
robin_Hi! Brand newbie to Linux, just arrived here, trying X-Chat for the first time. And bravely - or foolishly - testing Xubu 12.04 today!00:02
robin_is anyone here this evening?00:04
pleia2welcome robin_ :) thanks for testing!00:04
pleia2I ran some iso tests for installs on Sunday00:05
robin_I'm not sure I'll be much good as a tester, but I'd love to help! My Xubu has sent four "crash reports" in, so I hope that helps in some way00:05
robin_The installer balked on the first attempt, but went ahead on the second... updates failed this morning because my "/temp" folder was too full...00:06
pleia2a "good tester" is someone who uses it and reports bugs when they happen, so it sounds like you're well on your way :)00:06
robin_didn't know how to empty it, but opened it as root and deleted abuncha stuff to make room for the updates. 00:07
robin_Oh, so the "automatic report" thingy is actually sending a bug report?00:07
robin_updates worked after that... is that a bug?00:08
pleia2I think so00:08
pleia2not sure if that's a bug, when you installed did you set up the partitions yourself, or just let it put everything together?00:08
robin_I inherited an old Dell with Xubu Lucid on it. The new installer offered an "upgrade," so I assume it left the existing partitions intact00:09
pleia2packages should end up in /var/cache/apt/archive/ and if /var fills up then you do end up having problems00:09
pleia2err archives/00:09
pleia2so that's probably what happened00:10
robin_"/" is 20 gb, "/swap" is 1 gig (twice my RAM), and "/home" has the rest of the drive.  Um, at least it WAS set up that way when it had Lucid00:10
pleia2so in that case /var would be in /, I could see that filling up00:11
robin_Okay, so when I emptied the trash and deleted all that stuff from /temp, did that really fix it or should I keep looking?00:11
pleia2robin_: if you go to System > System Monitor00:12
pleia2you can click on the "File Systems" tab and see how much space you have00:12
pleia2if "/" is a high percentage, you may run into problems in the future again00:13
robin_Um, I don't have a System icon... is it in the right-click menu?00:13
pleia2yeah, in the right click menu00:13
robin_nope. LOL how do I find System Monitor from the right-click menu? Got abuncha leftover settings from the previous owner (set up on Xubu Lucid)00:15
pleia2do you have a "System" section of the right click menu?00:16
pleia2oh right, by default it's Right Click and then maybe Applications00:16
robin_scrolling all the way thru all the options, don't see system monitor among the choices00:16
* pleia2 checks her other system00:16
pleia2yes, that's it00:16
pleia2right click, Applications > System > System Monitor00:17
pleia2(Applications should be at the bottom of the menu)00:17
robin_Right Click > Applications > System > synaptic, gigalo, other stuff listed, no system monitor00:18
pleia2huh, maybe it's something I installed somewhere along the way00:18
pleia2how about this, open a terminal and type: df -h00:18
robin_lol, I should open synaptic and look for "system monitor" then?00:18
pleia2nah, I was actually just suggesting to use that because it would be easier00:18
pleia2not easier if it's not installed!00:19
robin_robin@robin-Dell-DE051:~$ df -h00:19
robin_Filesystem      Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on00:19
robin_/dev/sda2        19G   18G  8.0K 100% /00:19
robin_udev            240M  4.0K  240M   1% /dev00:19
robin_tmpfs            99M  772K   99M   1% /run00:19
robin_none            5.0M     0  5.0M   0% /run/lock00:19
robin_none            247M   80K  247M   1% /run/shm00:19
robin_/dev/sda3        54G  1.8G   50G   4% /home00:19
robin_robin@robin-Dell-DE051:~$ 00:19
pleia2there's your trouble :(00:19
pleia2is completely full00:19
pleia2err /00:19
robin_that's alot of stuff! what'll I do?00:20
pleia2you can look around your system and see if there are applications you don't want and uninstall them00:20
pleia2also do: sudo apt-get clean00:20
pleia2that will remove old packages that you downloaded (they are already installed, the package files are just hanging around)00:20
robin_AFTER I remove stuff I don't use, right?00:20
pleia2clean usually frees up a little space00:20
pleia2you can do it first, it doesn't uninstall anything00:21
robin_okay, here goes00:21
robin_robin@robin-Dell-DE051:~$ sudo apt-get clean00:22
robin_[sudo] password for robin: 00:22
robin_robin@robin-Dell-DE051:~$ 00:22
pleia2now do df -h again00:22
robin_did it do anything? (I entered my password)00:22
pleia2see if it's still 100, or if Avail has changed anything00:22
pleia2yes, if it is quiet then it did it's job without err :)00:22
robin_robin@robin-Dell-DE051:~$ df -h00:22
robin_Filesystem      Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on00:22
robin_/dev/sda2        19G   18G  160M 100% /00:22
robin_udev            240M  4.0K  240M   1% /dev00:22
robin_tmpfs            99M  772K   99M   1% /run00:22
robin_none            5.0M     0  5.0M   0% /run/lock00:22
robin_none            247M   80K  247M   1% /run/shm00:22
robin_/dev/sda3        54G  1.8G   50G   4% /home00:22
robin_robin@robin-Dell-DE051:~$ 00:22
pleia2there, you went from 8.0K to 160M available00:22
pleia2which is a little space :)00:23
robin_gained a few there, lol00:23
robin_Got an 80-gb drive is all, too little for Xubu?00:23
pleia2my / is 12G which is on the small side00:24
pleia2you probably have a lot of applications installed, which is fine, but you may want a larger / partition if you want that00:24
pleia2your home directory has 54 gigs, and you're only use 2 of them00:24
pleia2so I'd resize home, and give some of that space to /00:24
pleia2(this can be done from a livecd just gparted)00:25
robin_so i should change my partition scheme, make more room for Xubu then00:25
robin_If I boot from the LiveCD, doesn't it make me reinstall Xubu from scratch again?00:26
pleia2you don't need to run the installer at all, you can just use the LiveCD to run the gparted application00:26
robin_Or do I "run" the LiveCD from an already-running Xubu session?00:26
pleia2I haven't actually done this with the graphical tools, looking up docs now00:27
pleia2but you would reboot your computer, and boot with the LiveCD in to "Try Xubuntu"00:28
robin_so I don't BOOT from the LiveCD, I just run it from say, the file manager. Is that correct?00:28
robin_sorry, lag00:28
pleia2oh wait, this is harder than I thought00:28
pleia2I forgot that I use LVM, so all this is easy00:28
robin_lol it's great that you're helping me!00:29
robin_a newbie has no business testing anywayz, lol00:29
pleia2oh no, we need newbies testing!00:29
robin_OH! Wow, really!?!?00:30
pleia2instead of doing all this, I'd just uninstall applications you don't use and try to get by with the existing partitions00:30
pleia2if you ever want to back up your data and reinstall, I'd put everything into one partition (rather than having a separate /home)00:30
robin_omygosh... i was thinking of throwing LibreOffice on00:31
robin_for school I need more than just the Abiword and Gnumeric00:31
* pleia2 nods00:31
pleia2you say this came with lucid?00:31
robin_yes ma'am or sir00:31
pleia220G was more back in the lucid days :) but that's 4 years ago now00:31
robin_it's really old... a hand-me-down00:31
pleia2(and ma'am, thank you :))00:31
robin_how much space is good for Xubu in "/" partition now?00:32
pleia2on my newly installed laptop I gave the whole disk except for swap to /00:32
pleia2no /home partition at all00:33
pleia2so I don't need to worry about one partition having more space than another and wasting it00:33
robin_doesn't that prevent me from saving stuff when the next version comes out?00:33
pleia2reinstalls (rather than upgrading) with the CD is the main reason for a separate /home that I hear people use00:33
pleia2but I just upgrade00:34
pleia2no CD, when the box pops up to tell me a new version is out, I upgrade :)00:34
robin_Might just give Xubu the whole drive... how much swap should I set aside? It's an old dinosaur, 512 of RAM00:34
pleia21G is good00:34
robin_okay, if I reinstall I'll lose abunch stuff tho, right? Unless I back up? Or can I use G-parted to just give Xubu all but 1 gig of swap?00:35
robin_not very clear was I... If I resize the existing partitions with the LiveCD, will I lose data?00:36
pleia2yeah, a reinstall would wipe your whole system00:36
pleia2it's tricky to resize partitions00:36
robin_eewwww... too geeky for me, lol00:37
robin_so much of what I've read in the forums suggests a separate /data partition or a separate /home one00:38
pleia2yeah, and you can reinstall with a separate /home, but since you're only using 2G of the 54G, maybe a smaller /home :)00:39
pleia2do you have a /data ?00:39
robin_Is it possible to resize without reinstalling?00:39
robin_Nope... I have "/", "swap" and "/"00:39
pleia2yeah, it's posible00:39
robin_too geeky for a newbie?00:39
pleia2not a /data partition, but a /data directory (where do you put your music and stuff?)00:39
robin_um, it's in "Robin / Music00:40
pleia2ah ok, so probably in your home directory00:40
pleia2I actually need to run out00:40
robin_Thanks for being so nice!!00:40
robin_I'll expand my geek skillz, lol00:41
pleia2you're welcome00:41
robin_G'night, then, I'll try it tomorrow after school. Thanks!!00:42
knomemadnick, now it's not too late :P10:09
knomemicahg, hey?11:09
knomemicahg, http://temp.knome.fi/xubuntu/precise_logo/logo_bigsizes.png11:18
knomemicahg, better?11:18
ochosihi leo-unglaub 14:40
leo-unglaubgood morning14:41
ochosimorning? i thought you're in my timezone :}14:41
leo-unglaubyes i am...but i just wake up an thought: shit, i am to late for work..14:42
ochosii see14:42
ochosiactually there's something i wanted to ask you14:42
leo-unglaubsure. go ahead14:42
knomemadnick, ?14:59
micahgknome: ‎file not found15:19
knomemicahg, ah, sorry15:19
knomemicahg, http://temp.knome.fi/xubuntu/precise_logo/logo-lightbg-large.png15:20
knomethat would be it15:20
micahgwhiskers are better ;)15:20
knomeokay good15:20
knomenow do you think there is anything i can make the head look more like a mousehead?15:21
leo-unglaubhmm, i have a little problem with some applications like thunderbird, chrome and some others15:24
leo-unglaubthe little arrow in the right bottom corner is mission15:24
knomemission? :)15:24
leo-unglaubso it's sometimes very hard to resize the windows15:25
leo-unglaubdamn caps lock ..15:25
knomeleo-unglaub, alt+rightclick+drag...15:25
knomeochosi, we *REALLY* need that article15:25
leo-unglaubwow, great !15:25
* knome tweeted that15:26
knomemicahg, ?any suggestions?15:27
ochosiknome: yeah, i know. it kinda sucks that ubuntu dropped the gtk2 patch for resize-grips15:39
knomeany way to revert for xubuntu?15:39
ochosinot really15:39
ochosiit's in gtk2 itself15:40
ochosias long as we're not the ones maintaining it...15:40
ochosialso: it created problems with quite a few apps (ooffice etc)15:40
leo-unglaubevery java based tool if i remember it right15:42
leo-unglaubhmm, maybe you can help me with that to: on gnome2 i had a tool witch allowed me to draw on my screen with my pointer...15:46
leo-unglaubbut i don't remember the name, is there something in xfce similar tot that?15:46
ochosihm, not that i know of15:55
ochosithere was only that (slightly useless) plugin for compiz with which you could draw fire15:56
ochosibut what do you really want to do/achieve?15:56
leo-unglaubi give speeches / key nodes very often16:04
leo-unglauband if you show simething on the beamer it's very usefull16:04
leo-unglaubif you can mark parts of a website or something if someone has questions16:04
ochosihm, right16:05
knomemadnick, ?16:46
=== scott-work_ is now known as scott-work
knomepleia2, hullo!18:24
pleia2hey knome 18:24
knomepleia2, do you know off your head how to block all traffic from a subdomain ?18:24
knomei tried to use dd-wrt for this, but it failed18:25
pleia2in iptables?18:25
knomewhatever works for me18:25
knomeexcept the obvious adblock :PP18:26
knomemust be at least computer-wide18:26
pleia2what's the context? a subdomain going to a webserver? or your desktop ..or?18:26
knomeit's a subdomain for a website, yeah18:26
knomei'll PM18:27
micahgknome: apache rewrite based on referral header not working?18:27
knomemicahg, i don't own the website18:28
micahgknome: you don't own the from or the to?18:28
knomei have full access to the clients, but no access to the server18:28
knomewell, except read access, otherwise i wouldn't be blocking, right? :P18:29
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
leo-unglaubso, i am on my way home...19:12
leo-unglaubsee you later19:12
knomesee you19:12
leo-unglaubochosi: i was looking into the parole things20:19
leo-unglaubbut i don't find the repos, http://goodies.xfce.org/projects/applications/parole don't contain the right link20:19
micahgI thought parole was hosted on launchpad20:19
leo-unglaubaccorsing to the site http://git.xfce.org/git/apps/parole20:20
micahgleo-unglaub: http://git.xfce.org/apps/parole20:21
leo-unglaubochosi: maybe it's better if you do a mockup20:37
leo-unglaubbecause otherwize we have to re-do the work to often :)20:37
knomehuho, running a syndaemon command killed my mouse - left click didn't work... :P22:32
ochosileo-unglaub: ok, i'll do that straight away22:33
leo-unglaubthats nice, because some of the things there are in the current source code22:33
leo-unglaubso i don't get mixed up22:33
ochosisure, give me ~10min22:34
ochosileo-unglaub: http://imagebin.org/20367922:43
leo-unglauboh, what interesting show in there...never head of hear *giggle*22:45
ochosii thought you might like that22:45
knomepleia2, pingping!!22:46
knomepleia2, see #xubuntu22:46
ochosileo-unglaub: actually, this should be about it: http://imagebin.org/20368222:50
ochosi(reworked it again and made it simpler, i don't think the two lines are even necessary22:50
ochosii'll watch that episode now if you don't mind, so i'll be back in about 2522:51
leo-unglaubhave fun22:51
ochosileo-unglaub: feel free to ping me anytime anything is unclear or you want feedback/testing23:22
leo-unglaubochosi: yes, i am running the build right now23:28
ochosi"damn" as in: damn parole looks far better now?23:47
leo-unglaubupgrading to 12.04 was an error...23:47
ochosiyeah, too early23:47
leo-unglaubthis version is still sooo buggggy23:47
ochosii dunno how an LTS can still be so buggy at beta status23:47
leo-unglaubnot even in debian experimental are soo much buggs23:48
leo-unglauband if you keep in mind that 12.04 is based in a currently stable release23:48
ochosiyeah, canonical has really started stirring things up lately23:48
leo-unglaubthey just upgraded some packages...23:48
leo-unglaubyes, sience they try to be like apple, they just build shit23:49
leo-unglaubi mean..look an unity23:49
leo-unglaubor the global menu23:49
leo-unglaubhiding the user menü....so the user has to move the mouse over the complete monitor jsut to see the menu...23:49
ochosiheh, you're in the right channel not to get flamed for that :)23:49
leo-unglaubi still don't get how hat this idea23:50
leo-unglaubi have 3 time 26 zoll monitors...so imagen how much km i did every day23:50
micahgDebian has 500+ developers, Ubuntu has much fewer23:50
leo-unglaubthe funny thing is, i was in an irc question hour with the ubuntu founder once..23:50
leo-unglaubi asked the same question23:51
micahgalso, Debian has dedicated package maintainers, Ubuntu does not23:51
leo-unglauband suddenly i got kicked *g*23:51
leo-unglaubmicahg: gut ubuntu ist based on debian to 70% 23:51
leo-unglaubgut = but23:51
micahgleo-unglaub: yes, but the 25% difference can potentially break the other 75% (toolchain and such)23:52
leo-unglaubbut no one can explain me how they manage to get the distro after every release so unstable in a couple of days..23:53
micahgnew toolchain lands immediately :)23:56

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