
debfxmicahg: it turns the expired certificate error to a warning01:29
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littlegirlHey there, does anybody know if there is a list of entities used in the Kubuntu docs, and if so, where it is?03:17
ScottKDarkwing: ^^^03:23
* littlegirl attempts to conjure Darkwing... (:03:23
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bulldog98Riddell: nice post about arm isos09:06
Riddellbulldog98: I can't believe there is no mailing list to discuss arm on09:07
Riddellthe precise images don't work for me and I have nowhere to discuss it except hope to find the right people on irc09:07
bulldog98you could ask for creating one09:07
Riddellmaybe they have an internal canonical one but if so that should go (the team no longer exists in canonical anyway)09:08
Riddellmm there is an internal one just called "arm"09:09
Riddellmaybe I'll subscribe and see if I get approved :)09:09
RiddellTm_Tr: nice approach in #kubuntu :)09:32
Tm_TI have little intention to help someone who has that kind of attitude /:09:33
Riddellwell aye, not much else can be done to appease someone grumpy with kmail, it really is a disappointment09:33
Tm_Twell, "find in a message" works just fine here09:34
Tm_Tbut I assume he wants to find in messageS which is different thing09:34
Riddellyeah that'll be a nepomuk thing which is never very reliable09:35
Riddellalthough saying that find in file works great for me currently09:35
Riddelloh my goodness09:38
Riddellksecrets works!09:38
Tm_Tall in all, I have little to complain with Kmail in my use09:38
Riddellubuntuone-control-panel-qt just works with it!09:38
Tm_TRiddell: nice09:38
Riddelloh, no it doesn't :(09:38
Tm_TRiddell: nice09:39
* Tm_T hides09:39
Riddellit worked at startup but there's an error on login09:40
Riddellafiestas: hey did you get sponsorship for UDS?10:46
RiddellI haven't seen a list yte10:46
afiestasRiddell: yes !10:46
Riddellafiestas: do you know anyone else?10:47
afiestasyes, drf and rbelem at least10:48
shadeslayeroh, drf is going to UDS? :D10:53
shadeslayerRiddell: how long does the arm pbuilder take to unpack and everything ?10:53
Riddellshadeslayer: no idea, I've never used it10:53
Riddellshadeslayer: what are you testing on arm?10:54
shadeslayerRiddell: digikam supposedly supplied a better patch, need to test and report it back upstream10:54
Riddellshadeslayer: I actually have an arm machine working for one day only if you need to build on precise10:56
shadeslayerRiddell: ok, for some reason ScottK's machine doesn't go further than : File extracted to: /var/cache/pbuilder/build//839510:57
shadeslayerRiddell: digikam just needs to be built from git ...10:57
Riddellshadeslayer: mine might be useful for building without a pbuilder10:57
ScottKAre you sure you where patient enough?10:57
shadeslayerScottK: 25 minutes and counting10:58
ScottKIt does seem a bit stopped.10:59
ScottKWhat we can't see it file I/O, so I'd wait.11:00
shadeslayerwell, I created it with pbuilder-dist precise create11:00
ScottKshould work11:00
RiddellScottK: what is the actual hardware you have there?11:00
ScottKIt's Efika MX Smarttop.11:05
RiddellScottK: netboot style devices?11:05
ScottKThis is a little box.11:06
ScottKIt's an end user type device though, not just a bar board.11:06
RiddellScottK: http://paulfedora.wordpress.com/2011/04/07/new-arrivals-genesi-efika-mx-smarttop/ ?11:07
ScottKUnfortunately, Ubuntu never supported them, so I either have to switch them to Debian or Linaro.11:08
RiddellScottK: does Linaro support them?11:08
Riddellsurely Linaro works with the same things as ubuntu does?11:09
Riddellfabo: why are you not working upstream ^^ ? :)11:09
faboRiddell: ScottK: for efika, complain to ogra/markos? :)11:14
fabobtw, Linaro producing hwpack on top of Ubuntu, it's just that Canonical doesn't support it11:15
Riddellfabo: what is hwpack?11:15
Riddellfabo: if my pandaboard isn't booting current ubuntu desktop images are there equivalent linaro precise desktop ones I could try?11:15
ScottKUbuntu doesn't even carry the subarch (mx5) anymore.11:16
faboRiddell: hardware pack, meta tarball that contains bootloader/kernel/blobs if needed11:17
faboRiddell: yes, we support panda and have a ubuntu desktop image11:17
faboScottK: dropped recently? I raised concerns for i.MX51 but not i.MX53...11:18
ScottKDunno about 53. The boxes I have are 51.11:18
Riddellfabo: what is the equivalent of BIOS on a pandaboard called?11:20
faboScottK: i.MX51 isn't supported by FSL, that's why it was dropped11:26
faboRiddell: the bootloader (u-boot or uefi)11:26
* shadeslayer goes off to look at the new L4T release11:30
Riddellfabo: that's the hardware bit?11:31
RiddellScottK: L4T?11:31
Riddellwhoopsie 28918     1  0 08:12 ?        00:00:00 whoopsie  whatever is that?11:37
tsdgeoswhoopsie - Ubuntu crash database submission daemon11:38
shadeslayerRiddell: linux 4 tegra11:39
shadeslayerRiddell: that was probably because of me : Sorry, command-not-found has crashed! Please file a bug report at:11:39
shadeslayerPlease include the following information with the report:11:39
Riddellshadeslayer: one of your root kits is it? :)11:40
shadeslayerseems like command-not-found doesn't work on armhf :)11:41
ulysses!find libg2c.so11:42
ubottuPackage/file libg2c.so does not exist in oneiric11:42
shadeslayerScottK: I think my pbuilder is stuck :)11:45
Riddellyofel: I packaged ksecrets today and I see you did recently too11:58
Riddellyofel: I've put it in experimental ppa too, I think it lacks the .dbg package compared to yours but that's all11:58
Riddellyofel: I'm going to post to the ksecrets list to get some answers11:59
faboRiddell: no, it's software bits12:08
Riddellfabo: so what's the term for the hardware bits?12:12
Riddellhi mischasworld 12:18
mischasworldI recently updated to precise kubuntu beta, suspend to ram via settings in kde settings is not working, if i call pm-suspend via sudo its working any iedas to fix this?12:19
Riddelluser questions in #kubuntu12:20
mischasworldi thoughts ist devel cause its still beta I'll move ;-) thanks12:21
Tm_Twell, +1 versions are supported on #ubuntu+1 usually (:12:22
apoldo you guys know about any apt/sources.list files parser?12:22
apolor do you know where should I ask?12:25
Riddellapol: mvo and glatzor know about package managers in ubuntu12:27
Riddellapol: but I think we all just fork and run software-properties12:27
BluesKajhi all12:28
apolRiddell: can you point me to the softwareproperties source code?12:29
yofelRiddell: well, I put it in experimental a while ago, but if you made a proper package that's great12:40
yofeldoes yours at least work right?12:41
yofelapol: bzr co lp:software-properties12:41
apolhm thanks12:42
yofelapol: or https://code.launchpad.net/software-properties12:43
Riddellyofel: I think it works as well as I can expect but the only app I know that uses it gives an error 12:47
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shadeslayerRiddell: tp-qt needs rebuilding, they deleted the older farsight package, could you upload it?12:54
shadeslayerScottK: I'm killing the pbuilder, unless you want to investigate12:55
shadeslayerRiddell: do you have special fans or sth cooling your pandaboard? :D13:07
shadeslayerbecause it's about to become hot ...13:08
Riddellshadeslayer: you can see it here http://blogs.kde.org/node/454613:12
Riddellshadeslayer: arm chips don't become hot, they just stay slow13:12
shadeslayeroh sweet, looking13:13
* shadeslayer has like a bazillion things to do on his TODO13:15
Riddellshadeslayer: only a bazillion?  you're lucky!13:24
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Riddellshadeslayer: let me know when that digikam build is done, I've a few tests to run on that machine (it should finish any day now)13:26
shadeslayerwill do13:26
shadeslayerit's at 4% ... going to take a bit of time13:27
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Riddellhow's this? http://blogs.kde.org/node/454714:20
RiddellKubuntu and the state of free consumer software14:20
tazzRiddell, +1 for the post -1 for the name change.14:24
apacheloggerRiddell: good read, I actually shall poke you later today about that14:24
apacheloggeralso sorry for dropping of the intarwebs14:25
tazz"kubuntu" as a brand has had momentum behind it.14:25
Riddellapachelogger: I'm glad you climbed back up14:25
Riddelltazz: yes there are advantages to staying with the current name too, it's mostly down to what canonical will allow to be done with their trademark14:25
apacheloggeryofel: yes, I plan on filing the uifreeze exception request today and hopefully upload tomorrow14:25
tazzRiddell, ok.14:26
apacheloggeryofel: IMHO we should stuff the wallpaper into workspace14:26
apacheloggeroh actually that doesn't work ^^14:26
yofelwhy not?14:26
apacheloggercuz plymouth needs the image to be in the plymouth image folder14:26
yofelah k14:27
apacheloggerso unless we stuff the plymouth artwork into the kdm theme folder which is fuggly we have a problem14:27
yofelbut still, KDM should use the same one14:27
apacheloggerthough that might in fact be the best bet here14:27
apacheloggerotherwise we might go oversized14:27
apacheloggerbetter yet14:27
yofelor we symlink the plymouth background to the kdm folder?14:27
apacheloggersomeone please package the artwork from kde svn14:27
apacheloggermake it a seperate package14:27
apacheloggeryofel: yes14:27
apacheloggeroh well14:28
apacheloggerI'll have to muse about it at uni14:28
apacheloggeryofel: problem is that plymouth has one resolution though we should totally support all resolutions of the background (via extra package)14:28
apacheloggerfor plymouth I use 800x60014:28
apolRiddell: do you know if it's very harmful to call apt-add-repository -y from the user interface? what kind of interaction is expected?14:29
apacheloggersince that image ends up in the initramfs and thus directly affects boot time14:29
Riddellapol: I'm afraid I don't know, best ask mvo14:30
georgelappies___hi all, where can I get a list comparing the changes in kubuntu 11.10 to kubuntu 12.04?14:31
apolRiddell: what channel?14:31
apacheloggerapol: btw, I think that will not work ... e.g. one query would be if there already is a repo with that name, whether it should be replaced14:32
apachelogger(or so I'd imagine anyway)14:32
apacheloggerapol: I think libqapt can do the same stuff, or at least I requested it like ages ago :)14:32
apacheloggeranyhow ... off to uni14:33
Riddelljussi: you're grumbling about LibreOffice?  Time to explore Calligra?14:43
faboRiddell: well, the hardware bits part is a data storage device. could be flash memory (sdcard), etc...14:47
jussiRiddell: Ive tried calligra not so long ago, has it changed much? it was missing a big stack of features, including a format painter, proper handling of MS office formats  nad several other things I dont remember14:56
Riddelljussi: what's a format painter?14:57
Riddelljussi: MS Office format importing is reputed to be better than LibreOffice (since it's what KO spends makes its money doing) but I've not done any formal testing14:58
jussiRiddell: click a place where you like the formatting, click format painter, highlight other stuff you want the first places formatting to go14:58
jussiRiddell: but can calligra export yet?14:58
RiddellI don't know, I've never had any need or desire to export to MS Office format and lots to not do so14:59
jussihehe, I guess you dont send much to people who use ms office.14:59
RiddellI do I just make a point in using open formats15:00
Riddell.odt and .rtf work fine, as do pdf html and ascii15:00
bulldog98jussi: the export works quite good from what I heard, but I haven’t tried it15:01
jussiRiddell: I guess its pretty simple, I need the option to be there, its not a choice I have15:01
jussido we have a ppa for onewiric thats reasonably stable? 15:01
jussiI dont mind giving it a go again15:02
Riddelljussi: why?  what can .doc do that the above formats can't?15:02
jussiRiddell: It is the required format for me to send to certain people. Not much I can change.15:05
Riddelljussi: life sucks indeed.  I always make a point of saying that I require standard non-vendor-specific formats but I realise that approach often doesn't work15:05
jussiRiddell: anyway, do we have a PPA that I can grab it from for oneiric? 15:07
Riddelljussi: Kubuntu Beta Backports 15:09
jussiRiddell: thanks, installing now15:11
Riddelljussi: no doubt you will find lots of problems but I'm curious to know what they are from someone who obviously uses office stuff more than me15:12
Riddelland someone who is finding problems with our current offering :)15:13
jussiRiddell: :)15:13
* jussi uses libreoffice on a daily basis15:14
apacheloggerbulldog98, jussi: export of ms office formats does not even work reliably in LO15:22
apacheloggerparticularly when loads of weird formatting is in the picture15:22
jussiapachelogger: works for me 15:22
jussi(most of the time)15:22
apacheloggerwell yes, so does calligra from what I have heared ;)15:22
Riddellyes it's a problematic thing to do for sure, MS Office crashing after opening a file made by LO isn't nice either although less blame on LO :)15:22
bulldog98apachelogger: sure which is the reason, why I don’t use that format :P15:23
apacheloggerimport is the most questionable thing there ... as ms office has a shitload of features and to properly reverse engineer the crap you'd need an appropriate sample base15:23
RiddellI've had trouble with LO on accounts, .ods spreadsheet files that won't open in LO but do in calligra15:23
apacheloggerso by any value LO should perform better there15:23
apacheloggerRiddell: that's gambling, from what I know neither completely implements the odf standard15:24
apachelogger(or add own stuff)15:24
Riddellapachelogger: yeah but LO should at least open its own .ods files!15:24
apacheloggerRiddell: sure, if LO was trivial software :P15:25
jussiRiddell: I dont even have an rtf save format? 15:25
Riddelljussi: dunno that seems surprising but maybe not, #calligra will know15:25
apacheloggermy nano is broken15:27
Riddellreal geeks use emacs15:28
jussiRiddell: so apart from the export issue and lack of format painter it seems to do everything I need so far, but for me to switch I need at least that export to .doc/.docx15:30
* jussi tries out the presentations tool15:30
apacheloggerRiddell: yah, and real hackers use vim :P15:31
bulldog98apachelogger: +115:31
Riddelljussi: see I really don't get the need to export to a format that limits your user base like .docx15:32
Riddelland which is very objectionable from an ethical view15:33
Riddellbut I'd have thought the technical limitations were enough reasons not to use it15:33
jussiRiddell: I see no reason to not provide an optional plugin for those who need it15:34
Riddelljussi: except that it's very difficult to code!15:36
jussiRiddell: but Libreoffice has it.... ?15:36
Riddelljussi: and they had the large resources of Sun behind them15:37
Riddellwill be interesting to see if they can maintain it without that15:37
jussiRiddell: its open source, can we not borrow it? 15:37
Riddelljussi: ha ha no15:38
Riddellever tried looking at the libreoffice codebase?  it's not pretty 15:38
Riddellwhen openoffice was first made public the koffice response was "great we can just take all the good bits of code" which was nonsense at the time and has proved to be so15:39
jjessebut Riddell didn't you just argue on your blog for wider adoption, need to support MS Office .docx/.doc for wider addoption15:39
jussijjesse: ++15:39
jjesseits hard to ask for wider adoption and not support what more people use15:40
Riddelljjesse: I'm an idealist, I take the view that the world should start using standards and stop using crappy vendor-specific formats that maintain a monopoly15:40
jjessealmost called them wider people :)15:40
CIA-42[kubuntu-default-settings] Harald Sitter <apachelogger@ubuntu.com> * apachelogger@ubuntu.com-20120321153952-8mxaa91os4hxwfq0 * lib/plymouth/themes/kubuntu-logo/kubuntu-logo.grub make grub background reall really dark15:40
jjessethat might be fine but more people won't adopt if they can't use what they use for work, etc15:40
Riddelland as we've been discussing, LO and Calligra do support MS Office formats and have done for years15:40
jussidoes this go both ways? http://odf-converter.sourceforge.net/15:41
Riddelllikewise MS Office support OpenDocument format, this debate should not be relevant any time this decade15:41
CIA-42[kubuntu-dev-tools] Harald Sitter <apachelogger@ubuntu.com> * apachelogger@ubuntu.com-20120321154426-zg51xal2un1mz44a * (bin/plymouth-rgb-normalizer debian/changelog) Add plymouth-rgb-normalizer to normalize 0-255 to plymouth 0.0-1.0 ranges15:44
CIA-42[kubuntu-dev-tools] Harald Sitter <apachelogger@ubuntu.com> * apachelogger@ubuntu.com-20120321154552-qaxm0sunj556js00 * (10 files in 4 dirs) Added klearppa to clear out the packages in a PPA15:45
jussiRiddell: small annoyance, lack of borders on the slide in stage's document sidebar15:46
CIA-42[kubuntu-default-settings] Harald Sitter <apachelogger@ubuntu.com> * apachelogger@ubuntu.com-20120321154614-wjehieun8ya7pdz1 * lib/plymouth/themes/kubuntu-logo/plymouth-rgb-normalizer.rb moved rgb normalizer to kubuntu-dev-tools15:46
apacheloggercan someone please run du -h /lib/plymouth/themes/kubuntu-logo15:49
bulldog98apachelogger: 840K15:49
jussijussi@squirrel:~$ du -h /lib/plymouth/themes/kubuntu-logo15:50
jussi84K     /lib/plymouth/themes/kubuntu-logo15:50
apacheloggerjussi: thx15:50
apacheloggerso with the new stuff it is 10 times bigger ^^15:50
jussiapachelogger: thats oneiric15:50
apachelogger^ the art of deduction15:50
shadeslayerapachelogger: 844K for me15:56
shadeslayerapachelogger: stop bloating my install!15:57
apacheloggergo sip a cuppa15:58
shadeslayerdid that an hour ago15:58
apacheloggerclearly didn't help15:58
shadeslayerno more tea for me or I get supercharged and don't sleep properly15:58
apacheloggersleep is for children15:59
shadeslayerno, sleep is for when you have to go to uni the next day16:00
tsdgeosshadeslayer: sleep is what you do at uni ;-)16:01
shadeslayerthat's what I thought as well, apparently the professors don't like that and refuse to give you attendance16:01
apacheloggeroh, that is also a very well made point16:01
* apachelogger feels sleepy actually16:01
apacheloggerwe are talking about copyright16:01
apacheloggerfriends! what's with the udd branches alread?16:02
apacheloggerRiddell: I do not get the plymouth branch at all16:02
apacheloggerit has debian/patches *and* in-source changes16:02
apacheloggerwho does the educated uddd work with that?16:02
Riddellapachelogger: that sounds like a mess up by someone16:03
apacheloggerslangasek is to blame16:03
apacheloggeranywho, I don't need the patches anyway16:03
apacheloggerwas just wondering, never seen that16:03
apacheloggernot even bzr-buildpackage can handle that16:04
Riddellit does suggest that udd branches might not be a great way to work16:04
Riddellbut my idea of changing udd to be debian/ branch only imports does not have much traction16:05
apacheloggertoo bad16:05
ScottKshadeslayer: OK.  I'd try it again.  Maybe it was a heisenbug.16:22
* shadeslayer didn't know that term 16:23
apacheloggeru fail16:23
Riddellhi mgraesslin 16:31
mgraesslinhi Riddell16:31
Riddellmgraesslin: that kmenueditor branch you have seems to be missing some .ui files16:31
shadeslayerScottK: heh, still gets stuck16:32
mgraesslinRiddell: possible16:32
ScottKNo idea.  Try to build something smaller and see if it's your pbuilder setup somehow.16:32
shadeslayeruh, I just try to login to it16:32
ScottKThat's how I built digikam on that same box the other day.16:32
mgraesslinRiddell: I will work on it tomorrow and on Friday, so best ignore it till then16:32
shadeslayerScottK: http://paste.kde.org/444134/16:33
shadeslayerand then nothing, just gets stuck16:33
mgraesslinRiddell: and concerning your blog post: yes kubuntu needs a better name :-)16:33
Riddellmgraesslin: I'd use kwin but I hear that's taken :)16:33
shadeslayerI'll make a new one, maybe somethig went wrong16:34
mgraesslinRiddell: just find a better name for kwin then :-)16:34
mgraesslinno, that's quite bad16:34
shadeslayerkooboon2 :D16:35
ScottKshadeslayer: You're logged in, but have no shell.16:37
shadeslayerI don't understand how is that even possible :S16:37
ScottKshadeslayer: Look at /home/hooks/C10shell16:38
ScottKLog in with that hook.16:38
Peace-but Riddell i was reading your post ... you want release only kde software16:41
Peace-this is utopia16:41
Peace-and the result is : kubuntu can't compete with ubuntu16:42
Peace-ubuntu uses qt and gtk 16:42
Riddellyes, I'm an idealist like that16:42
Riddellfortunately qt is all we need :)16:42
Peace-ying yang16:43
Peace-middle is the true path16:43
Riddellthat's why we need to be part of the ubuntu project16:43
Riddelllots of gtk in the archives if that's what does it for you16:43
Peace-i am not a normal user Riddell16:44
tsimpsonI think even Canonical realise that Qt just has the superior API16:44
Peace-the normal user wants somethign that works16:44
shadeslayerPeace-: that's implying that power users want something that's broken16:44
Peace-just only changin rekonq with chromium would be fine16:45
Peace-shadeslayer: nope16:45
Peace-shadeslayer: for example i am using beta software because i know  it has bugs16:45
Peace-and i am ok with that 16:45
Peace-and i know where i can fidn a solution16:46
Peace-so it not broken 16:46
Peace-it's just fun 16:46
tsimpsonbugs _are_ things that are broken16:47
tsimpsonthings that don't work properly, things that don't do what they're expected to do, things that don't do things well16:47
Peace-well krita crashes when you does ctl z 3 time 16:47
tsdgeosthat's a bug16:48
tsdgeosall software has bugs16:48
tsdgeosPeace-: if you report it i'm even guessing it's a fairly easy one to fix16:48
tsimpsonnot all software16:48
tsdgeostsimpson: all software16:48
Peace-tsimpson: i am often on krita channel16:48
Peace-well even firefox has bugs 16:49
Peace-but less than rekonq16:49
tsimpsonnot every single program ever developed has bugs16:49
yofelPeace-: I believe we still ship the firefox installer?16:49
tsimpsonthe larger the code-base, and more complex the program, then yes. you're more likely to have bugs. but not _all_ software16:49
Peace-yofel: it's always a pain16:49
tsdgeostsimpson: are you a developer?16:49
Peace-the point is releasing what works better16:50
tsimpsonI develop lots of things, so yeah16:50
apacheloggerwhat's the topic?16:50
Peace-browser is the most important stuff 16:50
tsdgeostsimpson: i can't believe you are defending that there is software out there without bugs :D16:50
yofelapachelogger: whether software has bugs16:50
Peace-failing on browser = failing distro16:51
apacheloggerPeace-: kubuntu does not compete with ubuntu, we do not target OEM deployments16:51
tsimpsontsdgeos: no, I'm saying that not every single piece of software in the universe has bugs16:51
tsimpsonint main() { return 0; } // no bugs there16:51
tsimpsonthere, I'm a genius16:51
apacheloggerthat is wrong16:51
apacheloggerit implies that the software that uses the software has no bugs16:51
yofeltsimpson: I believe that depends on the compiler you're using :D16:51
tsdgeosyou missed two parameters in main16:51
apacheloggeror the implementation of the C standard for that matter16:51
apacheloggerin our case the eglibc16:52
yofeltsdgeos: well, gcc would compile that fine though16:52
tsimpsonwell, I can write an application in assembly that doesn't have a main(), and just exits with 016:52
apacheloggerthe simplest of all programs still can have bugs as even that software would depend on the hardware doing what it is supposed to16:52
tsimpson(assuming the kernel is not broken ;)16:52
yofelif the hardware isn't defined to be correct, we don't even have to discuss this...16:53
tsimpsonmy point is that "bugs" are not something that you should just expect are a fact of life16:53
apacheloggerthat is to say, the more aggregated code is used in a program the more likely it has more bugs16:53
apacheloggertsimpson: well, it is for us as we build highly complicated systems16:54
tsimpsonapachelogger: I mean more from an ideological point of view, not necessarily a practical point of view16:55
apacheloggerwell, the target of any developer is to have 0 bugs16:55
apacheloggerthat is however not very practical for anything ^^16:56
apacheloggerRiddell: new plymouth packages moving towards kubuntu-experimental for precise16:58
apacheloggereveryone please be testing16:58
apacheloggeralso kubuntu-text this time16:59
Riddellapachelogger: beta 2 freeze tomorrow afternoon, do you expect to make that?16:59
apacheloggerRiddell: probably not17:00
shadeslayerScottK: ok figured it out17:00
apacheloggerRiddell: that way we can also keep it fresh for release ;)17:00
Riddellapachelogger: still things to fix?17:00
shadeslayerit wasn't stuck, it just doesn't show the shebang and the host17:00
apacheloggerRiddell: not really, but I'd rather have it tested17:00
apacheloggercodewise everything should be fine17:00
apacheloggerplus we need to figure out how to push the proper wallpaper into kdm and we need to get ksplash-qml on the CD17:01
apacheloggeror someone converts the splash from qml to the ksplashx thing ^^17:01
yofelksplashqml is already in kde-workspace-bin, so on CD17:02
yofelonly the example QML theme isn't17:03
apacheloggerah, perfect17:03
Riddellapachelogger: so what do we need to test?  k-d-s and plymouth once they're compiled?17:05
apacheloggergrub should be readable now17:05
shadeslayerapachelogger: yay17:05
apacheloggeralso that stuff needs major refactoring, I have no idea where the grub frontend colors are from, but they seem to be pulled from somewhere implicitly17:06
yofelthe wallpaper setting is a one line thing in the theme which sets the wallpaper used.17:06
apacheloggeror my system is silly17:06
shadeslayerScottK: https://launchpad.net/~rohangarg/+archive/experimental/+files/kile_2.1.0-1ubuntu2~ppa1.dsc << Kile now recommends texlive-latex-extra17:06
apacheloggeryofel: that implies the wallpaper is a kde wallpaper package :P17:06
ScottKshadeslayer: Ask me tomorrow on #ubuntu-motu.17:06
apacheloggerwith desktop file and all that17:06
yofelapachelogger: right17:06
yofelnow the question is whether we switch out the whole default theme with the one from svn, or add it besides ariya17:07
yofelI doubt we have enough space for both though17:08
apacheloggerwhy? we only have one file17:10
apacheloggerof 700k17:10
yofeloh, right17:10
Peace-apachelogger: if kubuntu can't compete with ubuntu or other distro what is the purpuse of this distro fun?17:20
Riddellwe do compete with ubuntu desktop (and cooperate too)17:20
RiddellScottK: you get a name drop by jono in the ubuntu-uk podcast!17:20
Riddellapachelogger: his point was we don't compete with canonical's needs because they do OEM17:21
ScottKRuh. Roh.17:21
ScottKshadeslayer: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/soqt/1.5.0-2 might be worthwhile to work on now that you have access to arm box.17:23
shadeslayerScottK: I'm done for stuff this week, I'll fit it in for next week17:24
* shadeslayer has to finish writing tests17:24
Peace-Riddell: btw kde media center can be replaced by unity 2d tv 17:24
Peace-it's always qt no?17:24
shadeslayer^ I'm looking to try p-m-c once I get my raspberry pi :D17:24
RiddellPeace-: it's not KDE17:25
Riddellshadeslayer: this is what you've been using? http://www.stgraber.org/2012/02/03/ever-wanted-an-armel-or-armhf-container-on-an-x86-machine-its-now-possible-with-lxc-in-ubuntu-precise/17:27
shadeslayerRiddell: pbuilder-dist precise armel create : Works only on sid17:28
Riddellshadeslayer: ah hah.  this one of stgraber's seems worth looking into17:28
shadeslayerwhy not just fix pbuilder-dist ?17:28
shadeslayerisnt' that easier17:28
Riddellthree copy and paste commands is easier than "fix" :)17:28
shadeslayeror rather, why not fix a familiar tool rather than introduce a new one ? :D17:28
Riddelldon't ask me that's not my blog17:29
shadeslayerwell ... pbuilder-dist doesn't do armhf yet17:29
shadeslayerleft a comment :D17:33
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delightI got kmix crashing a lot in 12.04  ... i think it came with the upgrades to kde 4.8.1 .. as with the beta1 of precise i didn't experience those frequently crashes ...17:35
delightdo others have the same problem ?17:35
yofelthe only way I got kmix to crash recently (yesterday) was by killing pulseaudio. Otherwise it works fine17:36
delightyofel: thnx for the feedback 17:37
delightI'll have to invest some more into it17:38
yofeldelight: if you get a crash please file a bug with drkonqi17:38
delightdrkonqi is not coming up after kmix crash ... do i need to install some additional package ?17:39
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yofeldelight: how do you know that it crashed then?17:41
delightyofel: ok ... got it ... that dialog with the option to restart kmix is drkonqi ... my bad :-D17:41
delightnever looked at whats its called :-D17:42
yofelah, ok :)17:42
Riddellhi littlegirl 17:49
littlegirlRiddell: Hey there. (:17:52
Riddelllittlegirl: welcome to the Kubuntu contributor community :)17:53
littlegirlRiddell: Thanks - I wish I hadn't arrived at such a hectic time with that deadline looming. (:17:54
Riddellwe always have deadlines17:54
Riddellif we didn't we'd be debian :)17:54
littlegirlRiddell: I know I'm doing something wrong with Bazaar because my pushes seem to be trying to push every commit I've ever made rather than just the latest one. Can I past my steps into Pastebin and have you look at them and tell me which one could be causing that and how to fix it?17:55
yofelwell, bzr push will push all differences between the original branch and yours - meaning all commits17:55
yofeldo you want something else?17:55
yofel*all your commits17:56
littlegirlI think so. I would like to push just my most current commit since each time I push I propose the push for merging, and once they're accepted, they shouldn't be pushed again, right?17:56
* littlegirl is not a Bazaar user, but an SVN user. (:17:56
Riddellthat's fine17:57
Riddellif they're accepted elsewhere they're all good17:57
littlegirlOkay. (:17:57
Riddellyou can also merge from the main branch to get things more up to date17:57
littlegirlI have no idea what that means. (:17:58
Riddelllittlegirl: pastebin   bzr info17:58
littlegirlI should probably have numbered them. (:18:01
Riddelllittlegirl: that's not bzr info18:01
littlegirlOh, you want me to do bzr info and paste the result into pastebin?18:01
Riddellalso paste.kde.org >> paste.ubuntu.com18:02
littlegirlWhat does that do?18:03
littlegirlpaste.kde.org: command not found18:04
Riddelltell me where your repository thinks it is in relation to the others18:04
Riddellit's a website not a command :)18:05
littlegirlThat's the second paste above: http://paste.ubuntu.com/893977/ 18:05
Riddellso now, what do you want to do?18:05
Riddellbzr diff  does that show committed stuff?18:05
Riddellbzr push  will send it all to lp:~littlergirl/kubuntu-docs/basics18:06
Riddellall the commits so far18:06
littlegirlI'm not sure. I make all the changes to a document and then do one commit to my local working copy that covers all those changes to the one document. Next I push to the server and propose the push for merging. Is that how it ought to be done?18:06
Riddellthere is no ought, whatever makes it easieest for you and the reviewer18:07
Riddellbut that seems a sensible way yes18:07
Riddellso what's the problem?18:07
littlegirlAll of that seems to go smoothly at my end, but the email I get back from Launchpad seems to contain every commit I ever did rather than just the most recent one, and the person who reviews my proposals for merging is becoming confused because of duplicates.18:08
Riddellyes it will contain all the commits since you did your initial bzr branch18:08
littlegirlI'm brand new to Bazaar and DocBook, so I'm just following the steps I was given. I was hoping someone could look them over and tell me which of them are wrong and what changes I should make to them. (:18:08
littlegirlRiddell: Is that expected?18:09
Riddellif you want to isolate some changes you can do a new bzr branch lp:kubuntu-docs  and do separate changes there18:09
Riddellyou could also do a new  bzr branch lp:~littlergirl/kubuntu-docs/basics  that'll give you a new branch starting on the state of your basics branch  18:09
littlegirlRiddell: Is that how pushes are usually done? Doing a new bzr branch before doing a push?18:09
Riddellwhen you commit to that and ask for a merge request you can ask for it relative to the basics branch18:10
Riddellbzr is infinitely flexible, you can do whatever you like18:10
Riddellyou can also do it svn style with just  bzr co lp:~littlergirl/kubuntu-docs/basics18:10
littlegirlThis is the command I was given, and the one I used: bzr branch lp:kubuntu-docs18:10
Riddellthen bzr commit sends it back to lp:~littlergirl/kubuntu-docs/basics18:10
littlegirlDo I just do that one each time to start with a fresh branch?18:10
Riddelllittlegirl: yes that's keep everything nice and separate18:11
littlegirlRiddell: Oh, thank you! That should make life easier for whoever has to review what I submit. (:18:11
Riddelllittlegirl: who has been reviewing your stuff?18:12
littlegirlRiddell: jjesse18:12
* littlegirl waves at jjesse18:12
jjessesorry been away18:12
littlegirlThat's okay. I just hope I'm not causing extra work at a time where you guys must be frantic.18:13
Riddellhe's a nice guy is that jjesse 18:13
jjesseno it isn't18:13
jjessenot extra delay :)18:13
littlegirlI have a few other questions. (:18:13
jjessekeep asking18:13
littlegirlWhich of these ways of doing a plain link is correct: http://paste.ubuntu.com/894004/18:13
littlegirlThe text link is correct, because I see that one used all over the place in the docs. (:18:14
Riddellwhy don't you just use that then?18:14
littlegirlRiddell: To save a few bytes in a large document, like the development.xml doc that I recently did, for instance. (:18:15
Riddella few bytes don't matter18:15
littlegirlAlso, is there a list of entities used in Kubuntu docs, and if so, where is it?18:16
jjesseyes there 18:16
jjessethere is a list of entities18:16
jjessesorry i'm slow to respond its work hours for me18:16
jjesselook in /libs i think18:16
littlegirlOh! Sorry to disturb you while at work!18:16
jjessei think its kde- something in that file18:16
Riddelllittlegirl: if you don't get an answer to a technical question like that in here I think there is #ubuntu-doc as well18:17
jjesseyes #ubuntu-docs is a great place18:17
jjessebut Riddell  is a BZR expert compared to me :)18:17
jjesseand also global.ent18:17
jjesseboth in /libs/18:17
littlegirlPerfect - thanks!18:18
littlegirljjesse, would it be easier for you if I do  bzr branch lp:kubuntu-docs each time I do a push so that you only get offered one document to look over?18:19
jjesseumm not i know of18:19
Riddelllittlegirl: that would seem easist to me18:19
littlegirlRiddell: I'll do it. It sounds like the least amount of work over all. (:18:20
=== rdieter is now known as rdieter_work
littlegirlNext question: There are work items for documents that don't exist here: https://blueprints.launchpad.net/kubuntu-docs/+spec/desktop-p-kubuntu-docs-precise like tips, for instance. Will someone be creating those?18:22
jjessewell hopefully18:22
jjesseunless you want to :)18:23
littlegirljjessee: Heh, I don't even know what you would want in them. (:18:23
jjesseunfortunately there hasn't been much doc work this cycle18:23
Riddelllittlegirl: I guess those are what Darkwing was thinking when he wrote those work items18:23
jjesseas so far it has only been me doing work as i haven't seen Darkwing around much18:23
Riddelllittlegirl: if you can get hold of him to find what he was planning in a tips document you can decide if it's a good idea of no and start it (or not)18:24
littlegirljjesse: No, and it's very sad. The docs are really out of date for the release, and it doesn't look like there is time to get them fixed up, which I assume means they will be added in their current condition.18:24
Riddelllittlegirl: we can do updates after release18:24
jjesselittlegirl, almost correct18:24
Riddelllittlegirl: and I'd really like them to be available on the web somewhere18:24
jjesselittlegirl, we would love to have people work on them but like I said I haven't seen Darkwing around who was going to head things up18:24
littlegirlRiddell: I'll ask him when I hear back from him. So far my email may have gotten snagged up in his spam filter. (:18:24
littlegirlOh, thank goodness updates can be done. What a relief!18:25
littlegirlWhat is the chain of command for Kubuntu documentation?18:25
* littlegirl doesn't want to step on any toes.18:25
jjessethere is no real chain of command18:25
jjesseall community18:26
jjesseand most of the time it is just Darkwing and myself18:26
jjessei think those are the only 2 people who have committed recently18:26
littlegirlAh, okay. (:18:26
littlegirlCan I make some suggestions?18:26
jjessenixternal used to help w/ docs but he has stepped away from ubuntu/kubuntu development work18:26
jjesseyeah can we continue this over email or something, heading back to work ;018:26
littlegirlAh, I had been given his name initially, but had never bumped into him online. (:18:27
littlegirljjesse: Okay, thanks for taking time out to chat in here! (:18:27
Riddelllittlegirl: plunge in, as we say :)18:27
littlegirlRiddell: I've been, but tentatively, because I'm unsure of a few things. (:18:28
littlegirlRiddell: I know the deadline is the 22nd, but since there can be updates, can commits and pushes still be done on or after the 22nd as before, and changes made to the https://blueprints.launchpad.net/kubuntu-docs/+spec/desktop-p-kubuntu-docs-precise page, or should I wait until a certain date to begin more work on the docs after the freeze?18:29
Peace-Riddell: changin name to the distro will not lead somewhere , what users want it's software that works without to do manually 18:30
Peace-or why kubuntu users should use kubuntu 18:30
Peace-they could use arch for example18:30
Peace-for me it's a pain in the ass btw18:30
Riddelllittlegirl: no need to wait18:31
RiddellPeace-: we're in #kubuntu-offtopic for random chat18:31
littlegirlRiddell: Okay, thanks. (:18:31
=== koolhead17|away is now known as koolhead17
shadeslayerRiddell: my build finished just fine thanks!18:37
shadeslayertook about 5-6 hours @_@18:37
* Riddell out18:50
* koolhead17 finds Riddell still in :P18:56
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