
InHisNameSo, jedijf, did you try out your nifty new recipie yet ?01:44
Sadin:3 https://fbcdn-sphotos-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/s320x320/424535_236354226461346_148916631871773_445539_1671394533_n.jpg02:20
Sadini want one02:20
Sadinto gaurd my server when i buy it02:20
MutantTurkeyno laptop for days03:17
MutantTurkeyI am dying03:17
SadinMutantTurkey are you buying bacons server or not O.o03:26
MutantTurkeyno take it03:27
MutantTurkeyIf you want it03:27
MutantTurkeyyou probably need it03:27
MutantTurkeyI don't03:27
SadinWell you have first dibs i would have just bought a cheaper one03:27
Sadinbut alright thanks :)03:27
MutantTurkeyif you have the money do it03:28
MutantTurkeyI am functionally broke for a few weeks and you probably want it03:29
SadinMutantTurkey i dont my dad does but i need a server to get myself up and running03:29
MutantTurkeyuse it03:29
Sadinand im going to ask for it as early birthday preasent cause them specs on that are insane!03:29
MutantTurkeyjust run a bunch of VMs on it03:29
MutantTurkeyand let your dad use it otherwise.03:30
Sadini will03:30
MutantTurkeyya know?03:30
MutantTurkeythat way you can have your bit (probably wont need the whole thing) and let the rest for him03:30
MutantTurkeyif you dont want it just let me know03:30
Sadindunno if he needs it he is computer retarded03:30
Sadinbut if i cn convince him to get it id be SO HAPPY03:30
MutantTurkeyI mean i wouldn't use it as  a desktop....03:30
MutantTurkeyokay well if you dont need it let me know03:30
Sadini will03:30
MutantTurkeyalso tell him that i said you should buy it (bacon)03:31
MutantTurkeybecause I don't have internet all week03:31
Sadini just learned how to program nodejs apps to split memory and load thought multiple CPS cores03:31
Sadinalright i will03:31
SadinCPU* dam i cant type03:31
MutantTurkeythats cool03:32
Sadinyeah haha it makes me smile :P03:33
InHisNameMorning to you too, Randy  [rmg51]10:37
SamuraiAlbaGood bacon to all!11:53
waltmanmmm, bacon12:10
SamuraiAlbaHow is it going?12:12
rmg51off to PACS we go12:18
SamuraiAlbaI need ridage12:28
waltmanoh, it's PACS day?12:52
teddy-dbearand I'm there12:52
teddy-dbearor here if you prefer12:53
SamuraiAlbaI only have a 5 zone bus pass GRR12:53
TravelerHello anybody 'home' ?18:41
Traveleronly a stuffed bear answers from meeting room rather than 'home' ?18:44
pleia2you know how bears are18:45
teddy-dbearwe are everywhere :-D18:46
ChinnoDogWhy is LaTeX not used as the native format by word processors?21:53
jedijfhey, should everyone be running or trying slax today?23:16
waltmanChinnoDog: probably because most word processors are wysiwyg but LaTeX isn't?23:35
ChinnoDogwaltman: it wouldn't prevent someone from implementing a wsiwyg word processor with a LaTeX back end. Wordperfect for DOS was not wysiwyg. You could show codes (F5?) so you could edit the format codes yourself though. The early versions of WP for Windows were both wysiwyg and allowed showing codes. In early versions of Word you could show codes. Now they hide it and it is frustrating to figure out formatting problems.23:38
ChinnoDogFiguring out why stuff isn't in the right place in Word is now a global problem. Even if you know the right way to do it you still can't produce consistent results23:39
* ChinnoDog pines for Wordperfect23:39

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