
spacebug-sorry was ment to pru00:00
spacebug-he/she left and my tabcompletion thought I should talk to you hehe00:00
mylenthesWhat irc client do you guys youse?00:02
spacebug-mylenthes: I'm using irssi00:09
itmannenHello from 12.04 Beta1 in Sweden00:31
itmannenAnd soon Beta2 Is online00:32
itmannennext week I think ?00:33
haz3lnutIs there any compelling reason I should not upgrade to Pangolin right now?  I mean are the outstanding issues livable?00:35
itmannenI use 12.04 beta 1. And no problem00:36
haz3lnutThere's 1 vote of confidence, any more? :-)00:37
haz3lnutitmannen: how long have you been on 12.04?00:39
itmannenI used 12.04 simce alpha100:39
itmannenIn the start there whas somproblem. But now It is fast and stabil for me here00:41
itmannenHm. Sorry forb the spelling00:43
spacebug-hello itmannen00:43
itmannenspacebug-:  Hi00:44
mylentheslol just figured out irssi is command based00:44
mylenthesthats just stupid00:44
itmannenirssi take some time to understand00:45
itmannenIam learning slow00:45
itmannenspacebug-:  Best regards to ubuntu-se :)00:46
mylentheswhat advantages does it have over a client based irc?00:46
itmannenNothing special00:46
itmannenBut the neards use irssi :)00:47
itmannenAnd I am a neard. So I have to learn :)00:48
kklimondawow, 12.04 is much faster than 11.10 on this underpowered netbook..01:12
kklimondaat least for now, lets see if I can slow it down01:13
snadgeyeah, i noticed that01:13
snadgefirefox will fix that01:13
scar3crowzoom tile scale etc. are missing from appearance properties when switching backgrounds... help?01:13
kklimondaand two-finder scroll actually works01:13
snadgeafter a while01:13
kklimondasnadge: I've been using noscript to fix that ;)01:13
snadgei just use adblock01:13
kklimonda(Firefox with JS disabled for most pages actually works really well)01:13
kklimondayeah, that may work too01:14
snadgei have alcohol poisoning01:14
kklimondaheh, good for you :P01:14
snadgei need bacon and eggs, stat01:15
realubotWhen will 12.04 be freezed?01:59
itmannenrealubot: About 3 weeks01:59
realubotitmannen: Ok. Thanks.01:59
spacebug-hello realubot ;)01:59
realubotspacebug-: Hi spacey.01:59
realubotAnyone has got a release schedule for 12.04?02:00
itmannenNice to see friends :)02:00
realubotspacebug-: Thanks. :)02:00
realubotI didn't even know about this channel before.02:01
itmannenrealubot:  The same here02:01
realubotHow about the "thing" that will make Unity 3d run in VirtualBox without support for graphics card 3d effect. Will it be included in the 12.04 release?02:02
realubotThere will be som kind of support that makes 3d effects work in VirtualBox without need of ordinary graphics card support.02:03
itmannenMaybe in the finale. But not now02:04
realubotIt would be great to test Ubuntu in VirtualBox with Unity support.02:04
realubotitmannen: Ok.02:04
realubotWill 12.04 using Unity 2d work in VirtualBox?02:05
itmannenI and I should go to bed. Yes I now rel. :)02:05
realubotitmannen: Coward.02:05
realubotitmannen: ;)02:06
* itmannen hugs The real thing :)02:06
realubotCoffee time.02:07
itmannenBrother to brother of cource02:07
realubotitmannen: Haha.02:07
itmannenGoodnight spacebug- and tealubot. See you02:07
realubotitmannen: Good night!02:09
spacebug-gnight. Btw itmannen can you test this one later. https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/unity/+bug/957489 and press affects me if it does02:10
ubottuLaunchpad bug 957489 in unity (Ubuntu) "alt+tab does not work anymore" [Undecided,New]02:10
realubotMaybe I shall install 12.04 like in 22th mars. When beta2 is in state of freeze.02:15
spacebug-well the only thing happening there is that they freeze the packages going in the beta 2 I think02:17
spacebug-once installed and you start running upt-get update/upgrade you will get new packages02:17
realubotspacebug-: Yeah, but until then they will still do some changes.02:17
realubotMaybe I will just waint until the stable release.02:18
realubotI'm not in a hurry.02:18
realubotI don't really know what's happening in all weeks during the development.02:20
avutonIs it possible to get date/time on the menu in gnome classic?02:22
logHow did you get Gnome Classic on 12.04? o_O02:23
logOh, gnome-session-fallback?02:24
avutonIt calls it Gnome Classic, that's really all I know :)02:24
avutonThe wife can't take unity.02:25
MaximLevitskyToday is 1st of april or what?02:25
ubottuLaunchpad bug 812394 in Ayatana Design "Disable hibernate option by default" [High,Fix released]02:25
MaximLevitskyWhats is that?02:25
MaximLevitskyAnd I already week don't know what is going on, blaming KDE upower support for this02:26
psusiMaximLevitsky, sounds like a request to disable hibernation by default... ;)02:26
avuton2012 and power management still blows.02:26
MaximLevitskynow, its the ubuntu that blows02:27
psusiavuton, it's worked fine for me for years02:27
avutonNot here, I've /never/ had luck with any power management over the years on any of my computers. Not blaming anyone. It's a terrible spec.02:27
MaximLevitskyI aleady have a solution, an awesome solution02:27
avutonLaptops being the exception02:27
MaximLevitskyI only use linux now, because I do operation system course now02:28
MaximLevitskyWin7 is superb, and I already installed an configured it in the way I like02:28
MaximLevitskyAnd I used linux exclusively for 8 years02:29
MaximLevitskyI even wrote a bunch of kernel drivers02:29
psusiavuton, it's actually a rather good spec... problem is that nobody complies with it ;)02:29
realubotavuton: http://askubuntu.com/questions/58172/how-to-revert-to-gnome-classic02:30
DaekdroomHibernate not working very well is about Linux, not Ubuntu02:30
psusivendors keep cranking out broken implementations and the market fails to punish them... largely because they provide windows specific workarounds to their brokenness02:30
MaximLevitskyNope, it does work. In fact it always worked for me on all systems02:31
MaximLevitskySuspend sometimes doesn't work02:31
MaximLevitskyI even fixed once very hard suspend bug02:31
psusiI don't understand that myself... I have NEVER had trouble with hibernation... suspend yes, as it relies on often broken acpi bios... but not hibernation02:31
ubottuLaunchpad bug 160763 in linux (Ubuntu Maverick) "Acer Aspire 5720 hangs on second resume from suspend, i.e. suspends only once [BIOS PROBLEM]" [Medium,Fix released]02:32
MaximLevitskyAnd another bunch of bugs related to unreliable suspend02:32
avutonhibernation causes two of the kernel threads on my computer to ping 100% cpu, old problem no one has fixed yet.02:32
MaximLevitskyAnd that what I get in return?02:32
MaximLevitskyEverything is broken in this ubuntu. KDE is full of bugs, Gnome shrinks to one big power button02:33
MaximLevitskyCompiz is undead with that f*** unity02:33
MaximLevitskyYou really just damage linux reputation02:33
MaximLevitskyI already feel that linux is over the peak, its less used now02:34
realubotavuton: Another option would be to use Lubuntu as it looks more like Gnome 2 than Unity.02:34
MaximLevitskyIt had a moment of fame when MS put out Vista02:34
MaximLevitskysad, really sad.02:34
DaekdroomDon't worry. MS will crash again with 8.02:35
MaximLevitskyTrue, but this time, we have Win7, and ulike XP its a modern OS02:36
MaximLevitskyso peoples can keep using it for ages02:36
MaximLevitskyIts not possible in linux, because of many reasons02:36
MaximLevitskyJust try using an old distro02:37
MaximLevitskyNot to mention that Win8 will have Win7 desktop02:37
psusiMaximLevitsky, can't you just go into gnome-power-settings or something and turn it back on?  it sounds like that was how it was supposed to work02:46
Daekdroompsusi, nope. You have to deal with gconf/dconf or something like that.02:46
MaximLevitskyAre you kidding? gnome-power-settings is dry clean of features02:46
psusiugh.. I know.. it's been getting worse the last few releases... I tried to patch it last year to put back the ability to lock on hibernate, but not suspend, and the upstream gnome devs rejected it02:47
psusiit seems like they think people are all idiots and confused by options so it's better to hide things where nobody will find them02:47
psusithis seems to be the same idiotic mentality that has led to the menu in gnome-shell not having a bloody shutdown command by default, and you have to install an extension to get one02:52
jbichahibernate doesn't work for many computers and if it doesn't work, people lose data which is never a good thing02:56
jbichahere's the fix anyway: http://askubuntu.com/questions/94754/how-to-modify-policykit-to-allow-hibernation-in-upower but I think this will be configurable in System Settings02:57
jbichabut that option might not make it into Precise since we passed UI freeze weeks ago02:57
jbichaHibernate is quite unreliable in Linux, you not only need the right hardware but you need to have installed your OS the right way02:58
psusithis "hibernation doesnt work for many computers" is nonsense as far as I can see... hibernation is implemented purely in software so doesn't depend on anything specific to the computer... so it pretty much works everywhere as far as I have seen... it's suspend that breaks on a fair number of systems because of acpi bios bugs/quirks03:00
jbichaanyway, we don't have really have any hard numbers/percentages on how often suspend & hibernate work or don't work, that would be really useful for making decisions like this03:01
trismpsusi: not really related to the conversation, but you don't need the extension, just hold alt and suspend turns into power off03:02
MylenthesI have a problem03:07
BobbehI have a problem, my minecraft lags in fullscreen mode, but it runs perfectly smooth not fullscreen, but i want fullscreen03:09
vexati0nso i just did a dist-upgrade, and now Totem has replaced ALL flash content in ALL browsers.03:12
vexati0nwtf guys03:12
Bobbehi fixed my problem03:13
DaekdroomYou're the first person that I've seen complain about that, vexati0n03:14
DaekdroomTherefore, I don't see why say 'wtf guys'03:14
vexati0nyeah me too03:14
vexati0ni meant wtf as in how might i go about fixing that, old chap03:14
vexati0ni checked the about:plugins in all my browsers, they all list the usual stuff... and libflashplayer.so is in the right place, and it isn't a symlink to some weird thing like libTotemTrolLOL.so03:15
vexati0nwhich is what i almost expected...03:16
vexati0nbut wherever i go, all flash - not just video but ads and banners and even menus are replaced by a big, useless "Movie Player" icon with a play button that does nothing03:17
Bobbehvexati0n: Did you try changing it to Wumbo?03:17
vexati0nBobbeh: I do not know what a Wumbo is.03:18
Bobbehnvm its a joke03:18
vexati0nyeah sorry...long week03:18
vexati0nseriously though, how do you find out where firefox is getting its plugin orders from?03:21
vexati0nand chrome... and even epiphany.03:21
vexati0nehh.. nevermind... apparently there are gremlins...03:26
Bobbehnighty night03:35
crondhas anyone run into any issues with wine/sound and 12.04? I get a bunch of ALSA errors from any app that tries to use sound in wine, but my audio works fine otherwise.  Error occurs with padsp or without.04:38
crondand wine 1.4 can't be set to use pulseaudio... at least, not the one in the ubuntu repos04:39
kanlioti can't play any videos on precise because the plugins won't download05:34
kanliotwhere do i file a bug?05:34
Fyodorovnayou try the restricted-extras? kanliot05:35
kanlioti declined the restricted extras05:35
kanlioti didn't think it would matter05:35
kanliotis that where i file the bug?05:35
FyodorovnaI doubt you have a bug, rather a=something is amiss.05:36
ubottuIf you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs.05:37
kanlioti'm just gonna file it against movie-player05:39
kanliotsound settings.  how do I file a bug against that?06:10
Belial`all your nonworking ayatana scrollbars are belong to us.07:14
snadgethe scroll bars in ubuntu do kinda suck08:18
snadgeand are inconcsistent.. eg, firefox has "normal" scroll bars08:18
snadgebut even they suck, the colour scheme makes it non obvious where the scrolling button is and/or how large it is08:18
baronosubuntu do  which patches and packages of gnome libs for  the unity?08:38
Belial`snadge, the scroll bars aren't even working for me in the beta. they keep disappearing as soon as i hover over them. it only happens with gtk3 apps.08:47
lapionhello, upgrades, either from commandline or the update-manager, with a btrfs root  do not work.09:32
lapiona regular upgrade doesn't work, and a sandbox upgrade doesn't start up.09:32
trijntjeI'm having some trouble with nmap not showing all open ports on a machine on the network. Can somebody confirm this?10:43
trijntjeI've recently updated my router, and I haven't got a oneiric machine left to test with10:43
diverse_izzuehi all11:07
jtaylor:( xorg still crashes on video play, probably time to do some debugging myself11:12
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djbennywas just wondering if there has been a bug reported when laptop waking from standby and the screen remains blank11:26
wyldedjbenny: I'm sure I've seen a number of those in launchpad11:27
djbennywylde, ok cheers. just wanted to know if it had been reported somewhere as its kind of annoying11:28
wyldedjbenny: I imagine it would be, I have fortunately not had the issue but then I'm primarily on a desktop and I'm rather lax about powersaving heh11:29
djbennywylde, ahh fair enough, well its just habit to close laptop when not using it as it bots up after standby instantly anyway11:30
wyldedjbenny:  yeah I'm pretty sure I've seen a number of similar bug reports, although it may not be the same thing causing it11:32
wyldeif you use ubuntu-bug <packagename> it'll gather more info and submit it to launchpad11:33
djbennywylde: yeah ok fair enough, well i was expecting bugs so im not that fussed11:33
djbennybut im not sure which package is causing the issue11:33
wyldedjbenny: the bug bot will find if there are duplicates most likely anyway and mark it as duplicate.11:33
djbennythough it did come up wth a system warning error when i booted back up11:33
wyldedjbenny: hmm, I'll see what I can find.11:35
wyldehttps://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bugs?field.searchtext=resume+from+suspend anything there look similar?11:38
wyldeI imagine it could be a hung gpu or something to do with an incomplete saved state when you close the lid, but I'm mostlyguessing right now11:39
wyldehttps://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/pm-utils/+bug/953288 or maybe https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/95271311:41
ubottuLaunchpad bug 953288 in pm-utils (Ubuntu) "pc freezes when resume from suspend." [Undecided,New]11:41
ubottuLaunchpad bug 952713 in linux (Ubuntu) "Thinkpad unable to return from Suspend-to-Disk or Suspend-to-Ram" [Medium,Incomplete]11:41
wyldeor bug #951466 or bug #95114311:43
ubottuLaunchpad bug 951466 in acpi (Ubuntu) "p8h61-m le doesn't resume from suspend mode" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/95146611:43
ubottuLaunchpad bug 951143 in linux (Ubuntu) "[Asus eeepc 1225B] Suspend and hibernate not working" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/95114311:43
ubottuLaunchpad bug 28959 in acpi-support (Ubuntu) "screen stays blank after resume from suspend" [Medium,Confirmed]11:43
djbennythat one looks similar, as when i move the mouse it still finds the login window as the cursor changes to the text field cursor11:43
wyldeahh I see11:44
sagaci_on the latest +1 updates, is the area in the top left where it displays the program name, ie. XChat IRC or Home Folder, the first character is slightly wrong?11:44
djbennybut I've not tried to bring up the console11:44
wyldethat's a really old bug report hmm11:45
djbennysagaci_, for me its fine on XChat11:45
djbennywylde, yup. it was fine with 11:1011:45
djbennywylde, plus that bug was reported in 2006!11:46
sagaci_what's the package I need to file a bug against if it's to do with the unity panel?11:46
wyldedjbenny: you could file a bug report and then use apport-collect <bugnumber> to gather more information, moment there's a good page on the ubuntu wiki to help find what package to file a bug against11:47
djbennysagaci_, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Unity/FilingBugs11:48
djbennywylde, ok cheers...11:49
djbennythanks for the advice. bye11:49
* penguin42 spends 5mins debugging PA - and then remembers to switch the amp on12:18
* ironhalik spent two hours debugging PA - figured out PA disabled audio jack12:20
itmannenHm. Lost connection12:29
itmannenrealubot: Goodmorning young man :)12:33
itmannenLost connection again. What is this12:34
realubotitmannen: Good morning old man.12:38
realubotGood morning to you too spacey.12:39
itmannenrealubot: :)12:39
itmannenrealubot:  Spacey ?12:40
realubotitmannen: spacebug- :)12:45
spacebug-hello ;)12:45
spacebug-got some answers on bugreports today. Thats nice. Two were already known and fixed12:46
realubotspacebug-: Nice.12:51
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=== pie is now known as synaptix|ubuntu
itmannenrealubot:  Send best regards to Barre and amelia :(14:01
realubotitmannen: Haha. I will. For how long willl you be banned?14:02
itmannenrealubot:  And of cource to CasperN to :(14:02
itmannenrealubot: I think t 16 april14:02
maxjezyitmannen, what did you do?14:03
realubotitmannen: Ok. One month then.14:04
itmannenmaxjezy:  I log in to many times when I test my bouncer14:04
maxjezyi c14:04
itmannenrealubot: :(14:04
itmannenmaxjezy:  And CasperN went mad and went to op.14:06
itmannenrealubot: Do you now how to unzipp everything in one mapp ?14:07
realubotitmannen: Do you have a zip archive?14:08
realubotOr tar?14:08
itmannenrealubot:  Yes14:08
itmannenrealubot: Both14:08
itmannenrealubot:  yes zip14:08
jtaylor"one mapp"?14:10
itmannenSorry fore the spelling14:10
maxjezymapp is the swedish word for it14:10
realubotitmannen: unzip file.zip -d /path/to/dir/14:10
realubotitmannen: I think.14:11
itmannenrealubot: Ok. I test14:11
jtayloruseful script for extracting: http://paste.ubuntu.com/887807/14:11
realubotMapp or Folder is Windows word for a graphical directory icon. In Linux you use the words directory or catalog, I think.14:12
realubotOr am I wrong?14:12
glosoli"Mapp" ?14:12
maxjezyfind the word Mapp in english and i give you a b j14:13
realubotitmannen: unzip  [-Z]  [-cflptTuvz[abjnoqsCKLMVWX$/:]]  file[.zip]  [file(s) ...] [-x xfile(s) ...] [-d exdir]14:13
realubotitmannen: http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/hardy/man1/unzip.1.html14:13
realubotmaxjezy: Idiot. "Strictly speaking, there is a difference between a directory, which is a file system concept, and the graphical user interface metaphor that is used to represent it (a folder)."14:15
realubotmaxjezy: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Folder_%28computing%2914:15
maxjezywell, what the fuck is a Mapp?14:15
realubotmaxjezy: YOU are totally wrong.14:16
maxjezydont slingra dig!14:16
realubotmaxjezy: Mapp is the swedish word for Folder.14:16
maxjezyyes, i know that14:16
maxjezydon't look at me like i'm retarded, you know and i know swedish.14:16
bazhanglets watch the language and the attitude here14:17
maxjezybut mapp aint no word in english14:17
realubotAnd Folder is a graphical representation for a Directory.14:17
bazhang!guidelines > maxjezy14:17
ubottumaxjezy, please see my private message14:17
maxjezyi can take 2 papers, 2 paperclips and make a folder of it14:17
maxjezythen i can paint something nice on it14:17
glosolibazhang: you always judge wrong peopke14:18
maxjezyand call it my flowerfolder14:18
glosolibazhang: it that "realubot" who said that someone is idiot14:18
Daekdroomglosoli, you missed a few words in the conversation, no doubt.14:18
bazhanglets move on glosoli14:18
maxjezyyeah, bad bad bazhang14:18
realubotmaxjezy: Ok. Maybe there is a Folder in Linux too. And the Folder is a graphical representation of the file system concept Directory.14:19
realubotMaybe there is no difference between Folder/Directory in Windows/Linux.14:20
realubotOther than that Folder is a grpahical representation then...14:20
jtayloron windows 7 there probably is, it has the concept of libraries, which is basically just a tag for files in multiple directories14:20
realubotjtaylor: Ok.14:23
realubotI'm sorry that I lost my temper when I was talking to maxjezy. We have been arguing in another Ubuntu channel before and I'm rather tired at him. Sorry.14:25
itmannenrealubot:  And If there are many zipfiles in that folder ?14:25
realubotitmannen: unzip *zip -d /pat/to/dir14:25
realubotDoesn't that work? As in dpkg -i *.deb14:25
realubotitmannen: Otherwise you could use this:14:25
itmannenrealubot:  Nope14:26
realubotfor file in /path/tozip/archive/*.zip; do unzip file -d /path/to/dir/; done14:26
jtaylorunzip $file14:27
maxjezyi'm also sorry that i did use words like retarded and fuck, not good language.14:28
bazhangmaxjezy, ...14:29
maxjezybazhang, ... ?14:29
itmannenrealubot: bash: syntaxfel nära den oväntade symbolen "do"14:29
bazhangmaxjezy, dont repeat them...14:29
maxjezyis there any way of installing windows from within linux?14:29
maxjezyusing a iso or something?14:30
itmannenmaxjezy: Wubi14:30
maxjezyitmannen, thats the opposite way14:30
jtaylorwubi is the other way round I think14:30
bazhangitmannen, thats the reverse14:30
bazhangmaxjezy, ##windows14:30
itmannenmaxjezy: Oracle Virualbox14:30
realubotmaxjezy: VirtualBOx.14:30
wyldemaxjezy: in a VM14:31
maxjezyyeah, but that's like a fake install, i want to run the installation from grub14:31
DaekdroomAltho that is nothing like Wubi,.14:31
maxjezyi would like to install windows xp on a netbook14:31
maxjezyit has only ubuntu now14:31
bazhangmaxjezy, and support for that is in ##windows14:31
maxjezywell, that's a linux issue14:32
itmannenmaxjezy: Hm. No win here :)14:32
maxjezynot a windows issue14:32
bazhangmaxjezy, incorrect14:32
realubotitmannen: Give me tha path to the directory where the zip files are stored and give me the path to the directory you want to extract it to and I'll give you the right code.14:32
wyldemaxjezy: the windows install will bork grub, so you'll have to reinstall grub afterwards14:32
maxjezyif i want to install a windows game in linux14:32
maxjezyits a linux thing14:32
bazhangmaxjezy, you wish to install windows, it is a windows issue14:32
maxjezysame thing here14:32
itmannenrealubot: Ok. thanks: /media/sdb1/GSP1/images/*.zip; do unzip file -d /media/sdb1/Unzipped-gsp1;14:32
maxjezyit's a software i would like to install from within linux14:32
bazhangmaxjezy, run using wine14:33
realubotmaxjezy: Install Windows and reinstall Grub afterwards.14:33
bazhangcheck the appdb and /join #winehq14:33
bazhang!appdb | maxjezy14:33
ubottumaxjezy: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org - Join #winehq for application help14:33
maxjezyrealubot, how do i install it on a netbook not having a CD?14:33
itmannenrealubot: update-grub :)14:33
realubotitmannen: You forgot the done after last;14:33
realubotitmannen: Did you?14:33
itmannenmaxjezy:  Make a boot-usb14:34
maxjezyitmannen, find me a working guide?14:34
bazhangmaxjezy, again, this is not the place to ask about installing windows.   /join ##windows14:34
itmannenrealubot: Aha14:34
realubotmaxjezy: Booting Ubuntu Live from USB.14:34
maxjezybazhang, still, it's a place for support in linux14:34
realubotmaxjezy: And fron within the Live USB reinstall Grub. Then Windows AND Ubuntu will show up at boot.14:34
itmannenrealubot:  No: bash: syntaxfel nära den oväntade symbolen "do"14:34
realubotitmannen: Strange.14:35
realubotitmannen: The code should work.14:35
jtaylorno it should not14:35
itmannenrealubot: Ok.14:35
realubotitmannen: Ah!14:35
realubotitmannen: You have to have unzip $file -d ...14:35
jtaylorlike I said before14:35
realubotThe $ sign in fornt of the word file tellint that file is a variable.14:36
itmannenrealubot: What ?14:36
realubotjtaylor: What did you say before then?14:36
realubotitmannen: for file in /media/sdb1/GSP1/images/*.zip; do unzip $file -d /media/sdb1/Unzipped-gsp1/; done14:37
itmannenrealubot: How sould my command look like ?14:37
realubotitmannen: I think that will work otherwise I don't know.14:37
itmannenrealubot: Nope: bash: syntaxfel nära den oväntade symbolen "do"14:37
realubotitmannen: Does this one work? for file in /media/sdb1/GSP1/images/*.zip; do echo "$file"; done14:38
itmannenrealubot: Nope14:39
realubotitmannen: ls -l /media/sdb1/GSP1/images/*.zip14:39
realubotitmannen: Do you have the correct path?14:39
itmannenrealubot: yes. But we leave this. Thank you14:42
realubotitmannen: Ok. Sorry I could not help you out on this.14:46
itmannenrealubot: NP. You help me a lot :)14:47
ironhalikhmm, not sure if GSM modems have so crappy support or just my modem is so lame :/14:48
wylderealubot: maybe find /path/to/files -name '*.zip' -exec unzip {} \; would do it14:51
wyldeoops my bad, I meant itmannen14:58
realubotwylde: Maybe it will work.14:58
realubotThis works for me to echo all png-files in $HOME: for file in $HOME/*.png; do echo "$file"; done14:59
realubotSo I don't get why it wont work using unzip. Well...14:59
realubotitmannen: http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/linux-unix-shell-unzipping-many-zip-files/15:00
wyldehmm, I think it has something to do with how unzip see's it's arguements15:01
realubotwylde: Mee too.15:01
realubotitmannen: Try this then: unzip '/path/to/zip/files/*.zip' -d /path/to/unzip/dir/15:03
wylderandom thought. I wonder if anyone's put something togther to direct place output of a command to pastebin? heh, eg. man apt-get > man_apt.txt but rather than outputting to the file, use curl or somesuch to output directly to pastebin... </OT>15:04
realubotitmannen: or: cd /path/to/zip/files/ && unzip '*.zip' -d /path/to/unzipped/15:05
realubotwylde: You could use the program called pastebinit15:05
wylderealubot: ahh ok15:05
realubotwylde: Like this: echo "Hello World" | pastebinit15:06
realubotwylde: You will get a link to the pastebin page in return in Terminal.15:06
wylderealubot: yeah alredy installed it and browsing the help :)15:07
realubotwylde: Ok, ok.15:07
wylderealubot: thank you :)15:07
realubotwylde: np15:07
realubot"På lördagen samlades ett drygt hundratal demonstranter på Götaplatsen för att protestera mot den nya datalagen.15:14
realubotOps. Excuse me. Wrong channel.15:14
itmannenrealubot: Big news here :D15:33
realubotitmannen: What's the big news?15:42
itmannenrealubot:  Gutenburg :)15:44
itmannenrealubot:  If I have a HD and it is the wrong owner. What to do ?15:47
realubotitmannen: Why don't just give it back to the right owner? ;)15:48
realubotior3k: Maybe it will work changing the owner using the chown command?15:49
realubotior3k: Sorry.15:49
realubotitmannen: That was ment for you.15:49
wyldeitmannen: is it mounted in fstab? Could just be the options used to mount it.15:50
itmannenwylde:  Yes. Now it is root as owner. But it should be me15:51
itmannenrealubot:  Ok. whar is the command for that15:51
wyldeitmannen: sudo chown <username> <path/to/mountpoint>15:52
itmannenwylde:  Thanks a lot15:53
wyldeitmannen: you may want to chgrp as well, just substitute chgrp for chown15:53
wyldeand no problem, glad to help15:53
realubotsudo chown itmannen:itmannen -R /path/to/mountpoint15:53
realubotOr something.15:53
wylderight, I forgot about doing the user and group that way, not to mention the _R "recursive"15:54
wyldeerr -R15:54
itmannenNow it is ok. thanks15:56
realubotMaybe this is the wrong channel for talking about this kind of problems. Maybe one should talk about various Ubuntu problems in channels like #ubuntu15:57
realubotThis is for the 12.04 release.15:58
crondIs there a particular reason that Ubuntu's wine doesn't have pulseaudio support? Sound doesn't work under wine at all.15:59
itmannenI am using 12.04. And it is in this i have problems15:59
itmannenGoodbye. See you later16:00
haz3lnut__Is the daily/current build still beta 1 or would that be considered beta 2 ?16:01
jtaylorits something in between16:01
DaekdroomIt's neither.16:01
haz3lnut__when is scheduled release of beta 2 ?16:02
ubottuA schedule of Precise Pangolin (12.04) release milestones can be found here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PreciseReleaseSchedule16:02
injureddeersomeone know syslog-ng regexps a bit? i try cache "Mar 17 16:51:10 honeypot psad:" this :\16:02
LetterRiphi all - how to i disable the 'feature' where any window is automatically moved to the upper right hand corner16:02
|Long|hi, is there a cmd which is tell me who is users has root access to the box from ssh screen?16:03
=== haz3lnut__ is now known as haz3lnut
brobostigon!info unity-2d precise16:06
ubottuunity-2d (source: unity-2d): Unity interface for non-accelerated graphics cards. In component main, is optional. Version 5.6.0-0ubuntu2 (precise), package size 4 kB, installed size 144 kB (Only available for any all)16:06
haz3lnut|Long| grep admin /etc/group16:07
haz3lnut|Long| and ...  sudo cat /etc/sudoers16:08
toxihey, i'm currently on kubuntu 12.04 and telepathy didn't connect to icq network. anybody knows that problem?16:08
LirusaitoHai... um... this:16:37
LirusaitoE: Encountered a section with no Package: header16:37
LirusaitoE: Problem with MergeList /var/lib/apt/lists/archive.ubuntu.com_ubuntu_dists_precise-updates_universe_binary-amd64_Packages16:37
LirusaitoE: The package lists or status file could not be parsed or opened.16:37
LirusaitoWhat do?16:37
GangstaRapMadeMedoes anyone know if i can run a virtual operating system?16:41
GangstaRapMadeMei tried to download virtualbox but it didn't seem to work.16:41
jo-erlendhas anyone been able to install precise using manual partitioning using Ubiquity yet?16:44
jo-erlendI haven't been able even once. Not in VMs, laptops, desktops... Think it's somewhat scary.16:44
glosoliAnyone using Kubuntu Precise here ?16:48
glosoliwith Chrome or Audacious ?16:48
htorquejo-erlend: what exactly is your problem?16:50
jo-erlendhtorque, same as it's been since the beginning of Precise. Ubiquity crashes consistently whenever I choose "Advanced".16:51
htorquei needed to use manual partitioning in a small VM (8gb, virtualbox) due to bug bug 89968316:51
ubottuLaunchpad bug 899683 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) "12.04 installation in VirtualBox crashed due to weird partitioning layout ("No space left on device")" [High,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/89968316:51
htorqueso yes, that works here16:52
jo-erlendusing Ubiquity and not d-i, right?16:52
jo-erlendI have no problems installing using d-i. Only Ubiquity.16:52
htorquejo-erlend: d-i is what again? (so yeah, likely ubiquity ;))16:54
jo-erlendI have no issues with alternate. Only live-cd.16:54
htorqueah, no - i used the normal desktop daily live images.16:54
htorqueis there a bug report for your problem? not being able to install sounds... bad?16:55
jo-erlendit crashes too bad for me to find any error messages.16:56
toxihey, i'm currently on kubuntu 12.04 and telepathy didn't connect to icq network. anybody knows that problem?16:59
LirusaitoSu um... any help with this?:17:01
LirusaitoE: Encountered a section with no Package: header17:01
LirusaitoE: Problem with MergeList /var/lib/apt/lists/archive.ubuntu.com_ubuntu_dists_precise-updates_universe_binary-amd64_Packages17:01
LirusaitoE: The package lists or status file could not be parsed or opened.17:02
jtaylortry updating again17:02
jtaylorif that does not work delete the file and try again17:02
Lirusaitojtaylor: Yeah... tried that... wouldn't be bothering if it wasn't serious.17:02
=== glosoli_ is now known as glosoli
jtaylorif that does not help, you'll have to wait for your mirror to pick up a file thats not broken17:09
=== RobinJ1995 is now known as RobinJ
dermasterI installed Kubuntu 12.04.................18:54
dermasterbut i listened after 12.04 it will be stopped18:54
bazhangdermaster, not so18:55
penguin42dermaster: Just that the pre-made physical CDs of it won't be made, and Canonical isn't paying for the guy to do some of the work19:03
dermasterwhat are pre made? cd ???19:03
penguin42dermaster: You can ask Canonical for some actual CDs with Ubuntu on it, in nice printed wallets, and you can get Kubuntu ones as well19:04
dermasterah okay thank you my darling lover pengiun4219:04
penguin42ooh err :-)19:05
bjsnidertoo much information19:06
dermasterno problem19:07
pauleberberHello i just installed xubuntu 12.04 beta 1. The network manager applet is not appearing in the upper right corner :-( Wired Network works of course automatically :-D19:14
pauleberberi ´ m updating now19:14
pauleberberbut i have the feeling the problem will still be there after finishinfg the updates19:15
glosolianyone is getting problem for not autosetting current desktop wallpaper to LightDM Screen19:22
glosoli ?19:22
pauleokay just wanne say, that after updating the whole shit (xubuntu 21.04 beta 1) the network manager applet appeared in the upper right corner19:29
paulesorry for bothering19:30
glosoli!bug | paule19:30
ubottupaule: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs.19:30
glosoliAnyone can confirm problem for LightDM. It's that LightDM doesn't use default desktop wallpaper for its' background20:17
Daekdroomglosoli, but it does.20:19
DaekdroomWell, it uses the default desktop wallpaper set in nautilus.20:19
glosoliDaekdroom, hmm after clean install with daily build20:19
glosoliIt doesn't for me20:19
glosoliDaekdroom, for the first time I thought it might be some restrictions for my Wallpaper read/write permissions but after setting to be available for everyone I found it as a system problem or bug hmm, so came here to ask20:24
|Long|haz3lnut, thanks alot20:30
dualMoonwhat's the lightdm equivalent of kdm/Xsetup or gdm/Init/Default?20:32
brobostigonwhat is a unity lens?20:39
glosolibrobostigon, open unity dash, and you will see home lense, music lense, folder lense, application lense, video lense20:42
glosolibrobostigon, these things are called lenses20:42
glosoliunity lens i mean"20:43
brobostigonglosoli: ah, i see. i didnt know they were called that, interesting, thank you.20:43
brobostigonglosoli: so equally in unity3d and unity2d ?20:43
glosolibrobostigon, exactly :)20:45
glosolibrobostigon, I did not know for the first time too. Happens. There're a lot of names I use incorrectly  ;D20:46
brobostigonglosoli: i probebly do the same thing, yes. good to know it works in both modes.20:47
glosolibrobostigon, some interesting news too http://goo.gl/fF9UZ20:51
glosoliah not news, names :D20:51
brobostigonmake sense really.20:52
haz3lnutok, who knows how to set the toggle shade when double click on titlebar?  Is it still possible in precise?21:34
ironhalikhaz3lnut: IIRC, you could change that somewhere in gconf-editor21:38
ironhalikalso, take a look at the gnome tweak tool21:39
ironhalikyup, its in gnome-tweak-tool -> windows -> action on title bar double-click21:40
haz3lnut<ironhalik> I tried gnome-tweak-tool and it didn;t work.  It works in 11.10 but not now.21:41
ironhalikoh, then you probably should file a bug21:42
haz3lnut<ironhalik> gconf-editor says schemas cannot be edited.21:42
haz3lnutI wouldn't be surprised if it was a feature21:43
ironhalikhaz3lnut: /apps/metacity/general/action_double_click_titlebar21:43
ironhalikin gconf-editor21:43
ironhalikits under schemes in the search box21:44
haz3lnutironhalik: yep, it's there.  says toggle-shade, but it doesn;t work.  I thought unity replaced metacity anyway. no?21:47
ironhaliktry toggle_shad21:48
ironhalikbut, yeah, it might not work now21:48
haz3lnutWell I'll be danged, that worked21:49
haz3lnutI guess gnome-tweak-tool put the wrong spelling21:50
ironhalikIm kinda surprised too ;)21:50
haz3lnutI guess I'll go file a bug report21:51
chmacSince the most recent updates I installed (about a month's worth I think), alt-f2 no longer works. Anyone have any ideas?21:54
chmacI can only start some of my firefox profiles (using --no-remote) from a terminal without the run prompt.21:54
chmacLikewise, alt-tab no longer works.21:54
ironhalikfor the alt issue, check if you still got alt bound to HUD in CCSM21:55
ironhaliktheres a bug that disabled alt when its unbound from HUD21:55
chmacironhalik: Ok, great, I'll check that out, thanks.21:55
chmacironhalik: What is HUD? I can't see anything with those initials in CCSM.21:56
chmacironhalik: Got it, now it's working, thanks a lot :-)21:57
DarxusGParted is resizing some of my partitions.  I've been alt-tabbing between it and a terminal and firefox for a while.  The little status window disappeared.  Any suggestions on getting it back?  I un-maximized all the windows, can't find it.22:01
Darxusvmstat looks pretty clearly like it's still moving my partitions around.22:01
WhoopieHi, I'm running precise with gnome3 fallback session. I noticed that all sub menus don't open when the mouse is over the menu. How can I fix that?22:11
Jordan_UMy unity launcher isn't hiding itself, even when I have a maximized window, and so it's blocking a good deal of content. Any idea how to get it to hide again?22:13
itaylor57KM0201,  yea wubi is good advice to give LOL22:15
KM0201lol, i know.. id idn't say anything.. but.. hey, :)22:15
brobostigonJordan_U: there us a setting, inside system settings to enable or disable higing of the launcher.22:16
trismJordan_U: System Settings/Appearance/Behavior allows you to set it back to autohide22:16
itaylor57yea i kept my mouth mum also22:16
Jordan_Ubrobostigon: trism: Autohiding was set to "Off", now it's set to "On" but I see no difference in behavior.22:17
KM0201this is gonna be awesome, i'm definitely watching this.22:17
trismJordan_U: may need to restart your session, although it happened immediately for me just now22:18
brobostigonlogout, and then, log back in. yes.22:18
WhoopieNobody an advice for my issue?22:21
DarxusYeah, autohide was enabled immediately for me.  This is the first time I ever tried it, I think.22:26
wubinohas anyone upgraded 11.10 to 12.04b over ssh?22:45
Fyodorovnawubino, you running a wubi install with 11.10?22:47
wubinoFyodorovna, this is for the server22:53
wubinousing aws22:53
wubinoIt warns against doing so and it did freeze but just wondering if there is ways through this22:53
etfbRight, I'm REALLY sick of Kubuntu 11.10.  I want to go back to Ubuntu, but it seems like a waste to reinstall now and again in a month.  Give me the verdict: is the latest build of 12.04 good enough for daily use?23:13
Fyodorovnaetfb, you can run both desktops on the same OS.23:15
Fyodorovnadevelpments are not for a main OS use is the general answer etfb23:16
Daekdroometfb, why not install Ubuntu and upgrade it to 12.04 in a month?23:17
etfbUpgrade? Really? That doesn't really work, does it?  It's just something you tell people to lull them into a false sense of security.23:20
etfbThe only time I ever did a straight upgrade, I regretted it even more than I now regret installing Kubuntu.23:20
Darxusetfb: The difference between kubuntu and ubuntu is a matter of running a package installation.  Just install the package for the ubuntu stuff, and run ubuntu.23:21
etfbDarxus: that doesn't seem to be true in practice.  Kubuntu has stuffed up a lot of kernel-level stuff (suspend/resume, ACPI, mousepad) that Ubuntu got right.23:22
penguin42Darxus: Almost, you normally get a few left overs, like the splash screens and it tends to leave it using kdm as the splash unless you flip it over23:22
penguin42etfb: That shouldn't happen - that *is* all the same code23:22
penguin42etfb: I can see mousepad stuff being from settings in the user session though23:22
Darxusetfb: I guess you're aware of this already, but I still need to say it, the package is ubuntu-desktop.23:24
DaekdroomWell, after installing ubuntu-desktop, it'd be interesting to try and remove the kubuntu packages.23:25
DaekdroomOtherwise you'll have a bunch of QT apps in Dash.23:25
etfbI'd rather rebuild anyhow. I've never seen an OS upgrade work properly, in Linux, Windows or MacOS, since at least 1984.23:25
penguin42etfb: You might also want to uninstall kdm, and if you really want to do it uninstall kdelivs5 will get rid of most of the rest of KDE23:25
etfbThe only question for me is: will I hate a beta version of 12.04 more than I'll hate the current version of Kubuntu?  Is there a summary of outstanding issues (bugs) anywhere?23:26
DarxusI've switched between ubuntu, debian, and mint a number of times - by dist-upgrades.  *Not* recommended.  Made lots of messes.  But it can generally be done.23:26
jtaylordepends on why you hate your current version23:26
Darxusetfb: Weird, I've been upgrading debian, and then ubuntu installs effortlessly for lots of years.23:27
Darxusetfb: Yes, there is a summary of known issues in Precise, as there always is.  I'd recommend running it from a livecd for a day or so before upgrading to try it out for yourself.23:28
etfbIt's mostly KDE4 that I loathe (a shame; I used to be a big fan of KDE3.5) but I need to do a fresh rebuild because I have a lot of broken stuff - things half installed, versions gone wrong, incompetent deb dependency handling from third parties, etc.23:28
etfbDarxus: Cool. Where can I find it?23:28
jtaylor12.04 is still kde4 so you'll probably hate it too23:28
Darxusetfb: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PrecisePangolin/TechnicalOverview/Beta1#Known_issues23:28
Darxusetfb: First google hit for: precise beta 123:29
etfbjtaylor: Yeah, that's why I want to go back to Unity.  I'm one of the rare people who actually prefers Unity over Gnome, and has done since it came out.23:29
etfbDarxus: Cool. Wasn't sure if it was being called a beta or something else.23:29
Darxusetfb: Precise Beta 2 is scheduled for March 29th:  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PrecisePangolin/ReleaseSchedule23:29
DarxusWhich, I suppose, could be more or less stable / usable.23:30
Darxusetfb: Honestly, now that I think about it for a moment, if you're unhappy with kubuntu, and not comfortable fixing those problems yourself without a full reinstall, I definitely do *not* recommend you install before the official release.23:30
DarxusRunning a beta means willingness to deal with breakage, entirely possible to be worse than converting a kubuntu install back to ubuntu.23:31
etfbDarxus: I was just installing willy-nilly because I knew I'd be upgrading anyway.  I can fix stuff better from a clean start than I can from an already messed up one.23:31
DarxusI don't know what you mean by messed up, I love how clean debian and ubuntu stay over lots of years.23:32
etfbThe list of Known Issues doesn't look too bad.  Have to figure out if my wifi is Intel (the only big issue is random dropouts for Intel wifi)23:32
etfbDarxus: some stupid third-party package repositories.  Ever tried to install Free Pascal and Lazarus using only the available documentation?  It's a sad, tragic fate for a poor innocent computer.23:33
DarxusHell, I bet you could get a list of all the packages included in ubuntu oneric by default, and use dpkg --set-selection and apt-get dselect upgrade to revert to exactly that package set.23:33
Darxusetfb: Ah, no, I have no experience with that software.23:33
etfbAny time you want to know why so many people are mistrustful of free/open source projects and consider them to be the province of clueless nerds, FreePascal is the place to go to find out.  It's quite dreadful.23:34
drtwoxHi all. Is this an appropriate place to seek help with a broken Kubuntu update/upgrade?23:34
Darxusetfb: Hah, good to know.23:34
penguin42drtwox: If you're updating to Precise, yes23:34
etfbdrtwox: My response would be "Kubuntu: Broken By Default", but I'm an old cynic and you can (and should) ignore me.  I'll just sit in the corner ranting and dribbling...23:35
etfbAnyhow, I'll take your advice -- try it with a Live CD for a while.  If it all Just Works, I'll take the plunge.  Thanks all.  (Dribble, dribble, rant.)23:36
penguin42drtwox: What's up?23:37
drtwoxI install the Kubuntu Precise Beta1 (from iso), do an apt-get update/upgrade/reboot, and the system boots to a minimal busybox shell with the prompt: (initramfs)23:38
penguin42drtwox: OK,  shouldn't do that!   Tell us about your machine - single SATA drive? Anything special?23:38
drtwoxSingle SATA drive yes. nforce chipset. Kubuntu installed to use the entire disk. This happened about 4 days ago. I've been using Kubuntu Precise since Alpha2 with no problem.23:40
drtwoxDuring the update/upgrade the Grub configuration says it can no longer find the drive it was originally installed on, and prompts me where to install. I choose sda and sda1.23:42
Fyodorovnadrtwox, you would normally just choose the mbr sda23:44
Fyodorovnaunless you had a boot partition.23:44
drtwoxFyodorovna: I have reinstall a few times, once of those times I did just select sda as the boot device.23:45
penguin42drtwox: OK, at the prompt that you are at, what happens if you cat /proc/partitions - can it see the hard drives?23:48
drtwoxpenguin42: I'll boot and report back...23:56

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