
hilarieIs it possible to expand / to another disk (usb in this case) http://paste.ubuntu.com/890030/ plenty of room not on that one00:06
qman__not after the fact, you'd have to have used LVM to begin with00:07
hilarieWhat's LVM?00:07
qman__it's not a good idea to do that anyway, one USB flash drive is bad enough, two is going to make it perform much worse00:08
ubottuTips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SoftwareRAID and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO - For software RAID, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FakeRaidHowto00:09
hilarieIts not that bad after the cache sizes gets really large :)00:09
hilarieSo there is nothing to save it now?00:10
qman__technically possible but very involved, quicker and easier to start over with LVM00:11
hilarieWould it be possible install ubuntu server via a virtual machine, onto a different usb drive, then just swap them out? (the server doesn't have a monitor anymore)00:12
epifaniohi All01:56
epifanioi'm running ubuntu server (lucid) .. i'm trying to load an "user" script at login .. i tried with rc-update but no clue ... the script is executed as root and not in the home directory01:58
epifanioit is a simple shell script to run a pytohn services ... i'd like to load it when the machine start (so to avoid to login with ssh and start the command from the shell manually)01:59
epifaniohave you any hints on how can i do ?01:59
twbepifanio: should this python service run as root?02:01
epifaniotwb no, i need it as normal user02:01
twbThen run crontab -e as that use, and write an @reboot entry into his crontab02:01
twb*as that user02:02
epifaniomy server has no desktop environment ... i tried  on an other linux box (xfce4 based) and actually a solution can be to copy a runscript.desktop  inside the directory :  /home/user/.conf/autostartup/02:02
epifanioi'll try it :)02:02
epifanioto have it running at each boot .. i have to  use all ''02:05
epifanio.. all :  '*'  ?02:06
epifaniolike :  * * * * 1 executable arg102:06
epifaniooh i see  .. @reboot   sorry02:08
twbman 5 crontab, IIRC02:13
epifanio@reboot /usr/local/bin/ipython notebook --no-browser02:19
epifanioworks great!  thanks!!!02:20
twbYou should probably just use a shebang02:25
jetoleHey guys. Not sure if this is the right place to ask but I have a firewall system with two IP on two subnets on the same LAN which is how it is supposed to be for now however I have dhcpd running which has a subnet defined for only one of those lans and I find it's mostly working however the clients are getting the dhcp config from the other lan IP even though it's the right config. For example the fw has and on the ...02:26
jetole... same nic and it is server dhcp to and it's doing it right except it's sending the data for the network from the IP. Does anyone know if there is any way to confine it to that one IP address?02:26
twbjetole: slow down.  You have one network running two IP ranges, e.g. 192.168/16 and 10/8?02:27
jetoletwb: sure. yes02:27
jetoletwb: the firewall has IP's for each net. They are both on the same broadcast LAN. The firewall is serving dhcp for 10/8 via 192.168/16 IP. 10/8 is the only configured subnet in dhcpd. The clients are getting the correct config. They are just getting it from an IP outside of the scope of the subnet they are receiving it from02:31
jetoletwb: does that make sense?02:31
twbSorry, was elsewhere02:42
jetoleit's cool. any thoughts?02:42
twb"getting config" as in they're seeing a DHCPACK?02:43
jetoleAs in they are being properly setup with IP, routing, DNS servers etc.02:43
jetoleAs far as I can tell everything is working as it should except the server is sending it's reponses from the wrong IP but that doesn't seem to interfere. Nothing seems broken. Just logistically speaking it doesn't look right02:44
twboh I see02:44
twbSo what you're saying is that the server running dhcpd has (say) and, and it's sending DHCP responses saying "you are not" but it's sending them with a src ip of
jetoleit's sending responses saying "you _are_" but from the source ip of yeah. Thats about it02:46
twbIIUC that's because UDP can't know which IP to use on a multi-IP iface, so it picks the widest/primary IP on that iface.  If both IPs on that iface are in the same subnet, you can use "ip address" to set which is primary02:46
jetolewell they are on different subnets. I don't think this is anything UDP specific but I think dhcpd is replying based on some logic that says just use this IP but I'm wondering if there is some way I can define which one to use02:48
jetoleI haven't figured it out yet from the man page though02:48
twbDunno, sorry02:52
twbTry talking to the dhcpd people02:52
esuavegot a question, so i can telnet on port 22 to my server but cannot ssh..05:24
esuavei am able to ssh for a few hours.. than when i come back to it.. it wont let me ssh.. it times out05:24
esuaveany ideas?05:24
twbesuave: 22 is not for ssh05:41
twbEr, sorry05:41
twb22 is not for telnet.05:41
esuaveright.. but i can telnet on 2205:41
twbtelnet runs on tcp/23, ssh runs on tcp/22.05:41
esuavei can telnet to the server on port 22 which means the port is not being blocked.05:42
esuavei just cant ssh in to the box.05:42
esuaveits like the server is going into some kind of sleep mode or something05:42
twbOh, you're abusing telnet instead of using nc05:42
twbIt is most likely PMTUD05:43
esuavenetcat works too05:43
twbAre you blocking ICMP?05:43
esuaveno ports are forwarded05:43
esuavethe correct ports are forwarded05:43
twbThat's not what I asked.05:43
esuavei was able to ssh just fine like 2 hours ago05:43
esuavei have to reboot the machine to ssh again05:43
twbPlease confirm that ICMP is not blocked.05:44
esuavetwb: ICMP would be on the router?05:46
esuavei would think it wouldnt be blocked since i reboot the machine and I am able to ssh? i dont know.. it seems like a few hours later it always locks up and i cant ssh :/05:48
esuaveits odd05:48
twbesuave: on ANY router between the SSH server and SSH client, or on the SSH server, or on the SSH client.05:48
twbIf you can't ping the host, ICMP is probably blocked.05:49
esuavei can ping it05:49
twbHowever just because ping works doesn't mean the PMTUD types of ICMP aren't blocked.05:49
twbOK, have you looked at the logs of the ssh server?05:49
twbAre you on a dynamic IP?  Maybe the IP just changes and you don't know the new IP.05:49
esuaveyeah.. nothin unusual there05:50
esuavenah its static05:50
twbIf you have an SSH session going and it hangs, maybe you don't have TCP keepalives turned on in .ssh/config ?05:50
esuaveyou think the computer might be doing some kind of power saving mode?05:50
esuavefrom a bios setting?05:50
twbThat is also possible.05:50
twbOne would hope the BIOS fucks off as soon as the kernel loads.05:50
esuaveyeah cuase the server works perfect for like 2 hours than i goes blank..05:51
twbIs it always exactly two hours?05:51
twbThat is highly suspicious.05:51
esuaveyeah.. i might just do a reinstall :/05:52
twbCan you reproduce this issue with other hosts on the client side, perhaps at other sites?05:52
esuaveits just a test server anyway05:52
esuavenah.. thats the only host i have running on that IP05:53
esuaveits an old piece of crap computer too05:53
esuavethat doesnt probably help either05:53
esuaveoh well. ill try a reinstall.. maybe move to heron.  Thank you for your help twb!05:54
twbIf you are running something older than hardy you have big problems05:55
twbAll of those (except maybe 6.04 dapper) are already end-of-lifed05:55
esuavenah im running 10.04 right now05:55
esuavebut i wanna move back to hardy05:55
twbHe's nuts.05:57
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uvirtbotNew bug: #959073 in samba (main) "package samba 2:3.6.3-2ubuntu1 failed to install/upgrade: subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 1" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/95907308:21
_rubenurgh .. stupid "kernel time sync status change" log messages, cluttering up my logs08:22
twb_ruben: tell logcheck to ignore them08:25
twbI gave up trying to actually get rid of them 18 months ago08:26
_rubentwb: i *could* add a grep to  my tail -f, but meh :)08:32
twbgrep --line-buffered08:34
twbtail -fn0 /var/log/syslog /var/log/auth.log | grep --line-buffered foo is one of those things I type by pure reflex08:35
twbOh add an & on the end08:35
twbNearly as much as egrep -v '^[[:space:]]*(#|$)' /etc/foorc08:35
lynxmanmorning o/08:41
twbDon't call me o/08:44
jamespagemorning all08:49
bencer_morning jamespage, did you have a look at my last upload?09:02
jamespagebencer_, good morning09:02
jamespagelooking at it right now09:02
bencer_great! thanks09:02
tjaaltonoh this is just great09:33
tjaaltonI fixed cobbler-ubuntu-import -U to actually work, just that now it removed all systems using precise-*09:35
tjaaltonand the profiles09:35
tjaaltonyeah, it's totally hosed :(09:43
tjaaltonit'll rename the old profile, and then later remove it09:43
tjaaltonthen all the systems using the old profile will get deleted as well09:43
tjaaltonsmoser: ^09:43
koolhead11tjaalton: well i doubt systems will get deleted :)09:47
tjaaltonkoolhead11: how so? I've reproduced it09:47
koolhead11you can system edit and modify profile it should now point too09:47
tjaaltonI have a distro/profile I'm not using. added a system using the profile, then deleted the iso so d-u-i would update it. after it's finished the system is no more09:48
koolhead11tjaalton: on paper systems and profiles are two separate entity i suppose. System is a wrapper on top of profile which means when you want one of your VM to say install "glance" other "nova" another "keystone" in terms of openstack09:49
koolhead11you will create 3 system file on top of the precise profile09:49
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tjaaltonyes, I don't understand how all that is relevant though09:49
koolhead11i can only think of replacing my new profile to available system.09:50
koolhead11if system gets deleted i am afraid its a flaw09:50
tjaaltonno shit :)09:51
koolhead11tjaalton: :D BTW i have not touched the shiny web-interface, i do all my mighty cobbler stuff with command line09:52
tjaaltonthis is fairly new functionality in c-u-i that got merged recently, and apparently not tested at all, since before my changes it would just leave "tmp-$profile" and fail09:52
tjaaltonnow I'm thinking perhaps to revert the changes so no one will break their systems..09:53
koolhead11jamespage: the systems bug on oneric would be fixed now?09:55
jamespagekoolhead11, cascading deleted09:57
* jamespage sighs09:57
jamespagedependent objects get deleted in cobbler (well they did last time I looked)09:58
koolhead11tjaalton: well your correct then.10:05
koolhead11and i would say that is a flaw in cobbler then. :D10:06
jamespagekoolhead11, tjaalton: not its best feature10:13
tjaaltonfound the bug10:16
tjaaltoncobbler distro rename --name="$old_distro" --newname="last-$old_distro"10:16
tjaaltondescendants=`cobbler profile find --distro="$old_distro"`10:16
tjaaltonwhat's wrong with the second line? :)10:16
koolhead11tjaalton: try cobbler distro rename <enter>10:19
tjaalton"--name is required" ?10:20
koolhead11it will give you the exact comamnd parameters also its not good idea to rename distro. most thing cobbler makes sense with starts from profile IMHO :)10:20
koolhead11tjaalton: provide the current name then10:21
tjaaltonI know what's wrong with the code10:21
tjaaltonno need to teach me cobbler cli :)10:21
koolhead11tjaalton: sorry sir. :)10:21
tjaaltonthe fix is to use --distro="last-$old_distro" in the descendants= line11:01
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jamespagebencer_, uploading now11:27
bencer_jamespage: cool! so now what's next? an archive admin needs to review it from the new queue, right?11:41
jamespagebencer_, yep - might get some feedback but hopefully they will be accepted.11:42
jamespagebencer_, Riddell has stuck it on his list of things TODO today11:43
bencer_jamespage: cool thanks11:45
tjaaltonoh fun, now ubuntu-enlist profile is broken12:01
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Psi-JackIs there anything in Ubuntu 10.04 that somehow makes use of a file /etc/iptables.up.rules or is this something likely custom setup?13:22
Psi-JackAhhh, nevermind, it was something someone did custom, which is epic lame.13:25
jcastroSpamapS, this bug sucks: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/psmisc/+bug/87789413:43
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 877894 in psmisc "fuser forks and never reaps its children (dup-of: 876387)" [High,Confirmed]13:43
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 876387 in psmisc "fuser forking uncontrollably in cron job" [Undecided,Confirmed]13:43
weaselbeI'm having trouble accessing an apache site running on my local network.13:46
husienhello guys13:50
uvirtbotNew bug: #959289 in nova (main) "missing nova-consoleauth init/init.d file" [Undecided,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/95928913:51
husienis it must to regestar the domain name into the domain reseller?13:53
husiensorry i'm new13:53
husien4 weaks ago i install ubuntu server 11.10 into my virtual box.13:58
husienafter that i follow how toforge The Perfect Server - Ubuntu 11.10 With Nginx [ISPConfig 3]13:58
hallynjjohansen: if i ship a profile in /etc/apparmor.d/lxc/lxc-default, which gets optionally transitioned to by /etc/apparmor.d/usr.bin.lxc-start,14:07
hallynjjohansen: from debian/rules should i just do 'apparmor_parser -r' on that file?14:08
hallynjjohansen: (on the other file i'm doing dh_apparmor, but i can't do that with this file right?)14:08
hallynstgraber: i'ts not quite done yet, but i'm thinking of just going with lp:~serge-hallyn/ubuntu/precise/lxc/lxc-aa for per-container profiles.14:09
jjohansenhallyn: I think so, but I am no expert on dh_apparmor, lets ask jdstrand^14:09
hallynstgraber: i.e., i won't create custom profiles, just support them if user wants to creat them14:09
hallynjjohansen: thanks14:10
hallynlibvirt only creates them when vms get defined, and doesn't create a default, so i can't look to it for an example :)14:10
stgraberhallyn: how are you dealing with nesting then? I thought having per-container profiles was the only way to allow /sys/fs/cgroup/*/<hostname>/**14:11
jdstrandhallyn: you don't want to run apparmor_parser -r from debian/rules. I assume you mean in some postinst?14:11
hallynstgraber: we'll just not support it by default, but offer (on wiki?) profiles which support it?14:12
hallynstgraber: or we can quickly add that later, i just want to focus on getting per-container support in first14:12
hallynjdstrand: well, IIUC dh_apparmor --profile-name=usr.bin.lxc-start from debian/rules creates the postinst bit for me14:13
hallynso yeah, i guess i would add the parser line to postinst myself :)14:13
hallynjdstrand: but i guess my q was whether there is some other dh_* i should use instead,14:14
hallynor if that's ok14:14
hallynjdstrand: and yes, if you hadn't corrected me i would've unthinkingly, wrongly put it into debian/rules :)  thanks14:15
jdstrandhallyn: I am not totally clear on what you want to do. you ship /etc/apparmor.d/lxc/lxc-default, which you use dh_apparmor on, then you want to optionally support /etc/apparmor.d/usr.bin.lxc-start, which you do not ship?14:16
stgraberhallyn: right, getting per-container profiles at all is more important than having the nesting by default, agreed14:16
hallynjdstrand: no, /etc/apparmor.d/usr.bin.lxc-start is entered always by lxc-start;  then14:17
hallynjdstrand: right before running /sbin/init, it will manually aa_change_policy to a new policy;14:17
hallynjdstrand: by default that will be /etc/apparmor.d/lxc/lxc-default,14:17
hallynjdstrand: or the config file for the container can specify another policy under /etc/apparmor.d/lxc/lxc-*14:17
hallynjdstrand: of course i could stick clsoer to the libvirt model and always create a unique policy for each container...14:18
jdstrandhallyn: so you just need to make sure /etc/apparmor.d/lxc/lxc-* is loaded so aa_change_profile() doesn't fail. correct?14:19
hallynjdstrand: the reason i'm not is that there's question then about whether the general lxc-create program should do that, or the per-distro templates should14:19
hallynjdstrand: yes14:19
jdstrandhallyn: I don't think you can solve that wholly in packaging. ie, if the user changes the config file, the user won't fiddle with 'dpkg-reconfigure' to make sure that the policy is loaded14:20
jdstrandhallyn: seems that the lxc tools need to load the policy that is specified in the config file14:20
jdstrand(like we do in libvirt)14:21
hallynjdstrand: meaning on container start, do apparmor_parser ont he specified policy file?14:21
jdstrandhallyn: if the thing doing the container start reads that config, yes14:21
hallynjdstrand: i was just going to require users to load the policies they create... wasn'g going to try and second-guess that in packaging.  only the deafult policy i want to load at pakcage install14:22
hallynjdstrand: then, later on we *will* create policies for *some* containers, which we'll load after creation14:22
jdstrandhallyn: that works too-- then just ignore the lxc-* stuff as well. you aren't updating it via packaging anyway- no reason to fiddle with it in packaging postinst14:22
hallynjdstrand: 'that works too' = loading policy at cotnainer start?14:23
jdstrandjdstrand: ignoring it14:23
jdstrandeither load it at container start, or just ignore it in packaging completely, letting the user do it14:23
hallynjdstrand: but can i load just the lxc-default profile at package postinst?14:24
jdstrandhallyn: sure. that is a file you are providing, correct?14:24
hallynjdstrand: mind if, when i get it working, i send you a pointer to the bzr tree with the diff?14:24
jdstrandhallyn: yes, then that makes sense. I'm just saying if you aren't providing the files via packaging, don't manage them via packaging. you could make it easier on the user and load it on container start, but that is a different issue14:25
hallynjdstrand: ok14:25
hallynjdstrand: thanks, ttyl14:26
hallynjdstrand: say, i have a diff q.  libvirt-bin.postrm does delgroup libvirtd.  I thought I'd read somewhere that policy was to not remove users/groups at package removal?14:36
hallyn(wondering whether to do same for lxc)14:36
jdstrandhallyn: it isn't policy. some people remove it some don't. there are arguments for and agaisnt it. it has been discussed a bit in Debian14:37
hallynjdstrand: ok - thanks14:38
jdstrandhallyn: the trend seems to be more people are doing it14:38
jdstrand(doing the removal)14:38
SpamapSjcastro: that bug, btw, is fixed in precise14:52
uvirtbotNew bug: #959352 in lxc (universe) "Ephemeral containers have "/rootfs" prefix in /proc/self/maps entries" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/95935215:01
jcastroSpamapS, doing wonders for me over in what we ship for real. :)15:04
SpamapSjcastro: marked that bug for SRU..15:05
SpamapSjcastro: psmisc's fuser is apparently pretty broken in 11.1015:05
uvirtbotNew bug: #959393 in samba (main) "samba deb archives should use lzma or bzip2 compression" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/95939315:31
zuljdstrand: im just trying to get updated did anything happen with the keystone MIR last week15:34
jdstrandzul: yes, I conditionally ackd it15:36
jdstrandzul: see the bug (881464)15:36
zuljdstrand: cool thanks15:37
jdstrandzul: welcome back!15:37
zuljdstrand: thanks15:37
benjihallyn: I want to alert you to the existance of bug 959352; it shouldn't cause too many people problems, but what problems it does cause will likely be hard to diagnose15:43
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 959352 in lxc "Ephemeral containers have "/rootfs" prefix in /proc/self/maps entries" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/95935215:43
hallynbenji: yeah, i'm looking at that right now15:44
zuljdstrand: have you started the horizon security review yet?15:47
jdstrandzul: nope. I am working on juju, then cobbler then horizon. that was the priority as specified by Daviey et al15:50
zuljdstrand: gotcha thanks :)15:51
bencer_jamespage: btw, i've just pushed to lp and proposed a merge of a changeset that includes a zentyal chapter on the ubuntu-server guide :)15:52
jamespagebencer_, nice one!15:52
bencer_i would have liked to include some screenshots15:52
bencer_but i didn't see any screenshots on the server-guide and despite i asked on the ml and on irc channel, nobody replied15:53
bencer_so i dont really know the procedure or even if its allowed15:53
uvirtbotNew bug: #959426 in nova (main) "nova services start before mysql on boot" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/95942616:01
ahs3jamespage: you have a few minutes for some questions about the jenkins-slave packages in precise?16:19
jamespageahs3, sure16:19
ahs3jamespage: groovy.  so, the upstart attempts to download slave.jar and ends up with a zero length file -- i'm assuming i'm doing something stupid, yeah :)?16:20
jamespageahs3: is the jenkins server running when it tries to start?16:21
ahs3jamespage: well, i've got the master up and visible in a browser; is there another process to be run?16:22
ahs3jamespage: the other curiosity is that /var/run/jenkins doesn't seem to get created for me automagically...16:25
uvirtbotNew bug: #959461 in quota (main) "Language incongruence making edquota -t" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/95946116:36
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jamespageahs3, no that should be sufficient16:43
* jamespage goes to take a look16:44
ahs3jamespage: hrm.  getting a 404 on the wget in the upstart script...16:44
jamespageahs3: have you configured a slave in the jenkins master for this jenkins slave?16:46
jamespageI think it will 404 if you have not16:46
ahs3jamespage: yup, the node is set up as a slave, and the master tries to contact it16:55
jamespageahs3, that has a few contradictory configurations in it16:55
jamespageahs3: can you walk me through what you have done so far?16:56
ahs3jamespage: argh.  found it.  JENKINS_URL was not set properly in defaults :(16:57
jamespageahs3, that would be it16:57
jamespageyou can run slaves in a few different ways16:57
* ahs3 reminds himself not to edit scripts late at night...16:57
ahs3right.  this was just my first attempt at setting up a slave16:58
ahs3part of what i wanted to experiment with was the different ways to run them16:59
jamespageahs3, so the jenkins slave package is really aimed at17:04
jamespage1) deploying slaves via SSH - it has all the right dependencies to support SSH access, Java, users etc...17:04
marruslwho here loves nscd?  :)17:04
jamespagethat requires no setup on the slave - just configuration in Jenkins17:04
jamespageahs3: 2) where you can't SSH to the slave - you can configure the JENKINS_URL for the jenkins-slave upstart config and have the slave initiate the connect to the master17:05
ahs3jamespage: ah, okay.  so in the default case, i do no config on the slave at all, just install the packages?17:07
ahs3jamespage: sorry, default meaning the "deploy via SSH" case...17:07
jamespageahs3, yep - you will need to installs the ssh-slaves plugin on the Jenkins master17:07
jamespage(I'm working on making that part of the default jenkins install)17:07
ahs3jamespage: nod.  k, i was doing more than needed17:08
med_Hi, which cloud-image works best with LXC?  precise-server-cloudimg-amd64.tar.gz -or-  precise-server-cloudimg-amd64-root.tar.gz  -or-  precise-server-cloudimg-amd64-disk1.img (all from cloud-images.ubuntu.com)17:25
utlemmingmed: precise-server-cloudimg-amd64-root.tar.gz17:25
med_utlemming, danke17:26
utlemmingmed: you can automagically use it with "lxc -n AutomagicCloudImage -t ubuntu-cloud"17:26
utlemmingand there are options to uncloud them too17:26
med_utlemming, I'm doing this inside of openstack so I can't use the automagic.17:33
blendedbychris1should i be using lvm if i am virtualizing with hyperv?17:53
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ikoniaBlendedByChris: up to you17:56
BlendedByChrisjust curios if there is an advtage17:56
ikoniaBlendedByChris: use lvm because you want/need to, nothing to do with the virtualized host17:56
ikoniano more / less than using lvm on a physical host17:56
BlendedByChriswell my linode says i can't resize the disk with lvm17:59
BlendedByChrisjust wondering if that's a xen thing or hyper-v thing or what18:03
zulDaviey: ping18:09
Davieyzul: ping is so outdated... i use spark-ping.. written in ruby and everything18:10
zulDaviey: heh so ok webob...18:10
Daviey$ spark-ping ubuntu.com18:11
Daviey^C▅▆▂▄▅▆▇▃▄▅▆▃▄▅ 96.6 ms18:11
uvirtbotDaviey: Error: "C▅▆▂▄▅▆▇▃▄▅▆▃▄▅" is not a valid command.18:11
zulResponse.request and Response.environ got deprectated in 1.1.1 which is in precise18:11
hilarieI've tried to read the man page I swear, I am grabbing stuff off of rsync remotely, to a server at my house, and when the ssh to my local server dies, the connection stops, how can I prevent that?18:11
zuland all of openstack uses it *everywhere*18:12
zulglance, keystone, nova18:12
Davieyhilarie: run it in screen18:12
hilariethere is no screen hooked up to the server at my house :(18:12
zulDaviey: and it got undepracted in 1.2b1 but with a slight variation18:12
Davieyzul: is support removed, or just noisy with depreccation warnings?18:12
zulits just noisy deprecation warnings18:13
Davieyhilarie: no, run "screen" command.. it gives you a persistence console18:13
Davieyhilarie: then reconnect later on with 'screen -r'18:13
Davieyzul: is it would just patching out the warnings?18:13
zulDaviey: yeah might be18:14
hilarieDaiviey what you are saying is read the man page on screen :) got it18:14
Davieyzul: seems less destructive than a new upstream version at this stage.18:14
zulDaviey: my thoughts exactly18:14
Davieyzul: Might be worth raising an upstream bug, so we can track this for next release.18:14
* ogra_ grins18:14
ogra_stop confusing the poor bot18:14
ogra_(it doesnt speak ruby apparently)18:14
zulDaviey: ack18:14
DavieyAlthough, 'undepreciated' concerns me.18:14
Davieyogra_: heh18:15
zulDaviey: lemme pull up the commit18:15
uvirtbotNew bug: #959419 in postfix (main) "package postfix 2.7.0-1ubuntu0.2 failed to install/upgrade: sous-processus nouveau script pre-installation tué par le signal (Relais brisé (pipe))" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/95941918:15
zulDaviey: https://github.com/Pylons/webob/commit/627593bbcd4ab52adc7ee569001cdda91c670d5d18:17
Davieyzul: in that case, it makes total sense to remove the deprecation warnings.18:20
zulwith that patch above?18:21
Davieyzul: do you know what upstream are QA'ing against?18:22
zuldepends on the project18:22
Davieyzul: might be better just to create a patch which removes the dep warnings.. rather than morphing the characteristics18:22
zulDaviey: gotcha18:22
zulDaviey: but i think they are standardizing on 1.0.818:23
roaksoaxzul: do you have a good example of a package that handles upgrades (db migrations and stuff)18:38
zulnot really off the top of my head18:39
sidneianyone else having issues starting lxc containers in precise? (lxc-start: Permission denied - failed to mount 'proc' on '/usr/lib/lxc/root//proc')18:40
Davieyroaksoax: eucalyptus18:40
Davieyroaksoax: http://pb.daviey.com/Viat/18:42
Davieyobv. it should be using invoke-rc.d18:42
roaksoaxDaviey: yeah I saw.. though in our case is not that helpful because we would likely have to update it with every single new bzr branch that we upload18:43
Davieyroaksoax: right.. well, it's safe to do a south migration on each update.18:45
BlendedByChrisis us.archive.ubuntu.com usually pretty slow?18:45
Davieyroaksoax: if there is nothing to do, then it'll handle it ok18:45
roaksoaxDaviey: right, postinst only handle configure|reconfigure18:46
roaksoaxDaviey: but i'll figure it out18:46
Davieyroaksoax: every package gets configured, regardless if it is an upgrade or not :)18:47
roaksoaxDaviey: so on first install, if the dbconfig-common question has been answered true, then it does syncdb and stuff, if its answered as NO, then it does not run syncdb, but on every uipgrade you need to run it18:47
Davieyroaksoax: $1 = "upgrade" btw18:47
roaksoaxDaviey: http://bochs.sourceforge.net/cgi-bin/lxr/source/build/debian/postinst.ex18:48
roaksoaxDaviey: postinst should not handle 'upgrade'18:48
Davieyah, that is preinst.. crap18:48
Davieyroaksoax: The other thing you can do, is run migrate on the upstart job?18:50
Davieyroaksoax: nova essentially runs migrate on each start.18:51
roaksoaxDaviey: uhmm ok, I'll take a look at it18:51
Davieyroaksoax: But really, why not run migrations on each configure?18:52
roaksoaxDaviey: migrations are run on each configure, the different is if you install for the first time, and the DB is not created by dbconfig-common, then it will fail and cause a install failure18:53
uvirtbotNew bug: #959597 in puppet "missing parenthesis in process_name.rb produces ruby warnings" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/95959718:56
BlendedByChrisany reason why hyper-v would be masively slow19:14
hallyngary_poster: whatever happened with lxc-start-ephemeral vs. overlayfs?19:15
hallyngary_poster: i was expecting to find aufs had been re-enabled, but it doesn't seem to be?19:15
gary_posterhallyn, hi.  I want to use overlayfs, and am trying to use it as long as I can.  My comment to the list was hot on the heels of finding another issue--that we have a workaround for and that Andy had a patch for last I looked.  aufs is my backup-plan--and a mediocre one at that, since we may indeed discover issues with it as well, because we have used overlayfs since January.  I'd like to see19:17
gary_posteran option in ephemeral to use aufs19:17
gary_posterit has not been a priority, and overlayfs hasn't bitten us lately19:17
gary_posterbut I should get someone to do it, unless you want to, hallyn.19:18
hallyngary_poster: well, if it's been working lately...  i just couldn't remember where we'd left that19:19
hallynwhat was the thing that was failing again?19:20
gary_posterhallyn, the hard link of a 0444 file broke19:20
gary_posterchmod 444 I mean19:21
gary_posterhallyn, when's the freeze?  Has it already snuck up on me?  I know it is soon.19:21
hallynnot yet anyway19:22
hallynanother freezer mar 22, though i don't think that's the last one19:23
hallynjinkeys, i'd better get these other things in then19:23
gary_posterbtw hallyn did you see bug 959352?19:23
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 959352 in lxc "Ephemeral containers have "/rootfs" prefix in /proc/self/maps entries" [Low,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/95935219:23
gary_postereh you probably triaged it19:23
gary_postersorry :-)19:23
hallynoh yeah haven't had a chance to reproduce that yet (the machine i was using was failing lxc-=start-ephemeral entirely so i couldn't reproduce to mark it confirmed yet)19:24
hallynok lemme get this lxc-shutdown thing wrapped up and then i'll look at ephemeral19:24
gary_postercool tahnks hallyn19:24
hallyngary_poster: I guess think it through, and if you think you want aufs re-enabled, pls file a bug today or tomorrow and i'll re-enable it19:25
gary_posterack hallyn will do19:25
hallynthanks - ttyl19:25
gary_posterhallyn, I finally got an answer about bzr + git + quilt, and it is not a particularly good one.  In sum: (1) there is no good bzr + git + quilt answer now, according to people who should know; (2) there is a nascent bzr + quilt answer that is in the works, which has been usable recently (though is not necessarily right now), and you could check with Jelmer Vernooij if you wanted to track that or learn more.19:52
hallyngary_poster: perhaps this should be a tutorial/ahckfest at uds19:53
gary_poster(He's Canonical, on the bzr team, nick "jelmer")19:53
gary_posterhallyn, sounds very reasonable.  This sounds like the problem is affecting a decent number of people19:54
hallyngary_poster: it just means i merge/sync by hand rather than being able to have bzr do it.  it'd be neat to have a better sol'n, but it's not really in the way19:54
gary_posterfair enough19:54
uvirtbotNew bug: #959647 in samba (main) "smbd crashed with SIGABRT in dom_sid_compare()" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/95964719:56
adam_ghallyn: you're the only hit on google for 'sbuild +"Only one build is permitted"'  any idea what that error is all about?19:58
hallyncan you point me to the hit?19:58
hallynadam_g: are you by chance on xfs?19:59
hallyn(tbh i've not used sbuild in awhile...)19:59
hallyn(bad serge)19:59
adam_ghallyn: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2011/07/27/%23ubuntu-devel.txt  14:2519:59
adam_ghallyn: not much there, just wondering if you ever figured that out. im hitting it here for the first time20:00
adam_gafter Ctrl-C'ing outta a build20:00
hallynyeah found it.  i can't recall what caused that offhand20:00
hallynmaybe *.dsc globbed to > 1 file20:00
hallynthat's my guess20:00
hallynsince i prety quickly sounded sheepish20:00
hallynyeah that must've been it.20:01
koolhead17hi all20:01
adam_gzul: ping20:02
zuladam_g: pong20:02
koolhead17what is the url for build result for essex on precise?20:03
koolhead17and curious to know if build passes for Horizon20:04
adam_gzul: when is nova rc out? is it decided?20:04
adam_gkoolhead17: jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com, though our CI stuff was moved to a new datacenter over the weekend and is currently offline20:04
zuladam_g: i thought it was today20:05
zulttx: ^^^20:05
koolhead17adam_g, so the build for Horizon fails20:06
zuladam_g: bugger ill do an upload tonight20:07
Davieyhey, anyone fancy giving me a diff review?20:08
koolhead17zul, that was for me :P20:09
adam_gkoolhead17:  in what way?20:09
zulDaviey: sure20:10
adam_gDaviey: review for what?20:10
koolhead17https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/job/precise-openstack-essex-horizon-milestone/ adam_g20:10
Davieydh python220:10
koolhead17but it looks way old20:10
adam_gkoolhead17: https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/view/Precise%20OpenStack%20Testing/job/precise-openstack-essex-horizon-trunk/  <- thats what you should be watching20:11
zulDaviey: looks ok20:12
koolhead17adam_g, ooh trunk20:12
adam_gDaviey: looks okay assuming d/control lists the correct deps?20:14
Davieyadam_g: $ debdiff python-setproctitle_1.0.1-1ubuntu1_i386.deb python-setproctitle_1.0.1-1ubuntu1_i386.deb20:15
DavieyFile lists identical (after any substitutions)20:15
DavieyNo differences were encountered between the control files20:15
fidothehey tjere20:17
fidothei just upgraded an 11.04 box to 11.10 and on restart I can no longer start my KVM guests20:18
fidothethe error is kvm_create_vm: Device or resource busy20:18
fidothei can confirm that the relevant packages all seem to be there. virsh / virt-install are all there and at least seem functional. the problems start when i try and start a guest or create a new one20:19
nOStahlhey guys I just installed 11.04 server and its blank screen when I boot up20:30
star314Hi! I'm currently testing Ubuntu Server 12.04 Beta1. Anyone else here who can confirm the following shutdown problem? "halt" shuts the machine down, as it should be, but does not power off it. However, on the same machine running 10.04 it works.20:30
star314nOStahl: no text or cursor at all?20:31
nOStahlbios posts fine20:32
nOStahlso I don't get a grub screen at all to press e to modify settings20:32
star314Do you see the grub boot menu?20:32
star314to slow20:33
star314nOStahl: Looks like something went wrong during the install procedure.20:33
nOStahlguess i'll try it all over again heh20:33
nOStahlits installed on a raid20:34
star314Maybe grub wasn't installed correctly?20:34
star314nOStahl: which type of RAID?20:34
nOStahlraid 120:35
nOStahlit was a re-install over an 11.10 install20:35
nOStahlusing the same raid array20:35
nOStahlthink that might have messed things up20:35
star314booting from a raid1 should be not a problem.20:35
star314nOStahl: How experienced are you with using Linux?20:36
star314nOStahl: Do you know how to handle a rescue system and chroot?20:37
nOStahli've done it20:37
star314nOStahl: ah, ok20:37
nOStahlbut I don't like to do it on what will be production install20:37
nOStahlit needs to work right from the start heh20:38
star314That's what I would try next20:38
star314Boot a rescue system, chroot, install grub to both disks of the RAID1.20:38
star314And hopefully everything works fine. :)20:39
star314nOStahl: oh, now I see. Maybe it was a typo. Did you mean 12.04 instead of 11.04?20:40
sbeattieSpamapS: can I assign bug 959683 to you?20:40
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 959683 in mysql-5.5 "mysql testsuite fails to run; needs updating for InnoDB as default engine?" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/95968320:40
nOStahlI installed 11.04 instead of 11.10 that was on it20:42
star314nOStahl: What's the reason for the downgrade?20:43
nOStahlsetting up a little cloud here20:50
ttxadam_g: RC1 will be out when https://launchpad.net/nova/+milestone/essex-rc1 has no bugs left20:53
adam_gttx: thats what i thought20:53
ttxadam_g: almost there for nova20:53
ttxglance and keystone probably later this week20:54
adam_gttx: thanks20:55
SpamapSsbeattie: sure!20:56
adam_gzul: do we need a FFE to add a new binary pkg to nova (nova-consoleauth)?20:57
zuladam_g: shouldnt21:00
zulDaviey: ^^^21:00
=== bladernr_ is now known as bladernr_afk
michael_tngood day all, i'm looking for some help trying to generate a preseed file for U11.10 that will lvm/partition four disks21:04
michael_tni can get preseed to work with a single disk easily21:04
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SpamapSmichael_tn: LVM on 4 disks is unsafe without mirroring, you know this, right?21:07
michael_tni do21:08
michael_tnthey are compute nodes21:08
michael_tncluster nodes, if it fails, i can reimage21:08
guntbertSpamapS: why is it particularly unsafe with 4 disks?21:09
SpamapSguntbert: with more than 1 its unsafe21:09
SpamapSwith 1 its unsafe actually :)21:09
nOStahlAgh there we go21:09
nOStahlColuguy bounce setup huh21:09
SpamapSmichael_tn: so its throw-away data. :) Ok.. just checking.. there's an example pre-seed for debian somewhere..21:10
michael_tnyes, no real data on them, will be running as nova-compute nodes21:10
SpamapSmichael_tn: http://www.debian.org/releases/squeeze/example-preseed.txt21:10
nOStahlI have raid1 and the installer is asking I'd it can install grub to the master boot record?21:11
nOStahlYes or no?21:11
xlyzhi. just updated my oneiric lxc server and lxc clients network stopped working. any hint how to solve it?21:12
michael_tnSpamapS: i've looked at that but could not work out how to get partman to see more than one disk if i was not doing raid.21:13
michael_tnok, if i do an install from media, the installer will leave a sort of proto preseed file around won't it?21:14
michael_tni'm not really an ubuntu users, so i'm sort of struggling a bit here :-|21:14
SpamapSmichael_tn: Hrm, I don't see partman in the debconf selections so maybe not21:15
SpamapSmichael_tn: I know thats how I learned how to do it on RH systems ;)21:16
michael_tni've done a fair bit of googling on this but could not find an example21:16
SpamapSmichael_tn: it does seem rather complex doesn't it? :-P21:17
michael_tnyes, seems like something that would have been worked out21:17
SpamapSmichael_tn: I'm sure it has, but people don't seem to be sharing21:18
michael_tni do have a build of orchestra doing nice pxe installs though, its rather nice21:18
SpamapSmichael_tn: part of the reason may be that you could just install on one disk, and then vgextend onto the others later21:18
michael_tnhmmm, yes, i might try that in a post install script21:19
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hallynstgraber: lp:~serge-hallyn/ubuntu/precise/lxc/lxc-shutdownv2 has my new lxc-shutdown and per-container apparmor stuff rolled into one, tested and working.  If you'd like to take a look, pls do, else i think it's ready to push21:43
hallyni think i'll step away from the laptop (after mail check) to clear my head and make sur ei'm not missing anything aobut why this is a bad idea21:43
nOStahlhey guys I'm having an issue, getting this error doing sudo apt-get upgrade  ( start: Job is already running: eucalyptus )21:48
nOStahlany ideas21:48
stgraberhallyn: feel free to upload when you're ready. Foundations is having an installer sprint so my LXC team is quite limited until Thursday.21:52
stgraberhallyn: you may want to test booting a container with rootfs=<block device> and make sure that older versions of Ubuntu work fine with apparmor21:53
stgraberhallyn: let me copy/paste part of jjohansen's mail earlier today21:53
stgraberhallyn: forwarded, much easier like this21:54
orionsonofneptunok ive got a question how can i use the command shell in the setup option on ubuntu server cd to  operate irc bot ive got a disk in a pc without hdd and a pc running ubuntu 11.10 desktop im wondering if i can use usb cable to store info on hdd in pc running ubuntu 11.1021:54
JanCwhat do you mean by "usb cable"?21:56
orionsonofneptunive got a toshiba laptop with only optical drive and no hdd21:56
orionsonofneptunrunning ubuntu server os cd21:56
orionsonofneptunive opened command prompt21:56
orionsonofneptunim going to use usb ports to tie it to other laptop running ubuntu 11.1021:57
JanCorionsonofneptun: if you have an USB-to-ethernet cable or something like that21:57
orionsonofneptunwell im trying to figue how to use this to operate irc bot21:58
JanCa plain simple USB cable won't work, obviously21:58
orionsonofneptunive got ethernet cable21:58
orionsonofneptunand ethernet ports on both macines21:59
orionsonofneptunwhy wont usb cable work21:59
JanCif you have ethernet, you can use NFS or Samba to access the other machine's storage22:00
orionsonofneptunhow to use command prompt to22:00
orionsonofneptunset this thing up22:00
JanCorionsonofneptun: USB cable are host/device-based22:01
orionsonofneptuni dont understand janc22:01
JanCand most PCs only have "USB host ports"22:01
orionsonofneptunplease explain further22:01
JanCdo you understand client/server-architecture?22:02
orionsonofneptunvery little but im here to learn22:02
JanCUSB has servers (hosts) & clients (devices)22:03
hallynstgraber: older version of ubuntu = lucid containers on precise host with my lxc version?22:03
orionsonofneptunso server dont understand usb????22:03
JanCmost PCs only have host ports22:03
orionsonofneptunhmm you can hokk external hdd22:04
hallynstgraber: in other words, was your suggestion a general one, or specific to my proposed upload?22:04
orionsonofneptunhook external hdd so why cant server22:04
JanCorionsonofneptun: external HDD is a device/client, PC is a host/server22:04
hallynif not specific to my upload, then i'll push now and test those tonight.  Otherwise, I'll hold off on pushing until i have a chance to test :)22:04
JanCif you have 2 PCs/laptops, they will both be "servers"22:05
stgraberhallyn: specific to the apparmor profile in general, not necessarily to your changes. Part of that e-mail from jjohansen look like I missed some entries in the apparmor profile that really should be fixed in the next upload22:05
orionsonofneptuni cant think now22:05
hallynstgraber: cool, thanks.  i'll look at that tonight22:05
hallyn(and hold off on pushing)22:05
hallynttyl.  have a good sprint :)22:05
JanCorionsonofneptun: USB can not talk host-to-host (or server-to-server if you want)22:06
orionsonofneptuncan ubuntu server use usb port22:06
orionsonofneptunif hdd info goes threw then why not22:07
JanCorionsonofneptun: this has nothing to do with Ubuntu, it's a hardware limitation of USB?22:07
orionsonofneptunso ubuntu server doesent limit use of usb port?????22:08
JanCof course not?22:09
JanCat least, not intentionally22:09
JanC(unless it would be a security risk or something?)22:10
orionsonofneptunok im really lost here22:10
orionsonofneptunim trying22:10
orionsonofneptuninstall ubuntu server22:10
orionsonofneptunis anyone able to tell me what to do22:11
adacI'm trying to remove an old kernel: http://pastebin.com/fTC1DvQr but I get an error. unfortunately my boot partition is full, so i cannot execute apt-get -f install. Any ideas?22:11
orionsonofneptuni cant mount cd-rom22:15
orionsonofneptunwhat is enlist system with ubuntu orchestra server22:29
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orionsonofneptunok who wants to get me familiar with ubuntu server ????22:37
ikoniathere is documentation there - please read it22:41
orionsonofneptuni can t read it22:47
ikoniawhy ?22:48
orionsonofneptunive got wireless issues now22:48
ikoniayou are clearly on the network as you are chatting22:48
ikoniaread the documentation on the machine you are on now22:48
orionsonofneptunsomeone has included thier network withmine a big mistsake i dont know the first step in correcting22:49
ikoniaorionsonofneptun: read the documentation22:49
ikoniaI gave you the link22:49
orionsonofneptunoh ill try agian22:50
orionsonofneptunstill i can t read it22:50
Davieyanyone fancy doig a pkg diff review?22:52
Davieypabelanger: http://pb.daviey.com/FKQ2/22:53
pabelangerDaviey, shouldn't it be dh $@ --with python222:56
pabelangerI also believe you might need X-Python-Version: all too22:58
Davieypabelanger: good catch.. on this occasion seems ot was a copy/paste error.. but well noticed!22:58
pabelangerreading from22:58
Davieypabelanger: "XS-Python-Version is still supported, but X-Python-Version is preferred. It supports the same syntax, except current and all keywords are gone. If you don't know what the package's minimum required Python version is, don't add this field until a bug report informs you that foo doesn't work with an older Python version."22:59
pabelangerya, just read that22:59
ikoniaimpressive spotting typo's in a diff22:59
ikoniagood eye22:59
pabelangerDaviey, a side from that ship it22:59
* Daviey ships.23:00
Davieythanks pabelanger !23:01
ikoniaI know who to come to for checks now. That's pretty solid effort23:04
zulDaviey: you are missing the with python223:13
Davieyzul: copy and paste error to the pastebin23:14
Davieybut, also - good catch :)23:14
zulDaviey: ah23:14
DavieySpamapS: Are you trying to get python-central back into main? :)23:17
SpamapSDaviey: I miss its soft, soothing code23:18
DavieySpamapS: heh, i guess you caught it?23:18
SpamapS  Uploading landscape-client_12.04-0ubuntu1_source.changes: done.23:20
SpamapSDaviey: about 5 people caught it before you did.. none of whom were me. ;)23:21
=== Lcawte is now known as Lcawte|Away
DavieySpamapS: heh23:30

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