychodr_willis: can you help me.. find ...11:19
dr_willisman find.and look.for.tutorials online11:19
dr_willisi rarely use it11:20
encrypt_hi everybody11:21
encrypt_i run an upgrade this morning and after restarting NetworkManager is not working, have to use the live-cd to get connected to the internet11:22
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience11:27
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BuisSse^awIs LDAP auth currently available with C-ICAP?11:28
aethelrickhi room, does anyone know how I can understand which /dev/??? device a USB Virtual COM port is connected to if I have the info for the device from lsusb11:29
aethelrickit's easy if I only have one device connected, but gets trickier when I plug in a bunch11:30
riktkingaethelrick, have u tried plug one in, then two, then three11:30
Ztane(last sudo11:31
aethelrickriktking, yes I have, I'm coding a management program for the devices in question and I need to understand how to map the bus and device id's to the actual /dev/??? names they are allocated...11:32
aethelrickriktking, I'm guessing there's a predictable system in there somewhere... maybe I can go read kernel code or something :S I was hoping someone here might know :)11:33
riktkingaethelrick, i was just trying to think of a logical solution! seems like you are a bit beyond me!!!!11:33
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ubottuDon't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/11:34
ubottuhal is in the process of being deprecated.  See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Halsectomy and http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hardware_abstraction_layer for more info.11:34
dr_williswhat replaced hal..11:35
dr_willisi get all the hardware subsystems confused.11:35
MonkeyDust"In GNU/Linux, it is in the process of being merged into udev (main udev, libudev, and udev-extras) and existing udev and kernel functionality. No specific replacement for non-GNU/Linux systems has been identified."11:36
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KomasiLook at this.11:40
m4dtuxgood morning to all the chan11:40
guest-NEOqc9soft to face ip on ubutu ?11:40
m4dtuxsorry guys just a quick one11:40
Komasi"I think this is one reason that most men don't care they were cut. How could a "flap" of skin really change all that much? The answer is that it's not a flap of skin, it's a unified structure that performs a function like no other part of the human anatomy, male or female."11:40
guest-NEOqc9i wan't face ip11:40
guest-NEOqc9can who help me11:40
m4dtuxwhat is the difference between the mail.log and mail.info in postfix11:40
Ztanem4dtux: they are actually handled by syslog daemon11:41
Komasi"After discovering I was cut at 23, I went through more than a year and a half of crippling depression." <-- How does it happen that a man discovers at 23 that he was cut? I mean, no one told him?11:42
icerootKomasi: stop it11:42
icerootm4dtux: imo mail.log contains errors too11:43
moedanybody can help with a saa7130 tv card11:43
iceroot!anyone | moed11:43
ubottumoed: A high percentage of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.11:43
Ztaneiceroot: i think mail.info contains them too, depending on syslog daemon and default configs11:44
Komasi"what i want more then enaything else on the matter is to know the names of those responsible in my paretns families and of the doctor wh ocircumcised me wehn i was born so i can hunt each bastard and bitch down and make every single remaining momen of the rest of their fucking lives a livign nightmarish hel;l" <-- How some men respond to learning they are genitally mutilated.11:44
iceroot!op | Komasi11:44
ubottuKomasi: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, jpds, gnomefreak, bazhang, jussi, Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler or Jordan_U!11:44
KomasiGrow up.11:45
KomasiThere's no damned channel emergency.11:45
KomasiThere's no damned channel emergency.11:45
moed<ubottu> well i am sorry everybody. Let me rephrase my question. Can anybody help me set up a saa7134 chipset tv card11:45
icerootmoed: reread the text from ubottu. we need more infos11:46
icerootmoed: we need the real problem11:46
guest-QR3OKAwath is the password for anonymus os11:47
MonkeyDustwhat is anonymous os?11:47
icerootguest-NEOqc9: ask there channel11:47
moedwell i am a newbie and don't know my way around ubuntu very well. I did a lspci and found out it's a ''01:00.0 Multimedia controller: Philips Semiconductors SAA7130 Video Broadcast Decoder (rev 01)''11:48
MonkeyDustmoed  that describes the card, not the problem11:49
aethelrickmoed, sounds good so far... now that it's plugged in and recognized by the system, how are you trying to use it and what symptoms of failure do you see (if any)11:49
kingfisher64can someone tell me how to make it so the top navigation bar which currently only shows the menu options onhover will permanently show the menu options?11:49
Elfemoed: had that one, it worked for me11:50
moedi want to use it with tvtime, i have tried few setup guides i found online but neither of them did work for me11:51
Elfemoed: I had the analogue version, I used tvtime11:51
MonkeyDustmoed  in what way does it 'not work'11:51
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moedtvtime states no tv signal11:52
Elfemoed: are you sure the signal is OK?11:52
ElfeI have a Hauppauge 5500 here which has bad signal issues, while our TV has no problems at all11:53
moedyes bwell it works perfect with windows11:53
moedso i guess the signal is ok11:54
moedhow  can i tell if the card is set up correctly?11:55
Elfeis the module loaded, did you try FM radio11:55
moedi think that's what i am having issues with11:56
mcb_1moed: The command $lsmod will list all modules present in your system.11:56
moedi think it's loaded, can i post the output on here11:58
hateball!paste | moed11:58
ubottumoed: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.11:58
ThomI wander if anyone could help me?12:00
aethelrickmoed, your card uses the chip you can see in lspci but may require an extra parameter to be passed to it so that the system known which implementation the card is (i.e. the rest of the stuff on the card that linux also needs to drive)12:00
kingfisher64anybody know how to get rid of autohide on the top navigation bar in ubuntu 11.10?12:01
aethelrickmoed, What is the exact make and model of your card?12:01
crizzykingfisher64: not possible12:01
jn__Anyone know  good darkish banshee theme12:01
kingfisher64crizzy - i've done it before - i can't remember how though12:02
ThomI'm using deluge bittorrent client but it forgets where i set the directories to when I reboot12:02
kingfisher64or even what it's called12:02
nucleusI downloaded a .iso, i have extracted and now the folder has alot of files .rpm what is the command in the terminal to install all the .rpm ? Because i just find how to install one on one12:02
ikonianucleus: you don't use rpm's on ubuntu12:02
moedwell on the card it says lightwave lw-pci tv12:03
ikonianucleus: what are you trying to do ?12:03
aethelricknucleus, rpm is a redhat package manager file, sounds like you've got the wrong iso, look for .deb files instead :)12:03
moedand on the steel box inside which i guess is the tunner there tnf9835-biff12:03
nucleusIm trying to install a program called Trixbox12:03
moedI am sending a link with the output of lsmod12:04
ikonianucleus: it looks like it's a black box type distro for a pbx12:04
user1HI, how to remove launch icon on task bar in ubuntu 11.10, pls help me...12:06
crizzyuser1: 2nd click on it?12:06
nucleusikonia so how can i install it? Because i downloaded the installation for Linux and when i extract the .iso i only see files .rpm its the é* day im using linux, im still not very confortable with the system.12:07
user1crizzy, i didnt get u12:07
nucleus2* day sorry.12:07
ikonianucleus: I don't think you install it, you boot the ISO and it's a linux distro already (from how I'm reading it)12:07
crizzyuser1: 2nd click on the icon in launcher12:07
user1crizzy, then ....12:08
nucleusLinux distro ? A  distribution like Ubuntu ?12:08
crizzy... then choose remove from launcher?12:08
unomianyone using google-chrome unstable?12:08
user1crizzy - showing launch and properties12:08
pengwubuntu is the best yeah man12:08
aethelricknucleus, I use Asterisk on ubuntu all the time... I think Trixbox is a re-distribution of asterisk isn't it?12:08
unomiAfter my last upgrade it is thrashing my cpu and can't load anything12:08
moedI am sorry but i need help loading the terminal output to imagebin12:08
nucleusYes it is. Exactly!12:09
pengwi finally employed the AMD openCL SDK on it12:09
MonkeyDustmoed  type your_command | pastebinit12:09
JelloPopnucleus: http://distrowatch.com/table.php?distribution=trixbox12:09
ThomI'm using deluge bittorrent client but it forgets where i set the directories to when I reboot. I even edited the config.json but deluge replaced it12:10
pengwlinux just orsome12:10
ThomAnyone have ideas why that is happening?12:10
aethelricknucleus, I don't use trixbox myself, but installing asterisk is easy... just "sudo apt-get install asterisk" in a  console12:10
nucleusPeople told me to install " trixbox asterik " thats why i have searched for trixbox, but since im clear now, what i want is using asterisk on ubuntu.12:11
sbtr__!update sbtr__12:11
aethelricknucleus, trixbox is a whole linux distribution (based on Centos) with asterisk in it12:11
moedok thanks, lsmod output http://paste.ubuntu.com/884685/12:12
nucleusHaa. Thanks for the information.12:12
nucleusIm installing it now, thank you very much.12:12
aethelricknucleus, if you type asterisk into the software centre, you will see the stuff you need to install12:13
nucleusIm installing it now with the terminal12:13
nucleusLike you said.12:13
aethelricknucleus, that's ok aswell :)12:13
nucleusThank once more.12:14
nucleusThank you*12:14
moed<aethelrick>  <Elfe>: here's the output http://paste.ubuntu.com/884685/12:15
aethelricknucleus, config files are in /etc/asterisk once install is done... it should just work out the box, but you will likely want to tighten up the security a bit and make sure you don't leave an open SIP relay out on the internet (it WILL be abused)12:15
aethelrickmoed, have a look here... http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=156721212:16
nucleusI will do it. I tried to use backtrack as my first distribution, but i only see cracking tools installed. I believe Ubuntu is easier and more for Normal using.12:17
captbunzoHi Ubuntu-ers... I've got (hopefully) a simple question.12:17
aethelrickmoed, if you look at the second post, the person is using modporbe to (-r) unload kernel modeuls then reloading them with a card=21 parameter...12:17
captbunzoI've got a lovely new ubuntu setup and was having trouble with the graphics driver and overscan/underscan.12:17
captbunzoI've found a way using xrandr to fix the problem.12:17
aethelrickmoed, this card=21 is what you need I guess (or some other number that is the right one for your card)12:17
captbunzohowever, I'd like to find a way to have the settings applied automatically, as opposed to via the manual command.12:18
aethelrickmoed, a little lower down, there is a list of cards with the right numbers... check in there for your card and substitute the 21 for the right number...12:18
captbunzoa lovely page on the ubuntu side suggested setting it in my gdm startup scripts.12:18
Elfemoed: the modules seems loaded, but maybe the options are incorrect. This should be explained in the howtos. I only followed them, I'm fairly new to Ubuntu too, sorry.12:18
captbunzoalas, it doesn't seem gdm is even installed anymore.12:18
moed<aethelrick> i don't see anything like my card name on that list12:19
moed<aethelrick> thanks for your help anyway12:19
captbunzoso first question - what does ubuntu 11.11 use itsead of gdm?12:19
aethelrickmoed, you can use dmesg to watch for the right card number just after reloading the module12:20
Elfemoed: I just remember wasting a lot of time looking for the right numbers and options, in the end it did work.12:20
MonkeyDustcaptbunzo  lightdm12:20
captbunzothanks MonkeyDust12:20
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nucleusaethelrick its already installed but i dont see wheres the icone in applications :\12:20
moedElfe : how do you know u have the right card number?12:21
Elfepicture :)12:21
aethelricknucleus, asterisk is a service, not a GUI application. you cn start the service by typing "sudo /etc/init.d/asterisk start"12:21
captbunzoalternatively, does anyone know how the underscan settings in an xorg.conf file?12:21
Elfetry them, my card wasn't on the list either moed12:22
captbunzothat'd seem to be a good way to solve my problem as well.12:22
nucleusOhh. ok. Thank you again12:22
aethelricknucleus, you can change the word "start" in that command to "stop" or "restart" to stop and erm... restart the service12:22
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aethelricknucleus, your dial plan and device configuration is in some simple text files found in /etc/asterisk12:22
aethelricknucleus, everything you ever wanted to know about asterisk and configuring a dial plan can be found here http://www.asteriskdocs.org/12:23
aethelricknucleus, have fun :)12:24
nucleusThanks for the information, i will have a look12:24
aethelricknucleus, I think some graphic config tools exist (gastman I think ??) but I've not used them because the text files are so simple and powerful there is no need, ymmv however. I think gastman is in the software centre12:26
captbunzonow to find out if I want a display-setup-script, greeter-setup-script and/or session-setup-script12:27
silkychi guys, how do I tell ubuntu to boot to run level 3 via the grub boot screen?12:28
MonkeyDustnox| silkyc12:29
MonkeyDust!nox| silkyc12:29
ubottusilkyc: To start your system in text-only mode append 'text' (without the quotes) to the kernel line in the grub menu. You can access the grub menu by pressing Esc (Grub legacy) or Shift (Grub2) during boot. For more info see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions#Text%20Mode12:29
captbunzowoot. try to try out my new config :)12:29
moed<Elfe> : i think 21 is the right card number, tvtime-scanner found a few channels and is still searching. Now what should i do next?12:32
Elfemoed: if it works, nothing I guess. I'm not sure how to save that number for the next reboot.12:33
moedthanks for your help, think you guys did put me on the right path12:34
slsjoin #als12:34
silkycMonkeyDust, I'm not sure where the "kernel line" ends12:35
silkycthere's so much text in the params12:35
jordan4ibanezcanonical has millions of dollars..they make nice OS's but they don't have a built in video editor in ubuntu12:36
jordan4ibanezdon't they understand people who use ubuntu want to edit videos?12:36
Picijordan4ibanez: pitivi should be installed by default.12:36
jordan4ibanezpitivi is laggy (on 10.10) i'm on 10.10 because 11.10 is bs >:(12:37
silkychi guys, how do I tell ubuntu to boot to run level 3 via the grub boot screen?12:37
jordan4ibanezbut..canonical has the funds..they need to stop REWORKING some thing that WORKS and improve apon it..NOT BREAK IT12:38
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jordan4ibanezlike it makes me extremely angry...why can't canonical just make their own video editor?? they can build a whole operating system..but not make a video editor12:39
jpdsjordan4ibanez: It's not BS, you just don't like change.12:39
MonkeyDustjordan4ibanez  then where do you draw the line, everybody wants something else preinstalled12:39
jpdsjordan4ibanez: Also, the video editor was written by a community.12:39
facslnxHOT:  o/12:40
jordan4ibanezit is bs..if you move forward while ignoring obvious things that people DONT want..then you're microsoft12:40
Ztaneis there a way to make unity NOT hide the launcher bar under maximized windows12:40
jpdsjordan4ibanez: Do you prefer GNOME 3?12:40
captbunzoawesome. problems solved. thx people12:40
silkycjordan4ibanez, I think building a video editor would be harder that piecing an OS together based on Linux12:40
MonkeyDustZtane  there CCSM and a PPA for MyUnity12:41
jpdsjordan4ibanez: Because it was upstream GNOME that dropped support for the classic GNOME.12:41
MonkeyDustjordan4ibanez  has a point, tho, Canonical should focus more on applications, rather than on a fancy new desktop interface12:42
jordan4ibanezno..i prefer to have a NO bs straightforward desktop that was gnome 2..i know canonical still has snap shots of it..they just "want to move forward" and remove the menus ..THE MENUS ..we have people making fun of the operating system because of the choices their making12:42
bitplaneZtane: sudo apt-get install compizconfig-settings-manager12:42
jpdsjordan4ibanez: Right, now who's going to support that code or GNOME isn't going to?12:42
jordan4ibanezyes...i don't understand why they do that!12:42
jpdsAnyway, enough of this !offtopic.12:43
bitplaneZtane: then search for ccsm in the app launcher menu, you can chaneg it in the "ubuntu unity plugin" section12:43
jordan4ibanezcanonical can..they support of the whole os ..and they've BUILT UNITY! its all theirs! so don't tell me that they can't support gnome 2 alone.12:43
forbidden404Hi, guys, I have two questions, the first one is about a partition in my HD, I already did put in the etc/fstab, everything correct, and with the rw option, but when I try to save something in there, appears a error like "You don't have the permission to save in here" and the second one is about the Dexter, from elementary, I know there's no stable version, but I want to install anyway, I already added the PPA but I can't install, even in the termi12:44
forbidden404nal, what should I do in the both cases?12:44
forbidden404Ok, guys, just say that dont want to help, don't need to disconnect haha12:46
silkycHow can I boot into run level 3?12:47
quiescensforbidden404: default mounting options will either use the per-file permissions if supported for the fs type, or if it doesn't have permissions it will only be writable for root unless you specify a user or group in the mount options12:47
forbidden404quiescens: /dev/sda5     /media/Forbidden404     ntfs auto,rw,exec,users,dmask=000,fmask=111,nls=utf8   0   012:48
forbidden404I guess the mount options are right12:48
nibbler_silkyc, used to go via /etc/inittab, but guess due to startup this is not valid anymore :/12:49
go8765hello. i have problems with ubuntu dualboot. grub dons tee win7 after update-grub. can anybody please help me with this?12:51
quiescensforbidden404: to my knowledge, at last check, ntfs mounting doesn't support actual per user permissions, you will need to have a uid=(user's id) option, or gid=(a group id containing the users that need to have write acess), and/or umask=(something that will allow the appropriate access)12:51
garmetI'm having some trouble installing ubuntu (and linux mint 12) on my new machine, I insert a CD/DVD and it stops at detecting USB mouse right after SCSI removable disc. Anyone recognize these problems?12:52
forbidden404oh, I will try this, I hope that it works... actually I have to save things in my dropbox, to when I change the OS, download the files ):12:52
Sidewinder1forbidden404, Try sudo chown -R yourusername:yourusername media/disk(or_uuid)12:53
quiescensthey can't chown files on an ntfs mount12:53
Sidewinder1ah, NTFS, missed that; sorry.. :-(12:53
* Sidewinder1 Either needs to learn to read or pay more attention; or stop multi-tasking..12:56
dbuggerhey guys. Can someone please explain me how the split function works? Im reading the tsref page, and honestly I cant make sense out of it :P12:58
bazhanggarmet, md5 the iso, burn very slowly, do the disk integrity check12:58
bazhang!md5 | garmet12:58
ubottugarmet: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows12:58
bazhang!hashes > garmet12:58
ubottugarmet, please see my private message12:58
MonkeyDust!info tsref12:58
ubottuPackage tsref does not exist in oneiric12:58
MonkeyDustdbugger  what's tsref?12:59
yenice to see you12:59
dbuggerMonkeyDust, http://typo3.org/documentation/document-library/references/doc_core_tsref/4.1.0/view/5/6/12:59
garmetbazhang md5? check the hash? thought it was strange since the install worked on another machine13:00
bazhang!info typo3-src-4.5 | dbugger13:00
ubottudbugger: typo3-src-4.5 (source: typo3-src): TYPO3 - The enterprise level open source WebCMS (Core). In component universe, is optional. Version 4.5.3+dfsg1-1 (oneiric), package size 19488 kB, installed size 68268 kB13:00
chronosSomeone more having troubles with 12.04 Nvidia drivers? I can't set my dual monitor setup correctly. The nvidia-settings setup second monitor as first monitor!13:00
starsinmypocketsTrouble getting apache to start... 'no listening ports available'..  netstat shows:      unix  3      [ ]         STREAM     CONNECTED     8013:00
starsinmypocketsunsure what this is or how to disable in order to let apache in?13:00
bazhangchronos, #ubuntu+1 for 12.0413:00
dbuggerbazhang, what?13:01
bazhanggarmet, tried nomodeset?13:01
bazhang!nomodeset | garmet13:01
ubottugarmet: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter13:01
Sidewinder1!precise > chronos13:01
ubottuchronos, please see my private message13:01
bazhanggarmet, or try the alternate installer13:01
bazhangdbugger, tsref is in that package13:02
garmetbazhang hm. I dont get any screen where I can set nomodeset. I dont get inside GRUB or anything like that13:02
chronosbazhang already told me ...13:02
garmetbazhang I'll check the links13:02
bazhanggarmet, then try the alternate installer13:02
Sidewinder1chronos, That's why I said oops; sorry.13:02
bazhang!alternate | garmet13:02
ubottugarmet: The Alternate CD is a classic text-mode install CD. It supports a wider range of hardware than the !LiveCD, and can also be used as an upgrade CD. http://www.ubuntu.com/download/ubuntu/alternative-download#alternate - See also !minimal13:02
* Sidewinder1 Definitely needs that second cup of coffee..13:03
starsinmypocketsI guess I need to determine what process is listening at port 80...13:04
cookie1980netstat -a I think does it13:04
Picistarsinmypockets: sudo netstat -tanp13:04
Peyton_When I try to install ubuntu alongside windows it gives me an error saying, "Unable to gain permissions" Can anyone help?13:04
dbuggerbazhang, MonkeyDust  well, i wanted to say that ive been looking at the documentation and I dont understand very well split. I wonder if anyone could explain me how to use it13:05
MonkeyDustdbugger  is it development?13:06
Peyton_When I try to install ubuntu alongside windows it gives me an error saying, "Unable to gain permissions" Can anyone help?13:07
dbuggerim trying to apply for example split with image objects, but it doesnt work: http://pastebin.com/gfBYkKLz13:07
dbuggerMonkeyDust, What do you mean?13:07
bazhangThe full documentation for split is maintained as a Texinfo manual. dbugger http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/oneiric/man1/split.1.html13:07
cookie1980Peyton_ did you boot your computer with an ubuntu media?13:07
dbuggerOh man...13:08
dbuggerIm in the wrong channel13:08
Peyton_I was trying to install ubuntu13:08
dbuggerSorry guys, I was talkinga bout other language :P13:08
MonkeyDustdbugger  you're question is beyond me, i was just curious and don't know what i mean ;)13:08
dbuggerMonkeyDust, My fault. Seems like I have a brain freeze, and I even forgot to check the channel I was :P13:08
InBarhi all, is somebody using Tomboy through a proxy ?13:09
iceroot!anyone | InBar13:09
ubottuInBar: A high percentage of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.13:09
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ArmaeasAnyone knows how to setup an ssh-tunnel on shellmix?13:11
ubottuPlease give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."13:11
garmetbazhang So, I have successfully booted with liveCD now, thx for the help.13:11
bazhanggarmet, ok nice13:11
vatzecWhere can I find old kernels to install for Ubuntu 11.10? Wifi doesn't work with this kernel.13:12
vatzecI have an Asus Eee PC 1005HA (H) and though it connects, I can't access machines further away than my domain (uj.edu.pl)13:12
bazhangvatzec, you should have older kernels already, choose from grub menu13:12
MonkeyDust!wifi| vatzec before you try to ruin your system, look here13:12
ubottuvatzec before you try to ruin your system, look here: Wireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs13:12
reith2004wow new updtaes... kernel 3.0.0-1713:13
vatzecbazhang: 11.10 was installed fresh on this laptop, so I don't have pre-11.10 kernels13:13
bazhangvatzec, you dont want to mix version kernels13:14
vatzecBut since Ubuntu 11.10 I can no longer access my university net13:14
vatzecIn fact, connect to the outside world from the university13:14
Peyton_When I try to install ubuntu alongside windows it gives me an error saying, "Unable to gain permissions" Can anyone help?13:14
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vatzecIt's really hard to say what the problem is.13:15
reith2004Peyton_, are you using wubi installer?13:15
vatzecBut I can ping the machines. I can't view other things, such as webpages. And the pings are a bit weird (they say "New nexthop" and "Redirect").13:15
Peyton_Yes I'm using the Wubi installer13:15
MonkeyDustwubi :(13:16
Sidewinder1+1 wubi :(13:16
MonkeyDustPeyton_  better use the live cd if you want to try Ubuntu13:16
reith2004thats the problem... try to run wubi as administrator13:16
Peyton_Okay, thanks13:16
Sidewinder1It works.13:17
bazhangxpider, try #test13:17
xpidersorry guys13:17
jallingHow do i get a cs PCW channel? :)13:19
jallingHow do i get a cs PCW channel? :)13:19
bazhang!alis | jalling13:20
ubottujalling: alis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" for help and ask any questions about it in #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu* or /msg alis list *http*13:20
jallingCan anyone help me join a css PCW channel? i am looking for a css match13:21
bazhangjalling, I just told you how to13:21
addy780hello every body13:21
jallingplease bazhang can you help me?13:22
jallingi wanna play 5v5 on css pcw game13:22
jallinghow do i get to a channel13:22
bazhang /msg alis list *yourchannel* jalling13:22
soreaujalling: /j #channel13:22
addy780can any body tell me how to run graphic hearder file in ubunutu13:23
addy780tell me saparete software for compiling c language in ubunutu 1113:23
neohavenHello there #ubuntu. Quick question. Is there a simple way to get a complete (including DNS) DHCP response before run-init in an initramfs?13:23
helowhenever i start a qt or gtk app (qjackctl or gladish in this case), pulseaudio is automatically started... anyone know how to keep this from happening?13:24
soreau! ide | addy78013:24
ubottuaddy780: Programming editors/suites: Terminal-based: vi/vim, emacs - KDE: Kate, KDevelop, Quanta+, Umbrello - GNOME: gvim, gedit, anjuta, pida, monodevelop, geany - Others: eclipse, netbeans, qtcreator13:24
heloparticularly, what triggers pulseaudio to start13:24
jallingcan anyone give me a name of a css pcw channel? i wanna play 5v5 with my friends13:24
soreauaddy780: Ultimately you will use gcc to build C source though some programs like geany and eclipse can build in gui13:25
bazhangjalling, I told you how. /j #freenode for more help13:25
addy780sorear: could u tell me how can i get it please?13:25
addy780ubottu:is this name of software for c copiling13:26
ubottuaddy780: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)13:26
jallingbazhang can u please give me a channnnel????13:26
bazhangaddy780, an ide?13:26
bazhangjalling, /join #freenode13:26
jallingi already did that. i dont get help :P13:27
bazhangjalling, its been 5 seconds13:27
moedHi! think i loaded the right module for the tv card now, but tvtime have a blue screen13:27
soreauaddy780: To install basic development tools, sudo apt-get install build-essential13:27
moedi did scan for channels and it found some13:27
soreauaddy780: Then you can apt-get install geany or eclipse or whatever else you want too13:28
addy780soreau: ubottu:one more thing i wanna to ask is i download offline software for linux but i m uabel to run it like vlc it download but how can i run it simple in window just double click on it and i accept and next->next13:28
jallingbazhang, nobody want to help us, please give me a channel!13:28
soreaumoed: What are you using as an input source?13:28
MonkeyDustjalling  try http://www.gogloom.com/UniBG/5v5/13:29
soreauaddy780: ubuntu is not windows. Just do sudo apt-get install vlc13:29
soreauaddy780: ubuntu is not windows. Just do sudo apt-get install vlc13:29
moedsoreau: television13:29
soreau! pm | addy78013:29
ubottuaddy780: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.13:29
moedI am using television as source13:29
addy780soreau:i know ubuntu is not window i  ask if i don't have internet connection and take offline software setup from xp in office computer having internet connection how can i install it13:30
soreauaddy780: Yes, you can install software from the cd or you can download deb packages and install them on the other machine, provided the dependencies are satisfied13:31
addy780and last time i wanna to install java(need for this chat) it failed in ubuntu and message is appeared check internet connection i checked it internet connection is ok so what i do for install java13:32
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addy780soreau: could u please enlight me more13:33
soreauaddy780: My recommendation is to get the internet working first13:33
addy780soreau:what type of file system i have to download form which site and what to do after put software instalation file on ubuntu how install13:33
bazhang!offline | addy78013:34
ubottuaddy780: If you need to download Ubuntu packages using another machine or OS, check the desired packages in Synaptic and select File > Generate package download script. Alternatively, try http://ubottu.com/ljl/apt/ - See also !APTonCD13:34
addy780soreau:is i can's use it without internet connection13:34
chris_abyiHi guys, I'm using oneiric 64 bit and I'm looking for an update to 12.04 precise. I thought it was already available but it doesn't show up in upgrade manager?13:34
crizzyit's only beta yet13:35
crizzyif you wanna upgrade already you'll need -d parameter for update manager13:35
chris_abyicrizzy, I know13:35
crizzysudo update-manager -d13:35
bazhangchris_abyi, #ubuntu+1 for that13:35
soreauaddy780: I didnt say you couldnt, Im just saying your efforts would be better invested in getting internet working for that machine13:35
chris_abyibazhang, sorry, just recognized that!13:35
cyclist_2Hello, there! has anyone here had any success streaming videos with ffmpeg? I found excelent instructions, but -- in my case -- the process halted with the following error messsage: "Could not open 'rmtp://live.xxx.etc"; also, it seems that the only channel on this server about ffmpeg is for developers, so no luck there for me13:35
chris_abyicrizzy, cheers13:35
addy780soreau: tell me site where ican get software for ubuntu free of charge and tell me procedure for install it13:36
soreauaddy780: bazhang gave a good link13:36
soreau! offline | addy78013:36
ubottuaddy780: If you need to download Ubuntu packages using another machine or OS, check the desired packages in Synaptic and select File > Generate package download script. Alternatively, try http://ubottu.com/ljl/apt/ - See also !APTonCD13:36
moedsorreau: what do you think is the reason why i am getting a blue screen?13:37
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addy780bazhang:tell me procedure for install a software having setup file in my pendrive please?13:38
soreaumoed: my best guess would be that there is no active input from the source13:38
bazhangaddy780, did you not see the link for offline?13:38
garmetbazhang thx for the help! I found the "any key" so I could input some boot options ;)13:39
bazhangaddy780, I suggest you read it..13:39
addy780bazhang which link send me ones more13:39
ken_wmi interface not supported... pci hardware error, cannot enumeeate usb port, azx not responding and loadibg nto sng cmd mode which i cant rwx on hdd13:39
garmetbazhang everthing is working now.13:39
neohavenHello there #ubuntu. Quick question. Is there a simple way to get a complete (including DNS) DHCP response before run-init in an initramfs?13:39
bazhang!offline | addy78013:39
ubottuaddy780: If you need to download Ubuntu packages using another machine or OS, check the desired packages in Synaptic and select File > Generate package download script. Alternatively, try http://ubottu.com/ljl/apt/ - See also !APTonCD13:39
bazhanggarmet, great news13:39
worm_Excuse me, is there any IRC chatting rooms in other languages?13:39
bazhangworm_, sure, which ones13:40
addy780ok thanks13:40
MonkeyDustworm_  yes, what is your language13:40
ubottu如欲獲得中文的協助,請輸入 /join #ubuntu-cn 或 /join #ubuntu-tw13:41
bazhang#ubuntu-cn worm_13:41
addy780banzang:tell me site from where i can get free software free of charge13:43
speddiejust search for open source13:44
bazhangspeddie, thats not helpful13:44
speddielike say "open source office software"13:44
bazhangaddy780, all the repos software is free of charge, what did you need13:44
bazhang!google | speddie13:44
ubottuspeddie: While Google is useful for helpers, many newer users don't have the google-fu yet. Please don't tell people to "google it" when they ask a question.13:44
speddiei was getting to the open source but13:45
garmetspeddie I would go with LibreOffice.org if thats what you are looking for13:45
speddieyeh that or openoffice. both good13:45
MonkeyDustaddy780  Ubuntu uses its own software sources, called 'repositories' or 'repos'13:45
worm_maybe check the source? http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/ All of the applications are for ubuntu.13:45
addy780bazhang:i m sorry i know i interrept u but i wanna to learn c and for this i want a saperate software for compiling it but i still don't know how i get it13:45
moedsoreau : do you mind taking a look and telling me what's wrong http://paste.ubuntu.com/884792/13:46
bazhang!build-essential | addy78013:46
ubottuaddy780: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first)13:46
MonkeyDustworm_  addy780 there's also appnr.com13:46
addy780bazhang:The last address u send me i don't understand it13:46
=== Richard_Cavell_ is now known as Richard_Cavell
bazhangaddy780, please read the links13:46
worm_have a look at the file: !/etc!/apt!/source.list13:47
`KorvinHey, when booting up ubuntu goes to tty1 and the initcl script says it fails13:47
addy780bazhang i try to sudo apt-get install build but i want a saparete software as same as windonw have terboc13:47
escott`Korvin, can you be more specific. what fails?13:47
bazhangaddy780, its build-essential  , not build13:47
`KorvinI can't be more specific, switching to tty7 shows that everything is booting up correctly, it just halted after initcl failed13:47
`Korvinmaybe initctl13:48
phpN00bcan some one please tell me a tool to manage cvs repo?13:48
`KorvinI've had this problem before, and uninstalling then reinstalling nvidia drivers with the provided script fixed the issue, but this time, it failed asking for kernel devel repo13:48
moedwell i guess ''Sauraeu'' is gone,  can anybody else help me? having an issue with my tv card...http://paste.ubuntu.com/884792/13:49
addy780monkeydust:what to do afterdownlod it on pen drive13:49
khamerThere in any reasonable way to mark a directory so that all directories/files created within it default to the same group ownership as that directory?13:49
soreaumoed: I'm not sure I can help you but there is linux tv wiki's and such13:49
khamerchmod g+s somedir doesn't seem to do anything at all13:50
addy780HOW to get ide13:50
MonkeyDustaddy780  what you can do: download the deb files here and put them on a thumb drive http://packages.ubuntu.com/13:50
moedwell i did tried them, thanks for your support13:50
`Korvinescott, killing and starting kdm doesn't work either13:51
cba123I'm getting random hard freezes, where my keyboard doesn't respond (can't even REISUB).  I've found that some people have similar issues with the 3.0.x kernel, is there a repo for the 3.2.x kernel?13:51
escott`Korvin, so sudo service kdm restart does not start kdm. check your /var/log/Xorg.0.log then13:51
=== david is now known as Guest69919
`Korvinit says it starts fine and I can find it with top -b | grep kdm13:52
escottkhamer, g+s should be correct, but it would only be for newly created files13:52
`Korvinbut the gui never shows up13:52
addy780monkeydust: 1 last help please how to install/use/run these file in ubuntu11 please tell me in breif13:52
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escott`Korvin, ps aux | grep "/usr/bin/X" should say what tty it is on13:53
`KorvinI have to boot into it13:53
`Korvinone sec13:53
MonkeyDustaddy780  after you copied the files to the other pc, just double click the deb files to install -- you can also do dpkg -i file.deb in a Terminal13:53
khamerescott: http://pastebin.com/45hHgE7p13:54
`Korvinescott, got to get to work, I'll check that in a bit13:55
sskalnik__Let's say I have a kernel module file installed by package_normal.deb, but I want to keep it updated using dkms instead of downloading it manually for each new kernel. Do I need to uninstall the original package, or can dkms overwrite the module file without causing Bad Things?13:55
khamerescott: Ah ha, it looks like I need root permission to alter the setgid bit, regardless of ownership13:55
escottkhamer, no its that you need root permission to modify setgid for a group you are not a member of. at least thats my guess13:56
addy780monkeydust:i used to try it but when i double clik on it but not working for example i download vlc in zip and i double clik on it it open and have too many file in it so which file is use for install how can i know?13:56
heylekehi, my short story: using ubuntu 11.10 for a while, last days suffering from daily system freeze (no sysRq reboot possible), anybody some hints on how to debug this (no UART on laptop), kern.log does not contain anything, ...13:56
MonkeyDustaddy780  extract all13:56
khamerescott: ah, that could be too, I only just created that group for testing and haven't added myself to it yet13:57
khamerescott: thanks13:57
escottkhamer, otherwise you could run around marking random root owned files as setuid setgid and immediatly pwn a system13:57
MonkeyDustaddy780  i'm not sure about your last question13:57
addy780monkeydust:i extract all in home drive than i try to double clik on all but all open and vlc is still not install13:58
bazhangMonkeyDust, extract a deb?13:58
MonkeyDustbazhang  he said a zip file13:58
bazhangnot what he needs iirc13:58
=== 14WAAIONT is now known as worm
ayakahow to install the Embedded Ubuntu in 10.04 is it a ppa?if not, i know how to install it by apt13:59
MonkeyDustaddy780  try gdebi to unpack a deb file13:59
Edowardoso is a deleted partition recoverable if its encrypted?14:00
EdowardoI say nay14:00
Edowardoplease say yay14:00
Edowardojus tthe bale is gone, not the data14:00
addy780monkeydust:thanks for all u r help14:00
Edowardojust the table*14:00
=== r is now known as Guest55445
Sidewinder1Edowardo, You might have a look here to see if anything meets your needs: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_data_recovery_software14:03
Edowardosidewinder1: yeah atm I am using testdisk14:04
Edowardogpart said I had an hfs partition14:05
Edowardobut i dont think I ever used that14:05
Sidewinder1Edowardo, Yes, testdisk is another good one, not sure that it'll do what you want; I never needed to use it. ;-)14:06
codazodaI'm getting a "keyring did not get unlocked" prompt when I login.  I'm NOT using auto login and my keyring and login password both match.  How might I prevent the second password prompt?14:07
compdoccodazoda, its possible to remove the keyring14:08
codazodacompdoc, do you mean by setting it to a blank value?  That results in unencrypted keys, which I would prefer to prevent.14:09
MangoBoyHi i wonder if someone know how i can get udev to re-register a usb device from comandline? like i had pulled it out and plugged it in again.14:10
SunGlyphCan anyone recommend a decent mail client? Had all sorts of weird issues w/ Thunderbird.14:11
compdoccodazoda, I meant more along the lines of removing the keyring manager.14:11
compdocI dont use it myself14:11
ayakathank you14:11
mneptokSunGlyph: try Claws14:11
=== SuseQ is now known as MonkeyDust
SunGlyphmneptok: Thanks, will look it up.14:12
codazodacompdoc, I see.  I'm not exactly sure what it's actually used for.  Obviously it stores keys, but to what?14:12
Krambiorixhi guys, i follow this thread to have banshee in my ubuntu 11.10 Gnome classic top bar as a tray: http://www.webupd8.org/2011/10/gnome-shell-mediaplayer-extension.html  But...i can't find anything refering to this tray in the gnome_tweak-tool....14:12
codazodacompdoc, looks like it stores passwords for sites I visit on the web.14:15
fwolvehi everyone i've question14:16
codazodaI just reset my keyring password, then reset my system password, and I'll try a reboot to see if resetting them does any magic to fix this.14:17
MrHanjrahshoot it14:17
compdoccodazoda, I was googling why there is a keyring, and didnt have much luck finding an answer14:17
jpdscompdoc: It's where GNOME stores passwords.14:17
escottcodazoda, it is designed to handle all desktop passwords meaning passwords to instant messenger programs and email clients as well as being your ssh-agent14:17
compdocits a weird thing14:17
jpdscompdoc: Not really.14:17
jpdscompdoc: Where else are you going to store wireless passwords?14:18
bazhangfwolve, whats the issue14:18
compdocyou shouldnt need a password to use your passwords14:18
fwolvei just intalled ubuntu 11.10 on my vaio vpcca15fg. and it's running, but my laptop get overheat14:18
fwolveany solution?14:18
jpdscompdoc: If they are set to the password, you don't GNOME unlocks the keyring on login if so.14:18
jpdsto the same*14:18
escottcodazoda, generally your gnome-keyring password is configured to be the same as your login password, if you changed your password with passwd on the cli then this might be the cause of your problems14:18
SunGlyphfwolve: What's overheating, CPU, GPU, Hard Drive?14:19
fwolvemy laptop.14:19
=== Lupinedk is now known as lupinedk
codazodacompdoc, I think it makes it so that "your one password" unlocks all the websites and programs where you "save" your password.  Those typically use a different password than your login password, but you don't have to type all those in if you save them to your keyring.14:19
wormfwolve: How hot is it?14:19
fwolvei think the graphic card14:19
wormOver 70C?14:20
SunGlyphfwolve: Try installing the graphics drivers Ubuntu offers?14:20
fwolveworm: around that14:20
m477how can I display disk space taken by each folder?14:20
fwolvethis aptop has 2 graphic card first is intel, and the second one i radeon14:20
wormHave it made you feel unconfortable? Or is there any warning?14:20
codazodaescott, I'm not sure what messed it up.  My password has been the same for well over a year.  Something I did, however, broke this somehow.  I was hoping that changing the keyring and login password might solve it.  I'm going to disconnect and restart to see if that did the trick.14:20
codazodaThanks for the help everyone.14:21
SunGlyphfwolve: Intel one will be integrated, you'll want the AMD drivers.14:21
fwolveif i'm using windows for gaming, i'm using radeon, and it make my laptop temperature is increaase, but not as hot as i run ubuntu14:21
fwolvei think ubuntu run the AMD. thats why my laptop get overheat14:22
Reikokufwolve you need the ATI proprietary driver, not opensource14:22
fwolveall: how to solve this problem?14:24
compdocfwolve, is there an option for Cool and Quiet in the bios? that should be disabled14:25
compdocfwolve, there are some known bugs with power saving features14:25
fwolvecompdoc, so it's a bug?14:25
compdocvery possible14:25
fwolve.... nothing to do then lol14:26
elacheche_anisHi guys, I have a question about PXE & Kickstart, I've configure a PXE to boot using a miniCD, that works perfectly, but when I add the kickstart file to the boot cli it don't use it :/14:26
fwolveor i can do something to run this ubuntu without overheat?14:26
compdocfwolve, there was some news about the new Ubuntu coming out will fix some of that14:27
=== guesu is now known as welinux
* welinux thunderbird irc is probably acceptable 14:28
jschoolcraftwhy would ssh-add not be able to connect to my agent, when ssh-agent shows it?14:29
Krambiorixhi guys, i follow this thread to have banshee in my ubuntu 11.10 Gnome classic top bar as a tray: http://www.webupd8.org/2011/10/gnome-shell-mediaplayer-extension.html  But...i can't find anything refering to this tray in the gnome_tweak-tool....14:30
user1 hi, how to set vlc player as default in ubuntu 11.10, pls help me14:32
compdocfwolve, from the upcoming Ubuntu 12.04:   pm-utils now has two new scripts to power down USB and various PCI devices in battery mode. A number of desktop packages were fixed to wake up less often. Both of these reduces power consumption and thus battery lifetime.14:32
worm_user1 Are you using gnome (ubuntu)? If yes, then System Settings -> System Info -> Default14:35
tom1mt\join #modilabs14:35
fwolvecompdoc, i c about the power saving, how about the graphic card? since my laptop use 2 graphic card.14:35
fwolvei mean, has 2 graphic card.14:36
fwolveubuntu should use the intel, so it wont overheat14:36
elacheche_anisHi guys, I have a question about PXE & Kickstart..14:36
user1worn - thansk for the info14:37
_Cristiandoes the desktop installer support LVM?14:39
compdoc_Cristian, it doesnt use it by default, but I think it can14:40
bazhang_Cristian, the alternate does14:40
yoggI have problems with installing "texlive-base" (apt-get install texlive-base) on ubuntu 10.04.4.     "texlive-base" needs "luatex" and "luatex needs "zlib1g (>= 1:1.1.4)"14:40
elacheche_anisYes _Cristian, I remember that use LVM on a desktop ince14:40
mneptok_Cristian: no idea if it does now, because during the days it did not i got accustomed to just using the alternate installer.14:40
compdocI hate LVM. I love that Ubuntu doesnt use it14:41
_Cristiancompdoc: you don't know what you're missing :-)14:41
yoggbut zlib1g for 10.04.4 has version ""14:41
`Korvinit said it's running on tty114:41
mneptokcompdoc: uhhh ... i'm using 11.10 and LVM now,14:41
elacheche_anisyogg, try apt-get -f install14:41
compdocmneptok, thats nice, but I still hate it14:41
learn3rlove you ubuntu14:42
yoggelacheche_anis: does not work14:42
mneptokcompdoc: you still hate it, and Ubuntu still uses it.14:42
_Cristianmneptok: did you use the desktop installer?14:42
elacheche_anispastbin the error yogg14:42
mneptok_Cristian: like i said, i always use the alternate14:42
compdocmneptok, no, it doesnt use it - but you can use it.14:42
elacheche_anislearn3r, ubuntu loves you too ;) :p14:42
_Cristianmneptok: ok, thanks14:42
mneptokcompdoc: just like every other Linux distro.14:42
escott`Korvin, thats really odd, and presumably ctrl-alt-f1 does not show it14:43
compdocyou cannot backup LVM with clonezilla14:43
`KorvinI was in tty1 when I checked it =p14:43
yoggelacheche_anis: http://paste.pocoo.org/show/566077/14:43
elacheche_anisCommon guys!!! I give ubuntu support in #ubuntu-tn #ubuntu-eg and #sabily and when I need somone to support me I can't find anyone?? :o14:43
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bazhangelacheche_anis, with what14:44
escott`Korvin, i've never heard of that happening, im not sure what to do, other than check the Xorg.0.log14:44
elacheche_anisbazhang, I have a question about PXE & Kickstart, I've configure a PXE to boot using a miniCD, that works perfectly, but when I add the kickstart file to the boot cli it don't use it :/14:44
`Korvinescott, it has something to do with the nvidia driver14:44
=== Knorre`BNC is now known as Knorre
mneptokelacheche_anis: you should give help with no expectation of reward.14:44
elacheche_anislooool mneptok and when I need help what do I do??14:45
`Korvinescott, http://us.download.nvidia.com/XFree86/Linux-x86_64/295.20/README/installdriver.html14:45
* elacheche_anis will kill himself mneptok 14:45
amaroksHello when I use wget to download a .tar file I get 40414:45
`Korvinthats what I followed as ubuntu didn't pick up any drivers for my 570m14:45
mneptokelacheche_anis: the same as everyone else. ask. be patient. and don't demand something in return for your own efforts.14:45
welinuxamaroks : Show what is14:46
sacarlsonelacheche_anis: kickstart file?  what is it and where did you put it?14:46
MrHanjrahelacheche_anis: when someone with an appropriate answer to your question reads your query, he will answer to it, key is to be patient :)14:46
escott`Korvin, so thats always difficult. you may have to do something to fix it every time you update the kernel14:46
`KorvinI see14:46
amarokswelinux: http://newfoundlandcanvas.com/backup.tar14:46
amaroksthat file i compred14:46
amaroksits downloadable14:46
`Korvinto install it, it wants me to install the kernel source14:46
amaroksbut when using wget I get 2012-03-15 18:47:12 ERROR 404: Not Found.14:46
welinuxyogg: sudo dpkg-reconfigure texlive-base14:46
`Korvinhow can I install kernel source?14:46
elacheche_anissacarlson, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/KickstartCompatibility I need kickstart to do an automatique installation..14:47
iceroot`Korvin: headers or the real kernel source? and please remove the ` from your nick, its hard on qwertz14:47
sacarlsonelacheche_anis: ok got cha, let me take a look14:47
=== riordan is now known as iromica
Fabzmode +x14:48
elacheche_anisMrHanjrah, yeh I know it X) but I pass 1 week trying every thing with the kickstart but I can't make it work with PXE :/14:48
`Korviniceroot, it's asking for the source. it suggests installing kernel-source or kernel-devel14:48
elacheche_anisyogg, did you use sudo for the commands!14:48
welinuxamaroks: HTTP/1.1 200 OK14:48
elacheche_anisok sacarlson14:48
welinuxamaroks: what ? why?14:48
=== iromica is now known as riordan
amarokswget http://newfoundlandcanvas.com/backup.tar14:49
MrHanjrahelacheche_anis: if PXE works with the liveCD then the problem might be with your kickstart file, have you checked it14:49
sacarlsonelacheche_anis: ok took a quick look, so do you have an example of your file of the config you want?14:49
amarokswill give 404 error welinux14:49
iandanHi, I have a ~/path/script.sh file and I would like to be able to call it like script.sh from wherever I am (like nano, mysq, gedit, etc). How can I do it?14:50
elacheche_anisMrHanjrah, PX works with liveCD and the MiniCD, my kickstart works with the alternate CD.. but don't work with miniCD on PXE14:50
compdocamaroks, thats works for me. do you have a firewall that blocks?14:50
welinuxamaroks wget -S file.tar http://dpaste.de/tgXma/14:50
yoggwelinux: does not work    but its a bug in the pakeges14:50
MrHanjrahhmm, thats awkward :/14:51
elacheche_anissacarlson, http://paste.ubuntu.com/884879/14:51
welinuxiandan: edit ~/.bashrc = > export PATH=$PATH:/path/to/script              or `sudo cp script.sh /usr/local/bin`14:52
iandanwelinux, Thank you! I'm going to try that.14:52
ActionParsnipwelinux: 3.6Gb @ 1Mb/sec. Gonna be a while14:52
`Korviniceroot, any idea how I can install the kernel source?14:52
sacarlsonelacheche_anis: I've now installed system-config-kickstart ,  and I'll take a look at your pastebin14:53
=== companion is now known as Companion
elacheche_anisok sacarlson, thx dude :)14:53
iceroot`Korvin: i dont think you need the kernel source, you need the headers and please remove the ` from your nick14:53
welinuxiandan: Learn environ variables . type in bash `echo $PATH` -- this is the way nano gedit and othrs14:54
`Korviniceroot, http://us.download.nvidia.com/XFree86/Linux-x86_64/295.20/README/installdriver.html#InstallingTheKe997db14:54
`Korvinand this is my handle, I'm not going to remove the ` from my name, you don't have to highlight me14:54
ActionParsnip`Korvin: there is the xorg edgers update PPA which will give that, far fareasier14:54
amarokswelinux, compdoc it still doesnt work for me :( its a fresh ubuntu server No firewalls no thing, but webmin installed14:54
icerootsorry i dont want to write strange french characters to answer you14:55
`Korvinthats not a french character, it's on qwerty keyboards14:55
compdocamaroks, ppl are saying webmin isnt compatible anymore14:55
icerootand i said i am using qwertz and i dont like that14:55
compdocubuntu config files have changed14:55
ubottuwebmin is no longer supported in Debian and Ubuntu. It is not compatible with the way that Ubuntu packages handle configuration files, and is likely to cause unexpected issues with your system.14:55
welinuxamaroks: downloading is rather slow about 118 437 296  352K/s  eta 1h 54m Maybe your box doesn't want to wait and drop the connection as having any future to download -- e. g. timeout is over for it. From Firefox it also could download on my box14:55
bazhang!ebox | amaroks14:56
ubottuamaroks: zentyal is a web-based GUI interface for administering a server. It is designed to work with Ubuntu/Debian style configuration management. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Zentyal (Project formally known as eBox - including in Lucid/10.04).14:56
`Korviniceroot, I have no issue seeing what you say, you don't have to direct it to me14:56
=== xpert is now known as zmaj
Piciiceroot: its a perfectly acceptable nick here.14:56
`KorvinActionParsnip, will that work for what the driver is looking for?14:56
icerootPici: you dont have qwertz keyboard14:56
welinuxamaroks: webmin => ssh14:56
ActionParsnip`Korvin: it will install the 295 nvidia drive, if that's what you are after14:56
MagePsychofind . -type f -mmin -90 | xargs ls -l14:57
MonkeyDustqwertz is for germany, iirc14:57
`KorvinActionParsnip, the 295.20 driver?14:57
ActionParsnip`Korvin: yes14:57
amaroksI can wget any other file14:57
ActionParsnip`Korvin: https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-x-swat/+archive/x-updates?field.series_filter=oneiric14:57
amaroksbut not that file14:57
`Korvinis that simply xorg-edgers?14:58
`KorvinI see14:58
ActionParsnip`Korvin: it is VERY rare in ubuntu to manually download things, the PPA address on that link can be added then install nvidia-current package14:58
`Korvinthank you ActionParsnip, I'll let you know how it goes14:58
ActionParsnip`Korvin: sigificantly easier than having to kill X then installing the driver and such14:59
ActionParsnip`Korvin: works here on my 6150LE onboard14:59
* welinux Thunderbird Nigtly with irc feature only ruuning now is eating 400 MB memory -- i see it in gnome-system-monitor - OMG14:59
* welinux * running15:00
bazhangwelinux, please dont do that15:00
ActionParsnipwelinux: I'd report a bug and/or contact the PPA maintainer15:00
Rozywhat's this?15:00
divya_ck x15:00
bazhangRozy, ubuntu support15:00
ActionParsnipRozy: what's what?15:00
divya_dnt knw15:00
Rozywhat am I doign here :)15:00
divya_dnt knw15:01
Rozyis someone reading this15:01
welinuxbazhang: Sorry what not to do. Not to use or i'm seen like trolling? Nothing evil in mind just some little experience15:01
ikoniaRozy: you've joined this channel using Mirc IRC client, if you don't want to be here, close the chat15:01
Rozyikonia i am new thanks for your hospitality anyway15:02
`KorvinActionParsnip, the package I want is nvidia-current?15:02
welinuxActionParsnip: There are a lot of bugs there . But better than Chatzilla.15:02
ActionParsnip`Korvin: yes, it willpull in the driver15:02
`Korvinalright thanks15:02
ActionParsnipwelinux: then report the bugs, so they can be fixed.15:02
Rozywhere can I find other channels?15:02
ikoniaRozy: I suggest viewing www.freenode.net15:03
ikoniaRozy: or join #freenode channel and ask for an introduction to their IRC15:03
bazhang!alis | Rozy15:03
ubottuRozy: alis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" for help and ask any questions about it in #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu* or /msg alis list *http*15:03
ActionParsnipRozy: your client should be abletoshow a channel list15:03
welinuxamaroks: What? What next?15:03
amaroksIm downloading to another server15:03
compdocRozy, amazing you ended up in here15:03
welinuxamaroks: try curl,  try aria215:03
amaroksand will try to redownlaod from that server..15:03
RozyO jeee this is really difficult for me15:04
welinuxamaroks: hm maybe just relink it for you ? Seems i can download it an reupload where you can get it.15:04
bazhangRozy, for chit chat /join #ubuntu-offtopic  this channel is for ubuntu support only15:05
=== welinux is now known as wechat
=== wechat is now known as welinux
locsmifRozy: enjoy your stay, but try a social channel first :)15:05
* locsmif anti-social15:05
amarokswelinux thanks, almost done to my another server then iwll try to download from there15:06
Rozybazhang your help was really helpful thank you  :) ce ya15:07
loculinuxamigos una pregunta15:10
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loculinuxamigos tengo el servidos  linux para cafes internet,  comose llama el soft para activar el control de los equipos15:12
DJones!es | loculinux15:13
ubottuloculinux: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.15:13
ikonialoculinux: English only in this channel please.15:13
loculinuxok. scuseme15:13
xharxhow can i uninstall self compiled programs in /opt, when i don't have the sources15:13
loculinuxfrens, i cant a problem,,15:14
ActionParsnipxharx: delete the folder, if you simply copied the folder to /opt15:14
ActionParsnipxharx: obviously delete any symlinks etc you have made to make it gel with the OS15:14
ikonialoculinux: /join #ubuntu-es15:14
bastidrazorloculinux: in the future you could use checkinstall instead of 'make install' it will allow you to use dpkg -r to uninstall it.15:15
`KorvinActionParsnip, same issue15:15
`Korvinsays now that it's failing to load backup graphics device15:16
ActionParsnip`Korvin: what is the issue?15:16
xharxActionParsnip: i did installed over the --prefix variable with configure15:16
ActionParsnip`Korvin: do you use switchable GPU nonsense?15:16
`KorvinI have a new MSI gt780dx15:16
`Korvinit has a 570m, that's it15:17
ActionParsnip`Korvin: cool, you may need to run:  sudo nvidia-xconfig    then reboot15:17
`KorvinI'll try that15:17
`Korvinis there a cli irc client =D15:17
DJones`Korvin: irssi15:18
DJones!irssi | `Korvin15:18
ubottu`Korvin: irssi is a terminal based IRC client. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Irssi for help. See also !screen15:18
bazhang`Korvin, weechat as well15:18
ActionParsnip`Korvin: you can even use telnet if you want to go old school :)15:18
tmktquick q15:19
xharxwon't it lead to dead links, when i delete that dir?15:19
tmkti have some 11.10 instances installed on ec2, whenever i do an upgrade to a new kernel15:20
tmktit doesn't seem to take affect15:20
tmkti'm stuck on 2.6.3215:20
tmkteven though the other new kernels 3.0.16 are installed15:20
ActionParsniptmkt: sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get upgrade; sudo apt-get dist-upgrade15:20
tmktany quick/safe way to fix this?15:20
tmktActionParsnip: yeah..i've done that15:20
antonio_hi all. I was trying to install this package to get some console fonts: fonts-ubuntu-font-family-console. But it s returning anerror saying that this package doesn exists15:21
ActionParsniptmkt: you may want to tweak grub to boot the new kernel, it should boot the newest15:21
antonio_someone knows which package has some nice console fonts?15:21
welinux`Korvin: weechat indeed15:21
ActionParsnip!info fonts-ubuntu-font-family-console15:21
tmktyeah...not a grub expert.. so would like some assistance with that tweak if possible would hate to reboot it it and not have it come back up15:22
ubottuPackage fonts-ubuntu-font-family-console does not exist in oneiric15:22
tmktand have to throw it away15:22
tmktand rebuild that instance15:22
ActionParsniptmkt: if you run:  sudo update-grub     what is output?15:22
ActionParsnipantonio_: i have the fonts-ubuntu-font-family-console here in Precise, which is weird15:23
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antonio_ActionParsnip, weird!15:23
welinuxantonio_: Monaco font for xterm but ...15:23
ubuntuspricht hier jemand deutsch15:24
Mkaysi!de | ubuntu15:24
ubottuubuntu: In den meisten Ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuche bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Einfach "/join #ubuntu-de" eingeben. Danke für Dein Verständnis!15:24
doda_hi folks15:24
doda_where is the channel for 12.04 ?15:25
Justasicis there any way I can force apt-get to uninstall a package, dpkg returns a Input/Output error trying to do anything15:25
Picidoda_: #ubuntu+115:25
ActionParsniptmkt: can you give the output of:  sudo apt-get install pastebinit; clear; pastebinit /etc/default/grub15:25
Darkagenthello all I have a question about 11.10 and getting additional drivers to install under VirtualBox15:25
welinuxtmkt: grub.cfg15:26
binarykingI'm unable to install Perl modules15:27
binarykingit says15:27
binarykingERROR: Can't create '/usr/local/bin'15:27
binarykingDo not have write permissions on '/usr/local/bin'15:27
tmktActionParsnip: that is sharp15:27
binarykingplz. help15:27
welinuxbinaryking: man sudo_root15:28
binarykingwelinux: i need to become a member of root?15:31
Picibinaryking: How are you trying to install your perl modules?15:32
ActionParsniptmkt: the defualt is the top, so it should boot the newest.15:32
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welinuxbinaryking: hm, you may use `sudo` or smth it's a basic rule, not be root, just use superuser prefixcommand and type your password15:33
`KorvinActionParsnip: it unfortunately didn't work15:34
`KorvinStill can't get out of cli15:34
welinuxtmkt: You have to kernels?15:34
binarykingwelinux: superuser prefixcommand and type your password?15:34
`Korvinit says initctl load fail15:34
`Korvinon tty715:34
tmktwelinux: ?15:35
`Korvininitctl event failed*15:35
welinuxbinaryking: `sudo cp -i ~/somefile /usr/local/bin`15:35
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welinuxtmkt: grub15:35
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`Korvinis there a cli browser?15:35
`Korvinother than wget xD15:35
Pici`Korvin: w3m should be installed by default.15:35
welinux`Korvin: w3m links2 lynx15:35
haxxpophello every one15:35
tmktyeah...What about grub?15:36
tmktI would love for it to use a 3.0.16 kernel15:36
binarykingalright, guys I got it15:36
tmktbut every reboot is bringing up 2.6.3215:36
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escott_tmkt, you probably need to check the ec2 docs they may have some special way of booting the kernels that doesn't emulate the bios grub process15:37
welinuxtmkt: it's not in your /boot/grub/grub.cfg15:37
haxxpopbinaryking: hi15:37
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WilsonBradleyIm really lovin' Ubuntu 12.0415:38
tmktOk...will see what I can find15:38
haxxpopWilsonBradley: I don't know 12.04 released15:38
obelichone question how is for add many groups permision to one directory in command line sorry im newbie :) chgrp group1, group2 directoryname /    ?15:38
WilsonBradleyhey Welinux: speaking of grub.. what is the command to boot with details of services ?15:39
Picihaxxpop WilsonBradley : Precise/12.04 is not yet released. Please join #ubuntu+1 for further support and discussion.15:39
`KorvinActionParsnip: any further ideas?15:39
WilsonBradley./join #ubuntu+115:39
luisrgood morning people i  have a little problem i installed some extensions on chromium for you tube for video quality and all that and now i get a stupid button play button on all my browsers how do i fix that15:40
welinuxWilsonBradley: What do you mean? CLI login?15:40
WilsonBradleyI mean, while Ubuntu is booting, I like to watch what is going on.15:41
WilsonBradleyI took quiet out of Grub15:41
bazhang!nox | WilsonBradley15:41
ubottuWilsonBradley: To start your system in text-only mode append 'text' (without the quotes) to the kernel line in the grub menu. You can access the grub menu by pressing Esc (Grub legacy) or Shift (Grub2) during boot. For more info see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions#Text%20Mode15:41
compdocremove the extensions?15:41
luisri did remove it but the problem still there15:42
WilsonBradleyTAHNK you... 'text' is what i needed15:42
welinuxWilsonBradley: press alt+f1 or may be you mean >> in /etc/default/grub # Uncomment to disable graphical terminal (grub-pc only)15:42
`Korvinon eechat, how do I switch windows?15:42
welinux`Korvin: alt + >15:43
welinuxit's tricky ^_15:43
`Korvinthanks =p15:43
`Korvincan I connect to two servers at once?15:43
* welinux ok i don't remember exactly15:43
`Korvinthat worked fine welinux15:43
luisr good morning people i  have a little problem i installed some extensions on chromium for you tube for video quality and all that and now i get a stupid button play button on all my browsers how do i fix that15:44
welinux`Korvin: find help for "server" or "connect" anyway weechat is required a lot reading it was not so easy to me make first steps when i was using it15:44
welinuxluisr: unistall?15:45
`Korvinwelinux: I already figured it out =p15:45
`Korvinis there a way to uninstall and reinstall xserver? I'm probably going to have to whipe and reinstall because I believe updating the kernel without uninstalling the nvidia drivers broke stuff15:45
`Korvinis there any way to rollback all changes and re update?15:45
welinux`Korvin: heh quicky And if you wanna sound there is a perl script on their site -- try to google for it15:46
netbus`Korvin: have you tried re-installing your nvidia drivers after the kernel update?15:46
TurtleSoupI accidentally deleted my /bin/tar and /usr/sbin/rmt-tar, could someone zip theirs for me and send it to me via email? I can't aptitude anything.15:46
CesarBustiosI need some help with mouse config15:46
`Korvinnetbus: yes15:47
`KorvinI'm stuck in cli with no kdm15:47
welinux`Korvin: heh Don't do it : for i in `dpkg -l | grep X | awk '{print $2}'` ; { sudo aptitude install --reistall $i ; }15:48
luisrwelinux: i did that still did not fix the problem15:48
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CesarBustiosis there a way to reconfigure my mouse? Set to default??15:48
osseWhere are the profiles/settings for gnome-terminal stored? I want to reset the whole thing. removing ~/.gconf/apps/gnome-terminal had no effect15:49
bingeram running ubuntu inside of a virtualbox and getting a lot of fatal: HTTP request failed errors when syncing an android repository.  I just set up the VB with 1.5gb ram and 40gb dynamically allocated drive (win7 4gb ram total). I still have ubuntu as a dual boot partition and the sync works fine there.  Any idea what the problem might be?  The sync will work for a little bit but then errors15:49
bingerout after a few minutes.15:49
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welinuxTurtleSoup: Download deb from site? Deb needs tar?15:49
`Korvinbinger: make sure your 80 port is open for connection15:50
`Korvinit also may be your isp15:50
netbus(probably not isp if it works on his other install outside of vitualbox) :P15:50
welinuxluisr: what the button ?15:50
`Korvinmissed that part netbus15:50
netbusi think you're right about the ports :)15:51
binger`Korvin how can i check the port in ubuntu/vbox?  And what might the isp be doing?15:51
atpa8aif i install the beta, will it take me to the release at some point and stay there, or i would have to do something for that?15:51
bazhang!final | atpa8a15:51
ubottuatpa8a: If you install a development version of Ubuntu Precise and keep up with package updates, then you will be upgraded to the official release of 12.04 when it comes out. To make sure, type « sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade » in a terminal. Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1.15:51
binger`Korvin I am able to use firefox within the vbox just fine.15:51
`Korvinbinger: since its a vb, your connection is regulated by both your router and the windows security settings15:51
welinuxatpa8a: #ubuntu+115:51
luisrtheres a play button on the middle of the youtube screen i guess its from preventing auto play but now i cant get rid of it15:51
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welinuxluisr: extension "Flashblocker" or smth15:52
luisrlet me try to get rid of the add blocker i have installed15:52
atpa8abinger: what `Korvin is saying, make sure your wintendo allows that port to go thru15:52
escott_osse, those have probably moved into dconf15:53
welinuxluisr: maybe typ in url string "chrome://about" see the pathes to the extensions directory and try too look at them?15:53
bingeratapa8a, doesn't firefox also use port 80?15:54
luisrwelinux: another ? i get a check syslog  when i shut down my laptop15:54
Adriannomwhich firewall do most ubuntu users use in xp? ;)15:54
amaroksHow do I untar a .tar file?15:54
`Korvinamaroks: tar -xvf derp.tar15:54
osseescott_, there is nothing there except a binary file named 'user'. Is it some sort of database?15:55
bingerand it does work for a few minutes at a time15:55
welinuxAdriannom: nothing just feel like in open source15:55
escott_amaroks, or tar -xzvf derp.tar.gz (or derp.tgz) if it is compressed15:55
bingerso thought it might be something in the vb configuration that I am missing15:55
escott_osse, yes binary version of gconf. use dconf-editor which is in dconf-utils? to edit15:55
`Korvinould be binger15:55
`Korvincould be*15:55
atpa8abinger: could be the network drivers... haven't touched vb in ages15:55
`KorvinLooks like this fella is going to have to give up and nuke->install kubuntu again15:56
escott_!find dconf-editor | osse15:56
ubottuosse: File dconf-editor found in app-install-data, dconf-tools15:56
atpa8abinger: there's a portion that you should install into your guest... i think15:56
atpa8aiirc :)15:57
bingeratpa8a, i'll see if i can find a virtualbox channel too15:57
Picibinger: its #vbox15:58
welinuxluisr: maybe it's not playing without codecs15:58
bingerthanks pici15:58
* welinux i just read "entered" as "untared" heh15:59
osseescott_, sorry to disappoint you :P I didn't find anything there. But when I logged out and in again, the terminal had its default colors and my other profiles were gone. Seems I found the right files but they were cached/loaded somehow.16:01
luisrthanks for your help16:01
welinuxi have flashblock in FF it works ok and NoScript also blocks flash quite normal16:02
escott_osse, yes the settings daemon expects to have complete control over the files and will load them into memory for the duration of your session16:03
osseescott_, that makes sense. Thank you =)16:06
pythonsnakehow can i umount /home?16:10
aslanhi, I would like to know whether its possible to use guest addition for virtualbox in ubuntu 10.1016:10
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pythonsnake(without rebooting)16:10
MonkeyDustaslan: 10.10 is no longer supported16:11
MonkeyDustaslan: as of next month16:11
aslanMonkeyDust : Thank's for your reply .16:13
lqwho use xaric?16:13
escott_pythonsnake, login to a terminal and cd out of home and then try to sudo umount it. hopefully bash won't be keeping any locks on the files in /home. if that doesn't work you would need to login as a user whose $HOME is not in /home16:13
pythonsnakeno root :(16:14
bazhanglq xaric being what?16:14
escott_pythonsnake, try it the first way. if that doesn't work you can pm me and i can tell you how to temporarily enable root, but we discourage running the system regularly like that16:15
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pythonsnakeI'll try that once i finish copying my files :)16:15
welinuxpythonsnake: for what?16:15
pythonsnakeredcue /home size16:16
kintekHey Can someone help me? I set up an FTP server on my ubuntu using proftpd. I can access my server through my local LAN ip, but I want to access it from anywhere using my static ip verizon gives me. I forwarded the port, and can log into the server, but an error comes up saying "failed connect to server"16:16
ericusHibernate to encrypted swap = no-go?16:17
welinuxpythonsnake: make another user and his home not at home part. relogin and resize16:18
marcavisHey folks, is there a way to see all the reviews, in all the languages, from an app in the software center? I'm not sure if there's a more specific channel to ask this, so it someone else would be able to tell, I'd like to know :)16:18
kintekHey Can someone help me? I set up an FTP server on my ubuntu using proftpd. I can access my server through my local LAN ip, but I want to access it from anywhere using my static ip verizon gives me. I forwarded the port, and can log into the server, but an error comes up saying "failed connect to server"16:18
escott_ericus, the swap encryption key would have to be persistent across reboots and the initrd would have to know how to request the password. i doubt that it is configured to do either out of the box16:18
magmaI'm using ubuntu with unity  in a machine with 3GB of RAM and I just have my irc client opened and the memory usage is about 2.7GB. Why does that happen?16:18
Aesthenautis wine more used than windows compatibility layer?16:19
ericusescott_: that's what I thought. I did the normal install with encrypted /home16:19
`KorvinFixed by reinstalling16:19
escott_magma, because thats good. you want your system to use the ram you paid for. ignore the cache's line for "true" usage16:19
`Korvinformatted and reinstalled16:19
netbusyou're already back korvin?16:20
`Korvinpretty quick right16:20
netbuslol that was fast!16:20
escott_ericus, encrypted swap is different from encrypted home16:20
`KorvinI had a live usb on me16:20
welinuxLANG=all_ALL.UTF-8 software-center16:20
magmaescott_, but this machine has a problem, it overheats when memory usage is high. Is it possible to disable cache?16:20
`Korvinupdated kernel16:21
`Korvinlets hope it doesn't happen again16:21
ericusescott_: encrypted /home also encrypts /tmp and /swap16:21
escott_magma, you could adjust the vm swappiness but your computer should not overheat because the memory usage is high. are you sure there isn't another cause16:21
escott_ericus, didn't know that, i wonder if thats new16:21
andrew_wmfericus, do you have a source for that info?16:22
magmaescott_, how can I adjust that? (I'm sure, this computer is very old)16:22
ericusescott_: if swap was not encrypted, the whole idea of encrypting /home would be worthless16:22
escott_ericus, not entirely worthless but yes much less effective16:22
ericusandrew_wmf: no sorry, but that's a fact16:23
escott_magma, https://www.google.com/search?client=ubuntu&channel=fs&q=linux+kernel+vm.swapiness&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8#hl=en&client=ubuntu&hs=LaE&pwst=1&channel=fs&sa=X&ei=dhdiT8ChJqi80QHSnPy1CA&ved=0CB4QvwUoAQ&q=linux+kernel+vm.swappiness16:23
escott_magma, i doubt this will work well though. the attitude of the kernel developers is sure to be "go buy functional hardware" why not just remove a few DIMMs16:24
`Korvinhow does linux handle dependencies ?16:25
`Korvinas in if you're updating and one thing depends on another16:26
`Korvindoes it know to install one first?16:26
pythonsnakeescott_: too many processes using it16:26
`Korvinor does it not matter?16:26
welinuxaptitude why bash16:26
[]tsukasa[]anyone using subversion that can help me out with an authentication issue16:26
escott_`Korvin, apt does that. if you do something outside apt then you have to do it manually16:26
pythonsnakehow do i kill x?16:26
compdocKorvin, apt-get handles that16:26
escott_pythonsnake, just logout16:26
`KorvinYeah I realize but how does it do it16:26
welinuxpythonsnake: sudo pkill X16:26
pythonsnakedidnt work16:26
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pythonsnakeI'll try16:27
`Korvinpythonsnake, kill your desktop manager16:27
escott_`Korvin, its part of the deb spec where each file lists what other versions it needs16:27
ericusandrew_wmf: "Users installing from Ubuntu 9.10 and selecting the Encrypted Home option will automatically have encrypted swap space."16:27
`Korvinescott_, so it sorts the list of updates by that?16:27
andrew_wmfcool! :D16:27
ericusandrew_wmf: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EncryptedHome16:27
`Korvinwhat if two packages depend on eachother =O16:27
andrew_wmfty! you're awesome16:27
pythonsnakeit autoopens again16:28
escott_`Korvin, i don't know the details of the algorithm but it would construct a graph and any acyclic part can be handled leaf-to-stem, any cycles would need special handling16:28
welinux`Korvin: it could be16:28
pythonsnakehow do i start uubntu without x16:28
ericusandrew_wmf: It's so logical; since one would otherwise be able to recover data from /swap16:28
`Korvinbrb reboot16:28
magmaescott_, ok, I try to check the DIMMS16:29
escott_pythonsnake, you shouldn't need to restart, just logout and ctrl-alt-f116:29
pythonsnakethat doesnt work16:29
escott_pythonsnake, who are you logged in as16:29
welinuxpythonsnake: sudo init 216:29
pythonsnakeumount: /home: device is busy.16:29
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welinuxpythonsnake: sudo telinit 216:29
welinuxpythonsnake: lsof /home16:30
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welinuxlsof /dev/sda116:30
escott_welinux, the default runlevel is 216:30
escott_pythonsnake, if "w" only shows tty1 and echo $HOME lists /home then we may need to enable root temporarily16:31
escott_pythonsnake, alternately you could boot to recovery mode16:31
pythonsnakewhy is this distro too hard when i try to do simple stuff :(16:32
welinuxpythonsnake: root=/bin/sh16:32
MonkeyDustpythonsnake: that's called 'learning'16:32
escott_pythonsnake, (a) you aren't doing simple stuff and (b) its not that hard you just don't know what the steps are yet16:32
tkennedyHopefully someone here can help or direct me to somewhere that I can get help. Currently trying16:32
tkennedyto use oem-config to prompt for static address and not DHCP in ubuntu server 11.04. I've tried passing16:32
tkennedynetcfg/use_dhcp boolean false...that doesn't do it...so I'm stuck16:32
welinuxpythonsnake: just use Gparted liveCD16:33
escott_welinux, the default grub config has a recovery mode that will boot to single16:33
pythonsnakeenable root pass, login to root, umount16:33
welinuxescott_: yes16:33
escott_pythonsnake, dont forget logout and disable root passwd16:33
pythonsnakewill try16:34
Aesthenautwine keeps telling me my exes arent marked as executable16:37
pythonsnakeor better16:37
pythonsnakeprevent /home from mounting16:37
Aesthenautand that i could change the executable bit in the file's settings if i know what i'm doing16:37
escott_Aesthenaut, chmod +x filename.exe see !permissions16:37
Aesthenaut<3 google didnt tell me that16:38
Aesthenauti will try it.16:38
pythonsnakethanks :)16:38
escott_Aesthenaut, if your .exe's are on a fat or ntfs volume you will have issues with those partitions likely being mounted noexec16:38
welinuxnoexec is not fun16:38
Aesthenautit's on the filesystem my OS is on16:39
escott_Aesthenaut, then you should be fine just mark them as executable with chmod16:39
welinuxchmod -R +x /dir16:39
welinux* without /16:40
escott_welinux, which would mark every file in that directory which is probably not what Aesthenaut wants to do16:40
Aesthenauti'm looking to launch other programs in that dir as well. not an issue : )16:40
escott_welinux, a better command for Aesthenaut would be find /path/to/folder -iname *.exe -exec chmod +x {} \;16:41
welinuxescott_: I'm learning find it's awesome but -execdir and -exec {} \; is to hard for me to understand :)16:42
escott_Aesthenaut, there are going to be non-exe (aka data files) in that folder and you don't want them to be marked executable16:42
welinuxi agree16:42
Aesthenautnot if i move everything out, which sounds easier than typing that line out multiple times when i dont have a backspace, delete, or hyphen key16:43
welinuxctrl-H is your friend16:44
welinuxfor backspace16:44
escott_welinux, sounds like he is using a touch interface of some kind16:44
Aesthenautwhy is ctrl h my friend?16:44
Aesthenautit hides the nick list in konversation. it's my friend already!16:45
cx1213hello, i have installed ubuntu on a computer width xp prof, after i installed ubuntu and rebooted, and i selected windows xp from the grub loader it does not boot windows and returns back into the grub loader16:45
vvvvvI cant see files after reboot16:45
cx1213i let ubuntu do everything16:45
welinuxit a shortcut of readline labriary in bash -- for backspace, ctrl-d, ctrl-k, ctrl-w for word to left delete, ctrl-y to paste and so on16:46
cx1213the windows partition is op /dev/sda116:46
escott_!details | vvvvv16:46
ubottuvvvvv: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."16:46
escott_!paste | cx1213 send us /boot/grub/grub.cfg16:46
ubottucx1213 send us /boot/grub/grub.cfg: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.16:46
\bMike\bMy server reports "X packages can be updated, Y are security update" - how can I see what packages those security updates are?16:47
welinuxi installed ubuntu over xp this night...16:47
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\bMike\bOr, how can I upgrade only the security updates16:47
cx1213i dont have the computer now, but what can be broken ?16:48
cx1213it is the latest instalation16:48
welinux\bMike\b: sudo aptitude -s upgrade <<< for "simulate"16:48
Aesthenautbahaha. it worked. Thanks, guys.16:49
AesthenautI think i will... keep only executables in a folder so i can do this occasionally if necessary.16:49
\bMike\bwelinux: Yes, but I don't think that separates out the security updates16:49
escott_cx1213, hard to say. could be that grub is not looking at the right location to chainload windows, could be that windows loader is messed up and won't boot. if you had to resize the windows partition that a possible reason for windows loader not the chainload and you would need to boot a windows rescue cd and chkdsk the ntfs parititon and maybe reinstall the windows bootloader (and then reinstall grub)16:49
AesthenautIs there a way to make marking executables unnecessary? can i make it run everything without whining about it?16:50
AdvoWorkfor some reason, my dvdrw has stopped working in ubuntu 10.04. No errors in /var/log/messages Any ideas what I can do please? It doesn't auto pop up when I put a dvd in, and when I right click > send to disc, it only gives the option to burn to image, not the disk :S16:50
welinuxescott_: probably apt-pinning or smth...16:50
escott_Aesthenaut, yes there is a config option in /etc/wine16:50
cx1213escott_: the only 20 gb was in use of the 230 gb disk16:50
cx1213and the computer does not have a disk drive16:51
vvvvvI install ppstream to see tv show ,and remove it,then,a  partion appear,I dont know what to do ,then reboot,then ,lost a lot of files,but some can be seen,othets cant be seen in ubuntu ,but in pe os,I can see them16:51
AesthenautO.O I don't have an /etc/wine16:52
welinuxAdvoWork: common advice >> dmesg | grep dvd << or like that16:52
escott_Aesthenaut, im not sure what it will be called but it will be /etc/wine or /etc/wine.cfg or something like that16:52
welinuxlocate wine16:52
escott_Aesthenaut, welinux locate wine | grep "/etc"16:53
opalepatrickhi, what is the current situation with .ram files? Just hoping there is any easy way to listen to em :-)16:53
bazhangopalepatrick, mplayer does them16:53
welinuxffmpeg :)16:53
vvvvvI dont know what to do16:53
opalepatrickthanks bazhang - OFF TO INSTALL IUT AND TRY16:54
opalepatrickugh caps16:54
AdvoWorkwelinux, i see that listed: 24x24 writer dvd-ram cd/rw xa/form cdda tray16:54
Aesthenauti believe it's /user/local/bin/winecfg, as per the first result on google. I'll play around with it16:54
escott_AdvoWork, what does "groups" say16:54
Aesthenautthough there is no file there either16:54
ActionParsnipAesthenaut: try:  which winecfg16:55
welinuxAdvoWork: try to open-close-play it and then look at dmesg what it's writing about the device actions16:55
Aesthenautwild dialogue box appears.16:56
vvvvvubuntu make me crazy16:57
Aesthenauteveryone but escott_. He understands for some reason.16:57
ActionParsnipit will at first if its a new OS to you16:57
escott_vvvvv, you need to be more specific. "a partition appeared" what was it called? files cant be seen except in "pe os" what is "pe os?"16:58
welinuxyou need some tools like systemrescuecd16:58
vvvvv but I have lost a lot of files,and dont know why16:58
ActionParsnipvvvvv: where were the files held?16:59
aslanAny one help me to use Aircrack-ng .16:59
vvvvvoh  pe is the windows pe17:00
bazhangaslan, #aircrack-ng17:00
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welinuxvvvvv:  http://www.cgsecurity.org/wiki/TestDisk17:02
Aesthenautwtf, guys... why doesnt terminal like my password:<17:02
seakeiAesthenaut: what do u mean?17:03
escott_vvvvv, what is pe? partition editor?17:03
Ca11umI just tried to make an 'irc' account on Ubuntu Server (11.10), but it says the account already exists17:03
vvvvvfiles was in a ntfs partion,but now there held a few now17:03
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Ca11umI don't recall creating such an account, is this a system account or something?17:03
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ActionParsnipvvvvv: so how is this ubuntu related?17:03
vvvvva usb os,can boot the computer17:04
Aesthenautit seems to think it's correct when i su or log in, but when i try to execute commands for which it needs administrative priv, it will tell me the sudo password is incorrect17:04
escott_Aesthenaut, unless you have done something you shouldnt have like enabled the root password su should not work. sudo asks for your password not roots17:04
ActionParsnipvvvvv: you can mount your NTFS partition in Ubuntu and read the data, there is also foremost you can use to maybe restore data. Your backups will be by far the easiest way to get the data back17:04
Aesthenautthere it worked. Such a strange thing.17:05
aslanhow to join other chanels17:05
seakeiAesthenaut: could be a spelling error? maybe u typed it too fast while u were creating ur acc lol17:05
bazhangaslan, /join #channel17:05
vvvvvok ,I will try17:05
ActionParsnipaslan: type:   /join #channelname17:05
ActionParsnipaslan: eg:   /join #ubuntu-offtopic17:06
Aesthenautpossibly. that'd be ridiculous, though, seeing as it's my eight character password i've used for years for things i dont much care about17:06
Aesthenautit'd be legit if it were my twenty one character password with upper case, lower case, numbers, and nonalphanumeric...17:06
vvvvvthanks,everyone,good night17:07
Aesthenaut<3 vuvuvu17:07
seakeiAesthenaut: i mean... the possibility of a typo would still be there... unless u're saying u haven't keyed it in wrong for years17:07
Aesthenautit has been quite a long time17:07
aslan\join #aircrack-ng17:08
llutzAesthenaut: su password = root-password, sudo password = users password17:08
ActionParsnipaslan: use a slash ;)17:08
Aesthenautuh oh. Segfault on run... wtf, Continuum.17:08
ActionParsnipllutz: su without a username of course ;)17:08
stat1c_voidhi there. Is there any way to build debug version of python-xapian packet? I can't find any packets like python-xapian-dbg (or python-xapian-dbgsym from ddebs repo)... I'm trying to diag zeitgeist segfaults, and python2.7-dbg can't load ordinary _xapian.so from python-xapian...17:08
gizmoboyi have a question. Can ubuntu be installed on to a usb hard drive?17:09
AcidRain2012how can i find out where a package has installed to?17:09
AcidRain2012im looking for the libshout package i installed17:09
llutzAcidRain2012: dpkg -L package17:09
AcidRain2012i need its default location17:09
AcidRain2012libshout.so.3 so is this it? lol17:11
icerootAcidRain2012: there is not only on location, see what llutz posted17:11
ActionParsnipgizmoboy: yes it can be installed to USB17:11
AcidRain2012iceroot: yeah i see that. its got like 15 locations17:11
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trismstat1c_void: http://wiki.debian.org/HowToGetABacktrace see the section on rebuilding the package you're debugging17:14
k-bopperI want to run the same command 4 times with file1.txt file2.txt etc..  I know there is a way to do it in a loop, any suggestions?17:14
ActionParsnipk-bopper: i'd ask in #bash too :)17:15
janedoehey, I have a little issue going on. everytime I wanna go online ubuntu won't find my network. I also have win on my com and it has no issues finding my network. does anyone know how I can make ubuntu find my network? or does anyone know, why this issue actually exists?17:15
llutzk-bopper: for f in file1.txt file2.txt . ; do yourcommand $f ;done17:15
opalepatrickdoes mplayer need extra codecs to play .ram files? Also, can I get a plug-in for a browser like firefox or chrome?17:16
ActionParsnipk-bopper: http://spiralbound.net/blog/2007/07/23/bash-for-loop-example    may help17:16
stat1c_voidtrism: thanks, haven't come across that manual yet.17:16
ActionParsnipk-bopper: for i in $(seq 1 100); do echo -n "file${i} "     etc17:16
orionsonofneptunwhy does software center fail to let me install software it says check internet connection and connection seems to work so what to do??17:17
orionsonofneptunubuntu 11.1017:17
ActionParsniporionsonofneptun: can you give a pastebin of the output of:   sudo apt-get update;lsb_release -a      Thanks17:18
orionsonofneptunhold on17:18
* ActionParsnip holds17:18
Pasq89best pdf viewer for linux? on which i can add notes, highlight text etc? many thanks!17:19
ActionParsnipPasq89: there is no single best app for anything17:19
Pasq89kpdf can add notes? acrobat cant i think so..17:19
orionsonofneptunok how to use paste bin17:19
ActionParsnip!paste | orionsonofneptun17:20
ubottuorionsonofneptun: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.17:20
MonkeyDustorionsonofneptun: tour_command | pastebinit17:20
Pasq89paste your bin there, copy the link, and paste the link here17:20
ActionParsnipPasq89: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=75278517:21
orionsonofneptunis this what to do17:22
ActionParsniporionsonofneptun: sudo apt-key adv --recv-key --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com 16126D3A3E5C1192; sudo apt-key adv --recv-key --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com  40976EAF437D05B517:23
Pasq89thank you!17:23
tanathcan anyone help me with this kern.log flooding? http://pastebin.com/nNbiMJHQ17:24
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ActionParsniptanath: what is the output of:  lsb-release -sc17:25
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tanathActionParsnip, oneiric17:26
AcidRain2012honestly nothing is worse than linux not being able to find something that IS installed.17:26
tanathActionParsnip, and for some reason, it's _ not -17:26
ActionParsniptanath: not what?17:27
tanathActionParsnip, lsb_release, not lsb-release17:27
ActionParsnipAcidRain2012: try:  sudo updatedb; locate something17:27
zykotick9ActionParsnip: you typoes lsb_release ;) to lsb-release17:27
ActionParsniptanath: oh yeah, thanks L17:27
ActionParsnipgot mixed between /etc/lsb-release and the command lsb_release17:27
ActionParsniptanath: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=484682    may be related, its redhat but may be similar17:28
ubottubugzilla.redhat.com bug 484682 in kernel "drm: X: "reserve_memtype failed/conflicting memory types d0000000-e0000000 uncached-minus<->write-combining" messages" [Medium,Closed: nextrelease]17:28
tanathActionParsnip, i hope there's a fix, because the flooding is constant17:29
tanathActionParsnip, might it be because i'm using the old kernel?17:32
tanathActionParsnip, current kernel does not boot17:32
ActionParsniptanath: could try an Oneiric or even Precise liveCD and see if it happens the same17:33
tanathActionParsnip, rather not use a disc if possible17:34
tanathActionParsnip, this is an older install that i've been upgrading17:34
tanathActionParsnip, upgrading to 11.10 broke lots of thigns though17:35
holly_mollyhi I need help with v mashines17:35
bazhangholly_molly, vbox? related to ubuntu?17:36
ActionParsniptanath: could try a clean install instead17:36
tanathActionParsnip, tbh, if i do that i'll prolly switch distros.17:36
holly_mollyyep vbox17:36
bazhangholly_molly, whats the actual question17:36
ActionParsniptanath: do you use propritary video driver by any chace?17:37
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homeubuntu sucks, period.17:37
tanathActionParsnip, switched to one recommended by jockey after upgrade...17:37
ActionParsniptanath: why switch distro?17:37
ActionParsniptanath: thought so, uninstall the proprietary driver, reboot to the newest kernel then reinstall it17:37
tanathActionParsnip, fed up with ubuntu. poor design decisions, getting harder to customize, and i just lost a ton of settings it seems with this last upgrade17:38
_Marcustanath: What exactly are you using Ubuntu for right now?17:38
tanathActionParsnip, kernel 3 hard locks and doesn't boot. i did read somewhere that it may boot with acpi=off, so i can try that...17:38
ActionParsniptanath: xubuntu and lubuntu and kubuntu are the same easiness of customizability since about Lucid17:38
tanath_Marcus, everything...17:38
tanathActionParsnip, yeah, i'm thinking arch17:39
_Marcustanath: Well with upgrades, comes change. It seems harder to change some settings but you just need to learn how to use it.17:39
nicofsI just installed Lubuntu on a system running Xubuntu - after purging Xubuntu at startup I get "xsession: could not start xfce-session. loading default" (or similar) - so apparently LXDE is the default already. how do i configure my system to use the default by default?17:39
bazhang_Marcus, thats not helpful17:39
ballboy909is there a way on installing ubunto os on to a usb device17:39
_Marcustanath: You can always revert back to older version too. 10.04, 10.10, 11.04, and 11.10 is still supported17:39
orionsonofneptunwhat to do now17:39
orionsonofneptundid you get pastebin17:39
_Marcustanath: What don't you like about Ubuntu right now?17:39
bazhangballboy909, sure unetbootin17:39
ActionParsnipnicofs: log off, then select LXDE and log in. Te system will then remember the session17:39
tanath_Marcus, it's not that. for instance you cannot uninstall both unity and bluetooth17:39
ActionParsniporionsonofneptun: yes, I gave the command to import the keys you missed17:40
orionsonofneptunwhat is command17:40
tanath_Marcus, got as much as i can removed, but now uninstalling one requires installation of the other. wtf17:40
ActionParsnip_Marcus: maverick is EOL next month17:40
holly_mollybuzzz why I need change mac adress17:40
ActionParsnip(17:23:22) ActionParsnip: orionsonofneptun: sudo apt-key adv --recv-key --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com 16126D3A3E5C1192; sudo apt-key adv --recv-key --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com  40976EAF437D05B517:40
ActionParsniporionsonofneptun: I already told you , as I said...17:40
bazhangholly_molly, pardon?17:40
_Marcustanath: Wait, what are you uininstalling?17:40
_Marcustanath: And what does it want you to install17:41
holly_mollyabout vbox17:41
ActionParsnipholly_molly: what is your issue?17:41
tanath_Marcus, everything unity and everything bluetooth. i have no intention of using unity, and i don't have bluetooth...17:41
ronbeingHey all i need a little help reshelling jaunty.17:41
orionsonofneptunok then17:41
orionsonofneptunwhat now17:41
tanath_Marcus, if i try to remove one, it requires installation of the other17:41
bazhangholly_molly, how does changing mac relate to vbox? or ubuntu17:41
_Marcustanath: Then go into the sofware center, remove Bluetooth. Then remove Unity.17:41
tanath_Marcus, tried with aptitude and synaptic. i've had to finagle thigns before. no joy this time17:42
ActionParsniporionsonofneptun: try the software centre17:42
_Marcustanath: Are you going to use command line or another desktop envorinment?17:42
tanath_Marcus, the 'unity' and 'bluetooth' packages can be removed, but not all the rest17:42
tanath_Marcus, hm?17:42
mherwegwhich filesystem is suggested for a server ? ext3 ext4 btrfs ?17:42
ActionParsnipmherweg: btrfs may help but I'd shoot for ext4 personally17:43
_Marcustanath: You want to get rid of Unity, so are you switching to command line or using another desktop besides Unity?17:43
holly_mollyas v mashine with ubuntu iguess17:43
orionsonofneptunit says requires untrusted package bluefish bluefish-data bluefish-plugins libgucharmap717:43
nishttal2how can I tell which version of compiz I am running on my box?17:43
ActionParsnipholly_molly: ok but what is the issue?17:43
bazhangholly_molly, yes. what is the question. please say it all on one line.17:43
tanath_Marcus, i have xfce and gnome, and may install others...17:43
holly_mollyissue, sorry)17:43
ActionParsnipnishttal2: apt-cache policy compiz17:43
_Marcustanath: Then just uninstall Unity.17:43
tanath_Marcus, icewm is alright, and nice and lightweight17:44
orionsonofneptunand the reason i pm you actionparsnip is cause i dont know how to highlight you in channel17:44
ActionParsnipholly_molly: yes, what is your ubuntu under vbox issue?17:44
_Marcustanath: Any other applications left over, should need Unity. If there is no unity they are useless and will uninstall.17:44
ActionParsniporionsonofneptun: you just did it by typing my nick at the start of the line17:44
tanath_Marcus, again, i've already uninstalled everythign unity i can and everything bluetooth i can. i can not completely get rid of both17:44
nishttal2ActionParsnip, ok it says Installed: 1:0.8.6-0ubuntu9.217:44
ActionParsnipnishttal2: there you go then :)17:44
orionsonofneptunok actionparsnip what do i do now17:44
_Marcustanath: I don't understand what you mean17:44
nishttal2so my next question is can i install this version on Ubuntu 11.10... the default version on 11.10 is buggy!17:44
tanath_Marcus, removing more packages of either requires MORE of the other17:45
holly_mollyin p11.1017:45
tanath_Marcus, because it's weird and unexpected :P17:45
ActionParsniporionsonofneptun: try software centre....17:45
_Marcustanath: Are you attempting to remove them from software center, or with aptitude?17:45
holly_mollyin preference was change mac adress what it is and why I need it to be changed?17:45
ActionParsnipholly_molly: why do you need to change it?17:45
orionsonofneptunit says requires untrusted package bluefish bluefish-data bluefish-plugins libgucharmap717:45
tanath_Marcus, aptitude and/or synaptic17:45
cautious911hey guys17:46
cautious911i need some help updating my system17:46
holly_mollyI dont know but pref can do it17:46
_Marcustanath: Well I don't see why uninstalling something requires something else :/17:46
cautious911can someone pm me with some help with udpate by terminal17:46
ActionParsnipholly_molly: I believe you can change the mac address in the vbox config, rather than within ubuntu17:46
tanath_Marcus, for instance, if i try to uninstall 'bluez' it wants to install 'unity' and everything that goes with it17:46
ActionParsnipcautious911: sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get upgrade; sudo apt-get dist-upgrade17:47
cautious911i've already tried that17:47
ActionParsnipcautious911: thats how it17:47
orionsonofneptunactionparsnip did you get message?17:47
ActionParsnipcautious911: thats how its done17:47
cautious911i just cant find the gedit in the console17:47
tanath_Marcus, exactly. it's silly17:47
ActionParsniporionsonofneptun: which message?17:47
orionsonofneptunit says requires untrusted package bluefish bluefish-data bluefish-plugins libgucharmap717:47
_Marcustanath: Use apt-get to uninstall it.17:47
orionsonofneptunactionparsnip above17:48
_Marcustanath: I've never had it try to install something when uninstalling something.17:48
ActionParsniporionsonofneptun: ok then run:   sudo apt-get --allow-unauthenticated install bluefish bluefish-data bluefish-plugins libgucharmap717:48
holly_mollyyes, but as vmashine connected by NAT change mac nothing change becouse host connected by another mac17:48
cautious911its because im on 9.0417:48
tanath_Marcus, exactly the same17:48
ActionParsnipcautious911: yes, Jaunty has no more support. It is EOL17:48
_Marcustanath: Then I have no idea.17:48
cautious911isnt there a way i can change the names in gedit17:49
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cautious911and be able to update that way with out loosing the kernel17:49
orionsonofneptunwhy is that what to do i want good software dangit why does everyone make me do thier work im so sick of that the software center should work dabgit17:49
tanath_Marcus, http://pastebin.com/vkjuRmsb17:49
holly_mollyand that origin hosts mac appear in internet17:49
ActionParsnipcautious911: I suggest you hang fire, Precise is released next month so you can use that and it willbe LTS (or if you are feeling brave, install the pre-release)17:50
holly_mollybut not vmashine17:50
orionsonofneptunim not going to enter code that give me trash i dont want17:50
dfaulknerI need help choosing a virtual machine system to run multiple testing VM's; which channel's best to ask in?17:50
orionsonofneptunthey need to stop trying to use my system17:50
bazhangdfaulkner, #vbox17:50
orionsonofneptunthey disabled my optical drive too17:50
cautious911no no nho!!!!!17:50
ActionParsnipholly_molly: you can make the vbox use a bridged connection and it will appear on your network like a regular physical pc17:50
bazhangorionsonofneptun, who is they17:50
orionsonofneptunjerks leave me alone17:50
cautious911i cant i need jaunty kernel!17:50
orionsonofneptunstupid hacks17:50
bazhangorionsonofneptun, thats enough17:51
zykotick9tanath: gnome-shell obviously requires bluez, why are you trying to remove it?17:51
tanathActionParsnip, an example of silliness and lack of customizability: http://pastebin.com/vkjuRmsb17:51
dfaulknerbazhang, thanks. i'll try there.17:51
orionsonofneptunthat have to much ontrol over me17:51
tanathzykotick9, i don't have bluetooth17:51
bazhang!ot | orionsonofneptun17:51
ubottuorionsonofneptun: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!17:51
zykotick9tanath: so?  why are you removing it?17:51
tanathzykotick9, and don't want unnecessary packages17:51
orionsonofneptuni need real ubuntu help please17:51
holly_mollyyes thank you, but bridget?17:51
_Marcustanath: You removed Unity already, right?17:51
tanathzykotick9, because i want to.17:51
holly_mollycan you explaine17:51
bazhangorionsonofneptun, then stop your current approach17:51
tanath_Marcus, as much as possible17:51
orionsonofneptunnot some one on here telling me how to hurt myself more17:52
orionsonofneptunplease help17:52
bazhangorionsonofneptun, no one is doing that17:52
_Marcustanath: Try "sudo apt-get autoremove"17:52
tanath_Marcus, still some unity music & lense thingies17:52
ActionParsniporionsonofneptun: you haven't imported the key for one of your sources, what is your problem? calm down...17:52
tanath_Marcus, 0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 1 not upgraded.17:52
_Marcustanath: :/17:52
orionsonofneptunif thats the case i would be doing my own thing now  the key ?? please explain17:53
bazhangorionsonofneptun, you were told the answer twice now17:53
orionsonofneptunim not comprehending it yet17:53
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orionsonofneptunsomthing about key17:53
djalmafilhoSomeone can help me to create a PHP .deb package on ubuntu 10.04  64bits to install in another same ubuntu machine ?17:53
tanathzykotick9, and i'd be happy to remove gnome-shell to get rid of everything bluetooth, but i can't, because removing it requires isntallation of unity17:53
ActionParsniptanath: looks fine, you have updates to install as well as packages to remove as far as I can see from your paste17:53
tanathActionParsnip, it's not fine. problem is i can't remove everything unity & bluetooth17:54
zykotick9tanath: you are fighting with meta-packages...17:54
Mkaysiorionsonofneptun: What is the problem?17:54
ActionParsniporionsonofneptun: when you add extra sources there is a key to authenticate the packages, its no bad thing that you don't have it but it makes software centre moan17:54
tanathzykotick9, i'm fighting pointless dependencies17:54
ActionParsniptanath: then report a bug if you suspect one17:54
tanathzykotick9, if there's a metapackage responsible that i'm missing, i'd like to know17:55
holly_mollyaction bridget connection need to be setup?17:55
tanathActionParsnip, except i don't suspect a bug, i suspect poor design/decisions17:55
zykotick9tanath: if you want a custom ubuntu, start with the mini iso and only install what you want (and avoid large meta-packages)17:55
holly_mollyand mac I need to reset myself?17:55
_Marcustanath: And that causes a bug.17:55
ActionParsnipholly_molly: its a setting in the virtualbox config (before you start the box itself)17:55
orionsonofneptunim very frustrated ive got ubuntu 11.10 cd engeneered for me but i put it in optical drive and installit and it doesent work right its obviously not the ubuntu 11.10 ive got some one cheated me and im very angry about it and all the software i try to get is not what it used to be niether cause of spy hacks watching me17:55
bazhangholly_molly, reset mac? why17:55
zykotick9tanath: ubuntu uses some, overreaching, metapackages unfortunatly (makes things easier for most users)17:56
tanathzykotick9, mm17:56
tanathzykotick9, but increasingly it's harder to customize well17:56
ActionParsniporionsonofneptun: That made no sense. Breathe, type slowly and use punctuation17:56
orionsonofneptuni cant do anything17:56
zykotick9tanath: agreed17:56
ActionParsniptanath: try XFCE or kDE, very customizable. Gnome is not the only desktop17:56
holly_mollyaction i need synonim to bridget connection...17:56
_Marcus!mini | tanath, use this then17:57
ubottutanath, use this then: The Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want (the installer is like the one on the !Alternate CD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD17:57
tanathzykotick9, i have a lot of packages i want installed where i don't even remember what they are... and couldn't remember them all again17:57
ActionParsnipholly_molly: it makes the network device appear on your network, like a new physical PC17:57
tanathActionParsnip, i use xfce17:57
holly_mollyaction becouse if i use NAT it not happend?17:57
ActionParsnipholly_molly: vbox has its own virtual LAN address network. If you don't need it you can use your routers17:58
tanath_Marcus, if i knew about that before i may have started with it, but it's too late now...17:58
orionsonofneptunive been robbed of only os cd i had a chance to use i will get revenge i assure you they stole my cd and gave me another to control me i need to get the right ubuntu cd im very angry how would you fell if they controled you17:58
ActionParsniporionsonofneptun: whom is controlling you exactly?17:59
pdtpatr1ckWhy does software center keeps refreshing? so if u have a drop down open, it will close it and u have to open it again17:59
cautious911so i cant find any information on changing ubuntus gedit jaunty jackalope to karmic koala and updating that way17:59
_Marcustanath: It's never too late17:59
bazhang!eolupgrades | cautious91117:59
ubottucautious911: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades17:59
ActionParsnipcautious911: you can use the Karmic alternate CD and upgrade using that17:59
cautious911more downloading17:59
tanath_Marcus, since i have no chance of remembering all the things i've installed, it kind of is. i've spent a long time getting things how i like...17:59
ActionParsnipcautious911: you will then need to upgrade to Lucid, this will take a lot of data and a lot of time. If you clean install Oneiric you will have the latest stable release18:00
tanath_Marcus, at this point, i think the easiest way to get a setup i like will be starting with arch & xfce18:00
cautious911do you think i can use the same jaunty kernel after update18:00
_Marcustanath: Okay then, pick one: Useless programs you dont need or full customization18:00
ActionParsnipcautious911: or install the pre-release of Precise which is LTS, its Beta now but is released next month, depends how brave you are :)18:01
bazhangcautious911, no18:01
_Marcustanath: Getting Arch is equal to getting the minimal installation18:01
holly_mollyaction how I can proved my vmashine is like phisically used?18:01
icerootcautious911: you can use the older kernel but why?18:01
cautious911well because18:01
cautious911i like how it is18:01
icerootcautious911: bad argument18:01
tanath_Marcus, not quite18:01
cautious911no no no18:01
icerootcautious911: sure18:01
djalmafilhoplease help me with compilation and build .deb package  of PHP on ubuntu.18:01
_Marcustanath: You have to start over, without all the programs you have on right now.18:02
cautious911i like this kernel18:02
holly_mollybaz sorry becouse i try new soft18:02
icerootcautious911: with root-exploits... great18:02
tanath_Marcus, arch has differences, like good apps i like in repos already, and more up to date..18:02
n1x4New whitehat forum up... Come join us www.hackslash.info18:02
cautious911it has barely any restrictions plus im used to it18:02
_Marcustanath: Well then use Arch :L18:02
bazhangn1x4, wrong channel for that18:02
_Marcustanath: Anyway, I got to go.18:02
icerootdjalmafilho: why not using ubuntu from the repos?18:02
vit_oI can't login with unity 3d because I disabled unity with ccsm, and now i'm not able to reset it. can someone help me?18:02
cautious911okay well im going to review those links ^_^18:03
Escherialdoes anyone happen to know why kate's menus shuffle around sometimes in ubuntu 11.10? my "File" menu is now on the righthand side, even though it started out on the left18:03
tanathvit_o, log into another desktop and fire up ccsm and undo what you did?18:03
ActionParsnipvit_o: try:  compiz -reset18:03
cautious911i may do a upgrade to lts18:03
NeldogzSo i did something totally dumb and accidentally deleted 2 folders from the Terminal within Ubuntu 11.10.. Is there any way to recover these folders besides scapel or photorec?18:03
vit_otanath, ActionParsnip , already done. no results!18:04
tanathActionParsnip, there is no compiz -reset. you're prolly thinking compiz --replace18:04
holly_mollyhow send direct messages?18:04
Neldogzactually i dont even think scapel or photorec can recover folders only files =(18:04
ActionParsniptanath: yeah that double minus single minus stuff gets annoying18:04
bazhangholly_molly, /msg nick hello    but ask first18:04
zykotick9Neldogz: i doubt photorec can do anything with the "folder", files inside maybe.  i've never tried scapel.  good luck.18:04
ActionParsnipNeldogz: try foremost18:05
tanathActionParsnip, also the fact that it reloads compiz without resetting settings18:05
cautious911oh i forgot to mention im on ubuntu netbook remix18:05
djalmafilhoiceroot: because I use ubuntu 10.04 server and I don't have the last php version on repo, and I would like build to update others servers with the same dist version18:05
cautious911which most distros dont really support my netbook as well as 9.0418:05
bazhangcautious911, and its not supported any longer18:05
cautious911haha see what i mean thats the main reason for wanting this kernel18:05
vit_otanath, so you say that just replace it ?18:05
cautious911because it knows my netbook18:05
traspanyone here that is familiar with configurating dovecot/postfix? I've run into a problem without a clear idea of what's wrong18:05
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tanathvit_o, yes, it replaces the existing window manager, even if that's compiz18:05
ActionParsnipvit_o: what is the output of:   lsb_release -sc18:06
tanathvit_o, you can run it in the alt+f2 dialog18:06
icerootdjalmafilho: and why you need the latest php version?18:06
holly_mollybaz when I need write to select person what I need /msg nick?/??18:06
iceroottrasp: #postfix18:06
bazhangholly_molly, support is in this channel, not via PM18:06
traspiceroot, aight :)18:06
vit_oActionParsnip, oneric18:06
NeldogzActionParsnip: will foremost recover the folder in its entireity?18:06
bazhangholly_molly, and you have not asked a clear question her e yet18:06
ActionParsnipvit_o: http://www.webupd8.org/2011/10/things-to-tweak-after-installing-ubuntu.html    shows how to reset compiz18:06
tanathvit_o, there's a handy app called compiz-fusion that can do that for you too18:07
holly_mollyI see,18:07
Escherialis there a better place to put unity's launcher bar? it's kind of annoying having it pop out of the left every time i reach to select a file in my IDE18:07
tanathvit_o, sorry, fusion-icon18:07
djalmafilhoiceroot: to use with nginx and php-fom, and last bug fixes18:07
holly_mollyAction provided me about bridge connection18:07
holly_mollyvs NAT18:07
icerootdjalmafilho: and the first ones are not working with the version from 10.04?18:07
tanathvit_o, also links to ccsm18:07
bazhangholly_molly, and you said you want to change mac address, but why18:08
ActionParsnipholly_molly: ask in #vbox and they can tell you more18:08
holly_mollyI first time on iRC dear)18:08
holly_molly#vbox ok18:09
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holly_mollythanks 2 buz and to Action18:09
cautious911can anyone direct me how to install tar.gz files18:09
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vit_oActionParsnip, i've already done that. just errors and warn. when the terminal runs it seems all ok, but if i restart nothing change and the problem is still there.18:10
djalmafilhoiceroot: yes, works, but not the last version 5.418:10
traspiceroot,  I realized that this problem isn't strictly a postfix-problem,  so I suppose I'll have to knock my head to the wall some more ;)18:10
bazhangcautious911, check th e eolupgrades link if you want support18:10
icerootdjalmafilho: building php by hand is a bad idea because you dont get security updates18:10
stat1c_voidstill need help with debugging zeitgeist (well, python really). I've built a non-stripped version of python-xapian, but python2.7-dbg still doesn't want to load _xapian.so: "undefined symbol: Py_InitModule4_64" - as I understand it means that _xapian.so is built against different Python.h or smth...18:10
vit_otanath, so you suggest to replace ccsm or install the other app?18:10
iceroottrasp: without usefull details we cant help18:10
djalmafilhoiceroot: even download it direct from php.net ?18:11
icerootdjalmafilho: you dont get security updates by the update manager18:11
zykotick9Neldogz: problem is, directories/folders aren't real, they're just virtual markings to the filesystem, and you deleted those ;)  The files may physically be left on the filesystem, but the directory stuff is gone.18:12
Neldogzzykotick9: thank you18:12
NeldogzDoes anyone have a copy of the /user/share/themes folder they can send me? If i restore that at least I could start fixing my system18:13
djalmafilhoiceroot: You think that I should use the version of php from repo ?18:14
icerootdjalmafilho: yes18:14
icerootdjalmafilho: always try to use software from the repos18:14
sipiorzykotick9: at the risk of appearing pedantic, it's important to note that a directory is just a file, not "virtual markings to the filesystem", and so can be recovered just as any other file (or not recovered, depending on the damage :-)18:15
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djalmafilhoiceroot: but if my LTS version have five years, I will use the old version of PHP during this period.18:15
icerootdjalmafilho: old = not bad, old = stable, old = fewer security issues18:16
icerootdjalmafilho: i dont get why people always need the newest version18:16
zykotick9sipior: are you aware of any method to recover the deleted "folder" file?  would be handy.  as a sidenote: i recently learned that not everything in unix is a file, sorta shattered my world view ;)18:16
zykotick9sipior: i figured folders where file metadata?18:17
icerootzykotick9: what is not a file on unix?18:18
sipiorzykotick9: Plan9 is closer to the "everything a file" ideal.18:18
sipioriceroot: network interfaces18:18
sipiorzykotick9: recovering the folder is just the same as recovering any other file, assuming you have the inode/vnode, etc.18:19
icerootcrw-rw-rwT  1 root root 10, 200 Mär 14 00:07 tun18:19
icerootwhat is c and T?18:19
ActionParsnipiceroot: newer features to be taken advantage of etc18:19
llutziceroot: character device with sticky-bit set18:19
zykotick9iceroot: ... i'm totally drawing a blank on what the example that i saw was... it was sorta obvious after i saw it too, wasn't nic that's for sure18:20
LucidGuyGot me 3 older 1tb drives in a linux software raid5.  Thinking of purchasing an additional two 1tb drives and rebuild a new raid5 md device using the three old and two newer drives.  Should I be concerned that the new 2 drives will be newer models and by different manufacturers?18:20
sipiorLucidGuy: not really, unless the drives themselves are of poor quality, of course.18:21
pushpopHey yo, wierd issue suddly my home partition fills up18:21
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pushpopwe are talking gigabyptes in the matter for a few minutes18:21
LucidGuysipior, thats what I was thinking.18:22
zykotick9pushpop: what's taking up the space?  from ~ try "du -sh *" to get an idea18:22
ubuntu__ragazzi ho un problema grave18:23
traspiceroot, well.. All I really can say is that I can send mails locally and they reach my Maildir-folder when I telnet smtp at localhost:25, but I can't get them from the internet as it seems, and dovecot doesn't show up in "sudo ps -a | grep dovecot" even though I don't get any errormessages when starting the service18:23
ubuntu__sono andato ad istallare ubuntui18:23
ubuntu__e al riavvio mi esce no partition detect18:23
pushpopzykes-:  like a du -sh /home/user ?18:23
pushpopzykotick9: :  like a du -sh /home/user ?18:23
iceroottrasp: you are starting it with service oder /etc/init.d/?18:23
lapionperfavore hable englesi18:23
traspiceroot, tried both :/18:23
zykotick9pushpop: sure, if your user is called "user" ;)18:23
icerootllutz: thanks for the info, never heard of character devices18:24
llutziceroot: http://bashshell.net/file-permissions-and-attributes/understanding-linux-file-types/18:24
pushpopzykotick9: its taking a while18:24
traspit warns me when I try init.d, so I tried service, same prob18:24
llutztrasp: grep log_path /etc/dovecot/dovecot.conf18:24
zykotick9pushpop: actually NO.  that doesn't work nearly as well!  "cd ~" then run the command - so you can see what folder in your home dir is hogging space18:25
traspllutz, all commented out18:25
traspSuppose I'll uncomment it?18:25
icerootllutz: usefull link, thanks18:25
llutztrasp: to get logs, yes. logs are evident to track down issues18:25
TiktalikHello. I'm running Xubuntu 11.10 and when I try to open alsamixer, I get the following error: "cannot open mixer: no such file or directory"18:25
traspLL2|Android, (;18:25
cautious911hey where can i get the alternate cd18:25
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iceroot!alternate | cautious91118:26
ubottucautious911: The Alternate CD is a classic text-mode install CD. It supports a wider range of hardware than the !LiveCD, and can also be used as an upgrade CD. http://www.ubuntu.com/download/ubuntu/alternative-download#alternate - See also !minimal18:26
iceroot!download | cautious91118:26
ubottucautious911: Ubuntu installation CDs can be downloaded from http://releases.ubuntu.com - Mirrors can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Mirrors - PLEASE use the !torrents to download !Oneiric, and help keeping the servers' load low!18:26
pushpopzykotick9: ok18:26
pushpopzykotick9: it finished and just went to the next line with no info displaying18:27
ubuntu__guy, i have a big problem, after thae i installated ubuntu, when i restart my pc, it show me : no partition detected18:27
zykotick9pushpop: "du -sh *" was the command?18:27
traspllutz, Okay, so what am I looking for?18:27
llutztrasp: errors?18:28
asko_bonjour jai un probleme avec mon hdd sata18:28
zykotick9pushpop: pwd18:28
traspI suspect this to be a configuration error...18:28
cautious911iceroot: would i be able to install those on top of my distro now?18:28
zykotick9pushpop: and if you "ls" do you see anything?18:28
cautious911iceroot: im trying to avoid a fresh install18:28
dazzelis there an irc channel for luks and cryptsetup questions?18:28
zykotick9pushpop: "du -h"18:29
icerootcautious911: install what?18:29
cautious911iceroot: like i said im on netbook so i need netbook ubuntu this last distro is 10.418:29
Tiktalik..nevermind, it appears my soundcard has spontaneously stopped working.18:29
traspHm, no log shows up, seems like dovecot isn't starting at all even though I get a pid?18:29
ubuntu__who help me?18:29
Tiktalikthis is not an ubuntu problem.18:29
Tiktalikcarry on18:29
pushpopzykotick9:  alot of stuff18:29
llutztrasp: /usr/sbin/dovecot -n18:30
icerootcautious911: netbook remix is called unity now18:30
zykotick9pushpop: the number at the very end is the size of your folder18:30
zykotick9pushpop: du -sh would be humanreadable18:30
traspllutz, wow! Here's the errors ^18:30
lapioncautious911, you can only upgrade to 10.4-> 12.4 the coming month18:30
cautious911can i get that at pendrive linux18:30
icerootcautious911: default deskton since 11.10!?18:30
traspnow I can fix stuff atleast18:30
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pushpopzykotick9: I have other disks mount to directories in home18:31
pushpopso not accurate18:31
cautious911iceroot: linux unity18:31
lapioncautious911, 10.4 == lts and 12.4 == lts, upgrade from lts to lts is possible\18:31
iceroot!unity | cautious91118:31
ubottucautious911: Unity is the default UI since Ubuntu 11.04.  Unity is a shell for GNOME. see http://unity.ubuntu.com. For a GNOME 2-like experience, see !notunity18:31
zykotick9pushpop: i see...  ummmm... sorry i gots nothin'18:31
icerootcautious911: its something like the old netbook remix18:32
lapioncautious911, 12.4 is out this April18:32
tanathcan someone explain this? http://postimage.org/image/e2ro5nbnr/ i just got the current kernel to boot in oneiric and when i logged in i got that popup.18:32
cautious911i understand bots!18:32
lapioncautious911, most of us are not bots18:33
cautious911i just tried to tab your name18:33
cautious911i gotta switch to win718:33
new_ubuntuhelp me, when i restart my pc, it show me : no partition detected18:33
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pushpopHow do you clear .xsession-errors18:34
tanathit looks like it's saying it wants to move ~ to ~/Music ...18:34
dazzelpushpop, rm .xession-errors18:35
dazzelpushpop, or echo "" > .xsession-errors18:35
lapioncautious911, you have a nettop with 10.4 installed ?18:35
lapioncautious911, if you wait till april you can upgrade it to the newest nettop version of ubuntu 12.418:36
djalmafilhoiceroot: When there are updates of php package on ubuntu 10.04 for example, they are only security  fixes or also bug  fixes ?18:36
lapioncautious911,  without an installation media, just over the internet18:36
new_ubuntu help me, when i restart my pc, it show me : no partition detected18:41
llutzpushpop: "> ~/.xsession-errors"18:43
pushpopgot it thx18:43
BillyIsBackhi guys18:45
BillyIsBack1st, why can I not see the list of contacts on the right side of the window???18:46
BillyIsBacki am using empathy18:46
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zykotick9llutz: omg, that's cool.  Thanks I've never seen that before.18:48
tanathcan someone explain this? http://postimage.org/image/e2ro5nbnr/ i just got the current kernel to boot in oneiric and when i logged in i got that popup. be nice to have some context. it looks like it's saying it wants to move ~ to ~/Music ... o_O18:48
lapiontanath, well you should be over in #ubuntu+118:50
lapionoops sorry.. you are talking about oneiric18:51
tanathlapion, yes, lol18:51
tanathlapion, i held off on upgrading for a while...18:52
lapionstrange situation however I've had worse18:52
escotttanath, you user-dirs.dirs file is non-standard it just wants to know if it should replace your user-dirs.dirs with a standard form of the file18:52
tanathlapion, thing is, i don't know why language 'changed' or what exactly it wants to do18:52
tanathescott, that's not even close to what it looks like it wants to do o_O18:53
escotttanath, if you like your .config/user-dirs.dirs the way it is simply say don't ask again18:53
lapionI am still on 11.04.. holding off hoping shuttleworth changes his mind about unity, or changes unity to something with a bit of a menu18:53
escotttanath, it says very clearly that existing content will not be moved18:53
tanathescott, i ended up saying leave them and didn't check don't ask again, since i didn't know what it wanted and no one was answering18:53
Chartreusever irc.rizon.net18:53
tanathescott, that's about the only thing it's clear about18:54
tanathescott, i had no idea what it was or why it popped up18:54
BillyIsBackah AH!18:54
BillyIsBackEmpathy is retar ded sometimes18:54
tanathescott, so... if i don't know the answer?18:54
BillyIsBackok question. How to i get flash player installed on wine18:55
escotttanath, just look at .config/user-dirs.dirs if you like it as is then say "don't ask again and no" if you want a standard config with a Music folder in ~ then say yes (or modify your user-dirs.dirs directly) and then move any content you need to move to the new location18:55
BillyIsBackit gives me the famous sha1sum mismatch! Rename /home/billy/.cache/winetricks/flash/install_flash_player_ax.exe and try again.18:55
tanathBillyIsBack, 'winetricks flash' should do it18:55
lapionescott, if you check out the screenshot tanath made you would see that the system wants to move the files in ~/ to ~/Music18:56
boo__hi, I just installed ubuntu 11.04 to a usb drive, and just booted from it, but I'm having an error with my casper-rw filesystem.  whenever i click on it, it says "Cannot find /cow"18:57
boo__and it's sorta hard to use ubuntu without a filesystem =/18:57
escotttanath, it popped up because you don't have a ~/Music folder and it is expecting you to have one, so it says "maybe you changed your native language and the folder /home/tanath/Música should be renamed" but in your case you just have ~/ instead of ~/some_i18n_of_Music18:57
tanathlapion, it says contents won't be moved18:57
lapionboo__, you have a live system not an install on the usb stick18:57
tanathlapion, is certainly unclear though18:58
tanathescott, i do have a Music folder18:58
boo__lapion: but when I used the usb-stick install tool it asked if I wanted to create a partition to store my files, and I created one18:58
lapionboo__, it's stil a live system and not an install18:58
escotttanath, but your .config/user-dirs.dirs is not pointing at it. its pointing at ~. just look at user-dirs.dirs and it should make some more sense18:58
tanathescott, it's just that i kept having permissions issues with it, so i had to make it elsewhere and make ~/Music link to it18:59
lapionyou have to bot from the media and then install to the usb stick18:59
lapionboo__, you have to bot from the media and then install to the usb stick18:59
escotttanath, yes but user-dirs.dirs does not indicate that music files should be put in ~/Music it indicates they go in ~. its asking you if that is what you want19:00
tanathescott, what would have caused that change? it was fine before19:00
lapionboo__, bot=boot19:00
tanathescott, you're right though. music path was changed in .config/user-dirs.dirs to ~ for some reason19:01
escotttanath, it may not have been correct before, something else may have triggered it to check that the dirs match the language and in doing so its flagging the directory. just figure out how you want it to be configured and configure it as such in user-dirs.dirs19:01
tanathescott, yeah, i edited the file back to ~/Music. just wish i knew what happened19:02
tanathescott, ty though19:02
escotttanath, maybe you logged in one time without a ~/Music and instead of creating on (or maybe b/c it tried to create one and failed) it had to fallback to updating user-dirs.dirs to point to ~ who knows19:02
tanathescott, it points to music on another partition. may have been unmounted at some point19:03
Escherialhey, does anyone happen to know how to disable the icon of text files from becoming a summary of the text?19:05
escotttanath, you might want to file a bug on the pop-up it is rather confusing and none of the actions make much sense. why would i want to rename the file but NOT move the content?19:05
FyodorovnaI have a ubuntu host and guest (virtualbox) and have forgotten the guest setup for a shared file with the host. I have it setup in settings at this point.19:06
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Fyodorovnaah except that the guest is precise Doh wrong channel.19:07
escottEscherial, try this http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1220376 keep in mind you might need to use dconf instead of gconf19:07
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OOican somebody please help me?19:08
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kfizzTwo Ubuntu computers: server and client. I've set up server to share a few dirs (smb.conf: http://pastebin.com/hVRfG7zU) I've added the user kyle to the samba users and created a password, however when I try to access archive2 from the client computer, it won't accept the samba password for kyle on the server. Anyone notice anything wrong in the smb.conf?19:09
hear_noask away 00i19:09
tandoligahate when this happends, just installed ubuntu completely removed windows. Now I get some work where I got to heavily edit documents and images :(19:09
Escherialescott: beautiful, thank you; who'd have thought to look in nautilus' preferences? :319:09
escotttandoliga, gimp? imagemagick?19:10
tandoligatried gthumb but I dont see options like cut etc19:10
escottEscherial, can't tell if you are being sarcastic or not19:10
Escherialescott: ah, sorry, i'm not...well, if i am, i'm being self-deprecatory19:10
OOiwhy can't I update flash player for Google Chrome??? D:19:10
Escherialescott: i do appreciate the help19:11
Escheriali was more irritated at myself for not thinking to look in the obvious place, i suppose19:11
escottEscherial, nautilus is the name of the filemanager and it draws the icons on the desktop anything related to that check nautilus first19:11
Escherialescott: got it, makes sense. on a related note, kate prompts me to find an application when i try to invoke "open in file manager" on an item in the document browser...is there an executable for nautilus somewhere that i could point kate at, and if so where?19:12
escotttandoliga, the gimp will definitely have what you want, but some of the other image viewers will have some limited capabilities19:12
Escherialit'd be nice to be able to open folders in nautilus from kate19:12
Escherialnever mind, whereis answered my question19:13
escottEscherial, kate is the kde editor and would expect to use the kde filemanager konqueror. if you are using unity/gnome try using gedit for a more consistent experience19:13
jeekWhat's the package the contains the posix4 library?19:14
jeekerr, that contains, rather19:14
WilsonBradleycan anyone help me remove speech_dispatch from Ubuntu? It has speakup & speakup_soft dependancies..19:14
WilsonBradley_  It's giving me errors and ubuntu wont boot now :-(19:14
megalomixhello everybody19:14
megalomixi don't know why my ubuntu is slooow19:15
megalomixhow can i check what is the problem?19:15
escottWilsonBradley, boot to recovery and then remove those with sudo apt-get remove package_name19:15
WilsonBradleyRecovery wouldn't boot.19:16
WilsonBradleyIm in now .. let me try that command19:17
escottWilsonBradley, then boot a livecd and chroot in to remove it19:17
snakeyyyshey anyone around can give me a hand with forcing a user to only be allowed to rsync stuff down to his machine19:18
escottsnakeyyys, over what protocol19:18
WilsonBradleyroot@Asus-Ubuntu:/home/wilson# sudo apt-get remove speech_dispatch19:18
WilsonBradleyReading package lists... Done19:18
WilsonBradleyBuilding dependency tree19:18
WilsonBradleyReading state information... Done19:18
WilsonBradleyE: Unable to locate package speech_dispatch19:18
FloodBot1WilsonBradley: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.19:18
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snakeyyysI have setup in the authorized keys: command="rsync --server bla bla" {pub key} and when i run rsync from remote mahcine it works fine but ssh -v {host} says no auths methods left to try19:19
escottWilsonBradley, try speech-dispatcher19:19
snakeyyysescott over ssh?19:19
WilsonBradleyroot@Asus-Ubuntu:/home/wilson# sudo apt-get remove speech_dispatcher19:20
WilsonBradleyReading package lists... Done19:20
WilsonBradleyBuilding dependency tree19:20
WilsonBradleyReading state information... Done19:20
FloodBot1WilsonBradley: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.19:20
escottsnakeyyys, without knowing the bla bla i cant say what is happening but you probably want to configure the ssh server to only allow them to execute the rsync process19:21
snakeyyyscommand="rsync --server --sender -avz . /home/path/to/backup"19:22
snakeyyysescott that's the command I have19:22
alsasoundais SS--uominen a nazi?19:24
snakeyyysescott, in the auth.log I can see "Invalid user"19:25
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escottsnakeyyys, im not familiar with these --server --sender args, but you might look at the example "rrsync" script19:26
snakeyyysok thanks anyways will take a look at that rrsync, anyone else in here that could shed some light?19:27
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danpsyHow can I revert back from the proprietary nvidia driver to the nouveau driver?  After installing the properitary driver, my resolution is massive and most things appear off screen now.19:28
escottsnakeyyys, it looks like all you need to do is unpack rrsync into /usr/local/bin and then "The client uses "rsync -av -e ssh src/ server:dir/", and sshd on the server executes this program when .ssh/authorized_keys has 'command="..."'.19:28
bwlangi'm testing out 12.04... i get stuck during boot at init-bottom ... done  - ctrl-c does nothing, no virtual terminals, etc.  Any clues?19:29
szalbwlang: #ubuntu+1 please19:29
bwlangszal: ah didn't see it at the top ... thanks19:30
snakeyyysescott, :) cool19:30
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megalomixis it possible to use ATI card without problem in linux?19:32
ratcheermegalomix: Yes, sometimes.19:33
snakeyyysescott have you got a link to it, found a ruby script but not sure if its the one you're referring to19:33
megalomixratcheer, i tried official drviers and ubuntu rivers.....but the system goes slow after i change of the card19:33
escottsnakeyyys, less `locate rrsync.gz` and the usage is about 20 lines down into the script19:33
snakeyyysescott, great thanks!19:34
ratcheermegalomix: Which official driver? Which Ubuntu? Which desktop environment?19:34
korbenhello ppl19:35
korbeni have an issue on an update of the midori package, can someone help me?19:35
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donsdI can play an MP3 file with mplayer dir/title, but it plays in background. I would like to use command line to control. e.g. exit/pause.19:35
megalomixratcheer, i download them from AMD website.... i have: sapphire hd 487019:35
megalomixubuntu 11.0419:35
ratcheermegalomix: Also, do you have ccsm installed?19:35
megalomixccsm ? hmmm no19:36
megalomixwhat is?19:36
megalomixooh sorry19:36
megalomixyes i have it19:36
megalomixit waste around 5-10% of CPU19:36
nagarjunaHi how can i install fs-icons in ubuntu19:36
escottmegalomix, downloading from ati is discouraged as you need to maintain kernel/driver compatibility and make sure your initrd is properly updated. apt  will manage those for you if you install through jockey19:37
ratcheerYou could try installing package compizconfig-settings-manager. Then run it, and use it to unset Sync to Vblank OpenGL option. That helps a lot of people's performance.19:37
nagarjunaHi how can i install fs-icons in ubuntu19:37
ubottubigio: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».19:39
Snicers-Workwhy do groups of users usually only have 5 permissions in FTP servers instead of 7 like the owner (755 vs 775)?19:39
llutzSnicers-Work: default umask = 0022. thats why19:39
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korbencan somebody please help me with an update issue here?19:40
Snicers-WorkI understand the technical reason, but what good is that? I have the issue where users can't upload then.19:40
escottSnicers-Work, because you dont want them to be able to write to the file unless they own it19:40
st1if I click the tiny triangle to expand folder in list view, and hold mouse pointer still, I can't click to collapse that folder, if I move 1px, then click works, is this controlled by nautilus or something else19:40
Guest7887what irc client do use under unity?19:40
Snicers-Workwhat about communal folders where a group of people need to uplaod to?19:40
escottSnicers-Work, then change it as you like19:41
Snicers-Workok, but it is not bad practice to have a group set to 7 if you trust them all with adding and deleting files?19:41
kfizzTwo Ubuntu computers: server and client. I've set up server to share a few dirs (smb.conf: http://pastebin.com/hVRfG7zU) I've added the user kyle to the samba users and created a password, however when I try to access archive2 from the client computer, it won't accept the samba password for kyle on the server. Anyone notice anything wrong in the smb.conf?19:42
escottSnicers-Work, even users you trust might inadvertently stomp on each others files without realizing it. A download b downloads A uploads modified B uploads modified19:43
nagarjunahi can some one tell me how to install hud in ubuntu 11.1019:43
Snicers-WorkI am in a server environment with backups and geeks. We constantly need to edit each others files.19:44
ehsansnHi when Ubuntu fails connecting to a PPTP VPN it just says that the connection was failed , is there any way to findout the reason?like the username and password were wrong or ...19:44
klmmlkehsansn, syslog can explain that to you ? take a look at /var/log/19:44
escottSnicers-Work, its up to you to configure how you want, but eventually it happens that someone overwrites someones change unless there is something to serialize that control. you might consider using a vcs instead of just trusting it all to ftp19:45
nagarjunahi can some one tell me how to install hud in ubuntu 11.1019:45
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ballboy909is there a user manual for #ubunto19:46
escott!manual | ballboy90919:46
ubottuballboy909: The Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/19:46
Snicers-WorkYeah, looking to implement GIT later this year.19:46
ballboy909thanks ubttu19:46
MonkeyDustyo jurgentje19:47
Snicers-WorkIs there a way to set the default group of a folder without GID or ACL?19:47
llutzSnicers-Work: chmod g+s dir19:47
nagarjunasome one tell me how to install hud in ubuntu 11.1019:47
escottSnicers-Work, there are lots of reasons to not use ftp especially if you plan to switch to something else later on19:47
syral:| u guys talk about lot of things i dont get19:48
syralbut i have some Q to ask19:48
Snicers-WorkDeath to FTP I say.19:48
escottSnicers-Work, you probably want to be using ssh in some fashion so just teach people scp. its easier to use than ftp anyways19:48
yairgoIf I run gnome-terminal it immediately closes.  I came across this thread: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1684949 and using Alt+F2 got gnome-terminal to run with SHELL=/bin/sh but I can't get the terminal shortcut from applications -> accessories -> terminal to work.  inside of my /bin/sh shell if I type bash the output is Segmentation Fault, can anyone help?19:48
ehsansnthankyou syslog did say the reason although I didn't understand much from it19:48
BillyIsBackSorry guys i was afk19:48
jurgentjeyo MonkeyDust19:49
Octobytesyral, ask away19:49
Snicers-WorkSCP is all CLI right?19:49
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escottSnicers-Work, im sure there are guis you can just use sshfs19:50
syralive installed gnome tweak, gnome user extention and som of extention as well19:50
unopSnicers-Work, it's a protocol -- not necessarily all a CLI interface19:50
llutzSnicers-Work: there's sftp too, lots of GUIs for this19:50
syralthe most feutured extention is gnome app menu19:50
ratcheerI have used scp with a gui, before.19:50
syralevin if i enabled it19:50
escottSnicers-Work, you might want to enable persistent ssh connections and auth keys as well19:50
syralit doesnt work19:50
avaneeshI wanted to ask if there is a channel for UBUNTU REMASTERING, or should I ask my doubts here?19:51
syralive installed gnome tweak, gnome user extention and som of extention as well19:51
syralthe most feutured extention is gnome app menu19:51
syralit doesnt work19:52
syralevin if i enabled it19:52
FloodBot1syral: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.19:52
avaneeshI wanted to ask if there is a channel for UBUNTU REMASTERING, or should I ask my doubts here?19:52
escottSnicers-Work, http://blogs.perl.org/users/smylers/2011/08/ssh-productivity-tips.html19:52
yairgonevermind, I got it figured out.19:52
BillyIsBackSo i have this problem : when I try to install flash 10 it gives me a "sha1sum mismatch! Rename /home/billy/.cache/winetricks/flash/install_flash_player_ax.exe and try again." message19:52
Snicers-WorkThank you all.19:52
escottBillyIsBack, and did you do what it told you to do?19:53
BillyIsBackcould you please retype it i was afk sorrryyyyy19:53
BillyIsBack(I just scrolled up and was not able to find it19:54
avaneeshI wanted to ask if there is a channel for UBUNTU REMASTERING, or should I ask my doubts here?19:54
escottBillyIsBack, your message to us includes instructions that you are to follow. have you done so19:54
escott!alis | avaneesh i've never heard of one19:54
ubottuavaneesh i've never heard of one: alis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" for help and ask any questions about it in #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu* or /msg alis list *http*19:54
esuavewould this work? alias find_file= find . -name "*$VAR*" -print19:55
syralIve installed gnome shell, user shell extention, extention and gnome tweak19:55
syralsome of them doesnt work,,, like gnome application menu... do u know what to do?19:55
escottesuave, that needs to be a function and you have some unicode in there19:55
avaneeshubouttu: the thing is I am busy remastering Ubuntu 10.10 and I need to update the plymouth theme. needed a little help19:55
esuaveescott: so what would be the correct way? if you dont mind19:56
SlimG_What do I do when libreoffice writer is still running after "kill -9 <pid>"?19:56
WilsonBradleyHow do I kill ?  Ubuntu:/boot/grub$ rmmod speakup_soft , ERROR: Module speakup_soft is in use19:56
BillyIsBackesuave: I dont know what it means19:56
syralwas my question too silly to ask?19:56
escottesuave, an alias doesn't take arguments but you can define a bash function and then use the arguments in it19:56
BillyIsBackescott: Hey I do not know what it means19:56
esuaveescott: ahh ok i see what your saying.. thank you19:57
avaneesh@escott - you know how to update alternatives in chroot?19:57
escottavaneesh, the same way you would do it as if you were logged in19:57
escottBillyIsBack,  Rename /home/billy/.cache/winetricks/flash/install_flash_player_ax.exe and try again.19:57
escottesuave, http://tldp.org/LDP/Bash-Beginners-Guide/html/sect_11_02.html19:58
avaneeshnope, the thing is initrd.lz is in the iso, so that never gets updated when I update-initramfs19:58
BillyIsBackescott: it says rename but what name should i rename it to?19:58
escottBillyIsBack, whatever you want you could also remove it19:58
esuaveescott: ahh much appreciated! thanks19:58
avaneeshwhen I make changes to default.plymouth and update initramfs that happens only for the system, but the ISO's initrd.lz which is in /casper/ doesnt get updated, hence the default plymouth is shown19:59
BillyIsBackescott: I did delete the entire folder and even tried to replace the file with a newer version by modifying the name but it still gives me this error.19:59
flybyraywhere is the bug report for dpi / scaling ? in lucid lynx i can set up proper dpi resolution for my monitor, and this setting is recognized for example by evince to display letter/A4 in native size at 100% . i cant set this with newer ubuntu versions anymore. :( really anoying!19:59
ubottuInterested in remastering the Ubuntu !LiveCD or !Alternate installer? See: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCDCustomization and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallCDCustomization - Or use tools such as http://uck.sourceforge.net/ or http://linux.dell.com/wiki/index.php/DRU_Disc_Remastering_Utility19:59
escottavaneesh, i don't know much about what you are doing so i can only refer you to the above links20:00
avaneeshI have been through those links :(20:00
syralwhom can i ask about gnome shell issues?20:00
avaneeshsigh, its ok will figure something out, thank you anyway20:00
escottBillyIsBack, then the file that is being downloaded is not the same as the file that ppa expects. perhaps adobe updated the file and the ppa has not been updated to reflect this20:00
BillyIsBackhmm,, how to i update the ppa of winetricks then?20:01
ubottumadero: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».20:01
syraljust tell me if u cant answer or busy right now i can comeback later, just tell20:01
ubuntuspricht hier jemand deutsch?20:02
llutz!de | ubuntu20:02
ubottuubuntu: In den meisten Ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuche bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Einfach "/join #ubuntu-de" eingeben. Danke für Dein Verständnis!20:02
syralwhom can i ask about gnome shell issues? shall i wait or leave?20:02
escott!ask | syral20:02
ubottusyral: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience20:02
BillyIsBackI have launch the updates manager and it does not have anything new20:02
syralok ill do now@ ubuntu20:02
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syralIve installed gnome shell, user shell extention, extention and gnome tweak20:03
syralsome of them doesnt work,,, like gnome application menu... do u know what to do?20:03
BillyIsBackescott:  I have launch the updates manager and it does not have anything new20:03
escottBillyIsBack, ppa's have issues. if you are using a ppa then you have to deal with some issues20:04
escottBillyIsBack, if you think the file you are downloading is the correct version and you want to override the sha1sum check you can compute your own sha1 with sha1sum filename and put that into the manifest for your winetricks20:05
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=== DyanmicFail is now known as b0ot
BillyIsBackWell, what's happening is that the file that winetricks itself is downloading does not seem to be the right version. If what you said is the right answer, then could you please show me how to do that?20:07
BillyIsBackescott:  Well, what's happening is that the file that winetricks itself is downloading does not seem to be the right version. If what you said is the right answer, then could you please show me how to do that?20:07
BillyIsBack(sorry i keep forgetting)20:07
ActionParsnipsyral: is it the same as a new user?20:08
escottBillyIsBack, run "sha1sum /home/billy/.cache/winetricks/flash/install_flash_player_ax.exe" and then open up the winetricks script and replace the current sha1sum with the what sha1sum outputs20:08
syralaction :  mean the shell ? yes20:09
syralthe same20:09
Escherialso, out of curiosity, why are the gimp's open/save dialogs always slightly wider than the screen20:09
ActionParsnipsyral: what is the output of:  lsb_release -sc20:10
Escherialit's pretty annoying having to resize them every single time i open or save something, especially when the resize handle region is so small20:10
BillyIsBackescott: and where to I find the winetricks scripts? Thanks again fr your help!20:10
escottBillyIsBack, the script you are running20:10
syralaction: oneirec20:11
syralaction: oneirec, ive installed gnome package to have gnome shell ofcourse and its very brilliant and then did as instruction to have app menu, didnt work20:12
ActionParsnipsyral: try pressing tab after you type 'action' ;)20:13
syraloh ok20:13
ActionParsnipsyral: all I can suggest is you report a bug20:13
syralActionParsnip, thanks20:13
carli2how can I automatically mount every removable device that is plugged into my computer?20:13
Zaitzevhey, I was doing an apt-get update, and got the results "libnautilus-extension1 nautilus nautilus-data", but also the errors "Could not get lock /var/cache/apt/archives/lock - open (11: Resource temporarily unavailable)" and "Unable to lock directory /var/cache/apt/archives/" - what do I need to do?20:14
ActionParsnipcarli2: it should automount, did you safetly eject the device last time youremoved it, or did you just rip it out?20:14
ZaitzevI meant apt-get upgrade.20:14
BillyIsBackescott: let me try out these things and let you know how it goese20:14
ActionParsnipZaitzev: are you running updates, or do you have software centre open etc?20:14
escottcarli2, something like? udisks --enumerate | xargs -0 udisks --eject20:14
ActionParsnip!aptfix | Zaitzev20:14
ubottuZaitzev: If an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a »20:14
carli2ActionParsnip: I don't have a graphical shell installed, the gadget should be automated20:15
carli2with removable device i mean usb flash drives.20:15
ZaitzevActionParsnip: I'll try that and come back to you, thanks20:15
ActionParsnipcarli2: but did you safetly remove it last time you used it?20:15
carli2ActionParsnip: as i said, i dont have nautilus installed, and I dont want to install nautilus20:15
ActionParsnipcarli2: I never mentioned nautilus....20:15
carli2ActionParsnip: and /dev/sdb is there and ok. when i manually mount it, it works20:16
dr3mrohello , i need to make ubuntu run a script after i plug in my usb modem ... how to make that happen ?20:16
ZaitzevActionParsnip: I did the above, and tried apt-get upgrade again. Same errors appear20:16
carli2ActionParsnip: but i want it automated20:16
ActionParsnipcarli2: did you safe remove it / eject the device before you pulled it out last time it was in a system20:16
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Zaitzevso there's an update for Nautilus it won't let me install, that's kinda funny..20:16
syralall guys, is there any way to learn linux developing  ? u guys are awesome20:17
carli2the problem with automount is that I dont know how to use wildcards20:17
ActionParsnipZaitzev: can you give the output of the command ubottu gave please, you can use http://pastie.org20:17
ZaitzevIt didn't give ANY output20:17
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ActionParsnipcarli2: can you kindly answer my perfectly reasonable question please....20:17
carli2ActionParsnip: yes godammed, I'm not talking about ejecting something, I want a simple package that contains udev rules that mounts a file system into /media20:18
ActionParsnipZaitzev: ok if you run:  ps -ef | egrep 'dpkg|apt' | grep -v grep      is there any output?20:18
Zaitzevone sec20:18
ActionParsnipcarli2: it flushes the caches and is quite relevant to the situation20:19
ZaitzevActionParsnip: "egrep: dpkg|apt: No such file or directory"20:19
carli2ActionParsnip: why? there are no udev rules that do anything20:19
ActionParsnipcarli2: if you add an entry in /etc/fstab   it will be used, or you can use a udev rule20:19
escottdr3mro, you'll probably need to write some udev rules check /etc/udev/rules for examples20:19
dr3mro_hello how to make ubuntu run a bash script after i plug in any hardware for example usb modem /20:20
carli2ActionParsnip: removable devices are removable. I need a set of udev rules. but are there udev rules I can use? (or do I have to write my own?)20:20
llutzdr3mro_: create a custom udev-rule for this20:20
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hydrox24carli2: you might have to look at udev20:20
ActionParsnipcarli2: you'll probably have to due to no gvfs,it may be installable in CLI, without desktop UI20:20
dr3mro_escott, llutz can you help me .. !!20:21
ActionParsnipZaitzev: I just ran the command and it worked. Are you copying and pasting it?20:21
carli2ActionParsnip: yes, gvfs is installable. does it add udev rules?20:21
llutzdr3mro_: to get an idea thow that works http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=16822120:21
ActionParsnipcarli2: it will watch for new devices etc, should make things nicer20:22
ActionParsnipZaitzev: ok try:     ps -ef | grep dpkg; ps -ef | grep apt20:22
ActionParsnipZaitzev: any output ?20:22
Zaitzevonly some error about wrong flag or whatever20:22
Zaitzevlet me paste you the output20:22
ActionParsnipZaitzev: cool20:23
hydrox24carli2: http://hackaday.com/2009/09/18/how-to-write-udev-rules/20:23
llutzActionParsnip: hint: pgrep 'apt|dpkg'20:23
syralActionParsnip, thanks ive installed the extention from offecial gnome shell extention home page20:23
syralit works20:23
ActionParsnipllutz: egrep works here but cool20:23
ActionParsnipsyral: nice20:23
dr3mro_escott, llutz will udev rules run the bash script ?20:24
ActionParsnipZaitzev: try with pgrep instead20:24
syralhttps://extensions.gnome.org/extension/6/applications-menu/ just prissed on and it worked immediatly20:24
Zaitzevwait a minute20:24
llutzdr3mro_: yes, use the RUN+="sh yourscript"20:24
ZaitzevActionParsnip: I ran the command using root user20:24
Zaitzevgot some output now20:25
ActionParsnipZaitzev: ok, what you got?20:25
ZaitzevActionParsnip http://pastie.org/360355520:25
nox-HandHey guys20:25
Zaitzevhm, mailutils? I can't remember that..20:26
wdd##subreddit FTW20:26
ActionParsnipZaitzev: try:   sudo kill 2401820:26
Zaitzevi did already ;)20:27
ActionParsnipZaitzev: and is it gone?20:27
syralhow can i reenable plymouth boot screen after i foolishly disable it? any idea?20:27
ZaitzevActionParsnip: About that non-working output earlier, I bet it has to do with the .bashrc..20:27
ActionParsnipsyral: how did you disable it?20:27
ZaitzevActionParsnip: and yes it's gone, I'll try an update now and see if it helps20:27
nox-HandI changed my login manager from LightDM to GDM, but now no manager boots up. Unfortunately, I am on a tablet with no method for external keyboard except bluetooth, and I am not aware of a way to pair a bluetooth keyboard without the X-based config. Now it does not boot up any window manager at boot.20:28
Zaitzevthere we go20:28
ZaitzevActionParsnip: thanks a bunch :)20:28
syrali wrote sudo plymouth.config.disabled20:28
nox-HandI can mount the file system remotely, and edit files there. What might I edit to make it boot up lightdm again at boot (as it allows me to add a soft keyboard)20:28
nox-Handtty1 is not handy for a touchscreen with no keyboard :)20:28
ActionParsnipZaitzev: nice, yeah that process was locking the packages as only ONE process can access the packages20:28
syralActionParsnip, i wrote sudo plymouth.config.disabled20:28
ZaitzevActionParsnip: Got an error installing tho :P20:29
[]tsukasa[]i'm mounting a nas drive in fstab, not sure if this is the issue but I have it mapped to a folder via cifs and can't seem to change file owner away from root. I'm I missing a trick?20:29
ZaitzevActionParsnip: http://pastie.org/3603572 hehe20:29
ActionParsnipZaitzev: then there are still apt-get or dpkg processes running20:29
nox-HandI guess the question is, when I do a dpkg-reconigure gdm and change my default login manager frorom lightdm to gdm, and that doesn't work at boot (but starting from a terminal (sudo gdm) does) ... what file do I edit to toggle it back to how it was?20:30
ZaitzevActionParsnip: if you look at the process-list, wouldn't the two dpkg-preconfigure --apt.. be the culprits?20:30
ActionParsnip[]tsukasa[]: add extra options to the mount20:30
hydrox24tsaknorris: can you paste your fstab options here? also make sure that the empty folder it is going to be mounted in has the correct permissions.20:30
ActionParsnipZaitzev: anything like that needs killing20:30
nox-HandWithout it I am facing a reinstlal, which is quite a bother on the hacked tablet :P20:30
hydrox24[]tsukasa[]: can you paste your fstab options here? also make sure that the empty folder it is going to be mounted in has the correct permissions.20:30
ActionParsnipZaitzev: I then recommend you run:  sudo apt-get -f install   so you know all is ok20:30
ActionParsnipnox-Hand: if you install gdm, doesn't it set itself as the default?20:31
Zaitzevthere we go, it went through fine now, thanks again ActionParsnip.20:31
ActionParsnipZaitzev: np man. That's why I asked the first question I hit you with :)20:32
[]tsukasa[]hydrox24: i'm just using //ipaddress/sharename /svn cifs username=name,password=password 0 020:32
nox-HandActionParsnip: I gather it does. The issue is that now it boots nothing at bootup (not sure why) and just starting gdm manually was fine up until now. Then I got in the pickle that my bluetooth device reset (out of power) so networkmanager needs a new keyboard paired20:32
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nox-HandActionParsnip: And since I have *no* keyboard on the touchscreen tablet, I can't even log in to the tty1 it boots up with.20:32
MarKsaitishey. on a fresh ubuntu server precise, what is the cmd to setup sshd? any quick wizzards in terminal? openssh package is already installed20:32
MarKsaitispls help20:33
ActionParsnipMarKsaitis: sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get install openssh-server20:33
escottMarKsaitis, openssh-server and #ubuntu+120:33
ActionParsnipMarKsaitis: what else do you need to setup?20:33
nox-HandActionParsnip, I can, however, mount the filesystem. I have it open now, and figured if I toggle the right file I would be able to reboot into Ubuntu and make the tablt boot with X so I can use virtual keyboard.20:33
ActionParsnipMarKsaitis: oh yeah Precise in #ubuntu+120:33
ActionParsnipescott: thanks20:33
ActionParsnipnox-Hand: you can add a command to run startx as another user using:  su -c20:34
[]tsukasa[]hydrox24: reading up and I assume I need to override the uid and gid ?20:34
MarKsaitisActionParsnip, openssh-server was already selected in setup of the os20:35
escottMarKsaitis, sounds like an issue go to the #ubuntu+1 channel20:35
TheSimkinwhy isn't openssh-server part of the default anyhow?20:35
TheSimkinseems silly that it's not20:35
TheSimkinand by default, what is the password for root? or is it always randomized?20:36
escott!root | TheSimkin20:36
ubottuTheSimkin: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo20:36
TheSimkinescott: how do you use sudo through sftp?20:36
syralubottu, but sudo cant modify root file system, can it?20:37
ubottusyral: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)20:37
escottTheSimkin, you can't20:37
TheSimkinescott: and rsync?20:37
escottTheSimkin, its not even a meaningful question20:37
TheSimkinescott: it is, what if you want to backup a system remotely.20:37
syralubottu, loooooooooooooooooooooooooooooool20:37
TheSimkinbacking up  without root privileges would be retarded.20:37
escottTheSimkin, then set yourself up an authkey for root20:38
ActionParsnipTheSimkin: trasfer the files over then SSH over and move as you need20:38
nox-HandActionParsnip: Might I be able to set that up in a script file somewhere, so it runs as root (just lightdm as root at bootup)? I have root file system access, but not a booted Ubuntu.20:38
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nox-HandActionParsnip: I mounted my root file system from WebOS, and have terminal access.20:39
ActionParsnipnox-Hand: you could add the command in /etc/rc.local to run the command you need to start lightdm etc20:39
escottTheSimkin, with open source why would you bother to backup the root fs. use something like etckeeper and backup your mysql databases etc in var and use !clone but backup up / seems stupid20:39
JohnNapsterif I didn't want to install a package name using  sudo apt-get install package-name  but just wanted to get the version number of that package-name... how can i do that in ubuntu?20:39
TheSimkinescott: if you backup everything then you can chroot into your back up and run everthing form in there in case yourp rimary fails20:40
nox-HandActionParsnip: Will attempt! :)20:40
TheSimkinescott: it's actually a fantastic idea20:40
zykotick9JohnNapster: "apt-cache policy package-name"20:40
TheSimkinescott: especially if you backup medium is a snapshotting file system.20:40
escottTheSimkin, if you can take snapshots with lvm just export your snapshot then20:40
JohnNapsterzykotick9: thanks... why's the "policy" part needed?20:41
nox-HandActionParsnip: Rebooting to test :)20:41
zykotick9JohnNapster: apt-cache has other options ;)20:41
JohnNapsteri see20:41
escottTheSimkin, in any case setup an authkey, you may have to modify the sshd config but that will do what you want20:41
JohnNapsterand the policy part is specifically to get a version number of a package?20:41
hydrox24[]tsukasa[]: sorry for the late response, but Yes20:42
zykotick9JohnNapster: ya.  "apt-cache search foo" is also popular20:42
lotushey, my autocomplete on a directory name does this: cd dir_na[tab] returns "cd dir_name[space]" -- how can I remove that damn space and replace it with a / ?20:42
Seea_My PhpMyAdmin dosen't work any tips ? i had it dowloaded and intstalled but nothing more then that20:43
olFireFoxmake sure u have, apache, php and mysql working20:43
olFireFoxalso make sure its in a web accessible location20:43
JohnNapsterzykotick9: i did  apt-cache policy  (without the package-name part) and at the end it says   Pinned packages:  and then nothing following... what are pinned packages?20:44
lotusSeea_: try sudo apt-get install php5 mysql-server mysql-client libapache2-mod-php520:44
zykotick9!pin | JohnNapster20:44
ubottuJohnNapster: pinning is an advanced feature that APT can use to prefer particular packages over others. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PinningHowto20:44
Seea_i had, but my firend said to me that it was some command i would type in ..20:44
lotusSeea_: I might have messed up the package names a bit, try apt-cache search if I did...20:44
lotusSeea_: sudo apache2ctl graceful or sudo apache2ctl restart20:44
lotusSeea_: if that still doesn't do it, Apache is not configured to load php files for some reason20:45
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zykotick9JohnNapster: pinning "should" never be needed.  it can be useful if you are mixing repos (PPAs would count here).20:46
JohnNapsteri was just reading the link that the bot offered me20:47
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JohnNapsterzykotick9: do _you_ have any pinned packages?20:47
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zykotick9JohnNapster: nope, never had to use it20:48
JohnNapsterso who would be using such a feature and why?20:48
new_ubuntuwhy i can not mount the device? sudo mount --bind /dev /mnt/dev20:48
zykotick9JohnNapster: two packages, same name - but from different repos with different version20:48
lotushey, my autocomplete on a directory name does this: cd dir_na[tab] returns "cd dir_name[space]" -- how can I remove that damn space and replace it with a / ?20:49
zykotick9lotus: try = cd "dir_na<TAB>20:49
escottnew_ubuntu, what error message does it give20:49
lotuszykotick9: are you saying I have to type a " before every directory if I want to autocomplete without a trailing space?20:50
zykotick9lotus: well something is certainly up with your example?20:50
new_ubuntuescott, thank i have result20:51
JohnNapsterzykotick9: i see... but i think this feature is pointless... apt does a good job installing the proper package, so this feature should be removed from apt-cache20:51
zykotick9lotus: did that work?20:51
JohnNapsterdo you agree?20:51
lotuszykotick9: Mmm that " did not do the trick.  I think I found a bug report labeling this problem as something to do with the acroread.sh in the bash_completion.d directory20:51
zykotick9JohnNapster: no i don't agree it should be removed!  it has a point, just not one i find useful.20:51
eegoreI do have a wee issue with getting a printer to work20:51
lotuszykotick9: removing that file seems to help, as long as I reload my bash window.  I had solved this earlier, but it looks like the problem was because I left a screen session open and some of the older windows didn't reload the bash file20:52
zykotick9lotus: ahhh, bash completion stuff can be tricky.  i remember something about acroread causing some issue...20:52
lotuszykotick9: thankyou for trying to help~20:52
ActionParsnipeegore: wassup?20:52
escottlotus, what is the directory name? what are your shopt settings?20:52
JohnNapsterzykotick9: since apt always installs the best version, i don't understand how this can be useful20:52
eegorethe base configuration utility sees the printer but the jobs are not printing to the network printer20:52
lotusescott: didn't matter what the directory name was.  I'm not sure what shopt settings are.20:53
escottlotus, "shopt"20:53
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bdiif i du sudo apt-get install libgphoto2-2, where is it then installed?20:53
traspHow do I get hold of a standard dovecot.conf? (11.10) Or how do I generate a new one..?20:53
zykotick9bdi: try "dpkg -L libgphoto2-2" to see where it installed stuff20:54
eegoreI am using a Brother MFC on the netwrok20:54
escottlotus, means "shell options"20:54
ActionParsnipeegore: did you go to the Brother site to get the driver?20:54
JohnNapsterzykotick9: ... well, only if you want to contol apt to install a specific version of a package... is that correct?20:54
traspfound it...20:55
zykotick9JohnNapster: exactly20:55
mister2hey, does anybody know of a better mush client than gnome-mud? You can't copy text out of it, or use links, or fullscreen it, and logging it is... interesting.20:55
JohnNapsterzykotick9: do you fancy having older (tested through time and presumably more stable) versions of packages... or do you crave for latest and greates?20:56
zykotick9JohnNapster: it has it's uses.  but i personally think it's a level of package complexity that should be avoided (but that's just my overly conservative views on gnu/linux)20:56
zykotick9JohnNapster: i'm all about stability20:56
ActionParsnip!info tintin++20:56
ubottutintin++ (source: tintin++): classic text-based MUD client. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.00.5-1 (oneiric), package size 158 kB, installed size 440 kB20:56
ActionParsnipmister2: ^20:57
ActionParsnip!info tinyfugue20:57
ubottuPackage tinyfugue does not exist in oneiric20:57
hydrox24what's mush?20:57
ActionParsnip!info powwow20:57
ubottuPackage powwow does not exist in oneiric20:57
ActionParsnip!info mudlet20:57
ubottumudlet (source: mudlet): Graphical MUD client with fast lua scripting support. In component universe, is extra. Version 2.0-rc5-1 (oneiric), package size 3606 kB, installed size 7092 kB20:57
JohnNapsterzykotick9: so you would probably limit apt to a specific minor version, like to install package-name 1.3.x and not 1.420:57
traspMaybe not, i found this, but when I run it, it just complains over my old (nonexisting/touched) dovecot.conf (This is what I found: "NOTE: You can get a new clean config file with: doveconf -n > dovecot-new.conf")20:57
ActionParsnip!info mcl20:58
ubottumcl (source: mcl): the Markov Cluster algorithm. In component universe, is extra. Version 1:10-201-21 (oneiric), package size 1521 kB, installed size 3304 kB20:58
traspAnyone got a clue how to restore it?20:58
zykotick9JohnNapster: actually i think one should try to stick to the default packages provided in a release, i don't go chasing newest versions of stuff.  default repo, thinks work ;)20:58
ubottuFind your themes at: http://www.gnome-look.org - http://art.gnome.org - http://www.kde-look.org - http://kubuntu-art.org - http://themes.freshmeat.net/browse/58/ - http://www.guistyles.com - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ - Also see !changethemes and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy20:59
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lotusescott: ty!20:59
JohnNapsterthat bot is spitting fire :D20:59
escottlotus, was it something in there?20:59
lotusescott: nope, it was the acroread stuff, but I appreciate the explanation21:00
llutztrasp: /usr/share/doc/dovecot-core/example-config/dovecot.conf21:01
blue-diomondhi all, some one tell me how to install hud in 11.1021:01
llutztrasp: or /usr/share/dovecot/dovecot.conf21:01
traspllutz, thanks :). I had messed up my old one with settings for some other version... guess I was tired 6am ^^21:01
ActionParsnipblue-diomond: its precise only dude21:02
ActionParsnipblue-diomond: http://techhamlet.com/2012/01/how-to-install-the-new-hud-in-ubuntu-12-04-and-11-10/21:02
JohnNapsterzykotick9: is it possible that i install the development version of WINE through the default apt repos ?  i want the latest and greatest21:02
zykotick9JohnNapster: no idea.21:02
llutztrasp: look at "etckeeper", very handy in those cases21:02
JohnNapsterthere are, of course, compiled packages, but i want to do that through apt21:03
traspllutz, Allright, will take a looksie :)21:03
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JohnNapsterso i guess i should go and grab the package at winehq.org21:03
JohnNapsteralrighty then21:04
blue-diomondActionParsnip, thanks dude21:05
=== mintman is now known as JelloPop
nox-HandActionParsnip: You, Sir, saved my bacon :) Back on Ubuntu on my system :D21:06
nox-HandThanks, ActionParsnip!21:06
ActionParsnipnox-Hand: np man21:06
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A_Jhow difficult would it be to transfer my boot partition off my drive onto a SSD.21:12
ikoniavery straight forward21:12
A_Jikonia can i reduce the size of the partion though21:13
A_Ja few gb21:13
ikoniaA_J: sure21:13
ikoniajust create the new partition smaller21:13
jimmy51_if i have image.img.gz, how can i extract it and write it to /dev/sda?21:13
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ikoniajimmy51_: what do you mean "write it to /dev/sda"21:14
escottjimmy51_, gunzip | dd of=/dev/sda21:14
Manehattanhi, can someone tell me how to find out what the cpu-usage of a certain process is? My server has a lot of >1.0 for more than a day and I can't figure out who's the culprit21:14
A_Jokie ikonia i'll go ahead and order the SSD. thanks21:14
A_JManehattan htop21:14
jimmy51_ikonia: i created a backup of an entire HDD with dd, now i want to write it back21:14
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eegoredrivers are 32 bit and need forcing21:14
Manehattana_j: command not found...21:14
ikoniajimmy51_: how did you create the image21:14
A_JManehattan download it21:14
A_Jsudo apt-get install htop21:15
soreauManehattan: The cli version is top21:15
ManehattanA_J: ok... due to the load that will take ages21:15
jimmy51_ikonia:   dd if=/dev/sda conv=sync,noerror bs=512K | gzip -c > /media/image.img.gz21:16
ikoniaok, so just dd it back21:16
A_JManehattan hmm, okie21:16
ManehattanA_J: or not... ok, it tells me "init" takes up 100%21:16
jimmy51_ikonia: i'm trying to but must be doing something wrong.  i put a fresh drive in, used dd to zero it out (no partitions, not mounted, etc)21:16
ikoniajimmy51_: are you restoring it to a different disk ?21:16
linuxdude2how yall doing??21:17
jimmy51_ikonia: my restore command is:  gunzip -c /media/image.img.gz | dd of=/dev/sda conv=sync,noerror bs=512K21:17
A_Jinit (short for initialization) is a program for Unix-based computer operating systems that spawns all other processes. It runs as a daemon and typically has PID 1. The boot loader starts the kernel and the kernel starts init. If one were to delete init without a replacement, the system would encounter a kernel panic on the next reboot.21:17
ikoniajimmy51_: are you restoring it to a different disk ?21:17
jimmy51_ikonia: i get Permission denied /dev/sda  (oh... using sudo of course).21:17
jimmy51_ikonia: yes, different disk21:17
ikoniajimmy51_: are you restoring it to a different disk ?21:17
jimmy51_ikonia: yes, different disk.  removed original.21:18
escottjimmy51_, you probably dont want to restore with noerror that seems a bit wrong21:18
ikoniajimmy51_: is the disk the same size21:18
ManehattanA_J: I am aware of what init is, I'm just wondering if it should have a 100% load for days21:18
jimmy51_ikonia: they new disk is 500GB, old was 250GB.21:18
ikoniajimmy51_: ok, then that's not a good thing to do21:18
ikoniajimmy51_: the partition table and everything will be different21:18
ikoniajimmy51_: but it's up to you if you wish to continue21:18
A_JManehattan i'm unsure too. perhaps ask others on the channel such as ikonia21:19
jimmy51_ikonia: it's ok... i'm not expecting it to boot and be perfect... this is just to prove i have the files in a compressed archive.21:19
Manehattanwait if it's a vps, does it even have to be my init or can it be someone else's21:19
=== lupinedk is now known as Lupinedk
AthanasiusSooooo, today I upgrade my family's desktop from Ubuntu 8.04 or somesuch to 11.10. This should be fun.21:21
bennypwell howdy! anybody using bitpim?21:21
A_JAthanasius good luck :)21:21
bennypwhat's the bitpim install procedure like these days?21:21
Manehattanikonia: Maybe you can tell me why my init process uses up 100%?21:21
A-KOIs there an 'easy', secure way to configure DNS dynamic updates in linux?21:21
jimmy51_ikonia: so... should my dd command to restore work?  i can't figure out why it says permission denied.  the drive is not mounted and i'm using sudo.21:21
ikoniaManehattan: could be many reasons.21:22
ikoniajimmy51_: ls -la /dev/sda21:22
AthanasiusA_J: I'me hoping there's a fairly easy way to do basically a clean install without removing the /home folder :s21:22
ikoniajimmy51_: are you currently using /dev/sda ?21:22
irviehow can i see where my apache server is pointing? i forgot where my files are in the filesystem :P21:22
icerootirvie: /var/www/21:22
irvieyeah that's for the default site21:22
Manehattanirvie: Should be in /etc/apache2/sites-enables21:22
irvieare those folders though?21:23
kroq-gar78irvie: yes21:23
kroq-gar78irvie: /var/www is21:23
Manehattanirvie: or rather 'sites-enabled' there are the configs21:23
irviecause it says it's not a dir21:23
kroq-gar78irvie: not sure about site-enables21:23
FloodBot1irvie: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.21:23
escottjimmy51_, the other side of the | is run as the current user you need to sudo -i first21:23
FyodorovnaAthanasius, not possible do a fresh install next to it and transfer what you need.21:24
escottjimmy51_, sudo root process here |(shell redirection as non-priv) non-priv process here21:24
irvieexcellent i just read the config and the dir is in there :]21:24
AthanasiusFyodorovna: So just cp /home onto another harddrive or somesuch?21:24
jimmy51_escott: BINGO!21:25
jimmy51_escott: that was it.  thank you!21:25
jimmy51_ikonia: thanks as well.21:25
Manehattanikonia: any way to keep my init from that or do I have to reboot and hope?21:25
ryaoIs there a way to set MAKEOPTS for DKMS packages?21:26
ikoniaManehattan: depends why it's doing it21:26
ikoniaManehattan: I'd certainly suggest rebooting to see if it re-occurs21:26
Manehattanikonia: I'll wait until I've copied all the files and then reboot.21:27
Ca11umFor some reason certain types of documents are opening with Windows Notepad (using Wine)21:29
Ca11umHow can I revert all documents to gedit?21:29
eegorethanks all21:32
eegorenow I need to change the page size to 8.5X1121:33
osseI love Ubuntu One, but at work I use RHEL5 most of the time. Is there any reasonable way to access my Ubuntu One account from RHEL5 except for the web interface?21:35
guntbertosse: I suggest you ask in #ubuntuone21:36
osseguntbert, thanks. I didn't know it had its own channel. But perhaps I should have.21:40
guntbertosse: no problem :)21:40
ActionParsnipCa11um: what is the output of:  lsb_release -sc21:42
MonkeyDustvalentina it's /join21:43
Ca11umActionParsnip ^21:43
ActionParsnipCa11um: you can do it in ubuntu-tweak21:43
elspuddyhello, how do i update my java via the console ?21:44
FyodorovnaAthanasius, I use a rsync gui called grsync, but the two distros are not quite simpatico as far as upgrade apps.21:44
ActionParsnip!java | elspuddy21:44
ubottuelspuddy: To just use java you need a "Java Runtime Environment" (JRE) and/or a browser plugin. If that is not sufficient you will need a "Java Development Kit" (JDK) aka "Software  Development Kit" (SDK).  Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java about how to install one of three current implementations.21:44
ubottuale_69: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».21:49
dr3mrohello , how to prevent cdrom of USB modem from automount ???21:50
eegorej luni21:51
dr3mrohello , how to prevent cdrom of USB modem from automount ???21:51
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ActionParsnipelspuddy: what is the output of:  uname -m21:52
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ActionParsnipelspuddy: I can give you a script21:53
Ca11umDoes anybody else experience problems with the titles of windows? It doesn't seem to update itself...21:53
Ca11umFor example, in Firefox, if you browse to another site, it still has the title of your homepage21:53
Ca11umand after saving a LibreOffice document, it remains as Untitled 121:53
=== shadowh511 is now known as POLITE_ALLCAPS
FyodorovnaCa11um, with unity the top panel is interwined with the window open and the OS click on the FF window then the top panel. With libreoffice name it.21:55
Ca11umI have named it21:56
DaekdroomCa11um, Fyodorovna it's a problem with fglrx21:56
dr3mrohello , how to prevent virtual cdrom of USB disk from automount ???21:56
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itaylor57yea i don't see the problem21:56
Daekdroombug 77028321:56
ubottuLaunchpad bug 770283 in Compiz Core "[fglrx]title bar does not update on non-maximized windows" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/77028321:56
snakeyyysescott still around?21:58
olFireFoxis there a way to change whats int he unity mainbutton, i dont need that banshee21:59
ActionParsnipolFireFox: do you mean the apps in Unity bar?21:59
olFireFoxyes in that slideout thing22:00
DaekdroomolFireFox, you can replace it with another music player.22:00
ActionParsnipolFireFox: if you don't need it, uninstall the app and it will go. Or is that not what you mean>22:00
olFireFoxi'd rather have it not be there at all22:01
DaekdroomNot possible.22:01
FyodorovnaDaekdroom, could be but unity is confusing with new users as well as far as the top panel showing what you want22:01
olFireFoxunity is pretty cool, i just dont like that i cant customize the inside part22:02
DaekdroomFyodorovna, It's not Unity's fault.22:02
yarghi i'm having some problems with ubuntu and i was wondering if anyone can help22:02
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olFireFoxhmmm, yeh uninstalling it just put mediaplayer there :p22:03
bdiwhat is the differences between somepackage and somepackage-dev ?22:04
yargi have two disks, one with windows 7 and one that i installed ubuntu onto a couple of hours ago. after installing, i ran the software updater and rebooted. it would just say "error: no such device: (bunch of numbers/letters)", "error: no such partition", and "error: you need to load the kernel first"22:05
yargso i downloaded the boot-repair-disk and just ran it using the recommended repair22:05
CFHowlettPaer   greetings22:06
yargnow it just says error no such device and drops me into a grub rescue prompt22:06
yargit doesn't even show the windows 7 loader anymore so i can't get into windows22:06
CFHowlettbdi   dev packaages are bleeding edge, i.e. in development, prone to breaking and problems, i.e. pre-beat22:06
yarg(i'm on a laptop right now)22:06
arandCFHowlett: No, they aren't22:07
yargany idea how i might be able to fix this?  i haven't had much luck trying any solutions that i've found on google22:07
CFHowlettarand   feel free to expand on this and/or correct my response22:08
arandyarg: you have a shell prompt available with the resque cd?22:08
koffeehaushello i have a question for Ocelot users: have they fixed the annoying thing when you select a file from Nautilus and id doesn;t use themed selection colour?22:08
Nine_9bullshit! GCC g++ is certainly slower22:09
vit_oi'm not able to reset compiz and unity, can someone help me please?22:09
yargi'm not sure (new to linux). i can put the rescue disk in and boot it up again. at the moment it's just sitting at a grub rescue> prompt22:09
ubottuNine_9: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.22:09
PaerThanks .well i'm here 'cause of realy annoying problem with cheese its crashy and when i record a video.it gets all cutted off.22:09
Atlantic777what do I have to set so every user can shutdown machine from terminal - halt?22:09
CFHowlettPaer   try guvcview22:09
trexHi, Im trying to get Doom3 to work but I am running into some problems. The terminal result is here:http://codepaste.net/nwskeq. Can anyone tell me what to do?22:09
arandbdi: foo would contain the application foo, foo-dev would contain the stuff needed to create an application based on the framework/code of foo.22:10
CFHowlettarand   thank you.22:11
PaerI tried it too and it just crashes everytime i hit the record button22:11
ActionParsniptrex: did you use this: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Doom322:11
arandyarg: Which kind of recovery disk is it? I think it should be possible...22:12
Nine_9CFHowlett: sorry man... wrong channel22:12
CFHowlettNine_9   :)22:12
yargarand: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Boot-Repair this is what i used22:12
trexYeah, That was the result of that technique22:13
donato93fifa 12 pc22:13
arandyarg: Ah, ok, I would go into advanced options and look in the MBR options tab, what alternatives does it give in the partition dropdown?22:16
arand(if any)22:17
yargarand: the MBR options tab is greyed out22:18
arandyarg: go to main options and tick "restore mbr"22:18
yargarand: all right. apply now or should i set some other options?22:19
yargarand: it also generated this. http://paste.ubuntu.com/885594/22:19
arandyarg: Go look in the MBR tab again.22:19
carli2did someone get custom udev rules for usb drives working?22:20
PaerSo some one told me to try vlc but there i s no sound and the vid quality is awesome22:20
yargarand: ok now there are two options, both with drop-down boxes with a lot of options22:20
FaryshtaIs there a suffle option for amarok?22:21
arandyarg: Do you have a lit of disks connected to this computer?22:21
arandyarg: And is it using some kind of raid?22:21
yargarand: yeah it should be in here http://paste.ubuntu.com/885594/ i don't run raid. i just have 5 hard drives. one has windows 7 on it, one has ubuntu, the other 3 are just storage22:22
yargthe drive that has ubuntu on it is partitioned into a swap disk and ext4 file system22:23
arandyarg: Ok, but sda is the one you normally boot from first?22:23
yargyeah that's the windows 7 drive. it normally boots into the windows loader, then i can choose win7 or ubuntu from there.22:24
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yargbut now it never appears and goes straight to trying to boot ubuntu, which then drops me into the grub rescue prompt.22:24
arandHmm, have you been using grub or windows BCD to boot?22:25
yargarand: the windows bcd22:26
geek0091Anyone here anygood at configuring apache2?22:26
Ca11umCan I re-arrange the boot order of grub?22:26
lotusgeek0091: what you trying to do?22:26
Ca11umI'm currently dual-booting Ubuntu with Windows 7, can I make Windows 7 the top of the list (auto-selects after 10 seconds)?22:26
geek0091lotus: Can I send a forum link, kinda long to explain let alot type twice22:26
yeatsCa11um: 'sudo apt-get install startup-manager' - that will allow you to use a GUI to configure grub22:27
arandyarg: Right, then for some reason ubuntu has overwritten it, but I think you'd first need to use grub to get up and booting before fixing BCD22:27
zhangdaoxiegood morning everyone22:27
ActionParsnipCa11um: http://saji89.wordpress.com/2010/02/01/how-to-make-windows-the-defaultfirst-entry-in-your-grub2-menu/22:27
sloop_Hii ;d:*22:28
lotusgeek0091: sure22:28
Ca11umyeats, unable to locate package22:28
sloop_I'mmm here :D !!22:28
yargarand: does that mean that should i reinstall grub with this boot repair tool?22:28
yeats!info startup-manager22:28
ubottuPackage startup-manager does not exist in oneiric22:28
ActionParsnipCa11um: 5 commands, done. No need for an extra app22:28
arandyarg: set it to reinstall MBR on *sda* and set it to boot the *sdb1* partition.22:28
bouzbouHi, I have a virtual server and I can choose different os for it, CentOS, ubuntu, opensuse or debian squeeze, I'm currently using ubuntu desktop on my computer but I don't know if ubuntu is the best os for a webserver? I always see debian webservers and not ubuntu, what do you think?22:29
yeats!info startupmanager22:29
ubottustartupmanager (source: startupmanager): Grub, Usplash and Splash screen configuration. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.9.13-5 (oneiric), package size 114 kB, installed size 1360 kB22:29
yeatsCa11um: it's startupmanager (no dash)22:29
ActionParsnipbouzbou: each has its advantages22:30
Ca11umer, ActionParsnip...22:30
Ca11umcommand #322:30
Ca11um#4 *22:30
arandyarg: After that, try rebooting and pray22:30
Ca11umtarget '86+' is not a directory22:30
yargarand: when i have "restore the mbr of" set to "sda (mbr)" it will only let me choose sda1 under "partioned booted by the mbr"22:30
ActionParsnipCa11um: then ignore 4 then22:31
Ca11umLet me reboot, see if it worked.22:31
bouzbouActionParsnip: what is the most adapted to a beginner? with some package to manage easily and simple commands to install programs (git, phpmyadmin, etc...) ?22:31
ActionParsnipbouzbou: ubuntu is aimed at new users to Linux22:32
arandyarg: Ok it appears that this thing won't help us then, can you use ctrl+alt+F2 to get to a terminal instead?22:32
ActionParsnipbouzbou: both that and Debian will be pretty much the same on server imho22:32
yargarand: yep. i'm in the terminal now22:32
blackmatrix_nyhi...can I upgrade to 11.10 and keep the gnome version from ver 10.04 ?22:32
yeatsblackmatrix_ny: nope22:32
ActionParsnipblackmatrix_ny: you can tweak the new Gnome to look like Gnome222:33
arandyarg: Right, do "mount /dev/sdb1 /mnt" use sudo if need be22:33
bouzbouActionParsnip: ok I think I'm going to choose ubuntu because it's also my desktop os, it will be easier for me I guess22:34
yargarand: ok done22:34
blackmatrix_nywhat else is out there aside from Gnome and Kde...I really dont like the new Gnome look22:34
arandyarg: then "grub-install --boot-directory=/mnt/boot /dev/sda"22:34
yargarand: grub-install command not found :(22:34
PeytonienI'm having trouble launching Ubuntu. I installed it correctly, but when I try to launch it I get a black screen. I know Ubuntu is running because I can hear a noise when I adjust my volume. I've tried using nomodeset, but it just shows the splashscreen and never launches. Can anyone help me with my problem?22:35
halt_hi everyone22:36
Jordan_Uyarg: What distro / LiveCD/USB are you trying to run grub-install from?22:36
halt_i have 11.04  and i want to install RT3090 wifi card22:37
arandJordan_U: https://sourceforge.net/p/boot-repair/home/Home/22:37
yargbeat me to it hehe22:37
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arandyarg: I would look around for a rapair thing that has grub-install on it :/22:37
lduroshi is there a DNS cache of some form in ubuntu?22:38
lduroswhen you visit domain names22:38
arandyarg: Any ubuntu liveCD would do, for example22:38
lduroslike in windows you need to do flushdns22:38
lduroswith ipconfig or whatever22:38
yargarand: livecd like, the iso downloaded from the ubuntu site to install? or is it something else?22:38
ActionParsniplduros: you can install dnsmasq if you want and set it as the first DNS server22:39
PeytonienI'm having trouble launching Ubuntu. I installed it correctly, but when I try to launch it I get a black screen. I know Ubuntu is running because I can hear a noise when I adjust my volume. I've tried using nomodeset, but it just shows the splashscreen and never launches. Can anyone help me with my problem?22:39
yargarand: that's how i installed this, if it matters. i didn't use wubi.22:39
arandyeats: Yeah, that one should do, just choose "try ubuntu" when it starts.22:39
ldurosActionParsnip: hmm, ok22:39
sstalduros: by default ubuntu doesn't cache dns...22:39
arandyeats -> yarg , sorry22:39
yargarand: all right, one moment22:40
llrealmanlli have a problem to tern on physicaly my wireless card on ubuntu 11.10, broadcam Vostro 152022:40
ldurosssta: really.. ok so firefox might22:40
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llrealmanllit work on windows properly22:40
sstalduros: more likely that it's a router or something...22:41
lduroshmm yeh that's possible22:41
ldurosssta: my smartphone finds the right place when going to the domain22:41
ldurosand it uses 4G22:42
ldurosso I guess it's just a matter of time22:42
PeytonienI'm having trouble launching Ubuntu. I installed it correctly, but when I try to launch it I get a black screen. I know Ubuntu is running because I can hear a noise when I adjust my volume. I've tried using nomodeset, but it just shows the splashscreen and never launches. Can anyone help me with my problem?22:42
sstalduros: most ISPs also cache DNS22:43
yargarand: ok i just used the cd and did try ubuntu22:45
mylistoI'm trying to find out why skype keeps on crashing..22:46
icedteamylisto, I have been having the same issue recently22:46
sstaskype on Linux crashes a lot for everyone.  It's not just you :)22:46
arandyarg: Ok, start a terminal and do the  "sudo mount /dev/sdb1 /mnt"  and  "sudo grub-install --boot-directory=/mnt/boot /dev/sda" again22:47
mylistoicedtea: this is what I used to try to find out strace -o skype_dump skype22:47
mylistowhen I used that I get an output of *** glibc detected *** skype: corrupted double-linked list: 0x0a1f2c58 ***22:47
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yargarand: ok all done. reboot now?22:48
mylistoicedtea: what version of ubuntu do you have?22:48
arandyarg: It said "finished without error"? then yes, reboot and try22:49
yargarand: yep. ok.22:49
icedteamylisto: I'm on kubuntu 11.1022:49
halt_rt3090 wifi card in 11.04 is it possible?22:50
blackmatrix_nyso does Ubuntu 11.04 and 11.10 support Gnome 2.30.2 ?22:50
icedteamylisto: In the past it was pretty reliable for me, but recently it has been freezing up a lot22:50
blackmatrix_nyofficially ?22:50
Jordan_Uarand: yarg: Not that there's anything wrong with it, but why install grub's boot sector to the mbr of /dev/sda when /boot/ is on /dev/sdb1?22:50
mylistoicedtea: it used to never be this bad...now I just login and it closes after a few seconds22:50
yargok now grub has loaded22:51
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yargtrying to load ubuntu now22:51
arandJordan_U: Since that was the hd that's booting up by default.22:51
Jordan_Uubuntu: Hi. You might want to change your nick to something else, by entering "/nick new_nick_here" (without the quotes).22:52
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Jordan_Uyarg: arand: Once you're booted into Ubuntu be sure to run "sudo dpkg-reconfigure grub-pc" to make sure that sda is selected as an install device or grub's boot sector won't be installed there on grub-pc package updates.22:53
geek0091anyone here have any expirience with mod_proxy in apache?22:53
Kostas110hello everyone I have problems with samba I tried to install it from synaptic pakage manager (SAMBA4)( I use lubuntu)22:54
Kostas110and I had errors with smb.conf file I tried to solve them but no hope.. so I tryed to install samba 3 stable from www.samba.org22:54
Kostas110I removed the previous installation using "sudo apt-get remove samba --purge" and compiled the packet following the directions in the site.. now I type samba in the terminal and it sayes thats not installed and I should install samba 422:54
FloodBot1Kostas110: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.22:54
yargarand: jordan_u: all right. it booted into ubuntu fine. i just rebooted to make sure it would boot up correctly and it went back to the grub rescue prompt. i'll try what you told me to do before to fix it so i can boot into ubuntu again. then i'll do that stuff jordan_u just said.22:54
mylistohow can I figure out why skype keeps on crashing?22:56
arandJordan_U: yarg: Does dpkg-reconfigure run an install and update or would that be needed as well?22:56
Faryshtamylisto, skype is privative software. You can't figure out why. No one can and that is why no one has been able to fix it. Sorry.22:57
adacI try to mount my encrypted hard drive (LVM) but nautilus complains with:  Failed: Not a mountable file system22:57
adacany ideas?22:57
Jordan_Uyarg: arand: "dpkg-reconfigure grub-pc" runs grub-install (multiple times if multiple install devices are selected) and runs update-grub.22:57
mylistofaryshta: it was working perfectly fine until yesterday...so it doesn't seem like it was the actual program22:58
Kostas110I have problem with samba http://paste.ubuntu.com/885633/22:58
mylistoisn't there a way I can get an error output in terminal or something like that?22:58
arandyarg: Ok, then that should take care of it.22:58
yargarand: jordan_u: booting back into ubuntu again to do that. hopefully this will fix it!22:59
Jordan_Uyarg: When you are prompted for install devices make sure that both sda and sdb are selected (and that no partitions are selected). That way booting should work no matter which drive your BIOS decides to boot from.23:00
Jordan_Uyarg: You select/unselect using space bar, and continue on to the next question with Enter.23:01
yargjordan_u: it's listed as sdd and sdd1 this time. so select /dev/sda and /dev/sdd but not /dev/sdd1, correct?23:03
Jordan_Uyarg: Correct.23:03
yargjordan_u: all right, rebooting again.23:04
bdiwhy isn't there a ppa for libgphoto-2.4.13 ?23:04
netbusare there any major differences between mint and ubuntu??23:06
dotblanknetbus, lots23:06
bdinetbus: mint has a cleaner UI23:06
xlREDlxI hate mint23:06
bdixlREDlx: why?23:06
xlREDlxits a pain23:07
dotblankAt a certain point, the lines blur23:07
xlREDlxand kde is gross23:07
dotblankit all just becomes linux23:07
bdixlREDlx: why?23:07
xlREDlxi like Unity XD23:07
lion42Might I suggest a trip to #ubuntu-offtopic, everyone?23:07
lion42It's awfully scenic this time of year.23:07
dotblankI mean, so long as I can run GCC and do dev work I could care less23:07
bdixlREDlx: you have no sane arguments. you are not worth listening to then23:07
ascrazyubuntu 12.04 install hangs at "who are you?" step, wtf?23:08
Shojohaha gg bdi23:08
netbusit comes down to preference, man. no need to get razy :P23:08
xlREDlxmeh as long as its not M$ im more or less good23:08
Shojoascrazy: guess it doesn't like you:)23:08
Kostas110can anyone help with samba problem?23:08
bdixlREDlx: dont be a fanboy23:08
xlREDlxI do alot of distro hoping bdi23:08
xlREDlxUbuntu has been the most painless23:09
bdican anybody create a PPA for me please?23:09
xlREDlxand the best looking23:09
dotblankbdi, why not make it your self23:09
dotblankyou can use the apt commands to get the package, then update the version23:09
bdidotblank: i dont know how to do it. i dont even know how to make .deb files and it seems very difficult to learn23:09
Shojobdi: i'm fangirl:)23:09
yargarand: jordan_u: back at the grub rescue prompt :(23:10
ascrazyShojo: what can I do about this?23:10
dotblankbdi, use apt-get source package23:10
dotblankthe go into the directory, you might see specific ubuntu patches23:10
Jordan_U!bootinfo | yarg23:10
ubottuyarg: Boot info script is a usefull script for diagnosing boot problems. Run the script following the directions here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1291280 and then look at RESULTS.txt (or !pastebin it for others to look at).23:10
Shojoi declare myself smitten23:10
Shojoascrazy: no ideea, i was just kiddin23:11
dotblankbdi, http://www.debian.org/doc/manuals/apt-howto/ch-sourcehandling.en.html23:11
arandJordan_U: Ey already posted the one the rescue CD produced: http://paste.ubuntu.com/885594/23:11
Kostas110guys I have problem with samba  installation23:12
yargjordan_u: says unknown command. ubottu: i'll take a look at that23:12
bdidotblank: so source package is used to create ppa?23:12
yarger never mind :)23:12
yargthought that you wanted me to type that in the prompt hehe23:12
Shojonext, linux will have Irsi to talk to lol23:13
bdidotblank: can you walk me through the process so that i can learn it properly?23:13
Jordan_Uyarg: You seem to have many internal hard drives. I would recommend running "sudo dpkg-reconfigure grub-pc" again and selecting all of the drives (but none of the partiitons) as install devices. The only downside is that if you won't be able to boot any of the other drives if you decide to remove the sdb drive.23:14
bdidotblank: ?23:15
Shojobdi: what r u trying to do?23:17
bdiShojo: i need to make a proper installation of libgphoto v. 2.4.1323:18
bdiShojo: and i cannot find a ppa23:18
bdiShojo: and i dont know how to make one myself23:18
bdiShojo: do you know how to make .deb and ppa's ?23:19
Shojobdi: i'm clueless srry23:20
bdiarg why must it be so damn difficult23:20
arand!checkinstall | bdi23:20
ubottubdi: checkinstall is a wrapper to "make install", useful for installing programs you compiled. It will create a .deb package, which will be listed in the APT database and can be uninstalled like other packages. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CheckInstall - Read the warnings at the top and bottom of that web page, and DO NOT interrupt CheckInstall while it's running!23:20
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bdiarand: i have tried checkinstall..and it fails23:21
ZeloZeloswhat chat program should i get thats free and will connect to freenode, x-chat only givs a 30 day try for windows?23:24
ZeloZelosi found one called y chat a while ago, but i guess it got pulled off23:25
ShojoZeloZelos: try irssi23:26
bdiZeloZelos: why do you care about trial period on windows?23:26
sstaZeloZelos: there are xchat builds for windows that aren't restricted23:26
ZeloZelosbecause it expired bdi :)23:26
ShojoZeloZelos: basic Mirc expires too, but allows connection even if expired with no problems:)23:27
ZeloZelosty guys for the suggestions, ...sorry i didnt realize i was on ubuntu's chat room, thought i joined blender-chat23:27
sstaZeloZelos: for example: http://www.silverex.org/download/ (I'm sure google can find more for you if you look, I know there are several out there)23:27
bdiZeloZelos: how is that possible when you are running on ubuntu?23:28
Shojobdi:  he said he's on windows23:28
ZeloZelosbdi im in windows23:28
bdiZeloZelos: why are you then in the ubuntu channel?23:28
mydogsnameisrudyubuntu wantabee23:29
ZeloZelosbdi see my statement about it just a few secs ago23:29
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Vaelahey so23:29
bdiZeloZelos: i dont see how your question has any relevance to ubuntu23:29
ZeloZelosbdi ???...did you read my previous statement that pertains to just that?23:29
arandbdi: Next version of Ubuntu (12.04) and Debian (Wheezy) has libgphoto2 2.4.13 packaged...23:29
VaelaI use Banshee Media Player23:29
Vaelaand when I use the Single Repeat function23:30
Vaelait cuts off the last few seconds of the song23:30
Vaelaany clue as to how I might be able to make it smoothly loop my song(s)?23:30
ActionParsnipZeloZelos: try hydrairc23:30
sstaVaela: filthy hack: add a few seconds of silence to the end of each song?23:31
Vaelassta: that's the problem23:31
ZeloZelosVaela if you get audacity you can edit the ends and add/remove silence n stuff23:31
bdiarand: sounds nice...but that will first be out in 2 weeks or so right?23:31
Vaelamy songs are the kind that smoothly loop23:31
VaelaZeloZelos: it loops perfectly in, say, Clementine23:31
Vaelaor anything I use on Windows23:31
Vaelait's just Banshee that's doing it23:31
sstaVaela: sorry, I was kinda joking.  I don't use banshee, so I dunno what sorts of bugs it has23:32
Vaelawhat do /you/ use?23:32
arandbdi: End of april, depending on your needs you could run the beta in a virtual machine or so, maybe...23:32
Ampix0hey guys. ubuntu noob. just did a apt-get for the GUI for ftpd. How do i actually .. get to the GUI lol. Like where do i go to run it23:32
sstaVaela: VLC usually.23:32
sstaVaela: thre's a bazillion media players available...try a few, decide which one you prefer yourself :)23:33
ZeloZelosVaela..oh are they mp3? it may have to do with the decoder or something like that, those werent orig for linux if im not mistaken they were re-compiled for it23:33
VaelaZeloZelos: yes, they are mp323:33
Ampix0no help? simple question23:34
ZeloZelosVaela try diff codecs, maybe that'll do it23:35
icedteaAmpix0: the "old" way of linux is to read the documentation, and edit configurations files23:35
Vaeladifferent codecs23:35
Vaelaright so23:35
Vaelahow do I change the codec?23:35
icedteaAmpix0: which ftpd did you install?23:35
Ampix0icedtea ProFtpd23:37
itaylor57Ampix0, you would do better to use ssh and its protocols i.e. sftpd23:37
Ampix0icedtea. admittedly i am a massive noob to linux. fll on windows programmer, but you know. MY friend and i are trying to set up a dedicated MC server. almost there lol.23:38
icedteaAmpix0: what do you need ftp for? Are you going to allow users to upload files?23:38
Ampix0itaylor57. alright. is it easy? lol. total linux noob. Can i still use filezilla back on windows?23:39
maXXerhello guys23:39
Ampix0icedtea. no its for me. the server is not in my house.23:39
kelvinellawhich program do you use to convert wav to mp3?23:39
icedteaAmpix: if its just you, I would use ssh/sftp23:40
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Ampix0icedtea alright i know just a little about that. Can i still use filezilla?23:41
KuwangerIs there a simple way to monitor over time the launching of processes?  I ask because often often the parent pid entry for a process is useless:  say, when process A launches process B which launches process C and then process B closes.23:41
icedteaAmpix0: err wait, are you just downloading files, or uploading files to it?23:41
xaviers3468Hey, when installing ubuntu alongside windows 7 (different partition), I recreated the swap partition not knowing what would happen http://i.imgur.com/ChccT.jpg has anyone ever had this problem and/or knows a solution? Any help will be much appreciated.23:41
maXXeranyone knows drivers 4 Chicony Webcam?23:41
Ampix0icedtea. I guess mostly just uploading. I would prefer both though. I WILL need sh though anyway. we are using this for a mc server23:42
vVREDVvget a windows install cd23:42
testing321anyone know how to install adobe flash plugin completely from commandline from a live cd? I don't know which repository command I need and which apt-get name for adobe flash23:42
itaylor57Ampix0, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSH/TransferFiles23:42
vVREDVvand boot up open the CMD and enter bootrec /fixmbr23:42
ActionParsnipmaXXer: websearch for the USB ID, you can find it if you run:   lsusb23:42
DarkenvyHow can I "zip archive.zip folder" and exclude a directory? Ive read the manual as well as the internet23:42
xaviers3468vv, won't that overwrite grub?23:43
maXXerActionParsnip, i tried23:43
yargarand: jordan_u: thanks for the help. i still haven't been able to fix the problem yet so i'm just going to try again another time. thanks again!23:43
maXXerActionParsnip, maybbe i have to try one more time :D23:43
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newhaskelleri have a 2008 macbook with ubuntu as the sole OS, I cannot get wifi to work.. this is the output of "lspci -v" http://pastebin.com/9Eptkixz23:43
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xaviers3468Ampix0: are you trying to transfer files to a ubuntu server for your minecraft server?23:43
newhaskellercan someone help me with getting wireless23:44
newhaskelleri am using oneiric23:44
ActionParsnip!broadcom | newhaskeller23:44
ubottunewhaskeller: Help with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx23:44
X-warriorHey guys, I just did a backup from almost 1tb using rsync locally. The first HD shows 792gb and the backup hd shows 801gb. Why this difference between them?23:44
Ampix0xaviers3468 the ubutu server IS going to be the minecraft server. im just trying to set it up and manage it23:45
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xaviers3468Ampix0: and you need help transferring and managing files?23:45
Ampix0xaviers3468. what it looks like from what all you guys are showing me is i maybe just need to set up an SSH server on this box. and that will handle the ssh and the FTP. And then I could command the MC server from the SSH as well23:46
newhaskellerhow do i get mac drivers for an unconnected machine23:47
xaviers3468Ampix0: Yep, that's it and by handling ssh sftp is enabled automatically23:47
DJ newhaskeller the only way VIA a usb pendrive23:47
DJor external H/d23:47
Ampix0xaviers3468. Now, I know im retarded but... How do i set up the SSH server23:48
ActionParsnipnewhaskeller: the page sows how to do it offline. Considering the system is a laptop, you could easily use an Ethernet connection and get updates and the drivers23:48
ActionParsnipDJ: you can actually use the install media, so the only way isn't a usb pendrive23:49
DJokay ActionParsnip I'll keep it in mind thank you.23:49
haz3lnut<X-warrior> Maybe different block sizes?23:49
X-warriorhaz3lnut, is it possible 9gb difference? Can you take a look at my fdisk -l at http://paste.ubuntu.com/885682/23:51
X-warriorhaz3lnut, maybe because one is ntfs and other one is ntfs?23:52
dualMoonhere's a bit of a silly question: how does one view HTML documentation for a package?23:53
waxstonedualMoon, open with your browser23:53
DJdualMoon, install dwww23:53
itaylor57dualMoon, via your browser23:53
ActionParsnipdualMoon: use your web browsr...23:54
dualMoonDJ: thank you.23:54
DJno problem dualMoon23:54
dualMoonto others: please tell me you didn't think i meant like that :/23:54
X-warriorhaz3lnut, maybe because one is ntfs and other one is ext?*23:54
maXXerguys the websearch for the driver 04f2:b1d6 get me on the ubuntu.com/components23:55
haz3lnut<X-warrior> 4096 byte v 512 bytes if there's a lotta files, also diff filesystems23:55
maXXerwhere i can't download anithing23:56
maXXeri need that driver absolutely23:56
haz3lnut<X-warrior> was this a first backup or a subsequent backup?23:56
X-warriorhaz3lnut, the first one23:57
X-warriorthis is strange yesterday I used mkfs.ntfs to format it, and now it says it is a linux partition... crazy stuff23:57
dualMoonDJ: thanks again :)23:58
haz3lnut<X-warrior> then a lot of files means 3584 bytes per file difference23:58
X-warriorhaz3lnut, just for the files smaller them 4096 right?23:59
urmanhelp take care23:59
Jordan_UX-warrior: fdisk doesn't understand filesystems, it only knows what it sees in the partition table. mkfs doesn't modify the partition table.23:59
urmansorry but I speak spanish and need help23:59
icedteaenjoy your stay in #ubuntu23:59

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