
niemeyerfwereade: Wow, you're still up and kicking..01:14
fwereadeniemeyer, I should probably sleep, but I've been enjoying myself ;)01:15
niemeyerfwereade: Hehe :)01:15
niemeyerfwereade: I've been toying with the idea of introducing gocheck.TempDir(), to clean up the testing stuff further01:15
fwereadeniemeyer, I think the hook.Context turned out really well, tyvm again for that discussion01:15
niemeyerfwereade: I'm a bit uncertain right now, though.. will sleep on it01:15
niemeyerfwereade: My pleasure, and thanks as well. I enjoyed the insight into your thinking.01:16
fwereadeniemeyer, and on that note, I think I really will go to bed ;)01:16
fwereadeniemeyer, thanks :)01:16
niemeyerfwereade: Sounds like a good plan :-)01:16
niemeyerfwereade: It's almost time for me to go too!01:16
niemeyerfwereade: Enjoy the weekend01:16
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