
=== bazhang_ is now known as bazhang
M4dH4TT3rready to unbann me?02:34
bazhangM4dH4TT3r, no02:34
M4dH4TT3rcan u just anwser a quick q for me the?02:35
M4dH4TT3rwhats the package source for the panel on the left in ubuntu (i think its called unity)02:35
M4dH4TT3randd yes ive tried googleing02:36
daxIt's part of unity, so "unity".02:36
M4dH4TT3rno the source not the package02:36
M4dH4TT3rthank ya much02:37
M4dH4TT3rim installing in in bt02:37
M4dH4TT3rlaterz ops02:37
daxThat sounds delightful.02:37
ubottuescott called the ops in #ubuntu ()03:35
ubottuvjirma called the ops in #ubuntu ()04:11
ubottuttzms called the ops in #ubuntu ()04:11
ubottuzkhbyr called the ops in #ubuntu ()04:11
ubottuwewuwx called the ops in #ubuntu ()04:11
ubottulbelqk called the ops in #ubuntu ()04:11
ubottuFloodBot3 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (clone flood)04:12
ubottuFloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (clone flood)04:12
ubottuFloodBot2 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (clone flood)04:12
ubottuFloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (clone flood during emergency mode)04:12
ubottuIn ubottu, Irma_Weldon said: Are you a man who is interested in wearing a bra? Well, there is a thriving online community to for men to discuss bra wearing at http://www.websitetoolbox.com/mb/hellotaxi so just head there for questions and answers about men wearing bras. We provide advice and support for all men who wish to wear bras. So visit http://www.websitetoolbox.com/mb/hellotaxi today to join in the men brawearing revolution!05:04
szalsomeone introduced a bot to #ubuntu, not clear for what purpose ->09:51
szal[10:43:00] --> blankon8 has joined this channel (~uvtbot@
szal[10:43:17] --> basic123 has joined this channel (~raviyanto@
szal[10:44:33] <basic123> @seen benpro09:51
szal[10:44:33] <blankon8> basic123: I have not seen benpro.09:51
elkytested and removed09:56
elkybot owner contacted09:56
elky>basic123< Firstly, please don't put your bots in channels without asking the ops first, as per freenode rules. Secondly, no you may not put your bot in #ubuntu09:56
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=== rww is now known as dax
=== dax is now known as rww
=== rww is now known as dax
bazhangquantum_ion reminds me of locsmif12:24
bazhanghe's been around #ubuntu a loooong time, yet still the same issues12:25
bazhangnot seeing how installing windows 8 cp is an ubuntu issue; girlygirl claims it is somehow12:32
ubottuFloodBot2 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (mass join (1546 users, 1 overflows, 1547 limit))13:13
ubottuFloodBot3 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (mass join (1547 users, 12 overflows, 1559 limit))13:13
ubottuFloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (mass join (1549 users, 12 overflows, 1561 limit))13:14
bazhang<troll detected>13:23
=== s-lion is now known as SilverLion
bazhangthe irony is, if he escalates, and does successfully ignore the bot, the bot ban on his gateway client wont show up13:27
dsfsdMyrtti, I'm back 24 hours later discussed14:00
bazhangdsfsd, hello14:00
dsfsdhello bazhang14:00
bazhangdsfsd, know why you were banned earlier?14:00
dsfsdI was banned from Ubuntu yesterday for using !ops and complaining about Unity14:00
dsfsdI said sorry and realised I was wrong14:01
dsfsdI was told to come back in 24 hours14:01
bazhangand then flooding in here didnt help things14:01
dsfsdSorry, the frustration got the better of me14:01
dsfsdI was just looking for help14:01
dsfsdand had said sorry14:01
dsfsdbut that ban was not listed14:01
dsfsdI think Myrtti was angry14:02
bazhangdsfsd, no14:02
bazhangany of us would have banned you for that14:02
dsfsdWhy are you making this your lives work?14:02
dsfsdTo be a gatekeeper14:02
bazhangdsfsd, not the issue at hand, is it14:03
dsfsdPlease can my ban be lifted?14:04
dsfsdI realised I was wrong and I have come back 24 hours later as requested14:04
bazhangdsfsd, you were asked to come back, then continued flooding the channel14:04
dsfsdSo can I have my ban lifted or not?14:07
bazhangdsfsd, not at this time no14:07
dsfsdWhen can I have the ban lifted?14:07
bazhangdsfsd, I did not see any actual ubuntu issues you needed help with.14:07
dsfsdI told Myrtti about my issues14:08
bazhangubuntu issues14:08
pangolinYour behaviour in this channel and in PM towards our ops was unacceptable. Come back in a week and we can discuss then.14:08
dsfsdvideo drivers and gparted not being able to format a USB device14:08
dsfsdplus I can provide support to others14:08
dsfsdas before14:08
bazhangsee you in a week dsfsd14:08
dsfsdSo I am banned for 7 days?14:09
bazhangyou can come back and discuss in 7 days14:09
dsfsdFuck this shit, I'm going back to Slackware14:09
dsfsdlet me guess... that's now a 2 week ban?14:10
pangolinbye then14:10
SilverLionwatch it!14:10
pangolinno, now it 90 days.14:10
bazhangdsfsd, theres nothing more to discuss14:10
ubottudsfsd called the ops in #kubuntu ()14:11
ubottuFloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (repeated abuse from dermaster)20:12
ubottuwaxstone called the ops in #ubuntu ()20:13
ubottuquebre called the ops in #ubuntu ()20:14
dermasterwhy this+20:20
ikoniadermaster: how did you know to join this channel20:20
ikoniait's almost as if you've been banned before20:21
ikoniaand you know what to do20:21
dermasterbut i knew this channel20:21
ikoniahow did you know to join #ubuntu-ops ?20:21
dermasterlist of channels;)20:21
ikonia2 seconds after being kicked.20:21
dermaster[21:21] <quebre> you're shit not master, this is not even trollin' it's pathetic ;)20:21
ikoniait's almost as if you are "lars"20:21
dermasterno i saw it beforce20:21
dermasterif i looked for #ubuntu20:22
ikoniadermaster: well, you where removed from the channel because you couldn't interact with the people trying to help you20:22
dermasteri saw ubuntu-ops20:22
dermasternobody helped me!20:22
ikoniaat this time, no-one knows the answer to your question so you have two options 1.) log a bug 2.) wait for someone to help, you seem unwilling to do 1, and unable to do 2 so you wher eremoved from the channel20:22
ubottuError: Launchpad bug 2 could not be found20:22
ikoniaany more questions ?20:22
dermasteryes because:20:22
dermasteri can not write a bug report20:23
ikoniawhy ?20:23
dermasteri can not write in the bug report: i hate ubuntu's unity can i?20:23
ikoniaok, well, no-one in this channel can make you "not hate" unity, so you can't be helped20:23
ikoniaso any more questions ?20:23
ikoniaok, bye20:23
dermasterwhy bye lars20:25
dermasteri am not lars !!!20:25
ikoniaok, bye20:26
ikoniahello dsfsd21:30
ikoniadsfsd: ping, hello ?21:38
dsfsdHello ikonia21:39
ikoniahi there21:39
ikoniahow can we help ?21:39
dsfsdYou can help me the same way you help the other idlers in this chan21:40
dsfsdI was told to lurk more21:40
dsfsdso I am21:40
ikoniaI doubt that, this channel has a no idle policy21:41
ikoniaso if you don't need anything from this channel, could you please leave.21:41
dsfsdWhat about the other idlers21:42
dsfsdeven the ones without +v ?21:42
elkydsfsd, they're our utility bots21:42
ikoniathere are no other idlers, and to behonest, that's up to the channel operators, so you don't need to worry about it21:42
ikoniadsfsd: just interested in you at this time, if there is something you need, happy to help, if not please /part the channel21:42
dsfsd+v me21:42
ikoniasorry, no21:42
ikoniaand I've just read the scroll back of your history21:43
ikoniaso if you need something, state it, if not, leave21:43
dsfsdwelcoming community I must say21:43
ikoniawell you're attitude of calling people natzi's and telling people to fuck off etc, isn't going to get you welcomed21:43
ikoniaso either a.) state your issue b.) leave21:44
ikoniafinal time I ask21:44
dsfsdnazi with a t?21:44
ubottuFloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (exploit)21:58
ubottuFloodBot2 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (exploit)21:58
ubottuFloodBot3 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (exploit)21:58
CFHowlettGreetings Ops: I've been banned from #ubuntu?  Why?22:06
ikonialets find out22:07
ikoniaone moment please.22:07
Myrttiyour IRC client was affected by an exploit22:07
Myrttiwhich client are you using?22:07
ikoniaahh it appears you suffered an explit22:07
CFHowlettMyrtti   chatzilla via ffox 1122:07
Myrttiand your router is actually the piece that was hit22:08
CFHowlettanything I can do to fix/block exploit?22:08
CFHowlettI'm on a public wifi @ the coffeeshop...22:08
daxtell your IRC client to connect on port 8001 instead of 666722:08
CFHowlettdax ok, any idea where this might be in chatzilla?22:09
CFHowlettelky thanks22:10

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