=== jalcine is now known as jalcine_ === jalcine_ is now known as jalcine [02:07] Please, if there are any young contributors over here, I'll be happy if you could please fill in this survey, it's to collect data for an UDS-Q session :) http://joseeantonior.wufoo.com/forms/ubuntu-and-youth/ Thanks! [03:47] Princess, I'd like to know if I can get a link posted to UWN [03:47] JoseeAntonioR: that one above? [03:47] erm yep :P [03:48] sure, will just need to find a place to put it ;) [03:48] yay! [03:48] I'll be writing a blog post for the Planet later, is that better? [03:48] yes :) [03:48] then we can include it in the Planet section [03:49] oh, that's great [03:49] I just want to wait until my blog gets added to the Planet, because I haven't seen it in the feed list [03:50] when did you add it? [03:52] almost an hour ago [03:53] ah ok, it refreshes every hour [03:54] lp:~planet-ubuntu/config/main Development 52 minutes ago [03:54] 1515. Added joseeantonior to Planet Ubuntu [03:54] yep [03:54] :) [03:54] so, the changes are made? [03:55] that was just me confirming the checkin was made [03:55] if you refresh planet you'll see your name is in the feed list [03:56] YAY, my name is in the Planet :') (dreams are coming true over here) [03:58] :D [04:09] post done, I hope it gets into the planet soon [04:09] yep, it's there [08:04] good morning [12:51] Where are we on the newsletter? [12:51] sorry - I had major deadlines yesterday [12:52] oh cool it's done :-) [12:52] you all rock [12:52] me goes away then :-)