
=== bazhang_ is now known as bazhang
qazokmanybody use xfce mixer02:30
GridCubeqazokm, why for?03:31
qazokmthat is spoky03:31
qazokmcheck back for the first time and suddenly a response03:31
qazokmlike right after i turn to the channel03:31
qazokmi was wondering what the red dots in capture do03:32
qazokmit seems that my mic is only picked up in mumble if i enable both 'digital' and ' rear mic'03:32
qazokmwhat is digital.03:32
GridCubeoh, i don't know sorry03:53
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arthurdenthow do I start .xsession ?05:55
beataHaven't been able to get to sleep still.. I have this issue with the icons on my top bar being in different sizes. It's been suggested to edit gtkrc, except so far I've unable to find out which gtkrc, and which reference to what to put in it. Might there be an howto that google thinks I'm not looking for?06:37
Sysiscreenshot of issue? (imagebin.org for example)06:39
well_laid_lawnit'll be ~/.gtkrc-2.0 and add a line like   gtk-icon-theme-name = "Maxo-Remix"06:43
well_laid_lawnbeata: ^^06:44
Sysihmm, looks like indicator-applet issue06:47
beataBut also nofitication area and window buttons06:48
k_szeI need help fixing the HDMI audio out through my NVidia graphics card.06:49
k_sze(right now, I'm not getting any sound. My LCD monitor even tells me there is no HDMI audio signal)06:50
beataEach set is different size, different kerning. Some adjust to the panel, some stay the same.06:50
Sysibeata: you can set notification area's icon size to match indicator applet in it's preferences06:51
k_szeI'm running 64-bit 11.10 Oneric Ocelot, and my card is a GeForce 210.06:52
Sysibeata: you get two rows in window buttons because your panel is so thick06:52
beataIt is a skinny on this display. 1/3 inch.06:53
SysiI want display like that.. I wonder if it's possible to change that behaviour06:54
beataSize is 51 pixels.06:55
Sysilimit is 50, with 49px there is only one row06:57
beataFor now indicator plugin.07:00
beataAnd to try to sleep.07:14
XanzaI have a question. Is it possible to get my close minimize maximize buttons into the xfce panel in 11.10?11:03
=== Sysi_ is now known as Sysi
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k_szeThe Samba service on my Ocelot 64-bit box would suddenly stop working (I can't connect from my Windows machines), even though I can still ping the machine.13:24
Qantourisck_sze: did you change any config ?13:25
Qantourisck_sze: also, using a differnt account on the windows client machine counts13:26
Sysik_sze: after reboot or just suddenly?13:26
k_szeSysi: just suddenly13:26
Qantourisck_sze: what error message btw ?13:27
k_szeI was running a backup program on one of my windows machines, writing to a Samba share on the ocelot machine, all of the sudden it stopped copying.13:27
k_szehold on, let me check13:27
Qantouriscwhat happens if you try to open it now ?13:27
* Qantourisc ponders this is strange13:27
k_szeI simply can't open it now. I've tried from 2 different windows machines.13:28
Qantouriscdiffernt machine also fried ... "nice"13:28
Sysik_sze: try running "sudo service smbd start"13:28
Qantouriscsamba server is to blaim it seems13:28
Qantourisck_sze: anything intresting in dmesg on the server ?13:28
Qantourisc(or logs)13:29
k_szethe machine is being stupid13:30
Qantourisck_sze: hmmm ?13:30
k_szeI replugged the LCD monitor from my windows machine to the ocelot machine and I get no display.13:30
k_szeyet I can clearly still ping it.13:31
Qantouriscthat could explain a few things :)13:31
Qantourisck_sze: linux kernels can be resiliant13:31
Qantourisck_sze: can you still ssh it ?13:31
Sysiif you're running GUI on your server it's less of a surprise it crashed :P13:33
k_szewell, it's Xubuntu desktop13:33
k_szeok, I got in by SSH13:38
Qantourisck_sze: dmesg13:39
Qantouriscand or logs13:39
k_szewait... wt f13:39
k_szethe machine rebooted13:40
k_sze33 minutes ago13:40
Qantouriscthen you'll need to check the logs13:40
Qantourisck_sze: also consider power failures :)13:40
k_szeWhich log? just "/var/log/samba/samba.log"?13:42
Qantourisck_sze: yes and the kernel13:43
Qantourisck_sze: if samba crasheses ... it's unlikely for it to take the entire kernel with it13:44
k_szespeaking of power failure13:45
k_szethat brings up a related question13:45
k_szesomehow, if I don't plug the monitor before booting into Xubuntu, I won't get a display again when I plug the monitor (it's an HDMI connection, and I have an NVidia GeForce 210 card).13:46
Qantouriscsorry i haven't been playing with hdmi yet :/13:47
k_szeAnd Samba pretty much never works out of booting Xubuntu. I would have to restart smbd and nmbd manually to make it work.13:49
k_szeit's really really weird.13:49
Grillot_GillesBonjour touts le monde. Je parle que en français. Je passe içi pour une question sur cron-apt/config est je voulais savoir comment enregistrer et femer la config de cron-apt si quelqu'un peut m'aidé14:03
ubottuCe canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.14:06
Sysithey should know xubuntu too, though your question is generic14:06
mbutubuntuhello folks14:18
mbutubuntuI've a notebook with a second monitor14:19
mbutubuntuxubuntu doesn't detect it14:19
mbutubuntuhow to work with 2 monitors?14:19
holsteini use arandr to manage14:19
holsteinmbutubuntu: there might not be support for the hardware14:19
mbutubuntuholstein, on ubuntu 10.04 it worked14:20
mbutubuntunow I'm on xubuntu 10.0414:20
holsteinyou can poke around in the bios and make sure its activated or whatever14:20
holsteinmbutubuntu: OK.. then, i say, its a matter of learning the tools... ubuntu 10.04 = xubuntu 10.0414:20
Sysiif it worked in ubuntu, arandr should do the job14:20
holsteinas far as hardware support14:21
mbutubuntuok with arandr it works fine :-)14:21
mbutubuntuthan you guys14:21
holsteinmbutubuntu: enjoy!14:21
cejndoes anyone have an answer for this?14:30
cejnthe difference between "skype" and "skype d-bus" on pidgin14:31
holsteinjust 2 options though... i would problabe just test them both and go with whichever works the best14:33
Sysicejn: dbus is daemon trough which apps can "communicate"14:34
SysiI've never used pidgin or skype14:34
cejnapps on "skype" I suppose?14:34
holsteinive used both a little.. mostly skype here and there14:35
holsteincejn: is there a place to specify between those 2? ...whats the issue?14:35
cejnsomehow it seems unpractical to use skype api in pidgin when you must have both programs running14:36
holsteincejn: if you want to connect pidgin to other networks, and use those and skype all in one place, this is one way to do it14:37
cejnnot an issue really. just trying to assemble my accounts in pidgin14:37
holsteinskype is beta.. and not open... i wouldnt worry much about what it "says" its doing while its communitcating with pidgin14:38
cejnyes exactly. but so my actual question is: Is there a skype api (?) with IM feature without having to have skype running next to pidgin?14:39
cejnor even for voice/video calls14:39
cejnany updates or so. i very much appriciate the help i'm receiving14:41
holsteinAFAIK, skype is the only way to talk to skype, but i have decided personally to just get away from skype14:42
holsteini have use fring on the android phone in the past, so i know there are ways to communicate with skype other than skype on android, and i would assume this is possible14:42
holsteinpersonally, im willing to hop through very few hoops for skype14:43
cejnhaha. why this seperation from skype?14:43
holsteincejn: skype is not for me... its in beta, and like 4 versions behind.. its going to just not work in linux soon, and we wont be able to fix it14:44
SysiI wonder if google videocalls work outside US yet14:45
holsteinSysi: yup14:46
holsteinthats one of the alternatives im exploring14:46
cejnholstein: understandable. i clearly agree!14:46
mongynot just easier to login to g+ and hangout14:56
Sysidoes hangout require that browser plugin?15:12
holsteinmongy: thats what im thinking about... the 'hangouts'15:17
holsteinSysi: i think it does, but theres a linux one15:18
holsteinnot that im proposing google is "more open"... im trying to get away from using G+hangouts exclusively as well15:19
popschhow can I see from which ppa I installed a particular package, please?15:38
GridCubepopsch, if i recall correctly the USC lets you do that15:43
popschthis did the trick: apt-cache policy15:47
GridCubepopsch, http://imagebin.org/20406615:51
GridCubeoh i see15:51
GridCubewell, in my pc usc takes like 5 minutes to load XD so i forgot15:51
GridCubehello xubuntu728 :)16:26
Sysican I set compiz to raise window when scrolling?21:14
Sysiwhen I scroll on window, I want it to be raised and activated21:18
SysiI'd also like new windows to be active21:18
Sysi..latter works now21:19
mongythe latter is focus prevention is it not21:24
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dsfsdhi ikonia21:47
rtdoswhat has a smaller footprint: xfce4 or lxde?22:03
mongyrtdos: lxde but not by much (imo)22:04
Sysihardly matters after firing up browser22:05
mongy^ this22:06

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