
dholbachgood morning07:53
czajkowskihuats: ping09:38
=== fenris is now known as Guest97336
czajkowskihuats: ping 14:53
locodir-useri want to give read access to some directory15:48
locodir-userhow should i15:48
mhall119read access to who?15:48
locodir-userto directory15:50
mhall119locodir-user: you want to give everybody read access to it?15:52
mhall119who do you want to give access to that directory?15:53
locodir-useri want want to give some user named dkhot15:53
mhall119ok, so dkhot either needs to be the owner of the directory, or in the group the directory is assigned to15:55
mhall119if he's the owner, you can run this on the commandline: "chmod o+r /path/to/the/directory"15:56
mhall119if he's in the group, use "g+r" instead of "o+r"15:56
locodir-usermhall119 : ok thank you16:20
huatsczajkowski: pong16:57
huatsbut I'm about to be away16:57
huatsI'll be back tonight16:57
huatsquery me if you want :)16:58
czajkowskihuats: your mail to the LC was blank 17:01
huatsOh :(17:01
huatsI'll send it again then17:02
huatsI have noticed that I have used a wrong address.17:02
huatsI'll change that tonight17:02
JanCczajkowski: \o/ Belgium --> http://www.fira-aer-rugby.com/competition-1.htm  --> now we will be able to (try to) qualify for the world cup too!  ;)19:52

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