
=== jalcine_ is now known as jalcine
valdur55Hello. how can i port systray icons to appindicator icons ?01:07
jalcinevaldur55: you using Qt?01:11
jalcineIf so, make sure your application depends on sni-qt (status notification indicator)01:12
jalcineIt'll appear as an indicator.01:12
* jalcine awkward.01:12
jalcineI'm not sure, more of a Qt buff :)01:12
jalcineActually, I think that libappindicator is written using GTK.01:13
jalcineIt'd be merely rewriting your systray code to it.01:13
valdur55jalcine, ok. but where i should put appindicator icons ?01:21
jalcineThe code itself or the indicator itself?01:21
jalcineThe indicators place themselves in the panel.01:21
valdur55jalcine, :) yea, i know it. but where is correct image path ?01:23
jalcineThat, I'm not sure of.01:24
valdur55jalcine, radiotray main GUI is systray/appindicator menu.01:28
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davidcallemhr3, ping09:01
mhr3davidcalle, pong09:01
davidcallemhr3, I would need you for a couple of things on the rb scope.09:02
mhr3davidcalle, sure, what do you need09:02
davidcallemhr3, the filters and the max number of items displayed09:03
davidcallemhr3, then it should be good to go09:03
mhr3davidcalle, as for filters, you need to add stuff into the model which represents the filtered properties09:04
mhr3then you can just filter out the items that don't matches the filters (after the search is done)09:05
davidcallemhr3, I've added the genre in the dee model we search on.09:05
mhr3yea, good09:05
didrockshey davidcalle!09:05
didrocksdavidcalle: how are you?09:05
davidcalledidrocks, good, and you ?09:05
didrocksdavidcalle: I'm fine thanks!09:05
didrocksdavidcalle: about the rhythmbox scope, when do you think it will be ready?09:06
mhr3davidcalle, and basically you can do the same for the max results - keep a counter in the final loop that is adding stuff to the model and when you reach the limit, just break from the loop09:06
didrocksdavidcalle: beta2 freeze is thursday, would be good to have something for it09:06
mhr3davidcalle, anything unclear?09:07
davidcallemhr3, indeed, but I still have trouble doing these simple things in Vala and something that would take you ten minutes will take me two hours, but if you don't have the time, that's fine :)09:08
didrocksmhr3: do you think you can take some time to help davidcalle so that we get the scope for tomorrow freeze? ^09:09
didrocksthanks mhr3 ;)09:12
didrocksgreyback: hey, good morning!09:23
greybackdidrocks: greetings!09:29
didrocksgreyback: hey hey ;) waiting to know where we are at with the multimonitors issues we saw on thursday?09:29
greybackdidrocks: fyi I've a small metacity patch to test09:29
didrocksah, metacity :)09:30
greybackwhich should fix the nautilus icons-under-launcher problem09:30
didrocksgreyback: didn't really see merges related to fixes on unity-2d (the other on the monitor position on nvidia and fglrx), I maybe missed it :)09:30
greybackdidrocks: yes, more bull due to NET_WORKAREA being crap09:30
didrocksgreyback: great! fire on! :)09:30
greybackdidrocks: nvidia, Saviq just couldn't reproduce. He's adamant that there's always a primary monitor set.09:31
greybackdidrocks: I met get him to chat to you about it09:32
Saviqdidrocks, let me know if you can reproduce and the steps09:32
didrocksgreyback: link for the metacity merge?09:32
Saviqdidrocks, but we never got anything else than 0 for Primary (on all the different systems we tested)09:32
greybackdidrocks: fglrx, driver sucks, you cannot set the primary monitor.09:32
didrocksSaviq: on nvidia:09:33
greybackdidrocks: none just yet, I need to test locally before pushing09:33
didrocks- have two monitor set with monitor on the right, laptop screen on the left09:33
Saviqdidrocks, when I "deselected" the primary monitor on nvidia-settings, the other got selected as primary,09:33
Saviqis that not the case for you?09:33
didrocks- on nvidia-settings ensure none are selected as primary monitor09:34
didrocksSaviq: hum, I got a case when none was selected09:34
didrockslet me check09:34
didrocksok, I can't get back to the case of both unselected :/09:35
Saviqgood :)09:35
didrockswhat about fglrx, it's not possible to set a primary monitor?09:35
Saviqyes, it seems it doesn't care what you do09:36
Saviqdidrocks, sil2100 knows more09:36
didrockshum… that's kind of anyone then09:37
didrockslet's see with him and did you talked with the 3d guys?09:37
didrocksthey probably had the same issue09:37
didrocks(dbo will know more)09:37
greybackdidrocks: that's something I didn't do. I checked their code, they just choose the primary monitor. But I'll ask in case they do something fancy09:38
didrocksgreyback: thanks!09:40
didrocksgreyback: so, once the metacity is here and I confirm it works09:40
didrockswe probably can release09:40
greybackdidrocks: sweet09:40
didrocks(saw that some additional commits got it, they are safe?)09:40
greybackdidrocks: they are, one strut fix for the bug you noticed, couple of RTL fixes too09:41
didrocksok :)09:42
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greybacksil2100: hey, with the ATI driver problems we had with primary monitor setting, if you have a minute can you check that <primary> is being set correctly in ~/.config/monitors.xml10:16
sil2100greyback: sure thing, just one moment - since right now I'm using a single monitor only10:17
greybacksil2100: no rush, just good to confirm it10:17
sil2100Ok, need to restart the session10:21
sil2100One moment10:21
sil2100greyback: what should I look for in that config? Since it seems to be correct, as the laptop screen (the one I set as primary) is on the first position10:25
greybacksil2100: in the Displays panel, could you drag the panel to the non-laptop screen10:26
greybacksil2100: check the config file is correct. Then reboot and check again10:27
greybacksil2100: log out/in again is enough, no need to reboot10:27
sil2100greyback: ok, it seems to change the "primary" property correctly, but the Launcher is still on the same monitor everytime10:31
greybacksil2100: ok, it's definitely the driver that's just not doing anything when we ask it to switch the primary monitor10:32
greybacksil2100: thank you for confirming that for me10:32
sil2100greyback: I noticed one strange thing when I was on unity 3d though10:33
greybacksil2100: go on10:34
sil2100greyback: when I was switching the primary monitor in the Displays panel, I noticed that my mouse cursor - after pressing Apply - was changing screens according to what I set as the primary screen10:34
sil2100greyback: i.e. when I set the laptop screen as primary, my cursor was teleported to the laptop screen10:35
sil2100greyback: so hm...10:35
greybacksil2100: hmmm.10:35
greybackI've no idea :)10:35
greybackperhaps compiz listens for the screen changes and moves cursor around to suit10:36
greybackBut for now, I see nothing obvious we can do to work around this issue10:37
sil2100Could be, but then maybe you could hook up to that in unity-2d?10:37
greybacksil2100: I'll have look at compiz to see if it's doing something clever10:38
greybacksil2100: thanks for the help, I'll ping if I need anything10:40
sil2100greyback: thanks!10:40
Klap-inhi, recent i fixed a issue in the wall-plugin of compiz and added a diff. Bug #904205 Can i ask somebody to include it in 12.04? or what the way to go?11:40
ubot5Launchpad bug 904205 in Compiz "Desktop wall: Bindings for next/previous don't work." [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/90420511:40
ryeHello, regarding the thumb for the scrollbars - if you move window far to the left, the thumb appears inside the window, but cannot be grabbed11:43
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didrocksgreyback: hey, any progress on metacity? :)12:03
greybackdidrocks: yep, just fighting with dpkg :)12:03
greybackdidrocks: https://code.launchpad.net/~gerboland/metacity/workarea_fix12:04
didrocksgreyback: thanks :)12:04
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ryeis current unity using Alt+F10 too/12:14
ryeunity2d - yes, unity - seems yes too, from ppa12:15
sil2100rye: yes, at least it should12:15
ryepressing Alt+F10 twice renders keyboard and mouse input impossible12:15
didrocksgreyback: so, the icon are now shifted \o/12:15
ryesil2100: if you try, to revert - unity --reset in terminal only :(12:15
didrocksgreyback: however, the fix for "on the second monitor, maximizing an application takes the STRUT" is in unity-2d?12:15
didrocksrye: compiz is bad at dealing with configuration upgrade12:16
greybackdidrocks: yes. We forgot to remove all other struts when using 1 launcher12:16
ryedidrocks: well, alt+f10 is indeed set in the preferences, and it works, however pressing Alt+F10 twice made me want to smash the keyboard, which does not appear to fix the issue12:16
sil2100rye: the thing you described is a bug that happened in the past when alt is still pressed and f10 more times than one - not sure if it was fixed or not12:17
sil2100I think I saw a bug for that, need to look for it12:17
sil2100(since it's rather serious)12:17
didrocksgreyback: let me grab trunk12:17
ryesil2100: i am also tracking the gtk bug https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=661973 which makes terminal receive both F10 key and pop up the menu...12:18
ubot5Gnome bug 661973 in gtk "gtk+ reacts on F10 press incorrectly with xkeyboard-config-2.4.1" [Major,Unconfirmed]12:18
ryeaha, looks like bug #94852212:20
ubot5Launchpad bug 948522 in unity "Alt-F10 locks up Unity" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/94852212:20
didrocksgreyback: no more STRUT on unity-2d trunk here with hide-mode 012:32
greybackdidrocks: you mean there's a launcher but it has no strut?12:33
didrocksgreyback: right12:33
didrocksgreyback: sorry, there is some STRUT12:33
didrocksbut nautilus isn't respecting it again12:33
greybackdidrocks: can you give me steps to reproduce?12:35
didrocksgreyback: hum, no real steps for that12:35
didrocks"start unity-2d"12:36
didrocks"ensure hide-mode is 0"12:36
didrocks"check that nautilus icon are still under the launcher"12:36
didrockscan restart my session if you think that's a transient issue12:36
greybackdidrocks: would you mind? I'm not reproducing it here12:37
didrocksok, one sec12:37
didrocksgreyback: confirmed, getting the issue with unity-2d trunk12:41
greybackdidrocks: I think I know what's happening. Can we mumble?12:41
greybackdidrocks: good old Mumble :)12:44
didrocksmultiple launchers work fine12:54
didrockspushing the release then :)12:54
didrocksnice work!12:54
Klap-inWho can give some advice? recent i fixed a issue in the wall-plugin of compiz and added a diff. Bug #904205 . Can i ask somebody to include it in 12.04? or what is the way to go?13:02
ubot5Launchpad bug 904205 in Compiz "Desktop wall: Bindings for next/previous don't work." [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/90420513:02
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didrocksKlap-in: try to ping sam (smspillaz) or duflu when they are around13:41
didrocksKlap-in: australian time most of the time13:42
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MCR1Klap-in: Please do more :)13:56
Klap-inMCR1: i will try :) sofar my understanding of c++ is basic, but it's to do :)14:07
MCR1Klap-in: Great news :) I would be very happy if someone could fix Emerald compilation for Precise as it is not working anymore...14:08
MCR1Compiz is not Compiz anymore without Emerald ;)14:08
Klap-inMCR1: but that's an extra decorator beyond compiz?14:10
MCR1yep, but it was made to accomplish compiz14:12
MCR1git clone git://anongit.compiz.org/fusion/decorators/emerald14:13
MCR1Klap-in: it would be really nice if you could take a look at it - probably a minor issue14:15
bilal|webseb128: there?15:39
seb128bilal|web, sort of, why?15:40
bilal|webseb128: I nedeed further clarification on bug #955147, and whether design decisions should be a blocker for freeze exceptions15:40
ubot5Launchpad bug 955147 in unity (Ubuntu) "[FFe, UIFe] Automatically add launchers for newly installed applications" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/95514715:40
bilal|webrather, shouldn't the design team be left off to ponder over it?15:42
bilal|web(that has already been approved by designers, btw)15:42
seb128bilal|web, don't ask me, but yeah, something to deal between design team and release team15:43
Andy80om26er: cool :) (faster here than on Twitter :D )17:10
om26erAndy80, ;-)17:14
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thomimhall119: ping?20:41
mhall119thomi: pong20:41
thomimhall119: Hi - I tried to get in touch last week, but forgot about timezones ;) - we were going to talk about the best place to put tutorials / documentation relating to the testing effort in Unity (autopilot)20:42
mhall119thomi: yes!20:42
thomiIt'd be super-cool to have the documentation at the point where people from outside the unity team / canonical can contribute autopilot tests for unity20:43
mhall119thomi: can you view https://docs.google.com/a/canonical.com/document/d/14G-BDOxb6h9jI9DADHEC74Hhv6fp0yMk-4c8LmSiYGY/edit?authkey=CJbH-OUB ?20:44
thomimhall119: yep, once I fight with google's multiple-signon stuff :)20:45
mhall119thomi: I can invite your main google email to it, if that helps20:45
thomimhall119: I'm in now20:45
mhall119thomi: so this is what I'll be working on this week20:46
mhall119I already did the design section, thanks to JohnLea's blog about the steps in the design process20:46
mhall119I was going to start writing the coding page next, using the docs we collected for developer.u.c20:46
mhall119I suppose writing autopilot tests should be in there20:47
thomiOK, I guess autopilot falls under "Coding" rather than "Testing", since some python experience is required?20:47
mhall119yeah, Testing was really going to be about how to run existing tests and provide feedback20:48
thomiok. When do these changes go public? Is this something for the 12.04 release?20:49
mhall119thomi: yeah20:49
mhall119the current target publish date is "as soon as we finish writing them"20:49
mhall119developer.u.c docs are mostly done, but unity.u.c docs are just starting20:50
mhall119thumper: dbarth: you guys might be interested in this, I'm trying to get meaningful stats from the unity, unity-2d and nux bzr branches:20:53
mhall119Total Committers: 11920:53
mhall119Internal: 14772 commits from 45 people20:53
mhall119External: 794 commits from 74 people20:53
mhall119Unknown: 1220:53
thumpermhall119: interesting21:01
mhall119thumper: http://paste.ubuntu.com/891299/ is the script if you're curious21:02
mhall119thumper: any member of one of the "unity_teams" is considered an Internal contributor21:02
mhall119if you know of a more accurate set of teams, let me know and I'll update it21:03
mhall119sadly it counts contributions from current employees as Internal, even if they were hired after some of those contributions were made21:04
mhall119so it's a bit skewed in favor of Internal21:04
htorquehi all! can you tell me whether 6 million invalid writes of size 1 in one hour from compiz/unityshell are a problem: http://paste.ubuntu.com/886919/ sounds like a lot.21:12
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bilalWhen is the merge window for new features in Unity 5.8 closing?22:51
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htorqueTrevinho: hi! bug 938082 - what version of unity are you running? i'm on 5.6.0-0ubuntu4 and about to re-test.23:43
ubot5Launchpad bug 938082 in unity (Ubuntu Precise) "Multi-monitor: indicators acting up when second monitor disconnected with indicator opened" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/93808223:43
htorqueTrevinho: great, i'm too not able to reproduce it. :-)23:52

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