
hilarieHow can I unmount a USB drive if its busy (trying to format it so it doesn't matter whats on it or anything)00:58
RoyKumount -l ?01:00
hilarieWARNING: Re-reading the partition table failed with error 22: Invalid argument.01:02
hilarieThe kernel still uses the old table. The new table will be used at01:02
hilariethe next reboot or after you run partprobe(8) or kpartx(8)01:02
hilariesorry, thought that was 1 line01:02
RoyKyank the usb cable01:03
hilarieBleh, thats a half hour drive01:04
qman__find the process that's accessing it and kill it01:04
qman__lsof should be of help01:04
hilarieI'd pastebin that but crap thats alot of lines01:10
hilariebe back in an hour :)01:10
qman__that's what grep's for01:11
qman__hilarie, lsof | grep /where/it/was/mounted01:12
hilarie I don't understand, do you perform these steps on the server that has the stuff, or the client that wants the things? https://help.ubuntu.com/community/rsync#Rsync_Daemon04:01
hallynstgraber: yeah i was being silly with the double loop, just didn't want to wait 10 seconds for each container in serial.  fixed in the tree04:02
hallynstgraber: I'm ok with extending lxc-stop instead.  not sure what is preferable04:02
hilarie I don't understand, do you perform these steps on the server that has the stuff, or the client that wants the things? https://help.ubuntu.com/community/rsync#Rsync_Daemon04:08
hallynhilarie: well, you run an rsync (or these days more likely an sshd) server on the server, then run rsync from the client04:12
hallynlong as sshd is running on the server you can rsync to/from it04:12
hilarieI am able to rsync from it now04:16
hilarieI'd just like to be able to do it automatically04:16
hilariehallyn so if I can grab from the server already, its set up on that side, how can I set my *local* server to pull from it on a regular basis04:20
hallyn(but i do it by hand, as i switch back+forth between laptops)04:25
hilariethank you hallyn04:28
stgraberhallyn: extending lxc-stop would make it more like openvz where "vzctl stop" asks init to shutdown the container, then after a timeout (1 or 2 minutes I think), kill the container04:45
stgraberI think if it's not too much effort, it'd make sense to have that part of lxc-stop and be pushed upstream, having lxc-stop + lxc-shutdown might confuse some people04:45
randomDudeany ideas on how i would make my freeradius authorise based on ldap but authenticate based on kerberos ? (ie samba4)04:57
randomDudei have the ldap part working, but freeradius rejects since samba4 doesn't keep passwords in the ldap, it keeps them in the kerberos database i think04:58
hallynstgraber: i'll see how upstream feels about a patch to taht effect04:58
hallyn(now i'm off, gnight :)04:59
m-Alihello guys09:35
=== Lcawte|Away is now known as Lcawte
uvirtbotNew bug: #958447 in unixodbc (main) "package odbcinst1debian2 2.2.14p2-5ubuntu3 failed to install/upgrade: ErrorMessage: dependency problems - leaving unconfigured" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/95844710:31
uvirtbotNew bug: #958448 in unixodbc (main) "package unixodbc 2.2.14p2-5ubuntu3 failed to install/upgrade: ErrorMessage: dependency problems - leaving unconfigured" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/95844810:31
=== Leseb_ is now known as Leseb
acidflashhello all11:57
acidflashi am fscking my computer, and on a particular drive, i was asked probably half a million times to fix the inodes, and after all that, my screen is now being flooded with numbers, and the cpu is 100% and its been like that for a while,11:58
acidflashany idea why this is happening, and if its normal or not  (while trying to repair file system)11:58
nancy--any good tutorial to configure my domain dns with my linux server ? how to set A records , nameservers, ns record, mx record. etc. i dont know a crap..?12:15
bluefrognancy--, http://doc.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/12:23
nancy-- how to set A records , nameservers, ns record, mx record. etc. i12:24
acidflashnancy--: thats daemon specific12:26
acidflashnancy--: the truth is, you should specify which DNS daemon you are using, in order to get that kind of answer12:27
StevenR_nancy--: in fact, let's keep everything here, rather than in two channels12:28
nancy--i have registered  a domain.com and i have a vps with apache2 installed (ubuntu) . i want to set up A records , namesservers, ns reocrds and other. and on the vps i need a seperate forlder in /var/www/site  for each domain. how can i do it. is there a tutorial?12:28
bluefrognancy--, http://doc.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/12:29
nancy--bluefrog,  ok. thats for vps. what about domain12:29
StevenR_nancy--: so, does your registrar host your domain for you?12:29
bluefrogserverguide is for you. talking about dns apache virtual host and so on12:29
nancy--StevenR_,  no . as i told you . i have a vps12:30
NafalloI suspect the nice registrar has an exciting web interface to make dns configuration easy12:30
nancy--bluefrog,  i dont know how to put ips and names in dns control panell of domain12:30
StevenR_(having a vps doesn't mean your domain is or isn't hosted with your registrar)12:31
nancy--Nafallo,  ^12:31
nancy--my dns would be hosted by the registrar i gues.12:32
nancy--its from fastdomains12:32
Nafallooh dear.12:32
StevenR_Nafallo: ?12:33
NafalloI've had very bad experience with them.12:33
nancy--like what12:33
Nafallosuch as pulling the NS records for a domain without asking and not being able to give them back.12:33
Nafallothe domain has been down for a year by now.12:34
Nafalloso yeah; oh dear12:34
StevenR_ok, so use their control panel to set up the domain hosting (not the same as web hosting) and create the records that you need. Then setup the appropriate virtual hosts on your vps.12:34
StevenR_nancy--: ^^12:34
nancy--i have control pannel by which i can chage A records. nameservers etc. thats all12:35
* StevenR_ lunch &12:36
nancy--what should i put in ns record?12:39
nancy--acidflash,  so that relates to the linux server? no the domain. i mean i have to setup the bind server first to put something like ns1.ip here.   ?12:51
acidflashnancy--: yes12:52
acidflashnancy--: I personally use unbound, not bind12:52
acidflashunbound is forwarding resolving caching dns12:52
acidflashbind is not12:52
=== Gallomimia_ is now known as Gallomimia
=== Kiall_ is now known as Kiall
=== WaVeR` is now known as WaVeR
nancy-- if i need to setup my domains with my vps. what things do i need to setup?13:23
nancy-- if i need to setup my domains with my vps. what things do i need to setup?13:29
nancy-- i have a .com domain. and a vps. how to host my site?13:35
uvirtbotNew bug: #958534 in samba (main) "Update to version 3.6.3-2" [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/95853413:36
nancy-- i have a .com domain. and a vps. how to host my site?14:08
oCeannancy--: don't crosspost please14:09
=== alaing is now known as funkymonk
wondermanhi, can someone tell me how to check what scripts will run on reboot of my server, previously apache has modules loaded that i had disabled, and i want to know if ubuntu's default config is telling it to do this14:24
qman__did you use a2dismod to disable them?14:27
wondermanit may not happen this time around, but it did previously, and i want to be sure before i reboot14:28
qman__check for links in /etc/apache2/modules-enabled/14:28
wondermanwhat is the cleanest way to reboot btw? never really do it but ive upgraded a bunch of packages14:28
wondermankernel also14:28
qman__if it's in there, it gets loaded, if not, it doesn't14:28
qman__sudo reboot14:28
qman__you can also press ctrl alt delete at a local console14:29
=== koolhead17|away is now known as koolhead17
nancy-- i have set it up. virtual host is set and A record is set too. but the domain is not opening the index.htm on my vps. why is that?14:59
jcastrosmoser, is it possible to move an s3 bucket from one person to another?16:39
jcastroor copy from one to another without downloading first and then reuploading?16:39
koolhead17second option is possible jcastro :)16:45
wondermannancy--: thats hardly any info16:54
=== Leseb_ is now known as Leseb
=== Leseb_ is now known as Leseb
nancy--wonderman,  http://pastebin.com/EfFLn92z any help?17:03
nancy--http://pastebin.com/EfFLn92z any help with permission for apache ?17:20
oCeannancy--: STOP posting in 2 channels17:24
koolhead17nancy--, have you tried installing apache before?17:29
nancy--yes but never configured bind17:29
koolhead17nancy--, what exactly your trying to install17:30
koolhead17i see phpmyadmin17:31
koolhead17and other stuff there17:31
nancy--koolhead17,  i installed apache. php, mysql and bind. was trying to configure bind . restarted. and got errors17:32
oCeannancy--: I removed you from #ubuntu. You can ask here, but not in 2 channels17:32
ikoniatoo late17:32
ikoniaI'd already removed him (lag)17:32
koolhead17ikonia, :P17:33
uvirtbotNew bug: #958704 in autofs (main) "ubuntu 12.04 boot with nis(ypbind) autofs (nfs) not working. " [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/95870418:25
wondermannancy you obv have no idea what you are doing18:29
wondermanstart by reading some docs18:29
=== lifeless_ is now known as lifeless
dsirijusso, i have this java server (smartfox)... where should i place it (it's extract and run thing)?20:36
lickalottanyone know of a good C channel?21:53
=== huats_ is now known as huats
guntbertlickalott: ##c   :-)22:06
KBentley57hey guys, upon each reboot, does ubuntu server do a fsk?22:24
RoyKfsk fsk fsk22:32
hallynstgraber: despite the changelog msg, ubuntu:upstart does *not* have debian/conf/power-status-changed.conf22:40
stgraberhallyn: look for /etc/init/shutdown.conf instead22:41
stgraberhallyn: I renamed it to avoid potential event name conflict between the main event (power-status-changed) and the start/stop events emited by the job with the same name22:42
hallynah i see22:42
hallynin that case, i'm trying to figure out why 'stop on starting rc RUNLEVEL=[016]' is not triggering22:43
hallyndoes shutdown not change the runlevel?22:44
hallynseems unsafe22:44
hallynin particular, libvirt won't stop its vms if the host gets SIGPWR, it seems22:48
stgrabershutdown not changing runlevel sounds like a bug, it definitely should do it which should trigger upstart's rc job22:49
hallynno i misunderstood22:50
hallynthe problem is that pre-stop isn'g being done22:50
hallynpost-stop is22:50
hallyn(i think that's what's going on)22:51
=== Lcawte is now known as Lcawte|Away
KBentley57hey, Just coming back for a few minutes.  I've installed ubuntu server on a pc with 5 hard disks.  Everything works pretty much fine, except whenever I reboot, sometimes it thrashes for hours, and I can't login to see what is happening (headless).  I know that sometimes it does a file system check, and sometimes it re-syncs the softraid, could it be anything else?23:38

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