
superm1well depending on if flash was a big deal00:56
superm1if not then yeah i agree00:56
superm1but if you needed flash, that did make it more of a pain00:56
=== mycosys1 is now known as mycosys
bobobbbobodd thing, just installed mythbuntu 11.10 with dev updates too .24.  I can get my DVB cards to find all the "over the air" HD channels properly via the channel scan, but when I go to watch TV.....nothing.  I get a n/s ratio of about 2.3 but no picture materializes.  If I plug cable into tv, works fine. Any ideas?05:15
bobobbbobit also seems to mesh with schedulesdirect properly as well, I have the right channels and the right programs listed....just can't see a picture :(05:16
bobobbbobfor live tv05:17
mrand!seen gbutters11:53
ZinnSorry I don't know about seen gbutters11:53
xrdodrxI have a very simple setup that isn't working16:41
xrdodrxI have a Hauppague WinTV HVR-1250 and it's connected to a DirecTV box via coaxial cable16:42
xrdodrxChannel scanning returns nothing. How do I pick up the input?16:42
tgm4883superm1, Flash hasn't been a pain for a long time. Even before there was a proper 64-bit version of flash.18:18
tgm4883I wouldn't call moving 1 file into 1 location a pain18:18
bobobmoin all18:27
bobobI having a networking issue.  I need my myth backend to come up but leave eth0 alone.  I have a virtualbox vm that will need to bridge to that and get the dhcp from that interface.18:28
bobobnvm...got it :)18:29
bobobfunny how explaining problem fixes it.....why doesnt' that work when I explain to wife....LOL!18:29
superm1tgm4883: the 32 bit nspluginwrapper thing was a joke though19:48
superm1it never was stable enough for me19:48
tgm4883hmm, perhaps you just went to different sites than I did19:48
tgm4883You spend too much time on redtube ;)19:48
superm1it crashed with youtube for sure19:54
superm1and of course it was every time that you wanted to show someone else a video on your laptop19:54
mrandThen they laugh at you using that silly Linux stuff.19:55
mrandhad to happen to me too.19:55
mrandalthough the 32-bit nspluginwrapper worked fine for my wireless connection that I noticed.19:59

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