
=== andrewsmedina_ is now known as andrewsmedina
_mup_Bug #957620 was filed: A spec for how to cleanly stop agents. <juju:In Progress by hazmat> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/957620 >02:08
_mup_Bug #957621 was filed: A spec for how to cleanly stop agents. <juju:In Progress by hazmat> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/957621 >02:08
hazmatargh.. lbox02:08
hazmatniemeyer, ^02:08
hazmatniemeyer, lbox should use the closest open milestone and shouldn't reduplicate a bug. ie mp before bug02:09
* hazmat files a bug02:10
hazmatit originally had the branch attached to both bugs02:10
_mup_Bug #957675 was filed: juju debug-hooks doesn't use exit code as hook exit code <juju:New> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/957675 >04:12
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=== al-maisan is now known as almaisan-away
=== Leseb__ is now known as Leseb
koolhead17|awaym_3, we can still see you :P12:43
m_3just working through some config issues12:43
_mup_Bug #957906 was filed: Environment settings explicitly set. <juju:In Progress by hazmat> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/957906 >13:41
_mup_juju/hook-alias-expansion-redux r472 committed by kapil.thangavelu@canonical.com13:51
_mup_address review comments13:51
hazmatwhoops.. wrong lbox subcommand14:32
hazmathmm... interesting lbox doesn't seem to invoke the post commit hooks, probably because of the temp dir usage defeats a locations setup14:34
=== koolhead17|away is now known as koolhead17
_mup_juju/repository-broken-charms r477 committed by kapil.thangavelu@canonical.com16:21
_mup_rearrange charm exception hierarchy, charmnotfound is not a charm structural error, add catch all handler to repository for unexpected errors16:21
akgranerhey all - so is juju always written lower case unless it starts a sentence?16:25
jcastroJuju or juju, never JuJu though16:26
akgranerok - I'll leave it as Juju then :-)16:27
akgranerthanks jcastro16:27
jcastrojamespage, we using jetty for anyting you've charmed?18:07
bkerensajcastro or SpamapS: If you would like to have a look at Bug #944246 when you get a chance and grab the more frosty copy of my branch and have a look :D18:58
_mup_Bug #944246: Charm Needed: Subway IRC client/server <new-charm> <Juju Charms Collection:Fix Committed by bkerensa> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/944246 >18:58
jcastroI am frosty now!18:58
jcastrobkerensa, hmm, lxc problems, I need to sort them19:14
jcastrobkerensa, oh it's working, just getting it all started took a while19:16
bkerensajcastro: So its working nice for you?19:25
jcastrostill waiting for it to come up19:25
jcastro(it has to fetch the OS and stuff, clean container)19:25
SpamapSbkerensa: there's something else broken in the charm. I got a failure in lxc because 'make' wasn't available.19:50
_mup_juju/ns-from-env r476 committed by kapil.thangavelu@canonical.com19:54
_mup_merge trunk19:54
_mup_juju/ns-from-env r477 committed by kapil.thangavelu@canonical.com19:54
_mup_pep8 and minor refactor19:54
jcastroSpamapS, my LXC isn't working at all20:21
jcastroI blame you20:21
jcastroSpamapS, do I still need to blow away something in /var/lib or whatever on occasion?20:22
SpamapSjcastro: the most common problem is precise mirrors being inconsistent with 'hash sum mismatch'20:23
SpamapSjcastro: check data-dir/units/master-customize.log20:24
SpamapSjcastro: that process needs to detect errors but does not.. :p20:24
SpamapSjcastro: if you see any problems reported in that log, destroy-environment and bootstrap again should fix it20:25
SpamapSjcastro: if you still have problems.. try killing /var/cache/lxc/*20:25
hazmati'm currently working on that lxc-wait issue, but its a bit time consuming20:27
hazmatjcastro, if you have any logs those would be helfpul20:27
SpamapShazmat: the problem I've hit twice has been apt-get failing. Its not detected during master-customize.20:33
jcastroSpamapS, doing anything right now?20:45
jcastroI have an idea20:46
=== koolhead17 is now known as koolhead17|zzZZ
jcastrohazmat, hey so21:13
jcastrohow do you do shared environments in juju?21:14
jcastrosay marco and I wanted to share managing an environment?21:14
bkerensaSpamapS: Make isnt available by default?21:16
bkerensajcastro: ^ what? Your the juju guy =s21:17
jcastromuch to learn about deploying in a way I can share with someone else21:19
hazmatjcastro, create a new key and share along with the environment.yaml snippet21:20
hazmatie. ssh key explicitly specified by content in the environment.yaml snippet is probably the most self-contained way21:20
jcastrohazmat, ok so from looking at how  mims set ours up for another project21:21
jcastrohe just put all our ssh keys in authorized-keys:21:21
jcastroand then we just share the snippet right?21:21
hazmatjcastro, cool, that sounds nice as well, yes21:22
jcastrohazmat, since OMG guy can't set up wordpress I'm going to do it in juju for him21:26
jcastrohazmat, and that worked perfectly.21:36
jcastroman, awesome21:36
_mup_juju/force-upgrade r464 committed by kapil.thangavelu@canonical.com21:56
_mup_per review only raise error if flags differ on upgrade, tolerate empty upgrade nodes (old format)21:56
jcastrohazmat, still there?21:59
hazmatjcastro, yup22:05
jcastronm found it, just looking for where juju puts the mysql root pw22:07
jcastrowe've got OMGs data and we've set up wordpress22:07
marcoceppihazmat: I've added a relation from WP -> HA, but HA's URL is showing the apache page22:08
jcastrobut the haproxy isn't doing what we think it should be doing22:08
marcoceppiIf I go directly to the WP URL it shows the WP install22:08
hazmatmarcoceppi, odd, is it pointing at the right address? it might be the wp only sets itself up for serving off the public address of the unit, ha is going to do the request via its private networking address22:09
marcoceppiAh, so I'll need to mod the apache conf to accept connections from all then?22:10
marcoceppiThat makes a lot of sense actually22:10
jcastrodid the charm change recently?22:10
jcastroI thought this worked ootb22:10
hazmatjcastro, it would if the proxy is using the public address, or the apache is setup for that vhost on both public/private addresses22:11
hazmatjcastro, in particular it wouldn't be an issue anywhere public and private address are the same, but it would matter for ec222:12
hazmator openstack22:12
jcastrohazmat, ah so that would be why when I've demoed it on my laptop it just worked22:13
jcastromarcoceppi, d0od is here ^23:48
marcoceppid0od: o/23:48
marcoceppiHopefully we can put something in place for you shortly d0od23:53
jcastrook so picking an m1.small won't work23:54
d0odmarcoceppi: Very much appreciated23:54
jcastrogoing to have to go large23:54
marcoceppihazmat: is there any way to specify a specific unit's size? or is that still a global juju config?23:55
hazmatmarcoceppi, till next week yes23:55
jcastrohah man23:56
jcastronice timing23:56
marcoceppihazmat: how well does juju take to rebooting units outside of Juju?23:56
jcastrowe're running oneiric with origin:PPA23:56
hazmatmarcoceppi, which provider?23:57
hazmatmarcoceppi, jcastro it should work in theory, i haven't tested in practice though23:57
marcoceppijcastro: I'll bootstrap a quick juju setup on my ec2 and test23:58
hazmateverything running on the machine is upstartified23:58
jcastrohazmat, so basically I thought m1.smalls would be enough23:58
jcastrobut we did the redirect and the load on the wordpress node was like 9823:58
hazmatjcastro, huh.. interesting23:58
hazmatthat would be a nice jujitsu tool23:59
hazmatgrow/shrink a unit23:59
* marcoceppi *nods furiously*23:59
jcastrojuju add-unit --type=m1.xboxlarge wordpress23:59
jcastrois what I want23:59

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