
JoseeAntonioRHello! I need some flag changes in #ubuntu-pe. We're having a meeting on Sunday, and we need to give +votiA to the bot, JoseBot. Also, we need to remove TOPICLOCK and KEEPTOPIC, for the bot to make the changes. The problem is, nobody knows who have flags.02:39
JoseeAntonioRCan you make those changes, or I need to go to another channel?02:42
ubot2`jalcine called the ops in #ubuntu-beginners-team ()02:55
pleia2JoseeAntonioR: I suggest waiting here for now03:02
JoseeAntonioRpleia2: Thank you, Lyz :)03:03
pleia2sure, hope you can get it sorted without too much trouble :)03:04
pleia2shame the access list isn't open03:04
JoseeAntonioRpleia2: That's the main problem we have, I'll ask the ops to change it too.03:04
* pleia2 nods03:05
JoseeAntonioRBy the way, just found a troll in #ubuntu. It's danielboston26.03:06
m4vI suppose p3l|c4n0 was #ubuntu-pe's founder, he's not around anymore.03:43
JoseeAntonioRm4v: Yep, I haven't seen him ever on IRC03:48
jokerdinohey guys, i would like to request for ubuntu members cloak. here's my launchpad profile: https://launchpad.net/~jokerdino11:23
k1ljokerdino: congrats on member status. just wait untill the IRCC wakes up and confirms :)11:24
jokerdinok1l: thanks, i can wait :)11:24
jokerdinoi just wanted to post it here11:25
k1lyep, that is the right procedure.11:25
jokerdinois there anything else i have to do that is necessary for the process?11:26
k1lyou need an account on freenode (since you are logged in you got one :) ) and member status. just wait until the ircc reacts. this is not an heavy traffic channel here. but AlanBell and topyli are not marked away, maybe the sneek here in minutes11:30
AlanBellmaybe . . .11:30
topyliyeah who knows!11:31
AlanBellstaff can we have an ubuntu/member/jokerdino cloak please for jokerdino11:32
MkaysiShouldn't you !staff ?11:33
topylithat's more for real emergencies imo11:33
AlanBellthey mostly have "staff" on hilight anyway11:33
* Mkaysi didn't know that11:34
jokerdinoi didn't expect to see people on a saturday.11:35
topylioffice hours don't matter to volunteers :)11:36
jokerdinoi see. haha :)11:37
* Myrtti has a look11:42
Myrtticongrats, jokerdino11:42
jokerdinothanks Myrtti :)11:43
jokerdinothanks, i can now see the cloak.. :)11:46
topylithanks Myrtti11:50
AlanBellnice cloak jokerdino :) thanks Myrtti11:50
JoseeAntonioRHello! I need some help, on claiming flags from #ubuntu-pe.14:26
jussiAlanBell: ^^^14:27
JoseeAntonioRjussi: Thanks :)14:27
AlanBellhi JoseeAntonioR14:28
JoseeAntonioRAlanBell: Hello! Should I explain my problem here, or via PM?14:28
AlanBellI had a look and I can't see the flags at all14:28
AlanBellhere is good14:28
JoseeAntonioRAlanBell: Yep, that's one of the problems I have14:28
jussiAlanBell: you need to add tthe ircc account via asking staff14:28
jussiOnce you have +fF, you can add all the resto f the flags and see it14:29
JoseeAntonioRWell, we're having a meeting on Sunday, and we need to give +votiA to the bot,  JoseBot. Also, we need to remove TOPICLOCK and KEEPTOPIC, for the bot  to make the changes. The problem is, nobody knows who have flags.14:29
JoseeAntonioRIf possible, also to remove the private flags, so anyone can see who have them.14:30
AlanBellthat all sounds reasonable14:30
JoseeAntonioRIt has been a pretty inactive channel, but since we're trying to revive the LoCo, we need access to it.14:31
AlanBellstaff, can we get UbuntuIrcCouncil with founder flags +fF in #ubuntu-pe please14:32
JoseeAntonioRAlanBell: Shouldn't !staff be called?14:36
AlanBellI am not in a hurry :) they will see it at some point14:37
JoseeAntonioRAlanBell: Oh :)14:37
JoseeAntonioRnothing yet?15:23
AlanBellall watching the rugby I think15:23
MkaysiSo I am not the only person asking about using !staff today :)15:31
JoseeAntonioRMkaysi: did you asked that before?15:32
MkaysiJoseeAntonioR: Yes, someone was asking Ubuntu member cloak and just said "staff"15:32
MkaysiI was told that staff usually have "staff" on highlighted words (sorry for highlight spamming)15:33
JoseeAntonioRthen, someone should see it soon15:33
Fuchshrm, at least I don't have it as a highlight, so in urgent cases maybe asking in #freenode, the channel you just asked in or via /query might be a better idea </sidenote>16:32
JoseeAntonioRAlanBell: ^^^16:32
Fuchsif one of us is on /stats p, contacting him/her is probably the most quick one16:32
AlanBellmrmist got to it :)16:36
AlanBellthanks Fuchs16:37
Fuchssaw it, yes. Sorry for the delay :)16:38
JoseeAntonioRFuchs: No problem16:38
AlanBelloh, is it working right I wonder16:38
AlanBellI still can't see the access list I think16:39
JoseeAntonioRsame over here, I can't check it, but has UbuntuIrcCouncil got access?16:39
AlanBelldon't think so16:40
MkaysiIf AlanBell is in UbuntuIrcCouncil, just add flags +* to yourself.16:40
MkaysiYou should be able to do it with +Ff and then you should be able to see the flags16:41
AlanBellah, right, so I can16:42
AlanBellthanks Mkaysi16:42
MkaysiYou're welcome :)16:42
JoseeAntonioRby the way, I found a troll on #ubuntu, gfc, saying random words to spam the channel16:43
MkaysiJoseeAntonioR: Maybe you should !ops there or join #ubuntu-ops16:44
JoseeAntonioRI'll tell the user to stop spamming, I forgot the first step :)16:44
marienzMkaysi: who told you we have that word hilighted? Because I most certainly don't, and I don't *think* most of the rest of us do16:45
AlanBell16:46 -ChanServ(ChanServ@services.)- 6     JoseBot                +votiA [modified 15 seconds ago]16:45
Mkaysimarienz: It's just outside my buffer, I can check from logs soon16:46
AlanBellmarienz: it was me, I think some people do16:46
marienzfirst I've heard of it16:46
AlanBellanyhow, there was no particular hurry16:46
FuchsI think most don't, but I might be wrong16:46
Fuchsat least the current statistic speaks against it ;)16:46
* Mkaysi thought that it was topyli16:46
JoseeAntonioRThanks! Can you please also remove the topiclock, keeptopick and the private flags?16:47
FuchsAlanBell: I think it would missfire quite a lot to have this word as a highlight, which would be against it's purpose, because then it would get less attention16:47
AlanBellprobably true16:47
marienzI guess I could add an exclamation mark followed by that word, much like the ops thing. But I don't think it'd get much use16:47
jussi!staff  >  marienz16:48
ubottumarienz, please see my private message16:48
marienzyes, that's a thing16:48
marienzso I guess I'd not have to add that for this channel16:48
Fuchsoh god ...16:48
Mkaysijussi: But that has another problem. There are scripts like masshighlightignore for XChat :)16:49
FuchsI'd recommend to use /stats p  and contacting people on it before firing this script :)16:49
AlanBellthat is good to know16:49
jussinow that staff are actually on stats p, that seems reasonable16:49
AlanBellJoseeAntonioR: all done16:50
JoseeAntonioRAlanBell: A question, why can't I see the flags? :S16:50
Fuchsor see whether one of us is currently active in #freenode. Just to get a person before using this shotgun :)16:50
MkaysiJoseeAntonioR: Try /msg chanserv access #channel list16:51
FuchsJoseeAntonioR: reasons for not seeing flags would be: a channel set private and you not having +A on it16:51
FuchsJoseeAntonioR: however, for the channel I think this is about, it should work16:51
JoseeAntonioRAlanBell: Oh, yep, I see them :) Thanks for all your help!16:51
MkaysiFlags requires more permissions16:51
AlanBellFuchs: yeah, I didn't want to use the blunderbus :016:52
bodhizazenHelp with an ubuntu channel pleas19:19
pangolinAlanBell topyli funkyHat Pici incoming19:19
bodhizazenchannel #ubuntuforums19:19
pangolinbodhizazen, may as well give some details now, they will end up asking you for them anyway19:19
bodhizazenThe founder, jdong, has been MIA for a long time, can not contact jdong via e-mail, PM on forms, /msg on IRC19:20
bodhizazenI am on the Forums council19:20
pangolinnext step in this process requires waiting and patience :)19:22
bodhizazenyep =)19:22
bodhizazenI would like to request setting up the FC to own the channel (+F) , but I do not know how to set up group ownership on IRC (I can read on that part), but there is no one with sufficient privileges to make changes19:24
pangolinThe Ubuntu IRC Council will have to request that staff give them the needed flags and all. You can talk to them about owner transfer.19:25
funkyHatHi bodhizazen20:09
=== Mamarok- is now known as Mamarok
funkyHatWe (the IRC council) already have +f in #ubuntuforums, which is enough to grant access if more operators are needed20:11
bodhizazenhey funkyHat , sorry wa AFK20:29
funkyHatbodhizazen: is that satisfactory? #ubuntuforums is officially under the control of the IRCC so if there are any specific issues we can deal with them, or get them dealt with quickly by freenode staff21:02
bodhizazenI do not really care who owns #ubuntuforums21:02
bodhizazenI would like to be able to add / remove ops21:03
bodhizazenPreferably all FC members would have that privilige21:03
m4vIRCC, ping21:08
AlanBellhi m4v22:25
m4vAlanBell: you might want to check #ubuntu-pe access list, there's one entry that should be removed or fixed.22:26
m4vAlanBell: there's an entry that gives ops to anyone with the nick Seveas, instead of giving it to his account.22:28
AlanBellah right, ok22:28
AlanBellok, removed, and sevias has the neverop flag set so I can't add back by account22:32
m4vthanks AlanBell22:42

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