
ochosileo-unglaub: ping-pong03:02
leo-unglaubdidn't you wan't to go to a party?03:03
ochosiwell i just returned03:03
leo-unglauboh, okay03:03
leo-unglaubback from the party directly into the irc03:04
ochosii thought 4am is a pretty ok time to return03:04
ochosiyou're also here :)03:04
leo-unglaubyou must be a real nerd03:04
leo-unglaubdon't worry, i am the bigger nerd... i am still in the office03:05
ochosiyou must be kiddin03:05
leo-unglaub4 in the morning is normal for me03:05
ochosiwell, i'm speechless03:05
leo-unglaubthere is nothing else to do for me on a friday evening 03:06
ochosi(but less surprised now that you said "morning" around 4pm)03:06
ochosiwhy's that?03:06
leo-unglaubfriday night is just crap on tv03:07
ochosiright, but there are things other than tv03:07
leo-unglauband playing battlefield gets boring after 350 hours ingame03:08
leo-unglauband not to forgett, i don't like vienna03:08
ochosihaven't played games since diablo203:08
leo-unglaubcrap city03:08
ochosiah, why's that?03:08
leo-unglaubso much stupid people, dirty, noisy...03:09
ochosia-ha, so what's your favorite city?03:09
ochosi("so many" stupid people btw ;) )03:09
leo-unglaubi don't like citys in general03:09
ochosibut if you follow your current working hours you could work remotely, no?03:10
leo-unglaubyeah yeah, go ahead....mark the little boy with the bad spelling skills03:10
leo-unglaubi mean the most work is on my laptop an on the servers, but normaly i work not from home03:11
ochosido you work with others in a team?03:11
leo-unglaubyes, i am the technical director in the company03:11
ochosihm, i see03:12
ochosibut at this time of the day i'd assume there aren't too many people to direct, no?03:12
leo-unglaubi am alone in the office..03:12
ochosihmkay, i guess that's why i expected you'd work remotely03:13
ochosi(or at least: be able to..)03:13
leo-unglaubnooo, i like sitting alone i nthe office03:13
leo-unglaubso i work if they are gone03:13
leo-unglaubi hate people in real live03:13
leo-unglaubi like to chat in irc or so, but i hate having them around me03:13
leo-unglaubso i am happy if i can work at night03:13
ochosiwhy's that then?03:13
ochosi(not surprised anymore that you dislike cities)03:14
leo-unglaubi don't know why i don't like people..03:14
leo-unglaubif you spend so much time like me alone in a server room or alone at home, you get used to the silence03:14
ochosithe silence of servers running? :)03:15
ochosimaybe you just need to meet a human that makes the sound of a server03:15
leo-unglaubyou get me03:15
ochosi(when idle)03:15
leo-unglaubno, i don't know...people i know just talk to me if they need something fixed03:16
leo-unglauband after 6 years i hate saying the following line: "have you tryed turning it of and on again?"03:16
leo-unglaubthats what i say every time my phone rings...03:17
ochosiwell in that case let me step down from that line. (and forget about parole etc. :)03:17
leo-unglaubno, that is different03:17
ochosii don't just wanna contact someone if i wanna get something fixde03:17
ochosiespecially if that's always the case for that someone03:17
leo-unglaubwhy not?03:18
ochosibecause i assume i'm not the only social being in the universe with feelings03:18
leo-unglaubi think thats the best part of open source software. you can be streat with people. no worrying about money or projects. just tell them to fix something and they do it03:18
leo-unglaubbesides...you are not a real live guy for me, you are just irc03:19
ochosii think that's a misconception03:19
ochosiif you tell people to fix something in opensource, their reaction depends heavily on the kind of project03:19
ochositake claws-mail for example, if they don't wanna fix it (e.g. if they're not interested in your use-case) they simply don't03:19
ochosianother example: xfce. they don't have enough manpower to fix anything you might suggest03:20
ochosianother example: gnome. they don't seem to listen to anyone else but themselves03:20
leo-unglaubhmmm, maybe...i spend nearly 6 to 8 hours every day fixing errors or improve my open source php projects (sadly i am a better php+mysql guy than c/c++) but i think it works...03:21
ochosiif it's really _just irc_ to you, then i'm not sure i understand your engagement here (or: your motivation to contribute). not that that matters though :) the important thing is that people contribute, not my understanding of it03:21
leo-unglaubof yourse manpower is a problem but i like that people can send me ideas and i implement them03:22
leo-unglaubmy motivation?03:22
ochosiif you're on the dev-side, then that's your choice03:22
leo-unglaubmy motivation is simple: i am a php guy...and i hate that. PHP is a language for suckers...i want to lean the real c++ language and so i teached it myself and now i want to help (in my limited ressources) to make linux better so no one can say anymore: mac or windows is better03:23
leo-unglaubi am just bored all day long, so i look for open source projects to build and learn03:24
ochosithat's good motivation i guess03:24
ochosioh darn, i feel really tired03:24
ochosihave a good night03:24
leo-unglaubi will03:25
mr_pouitprecise/i386 daily builds broken for now (there're missing)14:29
Unit193I noticed yesterday, but didn't yet today.15:47
mr_pouitknome: I need a new logo for usr/share/pixmaps/{xubuntu-logo-menu.png,xubuntu-logo.png,xubuntu-logo.svg}. Thanks :P16:17
leo-unglaubochosi: so, my build script is fixed16:20
leo-unglaubrunning now16:20
leo-unglaubi am currently on my way home16:20
leo-unglaubsee you later16:20
pleia2I had hoped to have the testing docs updated by now, but day job got in the way all week :( will work on it this weekend so I can get something out by Monday or so18:55
pleia2Tuesday night I'm leaving for an 8 day trip, will only have hotel wifi (yuck)18:56
knomemr_pouit, will provide you those in the next 3 hours20:15
ochosileo-unglaub: hey23:03
ochosinice to hear!23:04
knomemr_pouit, ?23:12
knomehey ochosi 23:12
ochosiheya knome 23:12
knomeochosi, did you see mr_pouit's request for the logo files23:12
knomein /usr/share/pixmaps23:13
knomeare those used for the menu exclusively?23:13
ochosito be honest i've lost track of what logo-icons are used where :)23:13
knomewell, one of them says -menu23:13
knomebut they are big, like 128x12823:13
knomebut they are still just the icons23:14
ochosihm, i think we should try to find out which logos are used for what, then we could optimize the sizing23:14
ochosibut currently i'm busy with other stuff23:14
ochosiso i'm not sure i wanna take over this task :)23:15
knomeit's not too bad if the small size logo is there and it's used on bigger sizes too23:15
knomeit's worse the other way23:15
knomeokay, i will provide those files for mr_pouit 23:15
knomemr_pouit, http://temp.knome.fi/xubuntu/precise_logo/pixmaps/23:18
knomemr_pouit, with love, from me to you23:18
knomemr_pouit, (and they're optimized too!)23:19
knomenighty :)23:31

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