
Amozcjohnston, have you worked with the django builtin auth stuff?00:29
RonnieAmoz: maybe i can help01:11
AmozRonnie, I'm trying to do the usual session stuff, e.g. print "Logged in as $user"01:36
cjohnstonAmoz: look in either website_base.html or base.html01:37
cjohnstoni forget which01:38
Amozor common?01:40
Amozthere it was01:41
cjohnstonwebsite_base is ubuntu_website01:41
Amozcommon base.html01:41
cjohnstonbase is common01:41
AmozI love you cjohnston01:42
AmozI've been trying to find this for... an hour or something01:42
Amozthe django docs aren't really explicit with that stuff01:42
cjohnstonI've had a few beers01:42
cjohnstonI may actually be helpful01:43
Amozcjohnston, lol01:44
AmozBallmer peak01:44
cjohnstonvery nice01:46
AmozI'm playing around with django and bootstrap right now01:47
cjohnstonAmoz: I think I got all the CSS done... I couldn't wait any longer..01:47
cjohnstonI need to get the new create meeting feature pushed for testing01:48
cjohnstonthen we can look at the other changes01:48
Amozcjohnston, yeah what happened with imbrandon ?01:49
cjohnstonhe got busy01:49
Amozwhat code is merged there?01:50
Amozthe footer is weird01:50
Amozprobably a div missing or something01:51
cjohnstonI agree..01:51
cjohnstoncare to look into it?01:51
cjohnstonI'm working on my meeting stuff01:51
Amoznot now unfortunately01:51
Amozit's almost 3AM here01:51
AmozI need to sleep ^^01:51
cjohnstonsounds good01:51
Amozdid you merge my branch?01:52
cjohnstonwhich branhc01:52
cjohnstoni merged your stuff in a couple times01:52
cjohnstonso which commit i guess is the more correct question01:52
Amozmine shouldn't have the weird footer afaik01:52
cjohnstonit could be something I changed that reversed it01:52
Amozcjohnston, http://amoz.dyndns.org:8080/uds-p/01:53
cjohnstonya.. i dont know what the difference is01:53
cjohnstonand i need go get this meeting stuff pushed for testing01:53
cjohnstonif you figure it out tomorrow, let me know and ill make the change01:53
Amozyeah I'll try :)01:54
Amozgnite guys :)01:54
AlanBellhistory |grep runserver15:03
AlanBellno, not this window :)15:03
AlanBellso remind me how we start summit these days? ./manage.py runserver ubuntusettings.py or something like that?15:11
cjohnstonpython manage.py runserver --settings ubuntu_setting15:13
cjohnstonpython manage.py runserver --settings ubuntu_settings15:13
cjohnstonwhatcha workin on AlanBell15:16
AlanBelletherpad lite15:17
AlanBellbother, I think I broke my summit.db15:17
cjohnstonone sec15:17
AlanBellno such table: schedule_summit15:19
cjohnston./manage.py migrate15:19
AlanBellhmm, list index out of range now, this is back where I was before15:22
cjohnstonadmin/password iirc15:23
cjohnstonClick on "summit"15:23
cjohnstonclick on uds-p15:23
cjohnstonFor "sites" select summit.ubuntu.com15:23
AlanBellno such table: django_site15:24
cjohnston./manage.py syncdb15:24
cjohnston./manage.py migrate15:24
cjohnston./manage.py shell15:31
cjohnstonfrom common import menu15:31
AlanBellImportError: cannot import name menu15:31
cjohnstonfrom common import Menu15:33
cjohnstonMenu.objects.create(site_id=1, name='uds', slug='uds')15:33
AlanBellthat doesn't work either :(15:34
AlanBellfrom common import <tab> returns15:34
AlanBelladmin               forms               migrations          templatetags        utils15:34
AlanBellcontext_processors  management          models              tests               views15:34
cjohnstontry from common.models import Menu15:34
AlanBellyup, that works15:35
AlanBelladmin console works now, I think I can get the rest up soon15:42
AlanBellok, it is up now, thanks cjohnston15:51
cjohnstonnp AlanBell15:55
cjohnstonI clearly need to update my db15:56
AlanBellyeah, I think the installation instructions need a bit of a tweak, it doesn't mention the ubuntu_settings bit, just make run which doesn't work any more15:56
nigelbAlanBell: Please submit patch. Instructions are in docs folder.15:57
AlanBellbut I have a container running now, so I am happy15:57
nigelband they get rendred to summit.rtfd.org.15:57
AlanBellooh, nice15:58
AlanBelloh, those are right15:58
AlanBellINSTALL and requirements.txt are wrong15:59
nigelbthen add a note in install to look at summit.rtf.org16:00
nigelband fix what needs fixing in requirements.txt16:00
AlanBellyeah, that sounds reasonable16:00
nigelbI've been liking readthedocs project for how nicely they render sphinx based documentation.16:01
nigelbalso, readthedocs itself is built on django and is open source.16:02
cjohnstonwhats wrong in requirements.txt16:20
cjohnstonINSTALL isnt actually wrong, but Make hasn't been updated to work with the new sites support16:20
AlanBellthere might not be anything wrong in requirements.txt16:32
nigelbAlanBell: requirements.txt is not for humans.16:32
AlanBellhmm, wonder what that says about me16:49
AmozAlanBell, hmm, you're not human?17:14
AlanBell*mostly* human17:14
nigelbhe's half chicken :P17:14
* nigelb runs17:14
Amozhalf bell17:14
Amozit seems17:14
Amozokay, django drives me nuts17:15
AmozViewDoesNotExist at /calendar/17:15
AmozCould not import workspaces.views. Error was: cannot import name HTMLCalendar17:15
AmozI'm trying to make HTML cal stuff17:16

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