
waltmanChinnoDog: Well, there's Lyx01:44
waltmanBut I think muggles prefer wysiwyg.01:45
ChinnoDogwaltman: that looks kind of beautiful. I might have to try that.01:46
waltmanMe, I just keep emacs and xpdf windows open side-by-side.01:51
patbarronI like Lyx - but it's definitely WYSISC ("What You See Is Somewhat Close")... :)01:57
InHisNameAm I the first to say good morning ?10:33
InHisNameMy computer was off when I got up.   Is there a log file somewhere to check to see why?10:33
SamuraiAlbaGood bacon to all!12:29
waltmanmmm, bacon12:29
* waltman has no bacon :(12:29
SamuraiAlbabacon gud12:31
SamuraiAlbanapster bad12:31
SamuraiAlbaBearshare makes me kick you in the privates12:31
SamuraiAlbaHow was PACs?12:32
waltmansurely it must be "PACS"12:33
SamuraiAlbaPAC MAN!12:34
* SamuraiAlba needs AMP Energy Drink12:34
* waltman was having a hard time parsing the image for today's woot until he realized it's an ipOd dock, not an ipAd dock!12:35
JonathanDwaltman: it's an ipod duck.12:35
n2diy My email isn't being deleted from the Gmail servers, even though I haven't selected "leave mail on server" in account setup?20:58
jthan#ubuntu-us-co stinks.23:24
jthann2diy: You're using pop3?23:26
n2diyjthan, not sure of pop3, but I'm using pop. Looks like it was on gmail's end. Still testing, but I had to configure how gmail handled pop. I'll know it a couple of hours if it is working.23:57

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