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pittiGood morning04:16
didrocksgood morning06:02
pittibonjour didrocks, ca va?06:03
didrockspitti: guten morgen! I'm fine, thanks, and you?06:06
pittididrocks: quite fine, thanks! just got up very early06:07
pittididrocks: my brain started telling me all the things I need to do today before I get sedated and teeth operation :)06:07
didrockspitti: ah, teeth operation, round 2 today? :)06:08
pittiyep, the other two wisdom teeth06:08
didrocksgood luck, hope it will go as smootly as the first two of them :)06:09
* didrocks catches up on Friday + week-end's email06:10
didrocksskying was nice, but backlog when you come back is not ;)06:10
* RAOF wonders what "skying" is.06:11
pittididrocks: skying?06:12
pittioh, skiing?06:12
* pitti hopes didrocks didn't fall from the sky06:12
pitti"if at first you don't succeed, then maybe skydiving isn't for you"06:13
didrocksahah :)06:13
didrocksyeah, skiing06:13
didrockswas clearly the last possible week-end for it seeing the temperature :)06:14
didrocksbut weather was splendid and snow was good06:14
pittiwe had a marvellous spring Sunday here06:14
pittiwe got out the garden table and seats again, and after Badminton we just sat outside for two hours and let the sun shine on our belly06:14
didrocksah nice, temperature here should be approximatly the same, I'm pondering working from my balcoon again :)06:15
tjaaltonthe window borders' grab area is 1pix wide after some recent update?07:10
pittiyes, here too, even on 3D07:10
pitti(it was never fixed on 2D, I believe)07:10
pittiwhat happened to the resize handles / bigger area?07:10
tjaaltonyeah the lower right corner area is gone as well07:11
tjaaltonnew light-themes perhaps?07:12
tjaaltonbut looks like light-themes changes got lost07:17
micahgtjaalton: gtk resize grips patches reverted?07:18
micahgthat happened, idk if that's the cause of what you're seeing though07:18
tjaaltontjaalton: where was that?07:18
tjaaltonah, gtk07:19
tjaalton"unity has resize borders".. doesn't look like it07:19
pittiso, off to doctor stuff, see you tomorrow!07:25
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didrockssee you pitti, good luck :)07:38
xclaessehm, after today's update, "git pull" (over ssh) is asking for my ssh password again, what's the trick to make ssh-agent do its job ?08:31
SweetsharkG'Morning all!08:33
didrocksgood morning Sweetshark08:34
Sweetsharkdidrocks: since pitti is at the doctor getting rid of his wisdom, how about you uploading libreoffice-3.5.1-1ubuntu108:34
didrocksSweetshark: that can't wait for tomorrow? I'm not sure to be able to do that today, I have a lot of shutdown/restart to do while releasing -2d08:35
Sweetsharkdidrocks: no, it was already postponed from friday and 3.5.1 fixes some nasty bugs that are spawning dupes on launchpad without end.08:37
Sweetsharkdidrocks: besides our current LO is actually ftbfs because someone broke it with a kdelibs update08:37
didrocksSweetshark: I can do it, but only this evening I guess08:38
didrocksSweetshark: I'll have to restart my session, and the time to upload a libroffice release…08:38
micahgSweetshark: I'm the other pilot today, but I won't be able to get to it for another 18.5 hours08:38
didrocksah, yeah, harass the patch pilot otherwise, it's done for that :)08:38
Sweetsharkbug 95878108:39
ubot2`Launchpad bug 958781 in libreoffice "kde4libs updates breaks LibreOffice build (ftbfs)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/95878108:39
Sweetsharkdidrocks: cant you upload directly from chinstrap?08:39
didrocksSweetshark: there is not my gpg key there08:40
micahgSweetshark: if the build is going to fail, it shouldn't be uploaded, have you fixed the failure that bryceh found yet?08:40
Sweetsharkmicahg: yes, its fixed.08:40
Sweetsharkdidrocks, micahg: keep in mind that when you upload now and it will still take some ~6 ours to show up in the repos on the fastest platforms ...08:42
didrocksstill can't upload it before this evening apart if you want to handle the unity 2d release, make some gnome-control-center patch as well :p08:43
micahgSweetshark: I'm about to go to sleep, so no go here08:44
micahgSweetshark: you might be able to get bryceh to do it in ~7-9 hours08:44
Sweetsharkmicahg: k, thanks08:45
seb128is somebody here getting the gtk "highlight of menus doesn't work"?09:05
seb128i.e the touchpad mouse enter bug09:06
tkamppeterpitti, hi09:13
seb128tkamppeter, hey, not sure he's still around, he has a dentist appointement today for his remaining wisdom teeth, not sure at what time it is though09:21
glatzorhello mvo09:26
seb128hey glatzor, how are you?09:27
glatzorServus seb128! Fine. How are you?09:28
seb128I'm good thanks!09:28
mvohey glatzor09:30
Sweetsharkseb128, tkamppeter: pitti already waved off at 8:30. wish him luck.09:35
mptseb128, desrt: mvo says I should show you this curious problem: "gsettings get com.ubuntu.update-notifier auto-launch" returns false, but gconf-editor shows it as true, and update-notifier is behaving as if it is true.09:38
seb128mpt, dconf-editor you mean?09:39
mptseb128, yes09:39
seb128yes, known issue09:39
seb128the editor doesn't understand overrides09:39
seb128which is what we use to set distribution default values when they are different from upstream09:39
seb128the "update-notifier is behaving as if it is true" is a bug in update-notifier09:40
seb128the gsettings api will return the correct value09:40
mptseb128, thanks. To return the favor, I'm getting the "highlight of menus doesn't work" bug.09:41
mptAnything I can help you with? I know there's a bug report about it, at least09:41
seb128mpt, I would welcome you install the gtk version from https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-desktop/+archive/ppa when it will be done building09:42
seb128i.e in half an hour09:42
seb128and let me know if that fixes the menu issue for you09:42
seb128mpt, thanks09:42
chrisccoulsongood morning everyone09:42
seb128hey chrisccoulson, how are you?09:42
chrisccoulsonseb128, yeah, good thanks. got some peace and quiet here today (jo and ruby are going to see family) :-)09:43
chrisccoulsonhow are you?09:43
seb128chrisccoulson, I'm good thanks09:44
mvoseb128: hm, but mpt is getting "gsettings get com.ubuntu.update-notifier auto-launch" false so update-notifier is behaving "correct" (for this setting). but he said he never changed/touched this setting. any ideas about this?09:44
seb128mvo, "update-notifier is behaving as if it is true." he wrote?09:45
mptmvo, seb128: The behavior changed as soon as I upgraded to Pangolin.09:45
mptseb128, ah, sorry. update-notifier is behaving as if it is false.09:45
mptSo maybe not a bug in update-notifier but a bug in the upgrade09:45
seb128ok, it makes sense09:45
seb128mpt, what about "gconftool --get /apps/update-notifier/auto_launch"09:46
mptseb128, "No value set for `/apps/update-notifier/auto_launch'"09:47
seb128gsettings reset com.ubuntu.update-notifier auto-launch09:47
seb128gsettings get com.ubuntu.update-notifier auto-launch09:47
mptseb128, "false"09:48
mptso, that's not right09:48
seb128mpt, strace gsettings get com.ubuntu.update-notifier auto-launch 2>&1  | grep compiled09:48
seb128mpt, can you pastebin that ?09:48
mptseb128, http://paste.ubuntu.com/890407/09:49
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seb128mpt, grep auto-launch /usr/share/glib-2.0/schemas/*09:50
mptseb128, http://paste.ubuntu.com/890414/09:52
seb128mpt, mvo: ^ there you go, xubuntu override the key09:52
seb128mpt, xubuntu-default set a different value09:53
chrisccoulsonthat sucks09:53
chrisccoulsonis there not a way to do that on a per-session basis?09:53
mptseb128, that didn't happen when I installed the Xubuntu stuff in 11.10 ... only after the upgrade09:53
seb128chrisccoulson, didrocks by then did something like that for gconf IIRC, not sure about gsettings09:53
seb128mpt, well, maybe they were not overriding the key in 11.10 or doing it in a smarter wy09:54
seb128but your issue comes from xubuntu09:54
mptI see09:54
didrocksit's unfortunatly not possible with gsettings09:54
seb128so talk to the xubuntu people I guess ;-)09:54
tkamppeterSweetshark, seb128, I remembered shortly after entering "pitti, hi" and went on with other stuff, but thanks anyway.10:25
seb128if somebody feels like doing some GNOME 3.3.92 updates I put a few on the pad11:10
mdeslaurseb128: dude, can we please get the drag corner back...I can't resize my windows!11:40
seb128mdeslaur, yeah, need to talk to dx ;-)11:41
seb128but I'm sure didrocks watch those issue11:42
mdeslaurseb128: it's getting fixed with a theme or with compiz?11:42
didrocksyeah, this one is known, not sure what regressed though (if it's the theme or compiz)11:42
didrocksmdeslaur: will surely be fixed for beta2 freeze anyway (not for 2d as it's a more complicated issue) but for 3d11:43
mdeslaurdidrocks: ok, thanks, I'll be patient for a while longer :)11:43
didrocksI don't understand, it's not on every machine, which seems to indicate that's a compiz issue11:44
didrocksseb128: do you have it as well?11:44
seb128didrocks, yes11:44
seb128didrocks, bug #95383911:44
ubot2`Launchpad bug 953839 in compiz-core "[regression] Invisible resize border is now only 1px wide" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/95383911:44
didrocksseb128: I guess you would have noticed if it was at last compiz release?11:45
didrocks(it's part of the test we are using as wellà11:45
didrocksso I guess it's something else making it regressed11:45
mdeslaurasac_: ^11:45
seb128didrocks, no, I never resize stuff using the border11:45
seb128I use the handle in the corner11:45
mdeslauryeah, I got used to using the handle too, but now that's gone11:46
didrocksanyway, will get fixed this week :)11:46
seb128didrocks, see dvv's comment on that bug, he points to the likely buggy commit11:46
seb128didrocks, is the "wm decorator buttons shouldn't have a tooltip" on your list as well?11:46
didrocksseb128: right, we discussed about it this particular morning and he told sam will look at it11:47
didrocksseb128: you should upgrade :p11:47
seb128didrocks, ppa?11:47
didrocks(see my ubuntu-artwork upload)11:47
didrockscompiz took my patch I made 2 years ago, but changed the key path and dropped my distro-patch…11:48
seb128I updated but I didn't restart my session11:48
asac_seb128: mdeslaur: for me the corner handle is very hard to use now ... and the borders are even worse11:54
mdeslaurseb128: you'll need to rewrite 51_lock_screen_on_suspend.patch with the new gnome-settings-daemon, as the logic has changed there11:54
mdeslaurseb128: FYI11:54
seb128mdeslaur, oh? how?11:54
seb128mdeslaur, I will check for it11:54
asac_another odd thing i noticed is that the top left corner handle is not at the top left corner of the window decorations11:55
asac_but rather right below the top window bar11:55
mdeslaurseb128: their lock_screensaver function needs to use the old gsetting, and the upower_notify_sleep_cb function needs to use the new gsetting11:56
seb128mdeslaur, ok, thanks, I will probably ping you for review before uploading to make sure I got it right ;-)11:57
mdeslaurseb128: sure11:57
seb128asac_, not sure to understand that description11:58
asac_seb128: put the mouse pointer in the left top corner of the window border -> nothing. .. put it below the top border on the left of the window -> resize grab appears12:01
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mdeslauroh, huh, I get both, top left corner, and edge between window title and window12:07
seb128asac_, works for me in the corner12:24
seb128same as mdeslaur, I get both12:25
asac_yeah... seems sometimes one of them is hard to get12:26
desrtgood morning12:48
desrthappy beta2 week12:48
seb128hey desrt, had a good w.e? happy beta2 week!12:48
desrtya.  pretty good12:48
seb128desrt, happy GNOME hard freeze week as well ;-)12:48
desrtfinally got my taxes done for 2010 and 201112:48
seb128mterry, hey12:53
mterryseb128, hello12:53
seb128mterry, we are discussing the gtk bug on #gtk+ on irc.gnome.org if you are interested12:53
seb128just read your comment12:53
seb128mterry, how are you btw? ;-)12:53
seb128mterry, it's weird that this patch which is only dealing with menus would impact on scrollbars?12:54
mterryseb128, I've been sick  :-/12:54
mterryseb128, I didn't double-confirm that the first-time scrollbar thing wasn't present in previous gtk12:55
mterryseb128, maybe they worked in previous GTK and I just never noticed...12:55
seb128likely, users reported the bugs as "only the first menu items shows highlighted then highlight stop working"12:55
seb128which seems to suggest that it was already behaving this way12:56
seb128get better!12:56
desrtthat's 3 major gtk issues you're tracking now12:56
seb128desrt, yeah, and you made fun of me when I told you I was not happy with gtk after 3.3.1812:56
desrti still reserve the right to make fun :)12:57
desrtseb128: so this hashtable assertion12:57
desrti think i pushed a fix for it12:57
seb128desrt, when? should it be in the current version?12:58
desrtover the weekend12:58
desrtbasically: dbusmenu drops the reference on the old 'root' menuitem before it tells me that it did12:58
desrtso my weak reference to it is already invalid by the time i find out12:59
desrtand i was using that reference to remove items from the hashtable12:59
desrtsolution: take a full reference12:59
seb128ok, I see r238 in your vcs12:59
seb128good ;-)12:59
desrti'm not 100% sure it solves the problem since i would have actually expected a crash in this case12:59
desrtbut maybe the old memory was still there or something12:59
seb128ok, I will do another upload today I think with whatever you want to get tested13:00
seb128we will get a round of tarball for beta2 on wednesday I guess13:00
desrtthat should be all13:00
seb128desrt, you still aim to land xul support for wednesday?13:00
desrti've generated a bunch of work for gord to sort through at this point13:00
desrtxul support is already done13:00
seb128desrt, it's not merged in though13:01
desrti should m-r that then :)13:01
desrthopefully it doesn't make too many new crashes :p13:01
seb128yeah, I might backport it, so we can notice eventual issues before beta2 freez13:01
desrti'm going to submit the request13:01
desrtmaybe ted will do a release today13:01
desrttedg: hi :)13:01
desrtand then i'm going to spend the day working on gnome stuff13:02
desrtdconf mostly13:02
desrtthe #dx guys are bugging me for a fix and a release13:02
desrtand i have a couple of other patches to merge as well13:02
tedgdesrt, Is there an app that uses GMenuModel for window menus?13:02
desrttedg: yes.  many.13:02
desrti like to test with gnotravex since it was the first13:03
tedgdesrt, name one :-)13:03
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* tedg is installing this program blindly13:03
desrttedg: epiphany-browser is another13:04
desrtgnome-documents, gnome-contacts13:04
desrtprobably boxes too, i guess13:04
tedgCool, okay.  I was able to find gnomine which has an application menu.13:04
tedgBut it doesn't seem to have window menus.13:04
desrtwindow menus are quite rare13:05
desrtit seems that all of the new apps are going for only having an app menu13:05
desrtand, incidentally, those are all of the ones that are using the new setup13:05
desrt(mostly since they need to use it to get the app menu)13:05
desrti think it will be until next cycle before we see apps using it for their traditional menubars13:05
desrtthere's one example, though: in the gtk source tree in examples/ we have 'bloatpad'13:06
desrtand there's also 'plugman' which is a copy of bloatpad made at one point and modified to support "plugins"13:06
desrtwhich basically dynamically add/remove menu items13:06
tedgdesrt, Thanks!13:08
* tedg will have defeated travex here soon and will be able to work again13:08
desrti'm so confused about merge requests13:10
desrtit looks like there's already an active merge request on my branch13:10
chrisccoulsonsooo, the quicklist patch to totem breaks mimetype registration for it ;)13:10
seb128chrisccoulson, is there another of those "whoever did it put the new section in the middle of the .desktop"?13:12
seb128chrisccoulson, I wonder why they did that, it should be at the end13:12
chrisccoulsonseb128, oh, the patch adds it to the end. it's just that the totem build system adds the mimetypes to the end of the desktop file13:13
chrisccoulsonseb128, bug 95659713:13
ubot2`Launchpad bug 956597 in totem "Firefox doesn't handle mms: URLs" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/95659713:13
desrtseb128: the XUL stuff has been committed, merge-proposed and reviewed13:14
desrttedg: merge!!13:14
seb128desrt, "it looks like there's already an active merge request on my branch" ... that's because you keep using the same vcs so you already have merge requests for it13:14
desrtseb128: i'm saying that it looks like there's already an active merge request on my branch for the XUL changes, specifically13:15
desrtcharles reviewed and ACKed it13:15
seb128desrt, oh, good13:15
chrisccoulsonwtf @ bug 955710?13:15
ubot2`Launchpad bug 955710 in firefox "tudou.com/playlist/p/a74514i120368879.html" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/95571013:15
chrisccoulsoncan people please stop reporting crappy bugs? :)13:16
desrtit appears not to contain the latest fix13:16
desrtwhich confuses me... i thought i update existing merge requests simply by pushing to them13:16
seb128desrt, you do13:18
desrtso this one didn't update :)13:18
desrtmaybe it's because it was already 'approved' when i pushed13:18
desrtand it doesn't make sense to modify something already approved13:18
seb128desrt, https://code.launchpad.net/~desrt/indicator-appmenu/hud-rewrite-wip/+merge/9771613:18
seb128you mean?13:18
seb128it shows 238 in a blue rectangle13:18
desrtit has all but my most recent fix13:18
seb128at the bottom of the conversation13:19
seb128and in the revisions13:19
seb128desrt, it seems there to me13:19
seb128desrt, it's in the diff as well13:19
desrtoh.  doh.13:19
desrti was searching for the wrong string in the diff :)13:19
desrtya.  it's there13:19
desrtso the flip side of that is cool, then13:20
desrti can push more changes into a merge request that's already been approved, after it's been approved :)13:20
seb128desrt, that's until #systems do something like didrocks' jenkins13:20
desrtsonny, let me tell you13:20
seb128desrt, the unity team merge reject those with a "new revision since the mp got approved"13:20
desrtin my day, we committed directly to master13:21
desrtand we liked it!13:21
desrtanyway.... feel free to sort that out :p13:22
* desrt goes to fight with vala13:22
abondisis there anyway to interact with the HUD without launching unity-2d-shell ?13:22
desrtabondis: why yes, there is!13:22
abondisi want to use my favorite tiling manager13:23
abondisbut i like the idea of hud13:23
desrtabondis: there is a hud-cli too, and latest versions of the hud have hud-gtk in the source13:23
desrtthey're not really real interfaces though -- more like debugging tools13:23
* didrocks waits for desrt telling "you can run unity-3d" :p13:23
didrockshey desrt ;)13:23
desrtdidrocks: i'd never suggest that to -anybody- ;)13:23
abondisah really ? in a ppa or in the precise repo ?13:23
desrtabondis: i think hud-gtk may end up in the precise repo today or tomorrow13:23
desrti added it to the build system on a branch that'll be merged today and i think seb is planning to package it today as well13:24
desrtbut it's really a debug tool....13:24
abondiscause i tried xmonad with unity-2d-*13:24
abondisit's almost what i want13:24
pittiSweetshark: still need sponsoring?13:26
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* desrt wonders wtf header he needs to include to get S_IFREG13:26
pittitkamppeter: hello13:26
desrtlsb says sys/stat.h.  glibc disagrees.13:26
seb128pitti, hey, how are you?13:28
pittiseb128: feel like beaten up, but ok; merci!13:28
desrtarghghg.  C99.13:28
seb128pitti, are you done now? i.e got the 2 remaining ones pulled out?13:29
Sweetsharkpitti: yes13:29
pittiseb128: yes13:29
Sweetsharkpitti: 3.5.1-1ubuntu1 as found on chinstrap13:29
seb128pitti, ok, at least that's something ;-)13:29
pittiseb128: btw, for the touchpad menu bug, I don't get that any more13:33
pittiI was going to test the upstream patch, but like that it won't tell us much13:33
seb128pitti, I still get it and the patch doesn't fix it13:33
seb128pitti, I put the ppa in the desktop ppa already13:34
seb128the patch in*13:34
* pitti throws hands into air about bug 95514713:42
ubot2`Launchpad bug 955147 in unity "[FFe, UIFe] Automatically add launchers for newly installed applications" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/95514713:42
desrtpitti: at least it doesn't change the UI of the default install?13:44
desrtthat should give the documentation folks some breathing room compared to last time, at least13:44
pittithat yes, but that's not what I'm concerned about13:44
pittiI have no problem with the timing, it's the change itself that drives me nuts13:45
pittiso at first we got rid of the bfb and used up a launcher space13:45
pittithen we put the 12th link to the control center there, using another13:45
pittiwhich caused it to overflow in a default install on a netbook screen13:45
pittithis one will now cause it to grow beyond limit13:45
desrtpitti: but how will users ever get to experience the awesome accordian effect?13:46
chrisccoulsonthen we disable autohide on the launcher because users don't know how to reveal it after removing the bfb from the panel ;)13:46
desrtwe should be proud of our technologies13:46
pittisomeone who cannot figure out that right-clicking allows to make it sticky won't find out that right-clicking allows you to remove it again13:46
pittichrisccoulson: and that, too13:46
* desrt wants accordian by default on a 2560x1600 monitor. make it happen, pitti!13:46
seb128pitti, you can dnd to the bin icon13:46
pittinatty was really good13:46
jbichapitti: yeah, that's a good point13:46
pittianyway, I've been through discussions like this several times13:46
chrisccoulsoni dislike the idea of adding icons for newly installed apps to the launcher by default13:47
pittiI'd just appreciate if that anonymous "it has been found that..." had some more concrete data13:47
pitti10 minutes of user testing is not what would give you a good balance on decisions like that13:47
didrockspitti: it's an option on software-center, ask mvo/tremolux, but I'm pretty sure you can put it off13:47
pittididrocks: yes; you can put off everything13:47
pittibut nevertheless, the kidn of user who doesn't know how anything in the desktop works won't find that either13:47
pittiit basically turns the launcher into a really bad start menu13:48
didrocksI agree13:48
desrtis the dash really that bad?13:48
desrti mean.. if user's can't find stuff in the dash...13:48
seb128no it's not13:48
desrtmaybe instead of shoving more and more things into the launcher, maybe it should be easier to find stuff in the dash?13:48
pittithe bfb, the control center, and this bug is basically an outright capitulation that the dash is too hard to use by that ominous "it has been determined that..."13:48
desrtmaybe have the newly installed app show up in the front page of the dash as soon as you open it or something13:48
seb128desrt, well, the dash has the same issue than any menu or dash like feature, how do you find an icon for something new in the middle of 100 icons13:48
pittiso why don't we make that easier to discover?13:49
desrtwith the search string pre-filled13:49
pittiseb128: so now we turn the launcher into exactly that13:49
desrtand the launcher is even harder since you have to scroll it13:49
seb128I like the idea to have new stuff showing at the end of the "active" list13:49
desrtyou need to do a better job of training users to use the dash to search13:49
seb128that's what i.e iOS do13:49
tremoluxdidrocks, pitti, chrisccoulson: you can shut the auto-add to launcher behavior off in Software Center by unchecking "View"->"New Applications in Launcher"13:49
pittitremolux: yes, I know13:50
seb128when you install something on an iOS device it adds an icon on your workspace13:50
desrtmy recommend: when you install a new app, the dash icon gets a pulsing blue glow or so13:50
desrtand when you open it, the search field is pre-filled and the icon for the new app is there13:50
pittiseb128: the iOS or android app launchers have more space than just a single vertical row13:50
pittiits' much more comparable to the dash layout13:50
seb128pitti, well the principle is the same, give you an obvious way to start what you installed13:50
* desrt contributes that piece of feedback to the bug13:51
seb128but yeah, I'm not sure it should "stick" there, maybe just show after install until you run it once13:51
jbichapitti: you need to spend more time with an iPhone13:51
seb128once you used it once it will show in "most recently used"13:51
pittiwell, the ipod nano I've seen uses a full-screen multi-page app selector13:52
seb128well it collects everything installed13:52
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pittibut anyway, even if iOS does it exactly like proposed in bug 955147 that doesn't make it any better for me :)13:52
ubot2`Launchpad bug 955147 in unity "[FFe, UIFe] Automatically add launchers for newly installed applications" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/95514713:52
seb128pitti, desrt: btw I think having the launcher "accordian" effect by default was a "feature", not a "bug", i.e something they wanted to show by default13:54
desrtseb128: that's hilarious13:54
seb128desrt, why?13:54
pittibecause that launcher works so much better with 30 instead of 9 icons..13:54
desrtare you kidding me why?13:54
pittiwith 30 it entirely loses its functionality as a task switcher replacement13:54
desrtya.  what he said.13:54
dobeypitti: there is no way that iOS does that13:54
desrtnot to mention your muscle memory goes to crap because the scrolling effect moves the icons around all the time so you have no way to get used to "this is where the firefox icon is"13:55
seb128dobey, they do add everything you install on your background13:55
pittibut I guess I give up; I argued about the single control center icon for over three days back in oneiric13:55
dobeyseb128: yes, but not the dock13:55
seb128dobey, is "dock" their 4 icons at the bottom?13:55
dobeyseb128: and we do that already. everything is in the dash13:55
dobeyseb128: yes13:55
seb128well maybe we should have the dash always open on the background...13:55
pittiright now a default configuration already takes much more space than GNOME 2 ever did13:56
desrtseb128: think of processor caches13:56
desrtseb128: practically by the laws of physics, the bigger they get, the slower it is to access them13:56
desrtit's really the same concept13:56
pittiok, not with the menu bars13:56
dobeyseb128: we should just have one big button that does whatever it is you want13:56
seb128dobey, ;-)13:56
pittiSweetshark: throwing libreoffice_3.5.1-1ubuntu1_source.changes launchpadwards13:56
seb128desrt, pitti: note that I didn't say stuff show "stick" on the launcher, but I like having them with maybe a special look until run once13:57
desrtseb128: that's even worse, in my opinion13:57
seb128then they are in "most recently used"13:57
seb128I guess another option is to autostart them for you after install13:57
desrtbecause it was there and now it's gone13:58
seb128so they would be added in "recently used" for you as well :p13:58
desrtwhich is just annoying/frustrating... "where did it go?"13:58
seb128desrt, well same difference as anything else you run13:58
desrtautostart after install is not a bad idea13:58
seb128desrt, when you close it the icon is gone13:58
pittisame argument like for killing the super-useful intellihide, I guess13:58
desrtwith confirmation, of course13:58
seb128I will not comment on that, I hate *hide ;-)13:58
seb128it makes the launcher useless13:59
pittiyou clearly have a too big monitor :-)13:59
seb128I clearly don't see launcher progress bars or count when they are hidden13:59
seb128and I've difficulties to remember what is running when it's not on screen13:59
seb128so I often look to the launcher as an indicator of what is open14:00
seb128but I guess different people work differently14:00
pittianyway, I understand the desire to see it all the time14:00
pittibut I don't understand how autohide is any better than intellihide14:00
seb128the sabdfl did a detailed post about that on the ayatana design list14:00
dobeypitti: autohide is just generally annoying14:00
seb128it basically comes down to "some people don't understand the intel behind intellihide and gets very confused trying to understand what happens"14:01
seb128but yeah14:01
pittiyes, I know14:01
desrtso your user testing is telling you something quite loudly14:02
seb128hard to conciliate everybody's need in one desktop :-(14:02
desrtwell, one of two things14:02
desrt1) the dash sucks14:02
desrt2) people really don't understand the dash at all14:02
pittidesrt: hang on14:02
desrti suspect it's #214:02
pittidesrt: _some_ people don't understand it at all14:02
desrtsearching to launch application is a bit of a new concept14:02
pittithere's demonstrably enough who do14:03
desrtyes.  of course.14:03
tkamppeterpitti, hi14:03
pittieven my sister figured it out, and heck, you need to talk to her about computers like you talk with a dog14:03
desrtbut a substantial enough portion of users are getting stuck that you keep getting asked to add more stuff to the launcher14:03
desrtas far as i can tell, "add more stuff to the launcher" is a way to prevent people from ever having to open the dash14:03
pittibut that kills itself14:03
pittibecause then we'll have hordes of users who don't figure out how to make the launcher smaller, and we need a new launcher with "active tasks"14:04
desrtpitti: your sister figured it out, i bet, because you told her14:04
desrtit's not a hard concept to understand14:04
pittidesrt: no, I didn't; in fact she didn't even warn/told me that she was upgrading to natty14:04
desrt"click here".  "search"14:04
pittishe told me the other day "that's a cool new thing you have there"14:05
desrtah.  okay14:05
pittiof course she did not know about the WIndows key14:05
pittithat's what I told her14:05
pittishe opened it with the mouse14:05
desrtso she's one of the lucky ones :)14:05
desrti still maintain that the user testing is showing that there is a good chunk of people who can't find stuff using the dash14:05
desrtand i think the only thing that is missing there is a short explanation14:06
desrtor some hints14:06
pittiwell, I still think that our user testing has a rather large bias towards "first-time" users14:06
kenvandinemy kids figured out the search stuff, without even skipping a beat14:06
desrtthey just need to be told "click here, start typing"14:06
kenvandinebut i did have to explain to them how to show the launcher14:06
pittiif you keep killing long-term efficienty for first-time ease, you inevitably ruin the net sum of user happiness14:06
desrtwe need one of those "Welcome to Unity 98!  Would you like to take a tour?" things that pops up the first time you login :)14:07
desrteveryone loves those14:07
pittiyes; at that point that would make me much happier than stuff like that14:07
pittibecause it fixes the problem that we have -- the first five minutes, not the years after14:07
didrockscan we add a startup music as well? please please :)14:08
desrti hate those boxes, though14:08
desrtbecause they're not the first five minutes of using unity14:08
desrtthey're the first five minutes after every new install :)14:08
desrtalthough i guess that's only a problem that bothers the ultra-nerdy14:08
desrtsince most people are not reinstalling every few months14:08
desrtfwiw, android has some awesomeness here14:09
pittiand those who do reinstall every month keep their $HOME14:09
desrtout of a factory install (at least on the nexus series) you have this little dude on your home screen14:09
Sweetsharkpitti: thanks14:09
desrtand he's like "click me"14:09
pittibut still, even as a nerd it's faster to click away the intro than finding where to disable all those stupid settings again14:09
desrtand each time you click him, he presents a new tip -- just a sentence or two.  there are about 6 tips14:09
desrttelling you how to add stuff to the home screen, how to delete things from it, etc14:10
desrtand the last tip is "okay.  now delete me by dragging me to the trash"14:10
pittii. e. 'don't fill up my launcher', remove the unnecessary ones, finding how to disable the "add automatically", enable autohide, etc.14:10
Sweetsharkricotz: pitti just threw 3.5.1-1ubuntu1 launchpadwards, so you have green light for backports ;)14:10
desrthaving an icon like that on the launcher by default would be cool14:10
topylithe dash may be a bit undiscoverble, compared to gnome activities for example. you have an "Activities" label up there, and i think it's pretty obvious that that's where the action is. and once you click it, everything is pretty clear14:12
desrtpitti: even better.... we should bring back the first-time dialog from the GNOME 1 days14:16
desrtAre you a [x] Beginner [ ] Intermediate [ ] Advanced user?14:16
desrt[x] Here only for 15 minutes of user testing14:17
seb128jbicha wanted to add a launcher icon for the ubuntu user guide previous cycle14:18
seb128but I guess people wouldn't like that either :p14:18
seb128desrt, yeah, maybe the "small guy walking around the screen and giving you some hints" would be cool14:18
seb128< your apps are there14:19
seb128^ your menus are there14:19
seb128^ your im contact are there14:19
seb128<win key> type that key for accessing the dash14:19
desrtthe help is added by default in the gnome-shell dash14:19
desrti'm a bit surprised you guys didn't tackle this issue already14:20
desrtgnome-shell and unity are similar enough....14:20
seb128desrt, what issue?14:20
desrtbut like... sort of unlike most other desktop interfaces14:20
desrtthe issue of people not being used to searching for apps on their desktops14:21
seb128well it's hard to "tackle"14:21
desrti think we have this phobia of first-run screens/features14:21
desrtprobably it's well-justified14:21
seb128also one issue is that the search is,was not smart enough14:21
desrtbut it would go a long way to treat this issue (which clearly _is_ an issue)14:22
seb128that's partially being fixed with the new keywords support14:22
seb128not sure that's enough14:22
seb128like people have an hard time finding stuff because they type the wrong work14:22
seb128like typing "jpg" will not list eog14:22
seb128or photo will not list "image viewer"14:22
desrtthat's tough :)14:22
seb128or "picture"14:22
desrtso "photo" brings up shotwell for me14:23
desrt(in g-s)14:23
desrtand "picture" eog14:23
desrtpresumably due to some keywords in the desktop file or something14:23
seb128desrt, yeah, I'm trying to make up example but I suck at it14:23
desrtseb128: well, it's sort of a good point, actually14:23
seb128desrt, well as said we added keywords this cycle14:23
desrtbecause "photo" and "picture" are practically the same word14:23
seb128eog is one example where we did it14:23
desrtand i get two completely different apps for them14:23
seb128desrt, "jpg" does list anything?14:24
desrtnot in the shell14:24
seb128neither in unity14:24
seb128it's not a keyword14:24
desrti'm not sure it should be14:24
seb128desrt, same, how do you get "excel"14:24
seb128people have an hard time finding their stuff, they open the dash and type for what they know14:24
topylido the new keywords include stuff like "watch", "view", "edit", "write" and so on?14:24
seb128i.e excel :p14:24
desrtseb128: to some extent, the ability to browse is important14:24
seb128topyli, Keywords=Picture;Slideshow;Graphics;14:25
seb128that's the eog ones14:25
* desrt almost thinks that we should take the other approach14:25
topyliseb128: ok, no verbs or "tasks"14:25
seb128topyli, the specs doesn't define the content14:25
desrtfind a way to collect usage data of what people are searching for in the dash14:25
desrttake the top 1000 items14:25
seb128it's just a ";" separated list of "words"14:25
desrtfigure out what they should ideally do14:25
mhr3seb128, should locate index /dev ?14:26
desrtmake a big list.....14:26
seb128mhr3, no14:26
seb128desrt, yeah, we would need a way to let people opt in to participate for providing those datas14:26
desrti think the problem is more fundamental than that, even14:27
desrti think it simply doesn't occur to people to click on the dash icon and type14:27
mhr3seb128, yet there are people for whom it's indexed14:27
desrtso who cares what the results are?  they aren't seeing them :p14:27
xclaesseseb128 (dunno if it's you to tell): FYI gnome-online-accounts 3.4 has facebook support if you build with --enable-facebook. it is not (yet) enabled by default because GNOME board wants lawyer to read the terms of service first.14:27
seb128xclaesse, talk to kenvandine rather14:27
xclaessekenvandine, ^14:28
seb128desrt, right...14:28
* kenvandine reads back14:28
mhr3seb128, any idea what could cause that?14:28
seb128mhr3, maybe they have a symlink to /dev/something ?14:28
kenvandinexclaesse, i'll look at it14:28
xclaessekenvandine, will be in next release14:28
seb128mhr3, /dev is type devtmpfs  which is in the updatedb.conf PRUNEFS list here14:29
seb128mhr3, maybe ask them for "mount" output to see if they have a different fs type for it or something?14:29
kenvandinexclaesse, ok14:30
desrtseb128: btw:  something that may interest you slightly (but nothing has changed)14:30
xclaessekenvandine, dunno what legal procedure ubuntu has for this, but I would personally love if that could be enabled in ubuntu's package :)14:30
desrtseb128: it's now official that with gsettings overrides, files that come "later" have more power14:30
desrtie: 20_foo will override 10_bar14:30
xclaessekenvandine, at least now we have the 3 most popupar web services in one place14:30
kenvandinexclaesse, not sure i want to enable that for the lts...14:30
xclaesse(google, windows live and facebook)14:31
seb128desrt, excellent, thanks14:31
desrtseb128: also: all files should be called like nn_* now14:31
desrtyou have one that is not14:31
seb128desrt, btw related topic that came earlier, is there a way to have "default settings by session type"?14:31
xclaessekenvandine, does ubuntu-unity use GOA?14:31
desrt(again -- no changes in code -- just updated in the docs)14:31
desrtseb128: yes.  there are two ways and i told them both you before14:31
desrt*to you14:31
desrtyou didn't like either one :)14:31
kenvandinexclaesse, nope, but if you login with GNOME  you get it14:32
tkamppeterpitti, ping14:32
xclaessekenvandine, what does it change that it is LTS?14:32
desrtseb128: one is to have different gsettings schema directories per session and use GSETTINGS_SCHEMA_DIR (and either install twice or symlink all schemas)14:32
desrtat least all schemas that may have overrides...14:33
kenvandinexclaesse, since it isn't enabled by default, and facebook being a web service that isn't always easy to maintain over a long period of time...14:33
pittitkamppeter: hello14:33
desrtseb128: the other is using a dconf database to do the same and have a 'unity' and 'gnome-shell' dconf profile14:33
kenvandinexclaesse, just a big commitment if we enable it and GNOME ends up not really supporting it down the road14:34
xclaesse(gnome does not support anything 6months later anyway)14:34
seb128desrt, hum, right, I don't really like either of those :p I think I will delay that to UDS, next cycle, no hurry to do it14:34
xclaessekenvandine, anyway, up to you ;)14:35
desrtseb128: so an interesting option could be to make a modification to the schema compiler to deal with this14:35
seb128desrt, it came because xubuntu overrides the update-notifier "auto launch" key and mpt was wondering which that key had a wrong default value for him14:35
xclaessekenvandine, what is implemented in GOA is the officially supported and documented way from facebook ;)14:35
tkamppeterpitti, can you upload CUPS to Debian and Ubuntu? I have fixed a crash.14:35
desrtseb128: it could look at the override files in a particular directory and source the schemas (only the ones referenced from those overrides) from another directory14:35
kenvandinexclaesse, yeah, i'll think about it14:35
pittitkamppeter: please upload to ubuntu as -1bzr1 or so (don't commit that release to bzr)14:36
kenvandinexclaesse, thx for pointing it out14:36
seb128desrt, I like that one better ;-)14:36
pittitkamppeter: I'd like the current version to go into testing again, the previous migration was a while ago14:36
desrtseb128: then you could set the GSETTINGS_SCHEMA_DIR to the location of the overrides14:36
desrtand it would check there, then the normal system directory14:36
seb128desrt, that's basically what we were doing for gconf14:36
tkamppeterpitti, I already committed to BZR today in the morning.14:36
desrtso the unity session could set GSETTINGS_SCHEMA_DIR=/usr/share/unity/gsettings-overrides or so14:37
desrtthen you could just do nothing for gnome-shell (ie: use pure upstream)14:37
seb128desrt, I like that one ;-)14:37
desrtseb128: it's interesting.  i'll think about it some more.14:37
seb128desrt, I will remind you at UDS ;-)14:37
desrtit would only require some rather minor tweaks in the compiler for it to work14:37
desrtyou could do it yourself already with a few symlinks :)14:38
desrtie: have your overrides package install the overrides files plus symlinks to the appropriate schemas in the normal system directory14:38
desrtyou'd just need to make sure the glib trigger updated both directories14:38
tkamppeterpitti, I have also a new cups-filters package today or tomorrow (most important: bug 955553). Should I commit and ask you to put in both distros or better upload Ubuntu-only.14:39
ubot2`Launchpad bug 955553 in cups-filters "12.04 Beta 1: Brother MFC8680DN cannot print text file" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/95555314:39
desrti should really spend next cycle doing dconf/gsettings work :P14:39
desrtolli has been asking us all what we want to do...14:39
* desrt writes that down14:39
seb128desrt, pitti: btw about that s-c unity launcher bug, one option would be to have the icon in the launcher during install, so you get the "installing" with the progress bar info and then an animation moving the icon to the dash icon?14:40
Sweetsharkdesrt: get rich or die trying?14:40
desrtseb128: that's an interesting proposal.  you should write it on the bug.14:41
pstolowski_hi guys, I'm trying to debug a weird problem with dash search results - when I type 'f' in the home lens, it gives 'full' and 'fuse' entries, which are useless. with help from mhr3 we already confirmed it's because locate has indexed  92 entires from my /dev, including those two14:41
desrti'd say the only negative point against that is that if you look away from the screen (or go to get some tea because it's taking a long time) then you will miss the animation14:41
seb128desrt, just did14:41
seb128desrt, well if you miss the animation it's not any worth that the solutions where there is no clue at all :p14:42
desrtseb128: so if we mixed our two ideas...14:42
desrtie: the app animates into the dash and then the dash starts glowing14:42
desrti think that would be pretty cool14:42
pstolowski_I've a new install with today's daily iso, standard parition layout. One thing worth mentioning is I'm using sshfs on that box14:42
desrti should be doing dconf work :)14:43
seb128desrt, have fun!14:43
seb128pstolowski_, what does "mount | grep dev" gives you?14:43
desrtseb128: if you do one thing today, please get my fixed hud into the distro :p14:44
seb128pstolowski_, "mount | grep "on /dev""14:44
seb128desrt, hud?14:44
seb128desrt, I plan to get xul support into distro ;-)14:44
desrtseb128: and the hashtable assertion fix14:44
mpt(Oh, it doesn't do XUL yet? I was wondering why it didn't work in Firefox...)14:45
seb128desrt, right14:45
pstolowski_seb128, /dev/sda1 (ext4), udev on /dev and devpts on /dev/pts14:45
desrtmpt: it will still require a unity fix after this in order to fully work14:45
seb128pstolowski_, that's missing the info I need14:45
seb128pstolowski_, what is written after "type" for /dev14:46
pstolowski_seb128, https://pastebin.canonical.com/62547/14:46
mptseb128, btw, same for me as for the other testers in bug 949414, the new package has the same bug. Let me know if I can do any more.14:46
ubot2`Launchpad bug 949414 in gtk+3.0 "Some GTK+3 events are not emitted when using a touchpad (but are with a mouse)" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/94941414:46
seb128mpt, that's all for now but I will ping you back later if needed, thanks!14:47
seb128pstolowski_, dunno then14:48
pstolowski_seb128, ok, thanks. they shouldn't be indexed by locate, right?14:50
mptHmmmm, right-clicking doesn't work any more14:51
seb128pstolowski_, no, /etc/updatedb.conf has devtmpfs in the PRUNEFS= list14:53
seb128pstolowski_, but maybe you get something symlinking back to / or something14:53
pstolowski_seb128, I see, thanks14:59
xclaesseseb128, empathy-call segfault with that message: empathy-ERROR **: Missing cluttersink15:04
xclaesseseb128, and indeed gst-inspect has no cluttersink15:04
xclaesselibclutter-gst is installed of course15:04
xclaessesomething is broken in its packaging? :/15:04
seb128jbicha, ^15:05
seb128ricotz, ^15:05
xclaessethanks for the redirect15:05
jbichaxclaesse: what architecture are you using?15:05
seb128jbicha, the build log has15:05
seb128# list-missing files result:15:05
seb128jbicha, I guess the .so is important :p15:06
jbichaoh, maybe that explains why empathy-call didn't seem to do anything here ;)15:06
xclaessejbicha, btw gnome-contacts and gnome-shell should depend on empathy-call15:10
xclaessethose 2 does not support old empathy-av15:10
xclaesseor recommend maybe15:11
jbichayeah I think gnome-contacts should recommend empathy-call, of course then Contacts couldn't be on the CD but Contacts doesn't work too well any way15:13
xclaesseafaik empathy depends on gnome-contacts nowadays15:14
* didrocks shows again his dh_install --fail-missing to jbicha :)15:14
xclaessejbicha, in empathy, right-click a contact -> information, that will launch gnome-contacts15:15
seb128didrocks, how do you deal with stuff like .la that you don't want to install? need to do rules hack to clean those?15:15
jbichaxclaesse: Contacts isn't installed by default, but Empathy will use it if it's available15:15
seb128jbicha, xclaesse: I think it does install on demand if needed15:15
seb128kenvandine said it tried and it was working15:15
didrocksseb128: right, you have to add override_dh_install: anyway, so then, I rm; dh_install --fail-missing15:16
seb128didrocks, would be call if you had a .install.override like the lintian override15:16
seb128where to list stuff you don't install15:17
didrocksseb128: hum, interesting way to dealing with those. you will still need to override dh_install to use --fail-missing, but we can maybe integrate that to dh8 directly with an env variable rather15:18
seb128something to look at for next cycle ;-)15:18
seb128i.e after release rush, at UDS or somethingh15:19
didrocksseb128: right!15:20
ricotzseb128, jbicha, oh this looks like a greater fallout , sorry :\15:21
* didrocks notes that somewhere15:21
xclaesseseb128, yeah empathy will use pkgkit, but I don't know if that works on ubuntu15:21
seb128xclaesse, it does15:21
seb128it will use aptdaemon just fine15:21
xclaessecool :)15:21
didrocksseb128: nothing against moving unity-gtk-greeter ownership to another team (people from xubuntu, lubuntu), making that team part the current lightdm upstream team part of it (to still have commit access)?15:23
didrocksxubuntu/lubuntu want to hack on the code, upload pot files…15:23
seb128didrocks, lightdm-gtk-greeter you mean?15:23
didrocksautotypo :)15:23
seb128didrocks, I've difficulties to parse what you asked for, do you want to move the ownership and give access to the lightdm team? or keep the ownership and those team to the lightdm hackers?15:24
didrocksseb128: create a lightdm-gtk-greeter-hackers team, give ownership of this project/move trunk to them15:25
didrocksand have lightdm-hackers part of lightdm-gtk-greeter-hackers (to still have commit access)15:25
seb128didrocks, works for me15:26
seb128didrocks, robert_ancell hacked the ownership change on https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/lightdm/+bug/90892615:26
ubot2`Launchpad bug 908926 in lightdm ""Large Font" style option does not work" [Undecided,Confirmed]15:26
seb128ups, "acked" rather15:26
seb128didrocks, anyway please do ;-) thanks15:27
didrocksseb128: great, will do the launchpaderies* now then! (hoping I have access to change ownership)15:27
seb128didrocks, if you don't let me know, I've access15:28
ricotzSweetshark, thanks, will try to get to it later15:29
didrocksseb128: everything went smootly, no need! :)15:31
seb128didrocks, excellent15:31
tkamppeterpitti, did you see my last messages?15:32
dholbachI had a couple of questions about lightdm before I wander off and file bugs that have already been filed, etc :)15:35
dholbachhow do I "enable" the unity-greeter background switcher? for some reason it doesn't seem to work for me - is there a bug about it?15:35
didrocksdholbach: do you use an encrypted disk?15:36
dholbachalso sometimes it seems after waking up from suspend the session session doesn't come back up - I have to stop/start lightdm in the console15:36
dholbachdidrocks, no15:36
tkamppeterpitti, please do not upload current BZR snapshot from CUPS. I have to modify it as Mike has posted an upstream fix which is different.15:37
pittitkamppeter: ack; FTR, I'm not really "here" today, I'm on a sick day15:37
* dholbach hugs pitti15:37
dholbachpitti,  I hope you're better soon again15:37
dholbachpitti, and shut down that computer!15:37
pittishould be much better on Wednesday or so15:37
pittidholbach: need to do a pygobject upstream release :)15:37
* dholbach rolls eyes15:38
didrocksdholbach: did you see that dedication? :)15:38
pittihard code freeze and tarballs due midnight today15:38
dholbachdidrocks, you should have asked jasoncwarner_ ;-)15:38
didrocksheh, indeed :)15:38
desrtseb128: hey15:40
seb128desrt, hey15:40
desrtseb128: if i give the 'dconf compile' capability do you still plan to use it this cycle for the guest session?15:40
seb128dholbach, what background to you use? a personal image? it works only for system backgrounds15:41
dholbachseb128, ah, it was a personal image15:42
seb128desrt, I might yes (not at the top of my list but I don't rely much relying on the gconf->gsettings migration to have screen locking stopped)15:42
dholbachnevermind then - see it's good I asked :)15:42
desrtseb128: just wondering if i should bother tucking it into this dconf release15:43
desrtor wait for next cycle to do the work15:43
seb128desrt, it can wait next cycle I think15:43
seb128desrt, too much locking is not a security issue and the current version works fine15:44
seb128desrt, worth thing we can maybe sru the compile stuff15:44
seb128but let's see next cycle15:44
desrti'm starting to think dconf could use some substantial refactoring in the next cycle anyway15:44
desrtit's not code that i am particularly proud of :p15:45
desrtit was written with too much of an eye toward efficiency15:45
desrtso it does really bad things from a software engineering standpoint for some very minimal savings15:45
desrtresult: ugly hard-to-maintain code15:45
dholbachdidrocks, seb128, did you hear anything about the unlock dialog not coming up after waking up from suspend?15:45
seb128dholbach, no, what do you mean? it doesn't lock your screen when it should, or you need to press a key to get the dialog to display or ...?15:46
dholbachI need to Ctrl-Alt-F1 stop lightdm; start lightdm15:46
dholbachnot every single time, but maybe every 2nd time15:46
seb128dholbach, lightdm has nothing to do with locking15:47
dholbachhum, well I get a black screen and a moving mouse pointer, but no unlock dialog15:47
seb128dholbach, can you kill gnome-screensaver if you go on a vt? does it solve it?15:47
dholbachI'll try next time15:48
dholbachthanks for the tip seb12815:48
seb128but no, not knows15:48
seb128dholbach, yw ;-)15:48
desrtlooks like the accountservice background patch could use a bit more tweaking...15:49
desrteven with a public image file used, this happens15:49
seb128desrt, what's wrong?15:49
desrtseb128: that file is not readable by lightdm15:49
desrteven though the actual file i set for my background is15:49
seb128desrt, right, but that's the accountservice patch15:49
seb128that's *not*15:49
seb128that's the file used for your background no?15:50
seb128i.e we cache the backport to avoid rescaling15:50
desrtya.  that's the problem15:50
desrtthe account service should know about the original file15:50
desrtbut instead it gets told about the rescaled cache file in a private directory in my ~15:50
desrtie: where it can't possibly access it15:50
desrtit's an .svg file -- that might be why this happens15:51
seb128not svg specific I think no, there is a bug open about it15:51
desrtah.  good.15:51
desrtas long as it's a known issue15:52
desrtwhere's the bug?15:52
seb128desrt, I'm not sure it's a bug, nobody took a stand on whether that's one or not so far15:52
seb128desrt, I think part of it is to not leak the path and filename infos15:52
desrtseb128: it prevents me from seeing my public background image at the login screen15:52
ubot2`Launchpad bug 928553 in unity-greeter "Non-default wallpapers are not readable by Unity-Greeter" [Low,Triaged]15:52
desrtseb128: this is not the same issue15:53
seb128desrt, right, I guess somebody needs to come with a way to solve that without leaking infos that shouldn't go public15:53
desrtagain: the original image file is in a _public_ folder (/, of all places)15:53
desrtit's world-readable15:53
seb128desrt, it is the same issue?15:54
seb128desrt, hum, we used the same bug for several similar issues in fact15:54
desrtso interesting to note -- this may in fact be a bug in the control centre15:54
seb128desrt, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/unity-greeter/+bug/918934 is your issue I guess15:55
ubot2`Launchpad bug 918934 in unity-greeter "Doesn't show manually added wallpapers from "Picture Folders" category (dup-of: 928553)" [Low,Confirmed]15:55
ubot2`Launchpad bug 928553 in unity-greeter "Non-default wallpapers are not readable by Unity-Greeter" [Low,Triaged]15:55
desrtor rather some misunderstanding between the control centre and the accountservice patch15:55
seb128desrt, we dupped it because I think it's basically the same bug15:55
desrtseb128: i don't think so.  there's something much more complicated going on here15:55
seb128but maybe they should be undupped15:55
desrtgsettings has the private copy stored as the background image15:55
seb128right, that's what we want15:56
desrtthe problem is that the accounts service assumes that the key in gsettings is appropriate for publishing to the accounts service15:56
seb128the .cache 700 permission was overlooked there I think yes15:57
seb128desrt, not sure what would be the right way, copy your image in /var/run/lightdm?15:57
seb128store it in ~ rather than ~/.cache (though that feels wrong)15:58
desrtseb128: use the original image file15:58
seb128desrt, then you have to redo the scalling at every boot and loose 1 second of boot time15:58
desrtif i manually set it to that it works fine15:58
seb128that's the reason we got that caching to start with15:59
desrtseb128: in my case that has to happen anyway since lightdm picks a different screen resolution than i have at my desktop15:59
desrtand it's an SVG, so... for all we know rendering the SVG at any resolution is faster than decoding a full-screen jpeg15:59
seb128hum, k16:00
desrtalso: it doesn't really add a second to the boot because (a) if the login screen shows then the slowest thing happening there is waiting for the user16:00
desrtand (b) the background image loading happens in a thread and doesn't block the loading of the login screen16:00
seb128mterry, ^ what do you think?16:01
seb128desrt, I guess we only need a "check if the selected image is publicly available and set the filename only in this case" to not leak private paths16:01
desrtreally, the checking should be very very simple16:02
desrt1) no cache logic on the before-gsettings side of thing16:02
desrt2) only push paths into the account service if they are not in my homedir16:02
desrtis the control-center caching thing upstream or us?16:03
desrtbecause it causes some flaky behaviour...16:04
* mterry reads16:04
desrtie: if i set a background image and then come back into the panel i find that my image is not selected in the list16:04
didrocksseb128: can you binNEW unity-2d btw? I added a -common package16:05
desrtand if i select it again, i don't see the original filename but rather the checksum blob16:05
seb128didrocks, looking16:05
seb128desrt, 2) is wrong16:05
seb128desrt, like ~/Images is public readable I think16:05
desrtseb128: right.  so maybe some better logic is required.16:06
seb128desrt, the caching is done by gnome-desktop I think16:06
desrtseb128: like iterate paths all the way from / to the file and make sure each step is public readable16:06
didrocksseb128: thanks!16:06
seb128didrocks, yw!16:06
desrtseb128: and written back into gsettings from gnome-settings-daemon?  i hope not :(16:06
seb128desrt, hum, maybe not, didrocks knows that part better, he did it ;-)16:07
desrtso there is gnome_bg_save_to_preferences but gnome-settings-daemon never calls it16:08
desrtthis is a job for dconf blame :)16:08
mterryHow would g-s-d get access to the original path instead of the cached path?16:09
seb128mterry, does gsd needs to? isn't g-c-c writig to accountsservice?16:09
desrtmterry: why not just have the control center be the one that pokes the account service?16:09
seb128at the time you elect the image16:09
mterryseb128, no, g-s-d is (to handle cases where non-g-c-c apps are writing to gsettings)16:10
desrti think the first step is to make g-c-c not write the cached filename16:10
desrtbecause that's causing problems for g-c-c itself16:10
mterryThere are other apps that let the user set the wallpaper16:10
seb128yeah, like eog16:10
desrtmeanwhile g-s-d has its own second copy of caching logic16:11
desrtso... i don't know why it would ever even do that in the first place16:11
desrtguilty: 04_new_appearance_settings.patch16:12
desrtor perhaps i misunderstand patch?16:12
mterrydesrt, in g-c-c?  /me looks16:13
desrti misunderstood.  quilt stores an entire copy of the original file using the name of the patch -- that file contains the caching logic16:14
desrtlooks like an upstream problem, really16:15
desrtit looks like logic to deal with downloading background images from http urls...16:18
desrtexcept it happens for local files too16:18
pittiyay, my first GNOME tarball release16:22
seb128pitti, congrats!16:22
didrocks\o/ pitti16:23
* desrt goes insane16:30
* pitti AFK16:31
chrisccoulsonphew, just worked off some of the unhealthy food i ate at the weekend16:31
desrtmterry, seb128: so interesting discovery16:33
desrt~/.config/gnome-control-center/backgrounds contains a last-edited.xml16:33
desrtit has <filename> containing the cache filename16:33
desrtand <source_url> containing the original filename16:34
jbichaI'm totally bringing up an old conversation, but my wife yesterday tried typing "crop pictures" into the Dash yesterday which doesn't work16:34
mterrydesrt, hmm, so g-s-d could check that file when the gsettings changes and use the original...16:35
desrtmterry: i still think we have a g-c-c bug on our hands, actually16:35
desrtsource_url should only be set for http:// files16:35
desrtsomehow it is set for local files as well in some cases16:35
jbichaso I guess we'll need keyword verbs next cycle then16:35
seb128jbicha, well nothing stops you to put "crop" into the keywords?16:36
jbichaI told her she could fix it too but she didn't seem too interested :)16:37
desrtokay.  found the issue16:39
desrtthe copying happens when you 'add single file'16:39
pitticjwatson, stgraber: FYI, uploading new pygobject 3.1.92 now; this needs a small test fix in ubiquity, https://code.launchpad.net/~pitti/ubiquity/indicator-soname/+merge/9823016:39
stgrabercjwatson: are you already merging that change? (I was just about to)16:41
cjwatsonpitti: can we make this work both before and after somehow, at least for a while16:41
cjwatsonpitti: we're having an installer sprint at the moment and a new build-dependency for the tests would be inconvenient right at this poit16:41
stgrabercjwatson: I guess we can store the return value to a variable, then depending on len() do the assert or not (and assign the variables properly)?16:42
desrtmterry: so it looks like this happens in order to avoid the file that you add being deleted later or something16:42
nessitahello all! just now I made an automatic dist-upgrade, and I noticed (too late) that unity-2d was removed. Now I'm trying to re install it, and I'm getting:16:42
nessitaThe following packages have unmet dependencies:16:42
nessita unity-2d-panel : Depends: unity-2d-common (= 5.7.0-0ubuntu1) but it is not installable16:42
nessitaE: Package 'unity-2d-common' has no installation candidate16:42
nessitais this known? can I workaroung somehow?16:43
cjwatsonstgraber: yeah, that was my thought - I could take care of that16:43
mterrydesrt, sure, makes some sense...  or moved or whatever16:43
stgrabercjwatson: sure, have fun :) I'm digging into more persistent usb stick weirdness16:44
mterryAnd the cached bg is under ~/.cache which is 0700...16:44
desrtmterry: i'm going to file a bug about this upstream16:44
desrtmterry: meanwhile, it's a pretty simple patch to fix it, i think16:44
mterrydesrt, by fix it, you mean stop caching?16:44
desrtit's not a cache -- it's a straight copy16:44
mterrydesrt, k.  But problems-it's-causing-us aside, seems like a feature not a bug?16:45
tkamppeterpitti, ping16:45
desrtmterry: maybe?16:45
micahgnessita: that's arch skew, it happens when amd64 builds before i386 where there are dependent arch:all packages needed16:45
desrtif it's a feature, it's a rather poorly thought out one, and implemented in a buggy way, in my opinion16:45
desrtbecause it ends up dumping the cache filename (checksum blob) into the user interface16:45
desrtwhich is obviously wrong16:45
mterryeww yeah16:45
cjwatsonpitti: I'd prefer something like http://paste.ubuntu.com/890906/ - OK?16:46
nessitamicahg: ack, thanks, so shall I just wait for the rest of the builds to finish?16:46
micahgnessita: yeah16:47
cjwatsonpitti: if so, I'll apply to a local branch and merge16:48
cjwatsonpitti: ... done16:54
desrtmterry: okay.  got a patch.17:04
ubot2`Gnome bug 672405 in Background "'source-url' set on single image files causes problems" [Normal,Unconfirmed]17:04
mterrydesrt, neat.  want me to apply it to our package?17:04
desrti want you to test it first :)17:05
desrti tested it and it works here17:05
desrtbut try to duplicate the problem first:17:05
desrtgo into control center -> background.  click the [+].  navigate to and select a file from /usr or something17:05
mterrydesrt, yar sure :)17:05
desrtverify that ~/.cache/ is in the account service17:05
desrtapply patch, try again17:05
seb128mdeslaur, there?17:20
mdeslaurseb128: yeah17:20
seb128mdeslaur, http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/890942/17:21
seb128mdeslaur, does that seems right?17:21
mdeslaurseb128: no17:21
seb128mdeslaur, why not?17:21
mdeslaurseb128: in lock_screensaver(), we are checking "ubuntu-lock-on-suspend", but in that location (when the lid is closed), we actually want to check "lock-enabled"17:23
seb128mdeslaur, right, I did undo that change17:23
mdeslaurseb128: oh, wait a sec...17:23
seb128mdeslaur, the patch I suggest replaces yours17:24
seb128mdeslaur, hum, right that patch is wrong...17:25
mdeslaurseb128: so, in upower_notify_sleep_cb, we need to check "ubuntu-lock-on-suspend", but in do_lid_closed_action, we need to check either one or the other depending on what the user setting is17:25
mterrydesrt, can confirm original bug and that your patch fixes it17:26
mdeslaurseb128: I can look at if you want, just check it in and I'll poke at it17:26
seb128mterry, desrt: i'm about to update g-c-c, I can sneak that patch in17:27
desrtseb128: please do17:28
mdeslaurseb128: the upstream fix is wrong anyway, since it will lock all screens even if an external monitor is plugged in I think17:28
desrtseb128: i should mention that this patch has a side-effect17:29
seb128mdeslaur, I'm getting very confused by all the screen locking discussion, I'm not sure what we are supposed to do and when now ;-)17:29
desrtseb128: the control center adds the pictures from the cache directory to the "Pictures Folder" section17:29
desrtwhich ... is dumb17:29
desrtin any case, having it not copied to that directory means that it won't appear there17:30
stgraberseb128: hey there! I'm currently working on the ubiquity code dealing with keyboard layouts. I'm setting org.gnome.libgnomekbd.keyboard layouts to an array of valid layouts (maximum 4 of them)17:30
desrtbut it also prevents the issue with it having appear there with a checksum blob for the filename17:30
stgraberseb128: but apparently I need to kill gnome-settings-daemon for it to actually get applied, what am I missing17:30
desrtstgraber: could be a g-s-d bug -- it's not properly listening for the change?17:30
seb128stgraber, dunno, I've 5 people highlightning me and I didn't make any progress in the 15 updates on my list due to constant ping, I've no clue about xjb17:31
mdeslaurseb128: leave the original patch as-is, and I'll fix it for you :)17:31
seb128mdeslaur, I will commit a broken version now, if you could have a look I will appreciate, I will get going on g-c-c meanwhile17:31
seb128mdeslaur, just commit your update to the vcs if you want, that would be great17:31
mdeslaurseb128: sure, be glad to17:32
seb128mdeslaur, pushed17:32
stgraberdesrt: it looks like it gets confused when you set a list that doesn't contain the current layout, it doesn't switch to the first one in that case and sometimes the list in the indicator is wrong too17:33
dobeyapparently going outside was a very bad idea :(17:36
desrtdobey: were there other humans out there? :(17:37
dobeyand pollen17:40
dobeylots of pollen17:41
mdeslaurseb128: ok, commited untested patch update, that should be good17:46
seb128mdeslaur, thanks17:46
mdeslaurseb128: np17:47
seb128mdeslaur, I'm not sure to understand the logic, why not just calling lock_screensaver() if the key is set?17:51
mdeslaurseb128: because then lock_screensaver checks "lock-enabled" and bails out if that's not set17:55
seb128mdeslaur, oh ok17:55
mdeslaurseb128: if someone suspends, we want to check "ubuntu-lock-on-suspend" only17:56
mdeslaurseb128: repeating the few code in upower_notify_sleep_cb isn't the most elegant way to do this, but I figure it will make the patch a lot less intrusive for future updates17:57
seb128mdeslaur, right17:58
* didrocks waves good evening18:12
desrtdidrocks: goodnight18:12
didrocksdesrt: thanks, you too! :)18:12
bcurtiswxkenvandine, indicator-messages shows new IM's as my name (not the user who left the IM) my guess is it would be reported against indicator-messages but im not sure if thats empathy causing the issue or indicator-messages18:14
kenvandinehey bcurtiswx18:14
kenvandineit is telepathy-indicator18:14
kenvandinealready reported18:14
bcurtiswxkenvandine, OK, thanks. I'll make sure to look there now.18:14
kenvandinebcurtiswx, it is on my todo list for today18:15
seb128desrt, is that gcc patch enough to fix any of the unity greeter issues?18:34
desrtseb128: no.18:34
desrtseb128: it's enough only to fix the issue of setting a world-readable file18:34
desrtthe issue of what to do if the user sets a private background is still open for debate :)18:34
seb128desrt, well that's "an" issue, so does it fix any of the issues -> yes18:35
seb128desrt, thanks18:35
desrti read 'all'.  sorry :)18:35
seiflotfykenvandine: pitti seb128 got a nice bug for you19:41
seiflotfysmehow i updated 30 minutes ago19:41
seiflotfyand now the program i was hacking on cant run anymore19:41
seiflotfyERROR:/build/buildd/pygobject-3.1.92/gi/pygi-marshal-from-py.c:1071:_pygi_arg_to_hash_pointer: code should not be reached19:41
seb128seiflotfy, it's a bug for pitti, but I think he's out of the evening; maybe downgrade to be able to resume hacking until it's fixed19:45
seb128seiflotfy, opening a bug with a testcase might be useful19:46
seiflotfywhich package should be downgraded19:46
seiflotfyand why is it using pygobject 3.119:46
xclaesseseiflotfy, tbh I would assume it is upstream pygobject bug19:47
seiflotfyxclaesse: i am not sure19:47
seiflotfyit just worked like 30 minutes ago19:47
xclaesseyeah was working for me too19:48
seiflotfyoh its the version number19:48
* xclaesse don't remember what package got update 19:48
seb128seiflotfy, what did you upgrade? python-gi19:48
kenvandineseiflotfy, yeah pitti synced from debian19:48
seb128seiflotfy, that got updated to .92 today19:49
seiflotfywhere can i find the old package ?19:49
seb128seiflotfy, what arch?19:49
seb128seiflotfy, https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/pygobject/3.1.1-0ubuntu1/+build/322749119:51
seb128the debs are on the left19:51
* desrt indulges in debfoster19:51
seiflotfyhi desrt :D19:52
desrtseiflotfy: hey :)19:52
* desrt wonders if his system is still working19:55
seb128desrt, not it's not and we can't read you19:56
desrtwow.  working + faster.19:56
seb128desrt, no, can't read you , still19:57
desrtsomehow apt-get autoremove was supposed to make it so i didn't need debfoster19:57
desrtbut it doesn't really do a great job...19:57
seb128desrt, well, autoremove let you clean stuff that were installed by a package you uninstalled19:59
desrtseb128: it lets me clean stuff that was installed when i installed a package that i lated removed, rather19:59
desrtie: not working for stuff that came on the CD19:59
seb128desrt, that doesn't handle stuff like gedit was depending on gtk2 and is now depending on gtk3, gedit is still installed but I don't need gtk219:59
desrtyes.  that case as well.20:00
seb128it's an hard problem to solve20:00
desrtit just removed a huge amount of stuff -- like 1.5GB installed size20:00
desrtand i didn't even run it with -i20:00
desrtthat's when it gets really fun :)20:00
seb128yeah, I've quite some old libs here20:00
seb128like I noticed recently I had like still 3 so versions of libindicat*20:01
desrtya... the apt-get support really has some issues :/20:01
desrtthen there are some things on the list that are like ... uh... why?20:03
desrtacpi-support really seems like it ought to be in ubuntu-standard, as an example20:04
mdeslaurseb128: meh, suspend on lid close is broken for me now, and downgrading gnome-settings-daemon doesn't fix it :(21:31
* mdeslaur will investigate tomorrow21:31
seb128mdeslaur, :-(21:31
mterrycyphermox, I remember that network-indicator being part of unity-greeter got dropped for 12.04.  Was that just lack of time or were there hard technical problems?21:47
brycehjasoncwarner_, hey following up on your horizontal scrolling mouse bug - I see it's been fixed upstream now, and we have pulled that fix into ubuntu.  When you get a chance can you update to latest precise and verify that the issue is now solved?22:04
jasoncwarner_bryceh: sure...will do and let you know22:04
Sarvattmdeslaur: are you using a proprietary driver?22:07
Sarvattsuspend on lid close is broken with the nvidia driver, it thinks its an external screen so it doesn't suspend22:08
desrtseb128: poke22:39
seb128desrt, hey22:40
desrtseb128: any word on having the control centre set gsettings keybindings yet?22:40
seb128desrt, no, nobody seems interested by that22:40
seb128or interested enough to do the work22:41
* desrt is interested in the work being done :)22:41
seb128I tried to ping jbicha and ricotz several times about it22:41
desrtmaybe i can take a look now that XUL is finished22:41
seb128desrt, I planned to have a look this week but beta2 freeze is thursday so it will be tight22:42
seb128I count tomorrow to still be busy with GNOME 3.3.9222:42
desrtit's on my list22:42
desrtthe g-s-d patch for reverting using gsettings for custom key bindings is ruining my day :)22:42
seb128desrt, I think it might be easy, like the g-s-d revert can probably be dropped for sure22:42
seb128desrt, oh, how so?22:43
seb128I though g-s-d was not linked to wms, etc22:43
desrtseb128: trying to build gnome-control-center out of upstream git -> crashes when it can't find the keys in the gsettings schema for g-s-d22:43
seb128I though g-s-d had the multimedia keys and actions only22:43
seb128ah right22:43
desrtbecause your patch reverted them22:43
seb128yeah, I hit that recently as well :p22:43
desrtokay.  stepping out for the evening22:44
desrtwill take a look tomorrow22:44
desrtgood night22:44
seb128desrt, so I think that an easy step would be to drop the g-s-d patch and update the g-c-c patch to drop the multimedia keys part22:44
seb128i.e just keep writting the wm keys to gconf22:44
desrtthat would help, indeed22:45
seb128better would be to change that code to write to both gsettings and gconf22:45
seb128desrt, 'night22:45

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