[00:44] micahg, patch for blueman is working as expected [00:45] gilir: great, thanks, I'll include it in my upload [00:46] micahg, thanks, I updated the debdiff, there is a simple-patchsys.mk to remove from debian/rules === AmberJ_ is now known as JainAmber [03:00] evenig [03:00] anyone around? === KaiSforza is now known as KAISforza [10:09] Hi anyone know how to turn off anti aliasing in all the applications in lubuntu, Ive selected the option from customize look and feel but some applications still have antialiasing on (i have istalled calibre, which is ebook conversion tool and it has aa on),thanks, any help appreciated [10:10] btw I am new to linux [14:00] Where can I set up what session is started at boot? Every time I start my pc, I get this error: "Xsession: could not start Xubuntu session, loading default", where default turns out to be LXDE instead of Lubuntu... [15:23] Salve a tutti [15:23] ho un problema con lubuntu === Mike_ is now known as Guest97853 === Guest97853 is now known as Nonmipiaceilnick [15:24] ho installato lubuntu 11.10 su un vecchio pc [15:24] il problema รจ che a volte il computer si avvia normalmente [15:24] altre volte non parte proprio il grub [15:25] ed il computer si impalla in un fastidiosissimo schermo nero [15:25] allora riavvio in maniera primitiva (staccando la presa di corrente) [15:26] e tutto funziona... fino al prossimo (ri)avvio [15:26] qualche soluzione? [15:26] ho un amd athlon 100mhz con 256mb di ram e scheda video ati Xpert [17:02] Hi, I'm trying to set up multiple monitors (using LXDE and OpenBox), and I have it working, using arandr, but terminals show up on top of everything else, even their own context menus. how can i fix this? :\ [17:03] blind: mabye take a screenshot, or elaborate [17:04] it seems as though terminals, all terminals, lxterminal, terminator, etc, have the "always on top" option. right click in terminal, the menu you get shows up BEHIND the terminal. move a focused window in the same space as a terminal, the terminal window stays on top, even unfocused. [17:04] I can't find an "always on top" option to turn off.. and it only does it with the dual-monitor set up [17:04] i would try launching one from the alt+F2 menu, see if they are still ontop [17:05] yes they are [17:06] blind: do you have other user accounts? [17:06] Unit193: ping-o-la [17:06] no, just one [17:13] http://dl.dropbox.com/u/12507353/ssobfu.png << screenshot. those other two windows i focused after the terminal, the "screen layout editor" (arandr) currently has focus [17:14] what's even crazier, is that even though the term shows up on top, you can still click "through" it [17:14] oh god. holstein, it's an issue with xcompmgr. sorry :[ [17:18] holstein: or anyone else.. do you happen to know a light-weight composition manager that is friendly with dual-monitors and lxde [17:20] blind: hey, now you know... i couldnt find anything to be helpful... try cairo compositing [17:20] i was just thinking of that. thanks for the help === KAISforza is now known as KaiSforza [18:28] holstein: just figured i'd update you.. could NOT get cairo-compmgr to work right, however by using grandr instead of arandr, that somehow solved my problem. i don't exactly understand how, i'd assume they all use xrandr as a backend, but it works correctly, so [18:28] interesting..i assuemed that as well, and use arandr a lot.. i have only really tested it with XFCE though [18:29] and never with dual head and compositing in the mix [18:29] i can no longer deal without compositing lol [18:29] hehe... im into it now [18:30] actually.. still have the problem. it's only NEW terminals that are on top of everything [18:30] * blind sighs. [18:30] new after xcompmgr is running, that is [18:31] hmmmm [19:36] Hm, so I'm used to gnome, and now I'm in LXDE and I can't figure out how to change my sound settings. I use a usb speaker and the sound isn't going to it currently. [19:41] blind, what about alsamixer [19:41] ? [19:42] I think I'm using pulseaudio. [19:44] me too, but alsamixer works anyway [19:45] my "USB Audio" is turned all the way up [19:46] unmuted. [20:17] I can't read my USB memory card. Everytime I insert it to the USB port I get this: DBus error org.gtk.Private.RemoteVolumeMonitor.Failed: An operation is already pending AND: Error mounting: mount: /dev/sdf1 already mounted or /media/Rojo busy [20:17] Wich is weird because it works in another PC [20:17] What could be wrong? [20:31] I can't read my USB memory card. Everytime I insert it to the USB port I get this: DBus error org.gtk.Private.RemoteVolumeMonitor.Failed: An operation is already pending AND: Error mounting: mount: /dev/sdf1 already mounted or /media/Rojo busy [20:31] Wich is weird because it works in another PC [20:32] What could be wrong? === MrChrisDruif is now known as BrokenThumb [21:24] anyone have any clue why pcmanfm would just stop opening? no output in terminal, just sits there.. i tried removing ~/.config/pcmanfm but still nothing [21:25] Yep, good 'ol buggy Linux [21:25] I can't even open a simple USB stick [21:26] Osmodivs; what's wrong? [21:26] Does the USB open on other computers? Is the port correctly connected? [21:27] BrokenThumb: I can't open my USB stick in Lubuntu 11.10 64bits. It works in my 32 bit NetBook. Everytime I insert my USB stick I get these 2 messages: [21:28] DBus error org.gtk.Private.RemoteVolumeMonitor.Failed: An operation is already pending [21:28] Error mounting: mount: /dev/sdf1 already mounted or /media/Rojo busy [21:28] I can't even open my CF memory card [21:29] * BrokenThumb isn't expert with troubleshooting USB [21:29] !USB [21:29] For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent [21:29] <_<" [21:29] Not what I was looking for [21:29] And I don't think data is corrupted, since I can see it in another PC [21:29] http://www.pasteall.org/pic/28813 [21:33] hmmmm [21:34] can you sudo umount /media/Rojo [21:34] Osmodivs, [21:34] Let me try that [21:36] bioterror: The thing is, in the Terminal I get this: :/media$ ls [21:36] usb usb0 usb1 usb2 usb3 usb4 usb5 usb6 usb7 [21:36] I have a USB printer, a WiFi antena, a Tablet, a Mouse, all USB, so if I unmount one of them, am I going be able to mount it again? [21:37] I dont wanna break something [21:37] doesnt matter [21:37] I only care about the usb stick [21:38] those devices has nothing to do with file systems [21:40] bioterror: Done [21:40] sudo umount usb1 [21:40] osmodivs@Djiin:/media$ [21:41] was it that usb stick that did not want to mount? [21:41] It is called Rojo, but in the terminal I can see it as usb1 [21:42] bioterror: Oh, hold on [21:42] For some reason NOW I can access Rojo [21:42] In Nautilus... Or whatever Lubuntu file manager is [21:42] pcmanfm [21:42] could you umount rojo too [21:42] unplug the usb stick [21:42] and plug it back in [21:43] bioterror: Oh no. I am gonna backup my files just in case [21:43] bioterror: Got like 60GB of files in my CF card [21:44] 64GB actually [21:44] does anyone know if they where to buy canonicals support plan for 105 usd a year covers lubuntu ? [21:44] anyone have any clue why pcmanfm would just stop opening? no output in terminal, just sits there.. i tried removing ~/.config/pcmanfm but still nothing [21:45] blind, ps aux |grep pcmanfm [21:45] blind, kill the pid [21:45] it's not running [21:45] should be, as pcmanfm handles the desktop [21:45] i don't currently have a desktop [21:45] i get the openbox menu when i right click [21:45] Nm I figured it out [21:47] blind, what if you say in terminal: pcmanfm --desktop [21:47] still just hangs. [21:48] blind, even after a reboot too? [21:48] i haven't yet rebooted.