[11:29] G'morning [14:21] So, how about this morning? [14:22] I forgot my headphones at home. [14:22] ColonelPanic001: ugh [14:22] I came up with a solution, but I don't think the building is tall enough to jump off and die [14:22] don't forget them tomorrow. New OMC tomorrow. :) [14:22] \m/ [15:42] party [15:42] will probably need you guys to handle CHC without me another week :( [15:48] man, too many more absences and we'll lose our python flavor [15:48] next time you show up we'll all be programming C# on mono on our macbooks. [15:51] Blazeix: that would be awesome [15:57] rick_h: That bad, eh? [16:15] lolz [16:18] well you're all hacking on bookie anyway right? so you're doing a bunch of python :P [16:34] i'm doing a bunch of python [16:34] but not bookie. [16:34] sorry, its not my passion. [16:34] it works great as is. [16:34] jrwren: boooo :P it's good practice :) [16:34] jrwren: how goes the new gig? [16:34] its great. [16:34] awesome [16:34] awesome environmen.t [16:35] make sure to check out the great pycon vids [16:35] they are 10yo startup, so they are trying to keep that startup vibe. [16:35] snack wall [16:35] soda [16:35] pingpong [16:35] mame cabinet [16:35] hah,k cool [16:35] all the amenities. [16:35] yeah, i'll watch pycon vids. [16:53] Ahoy [16:57] rick_h: Oh Christ, you're on Steroids again? [16:57] I hope nobody does anything at work. :) [16:58] snap-l: yea, I've got the yummy fully medicated head going on with the raging roids [16:58] why I think I'll bow out of CHC even thuogh I might feel beter by wed night [17:06] jrwren: there is also a conference just for django: djangocon. they have gob of videos too [17:07] brousch: All anyone really wants from Djangocon videos are the admin screen. [17:07] actually only about half of the videos are django-specific [17:08] yea, it's actually got some ok things in there [17:08] the other half are general python and web good stuff [17:08] * snap-l thinks up more Django harassment [17:08] they always have at least 1 why django sucks talk [17:09] they invited chris to do the annual "i hate django" talk, but he declined saying he loves django :P [17:09] WEll, didn't they invite Mark Ramm on e year to give that talk? [17:09] yea, he's given it before [17:09] nice [18:14] rick_h: where do you fall in the "star imports are bad" argument? [18:15] very bad [18:15] explicit > implicit [18:15] from module import * <-- i'm i removed some of these from a module on friday in favor of specifying each name specifically [18:15] cool. [18:15] https://github.com/mitechie/Bookie/blob/develop/bookie/models/__init__.py [18:16] rick_h's approval is my gauge for if i'm doing it right [18:16] holy page of imports rick_h ! [18:17] one import per line, sorted, and you can easily find out where any keyword/class comes from [18:22] rick_h++ [18:30] i did the from module import name1,\\nname2,\\nname3 [18:30] and sorted? fuk that, unless a tool will rearange for me. [18:30] :p [18:31] jrwren: :!sort [18:31] well highlight first [18:31] i sort them if i notice they are jumbled [18:31] good call. [18:31] ty [18:31] and split by stdlib import x, then from x import stuff, then your own local imports [18:31] rick_h must have lernt me that early on [18:32] I just gave our iso auditor a copy of 11.10 [18:32] it's pretty standard pep8 stuff I think [18:32] hah, nice! [18:32] did you pass? [18:32] i'll bet if you wrote C you would decl your vars at the top, k&r style. [18:32] I do that in my JS, jslint style [18:32] maybe someday I'll learn [18:32] snap-l: do they do more than md5 it? [18:33] rick_h: Other than sounding like Porky Pig when asked what I think the quality policy is (from memory) I think I passed [18:34] https://github.com/mitechie/Bookie/blob/develop/bookie/static/js/bookie/view.js#L1205 [18:35] sometimes i don't know how i lived w/out byobu [18:35] the bw monitor alone is life changing [18:38] bw monitor? [18:45] the status line in byobu shows me outgoing and incoming data rates for my interface [18:51] ah