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cjwatsonScottK: sync from incoming the old-fashioned way> FWIW I removed the LP code for that10:53
cjwatsonI mean for old-fashioned syncs in general10:54
jamespagemorning all11:33
jamespageRiddell, I just finished uploading the zentyal packages associated with bug 928501 to NEW for precise11:34
ubot2`Launchpad bug 928501 in ebox "[FFe] Upload new Zentyal packages (was Precise will ship totally broken ebox packages)" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/92850111:34
jamespageadding transitional package took a bit longer than expected11:34
jamespageif you would so kind as to review much appreciated11:35
Riddelljamespage: thanks, added to my today's todo list11:37
jamespageRiddell, ta - any chance you could review owasp-java-html-sanitizer as well?  I need it to close out a security vulnerability in Jenkins11:41
Riddelljamespage: will do11:45
jamespageRiddell, marvellous - thankyou!11:45
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ScottKcjwatson: OK.  I won't suggest that again.  Thanks for letting me know.12:46
cjwatsonsyncpackage --no-lp or whatever is still usable in emergencies12:48
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knomeanybody know why xubuntu i386 images aren't building since march 15?13:22
slangasekjoin #ubuntu-installer13:23
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cjwatsonknome: I thought I fixed that yesterday evening13:55
cjwatsondid it fail again this morning13:56
cjwatsonhm, ok, still a problem13:58
cjwatsonknome: fixed14:01
cjwatsonknome: I've kicked off fresh builds for you14:01
knomecjwatson, thanks :)14:18
skaetpitti, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/959032 - could you please review and comment on the impact of letting this onto beta 2 disk.  Want to make sure this doesn't cause disks to get oversized.   We pointed to it in the beta 1 release.14:25
ubot2`Launchpad bug 959032 in ubuntu "[needs-packaging] Checkbox-app-testing" [Undecided,New]14:25
pittiskaet: "It is not intended to be included on the final cd."14:34
pittiskaet: so should not harm too much14:34
skaetpitti,  worried about beta 2 getting oversize (and less usuable)14:34
pittiskaet: asked14:35
pittiskaet: right, did the same14:35
skaetpitti, thanks.14:36
ScottKComponent mismatches kind of exploded.15:28
infinityScottK: We, err.  Ew.  Did someone promote something haskellish to main?15:34
ScottKI suspect it was a new upload of something MaaS like.15:35
cjwatsondistro-info, I'm going to guess15:35
infinityLooks like.15:35
infinity(Looks like distro-info, that is)15:35
cjwatsoncobbler recommends: distro-info build-depends: haskell world15:35
debfxcould someone please have a look at the zsh FFe request: bug #76228615:35
ubot2`Launchpad bug 762286 in zsh "FFe: Please merge zsh 4.3.17-1 from Debian" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/76228615:35
infinityWhy on earth is distro-info anything more complex than a simple shell script? :P15:35
cjwatsonand I think separately, maas stuff pulling in python-support *spit*15:35
cjwatsonhttp://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/component-mismatches.svg has the graph15:36
ScottKcjwatson: Good thing all this stuff is landing early in the cycle so there's plenty of time to sort it out.15:37
ScottKI think getting stuff in early is the most important for projects developed specifically for Ubuntu and it's exactly those (the ones outside the distro team) that seem to be the worst at aligning to the schedule.15:39
Riddellit's because they align to the ubuntu 6 month cycle with ubuntu final release being the psychological target for their final release when they want to align to ubuntu cycle - 2 months15:40
infinityScottK: Thankfully, all the crap cobbler is trying to pull in is in Recommends.  It could just be that those should be suggests.15:41
ScottKIt's even been discussed.15:41
infinity(I mean, really, debmirror?)15:41
ScottKinfinity: Good news.15:41
ScottKThey just never seem to do it.15:41
infinityDaviey: Can you look into getting your minions to evaluate the cobbler Recommends line and drop all/most of that to Suggests?15:42
Davieyinfinity: it's in progress15:44
infinityDaviey: Danke.15:44
DavieyReally, does this require 4 people to discuss? :)15:44
DavieyI'm on it :)15:45
infinityDaviey: Almost none of that looks like it should be a Recommend to me.15:45
Davieydistro-info will get rid of the haskel noise.15:45
infinityDaviey: But it's also trying to promote debmirror, hardlink... I stopped reading after that.15:45
Davieyinfinity: good idea15:46
infinityDaviey: Actually, just those.15:46
infinityDaviey: So, either those need an MIR, or they need to be dropped to Suggests too.15:46
Davieyinfinity: you don't think i knew that?15:47
infinityDaviey: :P15:48
infinityDaviey: We get grumpy when our pretty archive checking tools explode.15:49
ScottKAnd every cycle it's something.15:49
LaneyDo you have any easy way of discovering (to remove) all OOD haskell binaries?15:52
cjwatsonare they not NBS?15:54
Laneylike some things might have started to depend on ghc-ghci which isn't available on !x8615:55
cjwatsonhttp://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/testing/precise_outdate_all.txt perhaps?15:55
cjwatsonditto testing-ports15:56
Laneyshall I file a bug or can you do it from the list there?15:56
cjwatsonnot just now, installer-sprinting15:56
Laneyin general15:57
cjwatsonprobably best file a bug15:57
cjwatsonif it were a short list and I didn't have to exercise any editorial discretion then wouldn't need a bug15:57
cjwatsonbut I'd be a bit scared about doing things wrong in this case15:57
Laneylibghc-* looks right from a quick glance15:57
Laneyi'll do it later, thanks15:57
infinityLaney: Is there any active development to make ghci work elsewhere (like, say, armhf)?15:58
Laneyinfinity: I would like to say so, but really I have no idea16:01
Laneythere is a "ghcarm" effort, but I don't know where they are putting their efforts16:02
LaneyI understand the dynamic linker is the main problem; check out rts/Linker.c16:04
Davieyinfinity / ScottK: The tool and depends you are mostly talking about, has had a MIR open for quite some time.16:18
ScottKYes and IIRC you gave it an FFe.16:19
DavieyScottK: no, that was for maas.. not cobbler16:19
ScottKAh.  Right.16:19
* ScottK can't keep track.16:19
DavieyScottK: thankfully, i am :)16:20
ScottKMaaS appears to be Canonical's major entry in the "never planned to work with the release schedule" sweepstakes for this cycle.16:22
DavieyScottK: Are there prizes ?16:27
ScottKSo far mostly public ridicule, but who knows what the future will bring.16:28
DavieyI'm missing the ridicule, must try harder.16:28
ScottKWe haven't declared a winner for this cycle yet.16:31
ScottKThere may be some last minute font crisis again.16:31
jamespageRiddell, thanks for reviewing/accepting the zentyal packages17:56
Riddelljamespage: thanks for your contribution to Ubuntu :)18:09
knomeubuntu studio needs UIFe for #95950418:11
knomestgraber, skaet: ^ that's for the slideshow18:12
knomealso, when zsyncing, how does a person know which image (s)he has?18:14
phillwknome: if you do an ls it should report its full name.18:25
knomeincluding the date?18:25
sbeattie'isoinfo -x /.disk/info -J -i /path/to/iso' should give the build information encoded in the iso.18:26
knomeokay, thanks18:26
knomebtw... one of our testers reported that zsyncs from http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/xubuntu/daily/current/ gave him an iso from february18:43
knome^ explains the question before18:43
cjwatsondon't know why that would be, since it's current18:46
cjwatsonmaybe a bogus web cache in the way or something18:47
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knomecjwatson, https://launchpad.net/debian-cd is still used?22:02
cjwatsonyes - specifically https://code.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-cdimage/debian-cd/ubuntu22:02
cjwatsononly tangentially for live CDs, though22:02
knomehmm, so it means we have to update the logo there too... :)22:03
ScottKslangasek: , cjwatson, whoever's around: Would you please promote python3-nose to Main.  Now that we're building python3 packages for numpy it's needed as a build-dep and it's from a source that's already in main.22:49
ScottKbarry: ^^^22:50
slangasekScottK: done23:01
ScottKslangasek: Thanks.23:01

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