
djshotglasshttp://www.ebay.com/itm/260978920665?ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1423.l2649 probably as cheap as it gets eh?06:37
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Riddellis there really no mailing list to discuss arm issues on?08:16
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lilstevieRiddell, there is launchpad09:46
Riddelllilstevie: mm I know, is there a part of launchpad to discuss arm issues?09:47
lilsteviearm issues?09:48
lilstevienormally it would be issues with x package09:48
lilsteviefor any supported arch09:48
Riddellwell that's not the case I have and there are plenty of other instances where it won't be the case09:48
Riddellthe existance of an ubuntu server arm list proves that09:48
lilstevieso say you had an issue with chromium-browser you would comment against that09:48
RiddellI don't have an issue with a package09:49
lilsteviewhat kind of issue is it?09:49
Riddellone with arm09:51
Riddellreally I've tried debugging it on irc more than once before, now I need a mailing list09:52
suihkulokkiubuntu-server-arm lists appears to have no traffic09:52
Riddelltwo dysfunctional communities does not a functional community make :)09:52
suihkulokkiI wonder why anyone bothered opening such a limited-scope mailing lsit09:53
Riddellsuihkulokki: because of people like me who have questions about arm10:07
suihkulokkiRiddell: seems like you have got off on the wrong foot today10:09
suihkulokkiI was just wondering why ubuntu-server-arm rather than say ubuntu-arm10:09
Riddellsuihkulokki: oh I've been battling arm for two or three weeks now :)10:10
Riddellsuihkulokki: yes renaming it would be very sensible10:10
suihkulokkiRiddell: meanwhile, I suspect the list doesn't have many readers so I guess your best bet (if indeed you can't pin your problem to a package) is to blog about it :P10:12
Riddelldone that already :)10:12
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prpplagueGrueMaster: is there a recent "non-unity" ubuntu release for panda?15:01
prpplaguethat uses the gnome2 desktop?15:01
ogra_gnome2 is dead upstream15:02
ogra_ubuntu-server offers you a task selection at the end of the install15:02
prpplagueogra_: what does the ubuntu-server edition use instead of unity?15:02
ogra_you can pick other desktops there15:02
ogra_server by default doesnt us a desktop15:02
ogra_but it lets you select one....15:03
prpplagueogra_: ahh ok, i'll have a look15:03
ogra_alternatively install desktop and install another desktop on it15:03
ogra_sudo apt-get install lubuntu-desktop15:03
ogra_or xubuntu-desktop15:03
prpplagueprobably stick to an 11 install.... bummer15:04
ogra_(note, the server install completely runs on serial)15:04
prpplagueno worries there for me15:04
ogra_sure, just wanted to mention it ... since the desktop one doesnt enable serial at all (after u-boot)15:05
prpplagueogra_: are the x86 installs the same?15:05
ogra_well, content wise they are15:05
ogra_the installation is completely different15:05
prpplagueogra_: right, that was my vague question, hehe15:05
ogra_right, with 12.04 there is only unity on the desktop images15:06
ogra_though for x86 there are xubuntu,kubuntu and lubuntu images15:06
prpplaguethats a real shame15:06
ogra_as well as ubuntu-studio and mythbuntu15:06
ogra_why is that a shame ? we always only shipped the default desktop15:06
prpplagueyea, just unity and i don't get along15:07
ogra_its not like ubuntu changed that much in this regard15:07
ogra_(since CDs didnt magically grow over 800M... )15:07
suihkulokkiCDs are a lame excuse on arm where nobody uses CDs :)15:08
prpplagueogra_: yea, just the choice of unity is my issue. but that is just me15:08
ogra_suihkulokki, i didnt refer to arm above :)15:08
ogra_prpplague, nah. not just you15:08
* ogra_ gets along pretty well with unity2d but really bad with unity15:08
* prpplague needs to clean his work area15:10
rsalvetiogra_: did you have time to look at the sgx packages?18:28
ogra_rsalveti, no, still busy getting oem-config preseeding to work, they are next on the list though18:29
rsalvetiogra_: great, meanwhile I'm trying to fix clutter18:29
rsalvetito unblock the arm images18:29
ogra_heh, yeah, i saw18:30
pbuckley*** VTE ***: Failed to load terminal capabilities from '/etc/termcap'18:32
pbuckleyafter this mornings apt-get dist-upgrade18:32
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gildeanpbuckley: close down open terminals and open them up again19:27
gildeaniirc the error comes from an updated link and is corrected when open terminals are closed and the new version is started19:30
highvoltagehi! ubuntu-12.04-beta1-preinstalled-desktop-armhf+omap4.img should work on a pandaboard right?20:06
ogra_img.gz ... but yeah20:07
highvoltage(I just get a black screen, where it works fine with a 11.10 armel desktop image)20:07
ogra_do you know what board revision you have there ?20:08
ogra_we deinitely tested on panda ES and panda A1 and A220:08
highvoltagePandaboard ES20:08
ogra_did you try the "other" HDMI port ? :)20:09
ogra_iirc the graphics driver changed, might be that you need to use the DVI port now20:09
highvoltageit's on the one marked DVI (since I'm susing it with a DVI adaptor)20:09
highvoltagelet me try the other one...20:09
GrueMasterogra_: No, hdmi port (closest to the USB/Mic ports) should be fine.20:09
GrueMasterThat would be it.  Switch ports.20:10
GrueMasterOnly diff is that the HDMI port is dvi-0 and has digital audio signals.20:10
highvoltageindeed, I switched to the other one and it works :)20:10
highvoltagewith 11.10 it only worked on the other one.20:11
* highvoltage wonders if update-manager can plug out a cable and plug it into another port :p20:12
ogra_highvoltage, sure, but you need to buy the HW extension in the canonical shop20:13
highvoltageI'll look out for it! I hope it has unnecessaryly elaborate robotic arms20:14
ogra_it comes with a free bumper sticker even !20:14
* highvoltage is afraid to ask what it says20:14
* ogra_ isnt that creative anymore after a 11h day (that still has 2h to go)20:15
highvoltage(same here, I was close to getting to a "I ♥..." something about sabdfl but my brain can't formulate funny anymore20:16
highvoltage(at least it can still do unicode)20:16
ogra_heh, more than i can :)20:16
highvoltagewhat's in the server image that makes it so much bigger than the desktop one?20:33
GrueMasterLots of preseeded packages for server installation.20:34
GrueMasterSo that you don't need to install them from the net.20:34
GrueMaster(in theory)20:35
pbuckleyits to bad in unity when you click the ubuntu logo in the upper left hand corner and you get that black search box pop up that when i type in a url like afp://bobs_fileshare/jokes or smb://janes/pics it doesnt take me to the network file share..20:42
highvoltageogra_: when I do an apt-get autoremove after my pandaboard is installed, it removes dpkg-repack, apt-clone, libdebian-installer4 and a few other things that doesn't quite seem like they belong in the final installation20:57
highvoltageogra_: am I mistaken or should I file a bug for that?20:57
ogra_yeah, file a bug20:57
dannfinfinity: my f-k branch is now updated w/ f-k-i changes for highbank23:00
zmaHow to get usb networking on Ubuntu 11.10? If I try ordinary steps, I get error that there is no such interface as usb0.23:25
zmaBy ordinary I mean I make sure modules cdc_ether and usbnet are loaded, make entry to /etc/network/interfaces for usb0 and then /etc/init.d/networking restart23:27

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