
JoseeAntonioRHello! I need some flag changes in #ubuntu-pe. We're having a meeting on Sunday, and we need to give +votiA to the bot, JoseBot. Also, we need to remove TOPICLOCK and KEEPTOPIC, for the bot to make the changes. The problem is, nobody knows who have flags. Can you make those changes, or I need to go to another channel?02:47
pleia2JoseeAntonioR: -irc is the right channel, but it's not a great time of day for IRCC folks (very late where most of them are)03:02
ubottudr_willis called the ops in #ubuntu ()05:12
vibhavIS public logging allowed on #ubuntu-offtopic?10:28
vibhavWhen I get bored, I always read the logs10:29
vibhav(thats stupid though)10:29
Myrttiit *never* has been publically logged.10:29
Myrttiby us10:29
vibhavBut can it be publically logged?10:30
Myrttiare you planning to?10:30
LjLno vibhav, public logging is not really allowed10:30
LjLjust keep a client connected 24/7 and log for your own :P10:31
topylii can easily think of better hobbies than loggin -ot though10:35
vibhavsorry for quiting, interwbes went down10:46
vibhavSo , as I was saying, why is publically logging #Ubuntu-offtopic not allowed?10:46
Myrttiwhile I write those, can you give why it should?10:47
vibhavThe same reason why other ubuntu related channels are logged10:47
vibhavsolely for the interesting of reading to find out what one has missed10:48
Myrttipeople say stupid things in -offtopic, and they shouldn't be incriminated by others by the logs of those things. Also, -offtopic doesn't contain anything that would benefit from being crawled by google and being indexed.10:50
Myrttiand other Ubuntu channels aren't logged for interesting reading of what has been missed10:50
Myrttiit's logged so that decisions and discussions behind them are logged, so that people can find help for their problems with Ubuntu with Google10:51
Myrttiif you want to read what interesting things you've missed, then do what LjL suggested and many of us do: keep a client connected 24/7 and log your own.10:51
vibhavBut I cant then make them publically available over the internet right?10:52
Myrttiwhy would you?10:53
vibhavok thanks10:54
Myrttithanks for *not* answering my question10:54
oCean@mark #ubuntu locsmif Still mocking guidelines: in terms of moderation, I've never been in a more uptight channel, and I've seen a lot12:49
ubottuThe operation succeeded.12:49
bazhang<compute> how can i lean to hack with ubuntu i am a nebe16:54
ubottudsfsd called the ops in #ubuntu ()18:24
dsfsdHi Myrtti18:26
dsfsdAs per out pm's.......18:27
Myrttido you really think that we're silly enough to believe that you were innocently just joining the channel and from some mysterious knowledge pulled the !ops call to start bashing Unity and Ubuntu?18:28
Myrttibecause, we're not.18:28
dsfsdI knew about the !ops call18:29
dsfsdI used it because I needed to draw everyones attention to a serious issue18:29
dsfsdIf so, just tell me what the problem is rather than jumping in with a ban18:29
Myrttino, you don't need to draw everyones attention to this what you call a serious issue.18:29
dsfsdI am and was being sincere18:29
pangolinrants belong in blog posts and twitter, not in #ubuntu18:29
Myrttithe channel is not your soapbox where you can voice your opinion, it's a support channel strictly for support issues.18:30
Myrttiyou're welcome to vent in a blogpost or twitter, just like pangolin said.18:30
Myrttiright now you seem to be one member of the horde of trolls we've had that have followed the exact pattern you did.18:31
Myrttiand there's been plenty of them.18:31
dsfsdMyrtti, ok, I see that you do not approve of what I have done18:31
dsfsdfor that18:31
dsfsdI am sorrt18:31
Myrttiso to answer to your question or observation "banned by mistake" no, you weren't banned by mistake.18:31
dsfsdPLease unban18:32
Myrttiit was fully intentional, just like your canvassing against Unity in #ubuntu was.18:32
Myrttiwhy do you want to be unbanned?18:32
dsfsdbecause I am sorry, I did not go about it in the right way18:32
dsfsdI did not mean to cause harm18:32
Myrttiok, why do you want to join #ubuntu then?18:32
dsfsdI have given people support in the past and will do so again, plus.. I have a question about nvidia drivefs18:33
dsfsdfrom the repo18:33
dsfsdMyrtti, please?18:34
dsfsdHi, can I get my ban lifted please?18:37
Myrttiplease come back in 24 hours and we'll discuss the matter again then.18:37
dsfsdoh.. really?18:37
dsfsdThere's a serious problem with Ubuntu... UNITY is pushing real users that have real work to do away from the distribution! There's a serious problem with Ubuntu... UNITY is pushing real users that have real work to do away from the distribution! There's a serious problem with Ubuntu... UNITY is pushing real users that have real work to do away from the distribution!18:37
dsfsdThere's a serious problem with Ubuntu... UNITY is pushing real users that have real work to do away from the distribution! There's a serious problem with Ubuntu... UNITY is pushing real users that have real work to do away from the distribution! There's a serious problem with Ubuntu... UNITY is pushing real users that have real work to do away from the distribution!18:37
dsfsdThere's a serious problem with Ubuntu... UNITY is pushing real users that have real work to do away from the distribution! There's a serious problem with Ubuntu... UNITY is pushing real users that have real work to do away from the distribution! There's a serious problem with Ubuntu... UNITY is pushing real users that have real work to do away from the distribution!18:38
dsfsdThere's a serious problem with Ubuntu... UNITY is pushing real users that have real work to do away from the distribution! There's a serious problem with Ubuntu... UNITY is pushing real users that have real work to do away from the distribution! There's a serious problem with Ubuntu... UNITY is pushing real users that have real work to do away from the distribution!18:38
Myrttimake it a bit more then.18:38
Myrttisuits me.18:38
pangolinI have something I feel is of extreme importance and must communicate it to the entire community. I will use a non descriptive nick!18:57
bodhizazenCan I get some help with an ubuntu channel here ?19:16
pangolinwhat sort of help?19:16
ubottuIn ubottu, waperboy said: allright, so is it not gnome-based? In between gnome and kde?19:16
bodhizazenThe founder (+F) has been mia for some time19:17
Myrtti!bot > waperboy19:18
bodhizazenchannel #ubuntuforums19:18
pangolinbodhizazen, ok, join #ubuntu-irc and state the issue there and one of the Group Contacts will see what they can do.19:18
bodhizazenI have not been able to contact jdong for several months, either on IRC, e-mail, IRC (msg)19:18
pangolinbodhizazen, if you don't mind parting this channel.19:23
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Mamarokwhy does the factoid !update point to upgrades? seems quite a bit wrong to me21:09
tsimpsonMamarok: it has done since 200622:25

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