
dadadiI installed mythbuntu 11.10 and I have a small issue.  I noticed when mythtv-backend starts up at if.up...which makes total sense.  Only problem is the way I have things setup, those if won't make any sense until my untangle vm is started in virtualbox.  I notice that virtualbox is started in rc2.d...Anyways, I am wondering if I can start the virtualbox vm for untangle before mythtv-backend freeks out because the network is only02:42
dadadiof course the virtualbox has to happen after the network is set to some default eth0 static and eth1 dhcp values or virtualbox cant bind to the if bridged02:47
dadadiit is working okay because I call ifup after virtualbox vm is happy and that seems to let mythtv-backend rebind itself, but it waits that darned 60 secs to see if I will set the ifs to other values that can actually get to the internet....I think that is what its doing02:49
dadadiLOL, life is fun02:49
lenI just read about mythbuntu changing to standardizing off the lts releases rather than the 6 months releases.  This is great news!!!  I normally like to stay pretty current on my regular PC, but I want to use mythoxes like an appliance that just works.  Using myth is becomming more of a chore with a complete infrastructure replacement every 6 months and something always breaking.  A stable base for two years with only myth updates and03:45
lenpatches to allow new devices to work sounds like a breath of fresh air!03:45
lenI just hope remote controls just work again in the new lts.  Moving partial ir support into the kernel really mucked things up.03:47
tgm4883len, glad to hear you think it's great. It should allow more time for us to work on other things04:05
tgm4883we've had lots of users that install the latest distro because they think it's the only way to get a new version of MythTV04:05
tgm4883hopefully this will fill that need and stop them from getting the upgrade itch04:06
lenHave the ir remote issues been ironed out in the coming release?04:28
billyboyhey is rhpot1991 still around15:15
mrandWe power-on rhpot1991 from time to time.  Donations drive more frequent up-time.16:20
billyboymrand: lol16:20
mrandbillyboy: if you just leave something here directed at him, he'll see it16:21
billyboymrand: gotcha, no worries16:22
mrandunless he doesn't see it.  Being IRC is such a highly reliable medium and all.  Gmail is infinitely better in nearly every way.16:24
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javatexanwhat kinds of development does the mythbuntu team do?19:24
mrandjavatexan: a few things... there is mythbuntu control centre, as well as some utilities like myth-bare and mythexport.  There's also the theme (maybe a stretch to be considered development, but someone has to do it!).  Also help to find bugs in the actual mythtv application, and submit fixes if you can.  Nothing to stop you from submitting new code for new features either.20:11
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mrandAnd then there is all of Linux, including lirc, which could always use more TLC20:14
UnguidedHello all. Has anyone tried to run mythbunutu in a virtual machine.21:22
UnguidedIsf so, What was the result? I am trying to run a backend only. I have two HD homerun primes. Any help will be greatly appreciated21:23
superm1Unguided: i haven't done it, but as long as your hardware supports intel VT-x or amd-V you should be fine21:27
UnguidedIt does. I have a quad core with 16mb ram. I only want to run the banckend and as I understand it, with the HD homerun primes, It is only a file transfer b/c the encoding is done onn the prime. Is this correct?21:29
superm1Unguided: well that's close to correct. nothing does the video encoding, it's  transmitted in mpeg2, the HDHR prime just receives signal and transfers the file21:46
superm1the backend will still do commercial flagging though21:47
superm1so if you want to avoid any CPU intensive processes, you'll need to turn that off21:47
UnguidedOk. ITs just a thought to try and consolidate all of the machines I have running in the house (9) and get my wife off my back21:48
superm1i would recommend you set it up a test system21:52
UnguidedOk. Thanks for the advice. I appreciate your help.21:55
superm1sure np, i'm curious to hear how well that works out.  as the services API finds it's way into more projects, i'm sure there will be plenty of other people interested in setting up backend's without having to dedicate full machines (say if they're normally a windows household)21:58
UnguidedYeah. I agree. I just cant keep this many machines in the house anymore, so now22:00
UnguidedI have been forced to make some tough decisions22:00
superm1at least your power bill will thank you eventually :)22:00
UnguidedNot to mention, I wont have to live with the dogs and have the wife ticked off at me22:01
UnguidedIve thought of using proxmox. It seems to be highly recommended and its based off of debian. Supposed to be a bare metal hypervisor unlike virtual box22:04
UnguidedI guess proxmox become the OS instead of running on top of an OS22:04
superm1oh cool, haven't heard of it previously22:05
superm1yeah more like ESX or similar softwares22:05
UnguidedSupposed to support kvm and openvz In the same OS. Here is the link for it if you are interested:   http://www.proxmox.com/  They are currently stable at version 1.9 with version 2.0 in RC1 stage.22:11
Unguidedsuperm1: Only takes about 5-10 minutes to install. Only has about 5-10 keystrokes to install and can be managed from any web browser with java22:12
superm1cool.  i don't have a purpose for it yet at home, but i'll certainly keep it in mind22:13
superm1i'm hoping to get rid of my second frontend, replacing with just a roku wheenver I come up with enough time to get a brightscript app using the services api done22:13
UnguidedKewl. Its just nice for me to be able to share information. I usually come here looking for information being new to linux22:14
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