
Kilosmorning guys07:41
Kiloshi Symmetria 08:18
Kiloshi nlsthzn dLimit 09:16
magespawnHi Kilos09:44
Kiloshi magespawn 09:45
Kilosdid you give me the link for lubuntu iso download09:45
Kilosi have lost it somewhere tween this maverick and the xubuntu drive09:46
Kilosxubuntuworks but not as cool as gnome09:46
Kilosor user friendly i think09:46
magespawnOhh okay. I am on mobile at the moment, I think lubuntu is very similar to xubuntu09:47
Kilosnp will get from you sometime and get ian to download for me ty09:48
magespawnI took gc offline to move the pc will be back next week Tuesday or Wednesday.09:48
Kilosnp Maaz is back too so we know we have somebot to make coffee09:49
Kiloshows things there?09:49
magespawnOn my way home with family.09:49
Kilossay hi from me09:50
Kilostell them see you even have ballie friends09:50
nlsthznhi Kilos 09:51
Kiloshiya nlsthzn 09:51
nlsthznHow is everyone?09:52
Kilosmost not here and there09:52
magespawnKilos had to explain who you are.10:06
Kilosmagespawn, tell them an old diesel mechanic and farmer trying to be a geek10:13
Kiloshi kbmonkey 10:13
kbmonkeyhi kilos10:14
kbmonkeyhow you10:14
Kilosgood ty and you?10:14
kbmonkeygood man10:15
kbmonkeygot up nice and early today10:15
magespawnI am off for bit, lunch time10:17
Kilostoods magespawn 10:17
kbmonkeyah cioa magespawn10:21
KilosMaaz, coffee on10:22
* Maaz washes some mugs10:22
Kiloskbmonkey, have a cuppa cyber coffee. good for the brain10:22
kbmonkeyMaaz: coffee please!10:24
Maazkbmonkey: Sure10:24
kbmonkeyawesome :)10:24
MaazCoffee's ready for Kilos and kbmonkey!10:26
KilosMaaz, ty10:26
MaazYou are welcome Kilos10:26
kbmonkeyMaaz: dankie10:26
MaazGroot plesier kbmonkey my vriend10:26
Kiloson kubuntu is software centre still software centre10:57
=== superfly__ is now known as superfly
KilosMaaz, coffee on14:20
* Maaz washes some mugs14:20
MaazCoffee's ready for Kilos!14:24
KilosMaaz, ty14:24
MaazYou are welcome Kilos14:24
Kiloshi guys17:55
kbmonkeyhi all18:04
kbmonkeywe meet again, mister Kilos 18:04
Kiloslol yip must be a common crossroads18:04
Kilosplaying with tiny core linux but need to google lots on how to's18:06
Kiloslike they say -. Download and install pppd and pppsetup(dont forget bash to pppsetup). but how do you download without a connection18:07
kbmonkeyyou looking at other options since lucid is going out?18:07
Kilosi am using xubuntu 11.0418:08
Kilosas well as this maverick. will try keep maverick going as long as possible18:08
Kilosdont really want to leave ubuntu but dunno how long it will take to get used to xubuntu18:09
Kiloslo inetpro 18:09
kbmonkeytechnically, you could still use ubuntu and not update it18:09
kbmonkeydo you watch youtube or any flash videos Kilos ?18:10
Kiloswell im gonna try that. will do a clean install before they close down so i have it nice and fresh18:10
Kilosno youtube18:10
Kilosneed uncapped for that18:10
kbmonkeygood. the flash plugin is the one strong point to keep updated. if you dont use it, even better18:10
Kilosyoutube will use in an hour what i use in a month18:11
kbmonkeyi suggest after you do that clean install, and got it running like you like. you make a image backup of the OS18:11
kbmonkeyif it breaks, you can restore the OS to exactly like its clean state, without reinstalling18:12
kbmonkeyya I don't youtube either. rarely18:12
Kilosneed a dvd writer for that this image is 1.4g18:12
kbmonkeyI like blocks of text 18:13
Kilosbut with aptoncd one can get close18:13
kbmonkeyyou only clone your /18:13
Kilosaptoncd and rsyncs18:13
kbmonkeyso if you make / on its own partition, 18:13
Kilosi have / /boot /home parts18:14
kbmonkeyor get a usb disk. thats what i do, a usb disk strictly for backup18:14
Kiloscan you make iso's of root18:14
kbmonkeyyou can get a 8GB one for R99 I think18:14
kbmonkeymaking isos is a different story18:15
Kilosi got an external with archives copied to it and home18:15
kbmonkeyit takes a *lot* of space to build your own livecd18:15
Kilosya as in with remastersys from here is 1.4g18:16
Kilosinetpro, hoezit18:16
Symmetrialol, seeing a dog trainer tomorrow who can hopefully teach my puppy how to behave :P 18:16
Kiloshi psydroid 18:16
Symmetriacause she's psycho lol18:16
Kiloswhat dog?18:17
Kilosyou train animals with two things food and pain18:18
Symmetrialol, she is inventing new games right now, unfortunately one of which is that she can drag her doggie bed all over the house :P18:18
Symmetriaand the other one she loves is chasing round and round the swimming pool watching the little frogs that jump in it and then jumping in after them18:18
Kilosif they do good feed bits of lekker stuff , if they do wrong rub nose in it and twist ear18:18
Kilosdogs need lots of attention to be properly trained18:19
Symmetriayeah I know18:20
Kilosalso if you reprimand make your voice very stern18:20
Symmetrialol, you also gotta learn to ignore certain things they do else it becomes habit18:20
Kilosno good saying no with a tone of love18:21
Symmetria:P like when puppy starts barking at me for attention 18:21
Kilosif it hassles you shout no18:21
SymmetriaLOL when I sit infront of the computer and start working after a while she gets annoyed and wants to play and will sit and bark at me hehe18:21
Kiloshmm you will have to go with for training18:22
Kilosthey do pet/owner training all in one at places18:22
Symmetriayeah I know :)18:22
Kerbero[home]hi there Symmetria \18:24
Kiloshi Kerbero[home] 18:24
Kerbero[home]hi kilos18:24
kbmonkeyhi Kerbero[home] psydroid and Symmetria 18:25
Kilosyo superfly you ok?18:25
superflyheya Kilos18:25
superflyyeah, just been busy\18:25
superflytrying to get my ADSL set up18:25
Kiloshi magespawn 18:25
superflyat long last18:25
kbmonkeygood luck superfly ;)18:25
Kiloskbmonkey, meet tomorrow night hey?18:25
superflykbmonkey: fanks... just trying to get my ID to Afrihost18:25
magespawnHi kilos18:26
Kilosno forget the ordering of cds18:26
kbmonkeythanks for reminding me Kilos !18:26
kbmonkeywe should talk about something new or fun anyone found18:27
Kiloslol tiny core linux18:27
Kilosquite cute if you got adsl18:27
kbmonkeyi'd lke to check that out :]18:30
magespawnsuperfly what was the problem with the Adsl?18:30
kbmonkeythat was quite a wait superfly. must be excite :]18:33
superflymagespawn: I didn't have any.18:33
magespawnTiny Core is even smaller than Puppy.18:34
* superfly is trying to figure out what the problem is18:34
magespawnsuperfly lol18:34
psydroidhi Kilos18:35
Kilosyeah magespawn small version is 11.9m other one is 68m18:35
psydroidhi magespawn18:35
psydroidhi superfly18:35
superflyhi psydroid!18:35
Kilosmy stupid opera browser lost the bookmark grrr18:35
psydroidhi kbmonkey18:35
Kilosall good psydroid ?18:35
magespawnHi psydroid18:36
psydroidyes, I'm ok Kilos18:36
psydroidand you?18:36
Kiloskbmonkey, http://linux.softpedia.com/progDownload/Tiny-Core-Linux-Download-43833.html18:37
psydroidjust getting a bit stressed out due to university18:37
magespawnPuppy is 50mb18:37
Kiloswhew psydroid the year is still young18:37
kbmonkeyah thx Kilos 18:37
kbmonkeywell gotta go. chat toms18:37
Kiloskbmonkey, take both and see whats the diffs18:38
Kilostoods kbmonkey go well18:38
psydroidsee you later kbmonkey18:38
magespawnLater kbmonkey18:38
kbmonkeymay be back, family time now ... :]18:39
magespawnkbmonkey has a family? Did not know that.18:48
Kilosand maybe boet and/or sis18:48
magespawnAhh I always think of family as husband/wife and kids.18:49
magespawnIt is the state I am in, bit short sighted I guess.18:50
Kilosone forgets there are others younger than you as you get older18:51
Kilosuntil you find groups that know more than you with pcs and cellphones they are always younger18:52
magespawnI am mentally stuck around 2518:54
Kiloslucky you18:54
magespawnnot physically unfortunately18:55
Kilosyeah that never gets stuck18:55
magespawnwork out a way to do that, cause over population and make more money than viagra18:57
Kilosha ha ha we dont need to help over population18:58
Kilosmorrow guys. i go fight tiny core19:01
Kilossleep tight19:01
magespawnNight Kilos19:02
magespawnI am also off, 04:30 start to tomorrow. Night all.19:09
superfly25? I feel like I'm 16 all the time19:56

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