
MCR1mkultra_: Thanks a lot ! :)00:01
MCR1mkultra_: I need it for Precise - the source won't compile under Precise anymore :P - so your version of things will not work also... :'(00:04
glosoliMCR1: just out of curiosity, why  do you want Emerald so bad ?00:05
MCR1I want glow, I want transparency, I want a good-looking Ubuntu and I want my 6 buttons to shade/unshade sticky/unsticky rollup/down back on Precise like I had all my Linux versions before...00:07
glosoliaah :)00:07
MCR1gtk-window-decorator is not only ugly, but also lacks functionality big-time !00:08
MCR1it is a really big regression (one of many I am experiencing at the moment) :P00:09
glosoliMCR1: well that's what you think :)00:11
glosoliMCR1: imho, emerald was the most hated thing for me ;D00:11
glosoliI like minimalism00:11
MCR1glosoli: no that's all facts...00:11
glosoliit depends on person needs00:11
glosoliIn my point of view Mark is doing things in the way I like00:12
glosoliHe wants to make Ubuntu Idiot-Proof operating system ;D00:12
MCR1I cannot get what I need from gtk-win-decorator then (if you like to formulate it that way) ;)00:12
MCR1taking away options from the user is not the Linux way and should not be - it should be about freedom of choice...00:14
haz3lnutglosoli: when you make a system idiot proof, somone will invent a better idiot.00:19
glosolihaz3lnut: well yes, but I see it as the only way going if you want to gain giant numbers of new users :)00:20
MCR1idiot-proof should not mean "just for idiots" imho ;)00:23
haz3lnutglosoli, MCR1 as long as I can still double click titlebar and make my window gently and smoothly roll up or down, I'm good with unity.00:24
MCR1haz3lnut: how do you make it sticky or shade then ?00:25
haz3lnutneither gnome shell nor kde 4.8 have that functionality.00:25
glosoliMCR1: it doesn't mean that way :)00:25
haz3lnutMCR1, sticky?00:26
glosolion the top he means ?00:26
MCR1I do not care what others have - I want the new Unity with all options I had in 11.1000:26
MCR1sticky = on all desktops00:26
glosoliyou can00:27
MCR1a chat window or movie player or radio controls for example00:27
glosoliright click00:27
glosoli"Always On Visible WorkSpace"00:27
glosolidoes that :)00:27
MCR1I want it on all workspaces00:27
MCR1Also I want an option to make a window stay on top of others00:27
MCR1and I want buttons for that on my titlebar, which is glowing and transparent, has a nice font and an icon on it ;)00:28
MCR1not that gtk last century stuff00:29
glosoli_MCR1: my connection died00:31
glosoli_if you written smth you may want to repaste it00:31
=== glosoli_ is now known as glosoli
MCR1LOL - and I just tried the "always on visible workspace" option (whatever this should mean ?) and it does not even work, but shows some other windows on the other workspaces then - total chaos :P00:32
DaekdroomMCR1, it works ok for me.00:33
MCR1I enabled it for Pidgin - switch the workspace and have chromium on the other one...00:34
* glosoli works here too.00:34
MCR1when I enable such an option pidgin should be on all workspaces at the same time while the other windows should be untouched00:34
glosoli!bung MCR100:34
DaekdroomAre you sure you activated it for the right window?00:34
glosoli!bug MCR100:34
glosolihmm ;D00:35
glosoliwrong command again :/00:35
ubottuIf you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs.00:35
MCR1yes, just checked again00:35
glosoli!bug Daekdroom00:35
Daekdroom!bug | glosoli00:35
ubottuglosoli: please see above00:35
DaekdroomIt's smart like that. But you have to use a |00:35
glosoliDaekdroom: aaa forgot then :)00:36
glosoli02:36 feeling tired00:36
MCR1does definitely not work here00:36
MCR1always on top works at least :)00:37
glosoliare you on Main Mirror00:37
glosoli ?00:37
DaekdroomIt's working ok for me, really00:37
glosoliSame here00:38
glosoliHe left00:38
MCR1hehe, funny - move to another workspace made the Pidgin chatwindow disappear completely00:39
DaekdroomIt's in the limbo.00:40
MCR1I have to admit that my compizconfig is highly individualized and I am using gnome3-ppa, so I do not know if I can easily blame Ubuntu ;)00:41
glosoliYou can blame yourself00:41
glosolieasily :D00:41
* MCR1 is blaming himself for wanting to have the same functionality like in 11.10 in 12.04 as well:P00:44
glosoliwell as I said it works fo rme00:45
glosoliworks for Daek00:45
glosoliSo it's mainly because you having testing repos in testing os00:45
DaekdroomBut that functionality didn't change.00:45
trippehOk - managed to get toad fixed - somehow :P00:45
MCR1thx for testing :)00:45
trippehBut I broke Service manager. Bummer.00:46
DaekdroomIt's worth nothing, however, that until not long ago I often had trouble with compiz starting to mishandle windows.00:46
DaekdroomApparently fixed in 5.600:46
haz3lnutwith all the crash errors, what'00:50
haz3lnutwhat's the likelihood that 12.04 will be released on time?00:50
DaekdroomIt seems to me it's exactly like any other release.00:52
glosoliCanonical is so strict with release schedule00:52
trippehRelease on time, not when ready ;)00:53
trippehUsually its not too bad though00:53
trippehAnd the point releases are pretty good.00:53
haz3lnutI'm not feeling too good about this.00:53
glosolihaz3lnut: neither me00:53
DaekdroomThe whole purpose of the schedule is trying to get it ready when they want it to.00:53
trippehCan always skip the 12.4.0 ;)00:53
Daekdroomi.e. FeatureFreeze, BetaFreeze etc are supposed to take care of that.00:54
haz3lnutI'd be happier if they delayed 1 month to iron out bugs.00:54
logIs there any way to figure out which packages are blocking updates to other ones?00:54
logI've been presented with "partial upgrades" for about a week now.00:54
trippehhaz3lnut: Wait for 12.4.1 then00:54
logAbout 30 packages are greyed out.00:55
haz3lnutI'm doing an update now.  We'll see if anything is better.00:55
haz3lnutOne would assume an LTS release would be rock solid.00:55
trippehOr just wait a month after release before installing it00:55
DaekdroomTechnically it's not a LTS release yet.00:55
haz3lnutI know.00:56
logpangolin, do you know?00:56
micahgit's 3 months after release (until the .1 release) before upgrades to the last LTS are offered as prompted upgrades00:56
haz3lnutbut beta has so many crash/critical bugs, I don;t see how they get fixed in the next 30 days00:56
haz3lnutI wish I was a more experienced programmer, I'd be mad at work helping out.00:57
pangolinlog, sudo apt-get dist-upgrade should get those packages00:59
logpangolin: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1859240 scares me, though. :P01:00
logI should check each individual packages that is recommended to be removed, right?01:00
logThe following packages will be REMOVED: libgstfarsight0.10-0 libtelepathy-farsight0 python-farsight python-papyon telepathy-butterfly01:00
pangolinlog, there comes a time when testing a pre-release install that you need to just go for it.01:00
micahglog: are you doing a dist-upgrade?01:01
pangolinDO ET!01:01
logBecause I'm sick of these grayed out packages and "partial upgrade" prompts. :P01:01
micahgright, telepathy-butterfly is no more, but if it's offering a partial upgrade, that's a bug01:01
logWell, partial upgrade = sudo apt-get dist-upgrade.01:02
pangolinyou are probably going to get linux-image-* packages and it will replace a few other packages01:02
logSo I think it's trying to get me to remove obsolete packages.01:02
micahghmm, what is held back?01:02
DaekdroomWhat does it want to remove?01:02
micahgremoval is fine on dist-upgrade01:02
log<log> The following packages will be REMOVED: libgstfarsight0.10-0 libtelepathy-farsight0 python-farsight python-papyon telepathy-butterfly01:02
logNothing is held back.01:02
micahgwell, as long as it looks sane01:02
DaekdroomThose seem fine to be removed.01:02
DaekdroomThere were some renaming around telepathy.01:03
logI'm assuming that, if they were dependencies, it would remove the main software as well.01:03
logSo I'm not too worried.01:03
Daekdroomand as long as it doesn't remove any actual program, for example, empathy...01:03
logI definitely didn't install those individually.01:03
DaekdroomThey're Empathy dependencies.01:03
logOkay, I'm going for it. :P01:03
logWait, wait.01:04
logIt says that there are a ton of new packages to be installed.01:04
pangolinwith any luck you will still be here in 5-10 minutes01:04
DaekdroomThat is expected too.01:04
logIncluding gnome-shell. I don't want gnome-shell. :(01:04
pangolinlog, hit enter and trust in me01:04
DaekdroomYou might try removing it afterwards to check what depends on it.01:04
pangolinDid you do it?01:05
logDoing it.01:05
logI SURVIVED!01:07
pangolinwe'll see01:08
DaekdroomHe has to come back so I'll know what depends on gnome-shell. :|01:09
pangolininstall apt-rdepends01:10
MCR1he survived01:10
pangolinwelcome back log01:11
logpangolin: Oh hey. :P01:12
logDaekdroom: Nah, jokes.01:12
log"The software on this computer is up to date"01:12
logFirst time I've seen that in a week.01:13
logThis + hybrid graphics fix = week made.01:13
logI learned that Ubuntu was keeping my AMD card, rather than my Intel card, on all the time, so I found a fix to disable the AMD.01:13
pangolinDaekdroom, http://paste.ubuntu.com/890093/ rdepends output for gnome-shell01:13
logAnd now my laptop lasts 5.5 hours rather than 1.5 hours.01:13
logIt's wonderful.01:13
glosolilog: Optimus ?01:14
logNo, AMD Catalyst.01:14
glosolilog: which card ?01:14
logWell, but I'm not using the Catalyst drivers.01:14
logIt's a nice card, but I don't really need it in Ubuntu.01:14
glosolilog: so you are switching to Intel integrated ?01:15
logDiscrete card is completely off now.01:15
glosolilog: would you mind explaining me a bit more ?01:15
glosolilog: I am not quite sure, but it seems like I have not Hybrid Graphics, but both Intel and ATI in my laptop01:16
loghttp://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1917897 <-- Instructions for disabling hybrid graphics/the discrete card in Ubuntu.01:16
logIt's not my specific HP model, but it worked for me.01:16
DaekdroomOh damnit.01:16
glosoliHmm I am not sure if my ATI Mobility Radeon HD5730 1GB01:16
DaekdroomI purged a PPA and apparently in order to do so, it'll break my system :(01:16
glosoliis hybrid01:16
logglosoli: Are you able to switch between it and the Intel card in Windows?01:16
log(Using the AMD Catalyst Control Center?)01:16
glosolilog: aaa, that's the answer, afaik no01:16
logSee, mine lets me switch between the AMD GPU and the integrated Intel GPU.01:17
logOne for gaming, one for power savings.01:17
glosolilog: well I never tryed to get into AMD Catalyst in windows too much, I am now only Ubuntu01:17
logI hardly do gaming, so I opt for the power savings. :P01:17
glosoliYep, I would like my lappie to last at college more than 2 hours01:17
logglosoli: sudo cat /sys/kernel/debug/vgaswitcheroo/switch01:18
logWhat is the result?01:18
glosolino such file or dir01:18
logHmm, okay.01:18
logI'm guessing you don't have switchable graphics, then. What's the model of your laptop?01:18
glosoliAsus N61JA01:18
* log looks.01:18
glosolilog: processor i5-450M that one is not listed in Asus website as I see01:19
logglosoli: Yeah, no switchable graphics. :/01:19
glosolilog: ah okay, anyway buying new one this year :)01:20
logNice, do you know which one yet?01:20
glosoliwell I will know after Ivy Bridge releases01:20
logAh. That's been delayed a lot.01:20
glosoliwas thinking of getting MacBook Pro for Dual Booting with Ubuntu and OS X01:20
logBased on the past, there will be a large time gap between the Ivy Bridge release and Macs being equipped with IB. :P01:21
glosolithat would make the best choice for me, as intend to be software developer :)01:21
glosolilog: as I heard, in may01:21
logFor the Ivy Bridge release?01:21
logOr Macs with IB?01:21
trippehI'm looking forward to the asus zenbook ivy refresh, 1080p display down to 11,6" :-o01:21
logtrippeh: Ooh, nice.01:22
trippehIPS too01:22
logToo small for me, though. :(01:22
glosolilog: I am not sure, was reading that Apple is top priority for Intel now, as nVidia kepler was delayed01:22
trippehThey do have a 13-something variant01:22
logOh, okay. Still a bit small.01:22
logglosoli: Hmm, interesting.01:22
trippehI'm on a 1920x1200 17" 'laptop' now, heh :P01:22
glosolitrippeh: yep, zenbooks look awesome01:22
logtrippeh: I have a 14.5", and it seems like a good size for me. A bit disappointed by the 1366x768 resolution, though. :/01:23
glosolilog: for me macbook pro would be the best choice of ability to develop apps for ubuntu and os x :)01:23
logglosoli: Or a Hackintosh. ;P01:23
glosolilog: I have 16" with that reso... pity Asus01:23
glosolilog: Hackintosh doesn't work good enough with laptops01:23
logglosoli: Haha, that's painful for that size.01:23
logYeah, I tried it in the past. Not so great.01:24
glosolilog: I want to be completely compatible with both Ubuntu and OS X01:24
logDaekdroom: Any luck with your PPA issue?01:24
glosolilog: Meanwhile if I wouldn't be a student And will be able to afford Personal Computer, hackintosh will work01:24
DaekdroomI'm working on it.01:24
DaekdroomUsing synaptic to downgrade the packages, but if I do it in the wrong order, it'll try to remove the whole system.01:24
logDaekdroom: Have you tried ppa-purge?01:25
logIt automatically downgrades stuff and removes the PPA.01:25
DaekdroomYes. It tried to break my system01:25
logOh. :(01:25
logI don't like using PPAs for critical stuff. ;P01:25
logDaekdroom: Let me know what happens. :)01:29
DaekdroomThe only thing I still have to revert now is gnome-keyring dependencies.01:31
DaekdroomI think I'ma try to add the ppa again, and purge it before doing the upgrade to it01:31
tbruff13can anyone help me with Kubuntu 12.04 and LTSP01:31
tbruff13I am having issues01:31
tbruff13I have been able to make LTSP work on the server01:32
logtbruff13: Maybe some people in #ltsp would have experience with 12.04 and LTSP...?01:33
logJust a suggestion.01:33
log(In case nobody responds here.)01:33
Daekdroomwith LTSP they would have, for sure.01:33
Daekdroom12.04? Maybe.01:33
logDaekdroom: Well, yes, the first part is a given. :P01:34
tbruff13now whenever I boot a client it loads the gtk startup stuff (which is fine) and when i log in i see the log in sign stuff for Kubuntu and then a black screen and a cursor and that is it01:34
DaekdroomAaaalmost fixed it.01:45
DaekdroomNow I must try and reinstall gwibber.01:45
Daekdroomand done. :D01:45
glosolihmm :D01:45
Daekdroom<3 synaptic01:46
glosolisynaptic is like old trusted guy01:48
logDaekdroom: You use Gwibber?01:50
logI was trying to get rid of Gwibber for a long time.01:50
DaekdroomBut what bothers me most about having it removed is that it's a recommended package for ubuntu-desktop.01:50
DaekdroomAnd I don't like to remove any of them.01:50
logThen they removed it from the ubuntu-desktop dependencies.01:50
logSo I was happy.01:50
logWait, it's still recommended?01:51
DaekdroomJust not a dependency01:51
Daekdroomi.e. you can install ubuntu-desktop without it01:51
glosoliGood Night :)01:53
mkultra_my glx-dock's broke01:56
mkultra_wont show icon stacks on some stacks upon boot01:56
logmkultra_: Have you asked in #cairo-dock?02:05
FyodorovnaSo anyone lost the crtl-alt-t=terminal?02:14
trippehFyodorovna: yes, but only in gnome-shell.02:52
log<trippeh> Fyodorovna: yes, but only in gnome-shell.02:55
tbruff13Can anyone help me an application in Kubuntu 12.04 is trying to gain root access by running gksu I have gksu installed and the window pops up but when i enter the correct password it says it is incorrect03:06
pangolinwhich application?03:07
tbruff13but i think i figured it out03:08
tbruff13i changed mode from sudo to su03:08
tbruff13nope it is still doing it03:09
tbruff13ill reboot and see if it fixes it03:09
=== haz3lnut is now known as haz3lnut_zzz
hakermaniaHello, I've find a very serious bug in 12.04. It actually has to do with losing focus when changing a wallpaper. This is how to reproduce: 1) Restart your system 2) Right click on desktop -> Change Desktop Backgeround05:14
hakermaniaThen, select an image an notice that everything was OK.05:14
hakermania(The image changed correctly)05:14
hakermaniaThen, hit  'Windows Key' to open the dashboard05:15
hakermania4)Try selecting another wallpaper and notice that the focus of the window is being lost.05:15
hakermaniaThis is a file pointing out the bug : http://www.mediafire.com/?vdp11uph7vyyb5j05:18
hakermaniaI filled a bug in gnome's bugzilla05:29
ubottuGnome bug 672375 in gsettings "Gsettings causes loss of focus" [Major,Unconfirmed]05:29
WilsonBradleyTrying to figure out how to turn off Firewall in Ubuntu , to see if that is the problem..09:05
Tm_TWilsonBradley: have you configured firewall?09:07
WilsonBradleyDont know how09:09
Tm_TWilsonBradley: then you most likely have none09:09
WilsonBradleySomething is not going through and wondering if the Ubuntu firewall was blocking it09:09
Tm_Ttechnically there is a firewall, but by default it doesn't block anything09:09
WilsonBradleySome app/package install might have enabled it09:09
Tm_Tcan't imagine what that could be09:10
Tm_Tbut you can see your iptables rules by "sudo iptables -L" in the commandline09:10
topylii don't think we'd allow an app to fiddle with your firewall without you knowing09:11
Tm_Ttopyli: indeed09:11
WilsonBradleyThank you for the heads up.. and the command line09:13
WilsonBradleyFor some reason my torrents arn't going through via Deluge09:13
topylidon't torrents clients wiggle their way through pretty much any firewall anyway?09:14
WilsonBradleyHumm, in Deluge under network , when I click Test Port- it shows a Red !09:16
WilsonBradleyI also have UPnP enabled in Deluge and Router09:17
DropsOfSerenityI play HoN and while playing there is a shortcut to use an item, it's a fullscreen game, and the shortcut is alt-q when i press alt, hud pops up, forcing the fullscreen application into windowed, then when hud closes, my application is left in windowed mode, how do I disable HUD in fullscreen applications?09:18
brendandDropsOfSerenity, HUD should only be summoned by a tap. If you're holding ALT down and it's appearing then I'm not sure what's up - the behaviour for me is as I described09:20
brendandDropsOfSerenity, maybe you're not really doing Alt+Q?09:20
brendandrather Alt,Q09:20
DropsOfSerenitybrendand, sometimes I need to tap alt, anything, and yeah I am, all the shortcuts are assigned to alt-q alt-w alt-e etc. I use them all the time when hud is disabled or when on windows, also alt-click pings the map, which is something i cannot do also when hud is enabled.09:21
DropsOfSerenityany shortcut in game requiring the alt key I cannot do when it's enabled, as it brings up hud09:22
DropsOfSerenitybrendand, this behavior is different, say in xchat or irssi, pressing alt-1 alt-2 changes tabs/windows and doesn't bring up hud09:22
DropsOfSerenitysame with firefox or any windowed application, it only seems to happen in fullscreen apps.09:23
brendandis HoN free? maybe i can try..09:24
DropsOfSerenityindeed, but it's a large download09:24
DropsOfSerenitylet me see if I can find a smaller app that has the same problem09:24
WilsonBradleyTrying to use Deluge . I have UpnP enabled on Router and Deluge, but still getting a Red! when clicking-check Port.. Is this normal behavior in Deluge?09:29
ironhalikWilsonBradley: you could try setting the port manually09:34
DropsOfSerenitybrendand, I suppose the better solution for me at least, would be to find a way to disable HUD while preserving alt-tab09:34
DropsOfSerenityonce the HUD keystroke is disabled, i cannot use alt-tab09:34
DropsOfSerenitysetting it back to alt again, re-enables alt-tab as well09:34
ironhalikDropsOfSerenity: yeah, theres a bug filed for that09:34
WilsonBradleyironhalik , Maually in Deluge? I did that09:35
ironhalikWilsonBradley: manually in your router09:35
DropsOfSerenityironhalik, do you have the link/ bug number?09:36
brendandDropsOfSerenity, I don't even know what HoN stands for? I'll try and download it (don't worry, i've plenty of bandwidth) and see what happens. Just need to know what to search for :)09:38
ironhalikbug #94581609:38
ubottuLaunchpad bug 945816 in compiz (Ubuntu) "[regression] Changing the HUD shortcut disables all Alt-based combinations. And changing the Dash shortcut disables all Super-based shortcuts." [Medium,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/94581609:38
DropsOfSerenitybrendand, Heroes of Newerth, but it's ok, don't worry about it, it's kind of a specific maneuveur you have to do, I think I will just submit a bug report.09:39
DropsOfSerenityironhalik, hmm looks like fix committed, thank you.09:41
WilsonBradleyIronhalik, yes. I did manual in both09:42
glosoliAnyone had success installing QuickTime plugin for Chromium/Chrome ?11:22
KM0201haven't tried, i didn't know chrome had a quicktime plugin for linux11:24
glosoliI am not sure if it has11:25
glosoliIt is said that Chrome can use plugins from firefox dir11:25
KM0201well, i dunno about that11:26
KM0201i know some it can (flash)11:26
KM0201not sure about QT though11:26
KM0201curious what video are you trying to watch?11:26
KM0201i'll check it see if it works for e11:26
KM0201as long as its not personal or porn11:26
glosoliWilling to watch Apple's conference on how they will spend on that billions11:26
KM0201well, not all of it, but send me a link11:27
KM0201i'm just upgrading my server right now, so i have time11:27
KM0201hmm, no joy here either11:30
glosoliKM0201: was I PM'ing you are some other guy ? :D11:31
glosoliI am not sure now ;D11:31
glosolijust woke up11:31
KM0201no, it was me..lol11:31
glosolidoh :DD such a shame11:31
KM0201hmm, not really sure on that one11:31
glosoliKM0201: it was said that Medibuntu repo can help with w64codecs hmm didin't ;D11:34
KM0201i;ve not used medibuntu in years11:34
glosolime too ;D11:34
KM0201just use ubuntu-restricted-extras11:34
glosoliAfter installing ubuntu restricted extras11:34
glosolimy fonts in skype11:34
glosolibecame bold11:34
KM0201i had a weird issue the other day, i installed vbox-ose, and it uninstalled skype as a conflicting package.,11:35
glosoliIt's a pity skype devs give not feedback about skypes future11:36
ryeglosoli: bug #74481211:37
ubottuLaunchpad bug 744812 in ubuntu-font-family-sources (Ubuntu Precise) "FontConfig/Qt stack choke on Ubuntu Medium font meta-data (No medium in Inkscape and too bold in Qt apps)" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/74481211:37
ryejust fwif11:37
glosoliwhat's fwiw ?11:38
ryeglosoli: for whoever is wondering11:39
ryeor for what it is worth (i remember seeing this interpretation too)11:39
glosolirye: do you have proper font config at the moment ?11:39
ryeglosoli: no, i use the default; you can check whether it is only skype by e.g. running keepasx - another qt app11:40
glosolirye: http://www.part.lt/img/43716c2ff242beec69fe4889e6d3ffa2452.png  is this how default should look like  ?11:40
ryebut it is not skype only, removing medium ubuntu font will un-bold the applications, as was the workaround for previous releases11:40
ryeglosoli: yes, that's how it looks, why?11:41
glosolifeels strange for that Sans 1311:41
glosoliah Sans 1211:41
glosoliUbuntu Mono 1311:41
thetinyjesushey so just confirming, running 12.04 beta 1 are the updates the same thing as updating to beta 2 once released?11:47
ubottuPackages in Ubuntu may not be the latest. Ubuntu aims for stability, so "latest" may not be a good idea. Post-release updates are only considered if they are fixes for security vulnerabilities, high impact bug fixes, or unintrusive bug fixes with substantial benefit. See also !backports, !sru, and !ppa.11:47
ubottuIf you install a development version of Ubuntu Precise and keep up with package updates, then you will be upgraded to the official release of 12.04 when it comes out. To make sure, type « sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade » in a terminal. Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1.11:47
Pici(sorry, still waking up)11:47
thetinyjesuswhats !final?11:48
PiciIts a trigger for ubottu.11:48
thetinyjesushow do you go about doing that, never done it11:48
KM0201did you read it?11:48
KM0201it says exactly what to do to stay current11:48
Pici« sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade »  will keep you upgrade to the latest version of Precise11:48
thetinyjesusi also do that, thats all !latest means? and are you saying i need to change my repositories to !latest?11:49
PiciNo. I used !latest accidentally.11:49
thetinyjesusohh okay11:49
KM0201i can't wait till release, then i can put 12.04 server on my NAS, and stop upgrading (10.04 didn't recognize my NIC)11:49
PiciI have a server here that I've been itching to upgrade too.11:50
thetinyjesusfor some reason, no distro recognizes my nvidia laptop graphics card11:50
thetinyjesusit says "install additional drivers" and never actually gives me the 3d11:50
KM0201i'm a gamer on upgrading my desktops/laptops... i'm not as proficient with the server OS, so i usually wait till final on it.11:50
thetinyjesusanyone have clues on getting a nvidia 430m card working in linux properly11:51
KM0201thetinyjesus: there were some issues w/ that card a while ago as i recall, but thats going from memory11:51
thetinyjesusKM0201: yeah it works worse than my 6 year old laptop without a dedicated graphics card...11:52
thetinyjesusand this laptop has an i5 idk whats up11:52
KM0201obviously some sort of hardware issue.11:52
thetinyjesusi spent more on a laptop with a nvidia card because everyone told me ATI were the only ones not really supported =/11:52
KM0201i do kinda wish the server OS, broke away from sudo.11:53
glosolirye: what if I open QT Styles Configuration dialog to set different fonts, would it help  ?11:53
thetinyjesusweirdest part is if you go to nvidia's site, they claim they have drivers for linux and the 430m card you would think they would work11:54
thetinyjesusbut only list it works with fedora, redhat and opensuse11:55
ryeglosoli: I don't know about this, sorry. Qt apps use Gtk engine to draw widgets when they are in Gnome, so if you select another theme (non-native one) and select different font it should work12:09
wcchandleri'm looking to fire up the network manager gui thing from an ssh session, what's the binary called or located?  Nothing looks familiar with running find -name 'network'12:50
psypher246hello all, does anyone know if anything has changed in the openvpn package, I am unable to generate client certificates, keep getting error: failed to update database,TXT_DB error number 213:02
psypher246suggestions online not helping13:02
Ian_Corneanyone running 12.04 server?13:11
neurein Files / Unity / Ubuntu 12.04 beta1, I can't scroll with mouse wheel13:28
neureshould i be able to do that?13:28
brendandneure, i can scroll13:30
neurereason found: running ubuntu in vbox13:36
notifyany sign of startup notifications being fixed, or even discussed, for xubuntu 12.04 ? got the beta, fully updated it, still no busy cursor. and virtually no discussion of this anywhere ...13:51
willhey guys. if you click on an application with multiple windows on the launcher, does it raise all of them, or just the most recent one?14:09
will(most recently focussed one)14:09
notifywill: try it and see. afaik this is a channel for discussion of upcoming releases14:22
willnotify: i have tried it, and it raises all of them14:24
willi'm trying to see if anyone else is having that problem too14:24
willdo you want to try it for me? :P14:24
willthe official stance by design is that it should only raise the most focussed, but right now it seems to raise all of them. does it do that for you? i'm trying to work out if it's a common bug so i can report it14:25
notifywill: you haven't said which variant you are using. i take it you mean vanilla ubuntu. i'm here to ask about issues in xubuntu ...14:26
willi'm using ubuntu 12.04. anyone running unity with 12.04 here willing to help me test this?14:27
notifythat's better. vague is not very helpful. also might help if you said which app or apps were giving you unexpected results14:28
willnotify: you could help me more if you let me knew what happens in the situation i described. thanks for the advice though :P14:30
notifywill: i'm not running vanilla 12.04 with unity. or i would try it14:31
notifywill: just so you know, gimp is notorious for not following regular wm hints and icccm stuff14:36
willnotify: it's actually occuring with every application, as far as i can tell14:37
willthe reason why i sounded so flustered just now is that i can find some pretty clear examples of john lea (on the design team) stating exactly what should happen but finding no bug reports relating to it14:38
notifywill: you still have not said which app or apps is giving you trouble. there aren't that many multi-window apps around, so maybe people could just play 20 questions :)14:38
willi thought i was going a bit mad :P14:38
notifydesign team of WHAT ?14:39
roastedis .gvfs going to be permanently housed under .cache when 12.04 is released?14:39
willnotify: by multi window, i literally mean any application that has more than one instance - that could explain why we were misunderstanding eachother14:39
willnotify: unity design team14:39
Hiob10hiobhi, i think i have found a bug, can you guys help me to report it?14:40
Hiob10hiobi wanna start helping ubuntu14:40
willfor example, when running unity, if you have 5 terminal windows and firefox is focussed, clicking on the terminal icon on the unity launcher should only bring the most recent terminal window to the forefront. instead, what it actually does is cloud your screen with every terminal window you have open14:40
willunder xubuntu you don't have this problem due to each window having a seperate place on the task bar14:41
willit's a surprisingly big usability problem which is why i was wondering if anyone else here had the problem14:43
philinuxwill: does this explain it. http://www.ubuntugeek.com/introduction-to-task-switching-in-ubuntu.html Also ask in here > http://ubuntuforums.org/forumdisplay.php?f=41214:44
notifywill: are you sure that the terminals are seperate, and not children of a main terminal app ? ps axf to see14:45
willphilinux: not hugely - check this out to see what should be happening: http://design.canonical.com/2012/03/task-switching-in-ubuntu-and-a-introduction-to-the-spread/#comment-2735614:45
notifywill: what i think is happening for you, is that the main terminal app spawns sub-windows not seperate app windows14:47
notifythis is completely normal14:47
willnotify: i'm seeing multiple "bash"s that seem to be children of gnome-terminal14:47
notifyonly one gnome-terminal tho14:47
notifyproblem solved14:48
willnotify: unfortunately the same behaviour also occurs with gcalctool/calculator, and they're definitely not children of a parent calculator according to ps axf :(14:48
willphilinux: are you having the same problem? this is the bug report i created: https://bugs.launchpad.net/unity/+bug/95933914:49
ubottuLaunchpad bug 959339 in unity "clicking on launcher item raises all app windows, not just most recently focussed" [Undecided,New]14:49
philinuxwill: I'm in 11.10 at the moment. i'll have a look later. Have you had a chat with the guys in the ubuntu+1 forum?14:51
willphilinux: i've not yet, but thanks for the link. :) i tried here first as it's more immediate. i'll try my hand at composing a thread after a cup of tea14:51
andreaxxxhello! any workaround for bug #941989?14:55
ubottuLaunchpad bug 941989 in gtk2-engines-oxygen (Ubuntu) "wrong textcolor in tooltip of gtk apps" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/94198914:55
=== ccmonster is now known as Guest88190
Guest88190hey, I keep getting errors about ubuntu-desktop when i do an update14:57
Guest88190is there a known issue with the current update?14:58
Guest88190Your system does not contain a ubuntu-desktop, kubuntu-desktop, xubuntu-desktop or edubuntu-desktop package and it was not possible to detect which version of Ubuntu you are running.14:59
Guest88190that's the error I get.14:59
notifyGuest88190: and is that correct ?14:59
Guest88190I am running gnome + gnome shell.15:00
notifydpkg --get-selections | grep desktop15:01
Guest88190did it.15:01
Guest88190ubuntu desktop is listed as installed15:01
notifyok sounds like a bug then :)15:02
Guest88190I'm getting all sorts of goofy errors since I went to +1, but only AFTER I updated past the beta15:02
Guest88190how do I roll back to +1 beta 1 again?15:03
PiciYou don't.15:03
Guest88190heha. okay then15:03
notifyGuest88190: if you can't go forward or back, try a nightly build15:03
neurewhich fonts are used on ubuntu desktop ?15:04
Guest88190well, I wouldn't mind going back to 12.04 beta 115:04
Guest88190neure, me?15:04
PiciThe beta just represents the archives at a specific point in time .15:04
Guest88190well there are 7 updates being 'kept back' and I wouldn't mind resolving that as well.15:04
Guest88190but the ubuntu-desktop issue apparently is what is holding me back15:05
notifyditch ubuntu-desktop, do the upgrade, add it back in is one idea15:05
philinuxGuest88190: have you tried dist-upgrade15:05
Guest88190I have not.15:05
Guest88190notify, that might be the trick.15:06
Guest88190that will be interesting, that's for sure.15:06
philinuxGuest88190: try it but dont just hit Y see what it wants to do15:06
Guest88190yea, im looking. let me past it in, it's short15:06
Guest88190linux-headers-3.2.0-19 linux-headers-3.2.0-19-generic linux-image-3.2.0-19-generic - NEW15:07
Guest88190Upgraded : libunity-2d-private0 linux-generic linux-headers-generic linux-image-generic15:07
philinuxGuest88190: Wait i'm in my chroot brb15:07
philinuxapt-get update && apt-get dist-upgrade >  gives this which is a no no15:08
philinuxThe following packages will be REMOVED15:08
philinux  ubuntu-desktop unity-2d unity-2d-launcher unity-2d-panel unity-2d-places unity-2d-shell unity-2d-spread15:08
philinuxThe following packages will be upgraded:15:08
philinux  evince evince-common ghostscript ghostscript-cups ghostscript-x indicator-appmenu libevince3-3 libgs9 libgs9-common15:08
philinux  libmetacity-private0 libqt4-dbus libqt4-declarative libqt4-designer libqt4-help libqt4-network libqt4-opengl libqt4-script15:08
philinux  libqt4-scripttools libqt4-sql libqt4-sql-mysql libqt4-sql-sqlite libqt4-svg libqt4-test libqt4-xml libqt4-xmlpatterns15:08
philinux  libqtcore4 libqtgui4 libunity-2d-private0 metacity metacity-common openssh-client qdbus ssh-askpass-gnome15:08
philinux33 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 7 to remove and 0 not upgraded.15:08
philinuxGuest88190: I'll wait a few hours and try again15:09
Guest88190you're saying I should wait?15:09
Guest88190what do you think the issue is ?15:09
notifyandreaxxx: i know that .gtkrc* are deprecated these days with gtk3. could be your colour chooser is (mistakenly) creating them15:09
neureis there something like Gnome Tweak in 12.04 ?15:09
neurei dont know how to change my fonts15:09
Guest88190should be in the settings15:09
philinuxThe packages are in a flux. Simple not ready to upgrade yet15:09
bazhang!find gnome-tweak15:09
Guest88190I see.15:09
ubottuFound: gnome-tweak-tool15:10
Guest88190odd that it's already being pushed for upgrade then?15:10
neurefunny that it isnt installed by default :/15:10
philinuxGuest88190: No packages are loaded but at times not all are complete. Welcome to testing ;015:10
Guest88190haha yea. just figured it wouldn't be under the 'stable' tag15:10
neureand software center simply calls it "Advanced Settings"15:11
Guest88190I'm not using proposed or w/e15:11
neurecan i somehow change the default orange color?15:11
philinuxneure: That because peeps have borked there system messing with fonts15:11
Guest88190system settings should allow you to change all the colors and fonts.15:11
philinuxGuest88190: You cant change fonts from system settings either as above or myunity I think15:12
neurewell it doesnt have anything at all on fonts15:12
neureneither do i see a way to select myself the orange color15:12
neurei suppose that color is part of theme15:13
philinuxneure: Type twaek in the dash >Advanced settings > Fonts15:13
willGuest88190: i get partial upgrades offered all the time. if you just wait it usually solves itself15:13
neurephilinux: i got it now but i had to install itr first15:13
neureis there anything that lets you edit themes?15:13
notifynow you are all awake and lively, any movement on the missing-in-action xubuntu startup notifications ?15:13
Guest88190yea, i got a partial upgrade message when I tried with the update manager. In the CL though it doesn't mention anything about partial15:14
willGuest88190: are you using 12.04 with unity?15:14
* Guest88190 wishes they'd go to gnome shell fully15:14
willah i guess not :P15:14
Guest88190im on gnome shell15:14
willi'm trying to corrall an unsuspecting victim into testing something for me15:15
Guest88190haha. yeaaa...uh, probably couldn't help you on this machine :)15:15
willworth a try. :P15:15
philinuxAlways keep an eye here guys >http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=194336315:15
glosoliwill: what do you want to test ?15:16
notifyandreaxxx: i know that .gtkrc* are deprecated these days with gtk3. could be your colour chooser is (mistakenly) creating them15:16
willglosoli: i'm wanting to see if window raising behaviour when clicking on launcher icons is raising all windows of an application or just the last, most recently focussed one15:16
glosoliwill: the last one if multiple instances were used, how it works for me, or shows everyone if they all are at the same workspace15:17
philinuxNever do a partial with update mangler15:17
willglosoli: you'll have to clarify... this is a single click, right? not with the spread15:18
notifyupdate mangler. epic :)15:18
glosoliwill: single click hmm15:18
philinuxnotify:  It only has this title during testing ;)15:18
Guest88190well when I use update mangler i get the partial update nonsense. Through CLI I just get kept back chatter15:19
willglosoli: a single click should only raise a single window of an application with multiple instances15:19
philinuxI've just done a normal update upgrade in chroot and these are kept back which is normal. The following packages have been kept back:15:20
philinux  libunity-2d-private0 unity-2d-panel unity-2d-shell unity-2d-spread15:20
glosoliwill: I like that it shows every windows of application :)15:20
Guest88190i had 7 held back15:20
glosoliwill: but only on the current workspace it shows15:20
willglosoli: that's happening for you, right? it's happening for me too, but it's a bug15:20
glosoliwill: I kinda like this bug :DD15:20
willglosoli: i'm not sure that hugely matters, though i'm glad you confirmed it for me :)15:20
glosoliwill: np :)15:21
willglosoli: out of curiosity, why do you like it? i find it quite annoyin15:21
notifypeople with 5 terminal windows open deserve to have their desktop inundated, if you ask me15:22
glosoliwill: dunno, just felt like so, although it doesn't matter for me :D Mostly using tabs in most apps. hmm one thign I get, Max Min Close buttons for maximized windows are not in right position and while doing Super+S if Unity Launcher is always shown, having that free pixels which are not used, so they could be cut somehow15:22
notifygnome-terminal even has tabs, for crying out loud15:23
glosoliyep :>15:23
glosoliAnd you can even set title for tab :>15:23
willnotify: the scenario where it gets me is where i am programming with say, gedit. i have 3 or so firefox windows open behind the gedit window, but i'm only interested in having one of those firefox windows to refer back to (an article on the latest such and such with the whatsit)15:23
willi click on the firefox icon to bring up my article, but now i have to get rid of all the extra FF windows that are brought up with it15:24
will(replace firefox with any other program that you might want to refer back to - a calculator for example)15:25
notifywill: yes that would be a total nightmare. but you could always use tabs in firefox, as an interim hack15:27
willnotify: yeah, you're right on both counts. it doesn't work for something that doesn't support tabs, though15:28
philinuxwill: here's a workaround for you. http://www.ubuntugeek.com/unity-window-quicklists.html15:28
will(and tabs are a bit iffy anyway, as they're sort of a hack to deal with over crowded window task bars anyway)15:28
willphilinux: i actually just found that before posting my bug report, but thanks. :) the main reason i asked here was because i couldn't find anyone but me and apparently alan bell who was finding this awkward)15:29
gain_hi all15:33
roastedDoes anybody know if .gvfs will be located in .cache when 12.04 is officially released?15:44
philinuxroasted: It's on it's own at the mo and we are past feature freeze15:53
roastedphilinux: reason I ask is I previously would use rsync and --exclude=.gvfs, but I noticed in 12.04 its in .cache/gvfs. I just was curious if anybody knew so I could alter my script accordingly.15:55
roastedphilinux: then again, I noticed the -x flag in the rsync man page, citing "do not cross file system boundaries." I'm going to test and see if -x would take care of the need for --exclude=.gvfs anyway, since it would cite do not cross file system boundaries and gvfs is a virtual file system...15:55
roastedbut I'm not sure, and nobody else seem sto know definitively if -x does that exact thing. imagine that? :P15:56
roastedmaybe our hero ActionParsnip would know?15:56
philinuxroasted: Thats gvfs not .gvfs15:56
roastedphilinux: .gvfs is what it is now, in /home/user. gvfs is simply within .cache now in 12.04.15:57
roastedstill hidden, just 1 dir lower15:57
philinuxI've got /home/user/.gvfs and /home/user/.cache/gvfs15:59
roastedlost connection16:02
roastedI do not have .gvfs, just .cache/gvfs16:02
notifysame here16:02
roastedif -x will negate the need to worry about exclude tags for .gvfs, I'd like to do that.16:03
roastedhalf day today, I'm heading home here in a few, so I'll get to test it out myself16:03
Ian_Corneit does what it says roasted16:05
imarkanyone on precise got cinnamon working recently?16:06
ActionParsnipcinammon isn't support here16:07
roothorickI'm getting the ubuntu-desktop error from update manager again. Do I just wait it out again?16:07
ActionParsniproothorick: what's the error?16:07
roothorickI get two16:08
roothorickhold on, I'm upgrading partially from the terminal atm16:08
ActionParsniproothorick: can you pastebin the text please16:09
roothorickhold on, will you? I have a partial upgrade running in a terminal16:09
ActionParsnipi'm here about another 3 hours :D16:10
imarki know, just canvassing opinions from other precise users, i can get it to work on 11.10 but not on 12.0416:10
philinuxActionParsnip: From a chroot update && upgrade > The following packages have been kept back:16:10
philinux  libgnome-desktop-3-2 libunity-2d-private0 unity-2d-panel unity-2d-shell unity-2d-spread16:10
philinuxdist-upgrade wants to remove ubuntu-desktop etc16:11
ActionParsnipphilinux: you can remove ubuntu-desktop, it's a hollow metapackage16:11
philinuxActionParsnip: usual waiting game for the repos > The following packages will be REMOVED16:11
philinux  ubuntu-desktop unity-2d unity-2d-launcher unity-2d-panel unity-2d-places unity-2d-shell unity-2d-spread16:11
ActionParsnipphilinux: are there bugs reported?16:11
philinuxActionParsnip: I've seen this before just normal for testing16:12
topylijust don't upgrade right now16:20
willActionParsnip: you using unity? what do you think of this? https://bugs.launchpad.net/unity/+bug/959339  :P16:22
ubottuLaunchpad bug 959339 in unity (Ubuntu) "clicking on launcher item raises all app windows, not just most recently focussed" [Undecided,Confirmed]16:22
ActionParsnipwill: yeah unity here to test16:22
ActionParsnipwill: freaky16:23
topyliheh, someone has a pet peeve today :)16:23
willtopyli: you bet. :P it's annoyed me for a little while so today i decided to persue it. and i know ActionParsnip is geek enough to be interested :P16:23
ActionParsniplet me see..16:25
ActionParsnipcan't say I've used multiple windows of the same app. I use tabs16:25
willActionParsnip: must be just me then. what about things like the calculator?16:26
topyliin gnome-shell, the last active window is focused16:26
topylishell users aren't really supposed to minimize windows, so that's (at least theoretically) not a problem16:27
ActionParsnipwill: duckduckgo does taht, there is also a Unity thing for that :)16:27
notifyi think he left16:28
willwhoops. crashed my computer. back now16:29
topyliif i *do* minimize a few terminals, the last active is restored16:29
willdoes anyone get a corrupted screen full of old video memory when logging into ubuntu 12.04 using unity greeter/lightdm?16:29
topylibut this is shell, i'm just comparing for reference :)16:29
ActionParsniptopyli: does it happen as a fresh user?16:30
topylihow fresh do you want? it's a clean precise installation, installed at around alpha216:30
ActionParsniptopyli: ahh i see, should be ok then. wortha try just for kicks16:31
notifyActionParsnip: you seem to know which side is up, so i was just wondering about missing startup notifications on xubuntu 12.04. heard any talk ?16:31
topyliActionParsnip: shell and unity window management are in no way connected though. i'm just reporting how it's designed on the other side :)16:32
ActionParsnipnotify: how do you mean 'which side is up'?16:36
ActionParsniptopyli: gotcha16:36
notifyActionParsnip: it means you know or appear to know what you are talking about. british idiomatic phrase16:46
philinuxActionParsnip: kaziweb is #ubuntu needs a kick16:49
philinuxHe left anyway16:50
ActionParsnipI'm not an op16:51
philinuxActionParsnip: who is there. I can take ops in a couple of channels but not that one16:51
=== bulldog98_ is now known as bulldog98
Piciphilinux: drop in #ubuntu-ops next time to report something like that.16:58
ljtis there any reason why 12.04 beta 1 alternate iso is missing the /casper directory? It means I can't easily boot it loopback from my usb key :(17:09
MechanisMhello my unity launcher not showing up when I select autohide or dodge active window17:12
MechanisMI don't like that unity launcher always using so much space on left17:13
MechanisMI need full size of my screen17:13
MechanisMautohide not working17:13
ljtpress windows key?17:14
MechanisMeven if icons size is 32px - I'm still don't like permanent unity.17:14
MechanisMI wanted like earlier17:14
MechanisMmove mouse on right and it appears17:14
MechanisMon left*17:14
MechanisMljt windows key works but as I see in settings it's should appear when I move mouse on right17:16
MechanisMon left* =(17:16
ljtI can't remember how I set mine up, but mine autohides17:16
ljtto make it appear, I have to put my mouse arrow to the top left, then swipe down17:17
ljtMechanisM: any luck trying top left corner?17:21
trismMechanisM: did you set it to autohide in System Settings/Appearance/Behavior?17:21
MechanisMtrism yep, ljt sometimes works both wariants17:22
MechanisMsometimes works but sometimes I need to move mouse on left again and back and again to get it working.. very laggy17:23
MechanisMbtw if my cursor is close to left and I'm moving to edge - launcher doesn't appear, but when I move way right 500-700px and back to left edge then it okay.17:25
trismMechanisM: oh I see, it seems to have some sort of gravity now, I need to really whack it to make it pop up, hmm17:25
MechanisMIf you're developer and have TeamViewer I can show you17:26
trismMechanisM: I am not a unity developer, so wouldn't help much, plus I think I see what you are talking about anyway17:26
trismMechanisM: may be some setting in ccsm to tweak it a bit, I'll take a look17:27
MechanisMI mean unity launcher appears on;y if it was long distance between mouse start and left edge.17:27
MechanisMIf i'm starting to move mouse from 100-300 px from left to left edge - unity launcher don't appears17:28
philinuxYou can change that with Myunity I think17:28
philinuxOr ccsm17:28
ljtsounds like a new feature to prevent accidental menu opening17:28
MechanisMI tried myunity, ubuntu tweak and other things - no luck17:28
trismMechanisM: I don't think it is distance so much as speed of approach, kind of reminds me of the resistance when moving between monitors in a dual screen unity setup17:29
MechanisMI see some shadow appears in that time. but launcher don't appears17:29
MechanisMsome blur or shadow on left17:30
trismMechanisM: yeah I see the same thing17:30
MechanisMso now you now what I mean17:30
MechanisMI hope you can expalin it to devs in better english than mine lol17:30
MechanisMbtw ubntu xx.04 always released on 26 of april? or only this year?17:33
MechanisMmy birthday on 26 of april. will be nice present from ubuntu lol.17:34
philinuxMechanisM: I've got the launcher set to never hide ;)17:35
trismMechanisM: found it, in ccsm go to unity/experimental and set launcher reveal pressure to a lower value17:36
blairin https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/apr/+bug/957727, James Page said "Looking at the upstream changelog this should not need a FFe as its bugfixes only."  What is a FFe?17:36
MechanisMI want like it was in ubuntu 11.10 just hide under active vindow but appear if i move mouse on left17:36
ubottuLaunchpad bug 957727 in apr (Ubuntu) "apr: update to 1.4.6 to fix svn fsfs repository corruption" [Undecided,New]17:36
trismMechanisM: at 1 it pops right up immediately17:36
MechanisMok, hold on17:37
trismMechanisM: seems to be set to 20 by default which makes it tougher, although if you drag you mouse to the edge, stop and then continue dragging a bit it seems to pop up even with the higher pressure17:37
philinuxMechanisM: I think this will still work on 12.04 http://askubuntu.com/questions/37083/how-can-i-change-the-unity-launcher-delay17:38
philinuxscroll down for 11.10 settings that should work with 12.0417:38
philinuxignore too much coffe17:39
trismit is there, just gotta scroll a bit lower to the 12.04 & Unity answer17:39
MechanisMohh great now it's works like a charm17:40
MechanisMthanxx guys!!17:40
philinuxtrism: I didn't scroll far enough lol17:40
philinuxIt's all coming together nicely eh what17:41
MechanisMwhich browser you using? if chromium - did you noticed that chromium-daily ppa is not maintained anymore? last release in january version 18+ while today is march and version is 19+17:44
MechanisMI bet all chromium repos not maintained.17:45
sandGorgonanyone know how to configure Unity's alt-tab switcher to show all windows (and not just groups). I know that CCSM's static switcher allows that, but I'd rather do it in Unity itself.17:53
ActionParsnipsandGorgon: the alt-tab behavoiur is managed by compiz, so ccsm is where to configure it17:57
MechanisMalso wanted to say if I'm in ubuntu and install xubuntu-desktop - I'm able to choose xubuntu session while login. but after this, when I login back to ubuntu(unity) I'm visually see conflicts in indicators on top right18:02
MechanisMlike war of xfce indicators with unity ones18:02
MechanisMand always xfce wins. so I'm need to run unity --replace to fix it.18:02
sandGorgonActionParsnip, I understand - what I meant was that I needed to use "Static Application Switcher" instead of the Unity plugin provided one to make this happen. I am gonna be responsible to deploy ubuntu 12.04 on a lot of machines (up from 10.04) and I really dont want to do the painful way of configuring CCSM using a million clicks. Any simple way of automating this ?18:03
MechanisMeven after I removed all xfce installed apps and session etc - it's still appears =(18:03
willMechanisM: have you removed *all* of the xfce related stuff?18:08
MechanisMwill yep18:15
ActionParsnipsandGorgon: could work out the CLI way, or make an image of the system with that setting and then use that as the installed thing18:28
neyder_hi there!19:35
trismneyder_: hello again, seems edubuntu-desktop depends on ubuntu-desktop so my guess is you have unity-greeter, the greeter-hide-users=true option should work in that case if you added it to the appropriate file19:35
trismneyder_: there is also a new option if you are up to date, greeter-show-manual-login=true which will just show the login button in addition to the users19:36
trismneyder_: can you pastebin your /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf file?19:37
neyder_trism, http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/891161/19:40
neyder_if i set greeter-hide-user=true it only shows gues session19:40
neyder_if it is no set, as users.conf doesn't work, hidden-users=[balblabal] shows all the users19:42
trismneyder_: oh I see what you mean, that's new19:42
trismneyder_: try including greeter-show-manual-login=true in addition to greeter-hide-users=true (about to test it myself)19:42
trismneyder_: yeah fixes it here19:43
neyder_it works to show a new item that says login19:43
neyder_(itś in spanish so, sorry if i can tell the right word)19:44
trismyes it says login in english here as well19:44
neyder_but im thinking, it's not a good solution, i'm a teacher and I have installed 50 +  edubuntu 12.04 worksations (i know it's in beta1) and to give all the user to pur prim_4to_a (or something like) isn a good idea19:45
neyder_as a user, i mean19:46
trismneyder_: what exactly are you trying to accomplish?19:46
neyder_is there a way to hide some users as i want in users.conf ?19:46
neyder_to hide " prim_3ro_a prim_3ro_b prim_4to_a prim_4to_b prim_5to_a prim_5to_b sec_4to_b sec_5to_b" users19:46
trismneyder_: I am not entirely sure how, since users.conf is ignored when using accountsservice, I will try to figure it out19:47
neyder_and show all the others19:47
neyder_ok ill put that line in lightdm.conf19:47
neyder_an here we go!19:48
neyder_nope it doesn work19:48
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
bipolarDoes anyone know what documentation I should be using to set up preseeding for 12.04? I have a pxe install up and running for 11.04, but the option I am using there don't configure apt properly. I use apt-cacher-ng and the install ends up using gb.archive.ubuntu.org instead of my local server. Here is my 11.04 preseed file: http://pastebin.com/ha95GkEw19:49
neyder_bipolar will work very well 11.1019:49
neyder_i have used it and worked very good19:50
bipolarI'm following 12.04 to roll out for workstations.19:50
trismneyder_: hmm, bug 857651 doesn't give me much hope of getting this working with accountsservice...19:50
ubottuLaunchpad bug 857651 in accountsservice (Ubuntu) "Unable to hide users from login screen / user switcher" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/85765119:50
=== sskalnik__ is now known as sskalnik
bipolarIf there is some bug in the installer, I'd like to find it so it can be corrected before the LTS release.19:51
neyder_bipolar, my very pressed file http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/891178/19:54
neyder_wll part of it19:54
* neyder_ has a very bad orthography ause he is spanish speaker :-P19:56
bipolarneyder_, no problem.19:56
bipolarneyder_, have you tried it with 12.04?19:56
neyder_i have installed many machines wiht 12.0419:57
neyder_i making an early deployement in my school, and i will no wait until stable release. (i know is so crazy)19:58
neyder_but i've not used a different port than :8019:58
neyder_it was an offline installation too19:59
bazhangHUD it is IWorld20:00
IWorldhead up displayx20:00
bazhangI think you meant hud when you said hub20:00
ubottuUbuntu 12.04 LTS will include the first step in a major new approach to application interfaces, the Head-Up Display, or HUD, which will ultimately replace menus in Unity applications. See http://ubottu.com/y/hud for the background on this and discuss it in #ubuntu+1 or #ubuntu-offtopic20:01
bazhangIWorld, ^20:01
IWorldCan I use in Ubuntu 12.04 with normal menues?20:01
glosoliIWorld: you mean application menus not global menu ?20:02
bazhangIWorld, normal meaning what?20:02
IWorldthe menu bar in the top, I think global menues.20:02
bipolarneyder_, hmmm... maybe the ":" is breaking something now.20:02
bipolarneyder_, I'll try your file with my server and see what happens.20:03
neyder_trism, i 've read all the report, it a bad new for me, I have a lot of users that dont't will loggin until august20:05
neyder_bipolar, i have a trick, after installation i put in /etc/hosts " archive.ubuntu.com archive.canonical.com extras.ubuntu.com" on the workstations so i workaround that it will anonying me20:09
neyder_" gb.archive.ubuntu.com archive.canonical.com extras.ubuntu.com" if you can define something like that trought dhcp in your server, it will be more easy20:10
bipolarneyder_, oh... so your sources.list doesn't have your own mirror set after the install?20:10
trismneyder_: if it is possible to control the uids, as a workaround you could make those users uid less than 1000, then they won't show up, not sure there is much else you can do until the bug is fixed20:11
neyder_nope it has archive.ubuntu.com20:11
bipolarcrap. that's what I'm trying to fix20:11
neyder_it's easy with /etc/hosts and apache havin virtual servers :-D20:11
neyder_FernandoMiguel, \o20:11
neyder_but if you can define it with dhcp you can help me much a lot (havin a local mirror with wifi hot spot for my laptops without changing sources.list)20:12
glosoliFernandoMiguel: evening :)20:14
* neyder_ is downloadig 3.1 GiB with apt-mirror to update 12.04 workstations20:14
FernandoMiguel$ sudo ionice -c3 zsync -i /boot/precise-desktop-amd64.iso -o precise-desktop-amd64.iso http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily-live/current/precise-desktop-amd64.iso20:15
FernandoMiguel#################### 100.0% 713.7 kBps DONE20:15
FernandoMiguelBad line - not a zsync file? "3퐐����������������������������3���"20:15
=== ccmonster is now known as Guest7330
trismFernandoMiguel: forget the .zsync extension in the url?20:19
FernandoMiguelthat error could be more clear :) or I should learn to read20:20
neyder_see you soon, is time to lunch20:21
glosoliI am interested will kernel which Ubuntu using now adopt any features from Kernel 3.3 ?20:26
glosolifor Precise20:26
almoxarifedoes the xorg-edgers ppa now include kernel 3.3?20:28
glosoliI am interested in that too20:29
tbruff13 can anyone help me figure out what package Kubuntu power manager is so i can update a bug report20:33
=== MrChrisDruif is now known as BrokenThumb
bipolarI'll be damned... putting the hostname:port in quotes fixed it.20:41
BrokenThumbHai everyone, can someone help me diagnose a network issue in precise? From time to time my connection seems flooded or something and goes to 0/0 up/down20:43
Roasted_I noticed gvfs changed locations in 12.04. Is this permanent?20:55
* BrokenThumb doesn't know Roasted_ 21:07
spacebug-How nice. I made a bug report some time ago and now saw that mine was a duplicate of another bug and that is being worked on ;)    (now I just have to know how to change mine to duplicate)21:17
logspacebug-: Which bug?21:19
BrokenThumbspacebug-; indeed, which bug are we talking about?21:22
FernandoMiguelhey Roasted_!!!!21:25
BrokenThumbHai everyone, can someone help me diagnose a network issue in precise? From time to time my connection seems flooded or something and goes to 0/0 up/down21:26
thetinyjesuswill the beta of 12.04 upgrade to the RC or is it better to just reinstall the RC21:58
BrokenThumbthetinyjesus; the beta will upgrade to beta 2 and eventually will become the normal 12.04 release22:02
willthetinyjesus: it took me a minute to realise what was going on there22:03
thetinyjesusthank you22:05
BrokenThumbHmm, too bad nobody has experience with troubleshooting internet on precise22:09
glosoliAnyone knows if some parts of Kernel 3.3 will be included in Ubuntu Precise Kernel 3.2.x22:09
glosoli  ?22:09
=== Inusaito is now known as Lirusaito
ripper_I have an issue with skype and X apparently22:48
ripper_when someone tries to send me video, it logs me out back to lightdm22:48
FernandoMiguelwe all do22:48
FernandoMiguelit freezes my system a lot22:49
ripper_it doesnt do that to me22:49
ripper_hi fubsi22:49
fubsiripper_, just start skype like this and see wot log file says22:50
ripper_thats what im doing22:50
ripper_trying to find someone to send me video22:50
fubsibut as I say, 12.04 is beta22:50
fubsiripper_, so wot does it give?22:50
fubsiripper_, if u have the log text, paste it here: http://www.heypasteit.com/22:52
fubsiripper_, i still have 5 min ... need to go then22:54
trippehHmm, keep losing window decorations in unity.22:55
fubsi... okay, i need to go ... sry, hope u get it running, ripper_22:57
BlakJakrighto here's a Q.. Xubuntu.. anyone know if the behavior of the panel/toolbar when fully occupied with apps can be modified?23:00
snadgeyes.. substituting xfce for unity modifies that behaviour23:03
BlakJakhar har.23:03
snadgei dont wanna go to work :(23:04
BlakJaki've been at work for 3 hours already23:05
snadgei use unity at work ;)23:09
snadgei tried xfce4 once.. and had to stop the uncontrollable urge to vomit23:09
snadgeits like a poverty stricken version of gnome 223:09
snadgeperhaps i should try it for more than 2 minutes.. to be fair23:10
BlakJakfair point :p23:10
BlakJakI moved from gnome2 to xfce423:10
BlakJak(ubuntu 10.10 to xubunut 12.04b1)23:10
snadgeid use gnome-shell before i used xfce.. followed by gnome-shell in fallback mode ;)23:11
BlakJaktrying to avoid Unity. Seems to be working23:11
* BrokenThumb moved from gnome2 > unity> gnome323:11
BrokenThumbYes, gnome-shell you nitpicks ;-)23:11
snadgei clung onto gnome 2 for dear life.. tried gnome 3 for a few days.. hated it.. tried unity for a few days.. also hated it.. continue to use unity, its grown on me23:12
BlakJakyeah... but xfce is actually pretty good23:12
BlakJaki don't need too much bling, i just want function.. i'm here to run my apps, not my desktop23:12
snadgeironically thats what i like about unity23:12
snadgemy launcher auto hides.. so i just see my apps and a narrow panel at the top23:13
BlakJakyeah... so does the xfce dock23:13
snadgetask switchers are so 199523:13
Patrickdkhmm? who is using deskview?23:14
Patrickdkoh wait, all the iphone/ipads do that :)23:15
=== ripper is now known as ripper_
ripper_http://nopaste.info/3095eca611.html there is my logs i need help this is with skype crashing Xorg23:26

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