
DaskreechOh goodness I can't breathe I'm laughing so hard00:30
DaskreechBluesKaj, hi :)00:35
ScuniziI've dropped in a blank cd into the drive and the system responds asking if I want to create an audio or data cd.. however when I open k3b it doesn't recognize a blank disk in the drive.  (happens with several disks)  how do I fix this?01:07
tbruff13Can someone help me out01:20
tbruff13Does anyone know the exact day when Kubuntu 12.04 is coming out01:21
DaskreechScunizi, Umm only thing I could think of is open k3b with kdesudo ?01:23
Daskreechtbruff13, Last thursday in the month from which it's names01:23
tbruff13Daskreech: what date is that01:24
tbruff13Daskreech: okay here is the issue I am running into I am doing a huge School Board presentation for a Senior Project01:24
tbruff13The Porfolio is due on April 10th01:25
tbruff13will it be out by then01:25
DaskreechNot if it's the last Thursday :)01:25
tbruff13Daskreech: will the beta become the main release or will a reinstall be required01:25
DaskreechRegardless you can show whatever is out on that day it would be in hard freeze and you can just run a normal update on the release day to get the final product01:26
tbruff13Daskreech: because if the beta can be updated to the main release then i can turn the beta release into my teacher and present the main release01:26
Daskreechtbruff13, Long as they don't need a snapshot of a state that would work01:26
tbruff13Daskreech: what do you mean a snapshot of a state?01:27
DaskreechI mean if what they are judging means they can't update anything.  If they are looking at a concept or something they expect to change in the future that would be fine01:28
tbruff13Daskreech: what they a judging is the usefulness of Kubuntu for a School system they can update whenever they need01:30
tbruff13The alternative is for them to be forced to use 10.04.4 which only has support for one more year :(01:31
tbruff13Canonical has agreed to support Kubuntu in my instance01:31
Daskreechtbruff13, You would be fine then01:31
DaskreechAs long as it's something future facing01:31
tbruff13Daskreech: so can i start work on the beta release01:31
Daskreechtbruff13, That's what I do ^_^01:31
tbruff13and then update to be a normal release later01:31
DaskreechIf i get distracted I sometimes don't notice that it's been released01:32
tbruff13or will i have to wait for the official release to come out01:32
Daskreechit's just Thursday for me01:32
Daskreechplus I have it before everyone :)01:32
tbruff13Daskreech: I need to know if starting with a beta will create any stability issues01:32
tbruff13because a whole parish of schools will be relying on this01:33
Daskreechtbruff13, I can't answer that. I can't even tell you if starting with a final release will be stable.01:34
Daskreechin general once it's hit beta the craziness slows down.01:34
tbruff13Daskreech: but upgrading a beta will be the same as a downloading the main release correct01:35
DaskreechThe Alpha you are lucky if it boots some days. The Beta is pretty much assured to basically work but some little parts may be broken01:35
DaskreechThe RC etc will be the same as the final release unless something goes horribly wrong01:35
Daskreechtbruff13, Upgrading the beta the day after release will get you the same as someone who installed it fresh on that day01:36
tbruff13Daskreech: okay then i can start customizations for 12.0401:37
tbruff13and just wait until it comes out01:37
Daskreechtbruff13, Yes01:37
Daskreechwell follow it till it comes out.01:37
tbruff13Daskreech: will i be able to update on that day or will the servers be slammed01:37
littlegirlHey there, I've got Kubuntu 12.04 Beta installed in VirtualBox and am not finding some expected software in it. Does it install minus some software if placed into a virtual machine?01:37
DaskreechIt will help depending on what they are looking to change01:38
JMichaelXis there not some kind of world clock plasma widget?01:38
Daskreechtbruff13, I'd bet on the servers being slammed. It's why I update the day before it releases then wait a week or so01:38
DaskreechIt's effectively the same as installing the daily the day before01:38
tbruff13Daskreech: but I cannot wait I have no time01:38
tbruff13Daskreech: will the updates be slow or will they just not wokr01:39
Daskreechtbruff13, Update on that day then. It will be slow but hopefully you don't have to sit there and watch them01:39
tbruff13slow i can deal with not working i cannot01:39
Daskreechtbruff13, They will work but sloooooooow01:39
Daskreechlittlegirl, What are you missing? also #ubuntu+101:39
tbruff13Daskreech: how slow is slooooooooow like 100kb/secc01:40
tbruff13Daskreech: how slow is slooooooooow like 100kb/sec01:40
tbruff13i can deal with that01:40
Daskreechtbruff13, Depends on your location and server and how many people have been converted to Ubuntu in the last release01:40
tbruff13Daskreech: can i update by a mirror or will that not get me the same result01:41
littlegirlDaskreech: Base doesn't seem to be installed (the database from LibreOffice. Is there a way I can find out which software will be included in the default installation?01:41
Daskreechtbruff13, if you are updating a whole slew of computer I would look into setting up a local mirror01:41
tbruff13Daskreech: just one computer with two vbox installations in it01:41
tbruff13I will burn a cd based on them and then give them to the school01:42
JMichaelXis there not some kind of world clock plasma widget?01:42
Daskreechtbruff13, In theory it will be the same but depends on your mirror of course. On some occasions I've found it easier to update from servers across the world as they have less people hammering them01:42
Daskreechlittlegirl, You can check in #ubuntu+1 I should thinkn01:42
tbruff13Daskreech: i will work on this01:42
tbruff13Daskreech: I have a contact at Canonical that may be able to help01:42
littlegirlDaskreech: Thanks. (:01:42
DaskreechJMichaelX, there is some kind of world clock01:42
Daskreechtbruff13, Excellent :)01:43
tbruff13Daskreech: i will set a reminder for the date when the official comes out01:43
Daskreechtbruff13, If you are on the internet you'll likely hear about it. Ubuntu community is pretty good about making a lot of celebratory noise on the release day01:45
tuxmandeepin software center01:45
tuxmanis beautiful01:45
tuxmani just installed it01:46
tbruff13Daskreech: i am just nervous about not being able to update at all01:46
tbruff13Daskreech: will remastersys work on 12.04 if not can you point me in the direction of a program that will01:47
Daskreechtbruff13, I've not been in touch with remastersys so I don't know01:47
DaskreechI can't imagine why it wouldn't >_>01:47
DaskreechI don't know of any reason remastersys would suddenly not work with 12.0401:48
Daskreechbut I honestly don't know01:48
Daskreechtbruff13, you may also want to hang out in #kubuntu-devel01:52
tbruff13I am to work on this01:54
tbruff13getting my project ready for the update01:57
tbruff13Daskreech: thank you01:58
tbruff13i owe you one01:58
Daskreechtbruff13, ;-)01:59
Daskreechtbruff13, Yes but the guys in #kubuntu-devel have been doing updates for a long time they can help01:59
Daskreechand obviously they know a lot on KDE and Canonical structure so good crowd to just be around and listen in on02:00
tbruff13Daskreech: can i ask you another question02:01
Daskreechtbruff13, of course02:01
tbruff13The Kubuntu beta release thing warns of a "frequently broken system" in real terms is "broken" usually fixable or like the end of the world broken02:01
DaskreechFrequently Broken means unreliable.02:02
ExtremeDevilz_Hello guys I need help02:03
DaskreechIt may be end of the world broken but end of the world broken could be for 10 minutes02:03
DaskreechExtremeDevilz_, Good place to be then02:03
ExtremeDevilz_I want to install windows 7 but I cant create bootin USB from Kubuntu02:03
Daskreechunetbootin ?02:04
Daskreech!info unetbootin02:04
ubottuunetbootin (source: unetbootin): installer of Linux/BSD distributions to a partition or USB drive. In component universe, is optional. Version 549-2 (oneiric), package size 281 kB, installed size 800 kB02:04
DaskreechAh that might be why :)02:04
tbruff13Daskreech: okay another question do they always end up fixed in the ending02:04
tbruff13Daskreech: okay another question do they always end up fixed in the end02:04
Daskreechtbruff13, that's the point :)02:04
ExtremeDevilz_yes it is unbootable02:04
tbruff13Daskreech: ok02:04
ExtremeDevilz_someone told me to use gpart to format02:04
ExtremeDevilz_but I cant get it running02:04
tbruff13Daskreech: can i submit bugs? I am not a developer02:04
DaskreechExtremeDevilz_, it being gparted?02:05
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Daskreechtbruff13, If you were a developer you would just fix the bugs eh?02:05
ExtremeDevilz_after entering auth password it does not run02:05
ExtremeDevilz_Daskreech: Nope02:05
tbruff13Daskreech: so report anything I see02:05
DaskreechExtremeDevilz_, are you running Kubuntu?02:05
ExtremeDevilz_yes Im02:05
Daskreechtbruff13, if you see something broken jump into #ubuntu+1 and ask. Sometimes by the time you have done that it's been fixed already02:06
DaskreechIn which case you would be wasting your time and their time to submit a bug02:06
DaskreechExtremeDevilz_, try and install partitionmanager02:06
tbruff13Daskreech: okay i will see what I can do02:06
Daskreech!info partitionmanager02:06
ubottupartitionmanager (source: partitionmanager): A partition management utility. In component main, is optional. Version 1.0.3-0ubuntu4 (oneiric), package size 270 kB, installed size 1048 kB02:06
tbruff13Daskreech: do you know anything about Kubuntu and thin clients02:07
ExtremeDevilz_Daskreech: okay hold on mate02:07
Daskreechtbruff13, Yes02:07
tbruff13Daskreech: do they work? about how many thin clients can run on an average server02:07
ExtremeDevilz_flags boot,ibm02:07
ExtremeDevilz_iba sorry -ibm02:07
tbruff13Daskreech: can you do me a quick favor02:07
tbruff13Daskreech: i dont know02:08
ExtremeDevilz_but it does not boot02:08
tbruff13Daskreech: i am just asking if it will work02:08
tbruff13and will it be worth it02:08
ExtremeDevilz_going to unetbootin screen it countsdown and then reloop to the countsdown over and over again02:08
tbruff13Daskreech: is there any truth to the rumor the Kubuntu is resource heavy02:09
DaskreechExtremeDevilz_, You need to use Windows Tools to write to the USB I would expect. Windows Vista changed the bootloader sequence. Windows 7 changed it again02:09
ExtremeDevilz_so how mate ?02:09
tbruff13ExtremeDevilz_: windows tends to fix things that are not broken02:09
Daskreechtbruff13, It is but not needily so. It can be pared down pretty well to run on say a 256 MB tablet so02:09
tbruff13Daskreech: okay02:09
DaskreechExtremeDevilz_, Possible ask in ##windows ?02:09
ExtremeDevilz_uh this is a Linux issue02:10
tbruff13Daskreech: is kubuntu suffering from the same graphics issues Gnome is suffering from02:10
tbruff13ExtremeDevilz_: what are you trying to do02:10
DaskreechExtremeDevilz_, Well the issue is getting Windows onto a USB drive. I would presume once that's done you would be happy. THey would be best able to say02:10
ExtremeDevilz_im trying to make a bootable windows 7 usb since Im on netbook02:10
Daskreechand despite the name of the channel most of the people there run Linux02:10
ExtremeDevilz_im running Kubuntu02:11
tbruff13ExtremeDevilz_: that is a windows issue but one second02:11
DaemonFCI always wondered how it was possible to get a Windows channel on Freenode02:11
Daskreechtbruff13, Depends on what graphics issue you mean02:11
DaemonFCwhatever :)02:11
tbruff13ExtremeDevilz_: http://arstechnica.com/business/news/2009/12/-the-usb-flash-drive.ars02:12
tbruff13Daskreech: the issue about AMD and crashing in Gnome 302:12
DaskreechDaemonFC, You'll notice it has two hash tags02:12
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Daskreechtbruff13, Oh doubtful AMD and KDE made peace a while back about KDE 4.302:13
tbruff13im tired02:13
DaemonFCactually, I just reported a AMD Catalyst bug upstream that's rather nasty02:13
DaemonFCunless you're talking about the open source driver which is very stable but totally unfit for gaming02:14
DaskreechGNOME's Current issue is they absolutely require 3D composited drivers. KDE a) has no requirement for that and b) has two levels of software fall back incase the drivers you turn on are broken02:14
DaemonFCactually, the issue with Catalyst is that it can only run one direct rendered OpenGL app at a time02:14
DaemonFCtry to run two and you're going to crash hard02:15
DaemonFCand there's a second issue with direct rendering, compositing, and vsync, that's where the choppy rendering comes in02:15
DaskreechDaemonFC, Doesn't make a difference in KDE's state. You can just switch drivers or go to software rendering or turn off compositing02:15
DaemonFCkwin detects fglrx and uses indirect rendering02:16
DaemonFCthere was a blog post by the maintainer of kwin a few days ago where he said that if AMD doesn't get their act together, he may just drop the OpenGL 1/indirect rendering support entirely02:16
DaemonFCsince it's onyl around for ancient hardware and AMD's broken proprietary driver02:16
DaskreechDaemonFC, He's going to drop it anyway.02:17
DaemonFConce that happens, if that happens, then you may end up having to turn compositing off if you use that driver02:18
Daskreechand AMD have said they are moving to ELS 2.0 subsequent to that02:18
DaemonFC(or just use the open source driver)02:18
Daskreechso the march goes on. But in anycase we in KDE don't have the same problems they do with video in GNOME02:18
DaemonFCI don't know how that's going to work, their proprietary driver is bad enough with GLX and they have many bugs spanning years that have gone unresolved02:19
DaemonFCmy spidey sense is telling me that they probably will never make the effort to properly support EGL02:19
DaemonFCthat's just because GNOME made a decision to not support broken or ancient display drivers02:20
DaemonFCkwin has had the backend that it now gives those drivers for years, so it's not like they had to come up with something from scratch02:21
DaemonFCthe issue before them now seems to be whether it's an undue maintainence burden to keep it around much longer02:21
DaskreechYes :-) and AMD is trying to get to a better place02:22
DaemonFCthe newer OpenGL 2 backend (with mandatory direct rendering) is what you get when kwin determines your running recent open source drivers or a recent nvidia blob and02:22
DaemonFC*and it's the future02:22
DaskreechI understand the trepidation for expecting them to come through with what they say but I support them trying to get there02:22
DaemonFCwell, I think the threat to drop support for them is really more like trying to get them to fix it02:23
Daskreechwheever they fall we will point and jeer and laugh till they dust off and we will celebrate anytime they fulfill but I wouldn't discourage them based on past failings02:23
DaemonFCas long as most software goes to lengths to work around their bugs, there's no incentive to fix those bugs because the user never sees the bugs02:23
DaskreechDaemonFC, So far it seems to have been motivating them to at least be more open with the roadmap if it didn't actually impel them to make the changes02:24
DaemonFCI'd obviously prefer it if they trashed FGLRX and made a more serious committment to their open source drivers02:27
DaskreechDaemonFC, Yep and the last time there was a massive KDE bug AMD stepped up and said that was our fault. They submitted the code and closed the bug themselves.02:27
DaemonFCdoubt that it will happen, since FGLRX is mostly just the Windows driver with some kernel glue02:27
DaemonFCso it's not like it's taking a lot of effort to develop02:28
DaskreechYep And I would guess that long term they would like that as well but that certainly isn't going to happen overnight02:28
DaemonFCthe part that probably costs them the most to maintain is the part that interacts with X02:28
DaskreechWould be nice if they eventually made the Windows driver a wrapper for the open driver02:28
DaemonFCwell, they have ported the open source stuff to Windows CE apparently02:29
DaemonFCwith decent results02:29
DaskreechAh X such an amusing anomaly in the FOSS world02:29
DaemonFCX is 25 years old, was barely adequete in 1987, largely maintained by proprietary software companies and hardware vendors most of its life02:29
DaemonFCand it's a small miracle it even still works at all02:29
DaemonFCnobody sane still uses it as it was originally intended because of irrepairable security issues :)02:31
DaemonFCmaybe on a trusted local network that is entirely walled off from the internet02:31
DaskreechDaemonFC, You don't run X?02:45
DaemonFCI was talking about networking02:46
Daskreechwhen did we start on that subject?02:49
DaemonFCX networking02:49
DaemonFCthat was originally more or less the entire elevator pitch for X unless you wanted to just run a bunch of xterms or something02:50
* Daskreech loves xterms02:55
JMichaelXdoes anyone here know of world clock plasma widget? i have looked, and cannot seem to find one03:26
JMichaelXwould anyone here know whether or not there is world clock plasma widget?03:47
FanfareJMichaelX: there should be one!03:48
tbruff13Daskreech: are you still here03:48
Daskreechno >_>03:49
tbruff13Daskreech: ha ha I need help Kubuntu 12.04 in virtualbox did not detect my internet connection on install03:49
tbruff13Is there anything i need to install once it is booted to correct this or will an update fix what got missed03:49
Daskreechno that's a #vbox issue03:50
JMichaelXFanfare: if there is, i would love to know what it is called03:50
Fanfareand #ubuntu+103:50
tbruff13Daskreech: i know i am asking once it is loaded can i just update and fix what the installer missed03:50
DaskreechJMichaelX, What's the clock supposed to do?03:50
tbruff13Daskreech: will an update catch what the installer did not get03:50
JMichaelXDaskreech: do you not know what a world clock type app does?03:51
FanfareJMichaelX: unlock your desktop, add widget, select category "Date & Time" there you should find it.03:51
DaskreechIs that one that shows like the sun on the world?03:51
Daskreechtbruff13, The installer missed things?03:52
JMichaelXDaskreech: i have seen some that do that, but no.03:52
tbruff13Daskreech: when i installed it says download updates but i would not let me download them because it did not see my connection to the net03:52
FanfareJMichaelX: if not check packages in your package manager to find more plasma widgets03:52
JMichaelXDaskreech: the whole idea is to show what time it is in more than one location03:52
tbruff13now i am connected when i rebooted do i just update to fix what the installer missed03:52
Daskreechtbruff13, ah right yes03:52
JMichaelXFanfare: i did that, toherwise i would not be asking in here03:53
DaskreechJMichaelX, http://edu.kde.org/marble/current_0.7.php like that ?03:53
DaskreechI'm not on KDE right now but hold on03:53
FanfareJMichaelX: so check your packagemanager or apt-cache search plasma03:53
FanfareJMichaelX: (not in Kubuntu right now)03:54
JMichaelXDaskreech: don't go to too much trouble. i have actually found i have one installed on one machine.. i just cannot figure out what package it came with03:54
JMichaelXFanfare: i just told you i had already checked a package manager03:55
tbruff13Daskreech: Kubuntu's new default panel is at the top03:55
FanfareJMichaelX: i have /usr/lib64/kde4/plasma_applet_worldclock.so but dont know the ubuntu package it could be in03:56
tbruff13Daskreech: i see what i did oops03:57
JMichaelXFanfare: yea, that is what i am trying to figure out. i really do wish that when you go to add a widget, that there was some better indication of what the name of the widget is... it would be even better if it indiacated a package name03:59
tbruff13Daskreech: how well do you know 12.0403:59
tbruff13can you take a look at a log I made and tell me things that wont work on 12.0404:00
CheckInapt-file will tell you what package it's from04:00
JMichaelXok, this world clock widget is associated with marble, as Daskreech thought, but this is not a world clock widget i want.04:00
JMichaelXanyways, many thanks for the suggestions Daskreech & Fanfare04:01
DaskreechJMichaelX,  :) Did ask what you wanted04:01
FanfareJMichaelX: Yes, it would also be grat if the applet-manager could understand translations in the *.desktop file, so one could find Weltzeituhr if he is looking for worldclock04:02
Daskreechtbruff13, Gone?04:03
DaskreechFanfare, it doesn't? That's a bug04:03
JMichaelXDaskreech: yes you did. most world clock apps i have ever seen are set up to show you what time it is in multiple locations... this marble world clock is fancier, but does not do the basic job of showing the times unless you hover over it04:03
DaskreechSo you want to see multiple cities times at the same time?04:04
FanfareDaskreech: no, it doesnt. I have german here. and searching for world gives no results04:04
JMichaelXFanfare: yea, translations would slo be good... but if there were just some indication of the widgets name, even, it would be very helpful04:04
JMichaelXDaskreech: yes, that is what most such apps do04:05
JMichaelXin my experience, at least04:05
Fanfarei didnt know it should , as i know the K-menu doe not either.04:05
DaskreechJMichaelX, I am almost sure I've seen that done with the standard clock already04:05
DaskreechFanfare, I'd still consider that a bug04:05
FanfareDaskreech: do u check bko?04:06
JMichaelXDaskreech: i would not be shocked. i looked to see whether or not it could do that, but didn't see how04:06
Fanfarecouse i need to go to bed :-(04:06
DaskreechFanfare, yes04:07
FanfareDaskreech: k, thx04:07
DaskreechGood night Fanfare04:07
DaskreechHi DarkriftX04:07
Daskreech hi Darkwing04:07
DaskreechJMichaelX, don't know if that helps04:09
JMichaelXDaskreech: many thanks again. i'll take a look at that04:10
JMichaelXDaskreech: looks like a person may just need to add multiple digital clock04:12
JMichaelXDaskreech: i just added one. it seems to indicate that it is set to UTC, which is clearly not the case04:12
DaskreechYou can have multiple cities in the tooltip04:12
Daskreechnot really a one glance solution but ....04:13
JMichaelXyea, i don't want to have to do the tooltip04:13
JMichaelXplus, i turn off all KDE tooltips i can... including the informational ones04:13
JMichaelXto me, KDE tooltips are incredibly annoying04:14
JMichaelXbut that may not be the case with anyone else04:15
DaskreechYeah I like them but I can easily see them being annoying04:16
JMichaelXi hate them... any time you hover over a widget, something pops up that will not go away for a while, unless you hover over it again to make it go away.... anyways, that is all personal preference04:17
uberdubkubuntu rawks!!!04:17
JMichaelXit looks like the clock widget only does time for multiple locations in the tooltip04:18
uberdubstill dont miss os x04:18
Daskreechuberdub,  :)04:20
uberdubwhat up?04:20
DaskreechJMichaelX, Yeah Not seeing something easily to what you want04:21
Daskreech I guess a popup with X numberof cities and the times?04:21
Daskreechuberdub, Not a whole lot04:21
JMichaelXDaskreech: nope.... i should learn how to make one.04:21
uberdubhmm, though i was on freenode04:21
DaskreechJMichaelX, Qml. Should be easy(ish)04:21
Daskreechuberdub, and you are :)04:22
uberdubyep, my bad04:22
JMichaelXDaskreech: i also try to shut off as many popup notifications as possible04:22
JMichaelXi pretty much have no KDE tooltips or popups on any of my KDE machines04:22
DaskreechHmm notifications are part of the systray now I think. though yo ucan just universally shut those off04:23
Daskreech I have a friend who does that within an activity04:23
JMichaelXyea, i think that is where i shut mine off.04:24
uberdubso yeah, when does 12.04 release?04:24
JMichaelXi realize most people probably like them04:24
JMichaelXi have a strange question... i am not even sure how to describe this, on one of my machines, when switching virtual desktops... when the cube rotates, the widgets all kind turn sideways (or something like that) as the cube turns. would anyone know what effect that would be?04:27
JMichaelXi have looked through all the effects several times, but cannot seem to find where i could shut that off04:28
uberdubFirst time using quassel.....how do I join different channels?04:29
JMichaelXuberdub: i have never used quassel, but the most common way to join an IRC channel is: '/join #channel-name'04:30
DaskreechJMichaelX, did you check the settings for the cube?04:30
Daskreechuberdub, type /join #quassel for instance04:31
uberdubahh ok. I forget the commands if I get lazy, and dont use them for long periods of time.04:31
JMichaelXDaskreech: i believe i have a few times... i'll look again04:31
uberdubandroid channel would be nice04:31
DaskreechI never use cube so I'm not sure04:31
Daskreechuberdub, #android04:31
Daskreechor more likely ##android04:33
uberdubjust got my first one, xperia play04:33
JMichaelXuberdub: i imagine that quassel probably has a way of showing all of the available channels on whichever network you are connected to04:33
Daskreechthat would be /list04:33
Daskreechbut on Freenode that's easily a few thousand channels04:33
DaskreechI would guess /list android would limit it to the android related channels04:34
uberdubyeah figured it out04:34
uberdubjust needed to see it typed, and its like riding a bike04:35
uberdubIve been running linux since slack 10 or so04:35
DaskreechYou need to keep going.. preferred if it's downhill?04:35
uberdubkubuntu is really awesome04:36
DaskreechIt's a fun distro :)04:36
uberdubyeah, linux has come a long way04:36
uberdubits been a really cool evolution to watch04:36
Daskreechbeen running since redhat 404:36
Daskreechso like KDE 1.x04:37
uberdubme too...I like the eye candy04:37
uberdubI use kairo dock04:37
DaskreechI like that it does what i tell it to do04:37
uberduberr cairo04:37
Daskreechha ha that mistake is allowed her :-)04:37
uberdubyep. I dont like my hardware, and OS being restricted04:38
JMichaelXi think slackware 10 was also one of the first i tried04:38
uberdubscrew that04:38
DaskreechMIght like gnewsense then04:38
uberdubyeah I so dont miss spending weeks compiling, and building deps04:38
uberdubtaught me linux though04:38
Daskreechcompiling will do that04:38
uberdubI recommend it for noobs actually04:39
JMichaelXi don't mind compiling. i run gentoo on a few machines, also.04:39
uberdubjust depends on what your machine is intended for04:39
uberdubcompiling from source is most stable04:40
uberdubslack is uber stable.....Pat doesnt want noobs, and endusers using it so much04:40
uberdub10.04 has been a rock for me so far04:41
Daskreechoh. wow :)04:42
uberdubmy nvidia card didnt like 11.104:42
Daskreechhopefully 12.04 will  play nicer04:42
uberdubyeah hope so04:42
JMichaelXwhat card did u have?04:42
uberdubIm really digging this04:42
almoxarifeanyone with bind experience? I can't get 'cache' size figured out04:42
uberdubnvidia ion04:42
uberdubhp mini 31104:43
JMichaelXok, that is what i have on this machine.04:43
uberdubyou running 11.1?04:43
JMichaelXthis is a jetway minitop04:43
JMichaelXyes... although i guess this is an ion2 GPU, if that make any difference at all04:43
uberdubhmmm, maybe04:43
uberdubthis was an ion le stock04:44
uberdubIm using hacked firmware04:44
JMichaelXi like machines with low(er) power consumption04:44
uberdubarm is cool04:44
uberdubthis machine was cheap, and decent power04:44
uberdubbang for buck04:45
JMichaelXmy two main PCs have dual-core atom CPUs... but yea, arm-based desktops may bring the power consumption a lot lower04:45
uberdubnvidia wasnt playing nice though. has sleep/suspend issues04:45
Daskreechalmoxarife, what about?04:45
uberdubkernel panics, etc04:45
uberdubtried different drivers, from nvidia.....but proprietary drivers suck. 10.04 is playing quite nicely, and 11.04 did too. coulda been me running latest kernels too lol.04:46
JMichaelXmine sleeps fine, although i had to enable it in the BIOS... the only issue i have, is that the audio is muted and kmix crashes, after it wakes up... but i just start kmix again, and it's fine04:46
almoxarifeDaskreech: about? right now I am looking at a running instance of 'named' that is 67meg, I think I can do with a 30meg instance04:47
uberdubnvidia soundcard integrated?04:47
Daskreechalmoxarife, change you max cache size to something smaller then04:47
JMichaelXuberdub: no, i am not using HDMI. this machine has an internel C-Media USB sound card, believe it or not04:48
almoxarifeDaskreech: yes, that is the question , how? which file and what is the line?04:48
JMichaelXuberdub: if i used HDMI, it would use the integrated nvidia sound card04:48
Daskreechalmoxarife, named in /etc and that link should give you all the rest of your answers04:50
almoxarifeDaskreech: been there, done that, I read the docs, there are too many cache related tweaks, I was looking for someone with personal knowledge04:50
uberdubjmichaelx: yeah differnt setup.04:50
Daskreechah Well my caching server is not really doing much else so I let it eat as much as it likes04:50
JMichaelXuberdub: i have a feeling your video card could have worked. when i first got kubuntu set up on this machine a few years ago, i did have to futz quite a bit with settings to get things working smoothely04:51
almoxarifeDaskreech: your caching server is probably 'dnsmasq' ?04:52
JMichaelXuberdub: my big gripe now is that with adobe flash 11, full screen flash video sucks BADLY04:52
* JMichaelX hates the adobe flash plugin04:53
uberdubYeah, I tried a bunch of stuff. worked ok in 11.04, tried it in slack 13 or something whatever recent was last year. needed more futzing than I wanted to deal with04:54
JMichaelX13.37 lol04:54
uberdublol, he takes forever to release new versions. their entire focus is stability, convenience isnt a priority for them.04:55
JMichaelXyea, i used to always keep a machine around running slackware. i should install it on something again.04:56
uberdubyeah, if had a use for it currently Id be using it. Just not practical for a laptop these days when you have things like kubuntu. which IMO puts  os x to shame.04:57
JMichaelXyea. i have kubuntu or fedora on my laptops04:58
JMichaelXand a netbook... still running 10.04 ubuntu netbook remix04:59
uberdubyeah if I was running any kind of server or dedicated machine itd be slack.04:59
uberdubkubuntu is for everyday use05:00
JMichaelXmy home server is running ubuntu... my home server is another netbook someone gave me, with a broken screen05:00
uberdubahh thats a good use...nice05:00
JMichaelXthe servers i manage at work are mostly running ubuntu, as well.05:01
JMichaelXbut, that is my doing05:01
uberdubyeah its a great os.05:01
uberdubJust a personal flavor....no pun intended05:01
uberdububuntu works great for those purposes I would imagine. Id run slack though if it were me, probably over kill05:02
JMichaelXi was not sure how that netbook would do as a server, but it has been running for several months straight now, and i've been pretty happy with it05:03
uberdubyeah good to know05:04
JMichaelXwell, among the things i wanted to do, was install subsonic... they provide .deb's ...  but, i imagine i could have compiled it for slackware05:05
brad_I just installed kubuntu a few hours ago, playing around with it, like it... but muon software center crashes everytime I open it... WTf05:05
almoxarifebrad_: install 'synaptic'05:06
JMichaelXyea... i just googled. people do use subsonic in slackware05:06
uberdubyeah .deb is soooo nice05:06
uberdubyeah just more work to get it going....but once it is its comiled to your machine specifically05:07
brad_thanks, I'll see what I can do from that05:07
JMichaelXi'm also using that server as a jukebox, with mpd, and an android app to control it.. which is pretty nice05:08
* JMichaelX has never yet tried to use muon05:08
uberdubyeah Im just getting into android. Ive been thinking of doing like a rooting and flashing service on craigslist05:09
JMichaelXmaybe you could tell me how to root my evo 3d, lol05:09
uberdubI live in Phoenix, and cricket is huge05:10
JMichaelXi previously used an LG optimus, and had it rooted05:10
uberdubI rooted my xperia play05:10
uberduband flashed for cricket05:10
brad_JMichaelX what do you use do get open source apps/programs, not through prompt that is05:10
uberdubI even got replacement parts to remove the verizon branding. lol05:10
JMichaelXbrad_: i mostly use apt-get and aptitude in the command line, but if i want a graphical package manager, i use synaptic05:11
uberdubgonna ghost armor it and beat up the parts on it more now before I take it apart05:11
JMichaelXi love taking gadgets apart :-D05:12
JMichaelXKDE used to have a package manager called 'adept', which was my favorite05:14
uberdubyeah me too. I used to destroy my toys since like 2 years just to see how they worked on the inside05:14
uberdub2 years old*05:14
JMichaelXthere is an 'adept' in the repos, but it's not the old adept05:14
JMichaelXyea... same here05:15
uberdubmy mom would get pissed lol05:15
JMichaelXi like building and repairing and modding machines, almost more than i like using them05:15
uberdubyeah me too05:15
uberdubI build porsches for a hobby05:16
JMichaelXthat is pretty awesome05:16
uberdubgot my first one in 200305:16
JMichaelXi'm essentially a basement-dwelling geek with no money to my name, so i do not do that05:16
uberdubyou live in a small town, or rural area?05:17
uberdublinux skills are in demand in some parts05:17
JMichaelXi live in a really small town... maybe 200 people, but it's just outside of a town with maybe 25,00005:17
uberdubyeah, move to norcal, or la05:18
uberdubyoull bank05:18
JMichaelXyea, i just work as a low-level sysadmin/tech support person for a small non-profit05:18
JMichaelXthat could be05:18
uberdubthats cool05:18
uberdubIts not always about money05:19
uberdubI just have an expensive hobby or two05:19
JMichaelXit's a long story, but i have autism... and my quirky ways and habits would probably not be so easily tolerated by most employers05:19
uberdublol, that require money05:19
uberdubyeah. I know the type sorta. common in the linux community05:20
JMichaelXyea, that sure seems to be05:20
uberdubdont always have to deal with people though05:20
uberdubwork from home05:21
JMichaelXi don't mind dealing with people, but i don't very much05:21
uberdubfuck working for other people05:21
DarthFrog!language | uberdub05:21
ubottuuberdub: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.05:21
JMichaelXyea, i work mostly from home, but i do not always like that05:21
bazhanguberdub, watch the language05:21
JMichaelXsome channels are touchy about choice of vocabulary than others, lol05:21
uberdubsorry cop bot.05:21
bazhanglets get back on topic of kubuntu support05:22
DarthFrogAll Ubuntu channels have that policy.05:22
ubottuThe Ubuntu Code of Conduct is a community etiquette document to which we ask all Ubuntu users to adhere, and can be found at http://www.ubuntu.com/community/conduct/ | For information on how to electronically sign the CoC, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SigningCodeofConduct05:22
* JMichaelX sigh05:22
DarthFrogThere's #kubuntu-offtopic for chat.05:22
uberdubelectronically sign?05:23
bazhanguberdub, ?05:23
JMichaelXi once got asked to leave #kubuntu-offtopic .... for off-topic conversation. i kid you not.05:23
uberdubyeah, im not trying to be negative, or disorderly. But, I have to know is there some kind of fundamentalist christian agenda behind ubuntu?05:24
bazhang!ot | uberdub05:25
ubottuuberdub: #kubuntu is the official Kubuntu support channel, for all Kubuntu-related support questions. Please use #kubuntu-offtopic for general chatter. Thanks!05:25
DarthFrogOK, that's *definitely* off-topic.05:25
JMichaelXDarthFrog: there are always some real nazis hanging around most IRC channels... i have seen people banned from #kubuntu-offtopic , for being offtopic05:25
bazhangJMichaelX, thats way more than enough05:25
uberdubok, can I ask that question in kubuntu-offtopic?05:25
uberdubif so time to wipe and install debian05:25
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Daskreechalmoxarife, sorry got called away05:42
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JMichaelXi have to say, marble is pretty awesome08:09
JMichaelXuberdub: http://edu.kde.org/marble/08:23
uberduboh cool. kinda like google earth08:24
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diego123Hi all.I hav a problm with my hard disk.I tried fsck from a live disk and it said severals "could not allocate block in ext2 filesystem".What can i do?Thx09:39
d0odDoes anyone know what other packages are required in Ubuntu 12.04 to get Plasma Active running? I've installed Plasma-active-* and plasma-desktop but all i get when logging in is http://i.imgur.com/ZH94z.jpg12:55
apple_catd0od: 12.04?13:01
Mamarokapple_cat: not released yet, still beta13:01
Mamarokalso plasma active and plasma desktop are not the same13:01
d0odInstalling plasma-active sans plasma-desktop gave me a black screen13:02
d0odit was only when I installed plasma-desktop that the plasma-active session showed anything13:02
Mamarokwell, plasma-active has 9 poackages, did you install all of them?13:02
d0odYep :)13:02
Mamarokalso that is a git snapshot from January, so not really up-to-date, I guess you will need to wait13:03
Mamarokif you install plasma-desktop you get the normal plasma, not the active desktop13:03
Peace-Mamarok: hola mama13:05
rorkd0od: I've never worked with active but you can switch between Desktop and Netbook in System Settings > Workspace Behaviour > Workspace (Workspace type), maybe it's listed13:05
MamarokPeace-: please don't call me like that13:05
Peace-mamarok :P13:05
MamarokI don't call you Pea either :)13:05
Peace-tab autocomplete ddidn't work13:06
wormExcuse me, does anyone know how to change gvim as default text editor?13:07
wormI don't want to use kate.13:08
Peace-worm: open the menu13:09
Peace-worm: type on the seearch box file associations13:09
Peace-run i t13:09
Peace-worm: http://wstaw.org/m/2012/03/18/plasma-desktopXQ1797.png13:10
Peace-worm: http://wstaw.org/m/2012/03/18/plasma-desktopuR1797.png13:11
wormPeace- Thanks. But then should i change it one by one?13:11
Peace-worm: well yes13:12
Peace-worm: btw when you have to change the associations just clikc on the file13:12
Peace-and change it when you need13:12
Peace-worm: there is  a way to create a new file associations config file13:12
Peace-i did for example for multimedia file s13:13
Peace-and vlc13:13
Peace-worm: see here , end of the page , or search typing CTRL F , vlc  here http://nowardev.wordpress.com/usefull-link-for-kubuntu-and-multimedia-stuff/setkubuntuproperly/13:13
wormPeace- Thanks a lot.13:14
Peace-worm: it's done for vlc but...well you can do the same with gvim13:14
Peace-worm: btw kate can be set to work like vim13:14
wormPeace- I got it, thanks.13:14
BluesKajHi all13:54
Daskreechhi BluesKaj14:10
BluesKajhi Daskreech14:11
ubottuHelp! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) Hobbsee, Tm_T, Nalioth, Riddell, seth, imbrandon, gnomefreak, nixternal, ryanakca, mneptok, PriceChild, tsimpson, jussi, Pici, ikonia, genii, Mamarok, claydoh, maco, apachelogger, seele, Nightrose, JontheEnchidna, rgreening, or txwikinger14:11
dsfsdkubuntu doesn't Unity... winner14:11
Daskreechwhy'd you do that?14:11
dsfsdask the nazis in #ubuntu-ops14:11
Mamarokdsfsd: please behave, else we will have to remove you14:12
pangolindsfsd, Please don't14:12
dsfsdpangolin, fine14:12
dsfsdI won't14:12
txwikingerwhat was this about?14:12
pangolintxwikinger, spill over from #ubuntu via #ubuntu-ops....14:14
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BluesKajtxwikinger,  I imagine it was some disagreement with the ops at #ubuntu ..too many inflated egos in such a large chat14:20
DaskreechSad. If he had come in and just not shouted at ops it would have been fine14:22
DaskreechAssuming a he14:22
BluesKajwell, I can't be bothered with #ubuntu anymore , too many correction trolls14:24
BluesKajlots of problems unrelated to kubuntu and kde anyway14:27
Daskreechin #ubuntu ? I'd think so :)14:31
DaskreechBluesKaj, Correction trolls would be people looking for correction or people looking to correct?14:41
BluesKajDaskreech, people looking to correct spmeone who makes a mistake in their advice or suggestion , rather then helping the person asking for it .  Otherwise they're usually silent....that's been my experience14:45
DaskreechBluesKaj, ah Neo neckbeard elite14:47
BluesKajDaskreech, hehe :)14:48
aman-dev_hey , anyone there ?14:50
BluesKajwell, Daskreech maybe they have ambitions in that direction , but most lack the social graces and experience to maneuver in such circles.14:50
Daskreechaman-dev_, No anuone isn't here right now would you like to leave a message?14:50
DaskreechBluesKaj, and a proper neck14:50
aman-dev_actually I'm new to kde. and i want to contribte for kdevelop (an ide). So shall i build it from scratch or an installed version would be enough ?14:52
Daskreechaman-dev_, Depends on what you want to develop. Anything within the core you would obviously need the latest version14:52
aman-dev_oh thanks14:53
aman-dev_actually i'm preparing for gsoc and want to analyze its code14:53
Daskreechaman-dev_, http://kdevelop.org/contribute-kdevelop would be helpful reading14:53
aman-dev_yea thanks for the link , but i'v already read it !!14:54
Daskreechaman-dev_, Ah So you'd know to ask in #kdevelop then ;-)14:55
aman-dev_@daskreech so could u please suggest me some ways to do so  ?14:55
aman-dev_ya i'm asking there too.14:55
BluesKajaman-dev_, #kde-devel , or #kubuntu-devel , might be right for you14:55
DaskreechCool well in general you check with the main project then if they ask you to get source etc you would ask in the #yourdistro chan to see how to implement that14:56
Daskreechaman-dev_, but I think that projects.kde.org would be helpful for you as wll14:56
DaskreechThat's where all the source trees grow14:56
aman-dev_okey thanks14:56
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brad_complete noob question, but here it goes -- what do I open new downloads form the download folder with, they are programs to install15:26
brad_I can only access the files within, the programs wont run install, fyi15:26
SilverLionbrad_, depends on what format the files are ... like .deb or .bin for example15:27
Peace-brad_: first of all you don't need to download manually programs15:28
Peace-brad_: you have just to run   to install blender :           sudo apt-get install blender15:28
Peace-this is an example15:28
brad_peace-: thanks15:37
brad_SilverLion: thanks15:38
SilverLionu r welcome15:38
Flutiju`Anyone can explain me how kimpanel works with ibus for chinese typing ?15:39
tbruff13Daskreech: can you help me15:50
tbruff13no one is in ubuntu+115:50
BluesKajtbruff13, just ask your question15:50
tbruff13When ever I plugin my power cord Kubuntu 12.04 does not see it as charging15:52
tbruff13I will be right back15:52
GirlyGirltbruff13: Do the laptop indicator lights show charging?15:53
tbruff13Im back15:57
SilverLionwb tbruff1315:57
tbruff13okay if it is pluged up and i unplug it it does not see it as being unpluged15:58
tbruff13is this a bug i need to report15:58
GirlyGirltbruff13: Do the laptop indicator lights show charging?16:00
tbruff13GirlyGirl: yes16:00
GirlyGirltbruff13: Does it show discarging?16:01
GirlyGirltbruff13: While it is charging, check the output of "acpi" in terminal16:01
tbruff13GirlyGirl: when i booted it up it was pluged in so it said charging when i upplug it it does not change16:02
brad_when a license agreement pops up in the terminal after downloading, how do you accept or get by it? It won't let me type or click anything16:03
GirlyGirltbruff13: Check the output of the command "acpi" in terminal while 1) Not chaging, 2) Discharging, 3) CHarging16:03
GirlyGirlbrad_: try TAB16:03
GirlyGirlbrad_: TAB, arrow keys and enter to navigate16:03
brad_GirlyGirl: wow, thanks. Lovin Linux thus far..16:05
brad_how do I get a program to install from my downloads? it only opens as files.. I'm talking about adobe flash and openoffice16:17
DarthFrogbrad_:  Are they .deb files?16:18
DarthFrogbrad_: Then don't even try to install them.  Don't go outside the package management system; that's asking for disaster.16:18
DarthFrogInstead, use muon to install/manage software.16:19
brad_Ok. fyi, This is a fresh install of linux, and muon has crashed everytime I try to open it..16:20
DarthFrogTry running it from the command line and see what errors it reports.  If any.16:20
DarthFrogA fresh install?  OK, then let's bring your system up to date.16:21
DarthFrogFrom the command line, type: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade16:21
DarthFrogAll on one line, including the "&&".16:21
GirlyGirlDarthFrog: Might be a good idea to put him on KDE 4.8 series as in really makes 11.10 a lot more stable16:22
DarthFrogBTW, the "&&" means: if the first command finishes successfully, then (and only then) executre the second command.16:22
DarthFrogGirlyGirl: I'll let you do that but he should update his system first.16:23
brad_DarthFrog: muon from the command line worked.. awesome. running suggestions now16:23
GirlyGirlDarthFrog: Waste of bandwidth doing that as then he will update 4.7.1 to 4.7.4 then to 4.8.1 when he could do one update only16:24
GirlyGirlbrad_: Have a look at this post I found on uf http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=188903416:24
fujisanhello history16:25
rttlesnkeHi. Can anyone tell me about this error-"Do you want KDE to permanently forget about these devices?" It occurs frequently and then theres no audio unless I restart.16:25
fujisanhow do i run kubuntu apps on OS X?16:25
brad_GirlyGirl: thanks for link16:25
fujisanGirlyGirl:  can you help me too?16:25
brad_DarthFrog: Im up to date..16:26
GirlyGirlfujisan: Its a pluseaudio, sound or alsa problem not a kde one16:26
DarthFrogbrad_: Good stuff.16:26
fujisani think you are confused GirlyGirl16:26
fujisani asked something else16:26
rttlesnkefujisan: that was for me16:26
fujisansorry for confusing you GirlyGirl16:27
GirlyGirlfujisan: Sorry wrong person16:27
fujisanno problem i forgive you ;-)16:27
brad_DarthFrog: you know of an autoshutdown type program out there I could d/l16:27
GirlyGirlbrad_: kshutdown16:27
rttlesnkeGirlyGirl: any idea not to fix it? i read about pulseaudio crashes somewhere.16:27
rttlesnkeany idea how* to fix it16:27
GirlyGirlrttlesnke: What sound card do you have?16:28
DarthFrogbrad_:  To shutdown your machine at a specific time?  Use cron.  It's already installed.16:28
rttlesnkeGirlyGirl: can i find that out using KInfoCenter?16:29
GirlyGirlrttlesnke: lspci16:29
rttlesnkeGirlyGirl: Audio device: Intel Corporation 5 Series/3400 Series Chipset High Definition Audio (rev 05)16:30
fujisani want to run amarok on OS X16:31
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brad_DarthFrog: thanks16:31
fujisanam i in the right channel?16:31
rttlesnkeGirlyGirl: ?16:32
GirlyGirlrttlesnke: When did this problem start?16:33
rttlesnkeGirlyGirl: well i dont know much about that, but it does occur occasionaly.16:33
GirlyGirlrttlesnke: Did you install anything before it happened and does your sound work at al?16:33
rttlesnkeGirlyGirl: sorry but i dont remember if any installations caused that problem. But when I restart, it works normally. it occurs randomly.16:35
fujisanis the new Kubuntu nice?16:35
fujisani havent used it since 200816:35
GirlyGirlrttlesnke: If its random then I think you should report a bug, also see how to enable apport, that might make the bug report useful16:36
brad_fujisan: I'm on it now, windows conversion for me, I used mint and ubuntu a little a few years ago, I'm really liking kubuntu now16:36
rttlesnkeGirlyGirl: thanks i'll look into it. any more info16:37
GirlyGirlrttlesnke: Not really, settings are right as you said it stops randomly ... or if you are adventurous use 12.04 beta16:37
GirlyGirlbrad_: Have a look at this http://www.kubuntu.org/news/kde-sc-4.8.116:38
rttlesnkeGirlyGirl: Can you tell me whats pulseaudio? I think I read somewhere that its very crashy.16:38
GirlyGirlbrad_: Most Kubuntu users tend to prefer using the current versions of KDE as it makes the system more stable16:38
GirlyGirl!pulseaudio | rttlesnke16:38
ubotturttlesnke: PulseAudio is a sound server intended as a drop-in replacement for !ESD - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PulseAudio for information and installation instructions16:38
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brad_GirlyGirl: thanks, working on that now16:47
brad_GirlyGirl: I'm following the link you gave me to update kde, but I don't have an add/remove programs within system settings, tried installing kpackagekit, and I can't access that... hmm16:59
GirlyGirlbrad_: sudo apt-add-repository ppa:kubuntu-ppa/ppa  sudo apt-add-repository ppa:kubuntu-ppa/backports  sudo apt-get update  sudo apt-get dist-upgrade17:00
GirlyGirlthese commands should update it17:00
GirlyGirl"sudo apt-add-repository ppa:kubuntu-ppa/ppa"  "sudo apt-add-repository ppa:kubuntu-ppa/backports"  "sudo apt-get update"  "sudo apt-get dist-upgrade"17:00
GirlyGirlbrad_: ^^17:00
GirlyGirlbrad_: enter them seperately17:00
Floh79Hi I'd like do a write test my new sdhc-card. I tried with `dd count=1k bs=1M if=/dev/zero of=testfile`.17:03
Floh79I got following speed: 1,2 GB/s. This can't be true.17:03
Floh79Maybe could anyone of you tell me how can I do a write test?17:03
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brad_GirlyGirl: thanks. on the dist upgrade now. any idea why add/remove may be missing/in a different place? i guess I'll just get better at command17:04
BluesKajbrad_,  an add/remove programs equivalent in kubuntu as an app in the kmenu>apps>system>package manager/muon . install amd remove apps/programs17:04
GirlyGirlbrad_: Its renamed to something else in 11.10 , existed in an older version17:05
BluesKaj!muon | brad_17:05
ubottubrad_: Muon is the current Kubuntu package manager. Please see http://jontheechidna.wordpress.com/2010/07/05/introducing-qapt-and-the-muon-package-manager/ for an overview17:05
brad_cool thanks17:06
BluesKajFloh79,  sudo hdparm -tT /dev/sdaX or hde aX or whatever the device/partition is named as17:07
BluesKajhde aX=hdaX17:08
Floh79BluesKaj: It does only read test. But I want know the write speed.17:09
Floh79BluesKaj: But still thank you. :)17:09
BluesKajFloh79,  sudo hdparm -I /dev/sdxx | grep -i speed17:09
Floh79BluesKaj: I tried that command and got that: "HDIO_DRIVE_CMD(identify) failed: Invalid argument"17:13
BluesKajFloh79,  do sudo fdisk -l to fnd the right name to substitute for /dev/sda17:15
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BluesKajor sdxx17:15
Floh79BluesKaj: Its mmcblk0p117:16
BluesKajFloh79,  pastebin sudo fdisk -l please17:17
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Floh79BluesKaj: http://pastebin.com/eSYctn9717:19
Floh79BluesKaj: Ah sorry... I forgot to change language. Shall I redo with English language?17:19
BluesKajFloh79,  no , you're using a fat32 file system , it's not real good on kubuntu , ntfs is much better17:21
BluesKajfor a backupo drive17:22
Floh79BluesKaj: Sure you're right. But this card is for my Digital Camera which cannot ntfs or ext4. ;)17:22
BluesKajok Floh79 hence the strange strange device name17:23
=== Guest66293 is now known as pvivek
BluesKajstrange , how repeat myself..self :)17:24
Floh79BluesKaj: I didn't modify kubuntu. Dunno why the cards are called so.17:24
Floh79BluesKaj: Its ok to repeat. :)17:25
BluesKajno matter Floh79 as long as the test works and doesn't erase anything17:25
Floh79BluesKaj: Well I'd like to benchmark my card so I know if its a good card but not a plagiarism.17:26
BluesKajaha , Floh79 ,..worried about a phony device , yes , I've had some problems withlocal offics supply company selling "knockoff" printer cartridges as just one example17:28
BluesKajoffice supply17:28
Floh79I see.17:29
BluesKajprinter wouldn't print ...the seller was unaware that his supplier was buying phony printer supplies from China.17:31
Floh79Couldn't you bring back this product?17:32
brad_any good open source programs similar to skype? or should I just go with skye, suggestions...?17:32
Floh79brad_: Maybe kopete?17:33
marcelius_but using a skype account?17:33
BluesKajFloh79,  yes , he refunded my money ...I  bought the proper cartridges from another retailer17:33
Floh79BluesKaj: Good. Since not always someone get back his money. *sigh*17:34
marcelius_I heard about Asterisk, but did not try it yet...17:34
BluesKajFloh79,  the office supply owner was very upset since he was paying his supplier full price , he told us he was not dealing with the phony anylonger17:35
BluesKajbrad_,  skype works ok on most setups in kubuntu. It should be fine on yours17:36
marcelius_brad_ right-click on the installer, go to permissions and mark it as executable17:37
brad_thanks guys17:38
marcelius_if u still cannot see it listed under application, just reboot your machine. cheers17:38
mohsenhow can i connect to a HTTPS proxy and all connections , connect trough this ? just like vpn connection .17:40
Floh79BluesKaj: I see.17:41
Floh79Well, I'll continue my work here. Thank you again BluesKaj.17:42
mohsenno one can help me? how can i connect to a HTTPS proxy and all connections , connect trough this ? just like vpn connection .17:42
mohsenhow can i connect to a HTTPS proxy and all connections , connect trough this ? just like vpn connection .17:43
BluesKaj!patience | mohsen17:43
ubottumohsen: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com/ http://www.ubuntuforums.org/ or http://www.kubuntuforums.net/ while you wait.17:43
mohsenok . i googled it , i find out that i have to creat a ssh tunnel , but it's failed ! ...17:46
Floh79See ya!17:47
BluesKajbye Floh7917:47
SilverLiontanolino, hi there17:48
BluesKajmohsen,  are trying to connect to IRC through a proxy or...?17:48
tanolinoI am a bit new in here ... sup?17:48
fdovingmohsen: you need some kind of outgoing firewall-rules to catch all connections, then forward them to some kind of SOCKS proxy, why don't you just use VPN?17:48
fdovingmohsen: check this out: http://darkk.net.ru/redsocks/17:49
mohsenBluesKaj : or what? i don't get it17:50
SilverLiontanolino, pretty much ;)17:50
mohsenfdoving : VPN in my country blocked .17:51
tanolino@SilverLion is it okay for me to be here ... i guess the chat is calles kubuntu xD and im  using Ubuntu Unite17:51
BluesKajmohsen,  pls expalin more clearly what you are trying to do17:51
SilverLiontanolino, then you might want to go to #ubuntu-beginners, #ubuntu or #ubuntu-offtopic ;)17:52
BluesKajtanolino,  Unity questions can be answered in #ubuntu chat17:52
fdovingmohsen: then i would check out the redsocks link i gave you.17:52
mohseni want to brows the web troght the proxy or use an app trogh that . i tryed to use the proxy setting in firefox , but not worked .17:52
tanolinoi got no questions about unite ... i m just using unite :D ... and i just installed a irc client with this channel as default17:53
tanolinowhat are the topics in this channel ?17:54
mohsenBluesKaj : i want to brows the web troght the proxy or use an app trogh that . i tryed to use the proxy setting in firefox , but not worked17:54
SilverLiontanolino, i have not only mentioned the ubuntu-support chan ;) there is a sozialize chan17:57
RiddellPhilip5: hi, could you join us in #kubuntu-devel ? there's a wee problem with your packages18:13
Daskreechtanolino, Support. Or you could read the output of /topic18:21
Daskreechtanolino, Mostly Kubuntu and KDE related issues18:22
DaskreechBah someone said something to me but this client has no backlog buffer :(18:25
LinkmasterI have an issue with sound in two of my computers running kubu11.10 - kmix does not control external application sounds, e.g., amarok, youtube, etc. The only way to adjust the volume is to install alsamixer, and fix it via CLI(i figured that out on my own). What I would like to figure out is, how to make kmixer manage it itself, since one of the computers is my moms, and I don't want her to have issues18:28
BluesKaj Linkmaster . look in system settings>multimedia>phonon>audio hardware setup , setup you audio devices there , thenmake sure all ctrls that you need to use are turned up in alsamixer and unmuted , no MM in the ctl boxes18:32
Daskreechthat's strange. sure that it's not the wrong device it's using?18:32
LinkmasterBluesKaj: I shall take a look to see if it works18:33
LinkmasterBluesKaj: it just gives me two options, both labeled as 'internal audio'18:34
DaemonFCthat KCM module basically just replicated pavucontrol and the setup that pulseaudio configures itself for may not even be appropriate for your system18:37
DaemonFCfor example, mine lists an audio device that doesn't even work (radeon HDMI audio), so I just set that to off so Pulseaudio ignores it18:38
BluesKajLinkmaster,  some ppl use pavucontrol or veromix18:38
DaemonFCand then some stupid applications, mostly ones like Adobe Trash like to use the first input they come across that the system tells them about, so I have to set my internal audio to analog output instead of analog duplex18:38
Linkmasterlet me install those, I might have used pavucontrol two years ago, but for a long time the default worked just fine18:39
DaemonFCas Pulseaudio has a history of doing bizarre things, that's, totally not the most confusing thing that it's done to me18:39
BluesKajDaemonFC,  if you have an hdmi output on your video card it will be listed as an audio device in phonon, most just ignore it.18:39
DaemonFCtl;dr, you might have to fiddle with it until it works18:39
DaemonFCBluesKaj: Well, it's an awkard situation there.18:40
Linkmasterbecause i installed alsamixer, I know my cards name is 'HDA ATI SB', but that doesn't show up at all..18:40
DaemonFCAMD won't document the HDMI audio feature of my card because the way the card is designed, documenting HDMI audio could lead to Microsoft's Windows DRM being broken (in yet another way, but that's beside the point)18:40
DaemonFCso while it was recently implemented through reverse engineering (hooray!) that won't land until Linux 3.3 (boo!)18:41
BluesKajLinkmaster,  2 yrs ago a lot of users didn't need pulseaudio for anything ...today it's different , unfortunately18:41
LinkmasterI noticed. I sometimes forget how fast linux evolves, things from 6 monthes ago are nearly obsolete. Its almost amusing18:42
DaemonFCso until something pulls in Linux 3.3, the kernel exposes the device but it's entirely non-functional18:42
DaemonFCwhich means I can do three things: Continue not caring, build Linux 3.3 myself, or wait for a kernel backport from Ubuntu 12.1018:42
ikoniaI wouldn't expect a backport18:43
DaemonFCthey have backports to LTS from current releases in a PPA afaik18:43
DaemonFCare they going to change that for 12.04?18:43
ikoniaI personally wouldn't expect it18:43
ikoniaand a PPA isn't an "official" back port, it's just what $someone has done18:44
DaemonFCthe last time I tried maintaining kernel packages myself, I ended up browsing through the Ubuntu kernel git cherry picking patches18:44
DaemonFCmostly for YAMA (which isn't upstream) and AppArmor (which might as well not be)18:44
DaemonFCI'm not eager to go there again18:45
GirlyGirlikonia: Not allways some ppa's like xorg-edgers , kubuntu-ppa etc are maintained by k/ Ubuntu devs18:45
BluesKajLinkmaster,  what does aplay -l give ?18:45
ikoniaGirlyGirl: that doesn't make them any better, xorg-edgers is a common system breaker18:46
brad_anyone running spotify.. maybe in  wine?18:46
Linkmasterupdate - I loaded up the kmix properties, and I can change the volume with one of the sliders, but changing the volume with hotkeys/kmix shortcut doesn't do anything18:46
GirlyGirlikonia: I never said they were reliable, that's the whole point of putting it in a ppa, kubuntu-ppa and kubuntu-ppa-backports are stable though18:47
ikoniaGirlyGirl: thats not the whole point18:47
DaemonFCI ended up doing that before too18:47
DaemonFCopening up xorg-edgers, pulling the kernel and then closing it back up18:47
ikoniathey are PPA - PERSONAL package archive, that's the point, it's $someone's work18:47
LinkmasterBluesKaj: http://paste.kde.org/442406/18:48
DaemonFCikonia: I don't suppose it would do any good at this point to suggest that they backport the HDMI audio patch into the LTS kernel18:49
DaskreechDaemonFC, 3.3 is at most 3 months away18:49
LinkmasterBluesKaj: oh wow..I completely missed something here. I was able to change a setting that didn't used to be there, in my memory that is18:49
DaemonFCit's not huge and I don't see any potential for it to do anything but bring up hardware that previously didn't do anything at all18:50
ikoniaDaemonFC: I'd say the odds are negative 118:50
LinkmasterDaemonFC: meaning that you, with your advice about monkeying with it until I get it, was correct18:50
DaemonFCLinkmaster: Yeah, they should just replace all of their man pages with "screw around until it works"18:50
DaemonFCtheir official documentation for Pulseaudio is usually less effective and takes longer to read18:51
DaskreechLinkmaster, Set the default to the device slider that works18:51
LinkmasterDaskreech: I just did that, and it works flawlessly. thanks you all for helping me out with probably the simplest problem I have seen yet =P18:51
DaskreechDaemonFC, That could be a compliment18:51
DaskreechLinkmaster, Good thing we are the simplest people you could talk to X-D18:52
DaemonFCThe main reason I'm not terribly concerned with HDMI audio is because it still wouldn't make HDMI real useful for me18:52
DaemonFCthe device I want to hook it up to forces overscan and the open source radeon driver can't compensate for that18:52
BluesKajLinkmaster,   cat /proc/asound/card0/codec#* | grep Codec18:52
LinkmasterATI R6xx HDMI18:53
DaemonFCaccording to the ZOMG industry standard, with 1920 x 1080 HD TV sets, the output source to them should assume it will overscan and that there's nothing the user can do about it18:53
BluesKajLinkmaster,  ok , now this , cat /proc/asound/modules18:53
DaemonFCalthough some expensive televisions do let the user override that18:54
LinkmasterBluesKaj: http://paste.kde.org/442412/18:54
DaemonFCand thanks to the other ZOMG industry standard, EDID, not mandating that the display tells the source device whether it forces overscan or not, there's no way for a graphics driver to know what to do18:54
DaemonFChilarity ensues18:55
DaemonFCAMD's proprietary driver bundle literally has a configuration menu that tells the user to play around until they can see everything on their display :)18:55
DaemonFCNvidia too18:55
BluesKajLinkmaster,  the reason i'm asking for these outputs is we need to make sure that the proper driver module is the default18:56
DaemonFCbut it gets better, their Windows bundles assume that there is overscan and if there isn't, it will smoosh and warp the image and not let the user do anything about it18:56
LinkmasterBluesKaj: I figured you had something useful in mind about that. does everything appear in order?18:56
* DaemonFC headdesks and decides the lack of HDMI audio is, not terribly important18:57
BluesKajand it is ...what was the setting that fixed your problem Linkmaster ...would be good to know for future reference18:57
* Linkmaster is embaressed18:57
BluesKajLinkmaster,  yes the modules/drivers are correct18:57
Linkmasterright-click on kmix, 'select master channel'18:57
DaemonFCyeah, that works too unless you use software that doesn't respect that18:58
Linkmasterthat option wasn't there in the past, so I assumed it still wouldn't be there. So I've been using my workaround for nearly 4 months, when that option was there the entire time(or at least with KDE4.8)18:58
DaemonFCdisabling devices and features you can't or don't use in the KCM module leaves them no choice but to do the right thing18:58
DaemonFCso, it's better to leave the application nowhere to go18:59
BluesKajLinkmaster,  once alsamixer and kmix are set , I leave kmix alone ... alsa and phonon/pulse usually need the changes'18:59
DaemonFCactually, there's only two applications I know of that insist on doing stupid things with input and output sinks19:00
DaemonFCFlash and Skype19:00
DaskreechFlash. Not surprising19:01
DaskreechSkype kinda is19:01
LinkmasterBluesKaj: indeed, I understand. thanks for your help19:01
DaemonFCSkype isn't surprising either19:01
DaemonFCespecially now that Microsoft owns them19:01
DaemonFCthere hasn't been a Linux release since then afaik19:02
Daskreechno there has't been19:02
DaskreechBut the main purpose of Skype is audio19:03
DaskreechSo a little strange they would ignore Audio settings19:03
BluesKajLinkmaster, 'welcome :)19:04
DaemonFCproprietary software does all kinds of crazy misbehaved things19:04
DaemonFCit's just a matter of how egregiously it misbehaves19:05
DaemonFCand if it can had any/most/all of it from the user19:05
BluesKajskype is very visually oriented , almost as if audio is an afterthought19:05
DaemonFCsome manage to pull that off even though the internals are pretty ugly19:05
DaemonFCBluesKaj: You mean bling bling, doesn't work and doesn't have to because it's got zomg market capitalization, yo dawg!19:06
DaemonFCleave it to the user to figure out how to sort out the mess19:07
* BluesKaj wonders what "H" DaemonFC is talking about, " because it's got zomg market capitalization, yo dawg!"19:08
DaemonFCI think their goal is to make the user give up and install Windows19:09
BluesKajwhat the "H" :)19:09
DaemonFCbut gmail voice and video has surprisingly good Linux support now19:09
DaemonFCeventually that will work reliably enough to use through your favorite telepathy client19:10
BluesKajahh , conspiracies to left of me , big brother to the right ..:)19:10
DaemonFCSkype is kind of in limbo right now, on Linux19:11
BluesKajyeah , gmail is out to put skype down ...19:11
DaemonFCthey've gone totally silent since Microsoft bought them and their 2.2 beta is still "around"19:11
DaemonFCI think it's obvious where this is headed19:11
DaemonFCone day that will just return "page not found"19:12
DaemonFCand that will be that19:12
BluesKajwell, gonna go outside for few mins to enjoy the great spring weather ...wish I had my laptop , i'd be sitting out there right now19:13
DaemonFCI do have my tablet....19:13
DaemonFCI might try to figure out how to jailbreak that thing and get Plasma Active on it at some point19:14
DaskreechShould be interesting to see what happens when Linux can't use the Skype Protocol anymore19:15
DaemonFCthe sooner the better19:15
DaemonFCso people will stop thinking it's socially acceptable to promote it with "Oh look, it has a broken Linux package that hasn't been maintained since 2010!1112"19:16
DaskreechLets see if SIP suddenly gets noticed19:19
DaemonFCFlash and Skype are what happens in the absence of agreed-upon standards19:19
DaemonFCpeople sort out the least common denominator that gives them a fast and easy path to what they're trying to do19:20
DaemonFCI think there's plenty of room for SIP and Jingle to coexist even though they both provide much the same functionality19:21
DaemonFCthere's no reason you can't implement a service on either protocol that can dial out to landline and cell phones, GMail is already doing that19:21
DaemonFCat that point you get at least part of the problem of Skype though, SaaS19:22
DaskreechThere isn't really SaaS issue there19:22
DaemonFCthe key difference is that someone could compete with Google using SIP or Jingle whereas nobody can compete with Skype using their protocol19:22
DaemonFCand that should, in theory, keep things more balanced19:23
DaemonFCI think killing off Kopete and going with Telepathy for KDE was the right call for 12.04, some of the other distributions in testing are going there too19:24
DaskreechRight as long as someone can implement the service themselves SaaS isn't a problem19:24
* Daskreech likes kopete19:24
DaemonFCit's going to set up the next generation of KDE distributions to be in a better position to do voice/video19:25
DaemonFCDaskreech: I wasn't really sure what to make of the Kopete removal at first, until I started using the Telepathy client19:25
DaemonFCI'm convinced this is the future for KDE19:26
DaskreechYeah I haven't done that I'll admit :)19:26
DaskreechOh me too19:26
* Daskreech still likes Kopete19:26
DaemonFCyeah, there was a project to bridge Kopete to Telepathy to replace Kopete's IM protocol libraries19:27
DaemonFCI'm not sure if that is still around19:27
Linkmastershould this card work natively under kubuntu? http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=33-166-073&SortField=0&SummaryType=0&Pagesize=10&PurchaseMark=&SelectedRating=-1&VideoOnlyMark=False&VendorMark=&IsFeedbackTab=true&Page=2#scrollFullInfo19:27
DaemonFCLinkmaster: Depends on who made the chipset for it19:28
Linkmasterthere is a rtl8192ce driver for it, I just don't know whether its included or not19:29
DaemonFCAccording to Debian, support was introduced in Linux 2.6.3819:30
DaskreechDaemonFC, long as telepaathy client gets Ctrl+Shift+I I'm fine19:31
DaemonFCwhich means the corresponding firmware should be too unless your distribution strips it out, but Ubuntu doesn't and 11.10 uses Linux 3.019:31
DaemonFCso yeah, it *should* work19:31
DaemonFCjust don't ever get anything that says "Oh yeah, we support Linux with this blob"19:32
oratedHello! Is it possible to have tabs in text-editor kate instead of split views?19:32
DaemonFCI'm not sure if any wifi vendors still try to pull that19:32
DaemonFCby blob I mean driver blob, like "Oh, here's 300 MB of crap and we tested it out on Ubuntu 9.10!"19:34
DaemonFCbinary firmware is almost impossible to avoid, so it shouldn't really influence your buying decisions and it's included in Linux-Firmware anyway19:35
DaemonFCanything more involved than plugging hardware in, turning the computer on and it works is unreasonable19:35
Daskreechorated, yes I think so might be a command line option to it though20:01
DaskreechDaemonFC, You can get non binary firmware20:01
kaddihi i need some help with amarok loosing sound. It worked fine two weeks ago, but i can't get it to make any sound now. vlc and others re working fine. I'm using amarok 2.5 and kubuntu 11.1020:01
DaskreechThere were no changes to Amarok?20:02
kaddinot that i remember20:02
kaddibt  didn't pay particular attention20:02
DaskreechDoes Amarok attempt to play the audio?20:05
kaddiwell i click play, it starts playing, there's just no sound20:06
kaddiso i think it attempts but nothing happens somehow20:06
Daskreechkaddi, and it's not muted etc ?20:07
kaddisound also seems to be working for all other applications20:08
Daskreechkaddi, not sure. I'm about to step out but perhaps #amarok could shed some light?20:11
tbruff13Can anyone tell me how to start an ltsp server once i have it built20:40
tbruff13can anyone tell me how to start LTSP20:49
tbruff13Daskreech: can you help me out20:50
ubottuLTSP is the Linux Terminal Server Project, which adds thin-client support to Linux servers. See chapter 3 of the !edubuntuhandbook, http://www.ltsp.org and/or http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Linux_Terminal_Server_Project20:50
=== Guest24537 is now known as AD
phillips321anyway i can turn off the activities feature of KDE?21:09
phillips321I dont use, it gets in the way and is just annoying21:09
Daskreechphillips321, It gets in the way?21:09
Daskreechcan't say I've heard that one before21:10
phillips321yeah, on a small screen having the button in the top right is just annoying21:10
phillips321ive just moved over to kubuntu from xubuntu so am used to a 'clean look'21:10
phillips321i.e. remove as much crap and bloat as i can then slowly add bits im comfy with21:11
rorkphillips321: I'm afraid that's about the only thing that can't be removed (at least I don't know how, I thought it was impossible). However, for you can move it,you might be able to hide it behind the pannel.21:15
almoxarifephillips321: you can strip activities or install the 'low-fat' / 'fat-free' settings , worked for me21:16
phillips321yeah, currnetly hidden lower right behind the clock... was just worried of extra cpu cycles... :-)21:16
phillips321fat free settings?21:16
phillips321got a URL?21:16
almoxarifephillips321: its not a download, use muon or synaptic to find it21:16
phillips321ah ok, will have a gander now21:17
DaskreechBumsass, Hello21:24
dsfsdhi ikonia21:47
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=== lindalou is now known as westmi
iluwkaкто есть русский?23:17
iluwkaя скачал убунту и установил теперь ищу книгу чтобы освоить консоль23:17
iluwkaгде скачать книгу23:17
FloodBotK1iluwka: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.23:17
ubottuПожалуйста наберите /join #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке. | Pozhalujsta naberite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke.23:34
DaemonFCoh, didn't see that they had left23:34

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