
=== KAISforza is now known as KaiSforza
hosokahello all10:49
hosokahello Chris10:49
hosokawhat is the difference between the mimimal desktop Lubuntu and the lubuntu core ?10:50
MrChrisDruifAloha hosoka10:50
hosokaI would like to have the lubuntu system without the hassle of lots of programs comes along with it.10:50
hosokaGoedemorgen Chris10:50
hosokacan anyone give me an advise from this.10:51
MrChrisDruifhosoka; if you want to know, I DID put the links to the different packages on the minimal install page10:51
hosokaI saw that one Chris10:51
hosokaI noticed that the mimimal desktop comes along with lots of programs that I dont need10:52
hosokaI was at the minimal lubuntu wiki10:52
MrChrisDruifThis one? https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Lubuntu/Documentation/MinimalInstall10:52
hosokaso what i needed to do was manually removing the programs.10:52
hosokathe minimal install still provides programs that are not necessary. e.g. Osmo, Mtpaint etc.10:53
hosokawill be right back, 5 min away. Let me hear your advise10:53
hosokawould it be that the Lubuntu core would be ideal then ?10:54
MrChrisDruifhosoka; in the https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Lubuntu/Documentation/MinimalInstall#Full_install_or_core_install.3F section are links to the lubuntu-desktop and lubuntu-core packages in 10.10 till 11.10. In there you can see which packages are DEPENDENT (which get installed no matter what if you select it) and which are RECOMMENDED which you can turn off or on by adding the  --no-install-recommends option to it10:56
MrChrisDruifI hope that makes any sense10:59
MrChrisDruifP.s.: don't single down someone to help you, just ask your question and have some patience that someone knows the answer and will respond11:00
hosokaok, thanks Chris11:14
i7cif i install lubuntu on the same hard drive like windows7, will it automatically install GRUB correctly so that i can start both OS?12:10
Marzatai7c: you never know12:11
i7cis it supposed to? :P12:14
Jinhello everyone12:19
Jinanyone there, i could need some help, i got install problems12:19
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience12:20
=== bkm_ is now known as bkm
bkmis `apt-get xfce4-power-manager` equivalent to what should be in lubuntu? or is there a lubuntuized version of the manager/applet/whatever-it-is??14:30
i7cbkm: afaik it's the same14:39
i7clubuntu uses ubuntu packages.14:39
i7cdpkg --get-selections shows this package so i guess it's installed with apt-get.14:40
bkmthanks. i cannot imagine why the battery has to get down to 20% before it will suspend the laptop. why not 21%? why not 22%?? aggravating...14:41
mmarkhow can I add a shortcut that's not in the available applications ?16:46
mmarkfound it16:51
hosokahello all16:59
hosokalooks quiet here.16:59
=== 64MAA3OYZ is now known as Ironlenny
tataI delete ubuntu 11.10 and now I get Lubuntu 10.04 and win xp, so how to get new gnu grub ?20:23
holsteintata: i would just boot into *buntu and run "sudo update-grub"20:26
holsteinif that doesnt work...20:27
holstein!grub | tata20:27
ubottutata: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10)20:27
tatano no no...20:27
holsteinthere should be "recovering grub" steps20:27
tatasince, I heve lubuntu and win xp and ubuntu11.1020:28
holsteintata: the second suggestion envolved booting a live CD and "getting a new grub"20:28
tatanow, I delete ubuntu but I have old gnu grub, I need new20:29
MrChrisDruiftata; I missed your problem, what was it?20:29
holsteintata: you should see instructions there on how to install from a live CD20:30
tatabut I am new in linux I am not shure20:31
holsteintata: let us know if you have any problems.. i would read about "recovering grub from a live CD"... i would also repeat your query for MrChrisDruif20:32
hosokahello all20:33
tataok, now I read recovering20:34
hosokaI have this situation currently. I have installed the Lubuntu-core with Chromium as browser. Did not wanted to have the full version due to RAM issue. I started with Lubuntu 10.10. Now, if I upgrade to 11.04 will this upgrade only on the Lubuntu-core or everything that comes along with this.20:35
hosokaIt is most my RAM that will slow down my Internet surfing with Chromium.20:36
holsteini would just go, and remove what you need (if you need) when you get there20:37
hosokaI noticed that the Lubuntu-core also comes with the office package while this was mentioned on the list of Lubuntu-desktop20:38
MrChrisDruifI don't know where hosoka got the idea that core also shipped with office?20:50
=== andrea is now known as Andrew1977
Andrew1977Hi all :) I installed Skype on my Lubuntu, but I can't find a way to add it on "internet" group of application21:44
Andrew1977Sorry for this stupid question, but how can I add it there and open it through GUI?21:45
Andrew1977now the only way I can launch it is from terminal or writing directly "skype" on run application21:46
stlsaintAndrew1977: it should add automatically21:47
stlsaintoh wait...nevermind21:47
stlsainthave you looked at openbox configuration?21:47
Andrew1977how? :)21:47
hosokaskype should by default go to Internet group21:48
Andrew1977openbox, I'm having a look there21:48
Andrew1977hosoka: Actually I also tried to uninstall and install it again21:49
Andrew1977it doesn't appear...weird I have this problem on Lubuntu session and not on LXDE session21:50
Andrew1977stlsaint: I can't find any solution on openbox :(21:51
pcroqueAndrew1977: here's an entry in the FAQ that may help you: http://bit.ly/GE0mjS21:52
Andrew1977thx, I'll have a look :)21:53
hosokaAndrew1977: Prob this will be your choice https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Lubuntu/Documentation/FAQ/Guides#How_to_install_Skype21:54
MrChrisDruifAccording to this section it should appear under internet: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Lubuntu/Documentation/FAQ/Guides#How_to_install_Skype21:59
MrChrisDruifhosoka; you thought lubuntu-core also shipped with office apps or something?22:00
hosokahello Chris, yes I did.22:00
hosokadid the lubuntu-core from mini.iso Lubuntu and noticed that.22:00
hosokawas not a big deal, but did not found dat on the link you gave me.22:01
hosokabtw, the How to enable automatic logon in LXDM on the Guide does not work for everybody I noticed. Neither for me which I use GDM instead.22:01
MrChrisDruifhosoka; what doesn't work with it?22:02
hosokaI will leave now Chris22:02
MrChrisDruifAnd which version of Lubuntu?22:02
MrChrisDruifAlright, ttyl hosoka22:02
hosokaLubuntu 10.10 the mini.iso and install it with the Lubuntu-core22:02
hosokatry it out.22:03
hosokawill leave now. If someone can assist me how to autologin using the LXDM instead would be a great help.22:03
hosokasent me an email.22:03
* MrChrisDruif wonders how someone can email him without email address O_O22:09
nuf0xxhow can I see if a specific daemon loaded on boot (or is running)22:36
tatahow to put date in panel in lubuntu 10.04?22:36
nuf0xxnvm --- ps aux | grep >daemon<22:41

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