
* micahg still needs to kill sqlite (2.x) as well00:00
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ajmitchmicahg: it worries me when I see people filing bugs complaining that sqlite 2.x support has been removed from a package00:15
ajmitchsince it was deprecated upstream several years ago now00:15
micahgajmitch: indeed, I was waiting for this to be done in Debian00:15
micahgbut as the maintainer keeps failing to file the removal bugs, I'm just going to do it for precise and file bugs with the changes00:16
ajmitchit should only be universe packages, I hope00:16
micahgand unseeded00:17
* ajmitch feels sorry for the maintainer of openclipart in debian, binary packages come to over 1G00:21
ajmitchI wonder if that's worth syncing to precise, it's just large content that's unseeded00:23
micahgas we've had the same upstream since hardy, that doesn't sound like a bad idea00:24
* ajmitch was just checking what large file debmirror was stuck on :)00:24
ajmitchI suspect I'll need to try & build it locally first00:26
ScottKNot that much time before release.00:26
ScottK(unless you left NZ and have actual bandwidth)00:27
micahgajmitch: I can do that if you like00:27
ajmitchScottK: that's why I'd sync it & let LP pull in the source00:27
micahgajmitch: does it need any paperwork?00:27
ajmitchmicahg: major new upstream of unseeded package? yeah, probably needs an FFe, I haven't checked for one00:28
micahgajmitch: only needs FFe if it has new features00:28
micahgor major build system changes00:28
ajmitchdefine 'new features' when it's clip art :)00:28
ajmitchhttp://packages.debian.org/changelogs/pool/main/o/openclipart/current/changelog doesn't list much00:29
micahgbug 53710500:29
ubottuLaunchpad bug 537105 in openclipart (Ubuntu) "2.0 package now launched (its really .20)" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/53710500:29
ajmitchmicahg: if you're feeling like burning bandwidth, go ahead :)00:30
* micahg has the BW :)00:30
ajmitchok then00:31
jtaylorcan one get apt-cacher-ng to cache pull*-source?00:38
ajmitchyou may be able to get pull-debian-source to go through apt-cacher-ng, probably less likely with pull-lp-source00:40
ajmitchgenerally you wouldn't be pulling the source down multiple times though?00:40
jtaylorI do often00:41
ajmitchwhy not keep an unmodified copy of the source around?00:42
ajmitchor do you start up a fresh vm & work in that?00:43
jtaylorI usally dump stuff in /tmp00:43
jtaylorunless I anticipate using it in future00:43
jtaylorI often anticipate wrong :/00:43
* ajmitch has a bad habit of keeping stuff lying around00:43
ajmitchit wasn't that long ago that I was cleaning up breezy chroots00:44
micahgajmitch: openclipart is a long build as well :-/00:54
ajmitchmicahg: boy am I glad you volunteered ;)00:57
micahgand ~3GB of disk space00:58
micahgwell, I've got this hardware not doing much until after dinner :)00:59
micahgumm, last build took 10 hrs on roseapple00:59
ajmitchs/dinner/breakfast/ ?01:00
micahgand only 1.2 GB01:00
micahgajmitch: nah, I have work to do tonight :)01:00
ScottKFYI, haskell New'ing seems done.01:40
Pikkachuhi, I'm trying to apply a simple patch to pidgin since hours01:41
Pikkachuam I supposed to read all of this simple doc? https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PackagingGuide/Complete01:41
jalcineWhere's Laney? >.> *smells more Haskell.01:42
PikkachuI just want to make a patched package, possibly source package that I can upload to my PPA01:42
micahgajmitch: openclipart failed after an hour, seems we need a basis link patch that the other packages that use libreoffice got01:55
ajmitchmicahg: better to fail after 1 hour than after 901:56
ajmitchmicahg: want me to look for what patch is needed tonight?01:57
micahgajmitch: if you have time, that would be great01:57
micahgajmitch: want the buildlog?01:57
ajmitchok, I'll give it a shot, build log will be useful01:58
micahgajmitch: pastebin ok?01:58
ajmitchor email if it's large01:58
micahgajmitch: almost 10M01:58
ajmitchok, just email it then, I'll take a look later :)01:59
jalcineMy clock's silly.01:59
micahgajmitch: sent02:04
ajmitchmicahg: thanks02:11
ajmitchdid you ask for an FFe earlier, or do you think it's not needed?02:12
micahgajmitch: I was going to wait for the build to finish to see what changed02:12
ajmitchfair enough02:13
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micahgajmitch: I found debian 66374702:23
ubottuDebian bug 663747 in openclipart "FTBFS with LibreOffice 3.5: basis-link gone/uninstallable with LibreOffice 3.5" [Important,Open] http://bugs.debian.org/66374702:23
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ajmitchright, I was going to grab the previous version from snapshot.d.o to compare, with that patch I don't need to :)02:23
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Pikkachuis there any problem in building packages form ntfs partitions?02:49
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micahgLaney: one thing all the haskell rebuilds have done is rocket you to #4 uploader for precise06:29
ajmitchheh, so that's why he did it...06:33
ajmitchhe has done quite a few uploads, judging from that graph06:34
micahgajmitch: you're #44 ATM :)06:34
ajmitchmicahg: I expect that to jump a few places, I synced another ~25 since the last updated time at the bottom of the page06:35
ajmitchhttp://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/transitions/ghc.html has a few packages listed that should be installable now, so we're close06:36
micahgajmitch: I think about 12 higher06:36
ajmitchthough that's just an indicator of number of syncs done, not actual effort :)06:37
micahgtrue :)06:37
* ajmitch wonders how long this openclipart build may take06:42
* ajmitch shall also have to file an FFe for vagrant, to bring it up to 1.0 in precise06:57
dholbachgood morning07:53
ajmitchmorning dholbach07:54
dholbachhi ajmitch08:00
Laneyyeah, they should only count as one upload really08:51
ajmitchargh, dreaded "No space left on device"08:53
Rhonda<nelson point="ajmitch">HA HA!</nelson>08:55
ajmitchso cruel :(08:56
geserajmitch: how much more missing?08:56
micahgajmitch: how much space did it take already?08:56
Rhondadeinstall openoffice.org ;)08:56
ajmitchmicahg: I had 5.7GB free after the build had failed08:57
* Rhonda has to get rid of a fair amount of music from her harddisk everytime she has to compile wesnoth …08:57
ajmitchRhonda: I'm building stuff that build-deps on libreoffice :)08:57
micahgajmitch: you got further than I did, I think mine was only up to ~4.5GB08:57
Rhondahah! knew it!08:57
ajmitchmicahg: I've cleared another couple of GB, trying again08:57
ajmitchsurely ~9GB free is enough, right?08:58
micahgajmitch: you've apparently never tried to compile libreoffice or webkit :)08:58
RhondaI think 7G was barely enough when I tried to help out with openoffice08:58
ajmitchRhonda: building openclipart, I saw that 2.0 was uploaded to debian08:58
Rhondaand that was AGES ago08:58
micahgRhonda: it build-deps on libreoffice, not builds it08:58
ajmitchmicahg: I'm not that crazy08:58
micahgajmitch: no idea since Debian doesn't have build logs for arch all packages08:59
micahglast version in precise only took 1GB build space08:59
ajmitchI also had this thing thrashing an awful lot as it took ~2GB for an image08:59
ajmitchlast version in precise was quite a bit smaller08:59
* micahg builds "smaller (<10GB)" builds in RAM08:59
* ajmitch starts the 2 minutes of hate09:00
* micahg goes to sleep09:00
ajmitchyou're as bad as a friend of mine showing off his new laptop with 16GB of RAM :)09:00
micahgajmitch: how do you think I build stuff in RAM :)09:00
ajmitchyeah I guessed that09:01
ajmitchhe works on unity, so probably needs all of that :)09:01
* micahg wants more RAM for his laptop, but needs to wait for 8GB DIMMs to come down in price09:01
* ajmitch would like a new laptop, but the new SSD will have to do for now09:01
ajmitchit's made a huge difference anyway09:01
micahgI think I'll need an SSD when I add more ram as well :)09:02
ajmitchwhen this is thrashing because it has only 4GB RAM, I see disk I/O of about 130MB/sec in iotop09:02
micahganyways, really need to sleep now :)09:02
ajmitchnight ;)09:02
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Rhondaajmitch: build it in a ramdisk!!09:20
Rhondaoh, should have read the complete backlog09:21
vibhavWhile fixing errors in the description, do I need to file bugs even for spelling error in the description?09:57
ikoniavibhav: topyli just told you in #ubuntu-offtopic, why ask again10:06
vibhavIs the Ubuntu Pad down!?10:10
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Rhondahmm, would a FFe for pgadmin3 bug fix release be out of scope?  I am currently building …12:15
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tumbleweedbug fixes don't need FFes (unless they bring in other new features / big changes)12:17
Rhondatumbleweed: The changes are quite a fair bit, and I fear not all of them are marked as fixes12:22
RhondaThe upstream log from 1.14.0 to 1.14.2 has a fair amount of entries :)12:23
tumbleweedthat does sound like a bugfix point-release, though, so I'd be inclined to approve it12:24
RhondaHave to get it building first anyway.  Trying to enable debugging symbols, they are giving me troubles right now.12:24
ScottKjtaylor: If you were up for preparing a numpy update to bring the python3 bits in, I'd be up for reviewing the FFe and doing the New review.13:21
Laneyajmitch: are you feeling the pinch? http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2012/mar/19/marmite-shortage-new-zealand-spread13:42
mfischI have a ftbfs fix that is a new upstream release, and also has a couple new features in it.  Do I need to file a separate FFe bug still?14:30
tumbleweedwe grant FFes for that kind of thing pretty quickly14:31
mfischtumbleweed: so I should still file a new bug then14:32
mfischokay will do14:34
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mfischI filed my FFe.  Now do I need to do a merge proposal?  And if so, to which bug (original or ffe) would I attach it?14:49
tumbleweedmfisch: you can do the FFe in the original bug14:50
mfischtoo late14:50
tumbleweedbut to answer your question it doesn't really matter. Just make sure that both will get closed by the upload14:51
Rhondamerge them?14:51
mfischScottK: replied "yes" when I asked if I should file a new bug for the FFe14:51
ScottKmfisch: Sorry, I misunderstood the question.14:51
ScottKThe existing bug would have been fine.14:52
mfischShould I close this new one and move the info over?14:52
mfischnew: Bug #95934714:52
ubottuLaunchpad bug 959347 in python-djvulibre (Ubuntu) "new python-djvulibre release 0.3.8 fixes ftbfs (but also has new features)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/95934714:52
mfischold: Bug #93538514:52
ubottuLaunchpad bug 935385 in python-djvulibre (Ubuntu Precise) "python-djvulibre version 0.3.3-1 FTBFS on i386 in precise" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/93538514:52
tumbleweedmfisch: http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=646177#32 <- I'll happily sponsor it for you in Debian14:54
ubottuDebian bug 646177 in src:python-djvulibre "python-djvulibre: FTBFS: FAIL: test_decode.test_documents.test_export_ps" [Serious,Open]14:54
mfischtumbleweed: it would make much more sense there14:54
tumbleweed(IIRC I sponsored the last upload of it there)14:54
mfischtumbleweed: got a wiki page link on what I need to do to get it there?14:55
tumbleweedmfisch: it's in a team repository (DPMT) https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Debian/PythonModulesTeam14:56
tumbleweedbut if this is just a once-off fix you are doing, just send a debdiff to that bug, and CC me14:57
mfischtumbleweed: you mean send to the debian bug?14:57
mfischtumbleweed: okay, well I will close my FFe and just say "fixing upstream" and then get you the debdiff later today14:58
tumbleweedit's a new upstream version, so just a diff of the debian directory contents matters14:58
mfischtumbleweed: all I did was dch -i, which will need to be redone and rm -rf debian/patches (after validating that they were already applied)14:59
tumbleweedmfisch: nice15:00
mfischtumbleweed: so should I still close out the FFe?15:01
tumbleweedthat can by closed by the sync. But you should close the Debian and Ubuntu FTBFS bugs15:03
tumbleweed(I mean, close them in the upload, the FFe bug can be closed by the syncer)15:04
mfischtumbleweed: talking to you today explains why I never found a guy named "stefanor" on IRC when I was looking last week ;)  I failed to check your launchpad page15:06
tumbleweedI used to use that as an IRC nick, but didn't like it so much15:06
mfischtumbleweed: maybe you also want to sponsor this one which we've discussed before: http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=66222715:06
ubottuDebian bug 662227 in src:live-manual "src:live-manual: FTBFS in non-UTF-8 locales (such as C)" [Serious,Open]15:06
mfischtumbleweed: fix is attached to the bug15:06
tumbleweed"I have a different way to fix this." <- that's pretty much what I suggested :)15:07
tumbleweedI've been slacking a little with my sponsorishp recently, but maybe I can do some tonight...15:08
mfischtumbleweed: while I was looking for "stefanor" someone else accepted my original fix.  But if we fix it right in Debian we can remove the Ubuntu changes15:10
highvoltagewow, you're old-school if you're still looking for stefanor :)15:11
mfischhighvoltage: just an oversight based on his launchpad user-id and not checking his actual launchpad page15:15
tumbleweedmfisch: test_decode.test_documents.test_nonexistent ... SKIP: you need to run this test with LANGUAGE unset <- seems like we should be doing that15:19
highvoltagemfisch: ah15:20
mfischtumbleweed: okay let me try that out later this morning15:21
tumbleweedmfisch: actually, no, other tests need that15:21
mfischtumbleweed: the changelog says he is skipping "tests in unsuitable environments"15:25
mfischskipping some tests I mean15:25
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tumbleweedright, and that's what we see15:27
mfischtumbleweed: what are the next steps?16:18
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jtaylorScottK: great I already merged the changes numpy for personal use17:48
jtaylorI'll do some sanity checking and request a ffe17:48
micahgjtaylor: is this the gcc -print-multiarch change or something else?17:50
ScottKmicahg: It's the python3 stuff that just got uploaded to Debian.17:51
jtaylorthe multiarch thing has been merged already17:51
micahgah, ok17:51
jtaylorthen only scipy is missing :)17:54
psusiwhat is it that normally installs udev hooks?  the kpartx package has an initramfs/hooks file, but it doesn't seem to be installed18:24
PaoloRotoloHi all!18:28
yellowduinoI have a question18:33
yellowduinoI tried checking out totem-pl-parser branch, and its packaging status is OUT-OF-DATE18:34
yellowduinoand I see in ubuntu package-import that its import actually failed18:34
yellowduinowhat should I do about it?18:34
micahgyellowduino: you can make sure there's a bug at bugs.launchpad.net/udd for that type of failure18:34
yellowduinowill do18:35
ajmitchmicahg: I shouldn't have let you talk me into building opeclipart - it's still going :)18:36
micahgajmitch: heh18:36
jtaylorScottK: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/python-numpy/+bug/95958818:37
ubottuLaunchpad bug 959588 in python-numpy (Ubuntu) "FFe: for numpy 1.6.1-6" [Undecided,New]18:37
jtaylorits a bit short on the text but I guess you are familiar with the problem anyway18:37
ScottKjtaylor: Just add a debdiff and I'm good.18:38
jtayloralmost ready18:39
ScottKbarry: Once jtaylor has finished his python-numpy FFe and I approve it, can you sponsor the package (so I'm free to do the New review) ^^^?18:44
barryScottK, jtaylor sure, just point me in the right direction18:52
jtaylorbarry: https://code.launchpad.net/~jtaylor/ubuntu/precise/python-numpy/python3-numpy/+merge/9825718:52
jtaylorthere is still a testsuite failure, but its already present in precise so no regression18:53
jtayloralso I saw now normal runtime issues yet18:53
barryjtaylor: and it's still not running the tests during the build?18:54
jtaylorit is, but its ignoring the result18:54
barryjtaylor: test failures in both py2 and py3?18:54
barryjtaylor, ScottK i'll merge your branch and do a local build.  ScottK ping me when the ffe is approved and i'll upload it18:56
barryblarg.  bzr can't merge it :(18:59
ScottKbarry: FFe approved.18:59
jtaylorI did some crazy criss cross merging at the time I did not think we could still get it in precise19:00
barryjtaylor: bug 923688 :/19:02
ubottuLaunchpad bug 923688 in bzr-builddeb "bzr crashed with AttributeError in tree_unapply_patches(): 'DirStateRevisionTree' object has no attribute 'last_revision'" [High,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/92368819:02
barryjtaylor: any chance you can unwind that into a non-cross-crossed branch?  or should i just grab the diff?19:03
jtaylorI can add a debdiff19:03
barryjtaylor: +119:03
barryjtaylor: just let me know when it's ready and which bug its attached to19:07
jtaylorattached to bug 95958819:07
ubottuLaunchpad bug 959588 in python-numpy (Ubuntu) "FFe: for numpy 1.6.1-6" [Wishlist,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/95958819:07
barryjtaylor: got it19:08
pinchealemanI suspect it's too late for this, but I wanted to see what the best way to go about bumping the version of auditd distributed in precise; auditd-2.2 has some nifty field comparisons that would be very helpful19:15
micahg!ffe | pinchealeman19:16
ubottupinchealeman: Feature Freeze Exception. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FreezeExceptionProcess for the freeze exception process.19:16
ScottKpinchealeman: If you can get Debian to update it and we can update from there, it might not be too late.19:17
micahgpinchealeman: you also need someone to package the update19:17
ScottKAt this point someone would need to package it otherwise.19:17
micahgyeah, Debian updating would be better19:17
ScottKbarry: Ping me after you upload and I'll look at New.19:17
barryScottK: will do.  just double checking w/a  local build now19:18
pinchealemanyeah. they're slow :). the last bug I saw on debian.org about auditd was a request to update to 2.1.319:18
ScottKSure.  No rush.19:18
pinchealemanthanks though, I'll push on them.19:18
jtaylormicahg: hdf needs lots of sourceful uploads19:22
jtaylorI don't think its such a good idea to try that now19:22
jtaylorlots of sorting out new upstreams potential ffe's and backporting19:23
ScottKJust to be clear, the no rush was for barry.19:23
micahgjtaylor: I know blair was hoping for it, maybe he can help with the packaging/paperwork19:25
micahgit should be almost all leaf or interdependent packages19:25
ajmitchsuch a nice, sunny day, I'd love to be able to see my monitor :)19:27
barryjtaylor: unhappy: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/891153/19:32
jtaylorhm I must have messed something up when cleaning the diff19:33
barryjtaylor: ping me when you have a new one19:33
jtaylorwhats that in the log: «PKGBUILDDIR»19:33
barryjtaylor: that's sbuild's way of stripping out the temporary prefix (i think)19:34
barryi mostly ignore that19:34
jtaylor:/ a new python update went in, lots of downloading again ...19:36
ajmitchmicahg: I fear that I don't have enough RAM & time to build this monster package now, the png optimisation looks to be what's taking most of the RAM & time :)19:42
micahgajmitch: ok, have a debdiff?19:44
ajmitchmicahg: of course just as I said that to you it finished processing the file it was stuck on for 45 minutes19:44
* ajmitch is just getting a debdiff for it now - it'll be 95% what was in the debian bug19:46
micahgajmitch: interesting factoid: openclipart is an anagram for Nicer Laptop :)19:47
ScottKSomeone has too much free time.19:48
ajmitchmicahg: I'll pick out the one I want & you can ship it to me19:48
micahgScottK: lunch break :)19:48
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ajmitchmicahg: right, only took 5 minutes to get a debdiff, that's not too bad :P19:50
micahgajmitch: it has to clean everything, I was going to ask how much disk space the build was taking19:51
ajmitch< 9 GB, since I only had that much free when I started :)19:51
jtaylorstarting 6 cowbuilders with c++ packages was not such a good idea19:57
jtaylortwo linking processes are eating 70% of my memory :(19:57
jtaylorload 16 :)19:57
jtaylor18 even19:57
jtaylorc++ is crazy why does it need 4.5 gb memory to link ...20:06
jtayloroh no its only compiling, how much is linking going to need :/20:06
micahgjtaylor: I take it you've never compiled chromium or webkit20:07
ajmitchmicahg: when I was young & foolish, I used to regularly build kdelibs/kdebase from CVS20:10
yellowduinoI'm trying to use dch, and DEBFULLNAME is indeed exported, but the changelog is written with my username and hostname instead of DEBFULLNAME and DEBMAIL20:12
yellowduinoany ideas?20:12
micahgajmitch: did we decide if we need an FFe or not?20:13
ajmitchmicahg: it was going to depend on what the differences may be in the built packages20:15
ajmitchor we could just ask someone on the release team :)20:16
ajmitchyellowduino: using DEBEMAIL, rather than DEBMAIL?20:16
yellowduinoI'm using DEBEMAIL indeed, my typo earlier20:17
yellowduinoecho $DEBFULLNAME and $DEBEMAIL shows the correct values, but dch doesn't20:17
micahgyellowduino: exported in the current shell or in general?20:18
yellowduinoin general (bashrc), and I made sure that also in the current shell, same one I'm running dch at20:18
ajmitchdoes ~/.devscripts override the environment variables, or other way round?20:20
Rhondaother way round20:22
Rhondaenvs should always have strongest say20:22
ajmitchright, that's what I expected20:23
Rhondaeverything else I would consider a bug20:23
* ajmitch has a habit of using emacs instead of dch :)20:23
ajmitchbattle to the death?20:23
yellowduinobutterflies :)20:23
yellowduinook, I found the problem. I misunderstood what being exported means - the variables were defined in bashrc but not exported.20:25
micahgyellowduino: env | grep DEB should verify for you20:26
yellowduinoawesome, good to know20:26
barryjtaylor: any luck?20:40
jtaylormy machine is still deadlocked by a build20:40
jtaylorand its and 92% I don't want to stop it :)20:40
jtaylorit also does not happen in oneiric20:40
barryjtaylor: dang20:47
jtaylorits probably also a bug in the debian package, its will ftbs when dh_strip is fixed :/20:49
jtaylorbarry: build worked in my precise chroot21:18
barryjtaylor: was that with your posted debdiff or a new one?21:19
jtaylorshould have been the same as the branch21:19
barryjtaylor: hmm.  that one definitely failed for me.  i suppose i could upload it and we could cross our fingers21:20
jtaylorthere are a bunch of broken symlinks that should be looked at21:20
barryjtaylor: k.  i'll be here for at least another 40m today, so just ping me when you have something you want me to upload21:21
jtaylorprobably tomorrow21:21
barryjtaylor: np, that'll be fine21:21
ajmitchmicahg: have you started building openclipart yet? if so, the build will fail at the very end due to a typo of mine :)21:30
ScottKAh.  The best kind of typo.21:30
ajmitchof couse21:30
micahgajmitch: nope, not until later21:31
ajmitchScottK: the one that shows up after > 12 hours of building21:31
ScottKYes.  The one that comes right when you've put in all the effort and really start to think you're on the verge of success.21:32
ScottKThat kind.21:32
ajmitchit was when running dpkg-deb, so I know it was at the end21:32
ajmitchstray } in Conflicts21:32
ScottKCan you just rerun the build with -nc?21:33
ajmitchit was run in sbuild, it already cleaned up21:33
ScottKI don't know if there's an sbuild equivalent, but there's a pbuilder hook you can use not to clean up on failure that's very nice for this kind of situation.21:34
ajmitchmost of the build was format conversion & png optimisation, I don't know if -nc would help21:34
jtaylorbarry: created a new chroot and took the prestine debdiff and it still works, is your chroot dirty?21:45
barryjtaylor: it shouldn't be :(21:46
barryjtaylor: but if it works for you then maybe i should go ahead and upload it anyway...21:46
jtayloryou can try, the link problem I thought was there seems correct21:49
jtaylorjust an -ls -l not a dh_link that failed21:49
barryjtaylor: i wonder why it would fail for me on removing .cpython-*d*.so21:52
barryoh, i see the ls -l error higher up21:52
barryjtaylor: i could try building locally again and then poke around the chroot.  but if it builds with that original debdiff okay for you, then i'd be okay just uploading it21:54
barryjtaylor: your call21:54
jtayloryou can add a ignore to the rm just to be save21:55
jtayloris probably better anyway21:55
jtayloradd a - before the rm in line 10621:55
jtayloror rm -f21:55
jtaylorsure the chroot is clean? your log shows it did not install a couple python stuff21:58
barryjtaylor: i do install some python stuff in precise-amd64-source just to save installation time.  it's never been a problem before though, and i did just update my chroots before i tried to build the package22:03
barryi'll try your suggestion though for the heck of it22:03
barryjtaylor: line 106 are you sure?22:04
jtaylorsry line 10022:05
barryah, that's better.  i was afraid i had a bad diff22:06
barrybuilding again now22:06
jtaylorI do not see in the logs why it should not have worked22:07
jtaylordh_install -v would be interestig22:07
barryjtaylor: let me see how this goes.  i'm nearing the end of my day so i think if this works locally, i'll just go ahead and upload it.22:10
barryif not, we can circle back tomorrow22:10
jtaylorwe can also just wait, maybe someone else wants to test build it22:13
jtaylorif its 2 to 1 we upload :)22:13
jtaylorbut ignoring the rm result is the right way to go, I'll forward it22:14
barryso ignoring the rm did build, and a quick scan of the build log seems sane.  let me pastebin that22:19
barryjtaylor: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/891423/22:20
barryjtaylor: if that's good for you, i'm happy to upload it22:20
jtaylorthe rm worked this time?22:22
barryjtaylor: with the -rm22:23
jtaylorthere should still be an error emssage in that case22:23
barryyeah, hmm. no error this time.22:24
barryjtaylor: i'm prepare to declare victory22:25
jtaylorpython2 packages are fine, so it won't break anything existing22:25
barryjtaylor: cool.  i will upload it then22:26
jtaylorwhy did I start building paraview ._. had to increase my partition twice already for that thing22:27
* barry -> away22:30
ScottKbarry and jtaylor: depwait for numpy ought to be resovled after the publisher runs.23:02
jtaylorwasn't nose3 added quite a while ago oO23:03
ScottKIt was in Universe.23:03
ScottKJust got it promoted.23:03
jtayloris main based on binary packages not source packages?23:03
ScottKBinary main must come for source main, but not all binaries of a source in main are necessarily in main.23:04
ScottKIn this case where the source is already in main, getting an additional binary promoted is not hard.23:05
jtaylormicahg: hdf5 first build round finished, 21 success, 44 fails, 12 due to dependencies missing, rest still need to be checked23:42
ajmitchthat's not a great success rate23:42
jtaylormore than I expected23:42

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