
wgrantexpose_user_administered_teams_to_js is officially the worst thing in the history of the world.00:24
wgrantIt takes up 35% of my current minimal render time for https://launchpad.net/launchpad00:24
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czajkowskilifeless_: aloha19:33
jonohey folks20:17
jonois LP not serving launchpadlib requests?20:17
jonoI am getting this issue with my script20:18
mwhudsonjono: my guess is that the wadl in your cache folder is broken20:22
jonomwhudson, how did I fix that?20:22
mwhudsonjono: i don't know exactly, you could just delete your cache i guess20:22
jonomwhudson, where is the cache?20:22
mwhudsonjono: it's one of the arguments to login_anonymously20:23
jonomwhudson, do I just need to do this once, or do I do it every time I need to run a script?20:23
mwhudsonjono: you should only need it once20:24
jonomwhudson, I don't support you could show me the code I need to run to do this?20:24
mwhudsonjono: i mean "rm -rf $somedir"20:24
mwhudsonjono: i'm not talking about anything even slightly complicated20:24
jonomwhudson, oh cool20:24
jonowhich dir?20:24
mwhudsonjono: the directory you are passing as the third argument to login_anonymously20:25
mwhudsonah, maybe it has a default20:25
jonomwhudson, I only pass it two args20:25
jonol = Launchpad.login_anonymously(20:25
jono        'ubuntu-community accomplishments', 'production')20:25
jonodo you know where the default might be?20:25
mwhudsonjono: looks like ~/.launchpadlib20:25
jonothat fixed it20:26
jonothanks mwhudson!20:26
jonothat was driving me nuts :-)20:27
jonomwhudson, weird it just happened again20:31
jonoonce I deleted my cache20:31
jonowhat causes this issue?20:31
mwhudsoni don't know20:31
lifeless_jono: are you using launchpadlib with threads?20:31
jonolifeless_, no20:31
=== lifeless_ is now known as lifeless
lifelessjono: are you using it in a gtk app ?20:31
jonolifeless, this is running on a server20:31
lifelessjono: or with twisted or some such ?20:31
jononot in this case20:31
jonoI suspect it is because it is getting stuck in an infinite loop20:32
lifelessjono: on a server - is it running from cron, or part of a wsgi app ?20:32
jonolifeless, no20:32
jonodamn, I need to run20:32
jonowill check back in later20:32
jonothanks for your help20:32
jonoit runs as part of a loop so when it hits the parse error it doesnt exit, I suspect that is causing this cache error20:33
jonowill check in a bit20:33
nigelbIt's running on a server, but not cron or wsgi? What else is there.20:34
nigelbWill you guys be at kiwipycon?20:36
lifelessI hope to be; in fact thumper was talking about me presenting/keynoting/something, but I haven't heard boo for a while.20:43
thumperlifeless: boo20:43
nigelbExcellent. I'm hoping I get there before then. I want to make it down there too.20:43
* lifeless jumps in fright20:44
czajkowskilifeless: if a bug is marked fix committed is there anyone that is able to change the status back to confirmed or how is a bug to be reopened?20:51
lifelessczajkowski: anyone can switch any bug to new20:52
czajkowskilifeless: I cant on https://launchpad.net/bugs/90783720:52
_mup_Bug #907837: difficult to resize window with 12.04 overlay scrollbar <Ayatana Design:Fix Released> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/907837 >20:52
lifelessok, obviously I'm out of date :)20:53
nigelbthat's a lovely new feature.20:54
lifelessI recall talk of locking fix released down, I didn't realise we'd done it20:54
czajkowskilifeless: I thought the same way you did also.20:54
lifelessit may be related to ayatana-design being a proprietary project20:54
lifeless(which I think it is, IMBW there too :P)20:54
lifelessnigelb: its a bit odd - e.g. the drop down has all greyed out states.20:55
nigelbOh. I expanded the table and the drop down only had Fix Released.20:56
lifelessclick on the ajax edit widget20:57
nigelbWoah. WEird.20:58
czajkowskiat least it's not just me that is a bit confused over this21:00
lifelessI'd check the blog21:01
lifelessand if there is nothing there in the last few months, mail launchpad-dev, or check the commit log, or both21:02
wgrantlifeless, czajkowski, nigelb: Fix Released has been locked down for a while now.22:12
wgrantOnly the bug supervisor and reporter can reopen.22:12
wgrantThe rule hasn't changed since the end of 2010.22:14
lifelesswell, howaboutthat22:41
wgrantwallyworld_: Morning.23:01
wgrantHow goes batching?23:01
wgrantIt turns out that absoluteURL is actually pretty slow.23:01
wallyworld_wgrant: sorry, what absoluteURL. my mind can't think straight yet23:02
lifelessjelmer: do you read the 'new code import' mails ?23:06
wgrantwallyworld_: Each absoluteURL(someperson) call in getPillarSharees takes about 200µs :(23:08
wgrantAnd we have to do two of them.23:08
wgrantLoading Persons also seems to be pretty expensive.23:09
wallyworld_wgrant: well lazr restful does exactly that23:09
wallyworld_to get the self_links23:09
jelmerlifeless: I do read them23:10
wgrantThis code is faster than what lazr.restful was doing23:10
wgrantIt's still slow :)23:10
wallyworld_so it's not like we are doing anything here not done all over the rest of lp23:10
jelmerlifeless: but if you're about to propose to get rid of them, I won't object23:10
wgrantThere's about 500ms of overhead loading 1000 results from getGranteesForPillar, too :(23:10
wgrantI suspect that Storm might suck at instantiating Persons.23:11
wallyworld_perhaps. that's a lot of overhead23:11
wallyworld_wgrant: i'm just starting the batching this morning - i'm looking at how bug listings did it to see what can be reused23:12
wgrantGood plan.23:12
lifelessjelmer: will not having them impair you at all ?23:12
lifelessjelmer: or can you get what you need from the reports and graphs we have today ?23:12
jelmerlifeless: we have two kinds of emails today - notifications of new imports and notifications of import status changes23:13
jelmerlifeless: the latter are very useful for noticing errors (such as the apache problem that crept up recently)23:13
jelmerthe others are just noise imo23:13
lifelesshmm, so new-that-fail will be caught by the latter23:14
jelmerlifeless: yes23:14
lifelessit would be nice to only show succeeded-but-now-doesn't23:14
wgrantBut new-that-deserve-an-account suspension won't.23:14
lifelesswgrant: we don't really have to care about that23:14
jelmerlifeless: it's useful to see all failing ones, even ones that didn't succeed earlier; I often send users an email if they make syntax errors, or correct the URL myself23:15
lifelesswgrant: folk filing insane bugs in unobserved projects create similar noise23:15
lifelessjelmer: ok, so lets start by nuking the news23:15
wallyworld_StevenK:  wgrant: there's a fatal flaw with the disclosure ui because we were not permitted to add radio buttons to the picker - they must be added23:15
wgrantwallyworld_: Hm?23:16
wallyworld_if a person has Some permission for user data only, and you want to go and add in embargoes security, you can't do it without clearing the Some on user data23:16
wallyworld_because the picker is not tri state23:17
wgrantBut it's not fatal for today.23:17
wgrantSince today and at least the next couple of weeks are RO.23:17
wallyworld_no, but it must be fixed23:17
wallyworld_and i have the code ready to go23:17
wallyworld_since i did it for the mockup23:17
wallyworld_i'll do it tomorrow23:18
* StevenK changes the qa-tagger.23:18
StevenK"Last revision deployed to QAStaging is 14969. There are 21 revision waiting to be deployed, and no revisions blocked by QA."23:18
StevenKwallyworld_, wgrant: How do you feel if I put up a NDT?23:40
wallyworld_fine with me23:41
wallyworld_all of my changes are invisible on prod anyway23:41
wgrantStevenK: Too late23:45

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